If there are 60 crayfish living in a pond that is 20 cubic yards, what is the population density?


Answer 1




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Learn more about riddles in: https://brainly.com/question/478260


It's actually 3214


why did the scientific use a two-dimensional model instead of of another type of model.



Sometimes, a diagram or image isn't enough. We need to test some things out in three dimensions. There are two main types of three-dimensional models, or models that have length, depth, and breadth, structural models and model organisms.


hope this helps

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See below



surfaces curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


Explain why hormone-producing cells are always located in close proximity to



Hormone Signaling The hormones then diffuse to the bloodstream via capillaries and are transported to the target cells through the circulatory system. This allows hormones to affect tissues and organs far from the site of production or to apply systemic effects to the whole body.

According to Chargoff rule, if a sample of DNA is 32% Adenine, what is the percentage of Guanine?​





Chargaff's rule states that A = T and C = G

The equation for this must be A + C = T + G

A and T should both be .32 since they're equal

--> .32 + C = .32 + G

Both sides must equal each other by .50

.50 - .32 = .18

.18 × 100 = 18% Guanine and also 18% Cytosine

How do the diaphragm and rib muscles help with breathing? These muscles
pull lungs down to draw in air
change the air pressure
open up the air flow tubes
keep food out of the chest
push blood around the lungs


When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, and your lungs expand into it. The muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale

Why are healthy bodies of water important to our Earth as a system?


Answer  At heart, all life on Earth uses a membrane that separates the organism from its environment.


At heart, all life on Earth uses a membrane that separates the organism from its environment. ... In this regard, water is essential simply because it's a liquid at Earth-like temperatures. Because it flows, water provides an efficient way to transfer substances from a cell to the cell's environment


Put this In a simpler form

Why does sodium and potassium ions need a protein pump to pass through the cell membrane?
A. The ions have a charge and cannot pass directly through the cell membrane.
B. The ions are moving against the concentration gradient.
C. Energy is needed to move the ions.
D. All of the above.


I believe it is D
I’m not sure
Sorry if it is wrong

Cell membrane have been the selective membrane that allows transportation. Sodium and potassium ions need a protein pump as they are charged particles that move against the gradient and need energy. Thus, option D is correct.

What is active transport?

Active transport has been the way to move ions and molecules inside and outside the cell membrane. This system of transportation requires energy as the ions move from low concentration regions to the region of the higher electrochemical area.

The sodium and potassium pump needs proteins and energy to move the ions as the inside of the cell is rich in potassium and the exterior is rich in sodium ions. The charged ions moving against the concentration cannot enter the cell without energy and protein pumps.

Therefore, option D. all of the above statements are correct.

Learn more about active transport, here:



What kind of seeds should farmers plants in order to grow giant pumpkins,and why is this important?



Pumpkin plants need a lot of sun. Choose the sunniest place you have; remember that pumpkins are sensitive and will need shelter from wind and frost. Try to protect pumpkins from the worst of the elements by covering them during heavy rains, or putting up some kind of barrier to protect the vines from high winds or using shade tents during summer’s hottest days.

Pumpkins like and need a lot of water, but don't plant pumpkins in wet or dense soil. They need good, well-drained soil. You can dig it up by hand. Don’t use a tractor, pumpkin roots don’t go down very far. Prepare the soil in early spring, as soon as the ground is warm. Fertilize the patch with a good four inches of rotting cow manure. Pumpkins do best in soil that is slightly acid or nearly neutral.

If you live in a part of the country where there is still danger of frost in late April or early May, start pumpkin seeds indoors about two weeks before planting. Sow one seed for every four-inch peat pot filled with grow mix. Keep the pots watered, never let them dry out.

How to Plant Pumpkins

When seedlings have the fourth or fifth leaf, set them outdoors in hills about the size of a pitcher s mound, one plant to a hill. Protect pumpkin seedlings the first few weeks with plastic-covered frames. Space each hill at least 20 feet apart.

