if the average product for six workers is fifteen and the marginal product of the seventh worker is eighteen, then marginal product is rising. marginal product is falling. average product is rising. average product is falling.


Answer 1

if the average product for six workers is fifteen and the marginal product of the seventh worker is eighteen, then the average product is rising.

Marginal product is the pace of progress of total product. Subsequently, average product can rise if the expansion to total product is more noteworthy than average product. This implies that the average product can rise assuming the marginal product is over the average product.

At the point when the marginal product is over the average product, the average product is rising. At the point when the marginal product is underneath the average product, the average product is falling.

If the marginal product of labor, MPL, is more noteworthy than the average product of labor, APL, then, at that point, each extra unit of labor is more productive than the average of the past units. Subsequently, by adding the last unit, the general average increments.

to know more about the marginal product of labor click here:



Related Questions

Glenda selects express shipping for her purchase and the company bills her credit card $91. 86 for the total of the online purchase. Determine if glenda has been billed correctly for her purchase.


Glenda has been billed incorrectly. She has been over-charged by $3.40 for her purchase (C).  

Before we decide whether Glenda has been billed correctly or not, we need to find the total amount of Glenda's purchase:

Products                Units        Price per unit    Total price

Picture frames          4                 $12.95             $51.8

Mats                          4                 $5.89               $23.56

Total purchase         8                                          $75.36

Tax                                                                          4.89 +

Total purchasse (inc. tax)                                    $80.26

Based on the total purchase of Glenda, the company should chaged Glenda on rate of $8.20 for express shipping. Hence, the total invoice of Glenda should be:

Total invoice = Total purchase (inc. tax) + delivery cost

Total invoice = $80.26 + $8.20

Total invoice = $88.46

Glenda has been over charged by:

Over-charged = Glenda's bill - Total invoice

Over-charged = $91.86 - $88.46

Over-charged = $3.40

Learn more about Over-Billed here: https://brainly.com/question/2287921


Complete Question:

Glenda makes an online purchase of 4 picture frames for $12.95 each and 4 mats for $5.89 each. The site says that taxes paid by the customer are 6.5% of the total purchase price. Shipping charges are based on the following table:

Amount of purchase   Standard Shipping   Express Shipping

      up to $50                          $5.10                      $7.00

      $50-$100                          $6.35                     $8.20

     $100-$200                        $7.80                     $11.60

   $200 and over                   $10.50                    $16.45

Glenda selects express shipping for her puchase and the company bills her credit card $91.86 for the total of the online purchase. Determine if Glenda has been billed correctly for her purchase.

a. Glenda hass been billed correctly

b. Glenda has not been charged enough for her purchase

c. Glenda has been over changed by $3.40 for her purchase

d. Glenda has been over charged by $3.80 for her purchase

Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in?

a. penalties and damages.
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc. has a plant at Estuary Bay. Penalties and damages may apply if garbage from the plant is discharged into the water.

What are the consequences of waste on people and the environment?

Asthma, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular disease, pediatric cancer, COPD, infectious disorders, low birth weight, and premature delivery are all possible. Bacteria, rats, and insects can all contribute to the garbage problem. Poor waste management leads to climate change and air pollution, as well as having a direct impact on many ecosystems and species. Landfills, the waste hierarchy's final resort, emit methane, a strong greenhouse gas connected to climate change. This not only contributes to the production of greenhouse gases, but it also causes major harm to marine and wildlife.

To know more about waste visit:



Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?
Group of answer choices
Mutually exclusive.


Mutually exclusive projects where you can accept one but not all.

A project is a sequence of tasks that want to be finished to reach a specific final result. A task also can be defined as a fixed of inputs and outputs required to acquire a particular purpose. Projects can vary from easy to complicated and can be controlled by one person or one hundred.

The project manner approaches a technique as a unique movement and represents the entire task implementation and the inner tactics within the challenge. Work instructions, system strategies, community plans, and equipment also are taken into consideration.

One of the most apparent–and essential– steps of a venture plan is defining your assignment dreams.

Learn more about Project here:-https://brainly.com/question/29307495


ford recently mandated higher quality standards for all of the parts that it buys from suppliers. this is an example of which major component of a total quality management strategy?


Ford recently mandated higher quality standards for all of the parts that it buys from suppliers. this is an example of  material component of a total quality management strategy.

Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service will function properly over time. He consists of four main components of quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement. Quality management focuses not only on the quality of products and services, but also on the means by which they are achieved.

