if human speech is represented as a string of taffy on a candy-making assembly line, then what function does speech segmentation serve at the candy factory?


Answer 1

What use does speech segmentation serve in the candy factory if human speech is modeled as a string of taffy on the production line? The taffy is broken apart by it.

Which of the following best describes the fundamental idea underpinning the Gestalt approach to problems? before a function was explained, fresh objects. Performance is higher for the concrete task when comparing the "abstract" and "concrete" versions of the Wason four-card problem (in which beer, soda, and ages are used in place of the letters and numbers).

The traditional gestalt principles of visual perception include similarity, continuity, closure, closeness, figure/ground, symmetry & order (also known as prägnanz), and similarity & segmentation continuation. The Gestalt Theory, which is sometimes referred to as the.

To learn more about segmentation please click on below link



Related Questions

in a speech about improved public safety, stewart quickly tells his audience exactly what he wants them to do. what type of audience is best suited for this direct appeal?


Stewart swiftly informs his listeners that this direct appeal is best suited to the choronological sort of audience.

What is the quickest way to learn about the audience?

Which method is the quickest for learning more about your audience? raw numerical data quantitative analyses that condense and arrange groups of numbers so they are simpler to comprehend and see.

Which two techniques are most frequently utilized for audience analysis?

We assist our clients in learning what their consumers' actual needs are and when and how to address them by using quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

To know more about audience visit :



true or false: it is safe to assume that if the meaning of a word is clear to you, it will be clear to your audience.





Just because it is clear to you, that doesn't mean everyone else will catch on. The meaning of a word might be easy for you to understand but that might not be the case for other people. To be safe define the word even if the other person does know it just so it is clear for everyone else.

What is the first form of split?


Splitting Verb Forms. First (Base), second (Past), and third (Past Participle). Split three times. Get a list of additional verb tenses. Look at Next Verb. Cross. Restrain.

Split is the past tense of the verb. Here, all three spit forms are identical, and splitting is the past participle form, so you can use the past tense. Word types: 3rd person singular, plural Splitting in the present tense and present participle Note on language: The verb's past tense and past participle are both expressed in the present tense form split. Something is divided into two or more parts if it splits or if you split it. One of the irregular verbs is split, and among its acceptable spellings are splitting, split, and splits. The following two general Forms of splits: To perform a side split, extend your legs to the left and right of your body. To perform a front split, extend one leg in front of the torso and the other leg behind.

To learn more about singular please click on below link



How did Darwin's work reflect modernistic principles?



The theory of evolution by natural selection explains the adaptedness and diversity of the world solely materialistically.

sorry if its wrong

plsss mark brainliest


The theory of evolution by natural selection explains the adaptedness and diversity of the world solely materialistically


How many core capabilities span all mission areas FEMA?


32 core capabilities  span all mission areas FEMA.

The country wide Preparedness purpose describes five challenge regions — prevention, safety, mitigation, response and healing — and 32 sports, known as center talents, that cope with the greatest dangers to the kingdom. every of those middle abilities is tied to a functionality target.

Regulation and enforcement to prohibit or manipulate using dangerous products (e.g. asbestos) or to mandate safe and healthful practices (e.g. use of seatbelts and motorbike helmets) schooling about wholesome and safe habits (e.g. eating properly, exercise often, no longer smoking)

The manner of turning into well once more, in particular after a reduce or different injury, or of making a person well once more.

Learn more about span here :-



Which personality type is the unhappiest?


Answer: The silent type

Explanation: Due to several years of trauma this makes a person paranoid and unable to show any emotions except for despair. It also can disable their ability to say "No" or walk away from harmful situations. They deny any help as trust isn't a concept the person can imagine anymore.

ryan decided his discussion of tesla's death ray device would be difficult for his audience to follow. he adapted by paraphrasing and repeating vital information at the end of each main point. what device was ryan using in his speech?


The tool Ryan used to explain Tesla's death ray device in his lecture was an internal summary.

Can you describe summary in one word?

One-word summaries might help you improve your speaking and listening abilities. I ask my pupils to present their one-word summaries to the class about every other time they compose them. I've discovered that it's most effective to inform students straight away that they'll eventually be presenting things in class.

What is the average duration of a summary?

