If the mercury in a barometer raises 15. 5 centimeters due to a change in ambient pressure, what is the corresponding change in pressure in atm?.


Answer 1

The corresponding change in pressure in 0.2026 atm.

A change in pressure is a change in the amount of force applied to an area over a given surface. Pressure is measured in units called pascals (Pa). An increase in pressure occurs when more force is applied to the same area, or when the same amount of force is applied to a smaller area.

A decrease in pressure occurs when less force is applied to the same area, or when the same amount of force is applied to a larger area.

Convert 15.5 centimeters to millimeters (1 cm = 10 mm).

15.5 cm = 155 mm

Use the formula: Pressure (in atm) = (Height in mm) / 760.

Pressure = (155 mm) / 760

Pressure = 0.2026 atm

For more questions like Pressure click the link below:



Related Questions

draw the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products in this reaction.


carb is the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products.

Carbocation: It is an organic molecule, an intermediate, that has a carbon atom bearing a positive charge and three bonds instead of four

The reaction given in the question is shown below.


Given reaction

The reaction starts with the removal of the bromide ion to generate the carbocation. The carbocation is generated near the four-membered ring.

The methylene shift occurs to rearrange the carbocation by forming a five-membered ring.


Bromide ion removal

This carbocation accounts for the formation of the products given in the question. Two alkenes are formed by the elimination reaction and the ether is formed by the substitution reaction.


Elimination and substitution of products

Thus, the carbocation formed in the reaction is shown below.


Fig (4) shows the final Structure of the carbocation intermediate.

To know more about carbocation intermediate:



When a nucleus of ^235 U undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments.
1) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for ^235U? (Express with appropriate units)
2) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for the fission product ^137 Cs?


The binding energy per nucleon is typically in the range of 8 to 10 MeV/nucleon for medium-weight nuclei such as ^235U. the binding energy per nucleon for the fission product ^137 Cs is approximately 1.085558768e-12 joules per nucleon.

To calculate the binding energy follow the steps. Determine the atomic masses of the individual protons and neutrons in the nucleus. You can find these values in a table of atomic masses. Count the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. For ^235U, there are 235 protons and 235-235=0 neutrons. Calculate the total mass of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus using their atomic masses and the number of each type of nucleon. Determine the total binding energy of the nucleus using the mass defect formula: Binding energy = (total mass of protons and neutrons) - (actual mass of nucleus) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon by dividing the total binding energy by the number of nucleons (protons + neutrons) in the nucleus.

to know more about neutron -



how does the internal energy of the ice and water mixture change if the temperature does not rise while the ice is melting?


Thermal energy is transferred to ice causing this to occur. Since the temperature doesn't change, all the thermal energy is used to increase the potential energy.

What is potential energy?

As we know, an item can shop power because of its function. In the case of a bow and an arrow, when the bow is drawn, it stores some amount of electricity, which is chargeable for the kinetic energy it gains when released.Similarly, within the case of a spring, while it is displaced from its equilibrium position, it profits a few amount of power which we have a look at inside the shape of pressure we sense in our hands upon stretching it. We are able to outline capacity power as a shape of power that outcomes from the alteration of its position or kingdom.

To know more about potential energy, click the link given below:



The cell shown below could be a(n)



the answer is bacteria cell

the average kinetic kinetic energy of helium gas at 170.0 k is 2.12007 kj/mol. what is the average kinetic energy at 340.0 k?


At 340.0k the average Kinetic energy is 4.24014 kj/mol.

what is kinetic energy?

An object's kinetic energy is the energy it has as a result of motion. Applying force is necessary if we want to accelerate an object. We have to put in work to apply a force. After the work is finished, the object will be moving at a new, constant speed because energy has been transferred to it.

At 170.0k the average kinetic kinetic energy of helium gas is 2.12007 kj/mol.

At 340.0k the average kinetic kinetic energy of helium gas = ?

At 340.0k the average K.E = 340 × 2.12007/ 170

At 340.0k the average K.E = 4.24014 kj/mol.

To know more about kinetic energy visit:



what is the highest impact (and perhaps most controversial?) personal choice to reducing carbon emissions?


The best effect people can have in battling environmental change is to have one fewer child, according to another review that recognizes the best ways individuals can cut their carbon emissions.