In most cases, the organization's quality department plans, measures, analyzes, and reports on quality. This is a staff function that supports other departments to improve products and services on a daily basis.

One of the main objectives of a quality management system is to improve the quality of a company's products or services. The quality of such systems consists of three elements: high accuracy, compliance with applicable standards and high customer satisfaction.

Learn more about Quality management https://brainly.com/question/7498492


the price of coffee beans use to make coffee has decreased. at the same time, the price of cream has increased. given these two effects, what will happen to the current equilibrium quantity and price of coffee?


one more people will be able to buy coffee since it has decreased and that could probably be any brand of coffee
for the cream most likely people will be fine without it or they’ll just buy a small bottle of it

In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a ______ ______ than in the long run.
a. greater shortage
b. greater surplus
c. lesser shortage
d. lesser surplus


The correct answer is c. In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a lesser shortage than in the long run.

When value is simply too low, amount demanded is bigger than quantity provided. This excess demand is thought as a shortage. A value ceiling may be a most quantity, mandated by law, that a vender will charge for a product or service. It's typically applied to shopper staples.

A value ceiling may be a legal most value set below the equilibrium value. A value ceiling creates a shortage. As a result of the shortage, we have a tendency to should develop some different approach of deciding who gets to shop for gas.

If it's simply a short lived shortage that is inflicting rampant inflation, ceilings will mitigate the pain of upper costs till offer returns to traditional levels once more. Value ceilings also can stimulate demand and encourage outlay. So, within the short term, price ceilings have their blessings.

To learn more about price ceilings, visit here



you are considering adding a stock security to your client's portfolio. the stock last paid a dividend per share of $2.50 and dividends are expected to grow by 3% per year. investors are requiring a 10% return currently on this stock. the stock's current market price is $40.00. a) what is the intrinsic value of this stock? show all work for full credit. b) is this currently a good buy?


(a) The intrinsic value of this stock is $36.79.

(b) No, it is not a good buy because the intrinsic value of this stock is less than the current price of the stock which means that the stock is expensive.

In the given question;

We are considering adding a stock security to your client's portfolio.

The stock last paid a dividend per share of $2.50 and dividends are expected to grow by g=3%(0.03) per year.

Investors are requiring a r=10%(0.10) return currently on this stock.

The stock's current market price is $40.00.

a) We have to find the intrinsic value of this stock.

A stock's intrinsic value represents its genuine worth. This is estimated based on the expected financial gain you would experience from it in the future.

The intrinsic value of this stock = D1/r-g

The intrinsic value of this stock = 2.50*1.03/0.10-0.03

The intrinsic value of this stock = 36.79

b) We have to explain this currently a good buy or not.

No, it is not a good buy because the intrinsic value of this stock is less than the current price of the stock which means that the stock is expensive.

To learn more about intrinsic value of the stock link is here



in the malthusian model, if the current level of consumption per capita, , is larger than the steady-state level of consumption per capita, what happens to the population in the short run.


We first present a Malthusian model that Lee investigated in order to introduce the theory of nonstable population dynamics (1974). Take into consideration a framework of overlapping Malthusian model in which each person lives for one or two periods.

If the child survival rate is l and the number of children born during period t is Bt, then Nt=l. Bt−1. The reduced form of the two equations above can be combined as follows: Bt is equal to h(Bt), where h(Bt)g(f(l. Bt−1)).l. Bt−1. The dynamic pattern and the possibility of cyclicity can be examined using the above expression, which is a recursive equation of Bt. In this context, the Malthusian model is interpreted as a density dependency model in which the density is defined by the number of births in the preceding period. It turns out that, contrary to Malthus's prediction, the above Malthusian model may not converge to a "dismal" steady state. The Bt series can be cyclic, converge, or diverge mathematically, and the feedback elasticity of h( is a crucial factor in determining the volatility of the birth series Bt.) in relation to Bt1 At the point when this versatility is adequately enormous, the Bt series can without much of a stretch have cycles. This is the classic example of a population that is not stable. After introducing the general population structure, we will talk about modern versions of nonstable populations.

To know more about Malthusian model visit https://brainly.com/question/6843936?referrer=searchResults


question content area on june 8, williams company issued an $80,000, 5%, 120-day note payable to brown industries. assuming a 360-day year, what is the maturity value of the note?


Maturity values allow you to estimate the future value of money and thus help you better plan for your future financial needs.

