Imagine you are a member of the Continental Congress for the new government. What are the 3 most important laws, policies, or standards that you would add to the Constitution of the United States?


Answer 1

I would amend the US Constitution to allow immigrants to run for president, ensure the right to vote at the federal level, balance the budget, and eliminate lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court.

To propose an amendment, either a convention must be called or, if two-thirds of the states request one, both Houses of Congress must vote on the proposal. The amendment must then be approved by three-fourths of the State legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions held in each State.

There are two procedures to suggest modifications to the Constitution, under Article V. A convention may be called by Congress in response to requests from two-thirds of state legislatures, or it may be suggested by Congress through a joint resolution approved by a two-thirds vote.

To learn more about US Constitution



Related Questions

Which American Founding Father helped the National Assembly write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?


The Marquis de Lafayette with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson American Founding Father helped the National Assembly write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Who influenced the Declaration of rights of man and Citizen?

It was thus heavily influenced by documents like the American Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, as well as Enlightenment ideals like Jean-Jacques Rousseau's exploration of the political relationship between individuals and the collective.

The draft of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written by the Marquis de Lafayette with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson and presented to the National Assembly on July 11, 1789. A committee of 40 deputies was formed to decide on the final form of the declaration.

Learn more about the Declaration of rights of man and Citizen here:



3. What factors led to fears that the U.S. might be
taken over by "reds"?


World War I, which prompted many people to adopt strong patriotic and anti-immigrant sentiments, was one of the primary causes of the Red Scare.

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia stoked suspicions that foreigners, particularly those from Europe and Russia, were plotting to overthrow the US government. The Red Scare was a panic over the potential threat of communism in the United States even during the Great War that was seen between the United States and the united States, which increased in the 1940s and 1950s. It should be noted that attempting to take over the government of the United States was considered by as a real threat of communism, and they requested their prosecution.

He believes that Congress didn't take "the seriousness of these cast organizations that were plotting to overthrow the Government" into account because Congress didn't pass a reasonable law for communists to be persecuted and deported.This question asks why, in his opinion, Congress failed to take into account "the seriousness of these cast organizations that were plotting to overthrow the Government and real threat of communism."This shows that plotting to overthrow the government is a real threat from communism, and Palmer said that overthrow has been demonstrated in Germany and Russia.

Learn more about Palmer at;



In the 1800s, most enslaved people on plantations lived in large tents. Dormitory buildings. Simple cabins. Plantation houses.


In the 1800s, most enslaved people on plantations lived in simple cabins . (Option C ).

- Workers were housed in cottages or huts or simple cabins. These were typically compact, smelly, tiny, and filled with slaves.

-  Typically, plantations were constructed around a sizable main residence known as the plantation house. Since this is where the slave owners would sleep, they wouldn't want the slave to share their bed.

- The owners believed that property didn't require elegance, and a dormitory structure would be expensive to construct and provide comforts for the slaves.

-  Uninformed people would place large tents there, but you are intelligent and have probably studied the lesson plan to understand that those are Native Americans, not slaves.

To know more about Native Americans , kindly click on the link below :



Answer:Its C


How did farmers organize to meet the economic challenges and hardships of farm life?


The correct option is (B) They formed groups such as the Grange and the Farmers Alliances to support their way of life.

What do you mean by Grange and farmer's alliance?

The Grange, originally known as the Patrons of Husbandry, was established in 1867 to support farm life and their families and assist farmers with the purchase of equipment, the construction of grain elevators, pushing for government regulation of railroad shipping costs, and other farm-related tasks. There were more than a million members by the early 1870s.

The Patrons of Husbandry gave rise to the Farmers' Alliances. Farmers' Alliances were significantly more politically engaged than the Grange, which was more of a social group.

To learn more about Grange and Farmer's alliance refer to:



Please match the correct term to the correct definition

1. Started through a series of
actions by the British,
interpreted as hostile by
the colonists including the
occupation of Boston, the
Boston massacre, and the
attempt to seize patriot
leaders, ammunition, and
weapons from Lexington
and concord. The war was an attempt by the British to maintain control and to destroy opposition to the British government and control of the colonies.

2. Refers to the approximately 30,000 ethnic German troops that were hired by the British over the course of the American Revolutionary War.

3. The peace process/ winding down the war: post Yorktown phase: late 1781 through sept 1783

4. Protest and later open policies stemming from mercantilism and trade policies, And questions over taxation and protected rights. Took ideas from the enlightenment about the nature of the of peoples rights, the origin and purposes of government, and the rights of people regarding a government not protecting their natural rights.