Growing Fall Pumpkins and Gourds

How to Fertilize Pumpkin Plants

Pumpkin plants have two kinds of flowers, male and female, which appear in early July. The male flowers show up first, followed by the females. Look out for the first female flowers. Look for vines to be strong and well-established before letting a female flower set fruit. It might help to break off the first female on each vine and wait for the second or third, when the vines are at least ten feet long. A female is easy to recognize: she has a baby pumpkin at the base of each flower.

You need a big vine to produce a big pumpkin, so in a sense you’re choosing the vine before the pumpkin. When you find a vine that’s strong enough and a female flower on the verge of opening, put a bag of cheesecloth over it for the night to keep the insects out. The next morning pick a fresh male bloom, trim off the corolla or outer petals, and rub the pollen-laden stamen in around the center of the newly opened female bloom.

How to Grow Pumpkins

Giant pumpkinsThis is just the beginning of a summer of long but rewarding work. What you have started is actually a pumpkin-producing factory. Remember that there are 100 or more leaves to each vine and if you are trying to grow a 300-pound pumpkin, each leaf is responsible for up to four pounds of weight in your pumpkin. Every leaf, every stem, every hair roots is now receiving sunlight, absorbing water, and blending nutrients. All are traveling down the all-important stem to your prize pumpkin.

Giant pumpkins balloon out from the vine and if precautions are not taken, they will tear away and lose touch with their all-important stem. Since vines put out roots at every leaf, tear out the roots of the vine where it is close to the pumpkin. This will give it free room to grow without damage to the vine. Gently train vines away from the pumpkin to prevent it from crushing them, try giving them a nudge in the right direction every day.

When two or three fruits on each plant reach the size of softballs, remove all but the most promising one and start to prune the pumpkin plants. After the primary vine has reached 20 feet, pinch off the tips and the side shoots so the vines won't divert resource from the fruit. Break off all the other female flowers A potential prizewinner is forming. The work of the plant now must go entirely toward nurturing this fruit alone.

It is important to remember that the only thing that will increase the size of the fruit comes out of the vines and the vines must get support from the natural root. For growing really big pumpkins, the most important things to remember are seeds, soil, sunshine, and water.

By mid-August the plants are pulling in water and nutrients at a great rate. Nighttime is when pumpkins do their growing, most expand two inches in circumference every night.

If it’s a dry season, give each plant 15 to 20 gallons of water twice a week. Water in the evening, and water only the base of the plant to keep the leaves dry, which reduces the risk of disease.

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

The "Dill's Atlantic Giant" seed will produce a pumpkin that typically grows to reach between 200 and 300 pounds. They are not used for eating instead are carved and decorated.

What is the best way to grow pumpkin ?

Long sunlight hours are preferred by pumpkins, so choose your garden location accordingly. Select a location with sufficient surface drainage and stay away from shaded regions. Additionally, being close to a water supply is crucial because these pumpkins need a lot of water to grow to their full potential.

Monster pumpkin seeds should germinate in soil that is 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 65 to 75 degrees in the air. Plant pumpkins from seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings to your garden five to seven weeks later. After the final frost in late May, plant. Avoid locations with complete or partial shade because full sun is crucial.

Therefore, its important to grow giant pumpkins used for ornamental purpose.

Learn more about pumpkins, here:


what are the possible stages of HIV infection? (choose all that apply)
•Clinical Latency
•Acute Infection
•Antiretroviral therapy


The clinical latency may be the possible stage


- Acute Infection

- Clinical Latency


Hope this helps <3

Photosynthesis requires light, water, carbon dioxide, and


I think it’s Chlorophyll

20 Points!!!! Answer ASAP!!! Describe the process of oil extraction in complete sentences. Be sure to include information about how the process has changed in recent years.


The aboveground infrastructure—pads and access roads—are built, setting up the land for the next step: drilling. From start to finish, everything from traffic plans and designated access roads to noise barriers and safety procedures is carefully planned and monitored according to state and local laws.

