I will give u brainiest if u answer my question correctly :)
Find the surface area of this prism

I Will Give U Brainiest If U Answer My Question Correctly :)Find The Surface Area Of This Prism


Answer 1

The surface area of the prism is given as follows:

216 cm².

How to obtain the surface area?

The surface area of a prism is obtained with the sum of the areas of each part of the prism.

The pars of the prism are all rectangular, and the dimensions of each part are given as follows:

2 rectangles with dimensions 6 cm and 9 cm.4 rectangles with dimensions 3 cm and 9 cm.

The area of a rectangle is given by the multiplication of the two dimensions that compose the rectangle.

Then, considering the six rectangles, the surface area of the prism in this problem is given as follows:

Surface area = 2 x 6 x 9 + 4 x 3 x 9 = 216 cm².

(the area is in cm² as the dimensions are in cm, as cm x cm = cm²).

More can be learned about surface areas at brainly.com/question/16519513


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place the following party organization in order from the lowest level of temporary party organization to the highest level of temporary party organization.


Precinct convention celebration enterprise so as from the lowest degree of transient celebration enterprise to the very best degree of transient celebration enterprise. The correct choice is B.

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Going to conventions and meetings will offer you with several possibilities to make friends, connections, and those who might also additionally need to collaborate with you. It's how groups are formed, enterprise jobs are obtained, and those construct the reputation they need. In addition to celebration affiliation, someone ought to be a registered voter within side the precinct or a precinct resident who is eligible to vote on a restricted poll to be eligible to take part in a precinct convention held beneath this subchapter.

Thus, the ideal selection is choice B.

To know about the precinct convention click here:



Complete question

Place the following party organization in order from the lowest level of temporary party organization to the highest level of temporary party organization.

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Can I eat 4 day old chicken salad?


Don’t eat that it’s probably bad

What is G force driving?


G force driving rapid or harsh acceleration.

The gravitational pressure equal, or, more typically, g-pressure, is a size of the sort of force in line with unit mass typically acceleration that reasons a perception of weight, with a g-pressure of 1 g equal to the traditional value of gravitational acceleration in the world, g, of approximately 9.8 m/s².

Normal human beings can resist no extra than nine g's, and even that for only a few seconds. whilst present process an acceleration of nine g's, your frame feels 9 times heavier than ordinary, blood rushes to the ft, and the heart can not pump hard sufficient to bring this heavier blood to the mind.

A g-force is a measure of acceleration. 1G is the acceleration we feel because of the force of gravity. it's what maintains our ft firmly planted on the floor. Gravity is measured in meters in line with 2nd squared or m/s2.

Learn more about G force here:-https://brainly.com/question/12785175


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Is ambition a good thing or an evil thing?


Most people for most of history did not have technology to distract them: If you did not have electric devices (you still have lights), how would you spend your time?


The primary force behind personal development and growth is ambition. Without a healthy dose of ambition, no one can prosper.

Does a person's ambition have a beneficial impact on them?

A strong internal drive and a sense of purpose motivate those who aspire to be more, know more, accomplish more, give more, or have more to dream bigger and take greater risks. They advance and achieve their objectives because of their ambition. Ambition displays a strong sense of self-worth and a greater capacity for abstraction and future imagery when it is well-directed and supported by ideals. As they move closer to their objectives, ambitious folks have a glitter in their eyes. They vibrate at a higher frequency and exude an infectious zeal for getting things done. They encourage and uplift others.

It is important to remember that having ambition does not indicate having no morals or ideals. Not as many in Western civilisation frequently believe, is a lack of control or being manipulative. We don't value ambition around here. We detest and fear it (almost as much as the success of others). We are extremely ready to associate it with unbridled ambition. It's as if everyone who is ambitious has the capacity and willingness to cause harm to others by nature. Unbridled ambition is a trait often associated with the villain in a novel, and it is evident that there are plenty of people out there who are willing to do everything and push aside anybody in order to achieve their goals. But this does not automatically rule out success for people who have a healthy and constructive amount of ambition.

