If the radius of Earth were one half what it is now, and the mass were the same, what would be the value of g?


Answer 1


4 times what it is now.



G is constant, so ignore.

We have (1M/0.5r^2), or 4.

Answer 2




the equation of g (field gravity)

g = G M/R²

because G (Contant of Gravitasion) and M (Mass of earth) same, them

g2/g1 = R1²/R2²

g1 = g now

g2 = g which the value we looking for

g2/g = 1/(1/2)²

g2/g = 1/(1/4)

g2/g = 4

g2 = 4g

Related Questions

1. Using pollen grains placed in water,
explain how their motion supports the
idea that matter is not continuous.​


hope it helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How fast is a skydiver going after 5 seconds or free fall and how far did he fall



It's typically around 120mph. You'll reach this speed a few seconds into your jump, so for those few moments straight out the door, you'll be falling a bit more slowly and therefore covering less distance. We usually estimate around 10 seconds for the first 1,000 feet, then 5 seconds for each 1,000 feet after that.


What is the potential energy at Z



It would be 2,500


The KE is 7,500 so the PE would be 2,500

How many seconds will it take for a the International Space Station to travel 450 km at a rate of 100 m/s?


Time = (distance) / (speed)

Time = (450 km) / (100 m/s)

Time = (450,000 m) / (100 m/s)

Time = 4500 seconds (that's 75 minutes)


This is about HALF the speed of the passenger jet you fly in when you go to visit Grandma for Christmas.

If the International Space Station flew at this speed, it would immediately go ker-PLUNK into the ocean.

The speed of the International Space Station in its orbit is more like 3,100 m/s, not 100 m/s.

photo attached: please help!!!



The center of mass changes


The higher the center of mass the more likely things are to topple over but the lower it is the more likely to stay put when all 4 wheels are down .


How can you know if something has energy?



You'll see it without noticing


for example: Magnets can pull to one thing, but using the other side of the magnet with the other magnet can push away the magnets, and turn it to their way of pulling, also electricity, movement, were making energy everyday, just by moving

aight here's the question:

Homeboy Joe is running at 6.65 m/s while Homegirl Jill is running at -1.10 m/s. Home boy Joe and Homegirl Jill hit each other. Homeboy Joe not wanting to be a stage 5 clinger. he makes sure he doesn't hold onto Homegirl Jill after they collide. If Homeboy Joe's mass is 99.5 kg and Homegirl Jill's mass is 68.8 kg. what is Homegir Jill's velocity after they hit if Homeboy Joe's velocity is 2.35?

***Round to the nearest hundredth***

Correct Answer: 5.12

I can't do PEMDAS to save my life can someone show me the correct way to solve with work? ​





From the conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the system before and after the collision must be the same. Therefore, let the momentum of Homeboy Joe be [tex]p_b[/tex] and let the mass of Homegirl Jill be [tex]p_j[/tex]. We can write the following equation:

[tex]p_{bi}+p_{ji}=p_{bf}+p_{jf}[/tex], where subscripts [tex]i[/tex] and [tex]f[/tex] represent initial and final momentum respectively.

The momentum of an object is given by [tex]p=mv[/tex].

Therefore, we have:

[tex]m_{b}v_{bi}+m_{j}v_{ji}=m_{b}v_{bf}+m_{b}v_{jf}[/tex] (some messy subscripts but refer to the values being plugged in you're confused what corresponds with what).

Plugging in values, we have:

[tex]99.5\cdot 6.65 + 68.8\cdot (-1.10)=99.5\cdot 2.35+ 68.8\cdot v_{jf}[/tex].

Solving, we get:

[tex]v_{jf}=\frac{99.5\cdot 6.65+68.8\cdot (-1.10)-99.5\cdot2.35}{68.8},\\v_{jf}=5.11875,\\v_{jf}\approx \boxed{5.12\:\text{m/s}}[/tex].

It's important to note that velocity is vector quantity, so the negative velocity assigned to Jill simply implies she is moving at [tex]1.10\:\text{m/s}[/tex] in the opposite of Joe's direction. After the collision, she is now moving [tex]5.12\:\text{m/s}[/tex] in the same direction that Joe was initially moving, due to Joe's relatively large mass and initial velocity.

What is the mass of a large ship that has a momentum of 1.60x10^9 kg*m/s and is moving at a velocity of 10m/s?



160000000 kg.





rearrange and substitute:



m= 1.6x10^8 kg.

guys pls help which one is it



a mixture

since it had the power to separate as the question says

A wave has a period of 4 seconds. Find it’s frequency.



4 x the frequncy


So 4 x the number

Light my fire! Mix me with cerium and we’ll make beautiful mischmetal together!



Why is the Greenland ice sheet so important to understanding earths past climate?



The ice sheet as a record of past climates

Scientists have, using those ice cores, obtained information on (proxies for) temperature, ocean volume, precipitation, chemistry and gas composition of the lower atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, solar variability, sea-surface productivity, desert extent and forest fires.


The Greenland ice sheet is the last remaining ice sheet from the most recent ice age. Therefore, it can tell scientists about the climate conditions of that period.


A weightlifter lifts a set of weights a vertical distance of 2.0 m. If a constant net force of 350 N is exerted on the weights, what is the net work done on the weights?



700 Joules


The work done equals force times distance. Just multiply your two values there.

Side note: It would be more impressive if he'd done it in 1 second rather than 5. You know why? Because POWER=WORK/TIME. The less time it takes him to lift the weight with the same force and distance, the more powerful he is!

