If a nucleotide is removed from a gene, the order of nucleotides will shift, resulting in new 1. _______ being coded for. These will combine to form a different 2._______ than what the 3._______ originally coded for.


Answer 1


Amino acid; protein; gene.


Genomics refers to the scientific study of genes (DNA) found in living organisms such as humans and animals.

A gene can be defined as a complete set of hereditary instructions that is typically found in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

A nucleotide can be defined as an organic molecule which forms the building block of nucleic acid such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

Simply stated, a sequence of biomolecules which are responsible for coded genetic instructions in all living organisms is known as nucleotides.

Basically, nucleotide comprises of the following parts;

1. Nitrogenous base: this includes adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) which are mainly found in the DNA while adenine (A), guanine (G), uracil (U) and cytosine (C) are found in the RNA.

2. A phosphate group.

3. A penrose sugar: it is either deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA.

Furthermore, the two parts or chemical components of a nucleotide which do not change throughout the structure of DNA are;

I. Five-Carbon Sugar also known as deoxyribose and it has hydrogen on its second carbon.

II. Phosphate: this is the structural backbone that provides support to DNA.

Additionally, the proteins which are mainly synthesized based on the genetic instruction codes in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) determines the trait of living organisms.

Genome editing can be defined as a high-tech process which avail scientists the opportunity or ability to remove (delete), replace and insert Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence in a living organism such as bacterias, animals, plants etc in order to correct a genetic disorder and to improve on their physical and chemical conditions.

Hence, when you remove a nucleotide from a gene, the order of nucleotides shifts and as such resulting in new amino acid being coded for. These new amino acid will combine to form a different protein than what the gene was originally coded for.

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Difference between pure tone and speech audiometer



Speech audiometry was performed on 15 children with secretory otitis media pre-and post-operatively and the findings compared with the pre-and post-operative pure tone audiograms. The results showed that in 30 per cent of cases pre-operatively the speech audiogram suggested a significantly worse hearing ability than that suggested by the pure tone audiogram (PTA). Where a PTA gives a borderline threshold disproportionate parental concern should be taken seriously as the hearing ability may well be worse than the PTA suggests.

In meteorology, ____ is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​





An Air mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content. A front is the border between two air masses.

In meteorology, mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​

What is meteorology?

In the academic, public, and private sectors (government and business), meteorologists work in these fields. Some of the businesses and organizations who employ meteorologists or make use of various meteorological services.

Although we will touch on a few other topics as well, the main focus of this course will be on weather analysis and forecasting. After all, everyone is affected by the weather every single day in some way.

Meteorology is defined as "the science of the atmosphere covering both weather and climate" in the Met Office's Meteorological Glossary.

Therefore, In meteorology, mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​

To learn more about meteorology, refer to the link:



Which two stages are part of the cell cycle but not part of mitosis?



Interphase is one of the two


Interphase is often included in discussions of mitosis, but interphase is technically not part of mitosis

The mitotic phase and inter phase are the two primary stages of the cell cycle. The cell develops and DNA replication occurs during interphase. The duplicated DNA and cytoplasmic components are segregated and the cell splits during the mitotic phase.

What are the different phases of the cell cycle?The four stages of mitosis are prophase (sometimes known as early prophase and prometaphase), metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The mitosis movie contains more information about these phases. In cytokinesis, the cell's cytoplasm splits in two to create two new cells.A cell cycle is the sequence of events that occur in a cell as it grows and divides. A cell spends the majority of its time in what is known as interphase, where it grows, replicates its chromosomes, and prepares for cell division. The cell then exits interphase, goes through mitosis, and divides completely. Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are the stages. Cytokinesis is the final physical cell division that occurs after telophase and is thus sometimes considered a sixth mitotic phase.

To learn more about phase of cell refer to:



A person who is interested in learning more about the fight or flight response may pursue a career in?



A person who is interested in learning more about the "fight or flight" response may pursue a career in endocrinology


An example of natural selection is the peppered moth found in Europe. There are two color forms of this moth, shown in the diagram. Form X was more common before the industrial revolution covered the trees with smoke and dust. Form Y is more common after the industrial revolution. Which statement explains why these two color forms exist at the same time? *

Some organisms inherit traits enabling them to adapt better to the environment.
Some organisms acquire traits during their lifetimes that they pass to our offspring.
Some organisms do not reproduce as many offspring during their lifetimes.
Some organisms die before they reproduce offspring.