People without ambition, on the other hand, make very minimal demands of life and receive little to nothing in return. They achieve nothing because they lack goals, aspirations, a direction, or a clear intention. Others are apathetic or possibly unmotivated, while others are conformists. Many of them have a negative outlook on life and are unaware of how their lack of ambition actually harms their future since they are unable to envision it and subsequently make it happen. People who lack ambition aren't really honest with themselves; they lack the guts to take the risks necessary for success and don't develop themselves to their full potential.

We need to instil in our kids the value of ambition and having great dreams. These serve as powerful catalysts for both individual and group success. Additionally, we must impart to children the idea that ambition can and ought to be used for the good of others and society at large.

Today, we should demand that those who will guide us into the future give us a clear vision and set bold, difficult goals that motivate us all to achieve them. Only in this way will we be able to create the flourishing, just, and equal workplace and world that we all desire.

Ambitious individuals control their own future and don't rely on others to cater to their requirements. They are tenacious and determined. They are aware of their destination and the steps required to get there. They are capable of adapting and living up to their aspirations, constantly alert to the opportunities that are there for those who are prepared to notice them and take advantage of them.

To know more about ambitions, click here



What makes Filipinos unique from others?


Hospitability is the feature that makes Filipinos different and unique from each other.

Hospitable – Filipinos are acknowledged for being welcoming and friendly. So a good deal recognize for the elderlies – One of the Filipino tradition and values that locals are very proud of. Kissing the elder's head at the forehead – One of the maximum critical Filipino tradition and values. Having Close Family Ties is likewise certainly considered one among their particular traits. It is one of the fantastic cultural values that Filipinos have. The own circle of relatives takes care of every different and are taught to be dependable to own circle of relatives and elders via way of means of definitely obeying their authorities. This is one of the particular traits of Filipinos.

To learn more about hospitable check the link below:



Why is it important to have good performance?


A successful performance boosts self-assurance and respect.

Our performance should be improved on a regular basis. Not only for ourselves, but also for each of our teammates, we should be working hard to succeed.

Without an end in sight, courses might become routine, leading to students losing interest in training and giving up before they've reached their full potential.

A goal is crucial because it gives someone's labor the kind of reward it deserves. One can easily lose interest in the task at hand if they don't have a clear aim in mind. A performance is something one can aim for and anticipate.

When someone is performing, it is always a good moment to offer them words of support from friends, family, and teachers. This will increase their motivation for their subsequent performance and motivate them to look for other performance possibilities.

To know more about performance, visit:



Who joined Big Hit first in BTS?


BTS was formed when Bang Si-hyuk signed RM as the group's first member and held nationwide casting calls to find the other members. On June 13, 2013, BTS made its Big Hit debut.

Bang Si-Hyuk, a well-known songwriter and music producer who opened his own studio, Big Hit Entertainment, in 2005, is the creator of BTS. He started gathering musicians in 2010 for a band he was calling the Bangtan Sonyeondan (also known as BTS), or "Bulletproof Boy Scouts."

The group's members, the first of whom was RM, a Seoul-based underground rapper, were chosen for their prowess in rapping, dancing, and singing. BTS earned the Top Social Artist Award, which was decided upon by fans, during the 2017 Billboard Music Awards ceremony.

To learn more about BTS, visit the link below:



Why is BTS the best in the world?


As evidenced bts by their socially conscious lyrics, which mostly explore identity, positivism, and acceptance.

What makes BTS so special?

They also won a Billboard Music Award first for a Korean group. BTS is the first all-Korean band to perform at the Grammy Awards and receive a nomination, as well as the first Asian group to be nominated for Best Artist at the American Music Awards and win it. They also won a Billboard Music Award first for a Korean group.

What are 5 facts about BTS?

For a year, V was unrecognisable to the CEO of BTS,Dorm floor sweeping is the responsibility of Rap Monster,During their debut performance, Jin's pants gave way.In ten years, according to Jungkook, he wants to be a tattoo artist or the proprietor of a duck restaurant,Jin threatened to knock up any team members who messed with his prized possessions.

What is BTS full form?

