If a female spinach plant with flat (FF) green (GG) leaves is crossed (pollination and fertilization occur) with a male spinach plant with crinkly (ff) purple (gg) leaves, what allelles and traits will the offspring inherit?

B) This is an example of what type of reproduction?


Answer 1
A) all offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves
B) sexual reproduction

f Ff Ff all offspring will have flat leaves
f Ff Ff
g Gg Gg all offspring will have green leaves
g Gg Gg
Answer 2

All offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves.

B) sexual reproduction

Related Questions

A population of birds is blown by a storm to an island off the mainland.
The island has very few trees, and the bird population on the island
develops new nesting behaviors. Mainland birds nest in trees, island birds
nest on the ground. After a long period of time, the island birds are
reunited with the mainland birds, it is observed that the two populations
can no longer interbreed. This is an example of: *
Behavioral isolation
Geographical isolation
Nonrandom mating
All of these


I say that it is because of nonrandom mating because the genes have been changed down the line.

How do T-cells help with destroying viruses?


They secrete chemical messages known as cytokines to stimulate the non-specific immune response to continue, to strengthen and to boost appropriate specific responses.

Answer:T-cells are a type of white blood cell that work with macrophages. Unlike macrophages that can attack any invading cell or virus, each T-cell can fight only one type of virus. You might think this means macrophages are stronger than T-cells, but they aren’t. Instead, T-cells are like a special forces unit that fights only one kind of virus that might be attacking your body.The T-cell receptor fits with its antigen like a complex key. When the perfectly shaped virus antigen on an infected cell fits into the Killer T-cell receptor, the T-cell releases perforin and cytotoxins. ... Cytotoxins go directly inside the cell through this pore, destroying it and any viruses inside.


Hope this helps :) Can u plz mark me branliest :)


One city is at a higher latitude than another city. How does this make the two climates different?

A) The higher the latitude, the lower the temperature.
B) The higher the latitude, the higher the temperature.
C) Latitude does not affect precipitation, but changes the temperature.
D) Latitude does not affect temperature, but changes the precipitation.


Answer: D) Latitude does not affect temperature, but changes the precipitation.

Explanation: Hope it helps :)


answer is b


which best describes how scientists found the human gene that makes insulin?
A. They worked backwards from mRNA to DNA.
B. They found insulin-producing genes in bacteria.
C. They used the base sequence to find the amino acid sequence.
D. They cloned insulin proteins using PCR



i got answer A


it is a swollen structure at the end of a style​



Stigma is the swollen structure at the end of a style.

In other words, stigma is the entrance to the pollen grains or as the landing platform for the pollen grains.


Please give me brainlist


Stigma is the swollen structure at the end of a style.


please give brainliest ⭐

yall biology is not it i really need help with it


What do u need help with?

Were you able to identify a cell undergoing cytokinesis in an onion cell? Explain.



Mitosis and meiosis are different types of cell division, and although they are first ... One could be forgiven for the assumption that the classic 'onion root tip squash' ... magnification using the eyepiece and objective lens, you will need to be able to ... about how the cells were being used, and had been given no explanation, ...


The cells of the ONION ROOT TIP undergo cytokinesis. This process is evidenced under the microscope by the formation of the CELL PLATE between two daughter cells.

Mitosis is a type of somatic cell division that has four main steps (prophase, metaphase, telophase and anaphase) followed by cytokinesis.

Moreover, cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm to form two daughter cells.

The cell plate is a transient compartment that grows between daughter cells. Once cytokinesis is completed, the cell plate gives rise to the cell wall.

In conclusion, the cells of the ONION ROOT TIP undergo cytokinesis. This process is evidenced under the microscope by the formation of the CELL PLATE between two daughter cells.

