I will give brainliest to whoever that writes an example of a descriptive writing about a friend or family member.


Answer 1


If I need to choose one of my family members, I may prefer to write about my superhero in my life that is my beloved father. Actually in my mind, I had three persons that always be my superheroes in my life. They are my elder sister that I call ‘Along’, my beloved mother and my beloved father. Each of them has their own achievement in their life that I think I should be proud and respect to them. Besides that, these three person are always be the person who always supporting me from my back when I need somebody to be my shoulder beside my closed friend. My father might not be the superheroes such like Superman, Spiderman or Batman but my beloved father are always be the great superhero in my life. There are the reasons why I choose my beloved father to be my super hero and the person I think I need to describe about.

First and foremost, I want to describe about the characteristics of my father that I love so much. Everyone in this world has their own father and surely they also have their own opinion about the characteristics of their beloved father. So do I, I also has my own opinion about the characteristics of my father that I impressed from I am kids until who I am today. He is an open-minded and a patient person because if I want to share anything to my father, he will listen carefully on what I want to talk about and after that he will try to give the best solution to me to solve the problem. After that, he is good disciplinarian because my father loves his children but he does not let we get away with murder. He strongly disapproves of his children's misdeeds, using tough love to prove a point. He does this through the power of his words, not his fists. Furthermore, he is a firm father too because when he set a rule, he still give we a little freedom to break it with a rational reasons.

In addition, from my observation my father has a great characteristic to be a good leader to my family, his friends and students. I cannot deny about it because I heard with my own ears what my father’s friends and students talking about his attitude in work and everything are positive criticism. Actually, I am proud to be his daughter because there too many achievement that my father achieved in his career. Sometimes I feel confused why my father’s friends said that I need to be proud with my own father. And now, I knew the reasons why and I agreed with them. The achievement that my father had achieved in his life really can inspire me to be like him. He is really hard working to get what he wants to achieve in his life. He really makes me feel that my father is a great person at my eyes. Furthermore, he is a discipline person in his work. If my father had nothing to do on that day, he will start to finish his work. My father will try to finish his work according to the plan he created. My father is a humble person too because the first point I see is my father not teach my family to live in clover, although in fact he was able to provide it. Then, my father still be himself even he had a great achievement in his life and he do not like to use his rank that he has in his daily life or anything. For him, the rank will bring us nowhere and it was just the rank.

Last but not least, I really impressed with the history of life of my beloved father. My father actually are not comes from an easy family but with his hard working and perseverance in study can helps he to improve the standard of living of his family until now. That is why my father really focused about the education in our family. It is because my father always said that without education, we will go nowhere. That was his principle in life. My father does not want his own family not have an education even we cannot get the best achievement or a good career. He also wants to give the best to our family and I realized about that I really impressed to make my father as the role model that I can emulate in my life.

For conclusion, we need to give our best in anything we do in this life. Besides that, we need to know on how to appreciate the kindness and others person around us especially our beloved father. Their sacrifices cannot be valued with a million dollars of money or the diamonds in this world. Make our father as our superhero are the best choice because there can be good role model to us in life.

Explanation: Can i have brainiest please today is my birthday

Answer 2


please mark brainlit


In my family, I admire my father most. He is the key person in our family and maintains the family in a solid way. He is my hero in my life. My father is truly an admirable person for his outstanding qualities.

He has guided me to the right path so that I could shine in my career and personal life. When I was a kid, he helped me in all possible ways, when I turned a bit matured he showed me the ways to choose. The most important thing is that he never forced me into doing something or performing after his will. He always left the issues on me, showed the ways, and I decided the right road. With his advice, currently, I am an established photographer in the society. He bought me the first camera of my life by cutting his costs in half when he came to know that I would like to be a photographer.

I admire my father and will continue doing so for his honesty, his sincerity and the sense of responsibility. I have never seen him ignoring his responsibilities to my family. The most important feature of my father is sympathy for others regardless of relations. When someone of the family turned ill, he rushed to take care of the patient amid his thousands of responsibilities. He also used to help the destitute relations and also hide the events to us. I am truly lucky to have a father like him.

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A they accept his apology.
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Hey there!


In my opinion, my school (highschool junior now) has been online since the start of 2017! Because of this, we don't really have any issues with devices being used irresponsibly. Although many students including my classmates prefer to learn from text or lecture.

otherwise if a phone is being used irresponsibly or inappropriately, it should be taken by the teacher (only after a few warnings) or put away in a back pack.

Hope this helped! Good luck!

The way students should have their phones depend. If the teacher is giving a lecture or instructions for an assignment, then it should be put away so they pay attention. If the students need to do research, then phones should be allowed to find information they need.

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He put a blanket on Scout when Miss Maudie's house burned.