First the drill rig is brought to the location—maybe 20 or 30 truck loads—and put together. Now It’s time to build the infrastructure necessary to unlock the oil and natural gas trapped more than a mile below the ground. A well is drilled straight down into the ground beneath the pad. The first stage is to drill what is called the surface hole down to a depth of 100 feet below the deepest known aquifer. A steel casing is then

Oil extraction is the process of recovering crude oil from underground reservoirs, in recent years, the process of oil extraction has changed, with new technologies and techniques allowing for more efficient and cost-effective oil production.

What is oil extraction?

The process of oil extraction involves drilling wells into the earth and then using various techniques to bring the oil to the surface, and the first step in oil extraction is to identify a suitable location for drilling, which is typically done using geologic surveys and other exploration techniques to locate areas with the potential for oil reserves, next step is to complete the well by installing a casing that helps to prevent the well from collapsing. Technologies such as "hydraulic fracturing," which involves injecting water and sand and assisting in the release of trapped oil and gas, have recently gained popularity.

Hence, it is the process of recovering crude oil from underground reservoirs, in recent years, the process of oil extraction has changed, with new technologies and techniques allowing for more efficient and cost-effective oil production.

Learn more about the oil extraction here.



Rinoy wants to electroplate copper on an iron nail.
0 What should he use as the positive electrode and negative
electrode for this process?
(0) Which electrolyte should he use for the process?
(ii) Which of the two electrodes will gradually wear away
during electrolysis-anode or cathode?​



See explanation


Electroplating involves the coating of one metal on another metal. It is an electrochemical process. The positive electrode is the coating metal while the negative electrode is the metal on which the coating is to be performed.

Since copper is to be coated on an iron nail. A copper plate is made the positive electrode while the iron nail should be the negative electrode.

The electrolyte used in the process should be a copper salt e.g CuSO4 solution.

As electrolysis progresses, the copper electrode(positive electrode or anode) gradually wears away due to the fact that the copper ions are going into the solution and are being deposited on the iron nail.

what are the reactants of glycosis?




The only true reactant of glycolysis is a molecule of glucose. Two molecules each of ATP and NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, an electron carrier) are introduced during the series of reactions.

Which would best explain why the production of transgenic plants may be harmful?
A. They are used in the production of rare medicines
B. They contain vital nutrients
C. They reproduce rapidly
D. They produce natural insecticides which could kill beneficial insects



The answer would be the last one

What is the effect of inputting stem cells instead of body cells into the original system?



Stem cell research indicates that s.cells are cells that are not fully developed; in turn if researchers inject a patient with type 1 diabetes into the pancreas the result is that the pancreas produces it's own insulin eliminating the chances of spikes in the blood sugars of the patient & also long term effects of high blood sugars that effect all vital organs & nervous system.

Researchers were also using stem cells to limbs that were amputated or damaged resulting in the limb regenerating itself.

I have seen a mouse that had a human ear attached to its body.

Researchers were ordered by our government to cease the experiments because pharmaceutical companies were making more $$ on medicines to supposedly help diabetics or veterans to live a normal life..

What is the order of bases that will compliment this side of a DNA strand



A, T, T, G, C, G, T, C


A becomes a T

T becomes a A

C becomes a G

G becomes a C

the chief purpose of the photosynthetic process is considered to be the​


The answer is Water cycle because that is what photosynthesis is

The diagrams show what happens to the shape of a plant cell place in distilled water. Explain why the cell swells and becomes turgid. Name the process involved.



the name of the process should be osmosis

Explanation: Reason being that plant cells are hypertonic because they have a cell sap so when they are pout in distilled water  which is a hypotonic solution, it then absorbs water by osmosis and swells up and become turgid. But they do not burst because they have a cell wall that develops a wall pressure that balances the turgor pressure exerted by turgid cells

Why is it important that courts create the expectation that business will be
conducted fairly?