5. Middle Atlantic phase: summer 1776- summer 1778

6. Southern phase: December 1778- October 1781

7. New England phase: April 1775- spring 1776

1. American revolution

2. Revolutionary war

3. Phase 1 of the revolutionary war

4. Phase 2 of the revolutionary war

5. Phase 3 of the revolutionary war

6. Phase 4 of the revolutionary war

7. Hessians



1. Revolutionary War

2. Hessians

3. Phase IV of Revolutionary War

4. American Revolution

5. Phase II of Revolutionary War

6. Phase III of Revolutionary War

7. Phase I of Revolutionary War


The correct order of assigning and also matching the following items are as follows- Revolutionary War, Hessians, Phase IV of the Revolutionary War, American Revolution, Phase II of the Revolutionary War, Phase III of the Revolutionary War, and  Phase I of the Revolutionary War. All these were a part of the American Revolution.

What is the American Revolution?

The American Revolution was one of a kind Revolution that shooked the entire Earth and also led to the people's struggle and also the understanding of the viewpoints of the Americans. The main thing about the American Revolution was that it was a great political and military war that was being fought with the full system of prowess.

The American Revolution was also one of a kind, the battle was fought from 1765-1783 one of the most bloodiest battles to have been fought there. The most important thing was that it was a battle against the British Imperialists. The 13 colonies of the British government came into the most important and also the main thing was that they wanted to join the American Union of the Southern parts of America.

Hence, the options above were all right.

Learn more about the American Revolution here:



before the seventeenth century, why was southern africa such an important trading hub for europeans?


It was about halfway between Europe and Asia because of this southern Africa such an important trading hub for Europeans.

In the economic history of precolonial Africa, trade between European and African states very recently emerged. African kings and traders had already established trading ties with the Mediterranean, western Asia, and the Indian Ocean area before the European explorers arrived in the fifteenth century. Local interactions between nearby populations on a continent integrate within a larger framework of long-distance trade.

Therefore, the traders from Britain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands found a well-established trading populace governed by shrewd and experienced local rulers throughout the Atlantic coast of Africa. In order to keep commodities and protect their trade rights from outside intrusion, European businesses swiftly established commercial relationships with these indigenous authorities and built fortified "factories," or warehouses, on coastal locations. From modern-day Senegal to Angola, independent Portuguese traders known as lançados established themselves along the continent's rivers and coasts. There, they assimilated into African culture and acted as middlemen between European and African traders.

To know more about trading hub visit:

Which issue was Margaret Sanger particularly concerned about?


The  issue that Margaret Sanger was particularly concerned about is the  women’s health and birth control .

What was the concern of Margaret Sanger about women?

The  concern of Margaret Sanger about women can be seen in how she was so interested in the affairs of women especially in the term of birth control because she suggested that when there is not birth control then the rate of poverty will be so high.

It should be noted that she also focus on the women helth because women are very delicate been that usually go through alot of stress during labor.

Learn more about Margaret Sanger  here:  https://brainly.com/question/5755540


complete question:

Which issue was Margaret Sanger particularly concerned about? women’s suffrage women’s health and birth control working conditions for women



Answer:It is D)


1. What important revolution occurred during the Neolithic Period?


The Agricultural Revolution took place during the Neolithic period, and it is regarded as the most significant revolution ever to have occurred in human history.

Describe the agricultural revolution.

The term "agricultural revolution" refers to a group of cultural developments that initially made it possible for people to transition from a hunting and gathering-based subsistence to one based on agriculture and animal domestication.

How did the Agricultural Revolution alter the world?

New crops and crop rotation techniques were tested as a result of the Agricultural Revolution. These innovative farming methods provided the soil time to restore nutrients, resulting in stronger crops and improved agricultural output. Productivity was further boosted by improvements in irrigation and drainage.

To know more about agricultural revolution visit:



After the failure of the Populist Party to get William Jennings Bryan elected president in 1896, what did many farmers in the midwest do?
A. Almost 80% gave up farming and moved back East.
B. They continued to farm in the Western territories.
C. They protested the railroad costs by picketing the White House.
D. They formed the American Railway Union and fought the railroads.

The answer is A, I just put this so anyone who needs help with it has it.


