Identify the correct Anesthesia code for repair of tendon, elbow to shoulder

A. 01732
B. 01712
C. 01710
D. 01714


Answer 1




B. 01712

Answer 2

Explain. I have tgis cladd

Related Questions

in an important research study involving elderly nursing home residents, psychologists judith rodin and ellen langer investigated the:


In an important research study involving elderly nursing home residents, psychologists Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer investigated the: effects of a sense of personal control on psychological and physical health.

What was the the research of Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer?

A field study was done to examine how better personal responsibility and autonomy will affect a group of nursing home residents. It was anticipated that the crippled state of many elderly people living in institutions is, at least in part, a result of leading a life that is essentially devoid of decision-making and as a result, may be correctable. A communication was presented to residents in the experimental group that emphasised their duty for themselves, whereas a different communication was given to residents in a different group that emphasised the staff's responsibility for them. Additionally, to improve communication, the former group was given the freedom to make decisions and the duty of caring for a plant rather than the latter group, who had decisions made for them and the plant taken care of by the staff.

Learn more about judith rodin and ellen langer investigation here:


a nurse iss teaching a client who is 24 hr postpartum about breastfeeding. which of the following client statements


A client who is 24 hours postpartum is being taught how to breastfeed by a nurse. Which of the following client statements, a. '' Newborns suckle enough 3 to 4 times a day.''

What is postpartum?

Postpartum is the period that begins after the birth of the placenta and ends when the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy state, which lasts for 6 weeks or 42 days.

During postpartum, the mother will breastfeed her baby. babies should start breastfeeding within 30–60 minutes of birth. Usually, they need to be fed milk 8–12 times a day every 2–3 hours in the first few weeks. However, some babies can also breastfeed more frequently, such as every hour, which is called cluster feeding.

This question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

A nurse is teaching a client who is 24 hours postpartum about breastfeeding. Which of the following client statements indicates that the client does not understand breastfeeding?

a. '' Newborns suckle enough 3 to 4 times a day.''

b. ''The baby will start breastfeeding within 30-60 minutes after birth.''

c. ''Sometimes when a baby sucks it doesn't mean he's hungry.''

Learn more about exclusively breastfeeding here :


All of the following are part of our cultural identity EXCEPT:
A. Where we go to school
B. The clothes we wear
C. The religions we practice
D. The languages we speak





Where we go to school. hope this helps

PART A: Briefly - What is the External Task
Environment of an organization, and what is ONE (1)
reason why successfully working with stakeholders in
that environment is important for the survival and
success of the organization?


The answers include the following below:

External task environment of an organization is referred to as the external environment that shapes an organization's ability to achieve its objectives. One reason why successfully working with stakeholders in that environment is important for the survival and success of the organization is that it helps to build a good relationship which will lead to an increase in sales, profit and reaching the set goal.

What is an Organization?

This is referred to as a collection of people, who are involved in pursuing defined objectives.

External task environment of an organization include consumers, competitors etc and successfully working with them will lead to the organization achieving its desired goal of a high profit etc.

Read more about Organization here


#41 Reimbursement methodologies vary from payer to payer.

A. True

B. False


I think true , hehe im from vietnam

2. How do the following issues influence your current dating behaviors?
a. Social conformity (2 points)
b. Self-discipline (2 points)
c. Impulse versus delayed gratification (2 points)


A-how comfortable you can get and are with a person determines how u open up
B-how u are towards yourself determines what you will tolerate frm a person
C-I’m not sure

whats the best place to eat in killeen tx



best thing to eat in Killeen tx would be fill and grill


All of the following statements related to protective clothing are correct, except for one. Which one is the exception? A. Surgical gowns must be worn by OHCP whenever splash, spider, spray, and aerosols of blood or OPIM or anticipated during the clinical processB. Scrubs, or clinical and laboratory coats or jackets worn for comfort and or purposes of identity or considered appropriate PPEC. Surgical gowns should have long sleeves to protect the wrist and forearmsD. Surgical gowns should cover the torso from neck to knees and wrap around the back to prevent contamination of street and clothes


Scrubs, or clinical and laboratory coats or jackets worn for comfort and or purposes of identity or considered appropriate PPE.

