Read the passage and then answer the question:

A gang of misfits on horseback rides into a frontier town in Wyoming and causes nothing but trouble. They steal people's horses, demand payments from the mayor as "protection" money, and drive business away from the saloons and stores. Then one day, a mysterious U.S. marshal, whose nickname is Horseshoe Bill, comes to town.

To create the most fitting climax, which event should happen next in the story?

A. Horseshoe Bill foils a train robbery, saving thousands of dollars' worth of gold.

B. Horseshoe Bill, noticing that the town is doomed, rides off into the

C. Horseshoe Bill unites the townsfolk and helps them drive away the gang.

D. Horseshoe Bill has his horse stolen almost as soon as he reaches the stables.


Answer 1




A climax is a dramatic turning point in a narrative—a pivotal moment at the peak of the story arc that pits the protagonist against an opposing force in order to resolve the main conflict once and for all. The climax is one of the most important literary devices in plot structure; it’s the moment when the story arc bends and begins its descent

Related Questions

how does the argument- counter argument structure of gibbs speech supports her ideas


Gibbs speech shows that she better understand the needs of the people of the city than anyone else. It exposes some of the contradictions that Broderick continuously ignores.

What is argument and counterargument?

Argument – Paragraphs that provide evidence to support the author's thesis (e.g., justifications, facts, figures, statistics)

Counterargument – At least one paragraph that explains the alternate argument.

Know more about Gibbs speech:



What happened to Mrs. Who's glasses after leaving Camazotz?


We can see here that after leaving Camazotz, the following happened to Mrs. Who's glasses: The glasses disappeared.

What is A Wrinkle in Time?

A Wrinkle in Time is actually known to be a young adult science fantasy book which was written by Madeleine L'Engle, an American author. It was actually published in 1962.

In "A Wrinkle in Time," Meg Murry, a thirteen-year-old, encounters Mrs. Whatsit, a strange new neighbor, one evening. Mrs. Whatsit mentions something called a tesseract. She eventually learns that it was a scientific idea her father was developing prior to his enigmatic disappearance.

Meg, her brilliant younger brother Charles, and Calvin, a fellow student, pay a visit to Mrs. Whatsit the next day. There, the similarly bizarre Mrs. Who and the voice of the unidentified Mrs. Which make a vow to assist Meg in locating and rescuing her father.

Learn more about A Wrinkle in Time on https://brainly.com/question/18914514


2. Sc. 1, Lines 1-13: Explain the characters' play on
the word move by discussing which definition
each speaker uses.
How does this dialogue affect the mood of this


Based on the details in Lines 1-13 from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the explanation of the characters' play on the word move by discussing which definition each speaker uses and how this dialogue affects the mood of this scene is The dialogue makes the scene very humorous, lighthearted, and sweet.

What is Humor?

This refers to the use of funny situations and concepts in order to elicit laughter and a lighthearted mood among different people, usually in narration or text.

Hence, it can be seen that from the complete text, there is the use of play on words to elicit humor and this shows the readers that the scene is very humorous, lighthearted, and sweet.

Read more about The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, here:


write a letter to chairman of your schools,
Parent Teacher Assiciation (p. TA) in the need to provide recreational facilities in


Please write the format of the formal letter with the subject; need for recreational facilities in School.

The main body of the formal letter is:

Respected Sir/Ma'am, requesting immediate services. I'm excited to give my Honorable Chairman this letter. This letter's proposal is to make demand of some recreational facilities in the school. I would like to inform that we need supplies like ball, rackets and net for our tennis court.

In most formal letters, the salutation "Dear" is used before the recipient's name. You have the option of using either title and surname or first name and surname. If you don't know the recipient's name, you must address the letter as "Dear Sir or Madam."

To learn more about Formal letter here:



What happened to Antigone's father
when he was young?


Antigone's father Oedipus died, which left the throne of Thebes open to his two sons Polyneices and Eteocles

Question 10 of 10
In the following examples, which person would be considered part of a caste
OA. Estaban, who was born into a family with power and is now
considered part of the highest group based on his ascribed status
OB. Ramel, who was captured during a war and is now considered
property of one of the victors
C. Kamma, who inherited a large sum of money and is now helping
people who are less fortunate
OD. Unita, who served in the military and is now going to college with
money provided by the government?


