I will give brain to correct answer!

When guard cells are full, they bulge. This increases the
size of the gap between them and opens the hole in the
Which object is the best model of a guard cell?

A.) Straw

B.) Garden hose

C.) Water Balloon

D.) Strainer


Answer 1


water balloon maybe


Related Questions

How has non-renewable energy and technology improved but at the same time endangered our way of life ? (4 Points) a . Fossil fuels have allowed most countries to Improve their industry, economy, and livelihood. However, these nonrenewable energy sources have also caused environmental degradation of natural resources, ecosystems, and climate change. Technology or alternative energy is cleaner, and more sustainable which promotes a longer llfe expectancy for all specles. B. Non-renewable energy is great for our environment. The use of fossil fuels has been a great ecosystem service to the environment. Alternative energy such as Solar Power may cause mass extinction.


Answer: I think b


please help! i am confused!



it's C


if you look at the chart on the graph under human activities they are higher than natural processes which means human activity is having a bigger affect on global warming than natural processes.

Has anyone on here ever taken Environmental Science on grad point? Can you help with the final review :)


I am taking it right now

5. What types of genes change very slowly?


Answer: Mutation. The allelic variations that make evolution possible are generated by the process of mutation, but new mutations change gene frequencies very slowly, because mutation rates are low. Assume that the gene allele A1 mutates to allele A2 at a rate m per generation and that at a given time the frequency of A1 is p.


If two organisms share the same Order, what other taxa do they share?
A. Domain, Phylum and Class
B. Domain, Kingdom and Genus
C. Domain, Genus and Species
D. Kingdom, Species, and Class


They have kingdom, class, and phylum, I’m kind of confused about the answer because of that.

genotypes has the potential for the greatest genetic variation in the offspring



is that a question or an answer? cuz im learning about stuff like that right now


Which molecule results from the final step of the Calvin cycle





if im wrong sorry

Meteorologists often try to predict what the high temperature of a day will be several days beforehand. Why do meteorologists not try to predict the high temperature of a day six months in the future?

A. Weather does not follow any predictable patterns.

B. Meteorologists have this information but choose not to share it with the public.

C. It is impossible to know what season it will be six months in the future.

D. Weather is a highly complicated system that is very difficult to predict.




Its D- Weather is a highly complicated system that is very difficult to predict.


Weather has a pattern so A is not the answer and no way Meteorologists would keep information to themselves so not B and lastly it's not impossible but just very hard so C is out, which leaves D.

What is the enteric nervous system?
No links or files.
Answers only.
You will get brainliest if you answer right.


It regulates the movement of water and electrolytes between the gut and tissue fluid compartments.




5. c. It remains constant

6. c. ecosystem

7. d. carbon dioxide

7 all the way because

Which factors contribute to changing igneous and sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks?


The answers are heat and pressure


Pressure and Heat.


Why are data tables and graphs essential in scientific reporting?
A. They shorten scientific reports considerably.
B. They are accessible to people who cannot read.
C. They make scientific reports more interesting to read.
D. They compare data in a clear and concise way.





Since most of the data scientist collect is quantitative, data tables and charts are usually used to organize the information • Graphs are created from data tables • They allow the investigator to get a visual image of the observations, which simplifies interpretation and draw

Hola buenos días, hoy no estaré en clase, os dejo como tarea buscar en internet 6 fotos y modelados creados por el viento. Además tenéis que daros cuenta de las características de los relieves creados por el viento, os pongo algunas preguntas para que las respondáis.
Para todo ello os adjunto una tarea.



[tex] \sqrt[ \frac{020? \times \frac{?}{?} \times \frac{?}{?} }{?} ]{?} [/tex]

N (populatic

T (time)

Which best explains what occurred at point X on the curve?

A. The birth rate was equal to the death rate.

B. The death rate was greater than the birth rate.

C.The rate of emigration was equal to the birth rate.

D. The rate of immigration was greater than the death rate.



A. The birth rate was equal to the death rate.


The point X is the carrying capacity and this pajae could be ascribed as the plateau stage of population growth, whereby the maximum number of individuals of a particular species which the environment can support has been reached. Hence, giving a long, flat area of the logistic growth curve. At the stage marked x, growth would seize as the population hovers to attain equilibrium with the natality and fatality rate becoming equal, that is birth rate will be equal to the death rate in the population.

What is the inheritance pattern that is based on the sex chromosomes, specifically the X chromosome?



brainly is not allowing me to put rude words

Many snakes and lizards live in the desert, where temperatures are high during the day and cold at night. How does the temperature range affect the size of the snakes and lizards?