Describe briefly about PPE:
Employees that need to be protected from infectious materials should wear personal protective equipment (PPE), which can be either specialized clothes or equipment. PPE will be divided into the following categories: hearing protection, breathing protection, hand protection, eye and face protection, and body protection. Personal protective equipment, or "PPE," is clothing worn to reduce exposure to risks that might result in significant workplace diseases and injuries. Contact with chemical, radioactive, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other job hazards may cause these wounds and illnesses.

Hence, the answer is scrubs, or clinical and laboratory coats or jackets worn for comfort and or purposes of identity or considered appropriate PPE.

To learn more about PPE, follow the link:


Why is an automated external defibrillator easy to use for a lay rescuer?
A. They actually teach you how to perform CPR.
B. Only those that are highly trained can use it.
C. They are guaranteed to save a person's life.
D. It automatically detects if there is a heart rhythm.


Answer: A
Pretty sure it is A but sorry if I am wrong.
Good luck

which of the following categories report disorders of a newborn related to slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition? a. p08 b. p04 c. p07


Assignment of codes in categories P05, Disorders of newborn related to slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition.

This indicates that response choice a) is the proper one.

What is fetal malnutrition?

Fetal undernutrition can occur because of an inadequate maternal diet, inability of the mother to mobilize and transport sufficient nutrients, or an impaired vascular and placental supply line to the fetus. It can also occur if there is high fetal demand, for example because of faster growth.

Can a baby be born with malnutrition?

Fetal malnutrition represents a situation that may exist at almost any birth weight, and it is independent of birth weight and gestational age [4–7]. Some intrauterine growth restrictions or small for gestational age babies may not be malnourished [7].

To know more about fetal malnutrition visit:


I understand that the question you are looking for is:

Which of the following categories reports disorders of a newborn related to slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition?

a. P07

b. P05

c. P08

d. P04

#40 It is common to hear the phrase that correct coding equals appropriate reimbursement.

A. True
B. False


It is common to hear the phrase that correct coding equals appropriate reimbursement is referred to as a true statement and is therefore denoted as option A.

What is Medical coding?

This is referred to as the process in which diagnosis, treatment etc are translated into numeric and alphanumeric characters so as to reduce different forms of ambiguity in the healthcare sector.

The coder must accurately code the services, procedures, and diagnosis rendered so that the office is properly reimbursed by the institutions which are involved in the given process.

This is also used by insurance companies so as to know the fee and the amount to be reimbursed which is usually based on the type of medical condition which is why true was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Medical coding here


On the theme of soccer, you may earn 5 points of extra credit by watching a World Cup game and submitting a 1 paragraph that includes the following information: which teams played, what was the final score, one thing you learned (about soccer in general or a player/team), and which component of physical fitness soccer is a part of.


The soccer game between Argentina and Australia was an interesting game that ended 2 - 1 in favor of Argentina. The game taught me that endurance is vital in the game of soccer. The Argentinian team endured in order to be able to win.

What are some of the components of physical fitness in the game of soccer?

The components of physical are the components required to maintain physical fitness.

The component of physical fitness include:

Cardiovascular Endurance.Muscular Strength.Muscular endurance.Flexibility.Body Composition.

There are three major components of physical fitness required in soccer. These components are

speed - speed is required to sprint with a ball or to stop an opponentagility - agility is required in dribbling and shootingendurance - endurance is required to keep playing at a high level for a long time.