How do you explain maturity value?The maturity value of a life insurance policy is the amount of money that is paid out when it matures. The maturity value of an insurance policy becomes payable when the contract finishes or matures. The maturity value of an endowment contract is the proceeds payable on it at the end of the specified endowment period. The maturity value of the note is $81,333There are multiple accounting concepts discussed in the multiple-choice questions below. A short-term note payable is a current liability that bears interest and is presented on the balance sheet as a liability. Payroll taxes that are the employer's responsibility are presented as an expense on the income statement but payroll taxes that are the employee's responsibility and are merely withheld from an employee's check by a company are presented as a current liability until remitted.



The maturity value of a note payable is the value at the end of the note with interest included. Since the note is 120 days then the interest needs to be calculated by dividing the 120 days by 360 days since the 5% interest is based on an annual rate.

To learn more about maturity value refer to:



what approach would you choose to solve problems most commonly associated with a lack of specialization for employees?


According to the approach would you choose to solve problems most commonly associated with a lack of specialization for employees was  I would decentralize my company.

What do you mean by the decentralization of company?

When everyday operations and decision-making authority are transferred from top management to middle- and lower-level managers and occasionally even team members this is known as decentralization in business.

Decentralization is a type of organizational structure in which the top management delegated power to the middle and lower levels of management in an organization.

As a result, top management has more time to focus on making important decisions. Decentralization is frequently felt to be necessary by business organizations in order to maintain operational efficiency.

Therefore, according  to the approach would you choose to solve problems most commonly associated with a lack of specialization for employees was  I would decentralize my company.

To know more about the decentralization of company, visit:



a firm has an roe of 4%, a debt/equity ratio of 0.4, and a tax rate of 35%, and pays an interest rate of 5% on its debt. what is its operating roa?


According to the given data, The operating ROA is 5.82%. A measure of a company's profitability in relation to its total assets is called return on assets.

What do you mean by the ROA?

A financial ratio known as return on assets (ROA) measures a company's profitability in relation to its total assets.

ROA can be used by corporate management, analysts, and investors to assess how effectively a company uses its resources to make a profit.

A company's ability to manage its balance sheet to produce profits is more effective and efficient when its ROA is higher; on the other hand, a lower ROA suggests there is potential for improvement.

Therefore, according to the given data, The operating ROA is 5.82%. A measure of a company's profitability in relation to its total assets is called return on assets.

To know more about the ROA, visit:



Select the incorrect statement regarding the contribution margin income statement. A) The contribution margin approach for the income statement is unacceptable for external reporting. B) The contribution margin approach requires that all costs be classified as fixed or variable. C) Contribution margin represents the amount available to cover product costs and thereafter to provide profit. D) Assuming no change in fixed costs, a $1 increase in contribution margin will result in a $1 increase in profit.


The contribution margin represents the amount available to cover production costs and thereafter to provide profit is the incorrect statement regarding the contribution margin income statement. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a margin income?

The amount of net earnings earned as a portion of revenue is expressed as the profitability ratio, or merely net interest margin. It is the proportion of a company's or business section's net profit to everything is revenues.. Although it may also be given in decimal number, margin of net profit is frequently expressed in a percentage.

The inaccurate response regarding the projected cash flow statement is that the contribution margin indicates the sum available for covering manufacturing cost and then to create profit.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about margin income, here:



a closed-end fund starts the year with a net asset value of $30. by year-end, nav equals $31.90. at the beginning of the year, the fund is selling at a 2% premium to nav. by the end of the year, the fund is selling at a 7% discount to nav. the fund paid year-end distributions of income and capital gains of $3.30. required: a. what is the rate of return to an investor in the fund during the year? (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to 2 decimal places.) b. what would have been the rate of return to an investor who held the same securities as the fund manager during the year? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


a) Start of year price = 30 x 1.02 = 30.6

End of year price = 31.90 x 0.93 = 29.667

Price fell by 0.933.

Rate of Return = (∆NAV + Distributions) / Start of year NAV = (-0.933 + 3.30) / 30.60 = 0.77 = 7.7%

b) Rate of Return = (∆NAV + Distributions) / Start of Year NAV = (1.90 + 3.30)/30 = .1733 = 17.33%

The annual rate of return is the percentage change in an investment's value. For instance, if you assume a 10% annual rate of return, you are assuming that the value of your investment will rise by 10% each year. A rate of return (RoR) is the net gain or loss of an investment over a given time period expressed as a percentage of the initial cost of the investment.

