Identify all nouns and pronouns in the following sentence:

Mr. McPherson sat where he always sat on these quiet afternoons.


Answer 1



Mr. McPherson

quiet afternoons




Answer 2


pronouns: henouns: Mr. McPherson, quiet afternoons pronouns: he


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Where does the commas go in this sentence. Bill did I tell you we were moving to Boston Massachusetts.



Bill, did I tell you we were moving to Boston, Massachusetts


You can use / to always check you puctuation.

I hope this helped you.

What does the underlined sentence on page suggest about young artists?

Some of them may create art that is worth a lot of money

Some of them may have natural talent that could be developed

Some of them might put very little effort into improving their skills

Some of them might struggle to create works of beauty

I ready Diagnostic



its b


and get jokes sped

Select the correct answer. What type of stanza contains two lines?
A. sestet
B. quatrain
C. couplet
D. octave



C. couplet





Shiva "I will wait here direct to indirect speech ​



What is your question


Based on the details and information in "Making Money," what is the most likely reason that paper money is printed with ink that "changes color as you look at it from different angles"?

It is much less expensive to use than ordinary ink.

It is the only ink that works on paper made from cotton and linen.

It gives money its rather unusual look and feel.

It makes paper money more difficult to counterfeit.


Answer: It makes paper money more difficult to counterfeit.


Paper money can be a very valuable commodity to possess so criminals often try to counterfeit it so that they can have more of it without earning it. To counter this, government authorities that print cash put in a series of measures to enable counterfeit note detection.

One such way is the use of Optically Variable Ink (OVI). OVI shows different colors when the note is looked at from various angles. It is not very easy to procure so it is difficult for counterfeiters to get their hands on it and use it on fake currency.


It makes paper money more difficult to counterfeit.


Taking the test. 100%

In scene 3 , lady capulet tells juliet to consider marriage because


Option 3
It is because Paris wants to marry Juliet

My cousin has been to my house dozens of times yet he got lost
while he was on his way over for dinner last week.


But how can someone get lost if they been there dozens of times lol

Choose the sentence in which the verb is a linking verb. a
O A. His boss pays him well.
O B. He works at a gas station.
O C. His hours are long and busy.
• D. He to has walked to work from his house.



O C. His hours are long and busy.


Linking verbs are those words that act as a verb and also act as a link between the subject and other parts of the sentence. In other words, we can say linking verbs are used to connect a subject and other words that tell us more about the subject. And linking verbs are not the normal "action" verbs, but more of "is, am, are, was, were" etc.

Among the given sentences, option C has a linking verb "are". This linking verb tells us about the "long and busy" hours of the person "he".

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

please answer correctly answer all ​









Small black metal

Big fat black

Little old lovely

Beautiful long black

Hello, I need a text of 50 words for the kindness I have done, for example, to help a homeless person. Thanks in advance!​



Answer below


Just writing a simple 'thank you' note, or saying a few special words ... I really appreciate all the hard work you've done to help me. ... There are various reasons why people would want to express thanks to .

At the end of Chapter 12, why do you think Cassie cries for T.J. even though she never liked him?


Answer: List of crimes that T.J. is accused of committing. Cassie cries for T.J. at the end of the book because even though she does not like him, she is sad that he will be on the chain gang for crimes that he did not commit.


Which of the choices is the best implied thesis statement for the prompt?


the answer would be c


The third one down about bird watching


It elaborates most on what the following 3 paragraphs will include and a good trick for multiple choice answers is to go with the one that has the most written- it's probably right.

what is conditional operator in c?​



a ternary operator



The conditional operator is a ternary operator meaning it takes three operands Explanation:

Revise these three sentences by addition appropriate transition words or phrases at the beginning of each sentence to clearly connect the ideas of the sentences together for a reader.

-The team drove home from California. -It rained on the way home.
-The team arrived safely.​


It rained while the team rode home from California. However, they arrived safely.


It rained while the team rode home from California. However, they arrived safely.


Choose the correct word to complete this sentence.
The freshman of the year award was given to Jane Mai, ____ was very grateful.
A. Whom
B. Who
C. Which
D. That





Whom (step by step answer)

In literature, the narrator may also be referred to as
Select one:
the reader
the author.
the speaker.
the writer.



i think the speaker



the reader


pleaseee help mee Im begging youu​



1When I got my present, I was running to my room to open it.

2While Sara was driving, she was listening to music.

3When Thomas last year worked in a travel agency, he made a lot of money.

When I had the flu last week, I didn't go to work.

4Stewart got ready to go to bed when he heard someone shouting

5While I was working, Jerry playing computer games

6When I saw Mathew at the party yesterday, he did not speak to me.

What is the difference between a claim and counterclaim? Provide an example on a topic.


A claim is the main argument. A counterclaim is the opposing argument, a rebuttal. An example would be:

Claim: Students should be allowed to chew gum in class, in order to boost their concentration.

Counterclaim: Gum can be a distraction, if chewed loudly.

Why is it called the Dark Haired One? In number the stars?



Lise Johansen

Annemarie gives them her own name, while Ellen tells them her name is Lise Johansen. Mama, distraught, urges the officers to let the innocent children go back to bed. One officer, though, grabs a handful of Ellen's dark hair, and asks why everyone else in the family is blonde.

Hope it helps.

D. 15-18) Write four more sentences that describe your experience with poetry.
Use the correct forms of be, have, and do.



you will have to do it yourself it says your experience

How did I lose all my brainliest



There's a hacker that can delete everything like your answers


This is just my opinion

It could be a hacker deleting your answers or the people you answered deleting your comment

My friend said to me, .........(You will help me tomorrow / If I would help him tomorrow
will you help me tomorrow)


Wait what! I am so confused

Family Guy what are the negative influences?