Learn more about components of physical fitness at:


Each of the following individuals plans to start a new fitness program. Which of the them should seek a physicians advice before they begin?
-Men older than age 40 should consult a physician before increasing activity.
-Women older than age 50 should consult a physician before increasing activity.
-Anyone who has a medical condition should consult a physician before increasing activity. -Anyone who has been inactive for many years


Answer: Anyone who has a medical condition should consult a physician before increasing activity. -Anyone who has been inactive for many years

Explanation: They might be more at risk than anyone. But they all should.

upon postural observation of your patient, you notice a hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. although you must palpate before determining any restrictions, this postural deviation is most consistent with a .


The locations of the body's many joints at any one time are combined to form posture, which is the body's relative disposition at that precise moment.

Which postural abnormality is connected to the spine's posterior curve?

A excessive bend in the spine causes an unnatural rounding of the upper back, which is known as kyphosis.

What disease can be best seen by using a plumb line to view a patient from behind?

What disease can be best seen by using a plumb line to view a patient from behind? Since scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, it is advisable to observe the patient from behind.

To know more about Posture



Trent is struggling to reach his weight loss goals. What is one factor in his fitness that he cannot control?
Α. his diet
B. his genetics
C. his motivation
D. his schedule


Answer: It would be B his genetics, he cannot help how he was born, but he can change his lifestyle to reach his goals.

Explanation: I really hope this helps.





exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.'


Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.'

What does cardiac exercise entail?

Cardiovascular exercise is any type of activity that involves aerobic metabolism. It is often referred to as aerobic exercise or endurance exercise. In other words, oxygen plays a significant role during the activity in the cellular reactions that result in the energy required to maintain the activity.

Exercise that uses a lot of the body's main muscle groups repeatedly and rhythmically is referred to as cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise boosts heart rate, breathing, and oxygen and blood flow throughout the body. Your most important internal organs are gradually put to the test by this exercise, which also helps the heart, lungs, and circulatory system work more efficiently.

Cardio enhances heart health, mental health, mood, sleep, weight regulation, and metabolism, among other elements of health.

To know more about cardiovascular exercise use link below:


Elsa is due to give birth to a boy in June. Before she became pregnant, Elsa weighed 195 pounds, which was in the obese BMI range. She should gain no more than ______ pounds during her pregnancy.


She should only put on 20 pounds throughout her pregnancy, per the facts provided.

BMI: What Does It Mean?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) of an individual is determined by dividing their kilogram weight (or pounds) by their squared height in meters (or feet). A high BMI may be a sign of increased body fatness. BMI is used to test for weight categories that may lead to health problems but it does not make a fat mass or health diagnosis for an individual.

Is BMI preferable to weight?

Obesity is unhealthy in both people with normal weight and those with high BMIs. Recently, research on body fat % has advanced, and in some situations, this measurement may give a more accurate picture of a person's risk of weight

To know more about BMI visit :


people with a major depressive disorder experience a chronic mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness.


People with a major depressive disorder experience a chronic mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness. This statement is true.

Major depressive disorder, usually known as depression, is a mood disorder that manifests in a constant sense of sadness and loss of enthusiasm. Clinical depression, the other name for major depressive disorder, influences the way the patient thinks and behaves and can cause a number of physical and emotional issues. 

Another description of a major depressive disorder is a condition in which one loses interest in all activities, including those that are typically pleasurable. This form of depression has symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, changes in food or weight, fatigue, and a sense of meaninglessness.

Learn more about major depressive disorder here:


A sub-saharan african widowed immigrant woman lives with her deceased husband's brother and his family, which includes the brother-in-law's children and the widow's adult children. each family member speaks fluent english. surgery was recommended for the client. What is the best plan to obtain consent for surgery for this client?


The best plan to obtain consent for surgery for the sub-Saharan African widowed immigrant client in the case above is to tell the surgeon that her brother-in-law will decide after he and the widow are provided with an explanation about the proposed surgery.