ROI is a straightforward calculation that shows how much an investment returns in comparison to the initial investment amount. In contrast, IRR provides an estimated annual rate of return for the investment over time and serves as a "hurdle rate" for comparing other investments with varying cash flows.

To learn more about rate of return, here



what is a decrease in the purchasing power of money that is caused by an increase in general price levels of goods and services without an accompanying increase in the value of the goods and services? inflation. consumer price index (cpi). higher education price index (hepi). producer price index (ppi).


Inflation is the decrease in the purchasing power of money that is caused by an increase in general price levels of goods and services

Price increases, or inflation, can be thought of as the gradual loss of purchasing power. The average price increase of a selection of products and services over time can serve as a proxy for the rate at which buying power declines.

The existence of money, an unforeseen social construct that emerged over a period of perhaps 2500 years as a result of numerous breakthroughs and improvements, is a prerequisite for inflation. It peaked with the introduction of currency in China around 630 BC, as well as in Lydia and Ionia at the same time. Inflation cannot be older than money, according to this.

To learn more about inflation refer here:



you strive to be rational when you negotiate, but you sometimes fall prey to bias. now you have to choose a new employee, but you’ve needed the help for a long time. there’s just no time to search. you choose a prospect from the preapproved list provided by human resources. which cognitive approach to negotiation has sidetracked you?


To choose a prospect from the preapproved list provided by human resources, this cognitive approach to negotiation is Game theory.

What exactly is the game theory idea?

In interactive decision-making, where each participant or "playerresult "'s is influenced by collective behavior, game theory is studied. If you are a participant in such a game, you must consider other players' decisions when deciding on your course of action or "strategy."

Does game theory have a connection to psychology?

In order to study rational and strategic social interactions and decision-making, many mathematicians, psychologists, and economists have adopted the theoretical framework known as game theory.

To know more about Game Theory visit:



true or false: the methods used for valuing an acquisition candidate are different from those used to determine the value of a merger candidate.


The methods used for valuing an acquisition candidate are different from those used to determine the value of a merger candidate is a false statement.

What is a merger?

Financial transactions known as mergers as well as acquisitions occur when the ownership of one corporation institution is moved to, or combined with, another “organizational organization. Both businesses, which are comparable in size and breadth, are expected to benefit from the deal.

The business owner should evaluate the franchise's potential profits. Managing values, objectives, and skills all at once is a challenge for the strategist. You must examine each of these elements in order to develop and implement a good project and comprehend how your company can produce and sustain value.

Learn more about merger, here:



What is meant by transition economy?


Economies in transition are considered countries that are undertaking macroeconomic reforms with the aim of changing the way their economies operate.

This has traditionally involved the country making structural adjustments from a state-run economy to a more market-oriented system. One of the key features of transition economies is a high degree of concentration of market power, which increases the chances of corruption. Corruption is arguably the most detrimental obstacle to macroeconomic and social progress in these transition economies. It provides a framework for creating effective research questions and care guidelines before, during, and after conversion. Transitional theory evolves from clinical practice, is supported by research evidence.

To learn more about macroeconomic, click here.



Assuming you have a tcf free student checking account, which fee would end up costing you extra money?


The fee which would end up costing me more money is the Out-of-network ATM fee. Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

TCF Bank, a Sioux Falls, South Dakota-based financial institution established in 1923, provides TCF Free Student Checking. In 50 states (and Washington, DC), TCF Free Student Checking is accessible.

There are no monthly account fees for this account. In-network ATM withdrawals from TCF free student checking are free, but withdrawals from ATMs outside of the TCF free student checking network incur a fee of up to $3. The minimal opening deposit for the TCF free student checking account is $25. TCF free student Checking account keeps an eye on transactions for anything that can be considered inappropriate, as when a debit card is abruptly used somewhere else or you make a sudden flurry of expensive purchases. Additionally, there are no overdraft fees associated with the TCF free student checking account. Overdraft protection is available for a fee of $10 per transaction.

Learn more about TCF Free Student Checking Account here: https://brainly.com/question/29626005


Complete question:

Assuming you have a tcf free student checking account, which fee would end up costing you extra money?

a. Out-of-network ATM Fee

b. Monthly maintenance fee

c. Paper statements fee

d. Account closing fee

What are all the ways you spend more money when you pay with a credit card?


Compared to cash, people tend to spend more while using credit cards. They are more inclined to provide greater gratuities and make more impulsive purchases in addition to being more likely to purchase items at higher prices. Household debt has grown during the same period.

