If Honduras wanted to trade goods with China, how would they negotiate the treaty?
A. through the WTO
B. at a meeting of business executives
C. through representatives elected from each country
D. through a multinational corporation
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Answer 1




belive me

Related Questions

OK if u get this right i'll mark u brainliest. How are Biden and a Ps4 both have in common?




they are both wired?

What climate zone contains the highest concentration of population in Australia



Most of Australia's population is concentrated in two widely separated coastal regions – the south-east and east, and the south-west. Of the two regions, the south-east and east is by far the largest in area and population.


The tropical zone (consisting of 40% of Australia) has two seasons, summer ('wet') and winter ('dry'), while the temperate zone has all four seasons. Spring to summer (October to March): Warm or hot everywhere, tropical in the north, and warm to hot with mild nights in the south.

Where is Guam located? (3 points)

a map of U.S. territories. North America is shown on the right side of the map with the United States and Alaska highlighted. To the east of the United States, Navassa Island, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are shown. In the Pacific Ocean between North America and Asia, Johnston Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, Jarvis Island, American Samoa, Kingman Reef, Baker Island, Howland Island, Guam, Wake Island, Midway Atoll, and the Northern Mariana Islands are labelled.
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Gulf of Mexico
Caribbean Sea


Pacific Ocean trust me

Who was declared the winner of the disputed states?



Of which Country?


True or False: The climate in landlocked areas is usually more moderate than in coastal areas.









Which of the following words could replace the italicized word in the sentence from The First Men in the Moon below, while preserving its meaning?

“I set myself to decide just exactly how the return to earth could be contrived.”


Arranged is the answer :)


strained is the right answer


Who were the code talkers during World War II?(1 point)

American operatives who led secret missions

Native Americans who sent secret messages in their native languages

African American soldiers who became famous as pilots

women who decoded enemy communications



American operatives who led secret missions


These select people were hired by american military to carry a language little to no people knew. However, they used old Native American roots as part of their secret language.


C im pretty sure


i got 14 iq so im obviously right

Segun la mayoria de cientificos hace 13.800 millones de años gracias al impulso de la explotacion de big bang dio oringe a la expasion del





El big bang es el nombre popular de la teoría cosmológica que, sobre la base de la teoría general de la relatividad, hace plausible que hace 13.800 millones de años el universo se originó en un punto enormemente caliente (aproximadamente 1028 K), con una densidad casi infinita. El espacio y el tiempo se habrían creado al mismo tiempo que el Big Bang. La teoría se basa, entre otras cosas, en la observación del universo en constante expansión, en particular el corrimiento al rojo de las líneas espectrales y de la luz de galaxias distantes, el efecto Doppler y la cantidad observada de helio que se formó antes de que hubiera estrellas.

And these promises broken
Deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
So one last lie I can see through
This time I finally let you
Go, go, go...



... What?


I think it’s just someone resisting their urges

The cost of fertilizer, a key input in wheat production (which is then used to make bread and other wheat products), rises. What happens to the supply of wheat? *
2 points
a. Quantity supplied increases
b. Quantity supplied decreases
c. Supply increases
d. Supply decreases



The correct answer is - D. supply decreases.


If any ingredient or factor can affect the production of the good or service by changing its price then the final price of the product will also change. In this case, the cost of fertilizer rises then the price of wheat also be increase as it is a key factor for the production of wheat.

This increase in price will lead to decreases in the demand in the market. As the law of demand and supply states, here also decrease in demand will lead to a decrease in the supply as well.

Jason studied the relationship between teenagers' social media activity and their grades. He believes that he has discovered an important correlation between the two concepts. However, he did not use a control within his experiment. What problem has he created for his research?

His study will lack validity.

His study will lack reliability.

He may have found a spurious correlation.

He may not have had enough dependent variables.






extravagate number


it seems to be like he was not probabily clear with it

Which civilization developed approximately at the same time as the early city-states of Egypt and Mesopotamia?

A) Roman Empire

B) Indus Valley

C) Incan Empire



B) Indus Valley


The Indus Valley civilization, just like the city-states of early Egypt, and Mesopotamia, is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Along with Ancient China, the Indus Valley civilization is considered to be one of the four cradles of civilization.

All these four ancient civilizations had one thing in common and that is that they developed alongside rivers, reason why they are often called river civilizations.

pls awnser quick i will give brainlest
Which phrase best describes internment camps?(1 point)

A. prison camps where Japanese Americans were forced to live during World War II

B. camps that helped Americans ration items like gasoline, sugar, and coffee

C. prison camps where German prisoners had to live during World War II

D.camps where American soldiers trained to fight during World War II





The best description of internment camps, also known as concentration camps were prison camps where Japanese Americans were forced to live during World War II. These camps were created under to order of President Roosevelt shortly after the attack on pearl harbor. The US government feared that there may be National Security Risks involved with Japanese Americans living in the US while being at war with Japan. Therefore, they created these camps to keep all Japanese American individuals under close watch and accounted for at all times.


The Correct Answer Is A.  prison camps where Japanese Americans were forced to live during World War II


I Did The Test

What factors can directly affect supply? Check all that apply.

change in price of a substitute good
availability of materials, labor, and resources
producer’s ability to keep up with demand
competition and substitute goods
changes in consumer spending





pretty sure

What is the preamble to the constitution and what odes it state?


The purpose of the preamble of the Constitution is to introduce and explain the core ideas of the government's important principles. The odes states the people.