Family Guy Essay. Family guy is a dysfunctional family that lives in Quahog, Rhode Island. The parents: Peter and Lois. The children: the oldest, Meg, the middle child, Chris and the baby is Stewie. Last but not least, the dog Brian. This TV show exhibits crude, adult humour. There are many different opinions on this show, many parents are ok with letting there children watch it and other refuse to do so because of the kind of humour some parents are on edge. So is family guy a negative influence on children? I believe it does have a negative influence on kids.

To start the language they use, secondly the violence and actions towards each other and other and also it is a very sexist show. Firstly, the language used in the episodes of family guy is a very vulgar, crude, dirty and coarse. They swear a lot


Family Guy is a popular animated sitcom that has been criticized for its use of offensive humor and stereotypes.

Influence refers to the ability to affect or change the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of others.

Some of the negative influences of Family Guy include:

1. Offensive humor: The show often uses offensive humor that can be seen as insensitive or derogatory towards certain groups of people. This can perpetuate negative stereotypes and contribute to a culture of intolerance.

2. Sexual content: Family Guy frequently includes sexual content that can be inappropriate for younger viewers. This can lead to a desensitization to sexual content and contribute to a culture of objectification and misogyny.

3. Violence: The show often includes violent scenes that can be graphic and disturbing. This can desensitize viewers to violence and contribute to a culture of aggression.

In conclusion, while Family Guy is a popular and entertaining show, it can have negative influences on its viewers due to its use of offensive humor, sexual content, and violence.

Learn more about influence here:


What is a rhyme scheme?
A. Rhymes that do not fulfill their intentions
B. Rhymes that surprise the reader
C. Rhymes used in a repeating pattern
D. Rhymes used in new and original ways


I believe c is the answer

Why should you modify your approach to evaluating literature, based on the form of the literary work?
A.Different forms of literature hold different levels of value with readers.
B. Different forms of literature require different key elements to succeed.
C. Different forms of literature tend to be written in different languages.
D. Different forms of literature use different narrators with different points of view.



Option D


Different literature forms uses different point of view of the author/poet who themselves are different from each other in terms of thought, language used, literary component used, person of the literature (first, second or third), narrative (linear, non linear, Quest, viewpoint), different narrative technique (metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, hyperbole, and alliteration) etc.

Hence, option D is correct




took the test

Underline the tense and state the kind of it:-

1. he had forgotten to take his umbrella.



He had forgotten to take his umbrella.

The above Underlined phrase 'had forgotten ' is in Past Perfect Tense.

Read the following excerpt and pay close attention to the words the author uses:

With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

In a paragraph of four to six sentences, identify three words or phrases with positive connotations and explain how these words influence the paragraph. Be sure to specifically answer the following questions in your response: What images or ideas are associated with each word? How do these words influence the meaning and tone of this passage? Use proper spelling and grammar in your response. (9 points)


Hey not the ans but sorry I also need help that you for understanding

Which sentence would provide the BEST transition
between the two paragraphs?
Whether the purpose is to limit
distractions or to encourage self-
respect, the new policy is a good
Some workplaces are also starting
to enact stricter expectations for
what is considered a professional
I know that the administration has
faced some opposition for this
policy, but I think it will die down
once students get used to the
I can assure you that I, for one, am
distracted by some of the things
people wear now.





It is the least personal and most "professional" sounding option, and also it offers the smoothest transition of topics.

SUPPOSE you are starting a business of selling jewelry online, what kind of audience will you talk with ? What strategies will you use to persuade your audience how will you create your own market



Since this is a question that doesn't have a specific answer and is  based on opinions; i would say: I would talk with social media audiences and The strategies i would use are use ads or small length videos to attract new customers or anyone that is interested in my business.


relationships in a group of colors strongly influence their overall visual effect.


Yes, that statement is true.
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19 POINTS AND BRAINLIEST IF CORRECTRead the question CAREFULLY can anyone help pls it's hard AR test catching fire anwsersssss Please help me it would mean the world. Extra points!The answer is 15in^2 provided by my teacher I just need the work. What is the formula for displacement? = xf xiv = /v = / = v tChoose all that apply What is the difference?2x+5 3+5 X+ 1x 3x - gx x-g 5, 8, II, 14 ...The pattern isNext 2 terms = PLEASE ANWSER ASAP ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST explain why some jobs are recession proof Determine whether each table represents a linear, quadratic, or exponential function and justify your answer. Write the correct function name and justification next to the corresponding table. Complete the following analogy. hii please help ill give brainliest willa is shopping at the mall. An outfit that she likes has 3 different styles of the top, a choice of a skirt or slacks, and 4 different belts. How many different combination does Willa have have to choose from? A: 2B: 6C: 12D: 24 Which of the following character traits does the father in The Bundle of Sticks most possess? Which expression is equivalent to 15 + 35 If each collectible coin weighs 2.5 grams, how much do 3 collectible coins weigh all together?A) 9.5 gramsB) 8.5 grams7.5 gramsD 6.5 grams Carbon Composite Poles manufactures fishing poles that have a price of $125.00. It has costs of $90.00. A competitor is introducing a new fishing pole that will sell for $110.00. Management believes it must lower the price to $110.00 to compete in the highly cost-conscious fishing pole market. Marketing department believes that the new price will allow Carbon to maintain the current sales level of 200,000 poles per year. Required: a) What is the target cost for the new price if target operating income is 25 % of sales Volcanoes and earthquakes sometimes occur in Canadas western ranges because of the __________.A.oceans currentB.latitude or the regionC.movement of the Earths platesD.elevation of the mountain range Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions. Online Content: Site 1 Who answers the three economic questions in a market economy? How is this different from a command economy? (Site 1) Find the missing angle.Round to the nearest tenth.B = 50b = 8a = 10A = [?]"