After the failure of the Populist Party to get William Jennings Bryan elected president in 1896,  many farmers in the midwest do almost 80% gave up farming and moved back East.

The People's Party, also known as the Populist Party or simply the Populists, was a leftist agrarian populist political party in the United States of the late 19th century.

They demanded an increase in the circulation of money. (achieved by unlimited silver minting), progressive income taxes, government ownership of railroads, income-only tariffs, direct U.S. senatorial elections, and other measures to strengthen political democracy and give back to the peasants. Populism is the name given to a type of political movement. Populists often try to distinguish between ordinary people and the "elite" (i.e. usually the upper class of the people). Populists may think that the rich or the highly educated are elite.

Learn more about Populist Party here: https://brainly.com/question/969957


Describe the differences of how Georgia after the Revolution compares to Georgia of today.


Georgia was the only colony established and administered by a Board of Trustees with headquarters in London, England. For the first 20 years of the colony's existence, there was no governor or other form of local government.

Radical Patriots (also known as Whigs) assumed control of the provincial government after unrest erupted in 1775, driving many Loyalists from the province. A number of significant attacks into British-controlled Florida were also staged in Georgia.

Early in the 1770s, when revolutionary fever expanded throughout the colonies, Wright's popularity and managerial skills effectively slowed down Georgia Revolution. But he was powerless to halt the escalating opposition to colonial control. Governor Wright was temporarily imprisoned in January 1776 by a gang of patriots led by Joseph Habersham who had filed an arrest warrant for him.

Georgia changed its constitution to become a parliamentary democracy in time for the 2012 legislative elections, ceding the President's administrative authority to the Prime Minister.  The transition was slated to begin with the legislative elections in October 2012 and end with the presidential elections in 2013.

To learn more about Georgia, refer



You need to select a database to begin researching perceptions of the impressionist painters in the late 1800s. Based on their descriptions, which database is the most appropriate resource to search for primary sources?.


The most appropriate database resource to search for primary sources is D. Art Index Retrospective: the definitive source for historical art literature published between 1929 and 1984.

What is Art Index Retrospective?

The Art Index Retrospective is an archival index that spans more than fifty years of art writing. It indexes thousands of book reviews, interviews, anthologies, and other materials on fine, decorative, and commercial art in addition to hundreds of publications.

Art Index Retrospective, volumes 1–32, spans the years 1929–1984. More than 420 international journals are cited in the database's entries. Yearbooks and museum bulletins are also included in the coverage. Periodicals published in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch are also covered. Art Index identifies reproductions of works of art that are published in indexed magazines in addition to articles. Art Full Text launches in 1984 and continues Art Index's coverage.

All Branch Libraries are Accessible Black Cultural Research Center Schomburg Libreria Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNFL) Structure of Stephen A. Schwarzman The Performing Arts Library of New York Art, geography, and cultural studies Thomas Yoseloff Business Center.

To learn more about art index retrospective from the given link



You need to select a database to begin researching perceptions of the impressionist painters in the late 1800s. Based on their descriptions, which database is the most appropriate resource to search for primary sources?.

who has the most power in order from least to greatest

the american indians, the mulattoes, the creoles, or the peninsulares


The peninsulares have the most power according to the question.

What is Power?

Power is the ability to sway another person's decisions and change their actions, attitudes, and behaviors. It's crucial to realize that influence and power have different meanings. Within an organization, authority is the rightful control that one person or group has over another.

According to the class theory of power, the wealthy, economically dominating class has the majority of the sway. Furthermore, the elite theory of power promotes the use of power by society's elite class.

Marx saw power as a resource rather than a political, intellectual, or religious belief. Power is also a resource that is continually in short supply. As a result, it is concentrated among a few individuals and organizations, primarily the State and the ruling class, who use it to manipulate the proletariat.

To learn more about Power follow the link.



The land ordinance of _______ determined how many western lands would be __________


The land ordinance of  1785 determined how many western lands would be stablishing a plan for surveying western lands.

On May 20, 1785, the United States Congress of the Confederation approved the Land Ordinance of 1785.It established a uniform method by which settlers could acquire title to farmland in the undeveloped west.Land sales were an important source of revenue because Congress at the time lacked the authority to increase revenue through direct taxation.The earlier Land Ordinance of 1784 was a resolution written by Thomas Jefferson urging Congress to take action. The survey system established by the Ordinance eventually covered more than three-quarters of the continental United States

Ten separate states were to be created from the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, north of the Ohio River, and east of the Mississippi River. However, the 1784 resolution did not specify how the territories would be governed or settled before they became states.The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 addressed political requirements, while the Ordinance of 1785 brought the resolution of 1784 into effect by providing a means of selling and settling the land

Learn about land ordinance:



Which table correctly compares the North and South in the mid-1800s?




its C just use the knowledge u have

its B look in ur notes chap

The Declaration on Liberated Europe stated that?