Estaban, who was born into a powerful family and is now considered part of the highest group based on his assigned status, can be considered as part of a caste system, as option A shows.

What is a caste system?It is a model of social organization.It is the division of the value of individuals based on the social group to which they belong.

The caste system is different from the division of social classes, as the caste system is rigid, does not allow ascension, and limits the activities and places people can go based on the caste they belong to.

In Estaban's case, being born into a family with a lot of social power, places him with a very high-status individual, belonging to a caste that will have privileges and will not be able to interact with people and things from lower castes.

Learn more about the caste system:



2. Who is Normaden? What does he say about Andy's cell?



Normaden is an American Indian character from Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, of the was of the Passamoquoddy tribe. While he was a cellmate with Andy Dufresne, he said there was a "bad draft" in their cell.

I NEED ALL THIS DONE BY TODAY ASAP. WORTH 100 POINTS!!!! the book is called of beetles and angels and I need you to answer the questions about the book.

Unit 2 Journey to Identity
Text Analysis

Title: Of Beetles and Angels Author: Selamawi Asgedom Publication Date: Nov 15, 2000

Discussion Questions

1. Use the text and your analysis to prepare two interpretive or evaluative discussion questions, then identify the type of question you have created.
Question Is your question interpretive or evaluative?

Identity Development
Identify the protagonist’s stage of identity development throughout the story. Complete the chart with the correct stage and two instances of support from the text. Recall the different stages:
• Identify Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals.
• Identify Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities.
• Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment.
• Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her option.

2. Stage of Identity Development Text Support – provide two instances of textual support for each stage.

3. Conflict
Identify and describe two conflicts in the story. Explain how the protagonist responds throughout the story and what his or her response reveals about him or her. Write in complete sentences.


Protagonist’s Response

What does this reveal about the character?

4. Plot
What narrative structure (episodic plot, parallel plot, etc.) does the author use to tell the story? __________________________________________________________________

5. Summarize the story using the elements of plot. Include details to demonstrate your reading.


Rising Action


Falling Action


6. Looking Back
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. How does the trailer compare to the book? Is it an accurate representation of the story you read? Why or why not?

2. What changes would you make to the book trailer? If you would not make any changes, please explain why.

7. Theme
What is the message the author communicates through key events in the story?

8. Complete the following chart with details and a thoughtful analysis of how the events in the story influence the theme.
Key Events - What happens? What do we learn about the character in this event? Or how does the event change the character? What is the author’s message in each set of events you have identified?



The protagonist’s stage of identity development throughout the story is as follow:

At the beginning of the story, readers can find an identiy Moratorium or a crisis, when He states:  

a) “You don’t mean we’re leaving Berlin?

b) But we had plans,” he protested. “Plans?” asked Mother, raising an eyebrow…”I’m sorry, Bruno,” said Mother, “but your plans are just going to have to wait. We don’t have a choice in this.

In the Middle of the novel, one can find that it is an identity foreclosure when the protagonist makes a guarantee to help Shmuel. This responsibility is communicated by Bruno when He states

a) Of course, “It would be a great adventure. Our final adventure. I could do some exploring at least.”

b) “And you could help me look for Papa,” said Shmuel. “Why not?” said Bruno.”

These sentences exhibit Identity foreclosure since it shows how Bruno was simply being an old buddy and didn't reconsider when his interest took the best of him to see the opposite side of the fence before he never observed Shmuel again.

Additionally in this piece of the story, the author needed to show Bruno's personality diffusion (which happens when the youthful doesn't make a pledge to a specific jobs, qualities, or objectives) expressing that:  

Bruno was simply being a good friend and didn't reconsider when his interest took the best of him to see the opposite side of the fence before he never observed Shmuel again.

Toward the finish of the story, readers can discover Identity Achievement (which happens when the protagonist settles on an individual choice or responsibility) when Bruno stated:

“You’re my best friend, Shmuel,”  

“My best friend for life.”

Shmuel may have opened his mouth to state something back, however Bruno never heard it… in spite of the disarray that followed, Bruno found that he was all the while holding Shmuel's hand and nothing on the planet would have convinced him to give up.