BTS, in full Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” or “Bangtan Boys”), also called Beyond the Scene, South Korean K-pop (Korean pop music) band that shot to international stardom in the late 2010s

learn more about BTS visit:



Read this excerpt from anne frank remembered. A small voice inside me asked, "what else?" i knew the austrian was like stone. I had truly come to the end of my rope. With measured steps, i walked toward the door to the building. Gestapo were everywhere in the corridors, like flies in fancy uniforms. Again the thought rang in my brain, people who enter this building do not always come out again. I put one foot in front of the other, waiting for someone to stop me. Why does miep choose to leave the building?.


We can see here that from "Anne Frank Remembered",  Miep choose to leave the building because: C. She recognizes the futility of her effort.

What is "Anne Frank Remembered"?

"Anne Franks Remembered" is actually known to be a film that centers on Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who rose to fame after her diary was made public. The movie depicts Anne and her family's attempt to elude Nazi persecution in Amsterdam by taking refuge in her father's office building with the help of dependable friends.

We see here that the reason Miep decided to leave the building was because of the fact that she recognized that her effort is futile.

The options that complete the question are:

A. She has devised an alternate plan.

B. She is disgusted by the filthy facility.

C. She recognizes the futility of her effort.

D. She is concerned about returning to work.

Learn more about Anne Frank on https://brainly.com/question/25680598


How does the fight with Grendel's mother differ from the fight with Grendel?


In contrast to his battle with Grendel, his battle with Grendel's mother is not witnessed by any of his soldiers.

As Beowulf fights Grendel's mother alone, no one else is aware of what is happening in the mere. His immediate audience will have to accept Beowulf's account of the events, so he is free to offer any interpretation of them. Beowulf announces that he would fight Grendel hand to claw because the monster is an ogre and does not own a weapon or armor. In the event that he is killed, Beowulf demands that King Hygelac have his war-shirt (breast armor, mail). Hrothgar hosts a celebratory feast to mark Beowulf's arrival. Beowulf seizes the massive sword and swings it ferociously. The mother of the Grendel is fatally stabbed in the neck, and she splats to the ground bloody and lifeless. The hero is ecstatic.

Learn more about Beowulf fights here:



Are there rules in an open relationship?


Don't make assumptions about what your spouse will and will not want to know.  Don't take a team shot.

Don't say "I'm in an open relationship" the next day after sleeping with someone. Don't expect your partner to be completely supportive of every person you date.

Sex boundaries should be expressly discussed, such as how frequently sex can occur (e.g., weekly, monthly, etc.), with how many people at a time, where (e.g., on business travels), and any extra physical or logistical (e.g., time) aspects a couple chooses to specify in their relationship.

Recent study using a fresh paradigm to investigate different forms of monogamy and nonmonogamy reveals that open, consensual nonmonogamy may be healthy and enjoyable.

Learn more about to open relationship visit here;



What movie is situational irony?


Situational irony may have its most well-known use in the film The Sixth Sense. By the end of the film, we understand that Cole has the ability to "see dead people," and that Bruce Willis's character has passed away.

It's said in a way that allows for maximum irony: Moana, the film's titular character, isn't your standard Disney princess, singing songs as she pines away with a mystical dove on her shoulder. She may be the daughter of a tribe chief and the next in line for the position. In reality, there isn't a romantic attraction.

Romeo and Juliet has several instances of situational irony, including the play's final irony. When the reverse of what is anticipated happens, it is called a situational irony.

To learn more about Situational irony please click on below link



How do the animals commemorate the Battle of the Cowshed and the rebellion? In chapter 4 of animal farm. PLEASE HELP ASAP.

The definition of com-mem-o-rate is - recall and show respect for (someone or something)


The animals agree to fire Mr. Jones' gun twice a year to commemorate the Battle of the Cowshed and the Rebellion anniversaries at the conclusion of Chapter IV.

They sing "Beasts of England" and raise a flag to the flagpole to mark the occasion. It serves as a reminder of their triumph. Then the animals rejoice in what they refer to as "The Battle of the Cowshed." They find the gun Mr. Jones abandoned at the fight and bury it in the muck, promising to fire it twice a year on the anniversaries of the uprising and the Battle of the Cowshed.Following the Battle of the Cowshed, the animals unanimously voted to establish the military medal "Animal Hero, First Class," which was awarded to Snowball and Boxer right then and then.