“to solve by democratic means their pressing political and economic problems” through “free elections of Governments responsive to the will of the people.” 


Make into your own words do not copy and past this to your test

Answer and justification: On February 10, 1945, the Declaration of Liberated Europe was signed. This document stated that all the nations formerly ruled by Germany would be permitted to establish their own democratic governments. One of many significant agreements reached at the Yalta Conference in 1945 was this one.

Which figure was most significant in the english reformation and the subsequent creation of the church of england?.


One of the most significant turning points in the history of the British Isles was the Reformation. In addition to fundamentally altering people's religious views, it also helped to usher in significant political, constitutional, social, and cultural change—even if it did so slowly and haphazardly.

The Reformation resulted in the reformulation of some fundamental Christian beliefs and the partition of Western Christendom into the new Protestant traditions and Roman Catholicism.

Henry VIII effectively established himself as the supreme head of the Church of England when he signed the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy.

To learn more about English reformation click on the given link:



What text evidence supports the claim that Enlightenment ideas influenced the arts?


In art and architecture, influenced by Enlightenment ideas, a new movement emerged: Neo-Classicism. The focus on reason during the Enlightenment shifted the subject focus to more serious and morally uplifting and influencing art.

Enlightenment thought was centred on the application and celebration of reason, the capacity that allows people to comprehend the universe and better their own situation.

The focus on humanism during the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution were all causes of the Enlightenment.

To know more about Enlightenment, click here.



11) Match the statements with the events that took place during the Roaring Twenties.
Five Power Treaty
Four Power Treaty
Teapot Dome Scandal
The United
Kingdom, the
United States,
France, and Japan
agreed to respect
each other's
possessions in
the Pacific.
A bribe accepted
by Interior
Secretary Albert
Falls resulted in
one of the worst
cases of U.S.
The United
Kingdom, the
United States,
Japan, France,
and Italy agreed to
reduce their naval
Nine Power Treaty
independence and
territorial integrity
would be
through the Open
Door Policy.



five power treaty

the united kingdom

The events that took place in  the Roaring Twenties:

Teapot Dome Scandal

The  United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, France and Italy agreed to reduce their naval fleets.

What was Roaring Twenties?

The Roaring Twenties or Roaring 20s, refers to the 1920s decade in music and fashion, as it happened in Western society and Western culture.

It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United states and Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Buenos Aires, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, Mexico, New York city, Paris and Sydney.

In France the decade was known as the crazy years, emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism.

The social and cultural features known as the Roaring Twenties began in leading metropolitan centres and spread widely in the aftermath of World War 1.

Learn more about Roaring twenties here: https://brainly.com/question/2325962


Lewis Clark Sacajawea York Describe the contributions he/she made to the expedition.


Lewis and Clark Expedition in Sacagawea’s Life. Lewis and Clark mission was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.

What is Northwest Passage?

Lewis and Clark were tasked to look out the Louisiana land that was picked up by President Thomas Jefferson. The President was designing to assign this land for the construction of the waterway connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific and to be known as the Northwest Passage.

In order to make this into real life, he need to survey the landscape. This resulted to having to talk with dissimilar Native American tribes who were occupied in the area. When Lewis and Clark make it at the Hidatsa-Mandan settlement, this is where Sacagawea’s life vary.

The Americans know that they will have to made the communication in well organised way and successful in order for them to be able to obtain the resources that they want for their plans for the land.

Learn more about Lewis and Clark here:



Which of the following is a typical characteristic of a command economy?

A central authority makes government decisions.
Economic activities are decided by the customs of the people.
The region's customs determine how things are made.
The merchant class determines what will be made.



A) the government completely runs command economies, but they do not exist due to the impracticality of it


How did African Americans in the post-Civil War era respond to the hostile environment of the South? A. They confiscated land on abandoned plantations. B. They disenfranchised voters who did not have residency. C. They supported legislation to bring industry to the South. D. They migrated to the northeast and Midwest to work in factories.


