I need a very fast answer to this question please I’m in a hurry

I Need A Very Fast Answer To This Question Please Im In A Hurry


Answer 1

To find f(3 + h) we need to substitute x = 3 + h, into the function, as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=\frac{1}{(3+h)+2} \\ \text{ Combining similar terms:} \\ f(x)=\frac{1}{h+(3+2)} \\ f(x)=\frac{1}{h+5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

what's the probability of randomly meeting a four child family with either exactly one or exactly two boy children


1) Let the Probability of randomly meeting a four child family with exactly one child: P(A)

Let the Probability of randomly meeting a four child family with exactly 2 boy children : P(B)

Since the question is about how do we get to the Probability of meeting A or B

We can write:

P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A * B)

2) Knowing the subspace. We subtract to not count twice the Probability of A , and B.

If the events are mutually exclusives, i.e. there are no common elements so so we can write that

P(A ∪ B)= P(A) +P(B)

Explain the Pythagorean Theorem, and provide two additional examples (other than football) of how it can it apply to sports



The objective is to explain Pythagorean Theorem with two examples by applying it to sports.


The Pythagorean Theorem states that. in a right triangle the sum of the squares of a two perpendicular legs will be equal to the square of the largest side of the triangle.

Consider a right triangle ∆ABC right angled at B.

By applying the Pythagorean Theorem to the above right triangle,

[tex]AC^2=AB^2+BC^2\text{ . . . . . .(1)}[/tex]

Example 1:

Consider a tennis player standing striking the ball to the service line of opponent field.

Let the height of the tennis player will be h = 3m.

The distance between the tennis player and the opponent service line is x = 18m.

Then, the distance at which the tennis player strikes the ground can be calculated as,

From the above diagram the distance d can be calculated using equation (1) as,

[tex]d^2=h^2+x^2\text{ . . . . . . (2)}[/tex]

On plugging the values in equation (2),

[tex]\begin{gathered} d^2=3^2+18^2 \\ d^2=9+324 \\ d=\sqrt[]{333} \\ d\approx18.25m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Example 2:

Consider a basket ball player ready to take a free throw standing at a horizontal distance of 20 ft from the ring and holding the ball at with distance of 10ft below the ring.

Then, the hypotenuse distance of the ring can be calculated using equation (1) as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2=10^2+20^2 \\ x^2=100+400 \\ x=\sqrt[]{500} \\ x\approx22.36ft \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the explanation for Pythagorean Theorem with two examples are provided.

The famous mathematician Gauss is credited with deriving a formula for determining the the sum of the first n counting numbers. If the sum of the first 100 counting numbers is 5050, what is the difference between the sum of all of the even counting numbers and the odd counting numbers less than 101? Start by making the problem simpler and look for patterns. Describe how you came to your solution.



The sum of the first 100 counting numbers is 5050.

To find:

The difference between the sum of all of the even counting numbers and the odd counting numbers less than 101.


Let us find the sum of all of the even counting numbers from 1 to 101.

The series is,


It can be written as,


Using the formula,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1+2+3+.....+n=\frac{n(n+1)}{2} \\ S_1=2(1+2+3+....+50)=2[\frac{50(50+1)}{2}] \\ S_1=50(51) \\ S_1=2550........(1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, let us find the sum of all of the odd counting numbers.

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_2=Total-Sum\text{ of all even numebrs} \\ S_2=5050-2550 \\ S_2=2500.......(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the difference between the sum of all of the even counting numbers and the odd counting numbers less than 101 is

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_1-S_2=2550-2500 \\ =50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

The difference between the sum of all of the even counting numbers and the odd counting numbers less than 101 is 50.

2 (4k + 3)- 13 = 2 (18 - k) 13


Given the expression:


solve for k :


combine the like terms:


use the order of operations to find the value of the following expression


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3+\sqrt[]{81}\div3-(1\times4) \\ 3+9\div3-1(4) \\ 3+3-4 \\ 6-4=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the simplified form of each expression?a. 10^8b. (0.2)^5






(a)To determine the simplified form of 10^8

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10^8=10\times10\times10\times10\times10\times10\times10\times10 \\ =100,000,000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