A summary of an article or essay usually has between 5 and 8 sentences. The key ideas of the article must be stated in concise, precise, and straightforward terms in the summary. The amount of paragraphs in a summary must be better understood, therefore let's talk about some key elements.

To know more about summary visit:



Can you use two different types of potatoes for mashed potatoes?


Use a 50/50 mix for the greatest mashed potatoes. We enjoy Yukon Gold with russets. The Yukon Golds add flavour and a little creamy heaviness to the mashed potatoes

while the russets contribute a light and fluffy texture. You want to use a 50/50 mixture of starchy potatoes like Russet and Idaho and waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold. Butter and cream are absorbed by starch, giving the potatoes a fluffy, whipped texture. Waxy potatoes have a fantastic flavour, but if they're the sole potato in the mash, they may become soggy and gluey. To make mashed potatoes that are fluffier, smoother, and more flavorful, choose higher starch varieties like Yukon Golds or Russets. While yellow-fleshed potatoes like Yukon Gold have a naturally buttery flavour, russet varieties make light and fluffy mashed potatoes. with a rich, creamy texture. You might be utilising the incorrect potatoes. Waxy potatoes, such as white potatoes and red potatoes, are more likely to gum up when mashed than starchy potatoes, which are often thought of as being "starchy" (like Yukon Golds and russets). Pick waxy or starchy potatoes, or a combination of the two.

To learn more about fantastic please click on below link



What does it mean to find something agreeable?


Being agreeable means that something is enjoyable and nice. Someone who is agreeable is pleasant and makes an effort to win over others.

According to one's likes or needs, something is said to be agreeable if it is acceptable to the mind or senses. an acceptable companion; one who is prepared to consent or concur.

Something nice or satisfying is said to be agreeable. Being agreeable is a personality quality that shows itself in one's actions and is viewed as sympathetic, cooperative, kind, and considerate.

An agreeable travel companion, for instance, is someone you get along with and enjoy being around. An enjoyable day may be sunny and pleasant with a light wind, and an enjoyable lunch may be enjoyed with friends.

To know more about personality, visit:



romeo and juliet escape room answers please please please


Romeo and Juliet Suite is located on the charming cobblestone path that leads through the charming throne room and lovely hand painted murals.

Who was Romeo and Juliet?

The circular stairway that leads to the opulent bedroom balcony with views of the castle grounds is located inside the opposite tower.

You may watch the 50" plasma TV from the jetted tub or the bed area, which is located on the drawbridge.

A couple of star-crossed lovers will have the opportunity to spend the holiday in Juliet's house thanks to Airbnb. And even though Shakespeare didn't identify its precise location, Casa Giulietta in the town's center is widely accepted to be the real residence of his renowned heroine.

Therefore, Romeo and Juliet Suite is located on the charming cobblestone path that leads through the charming throne room and lovely hand painted murals.

To learn more about Romeo, refer to the link:



Three year ago, Teresa and her husband arrived in the united state from Brazil?



Where is the pdfPDF?


while attempting to determine the structure of a compound using elemental analysis and functional group tests, you are generally able to recover your original sample.


True, You can typic-ally get your original sam-ple back when utilizing func-tional group tests and elemental analysis to try to figure out a com-pound's struc-ture.

Which test is applied to a compound's elemental analysis?

In an elemental analysis, the sodium test, also known as Lassaigne's test, is used to determine whether certain foreign elements, such as halogens, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus, are present in an organic compound.

What analytical techniques can be used to ascertain a compound's structure?

The four primary methods are mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, infrared (IR), and ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy. A minimal amount of sample is required for spectroscopy, and after an IR, NMR, or UV spectrum has been generated, the sample can be reused.

To know more about the functional groups click below:



How does the mind and heart work together?



the two organs communicate via the muscular walls around the heart, which are connected to the brain in the circulatory system. As the brain releases hormones telling the body what to do, receptor cells in your blood vessels pick up these messages.


In the book the Giver, how does Jonas feel about his community in chapters 10-13?


Jonas is astounded to discover that the Receiver can recall any location and time does Jonas feel about his community in chapters 10-13.

How did Jonas feel in Chapter 13?

He said nothing. Jonas has personal knowledge of someone's passing. As a result of gaining these memories, Jonas changes. He feels dissatisfied and furious upon realizing that his life would never be "ordinary" once more.