How fast is a 90kg man running if his kinetic energy is 720 J?


4 m/s
divide by 45
16= v^2
over the square root
v= 4m/s

Which is the correct definition for sea floor spreading


In sea-floor spreading, the sea floor spreads apart along both sides of a mid-ocean ridge as new crust is added.

In result, the ocean floors move like conveyor belts, carrying the continents along with them

The current in the wires of a circuit is 60.0 milliAmps. If the
voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit were
doubled and the resistance were tripled, then its new current
would be ___ milliAmps.



I' = 40 mA


Given that,

The current in the wires of a circuit is 60.0 mA.

If the  voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit were  doubled and the resistance were tripled such that,

V' = 2V and R'=3R

The relation between current, voltage and resistance is given by :

V = IR

Let I' be the new current. So,


⇒ [tex]I'=\dfrac{V'}{R'}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2V}{3R}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times \dfrac{V}{R}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times I\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times 60\\\\I'=40\ mA[/tex]

So, the new current would be 40 mA.

Do all force interactions cause a noticeable change in motion? Explain your thinking?



No. If you apply a force in a chair, for example, you only will be able to move the chair if you beat the static frictional force. So, with that example, we can see that is not any type of force that can produce movement. The only force that produces movement is a result force which is non-zero.

The answer would be no


50 Newtons
40 Newtons
What is the net force on the box?
10 Newtons West
10 Newtons East
90 Newtons West
90 Newtons East


the answer will be abcd i am sorry

Someone who strength trains twice a week can reduce their muscle loss percentage from % to % every decade.​


what? i’m very confused?

A drone flies upward with a velocity of 5m/s and has a kinetic energy of 90J What is the mass of the drone?
O 5.4 kg
1.9 kg
7.2 kg
3.6 kg



m = 7.2 kg


Given that,

The velocity of the drone, v = 5 m/s

The kinetic energy of the drone, E = 90 J

We need to find the mass of the drone. The formula for the kinetic energy of an object is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\m=\dfrac{2K}{v^2}\\\\m=\dfrac{2\times 90}{(5)^2}\\\\m=7.2\ kg[/tex]

So, the mass of the drone is 7.2 kg.

______ tides, tides that are weaker than normal, happen when the Moon is at first or last quarter phase and the sun and moon interfere with each other.
A high
B low
C neap
D spring



C. Neap Tides



c neap tides


How are clouds related to water vapor and water droplets?

A.Water vapor in the air condenses to form tiny water droplets, and these water droplets make up clouds.

B.Water vapor in the air makes up clouds, but water vapor does not condense to form tiny water droplets that make up clouds.

C.Water vapor in the air condenses to form tiny water droplets, but the water vapor and water droplets do not make up clouds.

D.Water vapor in the air stays in the air as water vapor. The water vapor does not make up clouds, and it does not condense to form tiny water droplets.




hii pls help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer


Answer: the first option: "the period of revolution of the Moon around Earth"


The answer your looking for would be D.

Explanation: The other answers don't make any sense you can cancel them out D is the the answer the period of rotation of the moon around its axis.

Provide two reasons why is bronze still used in the manufacture of bells?



Bell makers still use bronze because it has desirable properties, such as hardness and sound quality. The atomic structure of a pure metal is orderly and allows electrons to flow freely through the material. In bronze, the addition of tin to copper restricts the movement of the copper atoms.

3. Which of the following is determined by the
force of gravity?

A weight
B momentum
C mass
D distance



A) weight is determined by the force of gravity.


A weight


The answer is weight. That's why someone would weigh more on a different planet, because the planet would have a higher/lower force of gravity.

When drawing a vector, you should represent the magnitude of the vector by the length of the arrow. A. True O B. False​


Answer: A. True



A. True


A vector in this sense is a thing that has both magnitude (length) and direction.

Say you're walking at a speed of 5 miles per hour. If you keep walking in a straight line, then in two hours you will have walked 10 miles.

This doesn't give any information about where you started or any information about where you ended up after those 2 hours.

This is because "speed" is a scalar. It's a number with no associated geometry. It's just a magnitude. It's the magnitude of velocity.

Velocity is a vector.

How are defenders on a baseball team positioned ?



1 (pitcher), 2 (catcher), 3 (first baseman), 4 (second baseman), 5 (third baseman), 6 (shortstop), 7 (left fielder) 8 (center fielder), and 9 (right fielder)


There are nine fielding positions in baseball. Each position conventionally has an associated number, for use in scorekeeping by the official score

there’s 3 outfield , and the rest are infield !

Why isn't all fresh water usable?


This was off the internet -


2.5% of the earth's fresh water is unavailable: locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere, and soil; highly polluted; or lies too far under the earth's surface to be extracted at an affordable cost.


2.5% of the earth's fresh water is unavailable: locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere, and soil; highly polluted; or lies too far under the earth's surface to be extracted at an affordable cost

can someone please help me A wave’s velocity is 120 m/sec with a frequency of 6 Hz. What is its wavelength?



by using formula,

wavelength= velocity/frequency

= 120/6

= 20 meter

Ans: 20 meter


wavelength= velocity

= 120/6= 20 meter


pls help, i really dw fail :(​



Using the Newton equation

V²=U² +2as

Given; V=9.2m/s U = 0m/s( because it starts from rest)



a =9.2²/2(26.2)








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