Carbon emissions should tumble to two tons of CO2 for each individual by 2050 to keep away from serious global warming, yet in the US and Australia emissions are at present 16 tons for every individual and in the UK seven tons. "That is clearly a huge change and we needed to demonstrate that people have an opportunity to be a piece of that," said Kimberly Nicholas, at Lund University in Sweden and one of the exploration group.

The following best activities are selling your vehicle, keeping away from long flights, and eating a veggie lover diet. These diminish emissions ordinarily more than common green exercises, like reusing, utilizing low energy lights or drying washing on a line. Nonetheless, the high effect activities are seldom mentioned in government guidance and school course books, specialists found.

to know more about global warming click here:



suppose 10.05 mol of ar gas are pumped into a 1.36 l container at 293.15 k. 1st attempt part 1 (1 point)see hint calculate the expected pressure based on the ideal gas law, pideal. atm part 2 (1 point) calculate an estimate of the gas pressure one might observe based on the van der waals equation, pobs. a


If a 1.36 l container is filled with 10.05 mol of ar gas at 293.15 k. Based on the VanderWaals equation and the ideal gas law, respectively, the anticipated pressure is  239.75 and 177.85

(a) The ideal gas law states that PV = NRT when V = 1.36l, T = 293.15K, N = 10.05mol, and R = 0.0821 are all taken into consideration. P = NRT/V = Pideal = 10.05 x 293.15 x 0.0821/ 1.36 = 177.85atm

(b)The vanderwaal equation states that Pobs = (NRT/V-b)- (a/V^2)

given b = 0.0322 L/mol when a = 1.34 L2 atm/mol2.

Pobs = (0.0821 x 293.15 / 1.36 x 1.36) - (1.34 x 1.36 x 1.36) = 240.47 - 0.72 = 239.75 atm

To learn more about pressure click here https://brainly.com/question/12971272


Conduction chocolate candy in your hand will eventually melt as the heat from your body is released and makes it melted.


Conduction causes the Thermal energy flows out of your hand into the chocolate bar and it starts off evolved to soften.

This approach that your (hand) is shifting strength to the chocolate bar inflicting it to revel in a segment extrade from stable to liquid. Conduction Chocolate sweet for your hand will finally soften as the warmth out of your frame is launched and makes it melted.

The melting factor of chocolate falls among 86°F and 90°F. This is substantially decrease than the common temperature of the human frame, that's 98.6°F so the warmth out of your hand increases the temperature of the chocolate and reasons it to soften.

Read more about the heat:



Three students were discussing their ideas about chemical bonds. This is what they said:

Janre: "I think a chemical bond is produced by a molecule. It is a substance made up of matter that holds atom together."
Will: "I think a chemical bond is an attraction between atoms. It is not made up of matter."
Leta: "I think a chemical bond is a structural part of an atom that connects to other atoms."
Which student do you agree with and why? Explain your thinking.



I agree with Janre. A chemical bond is produced by a molecule, which is a substance made up of matter that holds atoms together. A chemical bond is the result of the attraction between atoms, which allows them to combine and form molecules. This attraction is not made up of matter itself, but it is a fundamental property of atoms that allows them to form bonds and create molecules. Therefore, Janre's explanation is the most accurate and complete.


Answer: In this case, I find myself in agreement with Janre. A molecule is a substance made up of matter that binds atoms together via a chemical bond. When atoms come together due to mutual attraction, a chemical bond is formed. This attraction is not material, but rather a feature of atoms that is essential to the formation of bonds and molecules. Janre's explanation is the most thorough and precise one available.


in the alkaline-earth group, atoms with the smallest radiiselect one:a.are all gases.b.have the highest ionization energies.c.are the most reactive.d.have the largest volume.


The option (b) is correct - it have the highest ionization energies.

What is ionization energy?

In physics and chemistry, the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a single atom or molecule is known as the ionisation energy or ionisation potential.

What is alkaline earth group ?

Because of the "alkaline" solutions, hydroxides, that they produce when they interact with water, these metals are known as "alkaline" earth metals. The oxides of alkaline earth metals were known to alchemists as "earth."

The alkaline earth group atoms are found in group 2A of the periodic table. The smaller they are (further up the group), the closer the valence electrons are to the nucleus. Since the nucleus is positively charged and electrons are negatively charged, there is electrostatic attraction between them.

