if i was the question would you be my anwser ?
if i was the music would u be my dancer ?


Answer 1


heyy is this a song if so could i pls have the name thx!


Related Questions

Which claims in the text provide evidence that Thomas Bodley's methods contributed to the vast collections currently held at the Oxford University Library?



Together, the Bodleian Libraries hold over 13 million printed items. ... an earlier library built by the University in the 15th century to house books donated by Humfrey


Read the quote below and explain, in your own words, what it means.

“Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.” - Hillary Clinton



What this quote means to me is that criticism is a good thing and it just means someone is trying to put you in line. IN my own words it would be "criticism is a chance to grow, don't let it being corrected offened you, let it put you in prospective.

Explanation: I hope this helps, Have a blessed day, plz mark as brainliest



it not a good things. i agree with the person on top


What is hounding the innocent about?



Hounding the Innocent by Bob Herbert talks about how there has been more raft being pulled everyplace just so they can be gangrenous by the natural law. The people that are being humiliated are Hispanics and African Americans but its really the minorities


How does the author build suspense as Bim & Bawn relate the story of Keesh's hunting techniques?


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

The suspense in a narrative is built through a strong discretion of elements of the setting and the story itself. This is because it is the description, through the use of specific adjectives, that creates a dark, sinister atmosphere that permeates the suspense in history, since it leaves the readable and involved in an unpredictable narrative.

the bird laid two eggs change into Passive​


Answer : two eggs were laid by the bird

two eggs are laid by the the braid how made them

argumentative essay ,why universities should be free? pls state 5/10 facts pls guys help​



Here are 5 reasons that support the case for debt-free education:

1. Improves Society

When people are more educated, they can solve problems better. This means that society can progress at a faster rate.

Additionally, people with education can better understand the history of their society and its current economic conditions. As such, they may be more inclined to participate in politics and improve their country.

Also, when more people have access to a college education, the number of employable people for high-skilled jobs increases. This means that more people will join the workforce, which could help lessen the wealth gap between the upper, middle, and lower class.

2. Widened Workforce

Along with technological progressions comes a shift in the workforce. Most automated jobs are replacing low-skill workers. Automation is spreading quickly across positions that require repetition, like back office tasks.

However, automation is not meant to replace the entire workforce. Instead, the needs of most economies are shifting to require a more skilled workforce, with people who have good analytical skills and creative thinking abilities. These skills are both taught and honed with a college education. If more people could attend college for free, then the workforce will expand.

The workforce will also be more agile. In the case of an economic downturn when one industry falters, another generally rises to replace it. Then, workers need to be retrained and taught skills for the job. If more people could enter school and gear their studies towards booming industries, then the population will be more equipped to cope with economic changes.

3. A Boosted Economy

Most students graduate with a massive amount of debt. For example, in the U.S., the average student debt per person is $31,172.

When students graduate with debt, they will likely continue to add to their debt with interest. As such, it can take many years before they manage to dig themselves out of debt that only seems to keep growing. In the meantime, this delays spending on such things as buying a house or a car.

On the other hand, if people were to graduate without debt, that could fast track their ability to earn, save, and spend. This helps to stimulate the economy. With increases in consumer spending, there is more demand. More demand in spending also relates back to a higher demand in the workforce, or more opportunities for employment. This spurs a positive cycle of economic activity.

Furthermore, the fear of being in debt can cause students to avoid school entirely. But, if debt wasn’t a reality, then the younger generation may feel more motivated to go to school in the first place.

4. Increase Equality

Since affordability is a major issue for so many people when it comes to attending college, the playing field has not always been equal.

A lot of the brightest minds in the world stem from low-income households, but that shouldn’t hold them back from continuing their education. If there was an equal opportunity to attend school, then everyone would have the chance to go to school. Affordable education is a major step towards equality.

5. More Focus

When students are not worried about money, they can focus better on their studies. Even when students have loans and financial aid, they may find themselves stuck worrying about how they will have to pay them back in the future. This added stress can negatively impact their focus during the time when they are supposed to be learning.

supporting details for the wounded wolf



I got u slightly confused but if it is supporting the story then....

The story is about a fierce and bold wolf fighting for his life once he survives he shouts his victory to all.

