Identify the center of the circle defined by the equation (x + 4)² + (y - 1)² = 32


Answer 1


The centre of the circle is (-4,1).


Given the equation of the circle:


Comparing with the standard form of the equation of a circle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2 \\ Where\; Centre=(h,k) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We see that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-h=x+4 \\ \implies h=-4 \\ \text{Also:} \\ y-k=y-1 \\ \implies k=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The centre of the circle is (-4,1).

Related Questions

Find the coordinates of the other endpoint of the segment, given its midpoint and one endmidpoint (1,-1), endpoint (3,8)




The midpoint (a, b) = (1, -1)

One endpoint, (x₁, y₁) = (3, 8)

The other endpoint, (x₂, y₂) = ?

Using the formula for midpoint and solving for the missing parameters

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{x_1+x_2}{2} \\ \\ 1=\frac{3+x_2}{2} \\ \\ 2=3+x_2 \\ \\ x_2=2-3 \\ \\ x_2=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} b=\frac{y_1+y_2}{2} \\ \\ -1=\frac{8+y_2}{2} \\ \\ -2=8+y_2 \\ \\ y_2=-2-8 \\ \\ y_2=-10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates of the other endpoint = (-1, -10)

g(x)=4x^2+3 is the function g even odd or neither? prove it




Step-by-step explanation:

A function is called even if, for all values of x, f(-x) = f(x).

A function is called odd if, for all values of x, f(-x) = -f(x).

If none of these equalities is satisfied, the function is neither even nor odd.

In this question:

g(x) = 4x² + 3

g(-x) = 4(-x)² + 3 = 4x² + 3

Since g(-x) = g(x), the function g is even.

hey, can someone please help me solve this equation? i really need help



For this case we can use the following definition:

[tex]\cot N=\frac{\cos N}{\sin N}[/tex]

And from the figure given we have:

[tex]\cos N=\frac{12}{37},\sin N=\frac{35}{37}[/tex]

And replacing we got:

[tex]\cot N=\frac{12}{35}[/tex]

A GPA is usually an example of a a. b. mean bimodal distribution trimodal distribution weighted average C. d. 48


I find the following data for the concept GPA:

Your GPA is calculated in two steps:

The grade awarded for each course is multiplied by the credit value for each course.

The aggregate score is divided by the total number of credits for all courses completed in the defined period of study.

So, the weighted average reflects the relative contribution made by all the courses you have undertaken based on their credit value.

From the above data, the correct option for the answer is d. weighted average.

Claim: Most adults erase all of their personal information online if they could. A software firm survey of randomly selected adults showed that % of them would erase all of their personal information online if they could. Make a subjective estimate to decide whether the results are significantly low or significantly high, then state a conclusion about the original claim.


Claim: Most adults would erase all of their personal information online if they could

Sample size: 625

Yes: 50.3%

The null hypothesis, due to randomness, is p = 0.5. From the results, the claim states that p > 0.5, and the result of the survey is p = 0.503.

The result is close to the null hypothesis, so we can conclude that there is no significant evidence for the claim.


The results are not significantly high so there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim.

-11. Given points (x, y) and (x2, y2), derive the two-point form of a line. , , , 10. 13. Given that a line is parallel to the x-axis through (x, y), derive the parallel to x-axis form a line.


11. Given the two points (x1, y1) & (x2, y2) we will have the following line and we derivate it:

[tex]m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex][tex]y-y_1=m(x-x_1)\Rightarrow y=mx-mx_1+y_1[/tex]

It's derivative is:

[tex]\frac{\delta y}{\delta x}=m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

This is since the derivative of constants is 0 and the only variable accompanied m. This is proof that the derivative of a function can be interpreted as the slope of the function at that point.

13. If we have that the line is parallel to the x-axis and passes through the point (x1, y1), we will have that the line is a constant function, so when we derivate no matter the point, it will be equal to 0.