After discovering the reality about his culture, Jonas began to rebel against it. The laws of his society are accepted by Jonas at first in the book, but as he starts to think back on events from the past, he starts to doubt if they were purposely abandoned for the group as a whole.

Thus, Jonas is astounded to discover that the Receiver.

For more information about Jonas feel in Chapter 13, click here:



Obtain a copy of the Canterbury Tales in a modern translation or access it using the Internet.

Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a character analysis of one the characters from Canterbury Tales.

Consider the monk, the friar, the franklin, and the parson.
Select one of these four characters which you would like to study and read Chaucer's description of him in the "Prologue." Remember that Chaucer may sound objective in his description but may actually be subtly negative or satirical toward that character.
Record your impressions of the personality of your chosen character from the "Prologue" description. Physical appearance and dress are not directly character traits, but they may give you clues as to personality as well.
Read the prologue and any afterward (it's context in The Canterbury Tales) to the tale told by the character you have chosen to gain more insight and see any comments made about the character by the other pilgrims. You do not need to read the tale itself.
Write a study of the character you have chosen, including what you have learned from the "Prologue," from the comments, and from your own insights into the character.
Use direct evidence from the text to support your observations. Do not just quote lines, but explain what the lines illustrate about character. Remember to document your quotes according to MLA format (or the format assigned by your teacher).
Your finished essay should be at least 250 words long.
Your essay will be graded based on the following:

your attention to the instructions given above
well developed coverage of your topic
use of proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and sentence construction (commonly called "conventions"), and appropriate length
use of proper MLA format for documentation
NOTE: Check with your teacher to determine whether there may be other special requirements.


The Pardoner in Canterbury Tales is a swindler, a smooth-talking cleric who offers pardons for sin in exchange for money.

Who is the Pardoner in Canterbury Tales?

In the General Prologue, the Pardoner rides in the very back of the party and is, appropriately, the most marginalized character in the company. His profession is somewhat dubious; pardoners granted indulgences, or previously written pardons for specific sins, to people who repented of their sin.

In addition to receiving the indulgence, the penitent would make a donation to the Church by paying the pardoner. This "charitable" donation eventually became a requirement for receiving an indulgence. The Pardoner, who was paid by the Church to provide these indulgences, was not supposed to pocket the charitable donations of the penitents.

Learn more about Canterbury Tales on:



How many parts are there in a dictionary entry?


There are five parts in a dictionary entry.

The form of the term being covered, its grammatical description, its meaning, analogues, or translation parallels, its etymology, cross-references to other entries, usage details, and examples are all possible components of a straightforward dictionary entry.

An explanation of a term or phrase can be found in a dictionary entry.

A dictionary entry's components are:-


A word or phrase that introduces a unique entry in a dictionaries.


A unique spelling that demonstrates how to pronounce the entry word out loud.

Element of speech (Abbreviation):

How to utilize the entering word in a sentence.


The destination language's equivalent of the entry word's meaning.

A sample phrase:

It provides a statement that demonstrates how to use the word.

To know more about dictionary, visit:



What does the description of Daisy’s home suggest about Gatsby’s love for her? [RL.3]


Daisy and Tommy are all in the same apartment as Daisy, which has caused her to become agitated, disturbed, and perplexed. She is unsure of how to react.

Would be perplexed but also confused exact same thing?

To characterize someone who is extremely mystified or confused, use the term perplexed. If you've ever prepared for the incorrect test and been shocked and baffled by the exam you were given instead, you've experienced confusion.

What is sentence complexity?

Perplexity is one technique to assess training examples in the framework of processing natural language. A word embedding is a probability density function over paragraphs; if it is effective, it can synthesize sentient sentences that are believable as well as assess the quality of existing sentences.

To know more about perplexed visit :



the ongoing goal of isis is to create ______, an islamic state headed by a supreme religious and political leader.


The ongoing goal of ISIS is to create Caliphate, an Islamic state headed by a supreme religious and political leader.

The aim of ISIS is to establish an Islamic State in the Middle East and Africa. A caliphate is what they aim to achieve. A caliph is the head of a caliphate. The remains of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a regional branch of al Qaeda established by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004, gave rise to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh. After the influx of American forces entered Iraq in 2007, it vanished into obscurity for a while. But in 2011, it started to resurface.The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) was driven from the final piece of land it had taken over in both Syria and Iraq in March 2019. At its height in late 2014, ISIS ruled over substantial portions of both nations, absorbing the bureaucracy and assets of the government as well as business, trade, and agriculture.