The strong will for the wolf to not give up holds this story together.The pack holds each other up even though one wolf gets hurt.The wounded wolf fought hiself to victory with the help of his fellow pack.Once striked he gained new strength.They decided to play a game for the strength of all who took the predators down especially the wounded and the hurt wolf.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

The Ballot or the Bullet
What is the Author’s Purpose



The authors goal is to convince blacks of America that they needed to start standing up for themselves and fight the American government.

Also, to inform the government that blacks were coming for them.

What is the speaker's message to his or her addressee?
How Do I Love Thee?(Sonnet 43)


Answer: The speakers message is showing that Stretching to its greatest capacity to show how much she loves "thee."


6.What time does she awake?

7.What time doea she eat breakfast?

8.Where does she cook dinner?​


1. 6:00 am
2.6:30 am
3.6:00 pm

Anne frank

What is Anne longing for in her relationship with her father?


Answer: Initially, the relationship between Otto Frank and his daughter Anne is a strong one. Anne is very much a 'daddy's girl' and can do little wrong in his eyes. From her diary, the reader senses that Anne sees a kindred spirit in her father, someone who understands her in a way that no one else truly does.

Explanation: yes i stole this from g o o g le

Which statement best evaluates the effectiveness of
the evidence in the passage?
O It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism
with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship
trends that support the empire.
It ineffectively uses logical evidence because it is
not clear whether the immigration patterns verifiably
support decolonization.
O It effectively uses anecdotal evidence to verify the
immigration trends and the answer is there support the empire.
O It ineffectively uses anecdotal evidence because it
makes Canada seem powerful.



It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship trends that support the empire.


Got it right on ed. Also,

it doesn't really make Canada seem more powerfulThe third option is out of the questionThe 2nd option may seem right but logical evidence is still evidence and is able to clear things up

Answer: It effectively appeals to emotion and nationalism with logical and anecdotal evidence of citizenship trends that support the empire.



Which example from the text is a fact? you must change your ways We are a group of twelve- and thirteen-year-olds I am here to speak for all generations to come.


The part of the text that is a fact is “You must change your ways...”I think


B is the answer


I’ll give a brainlist!!!!

Use the graphic organizer below to create an outline for your persuasive essay. When you have finished, copy and paste
your outline into the Notebook tool() so that you can refer to it later in the lesson.




What interesting hook did you include to grab your reader’s attention?

Did you state your thesis clearly? Your thesis statement is the main argument that you will use in the final version of the essay. Make your thesis statement clear and precise. For example, you could write, “Figurative language is the most essential element of poetry.” A clear thesis statement helps the reader understand your argument.

Body paragraphs 1 and 2

Did you use one paragraph to explore each point of your supporting argument?

Did you write your supporting arguments clearly?

Does each paragraph have some evidence to support its point?

Body paragraph 3

Did you clearly state the opposing viewpoint? For example, you could write, “Some people claim that rhyme is the most memorable aspect of a poem because it makes it sound catchy.”

Did you follow the opposing viewpoint with a counterargument? You might write, “Figurative language performs the same function.”

Did you include evidence to support your counterargument? For example, you could say that in a poem such as “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” simile, repetition, and other figurative language is used to make the poem sound catchy.


Did you repeat your main argument? You may say that figurative language is the most essential element of poetry.

Did you restate your supporting arguments? For example, you may include your two main points that figurative language makes poetry easier to understand and allows the poet to explore ideas in many different ways.

Did you end with a strong statement that will encourage readers to agree with your viewpoint or challenge them to take action? For example, you might challenge readers to write a poem without figurative language so they can understand how important it is.


Here’s an example of a completed outline:



“What’s in a name?” you may ask. William Shakespeare made this commonplace question memorable in these lines from Romeo and Juliet:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title.

These lines illustrate the power of figurative language in poetry.

Thesis Statement

Figurative language is the most essential element for conveying meaning in poetry.



Paragraph 1

The use of figurative language helps readers better understand the poet’s vision.

poetry excerpts supporting this point


Paragraph 2

The use of figurative language, such as metaphor and simile, allows a poet to communicate complex ideas and deeper meaning.

poetry excerpts supporting the point

Figurative language helps the poet share a vision with the reader.

poetry excerpts supporting the point


Paragraph 3

Present the opposite view.

