A circle is represented by the equation below
(x+2)^2 + (y - 4)^2= 225
Which statement is true?

The circle is centered at (-2,4) and has a radius of 15.

The circle is centered at (2,-4) and has a diameter of 15.

The circle is centered at (2,-4) and has a radius of 15.

The circle is centered at (-2,4) and has a diameter of 15.


Answer 1

The circle is centered at (−2, 4) and has a radius of 15.

i took the test

Answer 2

A circle represented by the equation (x+2)² + (y - 4)²= 225 is centred at  (-2,4) and has a radius of 15.

The equation of a circle is represented as follows:

Equation of a circle;(x-h)² + (y-k)² = r²


(h, k) = centre

r = radius

Therefore, (x+2)² + (y - 4)²= 225 has the following centre and radius.

(x+2)² + (y - 4)²= 15²


(h, k) = (-2,  4)

Therefore, the circle is centred at (-2,4) and has a radius of 15

learn more on circle here: https://brainly.com/question/2416003?referrer=searchResults

Related Questions

3/4+ (1/3 ➗1/6)- (-1/2)=___

1 3/4

2 1/4


3 1/4


STEP 1: (1/3 : 1/6) = 2/1 = 2

STEP 2: 3/4 + 2 = 11/4 = 2 3/4 = 2.75

STEP 3: 2.75 (-1/2) = -11/8 = -1 3/8 = -1.375

(1) Divide: 1/3 : 1/6 = 1/3 · 6/1 = 1 · 6/3 · 1 = 6/3 = 3 · 2 /3 · 1 = 2

(2)Add: 3/4 + the result of step No. 1 = 3/4 + 2 = 3/4 + 2/1 = 3/4 + 2 · 4/1 · 4 = 3/4 + 8/4 = 3 + 8/4 = 11/4

(3) Subtract: the result of step No. 2 - (-1/2) = 11/4 - (-1/2) = 11/4 - (-1) · 2/2 · 2 = 11/4 - (-2/4) = 11 - (-2)/4 = 13/4

Therefor your answer is A 13/4 OR 1 and 3/4: )

Hope this helps!

Sorry for all the steps but those steps will help you!

-Hailey: )

(nothing is copied or pasted!!!!!)

What is the 8th term of the sequence 1, 3, 9, 27, 81,... .


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

This geometric sequence has a first term of 1 and a common ratio of 3. Its general term can be written as ...

  an = a1·r^(n-1)

  an = 3^(n-1)

Then the 8th term is ...

  a8 = 3^(8-1) = 2187

Is algebra.
I don't want links.
I don't want links.
I don't want links.
I don't want links.


Question 1

Answer: C) First and last term



Recall that (a+b)^2 = a^2+2ab+b^2 when using the FOIL rule. To go in reverse, to factor, we would apply the square root to the a^2 to get 'a', and also apply the square root to b^2 to get b. This then helps form the a+b shown on the left side.

The next question will go over a specific example of what is going on. Note that in question 2, the use of the phrasing "root of the first term" and "root of the last term" which helps reinforce we have the correct answer for problem 1.


Question 2


Root of the first term = 9vRoot of the last term = 10



Apply the square root to the first term to get

sqrt(81v^2) = sqrt( (9v)^2 ) = 9v

Or you could note that (9v)^2 = (9v)*(9v) = 81v^2, from which we work in reverse when applying the square root.

Similarly, the square root of the last term is

sqrt(100) = sqrt(10^2) = 10

So that's why the answers are 9v and 10 for the blanks.

We can say:

(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

(9v+10)^2 = (9v)^2 + 2(9v)(10) + (10)^2

(9v+10)^2 = 81v^2 + 180v + 100

Will mark brainliest!
Find the Volume of the Sphere. Use 3.14 for pi. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.



It is 14130 mm^3

Step-by-step explanation:

So the equation for the volume of a sphere is (4/3) (3.14) r^3. So since we already have the radius, we just plug it in to get the answer:

(4/3) (3.14) r^3

(4/3) (3.14) 15^3

(4/3) (3.14) 3375

(4/3) (10597.5)

14130 mm^3

when does a linear equation have infinitely many solutions?



An equation can have infinitely many solutions when it should satisfy some conditions. The system of an equation has infinitely many solutions when the lines are coincident, and they have the same y-intercept. If the two lines have the same y-intercept and the slope, they are actually in the same exact line.

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

A linear equation does not actually have solutions; rather, we find the locus of points (   x, y = f(x)   ) and draw a straight line through them.