That is:

[tex]y=x_1[/tex][tex]\frac{\delta y}{\delta x}=0[/tex]


point 11:

Since we are given two points (x1, y1) & (x2, y2), we will always have that the slope of the line that passes through those points will always have the form:

Hello! I need some assistance with this homework question, pleaseQ19


We start with the parent function:


The transformations are:

• Shift up 6 units


• Reflect about the x-axis


• Reflect about the y-axis

The first transformation is equal to add 6 units to y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_2=y+6 \\ y_2=\sqrt[]{x}+6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, a reflection across the x-axis makes y change sign, so we will have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_3=-y_2 \\ y_3=-\sqrt[]{x}-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, a reflection across the y-axis makes the argument x change sign, so we will have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_4=y_3(-x) \\ y_4=-\sqrt[]{-x}-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This is the final function.

We can graph this function, and the intermediate steps, as:

Answer: y = -√-x - 6

Laura is playing a game of chance in which she tosses a dart into a rotating dart board with 8 equal-size slices numbered 1 through 8. The dart lands on a numbered slice at random



Given that;

Laura is playing a game of chance in which she tosses a dart into a rotating dart board with 8 equal-size slices numbered 1 through 8

a) For the expected value;

If Laura tosses the dart once, and she wins $1 if the dart lands in slice 1, $3 if the dart lands in slice 2, $5 if the dart lands in slice 3, $8 if the dart lands in slice 4, and $10 if the dart lands in slice 5 and loses she loses $9 if the dart lands in slices 6, 7, or 8

The expected value will be

[tex]Expected\text{ value}=\frac{1(1)+3(1)+5(1)+8(1)+10(1)+9(3)}{8}=\frac{27-27}{8}=\frac{0}{8}=0[/tex]

Hence, the expected value is $0

b) If Laura plays many games, she is expected to neither gain nor lose money.

This is because she has 5 out of 8 chances to win some money and the expected value is $0t

Hence, Laura can expect to break even (neither gain nor lose money)

What is the sum of 1/8+5/16+3/8?



Firsr we have to make sure that all of the enominators are the same , before we can proceed with the addition. We have to convert the fraction so it willl have the same denominator. We will use the greatest denominator, 16.


We can do that by cross multiplication,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1\cdot16}{8}=\text{?} \\ \questeq2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]



We, will do the same for 3/8,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{8}=\frac{?}{16} \\ \frac{3\cdot16}{8}=\frac{48}{8}=6 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]



Now that we have the same denominator, we can proceed with additiion.


In adding fractions , we just have to add the numerator and copy the common denominator.




show the stepsHow do the graphs of y=1/x and y = 5/(x+6) compare?


• Slightly shifted up


• Horizontally translated to the left 6 units

1) Consider this:


This is the parent function from the familiar of rational functions.

2) Note that on the other hand, the function below:


This is a transformed function from the first one. Take a look at the graph with both functions plotted:

In Rational functions the greater the numerator the farther from the origin is, shifting up the graph and the addition of 6 in the bottom number translates horizontally to the left.

3) Thus, we can state the answer as:

The graph of y=5/(x+6) is:

• Slightly shifted up


• Horizontally translated to the left 6 units

Find the measure of angle DAC if point P is the incenter of triangle AEC.


Given that P is the incenter of the triangle, then angles EAD and DAC are congruent. Therefore, the measure of angle DAC is 33°

The decay of a radioactive substance is given byA = 200(1/2) t/10. Which answer is an equivalent equationfor the decay that shows the approximate amount of/decayin 4 years?


The decay of a radioactive substance is given by

A = 200(1/2) t/10.

The equivalent equation for the decay that shows the approximate amount of decay in 4 years

Hence the correct option that approximately amounts to decay in 4years is


Option C is the correct answer cause it matches the red image

Rectangle ABCD is shown on the grid.What is the area of rectangle ABCD in square units?O 3V17 square units6B|(313)06/17 square units2417 square unitsO 34 square units-5.53.234G21.3C (1.-5)Mark this and returnSave and ExitNextSubmit


The rectangle is:

To find the area of this rectangle, we need to find the distances of the two different sides of the rectangle. We know that the area of a rectangle is given by:

[tex]A_{\text{rectangle}}=w\cdot l_{}[/tex]

Then, we need to find the distance between two points for the width, that is, it could be the distance between points C and D (segment CD) or segment AB.