Electrostatic attraction increases in strength the closer together the oppositely charged particles are. As a result, there is greater electrostatic attraction present in the smaller alkaline earth group atoms. This makes it more difficult to remove the valence electrons, which corresponds to higher ionization energies.

Therefore, the option (b) is correct - it have the highest ionization energies.

Learn more about ionization energy from the given link.



Is the one piece real?





The one piece, the one piece is real.

how many equivalent resonance structures can you draw for sulfate where the formal charges a minimized (like in the previous question)?


There isn't a most favorable equivalent resonance of the Sulfate ion because they are all identical in charge and there is no change in Electronegativity between the Oxygen atoms.

What is atom?

An atom is a particle of count that uniquely defines a chemical element. Atoms include a critical nucleus surrounded with the aid of using one or greater negatively charged electrons. The nucleus is undoubtedly charged and carries one or greater quite heavy debris referred to as protons and neutrons.

Therefore, There isn't a most favorable equivalent resonance of the Sulfate ion because they are all identical in charge and there is no change in Electronegativity between the Oxygen atoms.

To learn more about atom refer the given link:-


A student found a sample of an unknown liquid in the lab station cabinet. After experimentation, he found
that the substance had a density of 1.65 g/mL. Will this substance float on water or not? EXPLAIN.


Density is an intensive property as it does not depend on the quantity of the substances Whereas mass and volume are extensive property. Therefore, Therefore,  substance will sink in the water.

What is density?

Density tells about the compactness of the substances, how much dense is the substances in other words. Object that is more denser than water they just sink in the water.


Density = Mass of the substance ÷volume marked on the graduated cylinder

density of water =1 g/ml

Density of substance= 1.65 g/mL

Density of substance is more than density of water. So, substance will sink in the water.

Therefore,  substance will sink in the water.

To know more about density, here:



how many protons z and how many neutrons n are there in a nucleus of the most common isotope of rubidium


Answer: 37 protons 48 neutrons


entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. give an example to support this statement.


The perfect example for entropy of a spontaneous reaction would be the transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies.

Spontaneous reactions are those chemical or biological reactions that usually take place without the influence of external factors. Non- Spontaneous reactions are those chemical reactions that generally requires an energy input to proceed or that cannot take place without the influence of external factors.

The transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies is a spontaneous process in which the entropy of the system of bodies increases. The melting of an ice cube placed in a room causes an increase in the entropy of the room.

A spontaneous reaction may also involve an increase or decrease in enthalpy, it may involve an increase or decrease in entropy, but it will always involve a decrease in free energy that is a negative ΔG.

To know more about entropy and Spontaneous reaction



If 19.9% of Boron is Boron-10 and 80.1% is Boron-11, what is the average atomic mass?





avarage atomic mass =relative abundance of first isotope*mass number of first isotope/100+relative abundance of second isotope*mass number of second isotope/100

Which of the following molecules would have the strongest intermolecular forces?



B .............................

What are some of the main reasons calcium chloride can be beneficial Why can it be useful?


Because calcium chloride has a lower freezing point than sodium chloride, it is more efficient at melting the ice on roadways in the winter.

Because the calcium chloride solution has a lower freezing point when combined with water than the sodium chloride solution, using calcium chloride solution on roadways in the us is easier.

The van't hoff factor causes the calcium chloride solution to have a lower freezing point.

Since calcium chloride has a lower freezing point than ice, when we apply it to the ice, it takes heat from the ice and melts it. There is no more efficient way to do the same objective than using sodium chloride solutions.

To know more about Calcium chloride, visit,



Which conditions would activate the necessary enzymes for the citric acid cycle?a. high levels of ATP b. low levels of ADP c. high levels of ADP d. high levels of NADH


High levels of ATP would activate the necessary enzymes for the citric acid.

The TCA cycle metabolizes acetate that is derived from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is referred as the body's energy currency. Oxidation of one glucose molecule through the combined action of the TCA cycle, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation yields an estimated number of 30–38 ATP molecules.

High levels of ATP activates citric acid cycle because citrate synthase is inhibited by the final product of the citric acid cycle as ATP, ADP (adenosine diphosphate) works as an allosteric activator of the enzyme as ATP is formed from ADP. Therefore, the rate of the citric acid cycle is reduced when the cell has a high level of ATP.

