please help this is very important
(this is a big part of my grade)

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Answer 1


first two:  transportation like trucks and airplanes and internet + technology


this is because airplanes can travel over country and state lines, therefore going over physical boundaries. Internet nowadays a is wireless, so you can send a text message despite there being a huge, ten foot wall infront of you.

Related Questions

Choose the word from each sentence that matches its description.

The falling snow covered the Rocky Mountains.

Participle used as an adjective modifier:_______

Proper noun: ______

Common noun: ______



1. Falling
2. Rocky Mountains
3. Snow
4. Covered

Pwease help i will give you brain thing if its correct ♡


The answer is D adaptive

Advices for people for protecting ancestral temples. 5 points ​



Ancestral temples are natural areas of special spiritual significance to peoples and  communities. They include natural areas recognized as sacred by indigenous and traditional  peoples, as well as natural areas recognized by institutionalized religions or faiths as places for  worship and remembrance. Access to these sites is usually restricted by taboos and management  codes to particular activities and members of a community. Many sacred sites have survived for  hundreds of years and act as important biodiversity reservoirs. However, their contribution to  conservation has been largely overlooked and undervalued by state and conservation agencies,  policies and laws.  Sacred natural sites are also integral parts of ethnic identity and play a key role in traditional  cultures and lifestyles. While community controls once helped protect sacred natural sites, rural  peoples are increasingly vulnerable to political and economic pressures outside their control.  Without security of tenure and active participation in decisions that affect them, it is impossible  for such communities to effectively protect their lands and resources. taking that in mind I would advise to create protection laws with penalties if people dont respect them or start a global protest so the world know about this issue.

Hope I helped :)

Briefly explain importance of financial institution for the economic development of Tanzania​



Financial sector plays an indispensable role in the overall development of a country. The financial institutions have traditionally been the major source of long-term funds for the economy. These institutions provide a variety of financial products and services to fulfil the varied needs of the commercial sector.


Sorry it is wrong!! Have a great day!!

please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease <3



It’s the second one, mechanical and electromagnetic

A researcher wants to statistically test whether there are gender differences in participant responses to stress. The researcher exposed all participants to five stress conditions (no stress, public speaking stress, heat stress, cold stress, noise stress). The researcher hypothesized that participants' stress levels, as measured by salivary cortisol levels, would be affected by type of stress and by gender differences. What are the independent and dependent variables in the study



Independent variable ⇒ Gender Dependent variable ⇒ Stress levels


The independent variable is the one that is manipulated in an experiment to see whether it will have an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable therefore changes when the independent variable is manipulated which means that it is dependent on the effects of the independent variable.

In this scenario, the gender is the independent variable and stress levels are the dependent variable. Gender is being manipulated by being changed from gender to gender to see if it will have an effect on the stress level experienced by a participant of a certain gender.

Negative Message Assignment

As a Business Manager of a very well- reputed publishing house ,you signed an agreement with M/S Degree College to supply them all publishing materials within 1.5 months 'time. Now you find that it is almost impossible to supply their order within due date as 30 days have already passed ,but one-third of the printing work is still to be done.

Draft a letter to the Director Administration of the college ,informing about the current situation and offer an acceptable solution to the problem. Assume necessary details. You should write about 150-200 words.



There are some techniques that help in delivering negative messages, it is necessary that managers know how to use them in order to reduce the impact of negative communication.


When delivering bad news, there are some techniques for dampening messages that can assist in the impact with which the recipient understands the message, so the sender must write the message using a positive and optimistic way, being clear about the existence of the problem, but seeking optimistic solutions that guarantee your total solution. The sender can begin communication seeking the receiver's understanding of the facts that led to the problem, which increases empathy and increases understanding about the situation that caused the bad news to appear.

In the case of the above question, communication could occur as follows:

Dear Administrative Director of M / S Degree College,

I begin this letter with the intention of leaving you totally part of the contractual situation established on date xx. I know that the deal was that the publisher would deliver all the publication materials within 1.5 months, but there was an exponential increase in demand that was not foreseen in the planning, due to the promotions announced in the period, which caused a delay in the publisher's deliveries.

I kindly ask for your understanding and make myself entirely available to solve the problem, I also suggest a reduction of 10% of the value established in the contract and 10% of a discount for future negotiations.

I also reiterate that the material will be delivered within a period of 1 month with an extra premium edition bonus to resolve any situations contrary to those provided for in the contract.

Kind Regards,


Monroe graduated at the top of his high school class. When Monroe left for college, he was
committed to achieving. However, he decided to pledge a fraternity and his grades started to slip.
When questioned he explained that the social aspect of college is more important than academics.
Which concept does this explanation reflect? (2 points)


Answer: Cognitive dissonance

Explanation: this is the conflicting issue of attributes or beliefs and morals basically.

which land form is this​


Answer: Island Because I see The grasss and sand. Therefore I beilive it is an island.

:) plz mark me brainliest

Vhat type of financial institution would have the lowest rates on loans?



The major bank with the lowest interest rate for a personal loan is Barclays, at 5.74%. Other notable banks with low personal loan rates include HSBC (5.99%) and PNC (5.99%). Some smaller banks across the country may also offer personal loans with similarly low rates.Explanation:

bc i said

Kennedy and Adolphs, in their article about stress in the city, reported two findings in which activity in the brain was associated (in a bad way) with different aspects of city life. One finding was that activation of the amygdala correlated with the size of the city in which an individual currently resided. Another finding involved a different area of the brain and its association with
1) the length of time a person had lived in a large city during childhood.
2) the population density of one's current geographic residence.
3) the region of origin of a person's mother.
4) the region in which one lived from age 18-21 years old.


