Identify an industry that enjoys perfect (or nearly perfect) competition. How do the competitors interact with each other and suppliers and customers?


Answer 1

Farmers' markets: The typical farmers' market may be the closest thing to ideal competition that exists in the real world. Small customers  producers charge relatively similar pricing for products that are almost equivalent.

Considering that there are so many small producers in the agricultural sector and that they have so little. This industry perhaps displays the closest thing to ideal competition because of its control over the selling pricing of their products. Monopolistic Competition Despite the fact that numerous businesses use customers marketing techniques and recipes, McDonald's is nonetheless distinct. Because the products are not uniform, the market cannot be completely competitive.

To learn more about competition, click here.


Related Questions

Refer to Figure 8-12. Suppose a $3 per-unit tax is placed on this good. The per-unit burden of the tax on buyers is


Suppose a $3 per-unit tax is placed on this good. The per-unit burden of the tax on buyers is $2.

What is the effect of tax on buyers?

Generally, It is possible that the tax will be paid by either the purchaser or the vendor. If a buyer pays a price for an item and then, in addition to that price, pays the tax on top of that, then the buyer is responsible for it.

In a similar vein, if the tax is levied on the supplier instead of the customer, then the tax is already included in the price.

The tax is required to be collected and paid by the sellers, but the tax itself is the responsibility of the customers. Sellers are responsible for collecting and paying the tax. This sort of sales tax is essentially a combination of the other two other types of sales taxes.

Read more about tax on buyers


Assume that the following asset values (in millions of dollars) exist in Ironmania:
Instructions: Enter your answers as whole numbers.
a. What is M1 in Ironmania? $ _________million.
b. What is M2 in Ironmania? $_________ million.


The M1 in Ironmania is  $2,600 million. The M2 in Ironmania is  $3,240 million.

How to find the M1 and M2 in ironmania?

a. M1 in ironmania

Using this formula to find the M1 in ironmania

M1= Federal Reserve Notes in circulation + checkable deposits +coins in circulation

Let plug in the formula

M1 = $700 + $1,500 + $40

M1 = $2,600 million

b. M2 in ironmania

Using this formula to find the M2 in ironmania

M2 = M1 + savings deposits including money market deposit accounts (MMDAs) + small-denominated (less than $100,000) time deposits +money market mutual funds (MMMFs) held by individuals

Let plug in the formula

M2 = $2,600+ $140 + $100 + $400

M2 = $3,240 million

Therefore M1  is $2,600 million and M2 in ironmania is  $3,240 million.

Learn more about M1 and M2 in ironmania here:


everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something is referred to as the ________



When consumers calculate the value of a product, they look at the benefits and then subtract the cost to see if the benefits exceed the costs. Everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something; also called a value package.


Jerome says that he will spend exactly $25 each month on new apps for his mobile device, regardless of the price of apps. Jerome's demand for apps is

A. perfectly elastic.
B. perfectly inelastic.
C. unit elastic.
D. somewhat inelastic, but not perfectly inelastic.


Option C; Jerome says that he will spend exactly $25 each month on new apps for his mobile device, regardless of the price of apps. Jerome's demand for apps is unit elastic.

Unit elastic refers to a scenario in economics when a change in one variable causes an equally proportional change in another variable (also known as unitary elastic). One of the core ideas in economics is elasticity, which is essentially related to the idea of unit elastic. Elasticity in this sense refers to a variable's responsiveness to changes in another variable. Elasticity is a term economists frequently use to describe how a good's demand or supply changes in reaction to changes in its price or in consumer income. As a result, demand or supply curves that are totally responsive to price changes are sometimes referred to as having "unit elasticity."

Learn more about  unit elastic here:


The owner of Tastee Cookies needs to decide whether to lease a small, medium, or large new retail outlet. She estimates that monthly profits will vary with demand for her cookies as follows:
If she feels there is a 30 percent chance that demand will be high, what is her expected payoff under certainty?
a. $1,100
b. $1,000
c. $500
d. $900
e. $1,600


If she feels there is a 30 percent chance that demand will be high, her expected payoff under is: c. $500.

How to find the expected payoff under certainty?