A. High daytime temperatures allow them to grow as large as the food supply will allow.

B. Cold nighttime temperatures limit their size, because large ectotherms need a long time to warm up in the sun.

C. High daytime temperatures limit their size, because large endotherms would overheat on very hot days.

D. Cold nighttime temperatures limit their size, because large endotherms would lose too much of their body heat.



A. High daytime temperatures allow them to grow as large as the food supply will allow.


Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals. This type of animal cannot maintain a constant body temperature and depends on the temperature of the environment to keep warm and keep its organs and metabolism working.

Room temperature is so important to these animals that they even determine the size of their bodies. For these animals, high temperatures allow them to have their metabolism accelerated, so they can grow as much as the availability of food allows. On the other hand, if there is not enough food, or very cold temperatures, they will need to be smaller in size, as the metabolism will be slow.

1. Which kind of evidence did scientists use to determine that some animals moved back to a marine life after first evolving as land mammals?

a. The fossil record
b. Comparison of homologous structures
c. DNA evidence
d. All of the above


the answer is d i think.....


Instead of gathering evidence from a single field, the pair pulled together research from many disciplines, including paleontology, molecular biology and conservation ecology, to give a far larger picture of what was happening when animals transitioned from the land to the sea across millennia.


it's probably D. all of the above because scientists use all of these examples

but im not 100% sure

What can you suggest to your classmate to keep himself/ herself clean and healthy


Keep in mind about hygiene
Washing hands constantly
Not touching things if unnecessary

Hiii! So I was doing science, and it's not my best subject. And on one question, I was stuck, so I came to Brainly to see if anyone can help me on this. I would really appreciated if you did. I'll be giving 10 points and brainliest to the correct answer. Pleeeeaaase help me.


Wassup. I got ur answers here

Archaea is unicellular, a prokaryote, and is both Herero and autotrophic

Bacteria is uni, pro, and both Herero and auto

Protist is mostly uni, euka, and also both

Fungi is multicellular, euka, and heterotrophic

Plant is multi, euka and autotrophic

Animal is multi, euka, and hetero

What element will a low mass star produce over its entire life?



Over its lifetime, a low mass star consumes its core hydrogen and converts it into helium. The core shrinks and heats up gradually and the star gradually becomes more luminous. Eventually nuclear fusion exhausts all the hydrogen in the star's core

please help with my biology



random dispersion


Uniform would be neat and in columns.

Clumped would be altogether.

Random dispersion hope this helped have a nice day!

Amino acids: HELP PLEASE



I cannot tell you the amino acids because I don't see the table, but there is your code


The Big Bang is the predominant theory explaining the moment that what began?
Scientific theory
Historical cataloguing
The universe
Greek mythology



the universe


the big bang theory is thought to be the creation of the beginning of everything

Which of the following is the most common disease which affects muscles?
Shin splints
Muscular dystrophy


Muscular dystrophy!!

How does waste removal in a fetus differ from waste removal after birth?

A) Fetal waste is removed through the chorion; infant waste is removed through the rectum.

B) Fetal waste is removed through the rectum; infant waste is removed through the chorion.

C) Fetal waste is removed through the ductus venosus; infant waste is removed through the rectum.

D) Fetal waste is removed through the large intestine; infant waste is removed through the ductus venosus.


Answer: A) Fetal waste is removed through the chorion; infant waste is removed through the rectum.


A developing fetus is surrounded by chorion which is an outer membrane. The role of the chorion is to protect the embryo and provide nutrition to it in the form of blood supply. It helps in getting rid of waste products from the developing fetus that goes into the mother blood to remove out of her body. In case of infants the rectum is the last part of the digestive tract and it receives the waste in the form of fecal matter from small intestine which is removed out through the rectum.

taste buds are ______ that helps detect sugars, acids, alkaloids, _______ and proteins



1: Sensory Receptor 2 fats


They sense things, and fats are the other thing that they detect

Water and minerals are transported from the roots to the rest of a the plant by





Xylem is responsible for the transportation of mineral and water from Roots to the rest of the plantby diffusion and suction caused due to transpiration.

Describe the bonding between ionic compounds



Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.

Explanation: It is

what are two function of bile juice​



It aids in digestion, absorption, excretion, hormone metabolism and other functions. Bile juice is a digestive fluid produced by the liver. It is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder. Its main function is to convert fats in food into fatty acids, which are absorbed in the gut.


(1)The bile juice works as a medium to break down fats from larger parts to smaller parts of body for digestion. (2)The bile juice also functions as a substance that eradicates the germs from the food, making it more hygienic for our body.

any ideas? thanks for the help!



pretty sure its c


dont forget to five-star and heart! :)

it’s c like the person said^^
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