If the distance between two masses attracted to each other is increased by a factor of 4. What is the gravitational force of attraction between the objects O 1/16 as strong O4 times stronger O 16 times stronger O force of attraction does not change​

If The Distance Between Two Masses Attracted To Each Other Is Increased By A Factor Of 4. What Is The


Answer 1

The assertion claims that the gravitational pull between the items grows four times greater.

What are example and force?

The term "force" refers to a body's propensity to modify or change its state as a response of an external source. The body could change in size, shape, and movement when force is applied. A few example are kicking a soccer ball, banging on the door, and kneading bread.


Gravitational force:

[tex]$\quad \mathrm{F}=\frac{\mathrm{Gm}_1 \mathrm{m}_2}{\mathrm{r}^2}$[/tex]

Case I An object's mass is twice

[tex]$\mathrm{m}_1^{\prime}=2 \mathrm{~m}_1$[/tex]

[tex]$$\therefore \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{G}\left(2 \mathrm{~m}_1\right) \mathrm{m}_2}{\mathrm{r}^2} \Rightarrow \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=2 \mathrm{~F}$$[/tex]

Consequently, the gravitational force doubles.

Case (ii): The items are now twice as far apart:

[tex]$r^{\prime}=2 r$[/tex]

[tex]$$\therefore \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{Gm}_1 \mathrm{~m}_2}{(2 \mathrm{r})^2} \Rightarrow \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{F}}{4}$$[/tex]

As a result, the gravitational pull is decreased by 4 times.

Distance between the objects is tripled i.e [tex]$r^{\prime}=3 r$[/tex]

[tex]$$\therefore \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{Gm}_1 \mathrm{~m}_2}{(3 \mathrm{r})^2} \Rightarrow \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{F}}{9}$$[/tex]

This results in a 9-fold reduction in gravitational force.

Case (iii): Both objects' masses are doubled:

[tex]$\mathrm{m}_1^{\prime}=2 \mathrm{~m}_1$[/tex] and

[tex]$$\begin{aligned}& \mathrm{m}_2^{\prime}=2 \mathrm{~m}_2 \\& \therefore \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=\frac{\mathrm{G}\left(2 \mathrm{~m}_1\right)\left(2 \mathrm{~m}_2\right)}{\mathrm{r}^2} \Rightarrow \mathrm{F}^{\prime}=4 \mathrm{~F}\end{aligned}$$[/tex]

Thus gravitational force becomes 4 times.

To know more about Force visit:



Answer 2


The gravitational force between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. If the distance between the Earth and the Moon is halved, the new distance becomes one-fourth (1/2)^2 of the original distance.

Since the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, reducing the distance by a factor of 1/4 would result in the gravitational force being increased by a factor of 4. Therefore, if the distance between the Earth and the Moon is halved, the gravitational force between them would become 4 times stronger.


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semester mini project - guidelines title: measuring drag and visualizing flow patterns around a vehicle model. overall description: students will design and build a vehicle of their choice and measure the drag acting on it at different flow speeds. they will also perform visualization of the flow patterns around the vehicle. the vehicle should meet certain dimensional requirements (see below). the vehicle wheels and axels will be provided by your ta (do not modify the wheels). students will be responsible for building the rest of the model. they are free to choose the manufacturing methods and materials (plastic, wood, glue, foam, and metal are allowed). a smaller scale vehicle will also be provided (by your ta) and tested along with your model. the


The drag acting on a student-designed and -built vehicle will be measured at various flow velocities.

What is visualisation of a flow?

Visual comprehension of the interactions between a moving car and the surrounding air is challenging.

Understanding the qualitative flow patterns and fluid properties around a vehicle may frequently be done effectively and affordably through the use of flow visualisation.

Although real data cannot completely replace flow visualisation when analysing aerodynamic performance

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A block of wood, initially moving along a rough surface, is pushed with an applied horizontal force Fapplied that is less than the friction force Ffriction. Which of the following statements is false? A) The net Work being done on the block is negative. The block is slowing down. B) The net work being done on the block decreases its kinetic energy. C) The Work being done by the applied force is negative?


"The Work being done by the applied force is negative," is false.

Why is the statement false?

Any one agent's work is calculated as €W = Fx cos. The displacement of the box and the applied force are moving in the same direction in this case (or € cos = cos(0) =1), hence the work done by the applied force is positive and contributes to raising the kinetic energy of the box.

What is friction?

Friction is a force that stops two solid objects from effortlessly slipping or rolling over one another. Even though frictional forces can be helpful, like the traction needed to walk without slipping, they also present a considerable amount of resistance to motion. Auto engines need roughly 20% of their overall power to overcome frictional forces in the moving parts.

The force of attraction, also known as adhesion, between the contact zones of the surfaces, which are always microscopically uneven, seem to be the main contributor to friction between the metals.  The shearing of these "welded" joints and the action of the rougher surface's imperfections scrubbing against the softer surface are what cause friction.

