Answer the following questions about the movie, Ruby Bridges, using complete sentences with capital letters and punctuation. What is the setting of the video?


Answer 1


New Orleans, Louisiana


Related Questions

What event sparked the beginning of the Mexican War? ​



when Mexican troops cross north of the Rio Grande River and opened fire on U.S. troops at Fort Texas. Battle of Palo Alto


hope this helps!

Which statement describes a success and a failure of Reconstruction A. The South created a sharecropping system, but African Americans lost their rights B. African American leaders were elected, but they had no political power. C. African Americans won the right to vote, but southern laws took that right away D. The Ku Klux Kaln defeated, but the freedmen's Bureau became too strong.



B, maybe C


If you read up on the Reconstruction, which I have done a good amount of study on, African American's were given rights and liberties, but they were not upheld or were considered null or void to many southerns.

I hope this helps, and please tell me If I am wrong! Thanks and BRAINLIEST PLEASE!




the answer is C

Trade blocs help countries by

limiting competition.
increasing barriers to trade.
improving product production.
allowing the pooling of resources.



allowing the pooling of resources.


D : allowing the pooling of resources


What experience does Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describe in the excerpt from the gulag Archipelago?



The experience that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describe in the excerpt from the Gulag Archipelago is letter c, in which it reads that the experience of being arrested. It can be seen in the excerpt from the Gulag Archipelago where in Aleksandr describes his experience from being arrested

answer is c

[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

C. the experience of being arrested.

ThanksHope it helps.

This is about the Cold War


1. Cold War
2. Capitalism
3. Communism
4. Democratic
5. Dictator
6. Eastern Europe
7. Market
8. West Berlin
9. Vietnam
10. Domino theory
11. Containment
12. Poor
13. Western Europe
14. China
15. The USSR
16. South Korea
17. Stalemate

What were the Causes and effects of removal of CREEK NATIVES?. (12 points)



The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was signed into effect by President Jackson, which allowed Native Americans to settle in land within state borders in exchange for unsettled land west of the Mississippi. Many Native American tribes reacted peacefully, but many reacted violently


Urbanization of Texas resulted in an increase in jobs in —



At the start of the 20th century, agriculture, timber, and ranching were the leading economic engines of Texas.


List one reason many Americans did not like monopolies.


Because that item had no competition so prices could be set as High or as low as possible. For example, Tesla, they not in competition with any other auto pilot cars, so they can be marked as high as they want.


there was less competition and the prices went up greatly


sample response:

-led to reduced competition

-resulted in higher prices for consumers

-controlled the wages and salaries of workers

(7.1) The United States entered World War II immediately after



In an attempt to prevent American interference in the Pacific war, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the US naval station in Hawaii, in a surprise attack on December 7, 1941.



the pearl harbor event.

Compared to Medieval art, Renaissance art
A. Flatter and less life-like
B. Make religious
C. More realistic
D. More abstract



More realistic


Compared to medieval art, renaissance art was more realistic due to its body proportions and newfound interest in science and the world. Therefore, renaissance art is more realistic.

Answer this Q about jesse jackson

How did this individual/court case expand liberty/freedom and rights for Americans?


The new ruling banned segregated schools and gave birth to the modern civil rights movement. ... The Court introduced the concept of "one man, one vote," limited the scope of police searches, extended the right of accused felons to have counsel even if they were unable to pay, and recognized a fundamental right of privacy.

What people conquered the Abbasid caliphate?



The Mamluks ran the government and the armies, while the Abbasids had authority over the Islam religion. Together they ruled the Caliphate from Cairo until 1517 when they were conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The sacking of Baghdad in 1258 is considered to be the end of the Islamic Caliphate by many historians.


what effect did American soldiers have on ww1?​


The arrival of American troops had an effect in favor of the Allies because the American troops removed German forces from Allied territory which helped the Allies win the war by making Germany weak.
The American troops had to remove them self from Germany

What are the only powers given to the Vice President under Article Two of the United States Constitution?
A. to be the President of the Senate.
B. to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives
C. to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court​



I think the correct answer is A

most violent war that happened in 1900-1909?



Sulawesi expeditions




the first one is A and the second on is D


militarism is the interest of military which includes the Navy. Nationalism is supporting your own country so flags everywhere is trying to promote your country.


1 ...b. imperialism

2 ...a. militarism

Based on information in ""the industrial revolution "" which inference can be made ?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not attach the reading, the article, or the text. Without it, we cannot know what is the content of the text.

However, what we can do to help you is to share some ideas about this topic so you can consider them

The Industrial Revolution led to the rapid growth of cities in the northeastern states because in this region were located the big factories and fabrics that introduced mass production as their form to produce goods. We are talking about cities such as New York City and Chicago, among others.