Chance demand is Low= 100% - 30%

Chance demand is low = 70%

EMV Small = 0.7($1,000) + 0.3($1,000)

EMV Small= $1,000

EMV Medium = 0.7($500) + 0.3($2,500)

EMV Medium = $1,100

EMV Large = 0.7($0) + 0.3($3,000)

EMV large= $900

Expected monthly profit = 0.7($1,000) + 0.3($3,000)

Expected monthly profit = $1,600

Expected payoff under certainty=$1,600 - $1,100

Expected payoff under certainty= $500

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about Expected payoff under certainty here:


1. The Law of Supply states that
of a product will be offered at a high price and
a of a product will be offered at a low price.


The law of supply says that a higher price will induce producers to supply a higher quantity to the market.

What is  The Law of Supply?

The law of supply is a microeconomic principle that asserts, with all other things being equal, that if the cost of an item or service rises, providers will offer more services and vice - versa.

According to the rule of supply, suppliers will try to maximize their earnings when the price of an item rises by offering more products for sale.

According to the law of supply, manufacturers will increase their supply to the market if the price is greater.

Businesses create more of a good or service when they anticipate paying a greater price for it because they want to boost their income.

In the meanwhile, suppliers are discouraged from manufacturing as much if prices drop

to learn more about Law of Supply click:


What are the examples of fair or unfair practices? in data How could a data analyst correct the unfair practices?



fei shang gao shing shisyang chongu guaja jushi

Prior to Christine Day's arrival, what was the culture of Lululemon?


Prior to Christine Day's arrival, the thing that was the culture of Lululemonm was that it was an ordinary athletic wear company.

What is the Lululemonm Christine  Day’s Legacy about?

In an interview with Retail TouchPoints, Bentz the CEO of Lululemonm  stated that Lululemon "has to sustain its core business, as well as that very committed consumer group that consists of parents who gravitate to all things Apple, Starbucks, and yoga." But the business must also expand its product line to include a lifestyle brand.

So, As a developing company, Lululemon will be moving on to the next phase without Christine Day, perhaps one of its most important assets.

Note that For Lululemon, Christine Day served as a port in the storm, according to Bentz. "Prior to her arrival, Lululemon was just a well-known manufacturer of athletic clothing with a devoted fan base.

Learn more about Lululemonm  from

If the price level increases by 0.2 percent for every $100 billion increase in the money supply, by how much might prices rise if the Fed increases total reserves by $40 billion and the reserve requirement is 0.05?

Instructions: Round your response to two decimal places.


Answer: 1.60

Explanation:1.) 40/.05= 800 bill 2.) 0.2 increase, so 0.2x(800/100)=1.6

If a perfectly competitive firm receives a marginal revenue of $10 for its product and the minimum average variable cost is $11, then the firm should, in the short run:
a.reduce the level of output its produces
b.increase the level of output it produces
c.neither increase nor decrease the level of output it produces
d.shut down


If a perfectly competitive firm receives a marginal revenue of $10 for its product and the minimum average variable cost is $11, then the firm should, in the short run shut down.

For a perfectly competitive firm, the marginal revenue tends to equal price and as well as the average revenue. So, this implies that the firm's marginal cost curve in its short-run supply curve for values is thus greater than the average variable cost. So, if the price drops below average variable cost, the firm shuts down.

So, a firm's total profit is maximized by the producing the level of output at which marginal revenue for the last unit produced will thus equal its marginal cost, or MR = MC.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about a perfectly competitive firm here:


________ incentivizes people to care for and steward land and resources wisely.

Fossil fuel
Private property


Communism incentivizes people to care for and steward land and resources wisely.

What is the essence of communism?

The cornerstones of communism are the fair distribution of wealth among a country's population and the communal ownership of all property. In particular, it demanded that the proletariat, or working class, take control of the means of production, such as manufacturing and agriculture.

Hence, Communism is founded on the idea that socioeconomic class conflicts can be eliminated by establishing a classless society in which everyone benefits from labor and the state is in charge of all property and wealth.

Learn more about Communism  from


Ughhhh, My questions are not getting answered!!!!!
What are the highest-paying jobs with and without college degrees?




Railway operators or commercial pilots are the highest paying job without degrees with a whopping 56k-100k in money. Patrol officer may come nest but many vary.


food service manager, truck driver, professional house cleaner, courier, material handler, warehouse associate, route driver, caregiver

5 outs. She packs one for her lunch almost every day. A co-worker sees Saanvi enjoying her lunch and asks her if she cooked the sprouts before assembling her pita. Since Saanvi’s lunch is designed to be eaten cold, she is confused. Which BEST explains the reason for her co-worker’s inquiry? A. The co-worker has mistaken the sprouts for iceberg lettuce. B. The sprouts might smell rancid if they are not cooked first. C. The sprouts may have invisible pathogens on them. D. Cooking the sprouts will change their taste and texture.