Thus this is how animals commemorate the Battle of the Cowshed and the rebellion.

Refer here to learn more about Battle of the Cowshed: https://brainly.com/question/29398975


How long is chicken safe in fridge?


It's ok to keep raw chicken (whole or in pieces) in the fridge for 1-2 days; there's no need to store it in the freezer.

If you have cooked chicken leftovers, you may anticipate them to keep for 3–4 days in the fridge.

In the refrigerator, raw chicken keeps for 1-2 days whereas cooked chicken keeps for 3–4 days. Check the "best if used by" date and keep an eye out for spoiled food indicators including changes in colour, texture, and smell. Even if you fully prepare the chicken, you should avoid eating ruined chicken since it might make you sick.

Cooked chicken can keep for three to four days in the fridge and two to three months in the freezer, according to the USDA.

To learn more about fridge please click on below link



A Minor Bird

I have wished a bird would fly away,

And not sing by my house all day;

Have clapped my hands at him from the door

When it seemed as if I could bear no more.

The fault must partly have been in me.

The bird was not to blame for his key.

And of course there must be something wrong

In want to silence any song.

1. What does the poem’s title say about the bird that is the subject of them?

(What does minor mean?




The poem's title say that the bird is less important.


Minor means less importance or seriousness, and in this poem -- it is pretty obvious that it is not as important.

Is non fiction not real?


Contrarily, nonfiction is factual and presents accounts of actual occurrences. Nonfiction works include histories, biographies, journalism, & essays. Nonfiction typically has a higher bar to meet than fiction.

Simply said, nonfiction is literature that accurately details actual events & real people. It is not phoney since it is the antithesis of fiction. Remember that news stories are nonfiction, even if they are made up. The statements' veracity is not being tested. False claims can be made in nonfiction, and they frequently are. In fiction, made-up individuals and events are described. Because fiction doesn't depict actual occurrences, you may argue that it is untrue. To make reading interesting, authors make up narrative lines, settings, characters, and conflicts.

To know more about journalism:



What effect is the poet trying to achieve with the technique of alliteration?


Alliteration is the practise of starting successive words with the same sound in order to create an auditory pulse that will give a writing piece a lulling, poetic, and/or emotive effect.

Alliteration and a recurring rhythm in the text would make it much more unforgettable for the reader. Alliteration may thus be used to add feeling or tone to a piece of literature. Additionally, it may be utilised to emphasise points and provide rhythm, which improves context recall.

Additionally, alliterative sentences that use repeated sounds to generate rhythm, atmosphere, and greater memorability for your content.

To know more about Alliteration:



Choose the predicate nominative in the sentence. Pavorotti was a great tenor. Pavorotti was great tenor.


The sentence “Pavorotti was a great tenor” contains a predicate nominative, which is the word “tenor”. A predicate nominative is a word that follows a linking verb and renames the subject of the sentence.

In this case, the linking verb is “was”, and the subject is “Pavorotti”, so the predicate nominative “tenor” renames the subject.The predicate nominative is an important part of grammar, as it helps to describe the subject of a sentence in more detail. In this sentence, the predicate nominative “tenor” tells us more about who Pavorotti is – that he is a great tenor. It is also important to note that the sentence is correct as it is written, with “a” preceding “great tenor”. This article “a” is necessary to make the sentence grammatically correct.

In conclusion, the sentence “Pavorotti was a great tenor” contains a predicate nominative, which is the word “tenor”. This word renames the subject of the sentence, Pavorotti, and tells us more about who he is. It is also important to note that the article “a” is necessary before the predicate nominative in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Learn more about predicate nominative at :https://brainly.com/question/985028


how would a physicist use the word void?



Generally speaking, it is an area of space emitting matter/energy, such as in Dark Matter theory, Black Holes, etc. It's voiding itself.


as expressed in the excerpt from the "four freedoms" speech, what immediate course should the united states pursue?


In the end, freedom from want not only inspires feelings of contentment and joy, but also frees us to follow our passions, discover our talents, and cultivate our skills.

