A bicycle with a 15 kg mass is easily stopped when a force of 60 N is applied. How much force would be needed to stop the bicycle if the time allowed to stop the bike was doubled?


Answer 1


Going downhill at a steady speed, the forces along the direction of motion are:

net force = m * a = 0

W * sin(7) - Fdrag = 0

so Fdrag = m * g * sin(7) where m=62.kg and g=9.8m/sec^2


Related Questions

Which type of earthquake waves are responsible for most of the damage caused by an earthquake? Why?
please helppppp its due tomorrow



Surface waves travel along the surface. There are two types of body waves: P-waves travel fastest and through solids, liquids, and gases; S-waves only travel through solids. Surface waves are the slowest, but they do the most damage in an earthquake.


surface waves


they have the strongest vibration and can cause the most damage

1) A pendulum is configured to have a period of 2 seconds.
What is the length of the pendulum? (Use 10 m/s^2 for g)

If you doubled the length of the pendulum, what would its New Period be?

2) In a car collision, a car experiences a force for 1 seconds. The car’s mass is 700 kg and it was moving at 20 m/s before the collision and slowed down to 8 m/s.
What is the force on the car during the collision?

If the collision was with a 650 kg car that was at rest, what was the speed of the 650 kg car after the collision?


"The" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

Fossil fuels are burned, transferring their chemical potential energy to heat energy. How are nuclear power stations different?



fossil fuels are natural and limited, nuclear is man made and more toxic


Which of the following terms are needed to completely describe speed?
Check all that apply.
A. Direction
B. Units
C. Mass
D. Number


Mass and number and directions

Answer: c. and a


is there a gravitational force of attraction between your phone and the earth?


Yes. When you let go of your phone it will fall to the earth because of Gravitational pull. If it did not exist the phone would float like in space

How much work did he do if he traveled 20 meters?


A lot sndndnsndndndndnndndndnd

When people place a metal saucepan on the heating element of a stove, heat is transferred from the element to the saucepan by: A reflection.
B convection.
C conduction.
D radiation.


The matter is stationary on a macroscopic scale—we know that thermal motion of the atoms and molecules occurs at any temperature above absolute zero.) Heat transferred from the burner of a stove through the bottom of a pan to food in the pan is transferred by conduction.


Which equation determines the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line?

You must calculate the change in speed per unit of time.

Group of answer choices

Acceleration = ( initial speed - final speed ) / time

Acceleration = time / ( initial speed - final speed)

Acceleration = time / ( final speed - initial speed)

Acceleration = ( final speed - initial speed ) / time



Option D

Last option


i have finals! pls help​


(2). a = v/t

but v =s/t

a =s/t÷t






For the question 1, just imput the value of t into the equation

Which of the following describes a reference point?
A. The location of an object before its motion begins
B. The center point of a grid
C. The point at which the direction of motion changes
D. The position of an object after its motion has stopped


The best answer is A.

Imagine you are looking out a car window and you see a tree. A few seconds later you do not see the tree where it was. You have used the tree as a reference point to know that the car is moving.

A wave frequency of 440 Hz travels through a medium at 343 m/s. Calculate the wavelength
for this wave.
150,920 m
1.28 m
97 m
0.078 m



0.78 m


us the formula

speed = frequency x wavelength

343 = 440 x wavelength

343 / 440 = wavelength

wavelength = 0.78 m

I think the last option, you wrote wrongly, it is supposed to be 0.78 not 0.078 .

if you think I am wrong please do tell me, I will redo this.

hope this helps

Classify each substance as either a conductor or insulator.

A sample of mercury:
✔ conductor

A piece of glass:
✔ insulator

A rubber hose:
✔ insulator

A negatively ionized lithium paste:
✔ conductor


The correct classification of each substance is as follows:

A sample of mercury: conductorA piece of glass: insulatorA rubber hose: insulatorA negatively ionized lithium paste: conductor

What are conductors and insulators?

A conductor is a substance that can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound while an insulator is a substance that does not transmit heat, sound or electricity.

Conductors are usually metals while insulators are usually non-metals. Examples of conductors include;


Examples of insulators include;


Therefore, the correct classification of each substance is as follows:

A sample of mercury: conductorA piece of glass: insulatorA rubber hose: insulatorA negatively ionized lithium paste: conductor

Learn more about conduction at: https://brainly.com/question/18084972





What is the study of economics?​



Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people.


The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives.

Hope this helps!


the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. (basically the study of money and not just banks but how it effects the world)


A farmer lifts a bale of hay to a hayloft that is 11m off the ground . If he uses a force of 280 N , how much work does the farmer do ?