Learn more in:


Write a set of directions for a red blood cell to deliver oxygen to the brain. Lungs heart-brain aorta arteries veins


Answer: How does oxygen get into the bloodstream? Inside the air sacs, oxygen moves across paper-thin walls to tiny blood vessels called capillaries and into your blood. A protein called haemoglobin in the red blood cells then carries the oxygen around your body.OK Our typical red cell passes from the capillary into the venules, and then into veins. It flows back to the right side of the heart, completing the second loop of its circuit [music out]. As we saw, it then travels back to the lungs.The heart, blood and blood vessels work together to service the cells of the body. Using the network of arteries, veins and capillaries, blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs (for exhalation) and picks up oxygen. From the small intestine, the blood gathers food nutrients and delivers them to every cell.

hope this helps have a awesome night/day


please help me. i will love u forever



éu mmhilão mo ei e


tô tanendomaissoc or roooo

please help meeeee thankyouuu


1. A cinder cone is a steep conical hill of loose pyroclastic fragments, such as volcanic clinkers, volcanic ash, or cinder that has been built around a volcanic vent. The pyroclastic fragments are formed by explosive eruptions or lava fountains from a single, typically cylindrical, vent.

FORMS : Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air, it breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a circular or oval cone.

2. Lava flows are streams of molten rock that pour or ooze from an erupting vent. Lava is erupted during either nonexplosive activity or explosive lava fountains.

FORMS : Lava forms when magma erupts from a volcano. As pressure is released gases, dissolved in the magma, bubble out so the composition of lava changes. Most lava flows are formed by the eruption of hot.

3. A shield volcano is a type of volcano usually composed almost entirely of fluid lava flows. It is named for its low profile, resembling a warrior's shield lying on the ground.

Lavas, particularly basaltic ones, come in two primary types: pahoehoe (pronounced 'paw-hoey-hoey") and aa (pronounced "ah-ah"). Both names, like a number of volcanological terms, are of Hawaiian origin. A third type, pillow lava, forms during submarine eruptions.
Volcano A - Cinder Cone Volcano
Volcano B - Composite Volcano
Volcano C - Shield Volcano

4. Cinder cones are known for their very violent, explosive, exciting eruptions. (A)

Composite volcanoes are explosive, towering giants. (B)

Shield volcanoes quietly produce broad, massive structures through lava flows. (C)

5. Composite volcanoes have very sticky and thick lava, which can make them very explosive when they erupt: gas bubbles that are trapped in the magma chamber find it hard to escape through the viscous rock. They can also spurt lots of hot ash and rocks into the air, making them extremely dangerous.

Is methemoglobinemia recessive or dominate? Provide examples to back up your answer





The inheritance pattern of the congenital enzyme deficiency form of the disease is autosomal recessive. Hb M is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. There is no association between sex and the frequency of congenital methemoglobinemia.

Methemoglobinemia is an autosomal recessive congenital disorder. It means that both copies of the gene are found to be recessive in order to express a phenotype.

What do you mean by the Dominant trait?

The Dominant trait may be defined as a form of trait which governs by the presence of at least one dominant copy of that gene.

Methemoglobinemia may be defined as a blood disorder in which very little amount of oxygen is delivered to your cells. Cells may feel the scarcity of oxygen.

If an individual is affected by this disorder, both the copies of its gene are found in a recessive form in order to mask the effect of a dominant copy.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Methemoglobinemia, refer to the link:



Which statement best describes the chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands?


Answer: B if its wrong so be it


Forensic DNA examination found the earliest known ancestors of modern
dogs occurred



By analyzing the DNA of two prehistoric dogs from Germany, an international research team has determined that their genomes were the probable ancestors of modern European dogs. The finding suggests a single domestication event of modern dogs from a population of gray wolves that occurred between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago.

what would happen to the earth the moon and the sun if there was no gravity acting on these objects in space?



Without the force of gravity from the Earth, it would just float away into space. This mix of velocity and distance from the Earth allows the Moon to always be in balance between fall and escape. If it was faster, it would escape; any slower and it would fall!


Hope it helps ;)

why do dna strands copy different



Because the two strands of a DNA molecule have complementary base pairs, the nucleotide sequence of each strand automatically supplies the information needed to produce its partner.


Which of the following plant propagation methods requires sterile conditions?

• hybridization
• clone by layering
• root division
• tissue culture


the answer is tissue culture

Why do deserts tend to form on land at latitudes of 20-30 degrees north and south?



Deserts can form even on tropical coasts beside cold ocean currents, such as the west coast of South America. The currents cool the air, which then rises and warms as it moves over land, drawing up moisture that is later precipitated as the air moves farther inland.

what is the complementary dna strand for AGC CAT GTA TAC





The answer is the second one bc they mix together when there is incomplete dominance

Investigators are looking for the igniter used at their crime scene. Which igniter is most likely to leave evidence behind for investigators to discover?

A cigarette lighter
A cigarette butt
A match
A Molotov cocktail


A cigarette lighter considering the suspect touched it and left fingerprints
A cigarette lighter because it would most likely cause fire out of all the other options listed

Sustainability in the modern world means using the world's resources without depleting them.
(Tor F)
Please answer





Eventually, all resources would be depleted. Even though it would take generations and it wouldn't be in our lifetimes, it would happen eventually.  

Make a key out of this picture, in other words differentiate between each. ​



They are different due to their colour, number of petals, and shape of petals.


These flowers are different from one another because of their colour, number of petals, and shape of petals. Some flowers are pink in colour, some are white and others are yellow in colour. Some has five petals whereas some has four petals. Some petals of flowers has circular shape, some petals has pointed shape, while others are 'W' shape.

What is the Heat Source in the experiment?



I’m pretty sure it should be the light ;)


Sorry if it wrong

The _____ is most closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.
a. Lysosome
b. Centriole
c. Peroxisome
d. None of the above



A) Lysosome


A lysosome is a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes. Lysosomes are involved with various cell processes. They break down excess or worn-out cell parts. They may be used to destroy invading viruses and bacteria.

Answer: It is A

Explanation: it is in Quizlet.

Which of the following are reasons Earth's atmosphere makes conditions suitable for life? (multiple answers)

stops earthquakes

protects us from harmful radiation

traps heat

provides oxygen for breathing



B and C I think


Those ones make the most sense in my opinion.

Which of the following is a function of proteins?
(2 points)
repairs body tissue
speeds up chemical reactions
prevents infections & illness
all of the above


all of the above i think

what are the reactants of the krebs cycle?



The only reactants of the Krebs cycle proper are acetyl CoA and the four-carbon molecule, oxaloacetate.

What event is considered the beginning of the Reformation?
A. Luther translating the Bible into German
B. The posting of the 95 Theses
C. The sale of indulgences
D. Luther's belief in salvation by faith alone



The posting of the 95 Theses

What does a model of the carbon cycle show?

A. The amount of Earth’s carbon is constant.

B. The amount of Earth’s carbon cannot be determined.

C. The amount of Earth’s carbon decreases.

D. The amount of Earth’s carbon increases.
I think its A



Changes that put carbon gases into the atmosphere result in warmer temperatures on Earth. This diagram of the fast carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon between land, atmosphere, and oceans. Yellow numbers are natural fluxes, and red are human contributions in gigatons of carbon per year.

The model of the carbon cycle determines the amount of earth's carbon is constant. Thus, option A is correct.

Carbon is the element that is responsible for the major life forms on earth. The conversion of carbon in varying life forms and the reservoir is given by the carbon cycle.

What is the effect of the carbon cycle on the amount of carbon?

The carbon cycle is operated for the analysis of the conversion of the carbon in different states and life forms in the earth.

The conversion results in the change in the state of the carbon and its concentration in different constituents.

The earth is the reserved closed system and is consisted of a fixed amount of elements.

Thus, the amount of carbon in the earth is constant in the model of the carbon cycle. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about carbon cycle, here:


pls help!!! osmosis help needed!!



1. 10% 2. 90% 3. 80% 2. Yes 3. Into 3. Swell 6. Hypotonic


1. Given the image, it shows there is 10% glucose outside the cell.

2. Because there is 10% glucose outside the cell, you can automatically conclude that there is 90% of water outside. (You want it to equal to 100%. So, 10 + 90 = 100)

3. Given 20% glucose inside the cell based on the image, you can conclude that there is 80% water inside the cell.

2. Yes, osmosis will occur. Osmosis is the movement of water from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. In this case, there is more water outside the cell than in. So, yes, osmosis will occur.

3. The water will move into the cell (There's less water inside, and more outside, so of course, the water will move in).

3. The cell will swell, since water is getting moved in.

6. This is a hypotonic solution. Definition of a hypotonic solution: The concentration of solutes outside the cell is less than that of water. Hypotonic solutions always swell, as water moves into it.

Hopes this helps!^^ I tried the best I could at explaining.