Some people claim that rhyme is the most memorable aspect of a poem because it makes a poem sound catchy.

Prove that your view is right.

Rhyme cannot lift a poem if the language is dull and lacks imagination.

Using figures of speech helps make poetry lyrical.

The use of simile, metaphor, and other figures of speech help to convey complex ideas and to connect ideas.


Conclusion Figurative language is the most important element of poetry because it helps poets explore complex ideas and create vivid images. The use of figurative language helps the reader to better understand the author’s ideas and vision.


Edmentum answer!!!! REPHRASE

pls mark brainliest!

remember you're doing your best. ik it's hard rn, pls take care of yourself <3

1 Complete the texts with the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the passive.

I am usually given (usually / give) about £12 pocket money a week by my parents and other relatives. Most of my pocket money 1__________ (spend) on clothes and shoes. My favourite boots 2_________ (make) in Italy. A lot of Italian shoes 3_____________ (can / buy) quite cheaply on eBay. John 4___________ (just / offer) a job in a big department store in the city centre. He 5_____________ (ask) a lot of questions at his interview last week. ………./5

2 Complete the sentences with ‘materials’ words.

She needs several metres of cloth to make her costume for the play.

1 The old s_______ walls of the castle are very thick.

2 The teacher got angry when Jimmy threw a p_________ aeroplane across the classroom.

3 My sister bought an expensive brown l_________ bag in Rome.

4 My mother’s wedding ring is made of g__________ .

5 He came second in the Olympic race and won the s_____________ medal. ……../5

3 Find the odd one out.

a bit of A paper B chocolate C sweets ✘

1 a cup of A water B tea C toast

2 a bag of A sweets B apples C orange juice

3 a slice of A coffee B bread C cake

4 a piece of A milk B firewood C chalk

5 a pile of A rubbish B wine C newspapers ………./5

4 Complete the table.

Numbers Words

502 - five hundred and two

½ - a half

1___________ - eight million

2 ___________ - four point three

3 ___________ - a tenth

4 ___________ - one thousand six hundred and seventy

3/4 - 5_________________​



was spent, were made, buy, offered, asked,


this much I can answer, if these are correct, just give thanks




What does the quote below mean?

The quote below means if you stand by and do nothing about a terrible situation, you are just as bad as those inflicting the situation.

Do I agree?

Yes, if you are not going to try to prevent the situation from happening when you can, you are encouraging this behavior.

How does this quote relate to you or your world?

One of my family members has special needs, so whenever I hear people using the r slur, I tell them it isn't not okay.

yes, i agree with this quote. if there is a situation of injustice and you decide to stay neutral then you will be on the oppressors side of the situation. this relates to the real world because in many conflicts that happen nowadays a lot of people tend to be neutral in a situation of complete injustice.

Reread the second section of the song. Using textual evidence to support your answer, what can you infer about the journey forward from the "dark past"?



The dark past which was the period of slavery was marked with faith and hope that someday the blacks will be redeemed from their bondage. The second section begins thus, "Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us". This shows that during the dark past, what kept the slaves going was the faith that they had in their future redemption.


The song, Lift Every Voice by J. Rosamond Johnson and James Weldon Johnson, was a song of liberty by African Americans on their freedom from slavery. Known as the "Black National Anthem" in the United States, the song was composed to mark the anniversary of the birthday of former U.S President, Abraham Lincoln in 1905.

Lincoln fought for and officially realized the freedom of Blacks from slavery in the United States. The song reflects on their struggles in the past as slaves and the hope they had that they would someday, realize freedom.

Which statement best describes an argument made in "President John F. Kennedy's Speech at Rice University"?

History proves that space exploration will lead to more cooperation among nations.

The United States must enter the race for space quickly to establish leadership and prevent conflict.

Sharing the nation's new space technologies with other countries will help to improve them.

The United States should increase its production of weapons of mass destruction to defend its space programs.



I think its b, this is harder so I might be wrong

The statement that best describes the argument made at the university is:

B. The United States must enter the race for space quickly to establish leadership and prevent conflict.

What is a speech?

A speech is an expression of thoughts or feelings. It is a formal address delivered to an audience.