To find the length, we need to find the distance of the segment AD or the distance of the segment BC.

After finding them, we need to multiply the result for w and l, and this product will be the area of the rectangle.

Finding W

We need to apply the formula for the distance between two points:


A(-1, 4) ---> x1 = -1, y1 = 4

B(3, 3) ---> x2 = 3, y2 = 3

Then, we have:


Therefore, this distance, which is w, is equal to:

[tex]d_{AB}=w=\sqrt[]{17}[/tex]Finding L

We can apply the same procedure to find l. We have that:

B(3,3) ---> x1 = 3, y1 = 3

C(1, -5) ---> x2 = 1, y2 = -5

Then, this distance, which is also l is:

[tex]d_{BC}=l=\sqrt[]{(1-3)^2+(-5-3)^2}=\sqrt[]{(-2)^2+(-8)^2}=\sqrt[]{4+64}=\sqrt[]{68}[/tex]Area of the Rectangle ABCD

The area is given by the product of w and l. Then, we have:

[tex]A_{\text{rectangle}}=w\cdot l=\sqrt[]{17}\cdot\sqrt[]{68}[/tex]

We know that the factors of 68 are:


Then, we can rewrite the area as follows:


And, finally, we have:

[tex]A_{\text{rectangle}}=2\cdot(17)^{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}}=2\cdot17^1=34\Rightarrow A_{rec\tan gle}=34u^2[/tex]

In summary, the area of the rectangle ABCD is equal to 34 square units (last option).

Need help Which expression is equivalent to the given expression?(ab^2)^3/b^OA.a3/bOB.a3boc.a4/bOD.a3


Given the expression:


We will use the following rules to modify the given expression:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (a^{m)n}=a^{mn} \\ \frac{a^m}{a^n}=a^{m-n} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the answer will be as follows:


So, the answer will be option ⇒ B. a³b

Solve the equation using the order of operations 4(x-8)+14=-24



Using the order of operations we have



[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\text{parenthesis} \\ E=\text{Exponential } \\ M=\text{ Multiplication } \\ D=\text{Division } \\ A=\text{Addition } \\ S=\text{Subtraction } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note: Multiplication and Division operate at the same level but we consider the operation that appears first from the left hand sides of the equation given the same as Addition and subtraction.

Given the equation.


Expand the parenthesis


Add the like terms


Add 18 to both sides of the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x-18+18=-24+18 \\ 4x=-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 4

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4x}{4}=\frac{-6}{4} \\ \\ x=\frac{-3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]


x= -3/2

A room is measured to be 10.0m long, 5.6m wide and 155 m high.What is the volume of the room?What is the mass in kilograms of smoke inside the room if it’s density is 1.506kg/m^3?


The rule of the volume of the solid shaped a rectangular solid is

[tex]V=L\times W\times H[/tex]

L is the length

W is the width

H is the height

Since the dimensions of the room are

10 m long

5.6 m wide

155 m high


L = 10

W = 5.6

H = 155

Substitute them in the rule above

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=10\times5.6\times155 \\ V=8680m^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume of the room is 8680 cubic meters

The rule of the mass is

[tex]m=d\times V[/tex]

m is the mass

d is the density

V is the volume

Since the density is 1.506 kg/m^3

Then d = 1.506

Since the volume is 8680 m^3


[tex]\begin{gathered} m=1.506\times8680 \\ m=13072.08\operatorname{kg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mass of the smoke inside the room is 13072.08 kg

Complete each equation so that it is true for no values of x


By definition, an equation has no solution when does not exist a value of the variable that makes the equation true.

• In this case, you have this expression on the left side of the first equation:


Then, knowing part of the right side, you can set up the following:


Notice that you need to write a value different from 6, in order to make the equation false, In this case, you cannot complete the missing value with 2, because;


Then, having that equation. you can solve it as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+6=3x+3 \\ 3x-3x=3-6 \\ 0=-3\text{ (False)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

• Given the second equation that has this left side:


The missing value must be:

How many 1 --liter bottles of water does it take to fill a 16-liter jug?


… 16 1 liter bottles can fill 1 16 liter jug


If PAJB)= PA). state the relationship between events Aand B.