What was the main purpose of Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech?Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address, commonly known as the “Four Freedoms” speech. In it he articulated a powerful vision for a world in which all people had freedom of speech and of religion, and freedom from want and fear. It was delivered on January 6, 1941 and it helped change the world.FDR believes that the US should immediately build up its supply of military weapons. One of the "four essential human freedoms" that Roosevelt describes in his "Four Freedoms" speech is freedom from fear.The speech intensified America's isolationist mood, causing protest by non-interventionists and foes to intervene. No countries were directly mentioned in the speech, although it was interpreted as referring to the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Italy, and Nazi Germany.FDR's speech instilled hope in the American people and in it he attempted to establish himself as a strong leader to the people within. He presented logical arguments to help people find reasons to believe that things would get better and appealed to his audience's emotions to emphasize positive thoughts.

To learn more about four freedom refer to:


Are the gifts that Jim and Della give each other valuable in terms of being useful? Explain.


The gifts Della and Jim gave were identical. Although they were cherished belongings, the gifts they purchased—combs for her hair and a chain for his watch—were useful.

Are the gifts useful?

They purchased these items to elevate the value of their assets, but in the end, their love for one another was the finest gift they could have received. In the story, the significance of the gift is stressed. The most priceless present is the one that comes from the heart. Della sells her gorgeous, prized hair, which reaches her legs, in order to raise money for Jim's present. She spends the cash on a pricey watch chain for Jim's cherished timepiece. To afford an expensive comb and brush set for Della's gorgeous hair, Jim sells his beloved watch.

They eventually come to realize that their love for one another is more valuable than any material object money could ever buy. At the conclusion of the narrative, O. Henry draws a connection between Jim and Della and the Biblical Magi that is both humorous and profound.

The gifts Della and Jim gave were identical. Although they were cherished belongings, the gifts they purchased—combs for her hair and a chain for his watch—were useful.

To read more about "The gift of magi", click below:



What are themes Short answer?


The complete theme are generally the main concept of showing the point in the story or a tale and what's the actual sense of that story.

Examples of Theme Topics: Love, Justice/Injustice, Family, Struggle, the American Dream, Wealth, Inhumanity Examples of Themes: People chance their personal identification to locate love; Power corrupts humanity; Without empathy, there may be no justice.

The time period subject matter may be described because the underlying which means of a tale. It is the message the author is attempting to bring thru the tale. Often the subject matter of a tale is a large message approximately life. The subject matter of a tale is essential due to the fact a tale's subject matter is a part of the motive why the writer wrote the tale.

Read more about theme:



Which is the first famous song of BTS?


With the single "No More Dream," which sold 50,000 copies and debuted at number 124 on the Gaon Digital Chart, BTS made its South Korean debut on June 12, 2013.

BTS, a South Korean boy band, has recorded almost 100 non-single songs in addition to 42 singles as lead artist, nine singles as a featured artist, two promotional singles, and three soundtrack appearances.

BTS made their South Korean debut on June 12, 2013, with the single "No More Dream," which sold 50,000 copies and peaked at number 124 on the Gaon Digital Chart.

The world-record-breaking group BTS is without a doubt the biggest boy idol group in the entire world, not just in South Korea. Young people all over the world imitate their energetic dance movements as a result of their words, which are fueled by captivating films, which induce LSS (or last song syndrome). They are so widely dispersed.

To know more about the BTS band, refer to this link:



Which sentence effectively presents information without plagiarizing?
A: The Reelund Hotel opened in 1890 and has consistently won Texas Hotel Awards (Herzig 80).
B:To cater to the visitors, many small businesses sprouted, and they still exist today (Herzig 80).
C: Located on Main Street in Reelund, Maggie's Restaurant first opened in 1882 (Herzig 80).
D: Years ago, a local seed-planting technique was featured in Texas Farming Magazine (Herzig 80).


The sentence that effectively presents an information without plagiarizing is "the Reelund Hotel opened in 1890 and has consistently won Texas Hotel Awards (Herzig 80)". The Option A is correct.

What is a plagiarism?

Plagiarism refers to any fraudulent representation of another person's work, thoughts, ideas or expressions as one's own original work.It is considered to violate academic integrity and journalistic ethics as well as social norms of learning, teaching, research, fairness, respect and responsibility in many cultures. It is subjected to sanctions such as penalties, suspension, expulsion from school, work, substantial fines or even imprisonment..