Answer: D (They migrated to the northeast and Midwest to work in factories.)


Need help quickly if possible
1) Use your completed The Transportation Revolution sheet for this lesson to answer the following question.
What is the answer to question 2?

Lake Erie and the Hudson River

Lake Michigan and the St. Lawrence River

Lake Superior and the East River

Lake Ontario and the Potomac River

2)Use your completed The Transportation Revolution sheet for this lesson to answer the following question.
What is the answer to question 4?

30 or 35 cents

2 or 3 cents

8 or 9 cents

15 or 20 cents



The answer to Question 2 is

Lake Erie and the Hudson river

The answer to Question 4 is

2 or 3 cents


I attached a photo of the course guide

Who was the first person to write American plays in American vernacular?


O'Neill's plays were among the first to include speeches in American English vernacular and involve characters on the fringes of society. They struggle to maintain their hopes and aspirations, but ultimately slide into disillusion and despair.

What i a major difficulty that tate legilator face in meeting the demand many American place on their tate government?


The Constitution cannot be amended by the State Legislature. A significant challenge that state legislators face in fulfilling the demands that many Americans place on their state government is that a significant portion of the Constitution can be amended by the Parliament.

The purpose of Congress is to represent the will of the people by passing laws that affect everyone's daily lives. Its duties include providing funds for government operations and initiatives, holding hearings to educate lawmakers, and supervising the executive branch.

The legislature's authority is constrained by the constitution itself. A state's legislature is not allowed to exercise any authority that is not explicitly granted by the constitution.

Laws are created by the legislative branch, but the President, who is part of the executive branch, has the power to veto them.

Read more about American demand at



What were the weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? (Multiple choice)

no national legislature

no authority to deal with foreign governments

large states wanted more voting power than small states

no executive branch

no national court system

no power to levy taxes



Congress had no power to coin money, therefore each state developed its own currency. Congress was unable to regulate interstate and foreign commerce; some states refused to pay for goods they purchased from abroad. Congress was unable to impose taxes; it could only borrow money on credit.


i got every answer correct;)

9. Another term for Capitalist.


an industrialist is a synonym for a capitalist


an investor, or financer is another term for capitalist.

Choose either Germany or Italy and explain about 100 to 150 words the sequence of events that led to the nation’s unification. Make sure to include how the nation developed throughout the nineteenth century. Use information from the lessons and from any outside research to support your answer. Include a list of the sources you used


I've chosen to discuss the national unification of Germany. The German Confederation was an alliance of more than 30 German states.

The state of Prussia nation took the initiative in bringing them together into Germany, whereas the Austrian Empire had typically controlled it. Otto von Bismarck was chosen as Wilhelm I of Prussia's prime minister in 1862. Realpolitik was a political tenet of Bismarck's. Because of this pragmatic rather than idealistic philosophy, Bismarck was prepared to take any necessary measures to accomplish his objectives.

The Second Reich, which replaced Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire as the First Reich, was ruled by the Prussian king Wilhelm I.

To know more about German unification, click here.



In what ways were the Persian empires set up to deal with a diverse society?


The ways in which the Persian empires were set up to deal with their diverse society were:

Allowing freedom of religion Dividing the empire into provinces

How did the Persians rule their diverse emepire?

The Persians understood that to rule their diverse empire, they needed to keep the people as peaceful as possible. One way they did this was by decreeing that everyone was free to practice their religion which had the effect of making people feel less in bondage.

The Persians also divided their empire into about 20 provinces which were under govenors. This allowed the government to be closer to the people and know their concerns better.

Find out more on Persians at https://brainly.com/question/13346459


What was the goal of the georgia land lottery?

Your answer:

To give land to newly-arrived immigrants

To provide land to companies so that the land could be sold to settlers

To ensure that heads of household would have enough land to provide for their families

To divide up western lands more fairly, by allowing more participants a random chance to win plots of land


The goal of the georgia land lottery was to ensure that heads of household would have enough land to provide for their families. The Option C is correct.

What was the Georgia Land Lotteries?

During the 19th century, the Georgia land lotteries were an early system of land redistribution in Georgia. Under this system, the white male citizens could register for a chance to win lots of land that had been stolen from the Muscogee and the Cherokee Nation.

Most importantly, the system was been utilized by the Georgia government between the years 1805 and 1833 to strengthen the state and increase the population in order to increase Georgia's power in the House of Representatives.

Read more about georgia land lottery



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