It is a SYSTEM of linear equations that may or may not have solution(s).  

If one equation in this system is a multiple of the other, then the two equations represent the same line and the SYSTEM has infinitely many solutions.  The graphs of the two equations coincide/overlap.

Find the surface area of the composite figure.
SA = [ ? ] cm^2


…..lol sorry don’t know

A rectangular pool measures 5 yd by 6 yd. A concrete deck of uniform width is constructed around the pool. The deck and pool together cover an area of 72. How wide is the deck?



42 yard

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of deck = total area - area of pool

area of a rectangle = length x width

5 x 6 = 30

72 - 30 = 42

How do I solve this problem?


Step-by-step explanation:



t1( first term ) a = -15

t2( second term ) b = -9

CD(Common Difference) = ?

We know,

CD = b - a

= -9 - ( - 15 )

= -9 + 15

= 6


t1 = -15

t2 = -9

t3 = -3

t4 = 3

t5 = a + ( n - 1 )CD

= -15 + ( 5 - 1 ) 6

= -15 + 24

= 9

t50 = a + (n - 1 ) CD

= -15 + ( 50 - 1 ) CD

= -15 + 49 × 6

= -15 + 284

= 269

So the sum of t50 is 269.

Please help,
Find the perimeter of the figure to the nearest hundredth



36.56 in

Step-by-step explanation:

perimeter is the sum of all sides

u add all the sides of the square by 6

6+ 6 + 6 + 6 = 24

circumference is the line around the circle

circumference = 3.14 x diameter

c = 3.14 x 4

c = 12.56

24 + 12.56 = 36.56

to the NEAREST HUNDREDTH????? ok welll thats alr


5 or more, raise the score

4 or less, let it rest

this should be fine since the last 6 is alr in the hundredth place :)

like this up !!

36.56 :) have a nice day :)

Select all the statements that are true in all cases.
The expressions x + x and x2 are equal. The expressions x + x and 2x are equal. The expressions (x) (x) and x2 are equal. The expressions (x) (x) and 2x are equal.​



The expressions x + x and 2x are equal.

[tex]the \: expressions \: (x)(x) \: and \: {x}^{2} \: are \: equal[/tex]

Laci wrote an integer. The opposite of Laci’s integer is -35. (6.2B)
a) What is the value of Laci’s integer?
b) What is the absolute value of Laci’s integer?




Step-by-step explanation:

track the number to the other side of the graph

You want to build a fence around your triangular pool. How many meters of fence will you need? If necessary, round t

the nearest tenth.

15 m

13 m





35.5 m

7.5 m

56 m

97.5 m





Find the diagram attached

First you need to get the missing side of the triangular pool using the pythagoras theorem;

Let the missing side be x

x² = 15² - 13²

x² = 225 - 169

x² = 56

x = √56

x = 7.48m

Amount of meter of fence needed is the perimeter of the triangular pool

perimeter of the triangular pool = 15 + 13 + 7.48

perimeter of the triangular pool = 35.48m

perimeter of the triangular pool = 35.5m

Hence the amount of meters of fence needed is 35.5m

can't find probability​


Answer: [tex]0.0756,\ 0.7599[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Probability that a coin will land head is [tex]0.3[/tex] i.e. probability of success is [tex]p=0.3[/tex] So, the probability of failure is [tex]q=1-0.3=0.7[/tex]

Using Binomial distribution for [tex]n=4[/tex]

(a) Probability that the coin will lead heads exactly 3 times

[tex]\Rightarrow P(3)=^4C_3(0.3)^3(0.7)^1\\\Rightarrow P(3)=4\times 0.7\times (0.3)^3\\\Rightarrow P(3)=0.0756[/tex]

(b)Probability that the coin lands head at least once

[tex]\Rightarrow 1-P(0)\\\Rightarrow 1-^4C_0(0.3)^0(0.7)^4\\\Rightarrow 1-1\cdot(0.7)^4\\\Rightarrow 0.7599[/tex]

Review the graph function. Which statement describes whether the extreme value theorem applies?​



D :)

Step-by-step explanation:

The extreme values theorem does not apply, and f(x) has a maximum but not a minimum. Option D is correct.

A graph has shown in the image, It is to determine whether the extreme value theorem applies.

What is a graph?

The graph is a demonstration of curves that gives the relationship between the x and y-axis.

The extreme value theorem comprises that if a function is continuous on a defined interval [a,b], then the function must have a maximum and a minimum in the interval. Since in the graph the function does not have the minimum and is not defined for the closed interval. The function has a maximum on the left side of the graph but starts with the discontinuity on the left side so the Extreme value theorem does not hold.