When an article is plagiarized, it may need to undergone some rephrasing which can disrupt the right construction of the original sentence, therefore, among the options, the one is without plagiarizing is "the Reelund Hotel opened in 1890 and has consistently won Texas Hotel Awards (Herzig 80).

Read more about plagiarism



how does the tempest imagine union? who or what is united (or re-united) over the course of the play and to what end?


The Tempest provides a rather simple tale about an unfair act, Prospero's brother trying to usurp the crown, then Prospero's attempt can reinstate justice through taking back possession of the situation.

Which is Tempest's central theme?

The basic, frequently global ideas which are examined inside a work of literature are called motifs. The Storm provides a rather simple tale about a wrongful action, Prospero's brother overruling its crown, and Prospero's attempt can reinstate right by taking back control of the situation.

Who is the Tempest's Prospero?

For ThoughtCo, Lily Rockefeller writes about literature. She graduated from Oxford University with a master's degree in German literature. Prospero has each of the characters in The Tempest under his grasp in a different way.

To now more about tempest visit:



Why is it called infinitive?


Languages across the world use a few verb tenses known as "infinitive," which are most usually used as non-finite verbs.

The other four forms of the infinitive are the perfect infinitive, continuous infinitive, perfect continuous infinitive, and passive infinitive.

The preposition "to" precedes English infinitives. These verbs are referred to as infinitives because, like the concept of infinity, they are not limited by the passage of time. The conjugated forms of the verb, often referred to as the finite forms of the verb, are derived from the Late Latin [modus] infinitivus, a derivative of infinitus, which means "unlimited." According to accepted definitions of English, the infinitive is the typical dictionary form of a verb when used non-finitely, with or without the particle to. A perfective is

To learn more about infinitive  please click on below link



What is Shakespeare's message about plays and acting?


Shakespeare remarked a few times on acting not being overdone or underdone. The actor should try to appeal to the "judicious" audience member.

In Hamlet's monologue, Shakespeare mentions acting not being overdone or underdone a few times. He claims that the uninformed or "unskilled" will be entertained in either situation. The actor shouldn't be concerned about these spectators. The performer should make an effort to win over the "judicious" spectator. This individual is well-versed in theatre and will give the actor's every action a harsh review.

Theater should be regarded as if "it were a mirror up to nature," or as life imitating art. It accomplishes this in a variety of ways, including "to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure"

To know more about Shakespeare, refer to this link:



What is a mutual agreement called?


A mutual agreement between two or more parties is a legally enforceable contract that can address any eventuality.

A mutual agreement occurs when two or more people "agree" or "fully comprehend" on a specific topic, subject, or concern (also termed as mutual consent).

In contract law, whenever we speak of "mutual agreement" or "mutual consent," we mean that the parties have come to a consensus that could be the basis for an oral or written contract.

A mutual agreement is a contract kind that entails reciprocal or bidirectional legal obligations.

Alternatively, a deal that serves both parties is said to be mutually advantageous.

The mutually consented upon conditions and circumstances of a relationship are unique to the parties.

To know more about contract, visit:



Brief summary of I am Malala not a length one just two paragraphs



I Am Malala is a story about a young girl's campaign for human rights, especially a woman's right to education. It is a tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls' education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.

Explanation: N/A

What are the four key elements of the conceptual framework?


The staff suggested that the conceptual framework project should concentrate on the measurement, reporting entity, presentation, and disclosure of financial statement components.

The reporting entity concept, components of financial statements, recognition and derecognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure are additional elements of the conceptual framework that logically follow from the objective. Additionally, there is a cost constraint on useful financial information.To create a conceptual framework for your study, you can draw from the following four key sources: Your own experience, previously developed theory, your own pilot and exploratory study, and thinking experiments make up the first four categories.An analytical tool with many modifications and settings is a conceptual framework. It may be used in several fields of employment where a comprehensive image is required. It is employed to classify concepts and arrange thoughts.

Thus these are the four key elements of the conceptual framework.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual framework: https://brainly.com/question/28401715


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