The answer is c
Some organssims

please answer asap! thanks :-)

Why won’t the antibodies for the common flu virus work against the avian flu?

[ give like 1-2 sentences for this one you don't need to specify that much (unless you want to) ]


because of the lungs there very strong. also because of what we have in our body .

5) Select True or False. If False, select the statement that makes it True. A piece of plastic is not a mineral because it is made in a factory and is not found naturally in the Earth. True False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is inorganic. False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is made in a factory and is not found naturally in the Earth False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is a mixture.​





The answer is true because Plastic is not a mineral. It is a solid and it has a definite chemical composition. Plastic is made from oil (an organic material) and it is made by humans - plastic is not a naturally occurring substance.





A natural resource is best defined as any naturally occurring material that is which of the following?

A. Used by people
B. Mined from Earth
C. Unlimited in quantity
D. Left untouched in nature


Used by people is the answer. :-)


The correct answer is B


A natural resource will always come from nature and it can be used for economic gain.

Yes, they can be used by people, but so can other resources, so the answer is not A.

Not all natural resources are unlimited, such as coal, are unlimited in quantity, so the answer is not C

Lastly, we do not leave natural resources untouched; we use them, so the answer is not D.

Please give me brainliest if I helped!

1.If rTMS is deemed a success, this treatment could be applied to other disorders by doing what?
2.Your aunt has Parkinson's. Which of the following treatments is most likely to help her?


Answer: B


1) If rTMS is deemed a success, it could be applied to other disorders by;

Option C; Increasing activity in the brain region involved.

2) The treatment most likely to help your aunt who has parkinson's is;

Option B; DBS

       1) rTMS is an acronym that means repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. The way it is used is that a coil is held above a part of the brain and recurring high magnetic pulses are targeted at specific brain structures.

This means that the activity of the region of the brain involved is stimulated.

Thus, when applied to other disorders, it could also be a success by increasing the activity in the brain region that is involved.

      2) Parkinson's disease is a neurological movement disorder. Now the best way to treat it is to transmit electrical impulses to a specific area of the brain that is responsible for the movement/motor symptoms that Parkinson's disease caused. This is done because electrical impulses interrupt the abnormal activity that occurs in the brain's circuitry which causes the symptoms of the Parkinson's' disease.

The treatment that goes through this process is called Deep Brain Simulation (DBS)

Read more at; https://brainly.com/question/10792839

Check each of the following statements that are true with regard to Griffith’s experiments.a. ______ Griffith discovered transformation in bacteria.b. ______ Mice injected with smooth bacteria quickly became sick and died.c. ______ Encapsulated bacteria can become "naked" bacteria.d. ______ Bacteria that do not have capsules tend to be harmless.e. ______ Smooth bacteria develop a capsule only after exposure to the DNA of encapsulated (rough) bacteria.f. ______ Griffith’s transforming factor was the protein in the capsule.g. ______ Transformation allows bacteria to acquire new genes.h. ______ Enzymes that destroyed DNA would prevent transformation.



The correct answer is - a, d, e, h, i.


Frederick Griffith performed an experiment of 1928 known as Griffith's experiment and showed that bacteria can get genetic material through a process called transformation.

The following statements are true:

Griffith found out transformation in bacteria.

Bacteria that are naked or smooth tend to be harmless.

Enzymes treated bacteria that destroyed DNA would prevent transformation.

Transformation allows bacteria to acquire new genes.

Naked or smooth bacteria can make them self encapsulated only after exposure to the DNA of encapsulated bacteria.

Which of the following statements about aquatic ecosystems IS correct?

Rivers and streams are flowing salt water ecosystems

Marine ecosystems are standing freshwater ecosystems

Ponds and lakes are flowing-water ecosystems

Estuaries are made of both fresh and salt water, where rivers meet the sea.


Hey! I think the correct answer would be the last one! Estuaries are where fresh water from rivers and streams mixed with salt water

In one fishing village in Alaska, the allele frequency of webbed feet is 0.10. This dominant trait causes affected individuals to have extra skin between each of their toes on both feet. Assume that the village is the entire breeding population and that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. What is the frequency of individuals in this village that have webbed feet



Phenotypic frequency of the dominant trait = 0.19 ⇒ the frequency of individuals in this village that have webbed feet


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files.