Thus, The extreme values theorem does not apply, and f(x) has a maximum but not a minimum.

Learn more about graphs here:



find the slope of the line please help



1/2 is the slope

Step-by-step explanation:

plsss anybody help no links more files they are viruses



1- B & C (Same answer and also I'm not that sure)

2- B: y = 8x (I'm sure of this ^^)

3- Option 3

4- 108 degrees


1. C

2. B

3. Option 3

4. 108 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

1. There cannot be less than 0 people or more then 25 people, but the theatre capacity can be equal to both of these numbers.

2. x is multiplied by 8 to create y, so the equation is y=8x

3. There can't be over 8 refrigerators on the truck, and you can't have a fraction of a refrigerator.

4. One line is 180 degrees. 36+36=72, 180-72= 108 degrees

A hot air balloon descends from an altitude of 2,000 feet at a constant rate of 90 feet per minute. The graph shows the altitude of the balloon over time. Write a linear function in the form y = mx + b to represent the situation.



90 is the rate of change because the hot air balloon descends 90 feet per minute.
And 2,000 is the starting point because the hot air balloon started the descent at 2,000 feet.




What is the amplitude of the graph of y = 2sin(4x - 1) + 3 ?


Answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

The amplitude of the function of graph y = 2sin(4x - 1) + 3 is 2.

What is the graph?

A graph can be defined as a pictorial representation or a diagram that represents data or values.

What is function?

The function is defined as mathematics expression defines a relationship between one variable and another variable.

What is the amplitude of function?

A amplitude of function is defined as periodic variable's amplitude is a measure of its change over a single period. A non-periodic signal's magnitude in relation to a standard value is its amplitude.

Given the function of graph as :

y = 2sin(4x - 1) + 3

Comparing the form asin(bx - c) + d to determine the amplitude, period, phase shift, and vertical shift.

Where a is amplitude , d is vertical shift , c/b is phase shift

Amplitude (a): 2

Period: π/2

Phase Shift (c/b): 1/4 (1/4 to the right)

Vertical Shift (d) : 3

Hence, the amplitude of the function of graph y = 2sin(4x - 1) + 3 is 2.

Learn more about graph here:



I need help please :)



4th option

10x + 32 / x(x+8)

Step-by-step explanation:

Bab in need of help ☹️



100 π


Since the equation for the area of a circle is π r^2, and the diameter is 20m. There is enough info to proceed.

First, half the 20m to 10m since the radius is 1/2 of the diameter.

Next, plug this into the formula to get the answer:

π 10^2

π 100

100 π is the answer, since it is looking for it in terms of π.



Step-by-step explanation:

I cant write it down lol, I promise its right! :)

write the formula for translation at enivorgement​



In the coordinate plane we can draw the translation if we know the direction and how far the figure should be moved. To translate the point P(x,y) , a units right and b units up, use P'(x+a,y+b) .

Step-by-step explanation:




Find the value of x. (I'll mark brainlest!!!)



The answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:


you can use law of sines

Plug in the values (lol sorry i dont have time)

x / sin(angle)  =  y / sin(angle)

Where x and y are separate sides.

Hope this Helps! :3

If L1 ∥ L2 , and L3 ∥ L4 , what is the measure of ∠1? Please help me



m<1 = 29

Step-by-step explanation:

All angles of a triangle equal 180:

<1 = x


x + 90 + 61 = 180

x + 151 = 180

x = 180 - 151

x = 29

If someone helps me ill give them brainlest




x+191. =180



How do I graph this?



I would suggest plugging a formula into desmos. De smos graphs are perfect for an scenario as long as you have x and y intercepts. If you dont, Matha way can find that for you

Step-by-step explanation:


I suggest using an online grid or drawing a grid and plotting on that

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following statements shows the inverse property of addition?
O y + (-y) = 0
O y + y = 2y



[tex]y + (-y) = 0[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Which represents addition inverse

This property illustrates the addition of a number and its inverse (i,e, negation)

So, we have:

[tex]-y + y = 0[/tex]


[tex]y + (-y) = 0[/tex]

find a rational number between 8 and 9​





Megan surveyed a random sample of 60 students at her school and found that 42 of them ride the bus to school each day. If there are 320 students at Megan’s school, about how many of them ride the bus to school each day?



224 student ride the bus to school each day.

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate the expression 4^x/2^x for x=3




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{4^x}{2^x} = \frac{4^3}{2^3} = \frac{64}{2^{3}}[/tex]

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