The south based their economy on..?



most likely cotton


I think its cotton because the south was the most region with slavery and cotton picking.

How were explorers important for westward movement?



they gathered the information and charted the land

On the first exam in an Introductory Psychology class, the grades are lower than Professor Mutola expected. She suspects that multitasking is to blame. She bans computers and cell phones from her class between the first and the second exam. When she compares the scores on the two exams, she finds a significant improvement on the second exam. Professor Mutola looks back over the second exam and begins to wonder if it was just an easier exam. Which threat to internal validity is she considering





Internal Validity

this is the rate of knowing or certainty that a change in the dependent variable (DV) happens or occur due to manipulations. It is the rate at which an experiment is free from extraneous variables.

There are different threats to internal validity. They includes;

1. Maturation

2. History

3. Regression

4. Attrition

5. Testing

6. Instrumentation

Instrumentation threat happens due to only when the pretest and posttest are not sufficiently equivalent. That is simply when the instrument usually called the observers that was used on the posttest and pretest is not the same (differ). This method is what researchers use to test changes over time.

Olivia is conducting a longitudinal study on adolescence. During the first wave she interviewed each participant about their familial relationships. She used the information she obtained to develop a measure of familial relationships that she administered during the second wave of the study. In the first wave, Olivia used _____, in the second wave she used _____. Question 45 options: qualitative research; quantitative research quantitative research; qualitative research interview data; archival data archival data; interview data



Olivia is conducting a longitudinal study on adolescence. During the first wave she interviewed each participant about their familial relationships. She used the information she obtained to develop a measure of familial relationships that she administered during the second wave of the study. In the first wave, Olivia used qualitative research, in the second wave she used quantitative research.


The qualitative research can be seen as a term that covers a series of methods and techniques with interpretive value that aims to describe, analyze, decode, translate and synthesize the meaning of facts that arise more or less naturally. It has a naturalistic interpretive approach towards its object of study, so it studies reality in its natural context, interpreting and analyzing the meaning of the phenomena according to the meanings it has for the people involved. Quantitative research is one in which quantitative data on variables are collected and analyzed. Its purpose is to find general laws that explain the nature of its object of study from observation, verification and experience. That is, from the analysis of experimental results that yield verifiable numerical or statistical representations.

Based on this reading, people in which country will be MOST affected by environmental changes brought on by human activities and climate change?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the reading. Without the reading, it is impossible to know what its content is.

However, trying to help you, we can share some ideas on this topic.

In general terms, according to experts, Japan, the Philippines, and Germany are the most affected countries due to the effects of climate change. But of course, there are many more that suffer from the effects of global warming and climate change.

Climate change or global warming is not new for planet earth. It is a phenomenon that has happened in the past according to scientists and national agencies. It is believed that global warming had caused natural disasters such as the melting of ice caps and the flooding of many lands on Earth, destroying life forms.

That is why right now, many agencies are closely researching climate change. Among those institutions are the US National Academy of Sciences, the Geological Society of America, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

if i was 12 years old and my brother is a new born .how old will he be if i graduate high school​



It Depends on whens his brithday


An exercise in which you act out an interview before the actual interview is
known as a
A. mock interview
B. dry review
c. formal interview
D. comprehensive review


I believe the answer is A, mock interview ^^

Answer:A mock interview


What are some of the most important food crops?( pick more then one)



i'd say corn rice and potatoes :)


Corn and rice.


Really just logic. Potatoes arent as vital, and bananas mangos and beans are optional. Rice to survive, corn to survive and you could make cornbread out of it. nothing else is really needed but water.



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Las causas de la llamada "Repartición de África y Asia" entre los países europeos, fue la siguiente.

Después e la Conferencia de Berlín en 1855, las potencias Europeas concluyeron realizar un reparto organizado de los territorios Africanos y Asiáticos, en lugar de estarse peleando entre ellos.

La conferencia fue convocada por el Primer Ministro Alemán Otto Von Bismarck, y la sede fue la ciudad alemana de Berlín.  Ahí, los poderosos países europeos como Gran Bretaña, Alemania, Francia, Portugal, España o Bélgica, literalmente se repartieron esos territorios sin tomar en cuenta la opinión de los países Africanos y Asiáticos.

Sencillamente tomaron la decisión y comenzaron la colonización de esos territorios. No respetaron fronteras, las modificaron, Incluso, dividieron tribus y separaron familias. No les importó.

Lo único que en realidad les importaba era explotar los recursos naturales y materias primas que abundaban en aquellas regiones. Sólo querían hacerse más ricos usando esos recursos para fabricar productos y venderlos.

In 1868, after the new constitution was written, the capital of Georgia was moved to
O Augusta
O Atlanta
O Savannah
O Columbus.





I’m pretty sure after the new constitution was written the capital moved to Atlanta

How is Biden going with him with the Dhaka project?


I have no idea you tell me

What is the topic of this cartoon and what is it trying to say?


it’s basically saying people needed to stop feeding into his childish games… i think

Which of Earth's oceans are included in the biosphere?
1. all oceans
2. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
3. Indian and Pacific Oceans
4. Artic ocean



no. 1) all oceans is the correct answer


1. all oceans is the required answer of your question

hope it is helpful to you

Identify and discuss social-economic factors that may influence your career or study choice


Answer :

related to my think9ing this should be asocial economic :

Five social-economic factors:

   Social Status    Social Expectations    Social Responsibility    Economic Security    Job Security

which body has the power to impeach the president?


The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .

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