Learn more about TCA cycle from the link given below.



how many moles of carbon dioxide are produced from the combustion of 6.12 moles of ethane gas with 2.69 moles of oxygen gas?


We can determine the moles of carbon dioxide produced  from the combustion by 5.3 moles of ethane using the Unitary Method. Therefore, 10.6 moles of carbon dioxide would be produced.

Define combustion.

Combustion, or combustion, is an exothermic, high-temperature redox chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant (usually atmospheric oxygen) that produces oxidized, often gaseous products in a mixture called smoke. generate.

Therefore, We can determine the moles of carbon dioxide produced  from the combustion by 5.3 moles of ethane using the Unitary Method. Therefore, 10.6 moles of carbon dioxide would be produced.

To learn more about combustion refer the given link:-



calculate the cell potential for the following reaction that takes place in an electrochemical cell at 25°c.


The Nernst equation can be used to calculate the potential of an electrochemical cell when not under standard conditions. It is also very useful to show how ion concentration affects cell potential and the cell potential is 0.09314 V.

At 298 K, the Nernst equation simplifies to - 0.0592 v protocol Q where Q is the reaction quotient and n is the coefficient of electrons transferred if the redox equations are balanced.

In this cell copper is reduced at the cathode and oxidized.

0.00V. However, the anode C.When 2 +] = 0.0032 M.including cathode [C. When 2 +] = 4.48 M. , so the cell potential is not 0.00 V. The cell potential can be solved using the Nernst equation. where n = 2 and Q = 0.0032/ 4.48.= 0.0592.E= 0-0.0592/ 2 log (0.000174)E= 0-0.0592/ 2 -3.14E= 0-0.0592/ 2E = 0.09314 V.

Read more about potential;



How long is 2 half-lives of the element uranium?


The element uranium half-lives is 4.5 billion years and its 2 half-lives is 1.125 billion years.

The chemical element uranium, which has the atomic number 92, is a silvery-white metallic one. The chemical designation for it is U. Six of the 92 electrons in a uranium atom are valence electrons. It possesses 92 protons overall. All naturally occurring elements have atomic weights, with uranium having the highest.

Uranium can be recovered for use in industry from uranium-bearing minerals like uraninite, which are found naturally in low concentrations in soil, rock, and water. Open pits and underground excavations both have the potential to produce uranium ore. To extract the precious uranium from the ore, the ore can next be crushed and processed in a mill. Another option for getting uranium to the surface is by in-situ leaching, which involves dissolving it right in the ore deposits below.

Learn more about uranium here:



If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120°, which is the hybridization?
a. sp3d2
b. sp
c. sp3
d. sp2


Option (d). If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120 degree then this involves SP2 hybridization.

SP2 hybridization is the mixing of one s and two p atomic orbitals which involves the promotion of one electron in the s orbital to one of the 2p atomic orbitals. The combination of these atomic orbitals creates three new hybrid orbitals equal in energy-level. The hybrid orbitals are higher in energy than the s orbital but lower in energy than the p orbitals, but they are closer in energy to the p orbitals. The new set of formed hybrid orbitals creates trigonal structures creating a molecular geometry of 120 degrees. When the hybridization occurs the molecules have a linear arrangement of the atoms with a certain bond angle. A bond angle is the angle between any two bonds that include a common atom, usually measured in degrees.

To learn more about Hybridization please visit:



Classify the following phase changes as endothermic or exothermic.1) liquid to solid2) solid to liquid3) gas to liquid4) solid to gas5) liquid to gas6) gas to solid


Exothermic and endothermic process are involved in changing of the state which is given below.

Conversion of a liquid into a solid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.Conversion of a solid into a liquid is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases, which requires the absorption of heat.Conversion of a gas into a liquid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.Conversion of a solid into a gas is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases.The conversion of a liquid into a gas is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases.Conversion of a gas into a solid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.

Learn more about endothermic or exothermic reactions from the link given below.



how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


If two molecules of DNA are multiplied by four times, forty DNA molecules are created, similarly, if two molecules are present in the initial reaction mixture, there would be thirty-two DNA molecules in four rounds of PCR.

