i need help plz help me

I Need Help Plz Help Me


Answer 1
I think the answer would be 2

Related Questions

I will give brain to correct answer!

Which statement best completes the diagram? CAUSE:
European powers colonize western Africa.
-----> EFFECT: ?

A. Democratic governments form in western Africa.

B. Economies grow quickly in western Africa.

C. Islam becomes a major religion in western Africa

D. Ethnic conflict spreads in western Africa​


I believe it’s D I think

What are the solutions to the quadratic equation x2 + 6x – 6 = 0?
-13.61, 7.61
-10.75, 4.75
E -6.87, 0.87



Exact Form: x = ± √ 15 + 3

Decimal Form: x = 6.87298334 … , − 0.87298334 …


of the states 10 points
Once a national amendment has been proposed,
must ratify it.



Answer: c


3/4 seems most correct

Why do you think America wanted to bomb Tokyo, Japan so badly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?



revenge cause they deserved it plus it would cause the most japanese deaths  considering how big and populated

When did WWII end and how?


World War 2 ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. On 8 May 1945, the Allies accepted Germany's surrender, about a week after Adolf Hitler had committed sui*ide. VE Day – Victory in Europe celebrates the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945.

Many delegates who did not sign the Constitution did so because they felt the document
a. listed too many basic rights and freedoms.
b. didn’t allow changes to it.
c. did not secure individual liberties.
d. None of the above.





One of the most famous reasons for why certain delegates didn't sign was that the document lacked a legitimate Bill of Rights which would protect the rights of States and the freedom of individuals.

what was an impact of world war one on latin america?
a. it helped to develop a new political system
b. it created a whole new industries
c. it destroyed many of its resources
d. it disrupted trade



d. it disrupted trade



Impact of world war one on Latin America as it disrupted trade. Option (d) is correct.

What do you mean by System?

A system is a group of components or elements arranged for a specific objective.

The impact of the First World War on Latin American intellectuals' perceptions of the continent's place in the world was profound. The Great War and its aftereffects tore society apart, reviving and forging a burgeoning anti-imperialism in Latin America. The region faced increasing opposition to what was seen as foreigners interfering in its economic, political, and cultural issues. Although political sovereignty and cultural distinctiveness had been asserted more and more in the years prior to 1914, the war in many ways strengthened these preexisting impulses.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct. Impact of world war one on Latin America as it disrupted trade.

Learn more about System, here;



"Pro-lifers" and "Pro-choicers" most disagree over the ruling in

Group of answer choices

Griswold v. Connecticut

Gideon v. Wainwright

Miranda v. Arizona

Roe v. Wade


Roe v wade!! please mark brainliest!!

Why was the Battle of Shiloh important?
The Confederate Army managed a close victory against the Union
It was the first Civil War battle with heavy casualties for both sides.
OC. During the battle, General Halleck was badly wounded.
General Grant was promoted to General in Chief



During the battle, General Halleck was badly wounded.


The Battle of Shiloh was a crucial success for the Union Army, led by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee (named for the river, not the state). It allowed Grant to begin a massive operation in the Mississippi Valley later that year.


B. It was the first Civil War battle with heavy casualties for both sides.


Study Island

Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems.



1)It creates disunity & factionalism

2)Candidates often use dirty tricks to discredit their opponents & win elections

3)Long term policies may become a casualty for electoral politics

4)Money power is often a crucial determinant of results in elections & smaller and independent candidates may not have sufficient resources to compete with big parties on equal terms.

5)Parties can even bribe the people with money or snacks for vote.


1) It creates competition among parties to serve the people better.

2)People will have lot of options among various leaders.

3) People acn select a particular leader who can solve their problems.

4) Political Competition mostly benefits the people as parties will do their best to lure the people.

5) Poltical Competition leads to the development of the nation.

Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems are:

Advantages of a Two-Party System Political parties can be chosen in a two-party system. The electorate selects the party with the better programme.Strong Opposition is Provided: Under this arrangement, one party forms the government while the other forms the opposition. For instance, in Britain, the opposition Conservative Party serves as a counterbalance to the incumbent Labour Party.It Contributes to Good Governance The opposition party has a responsibility to monitor and critique the government's harmful policies. It motivates the government to be cautious while developing and implementing policy.It Ensures Stability: Because there is no room for a coalition government, which could result in a feeble and unstable government, stability is assured.It is democratic: There is room for freedom of association and choice.Easy Recognition: People are able to quickly recognise the advantages and disadvantages of the party in power.Change of Government: Because the constitution includes a clause requiring regular elections, a change of government is feasible.Demerits of the Two-Party System the separation of the nation into two factions: There is a chance that a two-party system may create two rival factions in the nation. This might undermine racial harmony.It does not foster harmony. It's possible that the power struggle within the system does not advance racial harmony.It might result in a one-party system: The other party may disintegrate into the ruling party if one of the two keeps office for an extended period of time.Election fraud is a possibility because all parties would like to hold office. In addition, future elections could be managed by the current administration using the incumbency apparatus.unhealthy party competition: A two-party system may lead to intimidation, persecution of political rivals, threats, etc.The majority of the nation's resources are wasted on the administration of elections and the upkeep of two political parties.Multi-Party State BenefitsDemocracy is present.increased political education and involvement.increased representation.decreases the likelihood of a one-party dictatorship taking power.Party management.acknowledging opposition partiesgovernment changePeople's rights.law and order.The Multi-Party System's demeritscoalition administration.A surplus of political programmes.It is challenging to hold a specific party accountable.political parties with ethnic and sectional roots.It makes it exceedingly challenging to establish a new administration.The party system is incredibly pricey.political opponents are victimised.Instability in politics.The executive is weakened by a multi-party system.It reduces significant areas of law to class bribery.What is party system?

A party system is a notion in comparative politics that refers to the way political parties govern in democracies. Political parties are supposed to share some fundamental characteristics: they have power over the government, a solid base of widespread popular support, and internal systems for regulating donations, information, and nominations.

Supporting answer

To Learn more about two party system here https://brainly.com/question/25220712


Please help I have no clue which one it is :(​


A. To grow food for nobles

They didn’t have the land to give away, and wouldn’t be such a high rank of military leaders as they are peasants.

An election in which the people choose
their leaders is called a
A. monarchy
B. dictatorship
C. republic



A Democracy.

Hope that helps!


the answer is C


Why is A, B, and C wrong

What was one way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta? *

A. Athenian women had more rights than Spartan women.

B. Slavery was abolished in Athens but not in Sparta.

C. Citizens of Sparta had no say in government, while those of Athens did.


What was one way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta?

A. Athenian women had more rights than Spartan women.

B. Slavery was abolished in Athens but not in Sparta.

C. Citizens of Sparta had no say in government, while those of Athens did.

D. Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not


D. Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not


One way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta was that Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not.

Athens had a legislative government while Sparta did not, as they were ruled by a council of elders.

Therefore, this was one way Athens was more democratic than Sparta.

What is one way the Industrial Revolution changed how people worked? Cause Effect led to O A. The cotton gin allowed farmers to grow more cotton. Slavery increased in the South , Cause Effect led to O B. The cotton gin created cotton that better resisted disease. Cotton farms spread from the South to other regions of the country. Cause Effect O c. led to The cotton gin increased the uses for cotton. The economy of the North improved Cause Effect led to O D. The cotton gin made the transport of cotton faster. Railroads were built in the West.​








I took the test and got it right trust me have a wonderful day I hope this helped.

Most people in the underdeveloped countries of the world support themselves by:

mass production
free enterprise


They support themselves by farming

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

strict racial separation





Apartheid was a racial separation system in South Africa. It was first introduced in 1948 by the National Party in South Africa. The purpose of this system was to give more power to the whites minority communities living in Africa. Non-white Africans required to live in separate locations than the white. Different schools and other public facilities were provided for the White communities. The government was under the control of the white people who enjoyed full privileges in society and rights.

If an offender is required to pay a victim money, it is called
a. a fine.
b. restitution.
c. incarceration.
d. asset forfeiture.


the answer is b. restitution

Why was Margaret Thatcher considered a strong prime minister in Britain?



She had firm political beliefs and strong leadership

6. Describe one way in which global communications have affected your own cultural interests, and explain how communications technology helps you pursue your interests. A.p.e.x



being 67 i was at beginning of AI, internet was something corporate and government had access to. Now I can use my Smart Phone to travel anywhere in the world at anytime I desire to, seeing and experiencing other cultures.

In 1979, the overthrow of Shah Pahlavi in Iran resulted in which of the following: A) An Islamic theocracy B) A communist regime C) A merger with Iraq D) A monarchy​


The correct answer is A) An Islamic theocracy.

In 1979, the overthrow of Shah Pahlavi in Iran resulted in which of the following: A) An Islamic theocracy.

In response to a supposed Soviet threat to Middle Eastern oil, the American Central Intelligence Agency in 1953 staged a coup to overthrow the Iranian government and install Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi as a dictator.

We are talking about the CIA's plan to remove Mohammad Mosadeggh from the government and put Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi in his place as the new ruler of Iran. This happened in August 1953. The CIA worked closely with Great Britain intelligence in an operation called "Ajax." The United States helped finance the operation because, in those years of the Cold War, Iran had proven to be an important ally of the US in the Middle East region.