D. Cooking the sprouts will change their taste and texture.


Which of the following statements about RFID is not true? O A. Microchips embedded in RFIDs are used to store data. OB. RFIDs require line-of-sight contact to be read. OC. RFID tags and antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes. OD. RFIDs transmit only over a short range. O E. RFIDs use an antenna to transmit data.


The statement that is not true about RFID is "RFIDs require line-of-sight contact to be read." Option B

What are RFIDs?

Generally, The use of electromagnetic fields in radio-frequency identification allows for the automatic identification and tracking of tags that are affixed to objects.

A radio receiver, a radio transmitter, and a very small radio transponder make up the components of an RFID system.

Radiofrequency identification tags, also known as RFID tags, are a type of tracking system that make use of radio frequency in order to search for, identify, track, and communicate with people and items.

RFID tags are essentially intelligent labels that can store a wide variety of information, ranging from serial numbers and brief descriptions all the way up to pages and pages of data. Option B

Read more about RFIDs


What does trade allow for specialization?



Trade allows specialization based on comparative advantage and thus undoes this constraint, enabling each person to consume more than each person can produce.


Jeffrey Sachs' article titled "America Has Become a Country Owned by the Rich, Ruled by the Rich, and Enjoyed by the Rich" said that a year ago, Joe Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump in the election, but the prospects for the United States are still uncertain. It is not easy to diagnose exactly what has put the United States in such a difficult position that it has instigated the "Trump Movement."


The main purpose of author with the title and theme of his article is in order to draw the attention of citizens to the crisis situation which the United States is beginning to experience after the election of Joe Biden.

Here, the objective of the author is in order to shed light on the predicament that the United States of America that has found in itself in over the last several months as well as Joe Biden's reaction to such circumstance.

So, the subject of the Jeffrey Sachs article is the economic and social crisis which the United States has begun in order to experience after the election of Joe Biden as president.

Hence, he is referring to the fact that his management capacity has been lacking.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is-

Jeffrey Sachs' article titled "America Has Become a Country Owned by the Rich, Ruled by the Rich, and Enjoyed by the Rich" said that a year ago, Joe Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump in the election, but the prospects for the United States are still uncertain. It is not easy to diagnose exactly what has put the United States in such a difficult position that it has instigated the "Trump Movement."

What do you think is the author's main purpose with the title and topic of his article?

To learn more about Jeffrey Sachs here:


Self-management is very important when it comes to choosing our purpose in life. Without self-management we will have a more difficult path to our purpose.






the quality of information obtained from a request letter depends on the clarity of the inquiry. what techniques can you use to make your request clear? check all that apply.
a. Analyse your needs
b. Frame your request logically
c. Use parallel construction of lists
d. Thank the recepient in advance
e. Organize your ideas


Techniques can you use to make your request letter clear are

Organize your ideasFrame your request logically.Thank the recipient in advance.Analyze your needs.

A request letter is a sort of commercial enterprise letter whose cause is to vicinity an order with the recipient.

When writing a letter of request it's far appropriate to analyze your wishes after which prepare your thoughts and consist of them inside the body of the message in a logical manner that allows information.

A letter of request ought to comprise:

agency letterhead,department initials,letter quantity,place and date,addressee,reference,concern,greeting,body textual content,farewell, andsignature.

Learn more about the request letter here:


what are the two formats for preparing the buisness income statement?


The financial success of a corporation is summarized in an income statement.

It displays all of the company's earnings and outlays for a given time frame.

An income statement can be presented in one of two ways. Either a (1) single-step income statement or (2) a multi-step income statement may be presented.

Simple to understand is a single step income statement. Following all expenses and losses, all revenues and gains are given. To determine the net income, the difference is computed and taxed.

A multi-step income statement involves a number of steps before we can calculate the net income. We must perform sequential computations for:

Sales - Cost of Sales equals gross profit.

Selling expenses plus administrative costs equal total operating expenses.

Gross profit minus all operating expenses is operating income.

Operating income less other revenues and expenses equals income before taxes.

