I want to d!e ahahahahahaha


Answer 1


dont say that-

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

I need help solving this. 8÷2(2+2)​




Step-by-step explanation:

8/ 2*(2+2) = 4*(2+2) = 4*4 = 16

Find the area of the figure.



89 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of rectangle = 8 x 13 = 104

Area of triangle = (5 x 6) / 2 = 15

104 - 15 = 89 m²

Question 7
7. Given h(x) = 4x + 5(x – 3), what is the
value of h(10)?
A. 75
B. 50
D. 35
Choice A


Answer: A. 75

Step-by-step explanation: Hope this help :D

Evaluate for x=10




A restaurant must add 15% tax to the price of a meal.
a Here are some bill totals before tax is added. Work out the bill after tax is added.
i $42.20 ii $19.50 iii $64.80


1. 48.53
2. 22.42
3. 74.52

At noon three students, Abby, Ben, and Cassie, are standing so that Abby is m west of Ben and Cassie is m east of Ben. While Ben stays in his initial position, Abby begins walking south at a constant rate of m/min and Cassie begins walking north at a constant rate of m/min. In how many minutes will the distance between Cassie and Ben be twice the distance between Abby and Ben?



Let represent the number of minutes until Cassie’s distance to Ben is twice that of Abby’s distance to Ben. In minutes Abby will walk m and Cassie will walk m. The following diagram contains the information showing Abby’s position, , Ben’s position, , and Cassie’s position, , at time .

A right-angled triangle is formed by joining Abby's initial position to points A and B. Its hypotenuse is A B and its other sides are of length 100 and 20 times t. Another right-angled triangle is formed by joining Cassie's initial position to points C and B. Its hypotenuse is B C and its other sides are of length 160 and 41 time. Represent Abby, Ben and Cassie’s respective positions at noon as points on the -axis so that Ben is positioned at the origin , Abby is positioned units left of Ben at and Cassie is positioned units right of Ben at .

solution 2

Let represent the number of minutes until Cassie’s distance to Ben is twice that of Abby’s distance to Ben.

In minutes Abby will walk south m to the point . In minutes Cassie will walk north m to the pointTherefore, in

minutes ( minutes seconds), Cassie’s distance to Ben will be twice that of Abby’s distance to Ben. .

Translate the phrase into an algebraic expression.
The product of 7 and x


It’ll be 7*x or just 7x

what rule should be used to transform a table of a data to represent the reflection of f( x) over the line y = x



according to the question


p(x,y) reflection p'(y,x)

Please help! Will give branliest for correct answer !
God Bless uu!!



solution given:

Area of triangle ABC=½b×h=½×18×21=189km²

Area of square DEFG=l²=9²=81km²

Area of rectangle DHIJ=l×b=4×13=52km²

Total area =189+81+52=322 square kilometers.


322 sq. km

Step-by-step explanation:

the area of fig. =


= 189+52+81

= 322 sq. km

Find BC if B (8,-7) and C (-4,-2)


BC = 15
good luck :))

Find the length of side RN



RN ≈ 4.2

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the cosine ratio in the right triangle

cos65° = [tex]\frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{RN}{PR}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{RN}{10}[/tex] ( multiply both sides by 10 )

10 × cos65° = RN , then

RN ≈ 4.2 ( to 1 dec. place )

Ira walked 20 miles last week and 22 miles this week. Raj walked 1/3 the distance that Ira walked. Write an expression for the distance Raj walked



Multiply your pace by your distance; If your pace is 9.5 minutes per mile and you ran 3 miles: 9.5 min per mi × 3 mi = 28.5 minutes = 28 minutes, 30 seconds How to calculate running speed. Divide your run distance by your run time; If you ran 2.5 miles and you ran for 20 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

helpppppp pleaseeeee



length is 17

width is 14

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 80% as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth




Step-by-step explanation:

80 percent is 80/100. Decimal point 100 would be just 1. Hence 80 percent would be 0.8/

Pumpkin seeds cost $6.00 per pound at the store. Make a T-chart and graph the proportional relationship between the number of pounds of pumpkin seeds and the total cost.

p c



Step-by-step explanation:





Hope it helps you

the difference between savings and and fixed deposit account​



Fixed Deposits have a fixed lock-in period, which limits the unnecessary withdrawal of your money until maturity. A savings account, on the other hand, enables you to withdraw any amount at any time, which proves detrimental to your goal of wealth appreciation.


A small pond contains nine catfish and two bluegill. If nine fish are caught at random, what is the probability that all of them are catfish?




Step-by-step explanation:

A small pond contains nine catfish and two bluegill.

Total number of fish = 9 catfish + 2 blue hill

= 11 fishes

Probability of picking one catfish = P(C) = P(9/11)

Probability of picking one bluegill = P(B) = P(2/11)

If nine fish are caught at random, the probability that all of them are catfish is calculated as:

= P(9 Catfish) = 9/11 × 8/10 × 7/9 × 6/8 × 5/7 × 4/6 × 3/5 × 2/4 × 1/3

= 362880/19958400

Further simplifying to the simplest fraction:

= 189/10395

= 63/3465

which statement is not true about the absolute value of -6?



first statement

Step-by-step explanation:

The absolute value of - 6 is | - 6 | = | 6 | = 6

The absolute value is always positive as it is a measure of the distance from the origin to - 6 and distance is always positive.