To learn more about friction visit:



Many elite runners will train with a speed chute
like the one in the picture. In 1-2 sentences,
explain how wearing a speed chute will change
the net forces acting on the runner. What can be
said about the force the runner is applying if
they run at the same speed with a speed chute
as they did without the speed chute?
You must also provide a reference to a lesson
page that supports your answer in one of the
following ways.
1. As explained in Lesson 4 page 6
2. An electron is a negative a particle


Elite athletes adhere to a strict training regimen that gradually develops their ability to run longer distances. Furthermore, they frequently run (often 5 to 6 times per week). However, when the conditions are good or they have more time, the average runner might run a lot more.

What kind of speed chute will the top runners use to train?Stride length and cadence both affect running pace. The stride cadence is the quantity of steps taken every second, and the stride length is the amount of ground covered by each step.Therefore, the product of these variables can be used to mathematically characterize the pace of running.Elite runners adhere to a strict training regimen that progressively builds up their ability to run longer distances. Furthermore, they run often (often 5 to 6 times per week). On the other side, when the weather is good or they have extra time, the average runner might run a lot more.In comparison to the average person, professional runners' skin is typically 11 mm thinner.

To learn more about Elite runners refer to:



the two general categories of logic integrated circuits are the transistor-transistor logic family and metal-oxide-semiconductor family.


Yes, this statement is true. The two general categories of logic integrated circuits are indeed the transistor-transistor logic family and the metal-oxide-semiconductor family.

For, these two families are the most commonly used logic integrated circuits in modern electronics.

What are the categories the logic family of transistors and the metal-oxide-semiconductor family?

The transistor-transistor logic (TTL) family is a type of digital logic circuit that uses bipolar transistors to implement logic functions. The output of TTL circuits is either high (5 volts) or low (0 volts).

The metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) family is a type of digital logic circuit that uses MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors) to implement logic functions. The output of MOS circuits is either high (5 volts) or low (0 volts).

Both TTL and MOS circuits are widely used in modern electronics, and tend to be more cost-effective and power-efficient than other types of logic circuits.

Learn more about integrated circuits:



The result of more than 60 temperature measurements over time during fixed conditions in a furnace determines T 624:7 °C with sT 2:4 °C. The engineer suspects a radiation systematic error. The walls of the furnace are at 400 °C, so that the actual temperature in the furnace may be larger than 624.7, but not less. As such, the lower bound of error is 0 °C relative to the measured mean value. Estimate the radiation error in the measurement; assume reasonable values for the heat transfer parameters. Develop a statement for the true mean temperature with its confidence interval assuming the systematic errors follow a rectangular distribution with upper bound from your estimate and lower bound 0 °C relative to the measured mean value.


True Mean Temp for the given statement is T' = T±[tex]e_{r}[/tex]

What is temperature?

The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch. "at a temperature of 2°C".

Measurement random standard uncertainty

[tex]S_{T_{2} } \frac{S_{T} }{\sqrt{N} } ;\\N = 60;\\S_{T} = 2.4[/tex]°C

[tex]S_{T_{2} } = \frac{2.4}{\sqrt{60} } = 0.04 C[/tex]

Radiation error:

[tex]e_{r} = T_{p} - T_{}[/tex]∞

= Fεσ / h ([tex]T_{w} ^{4} - T_{p} ^{4}[/tex])

[tex]F_{21} :[/tex] σ = 5.67 × 10⁻8

ε = 0.8

[tex]T_{w}[/tex] = 300°C

h = 100

|[tex]e_{r}[/tex]| =

[tex]\frac{11 (0.8)(5.67 * 10^{-8})}{100} (400^{4} - 624.7^{4} )\\= 4.56 * 10^{-10} (400^{4} - 624.7^{4} )\\\\= |-57.76|[/tex]

= 57.76°C

True Mean Temp T' = T±[tex]e_{r}[/tex]

Thus, one Can Conclude with statement that the error as the temperature is dependent on the mean temperature T remains constant.

To learn more about the temperature the link is given below:



a satellite is orbiting the planet mars at a speed approximately 5,000 m/s. what is the distance of the orbit radius of the satellites motion?
mass of mars=6.39x10^23



Explanation: Kepler's Third law can be used to determine the orbital radius of the planet if the mass of the orbiting star is known (R3=T2−Mstar/Msun, the radius is in AU and the period is in earth years).

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Reflection occurs when waves bounce back from a surface they cannot pass through. Reflection can happen with any type of waves, not just sound waves.

To transform electrical energy into mechanical energy, the electromagnet in a
motor must rotate in just one direction. What allows this consistent rotation
to occur?
OA. The commutator frequently causes the loop of wire to turn.
B. The poles of the permanent magnets frequently switch places.
C. The electric current in the loop of wire frequently reverses
B. The terminals of the battery frequently switch polarity.


a. commutator frequently causes the loop of wire to turn

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