Answer: The population density of one's current geographic residence.


Daniel Kennedy and Ralph Adolphs, both from the California Institute of Technology, noted in an essay published in the same issue of Nature.

Kennedy and Adolphs noted that city populations might, to a certain extent, be a self-selecting population. "There are wide variations in individuals' preferences for, and ability to cope with, city life: some thrive in New York City; others would happily swap it for a desert island," they wrote in their essay. One key reason for this might be "the perceived degree of control that people have over their daily lives."

Kennedy and Adolphs Also suggested future work focusing on ways of "softening" the urban landscape via better architecture and urban planning.

Even though city dwellers showed differences in their brains, their levels of the stress hormone cortisol was on par with their rural peers.

Social threat, lack of control and subordination are all likely candidates for mediating the stressful effects of city life, and probably account for much of the individual differences."

Dr Daniel Kennedy and Prof Ralph Adolphs, both at the California Institute of Technology, said that there are wide variations in a people's preferences for, and ability to cope with, city life.


Throughout ancient history, the city of Rome was invaded by outsiders on four separate occasions. Which "Barbarian" group invaded and sacked (plundered) the city of Rome in A.D. 455? A modern English term meaning "to damage or destroy" derives from these people. *

1. Vandals

2. Goths

3. Mongols

4. Mongols

5. the French


the answer is probably mongols




Most white Southerners made a living by being



what is U shaped valley?social class 7​



A glacier forms a valley with steep sides and flat bottom by eroding rock minerals. This valley resembles the English alphabet 'U' and hence, is known as the U-shaped Valley.

HELP PLS HELP. THE BOOK IS Ceres and Proserpina


The correct one is A. Pluto.


Pluto was one of the most important Roman gods. Pluto was a son of Saturn (god of agriculture) and Ops (goddess of fertility), brother of Jupiter and Neptune. He was in charge of ruling the underworld and the souls that came to it. He lived in Tartarus, located in a place known as the prison of the condemned, where the most terrible criminals would end up suffering the worst torments. According to the above, the correct answer is A. Pluto.

teachings addressing GBV in Christianity​


They influence the masses through teachings and act as role models. The religious leaders and marriage counsellors of the Office of Religious Affairs, are influential in the field of family guidance, and marriage and couple reconciliation. This makes them key players in the fight against GBV

no links please help I'll give you brain thing if its correct <3


You can download[tex]^{}[/tex] the answer here


Answer:Yes i belive so

Who is Justin Bieber?


A famous singer, a good one

Justin Bieber is a forest creature. Hence the name Bieber... it sounds like beaver.

Before the reformation occurs, what issues angered people about the church?








Water evaporates due to heat, if the weather is cold evaporation can not occur and therefore causing less precipitation

Why did the Germans first attack Belgium 



To avoid the French fortifications along the French-German border, the troops had to cross Belgium and attack the French Army by the north. Of course, Belgians refused to let them through, so the Germans decided to enter by force and invaded Belgium on Aug. 4, 1914.

why were Charlotte cordays action so important to the revolution​


Norman whose passion for justice so far exceeded the capacity or will of the Revolution to separate justice from politics that she individually indicted, judged, and executed the radical journalist Jean Paul Marat, by murdering him in his bath.

What river region did Henry Hudson claim for the Dutch in 1609?



Hudson River region


How does Ceres discover what happened to Proserpina?
1.Helios told her that Pluto had kidnapped her.
2.Hecate told her.
3.She figured it out on her own.
4.She had a dream about Proserpina


2 it’s 2 I did the report last year

What are the Objectives of competition policy​


Competition is to challenge each other .

What qualities of citizens in the Roman Republic did many of the founders admire?



the qualities of citizens that the founders admire were the roman citizens were willing to serve in public office because they were devoted to their republic.

Anna, Isabelle, and Genie were studied to understand the effects of extreme isolation. What can you MOST likely conclude from the research surrounding these three cases?
A:Extreme isolation has very little--if any at all-effect on human children.
B:Children living in extreme isolation do not learn basic skills at the same rate as their peers
C:Most children can recover fully from an experience of extreme isolation.
D:More children should be put in extreme isolation to get better data about this situation.


Answer: C

Explanation: Surveys of people who have experienced this form of extreme isolation point to a range of negative cognitive consequences, including difficulties thinking or remembering information, obsessive thinking, and hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms, as well as longer-term mental illness risks, and increased incidence .

Hope this helps!!

Plz give me Brainliest!!

Have a great day!!



Children living in extreme isolation do not learn basic skills at the same rate as their peers.


Governments in free enterprise systems play which important role ?




They allow individuals to make most of the economic decisions. Specifically,  the government has two roles: rule maker and umpire.


Creating the safety regulations to protect consumers


As we saw in our discussion of competitive markets, a free enterprise system is largely self-regulating. Therefore, government plays a limited, but important, role, allowing individuals to make most of the economic decisions. Specifically, government has two roles: rule maker and umpire.

What led the United States to enter the Korean and Vietnam Wars


The Americans believed that the USSR was behind the North Korean invasion and they were determined to stop Stalin. ... They also hoped to take advantage of the USSR's boycott of the UN to get the UN to agree to military help for South Korea. The advance of communism elsewhere made America more determined.

Explain the effects of air pollution on several European countries.



cardiovascular dieseas, reduce lung function, repiratory infection and asthma are the effect of air pollution in eruropien countries

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