It is not the distance between 6 and - 6 on the number line.

What decision rules are the best/worst? Be able to rank the rules from worst-to-best or best-to-worst.



NPV, IRR, payback.

Step-by-step explanation:

The best worst decision technique involves the choice modelling. In terms of the overall usefulness in the capital budgeting decisions,

-- the decision rule that is best is the NPV

-- the decision rule that is worst is payback period

The NPV capital budgeting tool provides accurate results and it also assumes cash flow can be reinvested at a discount rate.

The IRR is the second best budgeting tool where it assumes that the cash flows can be reinvested at IRR.

And the worst is the payback where it does not take into account its time value of the money and so it does not yield the correct as well as accurate results.

Therefore, ranking the rules from best to worst is : NPV, IRR, payback.

The volume of a cylinder is 62.8 cubic meters and the radius is 2 meters.
Find the height of the cylinder. Round to the nearest meter.



Height: 5meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the formula h= V over pie/3.14r^2 = 62.8 over 3.14 times 2^2 gives us 4.99747.

Mrs. Johnson's baby weighed exactly 8 lbs. 3 oz. when he was born. Now, two months later, he weighs exactly 10 lbs. How much weight has he gained since he was born? State your answer in ounces.

Please answer fast!!



The baby gained 29 oz.

Step-by-step explanation:

1 pound is equal to 16 oz (ounces).

10 pounds is equal to 10 x 16 oz = 160 oz.

8 pounds and 3 oz is equal to (8 x 16) + 3 = 128 + 3 = 131 oz.

160 oz - 131 oz = 29 oz.

The baby gained 29 oz.

If this helps please mark as brainliest

Helpppppppppp please....


The answer is 8! 48 divided by 8 =6

Write the polynomial in standard form, name it by its number of terms, and tell its degree




() 2v² - 2v³ - 7 + 7v :

Standard Form → 2v³ + 2v² + 7v - 7v

Number of terms → Four (Polynomial)

Degree of Polynomial → Highest degree 3 (Cubic)

(Ⅱ) -3m -8m -7m²

Standard Form → -7m² - 8m - 3m

Number of terms → Three (Trinomial)

Degre of Polynomial → Highest degree 2 (Quadratic)


find the slope of this line​




Step-by-step explanation:

(1,2) (0,-2)

y2 - y1 / x2 - x1

-2 - 2 / 0 - 1

-4 / -1


There are 4 brown socks and 14 blue socks in a drawer. In the dark, Jason pulls out a sock and puts it on his right foot. Then he pulls
out another sock and puts it on his left foot.
What is the probability that Jason has two brown socks on his feet?




Step-by-step explanation:

# of brown socks = 4

# of blue socks = 14

total # of socks = 18

The probability of pulling 1 brown sock = 4/18

If he were to pull one brown sock there would be 1 less sock in the total # of socks and 1 less in the # of brown socks

So after the first pull ( if it were to be a brown sock )

there would only be 3 brown socks and 17 total socks

So the probability of pulling a brown sock then would be 3/17

Finally we multiply the two probabilities to get the answer

4/18 * 3/17 = 2/51

Hence, the answer is 2/51

please answer this question, just the multiple choice answer is fine to put
please make sure its right if you can



B: 25

Give me Brainliest lol-



Step-by-step explanation:

d1 x d2 divide by 2

10 x 5 = 50/2 =25

Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line through the given point with the given slope.

Through: (4, -3), slope=1/2



y = 1/2x - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 1/2x + b

-3 = 1/2(4) + b

-3 = 2 + b

-5 = b

Help me with this please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



[tex]\sqrt{6}[/tex] units = g

Step-by-step explanation:

You can solve this either of the 2 ways:

#1.) Sin(60) = g/[tex]2\sqrt{2}[/tex]

=> Sin(60) * [tex]2\sqrt{2}[/tex] = g

=> [tex]\sqrt{6}[/tex] = g

#2.) Cos(30) = g/[tex]2\sqrt{2}[/tex]

=> Cos(30) * [tex]2\sqrt{2}[/tex] = g

=> [tex]\sqrt{6}[/tex] = g

Hope this helps!

The diagram shows a triangle.

What is the value of w?



value of W=180-(115+33)

= 180-148


3 x -2 x 4 x -3=
process !!!



3 x -2 x 4 x -3 = 72.

The left side of a solid block is held at a constant temperature of 200°C. The temperature profile within the block is given by T=200−5x−x2 where x is the distance from the left side of the block in centimeters and T is the temperature in degrees Celsius of the block at location x. At what value of x is T=50°C?



with T = 50⁰C, we have:

50 = 200 - 5x - x²

<=> x² + 5x = 150

<=> x² + 5x - 150 = 0

=> x = 10

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