How are bioclastic sedimentary rocks different from other sedimentary rocks



Heyaaaa!!! Im Pinky and i'm here to tell you that your answer is...


!!!! bioclastic sedimentary rocks:

-They are formed form the wastes of animal, plants and other living organisms.

-Coal, demolites,Coral reefsetc are the examples.

-These are rich in carbon.

-They form in the area where there are low amount of oxygen exists.

Other sedimentary rocks:

-These are formed from the formation of precipitation of dissolved materials or from the mechanical weathering.

-Breccia, sandastone,shale,etc are the examples.

-These are rich in calcium.

-They can form anywhere.

Bye Have a Nice Day!!


How can cells store the sugar that is produced in photosynthesis?



it is stored as starch


Answer: It is stored as starch.

Explanation: that's what I would say. hope this helps and I hope you have a super fantastic day:)

2. Write one question that a
scientific experiment could


How long does it take for bread to start getting mold on it?

Sustainability is the ability to sustain production of goods today without impairing our ability to produce goods in the future. Managing resources for their continued use, not just conservation is the ultimate goal of sustainability. Aquaponics is a relatively new branch of food production which utilizes both plant production and fish production in one. In essence, it combines aquaculture and hydroponics (raising plants without soil) in which fish and plants are grown together in one integrated system. The waste from fish provides an organic food source (fertilizer) for the plants and the plants naturally filter the water for the fish. Aquaponics is becoming a popular way to grow both fish and plants because of the advantages it provides to society. What would NOT be an advantage of aquaponics?

A) Evaporative losses are significantly reduced, so water is conserved.

B) Since the fish supply the nutrients needed for plant growth, costly fertilizers are not needed.

C) Vegetables can grow in a climate controlled environment, preventing farming losses from a bad season.

D) Aquaponic systems require electricity to run the system which can be difficult in developing countries.


Answer: Aquaponic systems require electricity to run the system which can be difficult in developing countries.

Answer:aquaponics would create further divide between the rich and poor as electricity is needed to run the system. Underdeveloped countries would essentially be socially excluded from this system

Which of the following is NOT part of the Cell Theory?

A. All organisms are composed of cells

B. Cells come from pre-existing cells.

C. Cells are the unit of life within an organism.

D. All organisms are composed of 2 or more cells.

E. All of these choices are parts of the Cell Theory.



Hi, there I believe your answer will be

D because In the cell theory

It has 3 cell theory info which are:

The cell is the basic unit of life.

All living organisms are composed of cells.

All cells come from pre-existing cells.

Hope this helps :)


Parasites only affect species that are prone or unclean.




The answer is False

Stage each label to the correct location on the image. Classify the sources of energy as renewable or non renewable.


Renewable energy: Biofuel, tides, waves, geothermal

Non-renewable energy: Hydrocarbons, gas hydrates

A graph here shows the average frequency of beak depth for a species of
birds in an area. There is a higher frequency of intermediate beak depths,
with some variation within the population for beak size. A homeowner
removes the native landscaping that contained trees and shrubs that
formed fruits and nuts. The homeowner plants new trees that produce only
larger sized nuts. No more smaller berries or intermediate fruit food
sources are available. What is the most likely impact of the change in the
food supply within the homeowner's vicinity? Select ALL that apply.*
Natural Selection
Fitness in Present Environment
Beak Depth
There will be a decrease in frequency for beak sizes labeled at point 2 on the graph.
Natural selection will likely favor an increase in frequency for beak sizes at point 3 on
the graph.
Individual birds will migrate to the area, increasing the frequency of beak sizes at
point 1 on the graph.
The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to
directional selection.
The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to
stabilizing selection


Answer: A,B,D

Explanation: trust i just did it on USA test prep:)

Natural selection will likely favor an increase in frequency for beak sizes at point 3 on the graph.

There will be a decrease in frequency for beak sizes labeled at point 2 on the graph.

The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to directional selection.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution that occurs when individuals with certain advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to their offspring. This process leads to a gradual change in the genetic makeup of a population over time, as beneficial traits become more common and less advantageous traits become less common.

Natural selection occurs because resources in nature are limited, leading to competition for survival and reproduction. The individuals with traits that best suit them to their environment will have a higher chance of success, while those with less suitable traits are more likely to die or fail to reproduce. Natural selection is a key driver of evolution and is responsible for the diversity of life on Earth.