Income after Tax - Income Tax = Net Income

To know more about business income statement visit


ofp planning information management monitoring debugging or evalutaion strategies which one are tou more proficient ?​


Teachers that adopt a metacognitive approach to reading model the use four essential strategies: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting while working with small groups of students. The students are then instructed to impart these techniques to other students.

Students that possess metacognitive abilities may identify their cognitive strengths, plan their education, assess their progress, identify the reasons for their triumphs and failures, and pick up new skills. Additionally, it might aid in their revision training.

Self-Evaluating, Self-Monitoring, and Self-Regulation are the three stages of the metacognitive process, or cycle, that you or your kid should be guided through to increase self-awareness and eventually their executive functioning.

To learn more about the metacognitive


Imagine the products are in decline and recommend an extension strategy for each one. Make sure you explain your
A Galaxy chocolate bar
Candy Crush mobile app.
Evian water
Ferrari world.


All of these products should use a rebranding extension strategy.
Once a product reaches maturity and the market is saturated, it gradually starts to decline.

Because of this, one approach to lengthen the life of a product strategy is to always seek out ways to make it better, different, and even stand out from similar products that have already hit the market.

Rebranding, offering discounts, and looking for new markets are all examples of extension strategy methods. Rebranding is the process of giving an existing product a fresh look and feel in order to set it apart from the competition. For instance, a cosmetics company might provide additional brushes, blenders, or sponges.

To learn more about product, click here.


Improvement innovations refer to the invention of breakthrough products or services that don’t exist yet and that are aimed at creating brand-new markets and customers.

a. True
b. False




Look at picture please

Have an AWESOME day! :)

Note that common skills are listed toward the top, and less common skills are listed toward the bottom. According to O*NET, what are common skills needed by Postsecondary Education Administrators? Check all that apply.

active listening
reading comprehension
critical thinking
quality control analysis


According to O*NET, the common skills needed by Post-secondary Education Administrators are: Speaking, Active listening, Reading comprehension, and Critical thinking.

Administrators in postsecondary education help students with a range of activities, including class registration and admissions application completion.

Administrators in postsecondary education are in charge of faculty research, academics, and student services in colleges and universities.

To know more about Post-secondary education here


What is a PEST analysis of the UAE in terms of retail industry?
Political Economic Social Technology​



UAE finds itself in, with the aid of a PESTLE analysis.

PESTLE analyses look at the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors that affect a venture, organization, or country’s success.

Which action does NOT fall within the category of being a good listener?

Question 6 options:

taking notes

nodding your head with speaker

immediately asking questions before the speaker finishes

facing forward towards speaker



Immediately asking questions before the speaker finishes


By immediately asking questions before the speaker finishes shows that the listener is very impatient and doesn't want to hear the speaker completely which is not appreciated by speaker as he/she wants the listener to hear him/her with patience.

Steve met Diana at the local gym and they started talking about how Diana needed her
house painted. Steve told Diana that he would paint her whole house for $5,000 and
that he would keep the offer open for seven days. Later that night, Steve even sent
Diana an email detailing the terms of the offer. Two days later, Steve sent Diana an
email around 2:25 p.m., stating that the original offer was revoked. Around 1:55 p.m.
that same day, Diana wrote Steve a letter, stating that she accepted his offer for the
house painting. As soon as Diana was able, she went to Post Office and sent Steve the
letter by certified mail (time stamped by the Postal Service at 2:27 p.m.). That night
around 5:45 p.m., Diana was reviewing her emails and saw Steve's earlier email
informing her about the revocation of the offer. She immediately called him to tell him
that she had wrote him a letter of acceptance. Was the offer revoked by Steve and why
or why not?



Was the offer revoked by Steve and why

or why not?



I am not the best with contracts so no guarnatee but there was a clear offer, acceptance, consideration, making this a contract. Unless in the terms of the contract it stated that there could be a cancellation at any time, Steve is obligated to follow through.

What is the minimum hot-
holding temperature
requirement for pizza?
O a. 125°F (52°C)
O b. 130°F (54°C)
O c. 135°F (57°C)
O d. 140°F (60°C)


135°F (57°C) is the minimum hot- holding temperature requirement for pizza. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the concept behind this?

Bacteria can double in number in as little as 20 minutes at temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, where they proliferate the fastest.

The "Danger Zone" is referred to as this temperature range frequently. Never keep food out of the fridge for longer than two hours. The hot-holding temperature threshold is 135 degrees Fahrenheit in accordance with food safety laws. To be safe for consumption, hot meals can be at or above this temperature.