This was Bruno individual choice to not allow his friend to down and to remain consistent with his promise. In this end phase of the novel Bruno is a kid with his own mind.


why do you think human development and cooperation are fostered by our ability to engage with stories about other people



Story telling has been alive for ages.   we have heard folklores and myths that were told decades ago. Storytelling builds empathy and puts oneself in someone else shoes. It is vital to our human development because it teaches us character. Stories serve as information passed down to create a imagery of emotional connection. Having storytelling apart of your lifestyle will ultimately make you more human.

Storytelling is a potent tool for promoting social harmony and educating people about social standards, and it benefits the storytellers themselves by increasing their chances of being accepted as social partners, winning the support of their society, and even having healthy kids.

What do you mean by Cooperation?

Cooperation is an act of working together to achieve a common objective.

It has always been popular to tell stories. Folktales and stories from many years ago have been told to us. By narrating stories, one develops empathy and puts oneself in the shoes of others. It is essential to our growth as people because it instills virtue in us. Information is passed down through stories in order to evoke strong emotional connections. Living a life that includes storytelling will ultimately make you more human.

Therefore, human development and cooperation are fostered by our ability to engage with stories about other people.

Learn more about Cooperation, here;



What are some similarities between "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant and "Lone Dog" by Irene Rutherford McLeod?


Some similarity between "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant and "Lone Dog" by Irene Rutherford McLeod is The dog is the primary theme in both passages.

What is a Theme?

The theme of a story highlights the storyline on which the story is based. These theme helps to determine the plot of the story as well as the events that are going to take place.

The novel "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant depicts the tale of a dog who lacks a home and experiences numerous hardships. Irene Rutherford McLeod's "Lone Dog" also includes a homeless dog who is having difficulties which appear as a similarity.

Learn more about Stories narrative, here:



Which choice states a central idea in "The Stone"?

Maibon appreciates how good his life is when it changes for the worse.

Maibon develops several methods to destroy the stone and its curse.

Maibon decides that being bored is the worst possible way to live.


Maibon develops several methods to destroy the stone and its curse. Responses a central idea in "The Stone".

What is stone ?

A boulder or chunk of agate is an example of a rock or specific type of rock. a chunk of rock that has been cut from a quarry , shaped and sized for a particular use: Building stone are pavers. a little rock, such as a pebble.

Mineral grains, which are crystalline solids made from atoms chemically linked into an organized structure, make up the majority of the components of rocks. Mineraloids, which include volcanic glass and other stiff, mineral-like materials without crystalline structure, are also found in some stone.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about stone follow the link below;



in the Hunger Games. How do
the living conditions of her district contribute to her knowledge of survival?
Respond to the prompt using COMPLETE sentences.


The theme of the dystopian novel The hunger  games by way of Suzanne Collins is survival.

Katniss Everdeen is the epitome of this subject matter; her disposition fortuitously possesses all of the attributes had to survive.

Katniss shows the subject matter of survival because she is resourceful, has integrity, and has perseverance.

What's the cause of each district within the hunger  games?

each district gives something one of a kind to the Capitol; for instance, District 12 furnished coal, District 11 furnished agricultural produce, District 7 furnished lumber, and District four provided seafood. District residents have little freedom to pick out careers outside of their district's certain industry.

Learn more about dystopian novel https://brainly.com/question/29245544


Why does Twain use hyperbole in "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"
and other stories?
To help make the themes of the stories stand out
To make them more regional
To inject humor into them
To highlight regional differences





It is meant to enhance the character and theme

Identify an opinion disguised as fact in the reading. She added that she’d heard a public relations expert point out that WW is very awkward to say out loud, which will make it harder to promote. In contrast, in 2018 Weight Watchers decided to rename itself WW to broaden its focus on health. One way to do this is "rebranding," which is when a corporation changes its name or logo in order to seem new and interesting. Coffee is actually their best-selling product.


The answer choice that contains an opinion disguised as fact in the reading is "Coffee is actually their best-selling product."

What is an Opinion?

This refers to the personal viewpoint that a person has about a given thing that is usually biased and not always factual, and as such, is not always reliable.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given reading, the speaker talks about the weight watchers and how they want to change their name, and then uses an opinion to talk about coffee being their best seller.

Read more about opinions here:



Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentence correctly uses parallel structure? The doctor recommends resting for a week and that you eat low-fat food at regular intervals. I want to find a job that will provide an adequate context for my skill, and to earn enough money for my family. Apart from dabbling in playwriting, he has tried creating a great epic novel and composing a long, tragic epic. After Ruth receives her monthly paycheck, the money goes into her savings account, equity funds, and toward her credit card bills.