(b)To determine the simplified form of (0.2)^5

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.2^5=(0.1\times2)^5 \\ =0.1^5\times2^5 \\ =0.00001\times32 \\ =0.00032 \end{gathered}[/tex]

nes ing Online book David's dad drove at a constant rate for 25 miles. It took him 20 minutes. At what rate was David's dad driving (in miles per hour)? 55 miles per hour 65 miles per hour 75 miles per hour ps 85 miles per hour #


In order to calculate the rate (that is, the speed) David's dad was driving in miles per hour, first let's convert the time from minutes to hours using a rule of three:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ hour}\to60\text{ minutes} \\ x\text{ hours}\to20\text{ minutes} \\ \\ 60x=20\cdot1 \\ x=\frac{20}{60}=\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to find the speed, we just need to divide the distance by the time:

[tex]\text{speed}=\frac{25}{\frac{1}{3}}=25\cdot3=75\text{ mph}[/tex]

So the speed is 75 mph, therefore the answer is the third option.

Donna got a prepaid debit card with $25 on it. For her first purchase with the card, she bought some bulk ribbon at a craft store. The price of the ribbon was 21 cents per yard. If after that purchase there was $21.22 left on the card, how many yards of ribbon did Donna buy?


Given data:

Initial amount of money: $25.00

Final amount of money: $21.22

Price of ribbon: $0.21 per yard

1. Find the money Donna spend in the craft store: Subtract the final amount of money from the initial amount of money:


2. Divide the result of step 1 by the price per yard of the ribbon:


Then, Donna bought 18 yards of ribbon

Hi, I have no clue how to do proportions and can you explain how to do this? If you can't that's alright.



Please, give me some minutes to take over your question


Rate = miles / time

8/t = 7/ 35

Dividing by 7

8/t = 7/ 35

8/ 7t = 1/ 35

Multiplying by t

8/7 = t/35



1) 8/t = 35/ 7 (False, t/8 = 35/ 7 )

2) t/8 = 7/ 35 (False, t/8 = 35/ 7 )

3) 8/7 = t/ 35 (TRUE)

4) 7/8 = t/35 (False, 8/7 = t/ 35 )



3) 8/7 = t/ 35 (TRUE)

match each vertex in triangle EFG to it corresponding vertex in the dashed triangle


The matching is as following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} E\rightarrow H \\ F\rightarrow E \\ G\rightarrow G \end{gathered}[/tex]

Can you help me with this and break it down if you can ?



[tex]\begin{gathered} y=3x^2\text{ + 13x -50} \\ y\text{ = 13x }-\text{ 2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtracting equation 2 from 1:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y\text{ = }3x^2\text{ + 13x - 50 -(13x - 2)} \\ 0=3x^2\text{ + 13x - 50 - 13x + 2} \\ 3x^2\text{ -48 = 0} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x^2\text{ - 48 = 0} \\ 3x^2\text{ = 48} \\ \text{Divide both sides by 3} \\ x^2\text{ = }\frac{48}{3} \\ x^2\text{ = 16} \\ \text{Square root both sides} \\ x\text{ = }\sqrt[]{16} \\ x\text{ = }\pm\text{ 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the value of x into equation 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ = 13x - 2} \\ y\text{ = 13(}\pm4)\text{ - 2} \\ y\text{ = 52 - 2 } \\ =\text{ 50} \\ or\text{ } \\ y\text{ = -52 - 2} \\ =\text{ -54} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the solution to the system of equations is:

(4, 50) and (-4 , -54)

if you could draw the graph, that would be great!!


The functions we have are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F(x)=x^2 \\ G(x)=3x+1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And we need to graph F-G

Step 1. Find the expression for F-G.

We subtract the expressions for F(x) and G(x):


Simplifying this expression:


Step 2. Graph the expression.

In the following image, we can thee the graph for F-G:

Yellow chip = +1 Red chip = -1Find the sum of 4 + -5 using the counter chips.4=-5=4 + -5 =


Notice that 5 is greater than 4.

To find 4-5, remember that when a greater number is subtracted from another, the result is a negative number. Then, the result is the same as the result of 5 minus 4 but with a negative sign.

Since 5-4 is equal to 1, then:


Therefore, the answer is: -1.

Is anyone able to assist with this complex question? Thanks



Step 1:

A finite discontinuity exists when the two-sided limit does not exist, but the two one-sided limits are both finite, yet not equal to each other. The graph of a function having this feature will show a vertical gap between the two branches of the function.