Learn more about natural selection, here:



Which codon is the code for the amino acid serine (Ser)? please help​



4. What are the six methods by which pathogens transmit themselves?

Pls help I need a Genius to solve this


Pathogens can be transmitted a few ways depending on the type. They can be spread through skin contact, bodily fluids, airborne particles, contact with feces, and touching a surface touched by an infected person



Answer: D


The wind is the atmosphere and the birds are the biosphere

Hope this helps

How are nebulae and stars related? Select the three correct answers.

A. Stars explode to form nebulae.

B. Nebulae explode to form stars.

C. Nebulae form from stars.

D. Stars are pulled toward nebulae.

E. Stars form from nebulae.

F. Ebulae are found inside stars.



Stars form from nebulae. Stars explode to form nebulae. Nebulae form from stars. (are the correct answers)


Nebulae and stars are related in the following ways:

Stars explode to form nebulae.Stars form from nebulaeNebulae form from stars.

Nebulae refer to a giant cloud that consists of gas and dust that are in space. They're bodies of clouds that are special.

It should be noted that nebulae consist of helium, hydrogen, cosmic dust, etc. It should be noted that in some nebulae, there are stars that are formed from large clouds of dust and gas.

In such a case, when some stars have been formed in the cloud, they'll then illuminate the cloud with their lights.

In conclusion, it should also be known that when there is an explosion of a star that's dying, this then forms nebulae.

Read related link on:


Determine whether each of the following are characteristic of open-mindedness, skepticism, or both.
an important part of science
the interest in new or different ideas
if not checked, it can prevent progress
leads to critical evaluation of ideas
if not checked, it can lead to ideas being accepted without significant evidence
to support them
1 Intro




One of the big challenges for a nucleic acid vaccine is actually getting the DNA or RNA to go inside the host cell's membrane. One way to do this is to wrap the nucleic acid up in a little package of macromolecules just like how the golgi body packages things up things we want to export. Based on this description, you would guess that the best thing to package the genetic material would be:


Question Completion:

- a large carbohydrate with partial charges

- a phospholipid

- a nucleic acid carrying

- a negative charge

- a highly polar protein


Based on this description, you would guess that the best thing to package the genetic material would be:

- a phospholipid


Since phospholipids work to provide pathways for various substances across cell membranes, they appear to be the best agents or packages for exporting the genetic material of a nucleic acid vaccine.  As cell membranes, phospholipids can allow selective passage of some substances into and out of the cells, even though they act as barriers to other molecules and ions.

B. How do the roots of the trees may help in controlling soil erosion?

a.They keep the soil more intact

b. They go deep down the ground.

c. They absorb nutrients from the soil

d. All of the above​


I believe the answer is d, all of the above ^^

It would probably be d

A virologist has a cell-free extract of herpes simplex virus (HSV) that has a titer of 6 x 106 infectious virus particles/mL. This virus forms plaques on monolayers of the monkey kidney cell line, CV-1. Following completion of a 10-fold dilution series, the virologist plates 100 microliters of each sample in duplicate.

What experimental results did he MOST LIKELY observe in the duplicate plates corresponding to his 1:10000 dilution?



61 for Plate 1 ,

59 for Plate 2


Given that the original stock has a concentration of  6 * 10^6 infectious virus particles /mL

and it was diluted by 1:10000

New concentration = ( 6 * 10^6 ) / 10000 = 600 infectious virus particles/ mL

Also given that the virologist plates 100 mL of each sample

therefore; 0.1 mL has a count of 60.

The experimental results that he is most likely to observe in the duplicate plates will be ;

61 for (Plate 1) ,

59 for (Plate 2)

Jane Goodall did some things that would probably not be done today in a scientific study. What were some things?

A. She gave the chimps names

B. She allowed them to get used to her presence

C. She gave them some food

D. All of the above



Answer is D, all of the above

Which layer of the ocean do you think is most impacted by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Explain your answer.


The layer most  affected by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the abyssopelagic zone or bottom layer of the ocean.

What is Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

The term Great Pacific Garbage Patch refers to the accumulation of debris that have long been found along the North Pacific Ocean.

It has affected the ecosystem in the affected area and its impact is more greatly felt in the abyssopelagic zone or bottom layer of the ocean.

Learn more about Great Pacific Garbage Patch:https://brainly.com/question/10429529


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