The correct answer is Option C .

Apart from dabbling in playwriting, he has tried creating a great epic novel and composing a long, tragic epic. This sentence uses parallel structure .

What is parallel structure ?The phrases in parallel structure follow the same pattern. Each of the action verbs in sentence 3 ends in /ing/. While the other sentences use commas to separate phrases, none use the same format throughout as sentence 3.The use of the same word pattern to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance is referred to as parallel structure. At the word, phrase, or clause level, this can occur.In sentences, parallel structure is used to improve readability and to establish a common level of importance between ideas. Using parallel structure, also known as parallelism, creates a consistent grammatical pattern throughout a sentence.

To learn more about parallel structure refer to :



Question 2 of 5
Which sentence most clearly describes the medium of a story?
OA. Mermaids seem out of place in a coming-of-age story like this
OB. The story suffers from not having any characters who are
OC. The novel gives more details about the character than the show.
OD. Drawing out the climax really ramped up the tension in the story.



C. The novel gives more details about the character than the show.


The medium of a novel reveals more detail and conveys its understanding through the character, with less emphasis on the show.

Learn more about techniques of a story at:


The  sentence  which most clearly describes the medium of a story is The novel gives more details about the character than the show.

Option C is correct.

Story Medium:

The story must change to fit the medium and the alternatives made in those fluctuations can be advantages or detriments to the followership enjoyment. Matching medium and story is an art and isn't always a straightforward choice.

What makes a story?

A story has five introductory but important rudiments. These five factors are the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential rudiments keep the story running easily and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the anthology can follow.

Learn more about medium of story:



Which sentence has correct capitalization?
Senator Muzzo lives in Washington, d.c.
Senator Muzzo lives in washington, d.c.
Senator muzzo lives in Washington, D.C.
Senator Muzzo lives in Washington, D.C.


Answer: Senator Muzzo lives in Washington, D.C.

Explanation: The names of both the people and places in the sentence are both capitalized.

When resolving conflict, what does it mean to "keep your eye on the prize"?

Question 5 options:

Stay focused on the team's common goal.

Find a solution faster than any other team member.

Focus on what you want most and ignore others' input.

Never admit that you're wrong.



Stay focused on the team's common goal


It could be "Focus on what you want most and ignore other's input." but because it says when RESOLVING conflict i believe it is the stay focused one.

Describing Graph chart about rate of girls education


In conclusion, we can claim that girls' education can support a nation's or country's ongoing development.

What is the importance of girls' education ?

A girl who receives an education is more likely to be healthy, safe, and given the freedom to choose the direction of her life and destiny. When she is prepared for marriage and having children, she will decide. She might even live a longer life and send her kids to school. We are aware of how crucial education is for young girls.

The education of girls is crucial for a nation's continued development. It is possible for a nation to develop with the participation of all social classes, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, in national production.

Therefore, a country desperately needs its women to labor. However, because they often make up half of a country's population, these women are unlikely to contribute much to the country if they lack education

If they receive an education, the entire country will as well. For a country to continue developing, its population must be educated.

To know about girls' education from the link



What makes Scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem?



I just read this book its so amazing!


Atticus speaks sharply to her, and she becomes emotional. She is upset because Atticus is not acting like himself and is telling them things he does not believe in: "This was not my father.

Writers should not cite a paper heard at a conference if the paper hasn’t been published yet. True or false?







How does paragraph 4 contribute to the development of the theme of they Story? How Santa Claus found the poor house


The story's theme is that kind and decent individuals experience pleasant things.

What is a theme?

A theme is just a story's overarching topic. It serves as the story's main idea. It merely relates to the knowledge that the author wants the readers to possess.

The main idea of the narrative in this instance is that kind and decent individuals experience wonderful things. Globally took care of the stray puppy he discovered and eventually received gifts from Santa.

Sophia Miriam Swett (1858-1912) wrote the little-known gem "How Santa Claus Found The Poor-House". This story depicts what it was like to live in a poorhouse during the late 1800s. Swett demonstrates how life can change in an instant, and frequently for the better.