The argument made by President John F. Kennedy at the Rice University stated that the United states must enter the race for space quickly to establish leadership and prevent conflict.

Read more about speech here:







rewrite the following sentence to avoid gender bias manner. tea lady​





Bias generally mean an inclination towards one group than the other when the alignment towards the group should be balanced in other.

Hence, the statement Tea lady could be said to elicit gender bias in the basis that the word 'Lady"is feminine and I sthus associated with the female gender.

To eliminate gender bias, we replace the word whose usage depicts information relating to the gender of the subject.

Please Help!

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.

A Nothing beside remains

B I met a traveler

C Its sculptor well those passions read



Nothing beside remains


"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" The quote is intended to have those viewing the statue to see all of the marvelous things Ozymandias has created, yet they have all decayed and disappeared. The legacy of the "king of kings" is nothing.

Which best shows that Candice has made a personal connection to understand August's character? I understand how awkward August feels. Sometimes I get really nervous and quiet around new people. I am really loud around new people. I try to cover up my shyness by being very funny and telling jokes. August should not be so quiet around the new kids. If he would just talk, the others will get to know him, and they will be friends. Jack Will and Charlotte were not very considerate of August's feelings. New kids do not like when people ask lots of questions.


Answer:  I understand how awkward August feels. Sometimes I get really nervous and quiet around new people.


When we have a personal connection to the character of another person, it means that we can relate to what they feel because we feel somewhat the same.

In saying that she understood how August felt because she gets nervous and quiet around other people, Candice is showing that she has a personal connection to August's character because she goes through the same things he does as well.




Which sentence correctly uses commas to enclose nonessential elements? A) Ned is studying wildlife, on the Galápagos Islands an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
B) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
C) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain, in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree
D) Ned is studying, wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree.






The answer is  "B) Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree."


its correct I took the K-12 test and got 100% on the test



The answer to your question is B

Answer:I have not read the story but, I belive it is B.


The black women of civil rights movement contributed in all of the following ways EXCEPT



Many women played important roles in the Civil Rights Movement, from leading local civil rights organizations to serving as lawyers on school segregation lawsuits. Their efforts to lead the movement were often overshadowed by men, who still get more attention and credit for its successes in popular historical narratives and commemorations. Many women experienced gender discrimination and sexual harassment within the movement and later turned towards the feminist movement in the 1970s. The Civil Rights History Project interviews with participants in the struggle include both expressions of pride in women’s achievements and also candid assessments about the difficulties they faced within the movement.


please marks as brain list please please

my mission brainlist

The theme of sickness runs throughout Act II. Name some of the ways in which this idea is used. What point do you think Shakespeare makes by continually referring to this theme


That he is talking and saving the people of the world

(Wonder book)

Do you think Auggie's parents made the right choice by enrolling him into Beecher Prep? Or, should they have continued to homeschool him? Give one reason defending their decision or arguing in support of their decision.


Yes, I think Auggies parents did make a great choice because he couldn’t stay homeschooled his whole life not knowing how real school is like

Defending: There parents made an excellent decision on enrolling him in school they picked a great public school with lots of great peolpe he could meet.

Arguing: But Auggies parents could of waited unit Auggie was a bit older so he can get more comfortable around peolpe and around his environment.

Can someone write all these topics as a thesis statement please????



Topic 1: People should not consume french fries because its not healthy, gain weight, and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Topic 6: The amount of sleep does affect academic performance because of the lack of sleep quality, affecting their academic goals, and hard time learning throughout the day.


Help please :D help help XD please :D​





In my opinion it's effective because it explains the author's intentions. Which is of why people use Snapshot

Is Al Qaeda a domestic or international terrorist group? Explain how you know. In one paragraph