The condition is:

[tex]P(A\uparrow B)=P(A)[/tex]

Then we know that they are overlapping events so is option (D)

What is the solution to the equation below? Round your answer to two decimal places.5x = 55A.x = 1.04B.x = 0.40C.x = 2.49D.x = 2.40


For this problem, we are given a certain equation and we need to solve it for x.

The expression:


We need to apply a logarithm to both sides:


We can now use the properties of the logarithm to isolate the x variable.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\log5=\log55\\ \\ x=\frac{\log55}{\log5}=2.49 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The correct answer is C. x = 2.49

4 ). Peter went to a bookstore to buy a pen and a binder. He used three- tenths of his money to pay the pen , while the rest of his money was used to pay the binder . the binder costs P64 more than the pen , what was the total price that Peter paid in the bookstore?


The total price that Peter paid in the bookstore is  P91.43.

What is the total price?

The first step is to determine the fraction of the amount that Peter has that he spent on the binder.

Fraction spent on a binder = 1 - fraction spent on pen

Fraction spent on a binder = 1 - 3/10

Fraction spent on a binder = 7/10

The next step is to divide the cost of the binder by the fraction spent on the binder.

Total price that Peter paid in the bookstore = price of the binder /fraction spent on the binder

Total price that Peter paid in the bookstore = P64 ÷ 7/10

Total price that Peter paid in the bookstore = P64 X 10/7 = P91.43

To learn more about cost, please check:


Change the following expression to radical notation: 5x^1/9


To convert exponential to radical expression and vice versa, we follow the pattern below:


In the given term in the question, a = 5, b = x, n = 9, and x = 1. Let's plug these values into the radical form shown above.

The radical form of the given term is:


how do I show my work for (3 + 1/2) x 14


this is


plot on a number line . 3| y+4 | >12


3 |y + 4| > 12

| y + 4 | > 12/3 = 4

| y + 4 | > 4

Two solutions:

y + 4 > 4 ==> y > 0

y + 4 < -4 ==> y < -8

The graph of the absolute value function y = -a| x | is reflected over thex-axisy-axisy = xy = -x


When there is - sign multiplying the absolute value, accompanied by any constant, the graph is reflected over the x-axis. You can confirm this by putting some points in the cartesian plane and plotting them. Therefore, the correct answer is x-axis

Solve for Angle x given: 11x+30=54-5x 4. Od 3



to solve for angle x, let's collect like terms


step 1

collect like terms to do this, we'll take variables of x one side of the eqaution and keep non-variables at the other side

[tex]\begin{gathered} 11x+30=54-5x \\ 11x+5x=54-30 \\ 16x=24 \\ \text{divide both sides by 16} \\ \frac{16x}{16}=\frac{24}{16} \\ x=\frac{24}{16}=\frac{6}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

In the equation 3x2 + 6x = 12, the value of c is



The general quadratic equation is given below as


The equation given in the question is given below as


By reaaranging the equation into the standard form, we will have



The value of c is


Determine whether ACDE is similar to AFGHi Answerby i AnswerNoYesAngles not congruentAA similaritySides not proportionalSSS similaritySAS similarity



Graph of triangles




Answer NO


Could you tell me the empty box table what do I put in


We can see that for x = 0 that implies y = 10.

We can also see that for each x , y decreases 2 units, so the rate of change is -2.

The relation between x and y is a linear function:

y = 10 - 2x

Let's see if it is right.

For x = 0, we get

y = 10 - 2 . 0

y = 10


For x = 1

y = 10 - 2 . 1

y = 10 - 2

y = 8


For x = 2

y = 10 - 2 . 2

y = 6


For x = 15

y = 10 - 2 . 15

y = 10 - 30

y = -20

Answer: start value: 0 ;

rate of change: -2,

relation between x and y: y = 10 -2x

the temperature at 3pm was 65 degrees it dropped 21 degrees by 7 pm what was the temperature at 7pm



it is given that the temperature at 3pm was 65 degrees it dropped 21 degrees by 7 pm.


Now, the temperature at 7 pm will be


So, temperature at 7 pm is 44 degree.

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