To know more about How Santa Claus found the poor house, check out:



In the Harry Potter novels, we see Harry starting out as a scared orphan who develops into a powerful hero who seeks to fight evil by the last novel. This is an example of...*
emotional appeal


Answer: complex/dynamic


Answer: complex/dynamic


Which is the best analogy for fell: compassion:: broken : wounded, accident, complete, indifferent


Answer: broken is to wounded

Explanation: Analogies are two things or words that are similarities or opposing  when compared.

The best analogy for "fell: compassion" is "broken: accident." The correct option is B.

What is the analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two things that are otherwise different but share some similarities or common characteristics. It is a way of explaining complex or abstract ideas by comparing them to something more concrete or familiar. Analogies can be used to make a point or to help someone understand a concept by drawing a connection between something they already know and something they are trying to learn.

For example, an analogy could be used to explain how a computer works by comparing it to a library. In this analogy, the computer's hard drive could be compared to the library's shelves, where information is stored and organized for easy retrieval. The computer's RAM (Random Access Memory) could be compared to a librarian's desk, where temporary information is stored for quick access. By using this analogy, someone who is unfamiliar with how a computer works can better understand its basic functions by comparing it to something they are more familiar with, like a library.

Here in the Question,

The word "fell" is often associated with the idea of experiencing a sudden and unexpected loss or failure. Similarly, the word "broken" can be used to describe a sudden and unexpected loss or failure. In both cases, the individual affected by these experiences may require compassion and empathy from others to help them heal and recover.

Out of the options given, "wounded" (option A) is not an appropriate analogy because it implies a deliberate or intentional act, whereas "fell" is more often associated with an unintentional accident.

"Complete" (option C) is also not an appropriate analogy because it doesn't convey the idea of loss or failure that is inherent in "fell." Finally,

"indifferent" (option D) is the opposite of compassion, and therefore not an appropriate analogy for it.

Therefore "accident" (option B) fits well with the analogy because it conveys the idea of something happening unexpectedly and without intention, just like how "fell" does. In both cases, the individual affected may require compassion and understanding from others to help them through the experience.

To do more problems on analogy  click:



"Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place,
and a generous parent should have said, 'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
Which phrase in the excerpt is an emotional appeal to the reader?
O "Not a man lives"
"believes that a separation"
"let it be in my day"
"that my child may have peace"
Mark this and return
Save and Exit


The phrase "that my child may have peace" in the excerpt of Thomas Paine is an emotional appeal to the reader.

What is Thomas Paine most famous for?

Thomas Paine was a renowned political thinker and author who was born in England and supported uprisings in both America and Europe. The first booklet to promote American freedom was "Common Sense," which was published in 1776 to widespread acclaim.

He wrote The American Crisis (1776–1783) and Common Sense (1776–1776), two of the most important pamphlets at the outset of the American Revolution, which contributed to the Patriots' decision to declare their independence from Great Britain in 1776. His views reflected the international human rights principles of the Enlightenment. However, Paine disbelieves in miracles and prophecy. He also makes the observation that the Christian revelations seem to have changed over time to reflect shifting political conditions.

To learn more about Thomas Paine, visit:



Group 1. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group. a. Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others. b. Some chimpanzees and monkeys are surprisingly sensitive to the plight of others. c. Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days. d. Female chimps will sometimes head off a fight by taking stones out of the males' hands.


The correct answer is B which is an argument and the other three statements are supporting the argument.

Arguments are statements backed by justifications and facts. Argumentation is a social process in which two or more people exchange arguments, amend or defend their ideas in response to one another's responses (rather than merely restating their original statements and justifications).

If justifications fail the hypothetical challenge or the "because" tests, there is probably a problem with the argument's logic. However, passing those standards does not guarantee that the arguments are solid and convincing.

Evidence backs up the arguments which are made or given and persuades audiences to accept statements. Different types of evidence exist which are frequently differ from one academic discipline or argument topic to another. Different types of proof are needed for scientific debates on global warming than for disputes during meals.