However, according to a study, using a credit card may result in you spending more than using cash. Studies have shown that using a credit card to pay increases consumer spending.

It aids consumers in determining which credit cards have excessively high-interest rates. For non-accountant users E, it offers a language that is simple to grasp. It avoids frequent mistakes that have an impact on the company's financial statements F. It contrasts the credit card balances of your customer side by side.

To learn more about credit cards



When solving decision trees, what phrase represents the act of dropping an alternative from consideration because it is less favorable than another available option? A) cut the leaf B) open the hatch C) shake the tree D) punt the ball E) prune the branch


The expression "prune the branch" refers to the process of eliminating an alternative from consideration while solving decision trees because it is less advantageous than another option that is accessible. Here option E is the correct answer.

A decision tree uses a tree representation of the data to solve the machine learning issue. Each leaf node of the tree representation represents a class label, whereas each internal node stands for an attribute. Both regression and classification issues may be resolved with a decision tree approach.

A decision tree is a particularly particular sort of probability tree that enables you to choose a course of action. For instance, you could have to decide between producing item A or item B, or between investing in option 1, option 2, or option 3.

To learn more about decision trees



under an fob contract, the seller delivery's the goods on board the ship decks and has no further transportation obligations. group of answer choices true false


Under a fob contract, the seller delivers the goods on board the ship decks and has no further transportation obligations TRUE.

Transportation is the movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to any other. The movement of delivery is defined because of the motion of an object from one point to another point. Modes of shipping include air, land, water, cable, pipeline, and area. heart mentioned.

The principal function of shipping is to provide or improve get admission to specific locations for people and companies. transport as a consequence facilitates a much wider variety of social and financial interactions than could in any other case be possible.

Transport (in British English), or transportation (in American English), is the movement of human beings, animals, and goods from one region to another. Modes of transport consist of air, land (rail and street), water, cable, pipeline, and space. the sphere can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles, and operations.

Learn more about Transportation  here:



which are risk mitigation strategy? group of answer choices risk delivery risk allocation risk retention risk abatement


Risk retention are risk mitigation strategy.

What are techniques for risk mitigation?Prior to any accident or disaster, risk mitigation measures are intended to eliminate, lessen, or otherwise limit the effect of recognized risks that are inherent in a given activity. Risks can be anticipated and managed with the help of these strategies.Avoidance, retention, sharing, transferring, and loss prevention and reduction are the fundamental risk management strategies that can be applied to all facets of a person's life and have long-term benefits.For controlling risk, there are always numerous solutions. The four Ts of risk management — tolerating, terminating, treating, and transferring — are an useful way to summarize the various reactions.

To learn more about risk mitigation refer to:



What amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness?


As food banks and community organizations face unprecedented demand, Amazon helps deliver millions of meals to hundreds of thousands of people.

Blacks and Native Americans are more likely to be homeless than other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Blacks make up 13% of the total population 21.4% of the poor and 40% of the homeless. in cars or in emergency shelters.

People living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless and population groups at higher risk of poverty are also more likely to be homeless. The homeless living on the streets of cities are the most visible group of homeless people but not all homeless live on the streets. Many live with family and friends.

Learn more about A local charity here:- https://brainly.com/question/14070444


an important federal statute that prohibits employment discrimination against members of five protected classes is:


The correct response is d. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the most significant federal law that forbids employment discrimination against members of five protected classes.

Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This civil rights act's provisions prohibited discrimination in hiring, promoting, and firing on the basis of sex in addition to race. On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed this act into law. It outlawed discrimination in public settings, allowed for the integration of public institutions like schools, and forbade it in the workplace. The Act forbade discrimination in federally supported programs and public accommodations. Additionally, it made voting rights enforcement and school desegregation stronger. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the gold standard for civil rights law in the country, and it is still relevant today.

Learn more about Civil Rights Act here



The most important federal statute prohibiting employment discrimination against members of a protected class is

a. the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

b. The Equal Pay Act

c. The Americans w Disabilities Act

d. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

according to the video, did the federal reserve pursue an expansionary or a contractionary monetary policy?


Throughout the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve adopted an accommodative monetary stance. By increasing liquid as well as the money creation, this was accomplished.

What are the principles behind the Federal Reserve's employment of expansionary and restrictive monetary policy?

A central bank, such as the US Reserve Bank, may utilize expansionary monetary policy as a socioeconomic instrument to boost growth. It is commonly done by an institution once the business cycle is contracting and a country's gross domestic product (GDP) is beginning to drop.