In some sub-Saharan countries, there is some customary law that encompasses wife inheritance and polygamy. When a husband died, the widow of the husband becomes the inherited wife of the husband's brother. The women live in a patriarchal family, in which decisions are made by men. That's why, in the case above, the brother-in-law is the one that most likely will make the decision about the surgery for the client, since the client is his inherited wife.

Learn more about HESI at


vincent contracted genital herpes 15 years ago, and is about to begin a new sexual relationship. which of the following statements is true?


The statement that is true is taking famciclovir reduces the risk that Vincent will transmit the herpes virus to his partner.

The correctoption is A.

What is the herpes virus?

Herpes virus is described as a viral infection that can cause blisters or sores to develop around the mouth or genitals, though some people never develop symptoms.

There are two main known types of the herpes  virus which are

HSV-1 and HSV-2.

HSV-1 is the type primarily causes oral herpes, characterized by cold sores or fever blisters that appear around your mouth or on your face.

HSV-2 is primarily causes genital herpes, which involves sores that appear on or around your genitals, anus, buttocks, and inner thighs. Sores can also develop inside the vagina.

Learn more about herpes virus at:


Complete question:

Vincent contracted genital herpes 15 years ago, and is about to begin a new sexual relationship. which of the following statements is true?

-  taking famciclovir reduces the risk that Vincent will transmit the herpes virus to his partner

- Vincent naturally acquired passive immunity

- Vincent naturally acquired active immunity

identify four autoimmune diseases that have a much higher incidence rate (> 5 times) in women than in men


Some autoimmune diseases that affect women more than men are:

Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus)Multiple sclerosisThyroid diseases.Rheumatoid arthritis

Autoimmune diseases are diseases in which the immune system in the body attacks healthy cells. It usually runs in families (genetically inherited), but there are various other factors that may be involved. One of the factors is gender.

One reason why autoimmune diseases tend to appear more often in females could be women's higher fluctuating hormone levels. It happens particularly during childbearing ages, which is the age when many females are diagnosed with autoimmune diseases. It can also be due to the women's natural stronger response to inflammation.

Learn more about autoimmune disease at


Which of the following ego defense mechanisms describes the underlying psychodynamics of somatic symptom disorder? a. Denial of depression
b. Repression of anxiety
c. Suppression of grief
d. Displacement of anger


Repression of anxiety shows an example of somatic symptom disorder

For months, Ginnie has felt sad, worthless, and hopeless, has had too little energy to get up and dressed in the morning, and is no longer interested in her favorite hobbies. Ginnie most likely suffers from ____
A. an anxiety disorder
B. histrionic personality disorder
C. dependent personality disorder.
D. depression.


If Ginnie has felt sad, worthless, and hopeless, has had too little energy to get up and dressed in the morning, and is no longer interested in her favorite hobbies, then she most likely suffers from depression (Option D).

What is depression?

Depression is a cognitive mental problem associated with a continuous and persistent feeling and or emotion of sadness in an individual, which may be triggered by traumatic situations.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that depression may be associated with emotions such as sadness and it may be triggered by environmental issues.

Learn more about depression here:


Can people who are vaccinated against coronavirus or people who have had the virus before get infected again?



Yes, they can.


People who are vaccinated may still get COVID-19. When people who have been vaccinated get COVID-19, they are much less likely to experience severe symptoms than people who are unvaccinated.

make a list of the types of inspections for food establishments and sort the output ascending


Food Inspections, Restaurant Inspections, Health and Safety Inspection by a Food Safety Inspector are the types of inspections for food establishments.

What is inspection in food industry?

The right of consumers to wholesome, safe food is protected by law, and governments must take steps to protect this right by passing rules and enforcing them when necessary. The primary component of the enforcement system is food inspection. The approach to food inspection has changed from being mostly reactive, centered on end-product inspection, to being preventive and risk-based, taking into consideration the entire food chain to better manage modern, frequently extremely complicated supply chains. In addition, risk-based inspection planning has the advantage of assisting authorities in allocating their (sometimes limited) resources where the bigger dangers are found in the food chain, thereby maximizing the advantages of their activities.