To know more about 'arguments' related questions
visit- https://brainly.com/question/27100677


Select the correct answer. Which piece of evidence is most relevant to Luis Aguilar's claim that he is committed to suppor minority investors? OA. OB. "I am proud to serve as the sponsor of various affinity groups at the SEC, such as Hispanic Employment Committee, the African American Council, and the Caribbea American Heritage Committee." (paragraph 7) O D. 11 ...I saw that a legal process could be a catalyst for social change. The civil rights movement showed me the power of the law, and that's when I began to think abou becoming a lawyer." (paragraph 2) OC. "I began my career at the SEC, serving as a staff attorney. I then went into private practice, where I focused on securities and corporate law and became a partner at several national law firms." (paragraph 5) "I also moved from private sector to in-house and served as the general counsel a head of compliance of a large global asset manager...." (paragraph 5)​



"I am proud to serve as the sponsor of various affinity groups at the SEC, such as the Hispanic Employment Committee, the African American Council, and the Caribbean American Heritage Committee." (paragraph 7)


i got it right on plato

A Complication or Two
The rejection letter from my Ivy League school of choice was the first major obstacle I encountered in my grand 10-year plan. It was not the last. I was 17, and at the time quite certain that nothing would derail me from my grandiose future. I planned to achieve everything my parents expected, and more. The first step was supposed to have been attending my parents’ alma mater, graduating with honors, and then moving on to law school without pausing to let my peers—or competitors—catch me. To say that’s not how it went is a gross understatement.
Needing a distraction in my moment of crisis, I decided to pick up another couple of hours of volunteer service. I rode the subway to Tri-Valley Hospital with that rejection letter wrinkled in my right fist. I probably should have left it at home, but I couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I’d spent so many hours volunteering at Tri-Valley to build my community service résumé that the trek there felt like it was accomplished on autopilot rather than through any active involvement on my part.
Alma was a new volunteer that morning, and I felt grateful for her presence, though I suppose I really didn’t pay much attention to her. Mostly, I was relieved to have something to focus on, other than the big fat rejection letter swelling in my pocket. I showed Alma the volunteer wing, which was really just a room with a few lockers, a microwave, and a lot of large posters with rules and cautionary messages. She shadowed me on that shift, and together we delivered food trays, chatted with bed-ridden patients who didn’t have visitors that morning, and carried out a number of fairly tedious tasks. I forgot Alma’s name three times and had to apologize. It was a unique enough name that I shouldn’t have forgotten once, but the rejection letter was burning a hole in my pocket and apparently in my mind.
At lunch, Alma sat across from me, even though by then several other regular volunteers had arrived and offered to take her out for real food rather than subjecting her to the cafeteria fare. I can’t imagine how far gone I must have seemed to her, but I’ll never forget what she said as I prodded the chocolate mass parading as cake on my tray. “You must really love what you do here,” she said. “I can tell you care about this place and the patients we visited.”
Her words dug into me, primarily because I had never once stopped to consider whether I enjoyed my time at the hospital. Hundreds of food trays served, hundreds of patients visited, and still somehow the whole experience amounted to nothing more than a checkmark on the extensive list of what I needed to accomplish to achieve my goals. I did think about it then, as I finished my dessert. She wasn’t incorrect. A lot of people hate hospitals—the lights, the sterile smell, the undercurrent of urgency, illness, and tragedy. But I didn’t hate it at all. The fact that I was there that day proved more than anything else that I saw it as a comfortable place.
Alma and I ended up attending the same university. It wasn’t Ivy League, and I wasn’t pre-law. Freshman year, I decided to complete my undergraduate degree on an accelerated three-year plan. Although that three years stretched to four-and-a-half, when I graduated, my wife of two years, whose name I had not forgotten once since that first day at Tri-Valley, was by my side and expecting our first daughter. Medical school was its own unique challenge, especially after the twins came along halfway through. We purchased our first house the year they turned six, after I landed a residency at Tri-Valley. But we slept in a nearby hotel for the first two months of home ownership because of a burst pipe that flooded our bedrooms the week we moved in.
Looking back, I suppose my life started with that letter. I don’t think everything necessarily happens for a reason—there’s too much tragedy in the world for that. But there’s no doubt that some misfortunes turn into pivotal moments that can alter the course of a person’s life for the better. Alma and I have been together for 30 years now, and I still wonder what that other life—the one in which my letter said “congratulations”—might look like. I expect it would have been pretty grand, full of its own triumphs and pitfalls. My children are fresh to the adult world, and when I see their tears as plans go sideways, I like to imagine that someday they’ll sit where I am with people to love, hobbies to pursue, and maybe even a spare dollar in the bank.
What is the theme of “A Complication or Two”? How does the narrator develop the theme? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least one complete paragraph.