Many people from the south. who lived in the rural areas of that region, decided to move to the larger cities of the northeast precisely to get a job in the fabrics. Many immigrants came to the United States to work in factories, They came from Europe and Asia. They went to New York or Chicago, and many other cities.

These workers labored under difficult and unhealthy conditions. They worked long hours and received a low salary.

Of course, the population grew and these workers, as they were poor, they had to live in poor overcrowded spaces with no ventilation at all and where disease spread quickly and easily.

How can trauma impact generations of people ?​


Because of the behavior and activities the person caused for the person to have traumas which leads to new generations because of maybe learning from their experiences, etc.
Historical trauma
This form of trauma is specific as it affects a large population and is typically more complex than individual trauma. Historical trauma can result in a greater loss of identity and meaning, which in turn may affect generations upon generations until the trauma is ingrained into society.

Hope this helps nflsleodbfvdido

what best describes immiagrant neigborhoods?



Immigrant. neighborhoods were regarded as natural areas that first emerged when newly. arrived immigrants clustered for cultural and economic reasons


True or False
FDR said, “An event that will live in infamy" in his famous speech



False. It was a date which will live in infamy


False - i had to search up his speech for this

What can you infer about Hybrid cars from the paragraph below?
Hybrid cars are good for the environment, but they may not perform as well as cars that run only
on gasoline, The Toyota Prius gets great gas mileage and has low emissions, making it a good
"green" option. However, many people think that it is unattractive, The Prius also cannot
accelerate as quickly as other models and cannot hold as many passengers as larger gas fueled
SUVs. Although they save money on fuel, hybrid cars cost more upfront,"
(2.5 Points)
Hybrid cars are more dangerous than other options,
O Toyota is making lots of money from the Prius,
Cars that use gasoline are going to destroy the environment
Hybrid cars may not be the best choice for everyone



Hybrid cars may not be the best choice for everyone.

Please help me with this question will give brainly



Economic changes were without a doubt the most influential


Economic changes are always the most important for people, because while not everyone participates or is affected by social or cultural changes, everybody is affected by economic changes. This is because the economy is about families providing for themselves and covering their basic necessities in life like shelter, food, and transportation.

Plzzzzz help Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, the
new leader of Afghanistan did which
of the following?
A. The leader initiated talks with the United States.
B. The leader initiated a democratic republic in
C. The leader initiated a series of radical modernization
reforms in Afghanistan.



B. The leader initiated a democratic republic in



29) The Northern states circumvented the new Fugitive Slave Law by

a) shutting down the Underground Railroad

b) passing personal liberty laws

c) publishing popular literature that condemned Southern slavery

d) returning run-away slaves to their original owners​


Fugitive enslaved people circumvented the law through the “Underground Railroad,” which was a network of persons, primarily free African Americans, who helped fugitives escape to freedom in the Northern states or Canada.

Many Northern states also passed personal- liberty laws that allowed fugitives a jury trial





What Senate Bill resulted in Georgia's "Seven Deadly Sins" law?

SB 400
SB 440
HB 440
HB 400



SB 440.


Automatic transfers to superior Court.

In terms of his labor policies whitch actions best show how president trumen angered both unions leaders and republicans in congress during his first term



by breaking up different unionized labor strikes and vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act


The action that showed that President Truman angered both union leaders and Republicans in Congress during his first term was "by breaking up different unionized labor strikes and vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act."

The Taft-Hartley Act was carried out and vetoed by President Truman in June 1947 to limit and restrain the rights of Labor Unions, on the premise that during this period, many of such unions damaged the economy. The President vetoed the act because the majority of Republicans in Congress opposed the law.

what was the commmetee of correspondence



Committees of Correspondence were the American colonies' first institution for maintaining communication with one another. They were organized in the decade before the Revolution, when the deteriorating relationship with Great Britain made it increasingly important for the colonies to share ideas and information.


there you go

Distribute in a sentence

Help please right now


She started to DISTRIBUTE the party invitations.


I distributed the candy hearts to my classmates on valentines day.

Who picks federal judges?
_the president
_the House of Representatives
_the senate
_the Supreme Court



Te people vote


the president appoints judges and then congress votes on them i think

what are the affects of computers on work


This is a very broad question so I apologize if what I’m saying is not what you’ve asked for.

Computers have positive and negative effects.
Starting with positive it eliminates errors due to accurate calculations and spelling checks if it is a written document.
It keeps everything more organized in general.
Negative is it can be distracting or confusing at times.
You have the ability to go on different websites and do things other than work, it can be distracting.
And technical difficulties occur causing confusions and taking up work time to fix that error.

Hope that helped
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