What motivates the Federal Reserve to implement contractionary monetary policy?

To fight inflationary gaps, the Fed implements a contractionary monetary policy. The Fed sells bonds to the general public to reduce the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates in order to fight inflation.

To know more about (GDP) click here



Is the price at which demand for a commodity is equal to its supply Mcq?


The price at which both the quantity demanded and the quantity provided are equal is known as the equilibrium price.

Economic equilibrium is the state in which supply and demand are balanced and economic variable values remain constant in the absence of outside forces. Equilibrium, for instance, happens when the quantity demanded and the quantity given are equal, according to the traditional text on perfect competition. When a market price is set through competition and the quantity of goods or services demanded by buyers and the quantity of goods or services offered by sellers are equal, the market is said to be in equilibrium. This price, which is sometimes referred to as the competitive price or market clearing price, tends to remain constant aside from changes in supply or demand. The quantity is known as a "competitive quantity."

Learn more about price from



In questions 3-6, calculate the percentage change in the CPI and then indicate wether inflation or deflation has occurred. Round answers to the nearest tenth of a percent.

3. In 1974, the CPI was 46.6, and in 1975, the CPI was 52.1

Percentage change in CPI:

Inflation or deflation:


Percentage change in CPI :  11.8 %

Inflation or deflation : Inflation

What is the CPI ?

A gauge of the general level of prices in an economy is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). A collection of frequently purchased commodities and services make up the CPI. The CPI tracks changes in a nation's currency's buying power as well as a basket of goods and services' prices.

One of the most widely used indicators of inflation and deflation is the CPI. In contrast to the producer price index (PPI), which tracks changes in the prices paid to American producers of goods and services, the CPI report employs a different survey methodology, price samples, and index weights.

The percentage change in this CPI is :
= ( Later CPI - Old CPI ) / Old CPI x 100 %

= ( 52.1 - 46.6 ) / 46.6 x 100%

= 0. 118 x 100%

= 11.8 %

This shows that there was an inflation because the percentage change was positive.

Find out more on CPI at https://brainly.com/question/27886596


during the turmoil in the market for subprime mortgages in 2007 and 2008, the fed increased the volume of discount loans. the goal of the fed was to


During the turmoil in the market for subprime mortgages in 2007 and 2008, the Fed increased the volume of discount loans. The goal of the Fed was to reassure financial markets and promote financial stability.

What actions did the Fed take during the turmoil of 2007 and 2008?

The Federal Reserve’s response to the crisis of 2007 and 2008 evolved and took several nontraditional avenues. Initially, the Fed employed traditional policy actions by reducing the federal funds rate from 5.25 per cent in September 2007 to a range of 0-0.25 per cent in December 2008, with much of the reduction occurring from January to March 2008 and in September to December 2008. The sharp reduction in those periods reflected a marked downgrade in the economic outlook and the increased downside risks to both output and inflation which includes the risk of deflation.

In addition to its forward guidance, the Fed pursued two other types of nontraditional policy actions during the Great Recession.

Learn more about Fed, here:



barnes and noble sells online through its website, while also selling through physical store locations. this type of retailing is referred to as a. bricks-and-mortar. b. side-by-side. c. online-specialty. d. brick-and-clicks. e. web-only.


On top of having local retailers, Barnes and Noble also conducts business on the internet throughout its webpage. The term "brick-and-clicks" refers to this style of retailing. Is the best choice.

What does the phrase "brick and click" indicate?

A brick-and-click organization entails a company that sells goods to customers through a variety of channels, among which is typically a physical store and the second an online store. Brick corresponds to a physical site, whereas click refers to a digital marketing.

What benefits do brick-and-click transactions offer?

When it comes to managing consumer returns, bricks-and-clicks models outperform both brick-and-mortar businesses and straight e-commerce solutions. Consumers get the choice of returning things they bought at a real store website and inversely, giving them more convenience.

To know more about brick-and-clicks click here



why is it important for insurance companies to have a large risk pool of people paying premiums?


It is important because the premiums paid by all the insured clients will cover the expenditures for the few people who require it. The likelihood that each covered customer may encounter an emergency decreases as more people pay premiums.

A risk pool that is bigger than it is tremendously beneficial since it would make premiums more stable and predictable. As customers will have a sizable premium income to cover the losses that will unavoidably happen. So that the real losses reach the levels that the actuaries predict statistically, they need a sizable (ideally diversified) pool of policyholders.

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