Finally courts create expectations for future actions. This is very important if you want to do business with someone. If you know that you'll be punished for cheating a potential business client you're less likely to do it.

1. What is the contour interval on this map?



100 is the contour interval of this map

Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A. distance of 25 km along Highway 66
B. a difference of 6°C between Point A and point B
C. an increase in a mass of 14 kg
D. a velocity of 2 m/s Northwest


C is the correct answer I think

Help with this plz.



just bro easy aquatic answer


hope it helps .

copy and paste .

mark as brainlest.


i'd say it's camouflage...?

justify that fluorine cannot exist monoatomic from nature​



Due to incomplete outermost shell.


Fluorine cannot exist monoatomic in nature​ because of its incomplete outermost shell. This incomplete outermost shell makes Fluorine more reactive and it can only be stable if it makes bond with other atoms through sharing of electron i. e. covalent bond or by complete transfer of electron i. e. ionic bond. This bond making completes its outermost shell and the Fluorine attain stability so that's why the Fluorine cannot exists in monoatomic in nature.

You will measure and compare the heart rates of ten learners before and after
exercise. Choose ten learners in class who are willing to participate in this activity
They are the runners. Each of these runners must choose a classmate who will
measure his or her pulse rate.
Write down the question you are trying to answer in this investigation.
1.Write a hypothesis about the relationship between exercise and heart rate.​



Exercise is responsible for the increasing heart beat.


Exercise is responsible for the increasing heart beat because our body needs oxygen more faster during exercise. When we exercise our body needs quick energy and oxygen which can be provided by heart as well as the heart also removes carbondioxide which is produces during respiration process so the heart beat increases in order to provide energy and oxygen to the muscles.

2.1) What are two differences between plant and animal cells?



Major structural differences between a plant and an animal cell include: Plant cells have a cell wall, but animals cells do not. Cell walls provide support and give shape to plants. Plant cells have chloroplasts, but animal cells do not.


plant cells have cell wall

plant cells have a single large vacuole

animal cells don't have cell wall

animal cell have many smaller vacuole

hope it helps

A break or crack, in Earth's surface along which movement occurs
A. Rock Cycle
B. Extinction
C. Ice Core
D. Fault





it is this because these can be massive or small then if tension builds up along a fault it is suddenly released and then it would result of a earth quake.

How do the various part of the body work together when we eat something



Your digestive system absorbs water and nutrients from the food you eat. Your circulatory system carries oxygen, water, and nutrients to cells throughout your body. Wastes from the cells are eliminated by your respiratory system, your excretory system, and your skin.


which birth control method involves the cutting of sperm tubes or the oviduct?


the surgical method carried out in males is called ( Vasectomy) = cutting of sperm tube

in female it is ( tubectomy)

cutting of oviduct

What is the relationship between the hypothesis and conclusion?


hypothesis is the answer you think you will find conclusion is the answer you will find


They both relate the outcome of an experiment. A hypothesis is an guesstimate  of the outcome of an experiment, while the conclusion is the actual outcome.


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For this project, you will read poems written by the same author, William Carlos Williams. The two poems are similar, but each comes from a different collection of poems. Once you have read the examples, you will compare and contrast the poems to determine how they represent different perspectives of the poet. You may need to look up some of the words in the poem in a dictionary, that is okay!BLIZZARD SPRING STORMSnow:years of anger followinghours that float idly downthe blizzarddrifts its weightdeeper and deeper for three daysor sixty years, eh? Thenthe sun! a clutter ofyellow and blue flakesHairy looking trees stand outin long alleysover a wild solitude.The man turns and therehis solitary track stretched outupon the world. The sky has given overits bitterness.Out of the dark changeall day longrain falls and fallsas if it would never end.Still the snow keepsits hold on the ground.But water, waterfrom a thousand runnels!It collects swiftly,dappled with blackcuts a way for itselfthrough green ice in the gutters.Drop after drop it fallsfrom the withered grass-stemsof the overhanging embankment. HELP!!! 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