3,080 J


280 x 11 =3,080 J

hehe i hate being a single girl....what physical properties dose europium have



Europium has a bright shiny surface. it's steel grey and has a melting point of 826 degree Celsius and a boiling point of about 1,489 degree Celsius.


the density is 5.24 grams per cubic centimeter.

Wave A has a frequency of 1.6 Hz, and Wave B has a frequency of 3.2 Hz. If Wave A has a wavelength of 1.0m, what do you expect will be the wavelength of Wave B?
A) 2.0m
B) 1.0m
C) 0.50m
D) 0.25m





A- velocity=wavelength*frequency

velocity=1.0*1.6.......=1.6 m/s

B- wavelength=velocity/frequency

wavelength=1.6/3.2.....=0.5 meters

What will happen when a charged object touches a neutral object?


if a charged object touches a neutral object it will be a short circuit.


will force atom(electrons) within the escort (conductor) to go (move).


Why does the first row in our periodic table
only have two elements?

A) because each orbital in every sub-level only holds
two electrons

B) because Bohr only knew about two elements

C) because the first energy level only holds two
electrons total
Help me plssss





♡ ∩_∩

(„• ֊ •„)♡


   Hopes this helps

 ♡ good luck 。 ♡



C option is correct


C) because the first energy level only holds two electrons.

Provide two examples of how health care workers can demonstrate their commitment to quality control through their personal appearance.


Standards of Performance can be used in numerous ways to help select applicants who are well suited to the healthcare organization’s culture. As we look at best practices for using healthcare standards of performance, we will share some specific examples. This week we examine standards for attitude and appearance.


Our job is to serve our customers and provide high quality service with care and courtesy.
Always thank customers for choosing our organization.
Exceed expectations.
Acknowledge a customer’s presence immediately. Smile and introduce yourself at once.
Attitude takes into account three things: our body language, our friendliness and our willingness to connect with our customers.

The body language that goes along with the words that we are speaking greatly influences how we are understood. In fact, experts tell us that how we speak is just as important as what we are saying! Our customers are our reason for being in the healthcare environment; our attitude should always be one of concern, respect and genuine caring.

As a customer yourself, do you remember those places of business where the staff was friendly and went out of its way to acknowledge you? Of course you do, since this was an environment where you felt welcomed. We exhibit friendliness by smiling warmly, introducing ourselves immediately, and never, ever ignoring someone. All our customers are equally deserving of attention.

Finally, we show the right attitude by meeting the needs of our customers or finding someone who can. We go out of our way to be helpful; for example, we don’t point the way – we accompany the customer to where they need to go. In addition, we always thank them for choosing us to provide their healthcare experience.

An attitude of service excellence is further exhibited by showing interest when a customer speaks to us. Each one, without exception, should be treated as if he or she is the most important person in our facility; and rudeness is never acceptable. We are attentive to the customer’s immediate need, or gladly take the individual to someone better equipped to provide the service. We always apologize for problems and inconveniences, and enthusiastically carry out service recovery.

Lastly, we recognize that our customers have a sense of urgency and show them that we value their time. Customers are not an interruption of our work; they are our focal point, and caring for them with an attitude that shows we value them should be our daily goal.


Be clean and professional.
Follow dress code policies and wear your identification badge correctly at all times.
Pick up litter and dispose of it properly.
Clean up spills and return equipment to its proper place.
How long does it take to make a first impression on a customer? Just seven seconds, according to popular research. How our customers perceive us in that brief time is very important because it sets the stage for their entire healthcare experience. A first impression is sometimes referred to a “moment of truth” because customers believe that what they are hearing, seeing or feeling is reality – that is, the truth of the situation. No matter that their first impression is merely a snapshot of less than one moment in time. It is perceived as genuine: who we are, the quality of service that we deliver, or our physical environment of care. Needless to say, making that first impression a good one is crucial.

Moments of truth are directly impacted by the appearance of staff as well as that of the workplace, both of which are a direct representation of our organization. When we dress appropriately for the job and wear our name badges so that they are easily readable, we project professionalism to our customers. We not only create a good first impression, but we also reinforce our culture of quality through attention to personal appearance. The same principle applies to our healthcare setting. When we take pains to keep our workspace uncluttered and to pick up trash in hallways and public areas, we are sending a positive message to those who enter the doors of our facility for the first time. We should always take pride in how we present ourselves and in the facility itself. Doing so conveys respect for customers and their expectations.

Speed = Distance Time Velocity = 1. Find the velocity of a truck that travels 75miles north in 2.5 hours? List: Equation: Substitution: Answer with units:​



187.5 m/s (i think)


If you use the formula V= T times displacement you can find this out by doing the following-

Displacement equals 75 m

T equals 2.5 hrs

75x2.5= 187.5

and since velocity is measured in m/s, it becomes

187.5 m/s

Some students found this information about an energy saving lamp and a filament lamp that give out almost the same amount of light.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type of lamp.