The nucleotides that make up DNA are known as chemical building blocks. Phosphate groups, sugar groups, and one of four different nitrogen bases combines to make up the three components that make up these building blocks.

Carbon, chlorine, nitrogen, phosphorous, and hydrogen are the five atoms that combines to make up DNA's building blocks. These atoms are combine between themselves to form a nucleoside, which consists of a phosphate group and the deoxyribose sugar molecule (which gives DNA its name), which has five carbons.

Learn more about nucleoside from the link given below.



(b) a 2.251 g sample of barf dissolved in a 347 ml of solution produces a 0.01267 m solution. what is the molecular formula of barf?


The molecular mass of barf is  177.67 grams, and the formula is BaRf.

The molar mass of a chemical compound is described as the mass of a sample of that compound divided by using the amount of substance that is the wide variety of moles in that pattern, measured in moles. The molar mass is a bulk, no longer molecular, an asset of a substance.


mass of BaRf = 2.251 g

volume = 347 ml

molarity = 0.01267

molarity =  mole/ volume

mole = molarity * volume

        = 0.01267 * 0.347

        = 0.044

mol = mass/molar mass

molar mass = mass/mole

                   = 2.251 / 0.01267

                   = 177.67 gram.

The molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of one mole of the substance. As shown in this video, we are able to attain a substance's molar mass by summing the molar hundreds of its thing atoms. we will then use the calculated molar mass to convert among mass and variety of moles of the substance.

Learn more about molar mass here:- https://brainly.com/question/837939


dding a small amount of strong acid to a buffer solution will cause the ph to increase slightly. true false


True, The pH of a buffer solution will be affected by strong acid because strong acid dissociates completely to give H+ ions so the pH of buffer will be appreciably affectedand as the H+ concentration increased pH will decrease.

When a small volume of acid is added to a buffer solution, the pH of the system decreases as an effect of the increased hydronium ions in the solution. However, when a small volume of base is added to a buffer solution, the pH of the system increases as an effect of the increased hydroxide ions in the solution.When a base is added to a buffer solution, the pH does not change. The buffer solution prevents the base from neutralizing the acid.

To know more about Buffer Solution:



When two liquids are mixed in a test tube, a precipitate forms and the test tube feels cold to the touch. How can you describe the reaction based on these observations?.


When two liquids are mixed in a test tube, a precipitate forms and the test tube feels cold to the touch. This is an exothermic reaction.

What is an exothermic reaction ?

Exothermic refers to chemical reactions that release energy. When bonds are created in the products of exothermic processes, more energy is produced than is required to break the bonds between the reactants. The temperature of the reaction mixture rises as a result of exothermic reactions.

The temperature of the reaction mixture rises as energy is released in an exothermic process. In an endothermic reaction, the temperature drops as energy is absorbed. A thermometer can be inserted into the reaction mixture to track temperature changes.

Thus, it is an exothermic reaction.

To learn more about exothermic reaction, follow the link;



What bonding is in chlorine?


The bonds formed between Chlorine atoms of molecule will be covalent Bond.

Covalent bond is present in molecule of chlorine gas to join two atoms of chlorine.

Covalent bond refers to the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

These electrons simultaneously attract the atomic nuclei of the two atoms participating in the covalent bond.

A covalent bond is formed only when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small so that an electron transfer to form ions will not occur.

Number of bonds for a neutral atom = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the atom)

Number of bonds for chlorine = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the carbon)

which means,

Number of bonds for chlorine atom = 8 - 7

Number of bonds for chlorine atom = 1

To know more about covalent bonds:



What type of reaction is a precipitation reaction?
a. synthesis reaction
b. decomposition reaction
c. single displacement reaction
d. double displacement reaction


A double displacement reaction is a precipitation reaction. In an aqueous solution, a double-displacement reaction takes place when the positive and negative ions of two ionic compounds exchange positions to create two completely different compounds. These substances may manifest as precipitates, gases, or molecular substances.

When dissolved substances react, one (or more) solid products are produced, which is known as a precipitation reaction. These kinds of reactions, which are also occasionally known as double displacement, double replacement, or metathesis reactions, frequently involve the exchange of ions between ionic compounds in aqueous solutions.

To know more about aqueous solutions visit:



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