Did the new conceptions brought by the Enlightenment in addition to shaking the old regime deeply influence the?



I hope this helped have a great day!


The ideas of the French Enlightenment philosophes strongly influenced the American revolutionaries. French intellectuals met in salons like this one to exchange ideas and define their ideals such as liberty, equality, and justice.

Answer these questions:

1. What happened on June 6, 1944? What was the attack called?

2. Who were the Fighting Red Tails? Who led them?

3. What was the last great German offensive in the West? When did Germany surrender?
And also can yall ppl who answer the question make multiple questions so i get brainliest.



1. What happened on June 6, 1944? What was the attack called?

Troops from the UK, the US, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of northern France, on 6 June 1944. It was the largest military naval, air and land operation ever attempted and marked the start of the campaign to liberate Nazi-occupied north-west Europe.

2. Who were the Fighting Red Tails? Who led them?

The Fighting Red Tails was a group of American fighter pilots. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. led them.

3. What was the last great German offensive in the West? When did Germany surrender?

Battle of the Bulge, also called Battle of the Ardennes, December 16, 1944–January 16, 1945, the last major German offensive on the Western Front during World War II—an unsuccessful attempt to push the Allies back from German home territory.


June 6 1944 was D-day when we bombed the attack was called the Normandy landings,the Fighting Red Tails also know as the Tuskegee Airmen lead by Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, the Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive in the west and they surrenderd May 8, 1945 also know as V-E Day


________________ laws create rules and punishments laws that help maintain a safe and orderly society.





Legislature makes laws and punishments.


legislature laws create rules and punishments laws that help maintain a safe and orderly society.

What was life like during the Great Depression in America? How was it different for different demographics ?



The Great Depression of the 1930s worsened the already bleak economic situation of African Americans. They were the first to be laid off from their jobs, and they suffered from an unemployment rate two to three times that of whites.



The average American family lived by the Depression-era motto: “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.” Many tried to keep up appearances and carry on with life as close to normal as possible while they adapted to new economic circumstances. Households embraced a new level of frugality in daily life.


In places and states of the former Soviet Union, the shift from communism to capitalism and free markets is referred to as



The right answer is "Economic restructuring".


Western metropolitan regions transition across industries towards the same economic technology business, considered as Economic restructuring.This transition changed the same demographics or characteristics of revenue sharing, jobs as well as societal norms, structural structures like organizational complicated expansion.

What were 2 consequences of the gold rush? Explain in paragraphs detailed.



There were many deaths caused from the gold rush because of greedy Europeans. People would kill one another to get their gold. I would recommend watching call of the wild. It's about the gold rush and it's good. And you'd get to call it homework

Which territory in Oceania lost nearly 90 percent of its native Aboriginal

population after it became a colony of Great Britain in the 18th century?

A. Melanesia

B. Micronesia

C. New Zealand

D. Australia


D.) Australia is your answer.

We behold our seafaring citizens still the daily victims of lawless violence, committed on the great common and highway of nations, even within sight of the country which owes them protection. We behold our vessels, freighted with the products of our soil and industry, or returning with the honest proceeds of them, wrested from their lawful destinations, confiscated by prize courts no longer the organs of public law but the instruments of arbitrary edicts, and their unfortunate crews dispersed and lost, or forced or inveigled in British ports into British fleets, President James Madison's War Message to Congress, June 1, 1812​



Our moderation and conciliation have had no other effect than to encourage perseverance and to enlarge pretensions. We behold our seafaring citizens still the daily victims of lawless violence, committed on the great common and highway of nations, even within sight of the country which owes them protection.

pls use ur own words besties

3. Describe how Germany was governed after WWII. What became a major
problem with this arrangement and almost led to war between the US and
4. What message was Winston Churchill trying to portray when he gave his
famous "Iron Curtain" speech?
5. Explain how the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were similar-explain
how they were different.
6. What led Stalin to close access to the city of Berlin? How did the US and other
western nations respond?
7. Explain why the military budget of the US increased by 400% after WWII.




Germany was split into 2 after the end of ww2 with the west going to the western powers of the uk, USA and France, and the east going to the more communistic country of the soviet union. Berlin was deep in the eastern zone but was split among the 4 powers. the west had to travel through the soviet eastern Germany to get supplies to Berlin. in the 1950s the soviets wouldn't allow supplies to get to east Berlin in a attempt to starve out the western side of Berlin. the two sides prepared for war but then the allies just used airplanes to get supplies to the other side which is now known as the Berlin airlift


the true man doctrine sought to stop the spread of com

What effect did the end of Communist rule have on Yugoslavia?



The Communist rule in Yugoslavia caused the 10 year war. Poland accomplished democratization before any other nation.


hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t

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