A heated food is said to be in the danger zone if the temperature drops below this mark.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about concept behind this, click here:


which of the following is not one of the most common depreciation methods? a. units-of-activity method b. double-declining-balance method c. straight-line method d. sum-of-the-years-digits method


The units-of-activity method is not one of the most common depreciation methods.

What are the Different Depreciation Techniques?

Depreciation expenses come in a variety of forms, and there are several formulae for calculating an asset's book value. The most typical depreciation techniques are as follows:


decreasing balance twice

the manufacturing units

sum of the years' digits

In accounting, depreciation expenditure is utilized to spread out the cost of a tangible asset over the course of its useful life. In other terms, it is the decline in asset value brought on by usage, damage from use, or obsolescence over time.

learn more about depreciation methods


one of the goals of business intelligence is to _________.



Improve an organization's business operations through the use of relevant data.

Explanation: The ultimate goal of BI initiatives is to drive better business decisions that enable organizations to increase revenue, improve operational efficiency and gain competitive advantages over business rivals.

To achieve that goal, BI incorporates a combination of analytics, data management and reporting tools, plus various methodologies for managing and analyzing data.

learn more about business intelligence link below


16) Refer to Figure 8-12. Suppose a $3 per-unit tax is placed on this good. The tax causes the price received by sellers to
a. decrease by $3.
b. increase by $2.
c. decrease by $1.
d. increase by $6.


Suppose a $3 per-unit tax is placed on this good. The tax causes the price received by sellers to decrease by $1. Option C

What is tax?

Generally, A tax is a mandatory monetary charge or some other kind of levy that is imposed on a taxpayer by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending and various other public expenditures, and tax revenue is used for these purposes. Taxes are also known as levies.

Taxes are obligatory contributions that are levied against individuals or corporations by a government body, regardless of whether that body is local, regional, or national.

The activities of the government, such as public works and services like roads and schools, as well as programs like Social Security and Medicare, are financed by the revenues collected from taxes.

Read more about tax


Other Questions
2.) for the line represented by the given equation, find both the X intercept and the y-intercept. (Dont simply look on the graphing calculator ). Make sure you indicate which answer is the x-intercept and which is the y-intercept . Then graph the line estimate the answer the cost of 5 items at a grocery store if the items cost $6.93, $5.99, $15.73, $3,78 and $18.29 Solve the inequality and graph the solution set on a real number line. Express the solution set in interval notation|x2 + 3x - 29 > 25The solution set is(Type your answer in interval notation. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression.) Briefly explain digestion The profit P(x) obtained by manufacturing and selling x units of a certain product is given by P(x) = 60x - x2. Determine the number of units that must be produced and sold to maximize the profit. What is the maximum profit? The angle of elevation from ground level to the top of a water tower that is 280 ft away measures 27 degrees. What is the height of the tower? Which statement does NOT describe resources?O The use of nonrenewable resources has decreased in recent history.O The largest use of the world's resources is energy.O One of the factors people use when deciding where they will live is the availability of resources.O Resources are unevenly distributed throughout the world. GeometryQuestion 5For what values of the variables must ABCD be a parallelogram? In "Song for the Turtles in the Gulf" how does Linda Hogan's diction develop the theme? Solve forj: -16 = j/2 + -19 A person walks 15.0 m in 5.00 s and thenwalks 12.0 m in 10.00 s. What is theaverage speed of the person? how you can contribute and help to solve the problem on water crisis at present and in the future What is the mass in grams of 5.024x23 platinum atoms? Solve the following system of equations graphically on the set of axes below.y = -1/3x - 4 y = 2/3x + 2 Read the dictionary definition for the word awe.awe \ o \ noun: a strong feeling of fear, respect, or wonderBased on this definition, what is most likely a definition of awesome?Ocausing feelings of indifferenceO lacking enough courageO inspiring great admirationcausing feelings of weakness juan has fewer than ten $10 bills. he has more tahn three $1 bills. he has twice as many tens as ones. how much money does he have? Find the quotient and remainder using long division.x4 5x3 + x 4 / x2 7x + 1 Simply the expression 11s(4) Use the distributive property to write an equivalent expression. If you get stuck, consider drawing a diagram p( 4p + 9) complementary angles. If m/A= (5x - 11) andZA and ZB arem/B = (6x + 2), then find the measure of ZA.PLEASE ANSWER ASAP !!!!