What is inspection at Stage 3?

To guarantee a safe operation during the inspection interval, the third-level inspection (safety control) is employed to prevent the most serious damage/defects or errors.

To learn more about food inspection visit:


16. How many dimensions of wellness are there?
OA. Five
OB. Six
O C. Ten
O D. Eight



O D. Eight


These are the eight dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial.

D. Eight

emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial.

All of the statements are true about the thinking brain EXCEPT:
A. The left hemisphere of the thinking brain controls logical process.
B. The thinking brain controls thoughts, reason and speech.
C. The thinking brain can be activated by many sensory experiences.
D. The thinking brain has two sides called hemispheres.


Letter C.


The brain includes two sides, which propose as hemispheres. The hemisphere that controls the right side of the human body, covering with logical thought and linguistic functions, is the left hemisphere, hence option C is correct.


What are hemispheres of the brain?

It is a structure of the cerebrum, which parts into two sides, one half is left hemisphere and other is right hemisphere.

Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, it originates and coordinates movement and modulates temperature.

The left hemisphere of the cerebrum also known thinking brain is responsible for thinking, speech, judgment, and reasoning, emotions problem-solving, and learning.  

Therefore, the left hemisphere of the thinking brain controls logical process, hence option C is correct.

Learn more about hemisphere, here:


Which is the BEST example of cultivating initiative?
Α. bringing new ideas to your supervisor
B. requiring that everyone stick to the rules
C.shutting down ideas that seem too complex
D.doing as much research as you can on a topic


Bringing new ideas to your supervisor is the best example of cultivating initiative.

Voice up your ideas

Another technique to show initiative at work is to express your ideas to coworkers and superiors privately or in meetings. Having a voice within the organisation and developing a reputation as a worker who actively seeks solutions may both be accomplished by voicing your opinions. If you have trouble expressing yourself, you can learn to do so by making suggestions to coworkers who are in need of assistance or counsel. As your self-assurance grows, you can start speaking up in staff meetings and eventually propose more developed ideas to groups.

To learn more about Cultivating Initiative:


are recurring thoughts of danger that create anxiety; are ritualistic behaviors or mental acts that aim to reduce anxiety.


Compulsions are recurring thoughts of danger that create anxiety;

obsessions are ritualistic behaviors or mental acts that aim to reduce anxiety.

What are Compulsions?

Compulsions are unwanted, repetitive behaviors or mental acts that people feel driven to do in response to an obsession or according to rigid rules. These behaviors are typically performed in an effort to reduce anxiety or distress. Common examples of compulsions include hand washing, counting, checking, and repeating words silently.

What are Obsessions?

Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive and recurrent thoughts, images, or impulses that are experienced as distressing or disturbing. Obsessive thoughts often have a theme, such as fear of contamination, losing control, or being responsible for harm to oneself or others. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may also experience compulsions, which are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform as a result of their obsessive thoughts.

To know more about Compulsions,


T/F. the health status of the american population is poor in international comparison, which is evidence that all the spending on medical care cannot compensate for failures in the public health system.


"The health status of the American population is poor in international comparison, which is evidence that all the spending on medical care cannot compensate for failures in the public health system," is true.

How healthy is the US population?

Many people would naturally think that the United States is among the healthiest nations because it is the 11th wealthiest nation in the world. After all, we have easy access to a wide variety of nutritious foods, many people can easily afford to use gyms, and many people engage in a variety of sports and hobbies for both recreation and exercise. And given the amount spent on healthcare annually, you'd think our population would be in good health. Nevertheless, in spite of all of these variables, the United States does not even make the list of the 10 healthiest nations in the world. It isn't even among the twenty best. In fact, the general health of American citizens is ranked #35 out of 169 nations.

To learn more about health status of the American population visit:


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