Thus the answer is Caliphate.

Refer here to learn more about ISIS: https://brainly.com/question/23757490


The word "crucible" means "a container for melting or purifying metals" or "a severe test" Why are they both appropriate meanings for Miller's play ?



They are both appropriate meanings because miller has referenced both a container and challenge in his play, it is all dependent on the context of the script.


How do you describe someone with a soft heart?


Someone who is soft-hearted has a very sympathetic and kind nature. Synonyms: kind, generous, tender, sympathetic More Synonyms of soft-hearted.

How do you know if you're soft-hearted?

They clean up the table to make it as easy as possible for a waiter/waitress.They say good things about people behind their backs.They help you with stuff without prompting/asking for help.They can apologize to another, and accept forgiveness when someone offers that.

Is having a soft heart a weakness?

As a reflection of their character, they give out kindness even to those who don't deserve it. Despite being taken advantage of, soft-hearted people always choose to forgive. It is an attribute seen as a weakness and although it may seem absurd, soft-hearted people will still choose to do it.

Learn more about soft heart to visit this link



Body pragraph about coming to first America (cousin helped me)


Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

What are the actual face of people?

The only people on the fields are the people with the means to get there. Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

Parents who are caring for their own elderly parents cannot leave town overnight to sleep in hotels away from those they're responsible for. Parents who cannot afford a car, who live paycheck to paycheck, are not the parents with children on those fields.

Therefore, Parents that have to work multiple jobs to pay rent cannot take weekends off to drive to tournaments.

Learn more about tournaments on:



What does Claudius now decide to do to Hamlet?


Claudius has clearly decided in this scene that he can appease Laertes' wrath and get rid of Hamlet in a single stroke

What is Claudius's treatment of Hamlet?

When Laertes seeks vengeance for his father Polonius' death at the hands of Hamlet, Claudius devises a "surefire" plan to deal with Hamlet once and for all. He arranges a fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes, but conspires with Laertes to poison his foil and poison Hamlet's drink.

What does Claudius resolve to do about Hamlet?

Claudius finally recognises the gravity of Hamlet's threat and begs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to hurry him to England to get him out of the way. Claudius, who is unknown to everyone except the audience, now realises that he must instruct the King of England to murder Hamlet.

Is Claudius remorseful for murdering Hamlet?

He couldn't bear seeing his brother happy, so he decided to murder him. Claudius feels bad about murdering his brother. When Claudius is talking to God and giving his monologue about his murder, we can see his remorse. As a result, Claudius declares, "My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent"

learn more about claudius visit :



How can I improve my cheerleading skills?


By eating well, stretching, and working your body, you may enhance your cheering abilities.

Your output is directly impacted by what you put in. A automobile needs the right fuel to function. Your muscles need the proper quantities of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to be fueled or recovered before and after exercise. What you can produce throughout training and contests will change as a result of learning when to eat and what to consume.One of the most helpful exercises in a cheerleader's body-training arsenal are inversions like headstands. In addition to training your inner core muscles, which are crucial for cheer abilities, they are a really effective technique to get your mind adjusted to being upside down.

To have additional information about cheerleading, refer: https://brainly.com/question/29551389


What are three examples of a theme?


The example are the love, war, faith, frightened, happy, sad, and many more are the example if the theme that a story could be have to added.

Theme is a central, unifying idea. It's the bigger issue that emerges as the characters pursue their goals. It has less to do with whether they'll win the race, or get the date, or find the treasure, and more to do with the deeper questions about identity, philosophy, or morality that arise during their attempts theme is the inferred stance taken on the central topic or message of a story.

Think love for example: love may be the topic, but learning to love yourself may be the theme. Themes are used to communicate important ideas and messages about issues that face the characters and the setting of a narrative.

Read more about theme;



fast plsss!!!! Click on the box to choose the correct word.

Jeff wanted to poor or pour or pore a glass of water.


Jeff wanted to [pour] a glass of water

A.) In Reading 1, from The Picture of Dorian Gray, what does the passage show readers about the character's motives, actions and feelings Explain your answer using evidence, both explicit and inferential, that you gather from text. Writing must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs, 6-8 sentences per paragraph.