Al Qaeda is an international terrorist group. They were created by Osama bin Laden in Iraq. As soon as they attacked a country besides their own, they went from domestic to international. They have members from different countries and continents. They took their violence outside of Iraq when they hijacked planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers as well as the World Trade Center.
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Will mark brainliest and give thirteen points Please help Ill give you the Brainlylist The customer gives you two $100 bills, two $50 bills, and one $20 bill for a clothing purchase totaling $312.69. (this is for customer service) I need help with this, if you can help I'd appreciate it Please help me out and make sure to show your work! Thanks. 22Select the correct answer.A student is writing an argumentative text about recess for high school students. The student makes the claim that recess is important for highschool students because physical activity relieves stress and stimulates the brain as high school is a challenging environment.Which example would best support the student's claim?.research from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human services highlighting the benefits of physical activityan info graphic about explaining how teenagers should deal with challengesOB..a student's blog post about experiences in high schoolODinterview with a school guidance counselor about the importance of taking challenging coursesResetNextentum. All rights reserved.^ ( 0012:11 PM3/18/2021 Help ASAP!!! Question in pic! Will give brainliest! The phrase "terribly pleased" is an example of a(n) idiom homograph oxymoron homophone Please help me!! Thanks ASAP ILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!!! What is the simplified form of the expression 0.3 (4x - 4y)? Alright, Im begging someone for help plz Find the volume: 5 cm cm 1ac 6.5cmPls help-? Do you think court interpretations should change over time ? WILL MARK BRAINLELIST HELPPPP ME Who was the leader of the Haitian rebels?What did the rebels want before they would stop fighting. Water plops into pond splish-splash downhill warbling magpies in three trilling melodic thrill whoosh passing breeze flags flutter and flags frog crooks, bird whistles babbling bubbles from tap. Find this poem onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance and consonance PLEEASE HELP!!! The triangle shown below has an area of 20 units 2 squared. PLEASE HELP ME I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST TO WHO GETS IT RIGHT!!:D 1 Which of the following is a consequence of the new 24-hour news cycle?A.It has forced people to get their news from cable television instead of the Internet.B.It forces the American government to shut down national and international media.C.It has increased viewership for nightly news broadcasts.D.It forces governments to respond and take action more quickly.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD2 Which of these people would be a natural-born US citizen? 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What circumstances prevent people from voting? 5Which person is being a good community member?Lola always takes an afternoon walk with her dog.Ria studies hard to ensure she is on the honor roll each semester.Cooper does grocery shopping for his family while his parents are at work.Horace serves sandwiches at the local soup kitchen every Saturday afternoon.6How does bias negatively affect source material? Check all that apply.It demonstrates a lack of academic expertise on a topic. It forces an author to address counterarguments. It may reveal an authors opinion.It may led to the presentation of only one side of an argument.It can influence an authors purpose.7What does the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press mean for news people?They can write about unsupported rumors as if they were factual.They must report the news without favoritism toward any point of view.They can report the news without getting the governments permission.They must always challenge the governments positions on major issues.8Which of the following is an example of muckraking?A.a politician signing social legislation to change teacher compensationB.a journalist uncovering and highlighting the plights of the homelessC.a journalist researching a story on a hurricane in the GulfD.a corrupt politician who receives bribes in exchange for a political favorPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD9Which is an example of a secondary source?news film footagea diarya magazine articlea speech10What are components of a good research question? Check all that apply.It is feasible to study.It focuses on a specific goal.It reveals the researchers bias. It is relevant to the topic at hand.It results in only one possible conclusion. 11Read the passage about protesting.Alexander is upset about a policy recently enacted by his state government. He talks with several friends who share his concerns, and they decide to take action. They organize a rally at the state capitol. They make signs with strongly worded slogans to get their point across to lawmakers. At the rally, they use a megaphone to share their thoughts with the crowd.Alexander and his friends are able to do this without the threat of government interference because of which right?freedom of speechdue processfreedom of religionfreedom of the press12Reflecting on whether adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu fixed a problem is an example ofimplementing a solution.weighing advantages.gathering information.evaluating a solution.13Jacob Riis is best known for his work How the Other Half Lives which was a photographic record of _____________.A.The living conditions in urban slums and child labor.B.The restricted rights of women in early twentieth-century America.C.The rise of corruption in urban centers.D.The lack of sanitary practices in the meat-packing industry.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD14What makes a source credible?It is found online.It contains bias.It is believable or trustworthy.It supports multiple perspectives.15Adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu for students with restricted diets is an example ofevaluating a solution.gathering information.implementing a solution.weighing disadvantages. Why was food processing (such as canned foods) a great innovation for food technology in the 1920s?