He left Jem and Scout presents on the oak tree

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A. refers to the person speaking

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To indicate the importance of the discovery he made




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You can’t control your fate. The truth of these words for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy drive the paths of their lives. However, how each different boy’s fate unfolds is what makes one considered the hero and the other a villain. Harry Potter is destined to be the “Chosen One”. He did not choose this destiny, but it was thrown on him as a child because of how events unfolded for his family. On the other hand, Draco Malfoy has family expectations of siding with and supporting the death eaters because of his father’s affiliation. Failure to follow Voldemort could lead to not only his death but that of his family.

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That she is old, and tired.


When writing an executive summary in a formal report, make sure you ?
A) eliminate nonessential details
B) clarify the boundaries
C) include definitions of terms


Answer: A) Eliminate nonessential details

Explanation: The unimportant (nonessential) details aren't needed in any summaries. Especially formal ones. When writing summaries, you're only summarizing the main, important details. It's fine to include definitions of some terms, because it's important and helpful.

When writing an executive summary in a formal report, make sure you eliminate nonessential details. Hence, option A is correct.

What are nonessential details?

Nonessential words and phrases are sentence components that do not contribute to the overall meaning of the sentence. For instance, Jan, the middle kid among three, often feels excluded.

If you can eliminate a phrase or clause without changing the primary concept of the sentence, it is nonessential; it merely adds a minor detail. Commas, on the other hand, are not used to separate essential (or limiting) aspects since they are too significant to be dropped from a phrase.

Important ways ""essential" or, more idiomatically, "of the utmost significance." "Nonessential, inessential, and unessential are all appropriate terms to use when referring to anything that is not important, although nonessential is the most typical and the term of choice.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about  nonessential details, click here:



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"who" will appropriate word


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In the context of his treatment of mass extinctions earlier in the passage, the author’s remarks toward the middle of the fourth paragraph (“Rather . . . homegrown”) offer a perspective that is

A. mildly reassuring

B. surprisingly complacent

C. somewhat ironic

D. rigorously scholarly

E. thoroughly jaded


C somewhat ironic I think so not sure

In the context of his treatment of mass extinctions earlier in the passage, the author’s remarks toward the middle paragraph is somewhat ironic.

What do you mean by ironic?

Ironically is characterized as done in a manner that is straightforwardly inverse to what is generally anticipated or to what has been said.

An instance of something done ironically is taking somebody's lunch while it is inappropriate to say that taking.

A satiric gander at contemporary society unexpected suggests an endeavor to be entertaining or provocative by saying typically something contrary to what is implied.

Mentioned the amusing observable fact that the public authority could generally be believed harsh infers disdain, joke, or criticism that is appeared by either verbal or look.

For more information about irony, refer the following link:


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Evaluative sentences are sentences that contain or are opinions on an issue being discussed


In the context of the second paragraph, which of the following versions of the underlined portion of sentence 8 (reproduced below) best expresses the writer’s attitude toward the courses offered at Chaffey College?

Chaffey College, for instance, in Rancho Cucamonga, California, has started offering cutting-edge courses in construction and logistics, two of the fastest growing industries in the region.



A (as it is now)


Answer: A or (As it is now)

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effect paragraph that begins with this topic sentence?
When the Texans selected Mario Williams first in the 2006
NFL draft instead of Reggie Bush, a number of unexpected
events followed.



D. All of these surprises came about as a result of the Texans choosing Williams instead of Bush


Option D is the correct answer.

A clincher is known to be a decisive remark,  fact, argument, or event which actually concludes a matter.

Option D is correct because it is direct and straight to the point. It is the only statement among the others that is stated decisively without mincing words. It revealed that all the surprises they were having was as a result of the Texans that choose Williams instead of Bush.

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A. Repetition
B. Alliteration ( repetition of first consonant sound in string of words)
C. Extended Metaphor ( something is something else - an extended comparison of two unlike things)


Answer: Option C


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Q7: Which of the following is grammatically correct? *
1. Peter walk to school with his brother every day.
2. Dorothy and Viv lives at the white house with green shutters.
3.Dorothy, Viv, and their sisters travels for most of the year
4. Peter runs home ahead of his brother every day.


The correct answer is four

Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating." "I was taking all these pills like an old woman," said Naar, a neonatology nurse at Baptist Hospital. "My blood pressure is hereditary, but I added to it by adding the pounds and eating horribly every day.". . . A nutritionist took her shopping and introduced her to the joys of cauliflower. She upped her workouts, stopped eating hamburgers three times a week and scaled back on the Cold Stone pistachio ice cream. Today, Naar is 20 pounds lighter and down to two pills a day. How does the author develop her argument in this part of the article?





the one with an antidote.

I took the quiz



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