In the first reading of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the passage shows readers that the character's motives, actions and feelings are influenced by a desire for eternal youth and beauty. This is evident in the way that Dorian is consumed by his vanity and the way he becomes obsessed with preserving his appearance.

One of the most explicit pieces of evidence from the text is when Dorian says, "I am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die. I am jealous of the portrait you have painted of me. Why should it keep what I must lose?" This shows that Dorian is deeply concerned with maintaining his own beauty and is envious of anything that doesn't have to face the inevitability of aging and decay.

Additionally, Dorian's actions throughout the novel are driven by this desire for eternal youth. For example, he makes a Faustian bargain to trade his soul in exchange for eternal youth and beauty, and he goes to great lengths to conceal the true effects of this bargain from those around him. This shows that Dorian is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his youthful appearance, even if it means sacrificing his own morals and values.

Furthermore, Dorian's feelings are characterized by a deep sense of vanity and self-absorption. He is constantly preoccupied with his own appearance and spends a great deal of time admiring himself in the mirror. This is evident when Dorian says, "I must always have my mirror, and I will never be alone." This shows that Dorian is consumed by his own vanity and is unable to exist without constantly admiring himself.

Overall, the passage in Reading 1 of The Picture of Dorian Gray reveals that Dorian's motives, actions and feelings are all influenced by his desire for eternal youth and beauty. This is evident through his words, actions and feelings, as well as through the consequences of his obsession with maintaining his appearance.

The number of victims contracted with ebola in this region _________ over 100 now.


The correct sentence is "the number of victims contracted with Ebola in this region is more than 100 now."

Why should we use the word "is" to fill in the blank?Because the space must be filled with a verb.Because the empty space must be filled with a verb conjugated to the word "number."

The word "is" used in the above sentence is a verb that can show the reader what a certain thing is.

The verb "is" is used when it is conjugated with the pronouns "it," "she" and "he" or any noun that takes the place of that pronoun in a sentence.

An example of this can be seen in the sentence above, where the word "number" is replacing the pronoun "it." In this case, the verb associated with "number" must be conjugated with the pronoun "it" and for this reason, it is correct to use the verb "is."

Learn more about verbs:



What is the main purpose of wiki?


The main purpose of wikis is to create a space where people can collaborate in writing a same text on a single topic and relate this text to other texts. An other main purpose of many wikis is sharing knowledge for a common good .

Wiki is a type of website that allows users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit all content, very quickly and easily, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative writing. The term wiki can also refer to the collaborative software itself (wiki engine) that facilitates the operation of such a website (see wiki software), or to certain specific wiki sites, including the computer science site (and original wiki), WikiWikiWeb, and the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. When used to refer to a specific site, wiki is often capitalized.

The main purpose of wikis is to create a space where people can collaborate in writing a same text on a single topic and relate this text to other texts. An other main purpose of many wikis is sharing knowledge for a common good .

To know more about Wikis visit:



What does a thesis statement looks like in an informative essay?


The pers-pective of the thesis state-ment depends on the type of paper you are wri-ting. If your paper is inform-ative, you need only present the narr-owed topic that the reader will learn about.

Your thesis will not exp-ress any type of opinion, but rather intro-duce the inform-ation that will be covered. A thesis state-ment of an inform-ative essay tells the reader the main ideas of your next para-graphs, which follow your intro-duction .

A thesis state-ment is basic-ally your main topic + your subtopic 1 + your subtopic 2 + your subtopic 3 . A thesis mak-es an essay logical.

To know more about thesis click below:



What are some aspects of looking at art that people who are untrained will tend to miss?


The overall aspects of looking at art is construction and arrangement of elements in a painting or sculpture, especially if complex. 

What type of art does an untrained artist create?

Outsider art, which was synonymous with art brut until the 1980s, is any work of art created by an untrained idiosyncratic artist who is typically unconnected to the conventional art world—not by choice, but by circumstance.

What aspect of art do people recognize first?

When first exposed to a painting, a viewer generates a general impression, or gist, of the work. A painting's first impression includes a sense of its pictorial content, overall structural organisation and style, meaningfulness, and affective response.

What are the 5 aspects of art?

The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the fundamental elements of art (colour, line, shape, form, and texture) and to demonstrate how artists use these elements in various ways in their work.

learn more about art visit:



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