He describes how, despite not following his grand plan, he manages to live a happy life.

What is the theme of the story?"A Complication or Two" is about how luck triumphs over careful planning. The narrator carefully constructs this theme throughout the story.The narrator had devised a ten-year plan for his future education, starting with his preferred Ivy League school and ending with law school.But fate had other plans for him, and his role in fate began when he received his rejection letter from his preferred Ivy League school.He volunteered at Tri-Valley Hospital, where he met Alma, his future university roommate and wife.He also got a residency at Tri-Valley Hospital after finishing medical school.

To learn more about A Complication or Two, refer to:



Which sentence has correct parallel structure?
Group of answer choices

He was not only late, but also made a noisy entrance.

Not only was he late, but he also made a noisy entrance.


The sentence that has correct parallel structure

Not only was he late, but he also made a noisy entrance

What is parallel construction ?

When words or phrases are written in parallel, they have the same structure. A list's other phrases should start with "of" if the first phrase does. Other phrases should use the verb form with the letter " i n g " if the first phrase does.

The grammatical form of parallelism should be used to express sentences containing two or more parallel concepts. It is important to maintain balance between individual words, phrases and clauses. Parallelism allows semantics to follow form.

To know about parallel construction from the link



The definition of an archetype is... *
The hero or leader in a story that shows up in many different stories
a kind of character based on certain characteristics; this character can show up in many different stories
The villain of a story that can be played by any character
A historical place



A historical person, place, or situation an author refers to in a text



a kind of character based on certain characteristics; this character can show up in many different stories


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I can enter the problem here so ill add a picture, sorry for the inconvenience 4/8=28/x show your work Solve each system by elimination 10x-2y= -44x+5y= -19 Find the solution of the system of equations. 2x + 3y=-4 , x + 9y = 13 convert the rectangular equation to polar form.Assume a > 0x=18 Three Albany Middle Schools raised money to buy new computers.EON raised $286.00 Hackett raised $192.84 Myers raised $113.25 more than Hackett. What is the total amount of money raised by all three schools La Paz is located approximately at what coordinates?100N, 110W25N, 110W30N, 90W For a football game, 5,600 tickets were sold. The price for each adult ticket is $27.25, and the price for each childrens ticket is $12.00. The total revenue for the game was $117,311.50. How many children's tickets were sold for the football game? 7. In physics, the equation PV = nRT is called the ideal gas law. It is used toapproximate the behavior of many gases under different conditions. Whichequation is solved for T? Question 4 When changing 67,430,000 to scientific notation, how many places is the decimal point mc 5 07 Given the recursive formula shown, what are the first 4 terms of the sequence? A) 5, 25, 100, 400B) 5, 14, 60, 236C) 5, 25, 125, 625D) 5, 20, 80, 320 (40s + 100t) + 6 distributive property to write the products in standard form Please give me an explanation and the answers on question 3 Amer class, Mrs. Sandoval picked up several piece of paper containing students' work from SHAVN ELLA LEVI 263.140)14) + 2(3.4)() 602.86 units 21314)(a)) 2512 unit 23.425) - 2/3 4729 RUBY KATRINA LORENZO 22 28.141815) 218.1489 663.12 units 2[3.2) 203.4)(48) + 213.)(4) 30144 units Which student found the total surface area of a cylinder with a height that was two times greater than its radius? O Ruby O Lorenzo O Ella O Levi solve the following system y=5x-33x-8y=24 Solve for x and simplify your solutions:x^2 = 63Select ALL the correct answers.answer choices include:18797-3737-187-97 Andrei gauged the level of exposure to his marketing campaign using the percentage of the target population exposed at least once to his advertisement, representing its. I'll show you the picture of the question I'm struggling with There are 4 options on the dessert menu at a restaurant. Bill and Laura like all of the choices equally, so theyeach choose a dessert at random from the menu. What is the probability that Bill will choose apple pie andLaura will choose strawberry cheesecake for dessert? Express your answer as a decimal. If necessary, roundyour answer to the nearest thousandth.O 0.083O 0.250 0.938O 0.063 given the childhood experiences that typically precede borderline personality disorder, some multicultural theorists believe that the disorder may actually be a reaction to persistent feelings of: