Identify the sentence which uses quotation marks correctly.
es )
"I'm reading the story "The Rain'," said Julie.
"I'm reading the story "The Rain," said Julie.
"I'm reading the story 'The Rain'", said Julie.
"I'm reading the story" "The Rain," said Julie.


Answer 1
i am pretty sure it’s C)

Related Questions

In which situation would a video be the BEST choice?

showing the location of Buddhist temples
explaining trends in test scores
telling what a graphic image means
showing how a flute should be played



Showing how a flute should be played.


Video media is the use of a video or film to present or show things. Videos or moving films are used to make the audience better understand and grasp what the speaker wants to say or explain.

The use of a video will be best for explaining or showing how a flute should be played. This is because the act of playing the flute is not something that can be easily explained or told through words or actions. By seeing the way a flute is actually played, and how it is managed, a learner can better grasp the process of learning how to play the flute.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth or last option.


showing how a flute should be played


how does the dialogue help the reader understand the characters torvalds and nora​



The indirect characterization used in dialogue between Nora and Torvald helps to understand both characters.


"A Doll's House" is a play written by Henrik Ibsen, based on the real-life events of his friend, Laura Kieler and her marriage.

The dialogues serve a major purpose in the drama to understand the characters of the play. Using the technique of indirect characterization, Ibsen has painted his characters and their characteristics.

The conversation between Nora and Torvald helps us to understand their character. For instance, the way Torvald address Nora, it tells us that he considered her more like a child than an adult, and Nora accepted his remarks with a smile.

This box is ___________ heavy, but I can lift it.
A) Very
B) too
C) much
D) many


ThE cOrReCt AnSwEr Is TOO. I hOpE iT hElPs


Select one of the issues listed below and discuss its effects on the region.




population in north africa . there are many people in africa in general but in northern africa it's more condensed . the more people in a place the more resources you need. to have resources you need producers. which would also add into economics.


100 POINTS!! To say that "close reading is an iterative process" suggests that:

close reading requires one very slow session of reading
close reading means always trusting your first impression
close reading is important to the reader's understanding
close reading involves reading a text again and again



its the last one


trust me ik


the last one i got it right on my test :))


"You're going to love tonight's dinner," said Dad, placing a steaming dish on the dining room table. "I'm calling it 'Everyone's Favorite Soup."
"I'm sure it's delicious," said Mother brightly. But Matt wasn't so sure. He loved his dad, but when it was Dad's night to cook, you never knew
what you'd get. After his first bite, Matt knew that "Everyone's Favorite Soup" was not his favorite soup.
"Oh, I forgot the salad," said Dad.
"I'll help," said Mother, following him to the kitchen. Matt saw his chance and took it.
"Here, Dusty," he whispered, motioning to his dog.
Why does Matt call his dog?
1. He wants to give his dog a hug.
2. He wants to take his dog for a walk.
3. He wants to give his dinner to the dog.
4. He wants his dog to go into the kitchen.



He wants to give his dinner to the dog.


Hope this helps have a great day!!! :)


3. He wants to give his dinner to the dog.


Although it isn't stated specifically, we can make an inference that Matt will feed his dinner to the dog.

The phrase, "...Matt knew that "Everyone's Favorite Soup" was not his favorite soup," tells us that Matt does not want to have the soup.

Next, from the sentence, "Matt saw his chance and took it," we can guess that Matt is about to get rid of his soup.

So, from the information given, we can guess that Matt will give Dusty his soup.

The answer, then, is 3. He wants to give his dinner to the dog.

Good luck ^^

1. Why are advertising companies helpful?
They only include facts and evidence about the product.
They research and compare your product to similar products already available.
They purchase, test, and try your product to give consumers an honest review.
They design creative ways for consumers to learn about your product.


Answer: They design creative ways for consumers to learn about your product.


Option D. They design creative ways for consumers to learn about your product.

It's important because it can drive business growth. Advertising works to amplify your small business marketing and helps you reach the right audience with positive, targeted messaging that converts potential customers into paying customers.

What are the big 4 marketing firms?

Summary. The advertising world is dominated by the 'Big Four' agencies: WPP, Omnicom, Publicis Groupe, and Interpublic Group of Companies.

Learn more about advertising companies at


Modern technology is helpful or harmful



The use of technology has made everyday life more convenient for everyone. Unfortunately, as a result, it has led to trouble sleeping, created unnecessary stress for its users and has increased laziness. It would appear that technology is just as harmful as it is helpful




You could argue that modern technology is both helpful and harmful

According to "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," what is the difference between a poet and a Negro poet? Select all that apply.

A poet is white, and a Negro poet is black.
A poet fits within the mold of American standardization.
A Negro poet is not influenced by the standard of whiteness.
A poet has confidence, while a Negro poet faces many hardships.


It is the fourth one


I think its D


Read the passage.

Damon and Pythias

How does the author create surprise in this myth?

A. The author foreshadows that Pythias will not return, but he does.

B. The author draws a parallel between Pythias and Damon, but Damon turns out to be braver.

C. The author sets up Dionysius as cruel, but he is won over by the example of the two friends.

D. The author establishes intense loyalty between the friends, but Damon betrays Pythias in the end.


I don’t see the passage, but I’ll go on A with this one. Good luck!

Which excerpt from chapter 3 of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde illustrates a character vs. character
Hosts loved to detain the dry lawyer, when the light-hearted and loose-tongued had already their foot on the
threshold; they liked to sit a while in his unobtrusive company.
O The large handsome falte of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyes. "I do
not care to hear more," said he. "This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop."
O "My good Utterson," said the doctor, "this is very good of you, this is downright good of you, and I cannot find words
to thank you in. I believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself."
O But I do sincerely take a great, a very great interest in that young man; and if I am taken away, Utterson, I wish you
to promise me that you will bear with him and get his rights for him."


Answer: The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyes. "I do not care to hear more," said he. "This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop."


In a character vs. character conflict, it should be noted that two characters have needs, desires, motivations, or beliefs which makes them to be in opposition with each other.

Based on the information given, the case that illustrates a character vs. character conflict will be "The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyes. "I do not care to hear more," said he. "This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop."

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
Select one:

“Listening to music always helps me study, Susan explained.”

As my mother always said, this too shall pass.”

In today’s newspaper, the mayor stated, “We currently have a pothole problem.”

“Books,” as Mr. Hopkins reminded us, are windows to the rest of the world.”



it is not number one or four it is three.


Part A
Which structure does the author use to organize information
in "Improving Old MacDonald's Farm"?
O comparison contrast
o order of importance
O problem and solution
Ochronological order


Answer: the answer is o comparison information


Based on the given information, the structure that the author uses to organize information in "Improving Old MacDonald's Farm" is problem and solution, which is in the third option.

What is the structure of the problem and the solution?

In a problem and solution structure, the author typically presents a problem or issue, explains why it is a problem, and then proposes one or more solutions to address it. This structure is often used in persuasive and informative writing, as it aims to convince readers that a particular problem exists and that there are practical solutions that can be implemented to address it. In "Improving Old MacDonald's Farm," the author presents the problem of outdated and inefficient farming practices used by Old MacDonald. The author explains the negative consequences of these practices, such as high costs, low yields, and environmental damage.

Hence, the structure that the author uses to organize information in "Improving Old MacDonald's Farm" is problem and solution, which is in the third option.

Learn more about the problem and solution structure here.





1.Think about something you are confident about.
Is it sports, grades, friends, fashion, a talent, a “job” you do?
Write an entry about the moment you become confident

2. Think of a grudge you’ve been holding.
Are you mad at someone for something? Why? How did it happen? What can you do to forgive and overcome this grudge?


1) There are many things I am confident about, but my most confident area is, playing football. I love playing football, I really do. It is such an engaging sport, it’s very hands on. I am really experienced and have been playing football since I was 6 years old. I have played in so many games, I lost count. I hope to continue playing football, and even get on a college team.

2) I don’t hold grudges often, but one grudge I have is against my old friend. When we were 7 years old, he broke my Jackie Robinson figure. I cried for so long, it was my 4th birthday gift from my grandpa. I will never forget it. I wish I could have fixed it. I will never talk to that person again.

Guide Questions :
1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?
2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?
3.Did you hear a sound?
4.Did the sound coming the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it? When you released it again?​


Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. The missing part of the question is shown in the attached document.


After performing the stated activity we could observe the following:

1. The ruler went in the opposite direction after it was released.

2. The ruler had a plain movement.

3. Depending on the length of the ruler, we could notice the "pitch" was high with a shorter ruler and low with a long ruler.

4. Yes, the sound later tops suddenly. The reason for this was that the air supply around the ruler was reduce when it was held making the vibrations to stop.

Fill in the blanks:-

1. The tiger expected the royal food to taste____________



The answer is zibra bro

That's der royal food =)

The answer is yummy . Thts the answer

COMMON LIT (teens using social media for good deeds)

Explain the relationship between social media and positive social change

in the text. Use details from the text to support your answer.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

According to the Common Lit article titled "Teens Using Social Media for Good Deeds," the relationship between social media and positive social change serve to give social media a different and positive meaning, rather than be used to bullying other people or to waste time in entertainment and evasion.

According to the article, some students had the idea to use social media as a positive tool for change and to help other students. That is the case of the blog called "Wondermint Kids," or "Girl Folk," a blog for girls who like art and music.

Other kids like Michael and Mart, have blogs to promote their favorite major league baseball teams, which indicates that instead of wasting time in nonsense-scrolling the social media site or in cyberbullying, teens can use these platforms to write about interesting and constructive things.

The relationship between the social media and positive social change in the text is:

Social media can be used to do good and promote good values instead of bullying.

Based on the complete text on CommonLit, we can see that there is the narration about the positive uses of the social media among teens and  how they can be used to do good deeds.

With this in mind, we can see that some students decided to make use of social media as a tool for positive change and with this in mind, good values can be promoted.

Read more about social media here:

Think of a topic related to energy that you would like to research. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would use search terms to effectively find information about the topic. Include the specific search terms you would use and explain how you would refine your search.(4 points)



hi I am so sorry I'm late! I hope I'm not to late but lets see


alright im not that good at these but lets see

Hello my fellow readers I will be choosing the sun for this little assignment. If I was going to be looking for good research about the sun I will make sure to be specific for example " Why is the sun a star of energy

" "How did the sun find its home in space " The source I would use when searching for this kind of stuff is gogle. I will make sure I choose a good looking website. And I would put what I found in quotations from the author.

Sorry if this isn't much help i didn't get much sleep last night and i saw this and wanted to help :(

Which action by another character MOST
influences Pisthetaerus to suggest that
Epops should found his own city?
Epops describing what life is like among the
Euelpides explaining why they are visiting the
home of the birds
Epops joking that the men must enjoy facing
Euelpides describing the kind of interactions
they want to have with neighbors





Answer: c

Explanation: it just is

Answer FAST *15 points*

Read the passage:

Just because you can get a credit card doesn't mean you should. When you turn 18, the idea of getting your own credit card can be exciting. But if you don't pay off your debt each month, you could be on the hook for high interest other fees. "Think twice before you sign up for your first credit card," says Brenda Coleman, a credit counselor.

Why should you double-check the information in the last sentence?

A. It contains a punctuation error.
B. It contains a direct quotation.
C. It contains a statistic.
D. It contains a spelling error.






B. It contains a direct quotation.


The excerpt is between quotation marks

Describe some of the tactics used by the military to indoctrinate child soldiers, and their lasting effects on Beah in a long way gone


In order to acclimate children to war and mold them into effective killing machines, Lieutenant Jabati and his men employ several different tactics: drugs, pop culture, and several modes of emotional manipulation transform boys into killers. When Beah is about to go on his first raid, he is handed white pills for "energy". These white pills, plus brown brown and marijuana create a constant haze. Ultimately, there is a disconnect from reality when the addiction takes hold. Without the drugs, as in Benin Home, Beah becomes aggressive and the boys resort to raiding the hospital to quell their hunger. When the drugs begin to wear off, Beah's headaches return - as do images of slaughter.

Violent movies, like the drugs, help to create a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere for the boy soldiers. They would often go on attacks in the middle of films like Rambo or Commando, sometimes acting out techniques seen in the movies on the battlefield, and then pick up where they left off when returning to base. The reality of war bleeds into the fiction of war films, which helps to further disconnect the soldiers from the truth of situation. Beah's almost cinematic nightmares feel like a product of this conditioning and only through rehabilitation is he able to confront and discuss his wartime actions.

When he is being trained, Beah learns to channel his rage and seek vengeance for his family. Though he had spent months suppressing his emotions for the sake of survival, Lieutenant Jabati and his men encourage Beah and the boys to tap into the fear and anguish in order to kill. This gives the boys a personal motivation for each kill; though it is unlikely they are targeting the actual rebels who murdered their families. Jabati also exploits his authority by staging contests where the person who kills a prisoner fastest is the "winner". When Beah wins, there is a sense that Jabati is proud of him. In a way, Jabati becomes a father figure to the boys. When Beah and Alhaji are given up to the UNICEF workers, Beah feels betrayed by Jabati. In creating a power dynamic between them, Beah's trust is shattered. It takes the efforts of nurse Esther and other aid workers to begin rebuilding Beah's trust in adults.

You have to be serious with that you are doing in the military . Hope this helps

Stories of Dystopian Literature



Hunger Games

Ship Breaker


fahrenheight 451


semnificatia titlului. ce inseamna ca fetita l-a luat pe NU in brate?



Could u pls write ur question in english..?

: D


1. Which statement best describes the theme of the passage?
O A Clothing can help us express our interests and personalities.
OB Things that we like at first can become unappealing over time.
O C Things that we dislike at first can become special to us over time.
OD Middle school is a tough time because it is difficult to make new


A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature. The correct option is D:- Middle school is a tough time because it is difficult to make new friends.

Describes the theme of the passage?

Junior year is often the hardest year of high school, the transition from middle school to 9th grade can also be tough.

To make it easier, don't feel afraid to reach out to your teachers and counselors, and take advantage of the available support resources.

For more information about Middle school, refer to the link:-

Based on chapters 6 & 7. describe Frederick Douglass clever learning strategies. How do these strategies help him to achieve his
educational goals?

Pls be at least 3-5 sentences if possible


Answer: Douglass lives in Hugh Auld’s household for about seven years. During this time, he is able to learn how to read and write, though Mrs. Auld is hardened and no longer tutors him. Slavery hurts Mrs. Auld as much as it hurts Douglass himself. The mentality of slavery strips her of her inherent piety and sympathy for others, making her hardened and cruel.

However, Douglass has already learned the alphabet and is determined to learn how to read. He gives bread to poor local boys in exchange for reading lessons. Douglass writes that he is now tempted to thank these boys by name, but he knows that they would suffer for it, as teaching blacks still constitutes an offense. Douglass recalls the boys sympathetically agreeing that he no more deserved to be a slave than they did themselves.

Explanation: hope this helps

Read the passage below and answer the question.
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered
by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of
your own mind.
Which sentence best sums up the passage from "Self-Reliance"?

Always conform to the standards of society.

Believe in yourself instead of conforming to the values of others.

Your mind may deceive you.

Be careful of your own intuition if it contradicts social customs.


Answer:Believe in yourself instead of conforming to the values of others?


How does Bruno feel when he looks out his window?



I don't know because I really don't know who Bruno is


Pls hellllllllllllllllp me get this right


Declaring independence so yes 133


ne Pager Assignment for “Little Bee” excerpt by Chris Cleave

You are going to create a one-pager that demonstrates your understanding of the text.


Use one slide, one document page, one piece of paper, or a similar digital format for creating your one-pager.
If you choose to create your document digitally, you can use images from the internet.
If you choose to create your document using a piece of paper, you need to include color in your creation and will have to submit a clear picture of your one-pager.
The title and author of the book needs to be included on your one-pager
Your one-pager needs to include at least THREE images that represent characters, the setting, or themes from the excerpt you read. These are pictures that you find on the internet or create on your own.
Your one-pager needs to include TWO important quotations from the excerpt.
Your one-pager needs to include TWO questions with answers to demonstrate your deep understanding of the text. (Think about literary devices used, motivations of characters, etc.)
Your one-pager needs to include a prediction about what you think the rest of the book is about




It is therefore likely that the One Pager will be your startup's one and only chance.

(ELA) What is literal language?

A. language that suggests other meanings

B: language that means exactly what it says

C. language that paints a picture


B is the answer of this question




language that means exactly what it says

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