By replacing your home's five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the ENERGY STAR, you can save $75 each year.

Compared to traditional incandescents, energy-efficient lightbulbs such as halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs) have the following advantages:

Typically use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescents, saving you money

Can last 3-25 times longer.

how are electromagnetic waves produced



Electromagnetic waves are created by oscillating charges (which radiate whenever accelerated) and have the same frequency as the oscillation. Since the electric and magnetic fields in most electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to the direction in which the wave moves, it is ordinarily a transverse wave.

Answer: Electromagnetic waves are the combination of electric and magnetic field waves produced by moving charges.

The creation of all electromagnetic waves begins with a charged particle. This charged particle creates an electric field (which can exert a force on other nearby charged particles). When it accelerates as part of an oscillatory motion, the charged particle creates ripples, or oscillations, in its electric field, and also produces a magnetic field (as predicted by Maxwell’s equations).

Once in motion, the electric and magnetic fields created by a charged particle are self-perpetuating—time-dependent changes in one field (electric or magnetic) produce the other. Both electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave will fluctuate in time, one causing the other to change.

Electromagnetic waves (photons) are produced anytime a charged particle experiences a change in velocity.. The electromagnetic wave (radiation) that is produced when the charge particle changes it’s velocity is how energy is conserved. This energy is light.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


Please Give a detailed explanation on F1 F2 generation,
Self , cross breeding results etc..



F1 will be all blue

F2 25% will be white


By cross breeding BB and bb all flowers will end up as Bb in the first generation.

In the second generation using a punet square and breeding Bb with Bb then 1/4 is bb and therefor 1/4 is white

What is the momentum of a 750 kg car traveling at a velocity of 25 m/s north?



18750 kg-m/s


Momentum = mass x velocity 


18750 kg-m/s

Explanation: Momentum = mass x velocity 750x25 = 18750 kg-m/s

Can you brainlist

a stone is dropped from the top of a tower 400 m high and at the same time another stone is projected upward vertically from the ground with a velocity of 100 m/s. find where and when the two stones will meet.


Answer:The stones will be at the same height of 62.59 feets 4.4 seconds later.


What is momentum? And it’s types?



Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. The two types of momentum are angular and linear.



Explanation: (Momentum is mass * velocity. Its units, in the SI system are kilogram meter per second) What is Inertia?

In physics, momentum is the product of mass and velocity. The greater the product of this equation, the greater the momentum. In science, there are two types of momentum: angular and linear, which concern different types of moving objects. However, that is not where the definition stops. The word momentum is also used as part of everyday speech, and is one of the very few physics concept whose metaphorical definition is the same as its actual one.



In order for a roller coaster to work, why does the hill the cart climbs need to be higher than the top of the loop?



The concept of potential energy, often referred to as energy of position, is very simple: As the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity can pull it down a greater distance. ... The potential energy you build going up the hill can be released as kinetic energy — the energy of motion that takes you down the hill.

Potential energy, also known as energy of position, is a pretty straightforward idea. As the roller coaster rises in the air, gravity has a greater ability to pull it down.

What does the hill the cart climbs need?

An easy illustration involves a stopped car at the summit of a hill. The car drives faster as it goes down the hill, which results in an increase in kinetic energy and a decrease in potential energy. The vehicle changes kinetic energy into potential energy as it ascends the hill.

They are higher up at the top of the hill, thus they have more potential energy. Moving down a slope transforms potential energy into kinetic energy, while moving up a hill transforms kinetic energy into potential energy.

Therefore, You can release the potential energy you accumulate while climbing a hill as kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion that propels you down the hill.

Learn more about cart here:



Examine the table provided.
0.45 kg
5 m/s2
0.30 kg
100 m/s2
0.01 kg
50 m/s2
Golf Ball
0.02 kg
10 m/s2
Which of the objects is producing the greatest force?
Golf ball


Answer:B ,football Explain ;basketball M =0.45kg A =5m/s² F =ma F=2.25N Football M=0.30kg A=100m/ś² F=ma F=30N Racquetball M=0.01kg A= 50m/s² F=ma F=0.5N Golf ball M =0.02kg A =10m/s² F=ma F=0.2N

How are ultraviolet waves used for communication​


Can you include a picture

Elements with positive valences usually ______ electrons
A. Donate
B. Accept
C. Have no
D. Create


The answer is donate, therefore elements with positive valences usually donate electrons
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