Find the slope of the line that passes through (-31, 26) and (4, 36).


The slope of a line can be calculated with the following formula:


You know that the line passes through the following points:


For this case, you can set up that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_2=36 \\ y_1=26 \\ x_2=4 \\ x_1=-31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, knowing the coordinates shown above, you can substitute them into the formula in order to find the slope of the line. This is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{36-26}{4-(-31)} \\ \\ m=\frac{10}{35} \\ \\ m=\frac{2}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is:


I still can’t get a hold of questions like this.


We are given that a job pays 8% of the sales. Let's say that "x" is the amount sold per week. Then the payment for a week ales

[tex] \sqrt{16} [/tex]can you do a step by step explanation to find the square root.



Step 1

a square root is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{a}=b \\ \text{where} \\ b^2=a \end{gathered}[/tex]

look for values for b


Suppose that ABC is isosceles with base BA.Suppose also that mZ B=(5x+24)° and mC = (2x + 72).Find the degree measure of each angle in the triangle.с(2x + 72)m 2A =0D9Хm ZB =Аm LC =BT(5x + 24)口。


[tex]m\angle A=49^{\circ},m\angle B=49^{\circ},m\angle C=82^{\circ}[/tex]

1) The best way to tackle questions like these is to sketch out:

2) We were told that this is an isosceles triangle therefore at least 2 of their angles are congruent to themselves. Therefore we can write down the following equation also considering the Triangle Sum Theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x+24+5x+24+2x+72=180 \\ 12x+48+72=180 \\ 12x+120=180 \\ 12x+120-120=180-120 \\ 12x=60 \\ \frac{12x}{12}=\frac{60}{12} \\ x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note that now, we can find the measure of each angle by plugging x=5:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle A=m\angle B=5x+24=5(5)+24=49^{\circ} \\ m\angle A=m\angle B=49^{\circ} \\ m\angle C=2(5)+72 \\ m\angle C=82^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

3) Thus the answer is:

[tex]m\angle A=49^{\circ},m\angle B=49^{\circ},m\angle C=82^{\circ}[/tex]

Todd mowed 1/3 of his yard in the morning and then 3/6 of his yard in the
afternoon. How much of his yard has Todd mowed so far?
1 point


Answer: 5/6 of the yard mowed

Step-by-step explanation:

    We will add 1/3 to 3/6 to find the total amount of yard mowed so far.

1/3 + 3/6 = 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6 of the yard mowed

suppose cos(0) = -3/7 and 0 is in quadrant 2. What is the value of sin(0)?


In the second quadrant, the sine function is positive while the cosine function is negative.

[tex]\Rightarrow\cos \theta<0,\sin \theta>0[/tex]

Furthermore, we can use the following trigonometric identity.

[tex]\cos ^2\theta+\sin ^2\theta=1[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow\sin ^2\theta=1-\cos ^2\theta \\ \Rightarrow\sin \theta=\pm\sqrt[]{1-\cos ^2\theta} \\ \Rightarrow\sin \theta=\sqrt[]{1-\cos^2\theta} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Because sin(theta) has to be positive, as stated before; thus,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow\sin \theta=\sqrt[]{1-(-\frac{3}{7})^2}=\sqrt[]{1-\frac{9}{49}}=\sqrt[]{\frac{40}{49}}=\frac{\sqrt[]{40}}{7}=\frac{2\sqrt[]{10}}{7} \\ \Rightarrow\sin \theta=\frac{2\sqrt[]{10}}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the answer is sinθ=2sqrt(10)/7

ms or mr could you please help me out with this problem?


The coordinates of the triangle after reflection over the line x= 1 will be A'(5,0), B' (2,4) and C'(2,0)

The first thing we need to do here is to label the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle

What we need here is to know the coordinates of the points A,B and C on the graph

Let us have our scale as 1 cm representing 1 unit on both axes

We have the coordinates of the vertices as follows;

A = (-3, 0)

B = (0,4)

c = (0,0) ; it is at the origin

Now, we will perform a reflection on these coordinates over the line x= 1

To perform a reflection over the line x = 1,

Matematically given that we want to reflect over a line with equation x = b,

The coordinates of the reflected point will be;

(2b-x, y)

So for A (-3,0); A' will be (2(1)-(-3), 0) = (5,0)

For B (0,4), B' will be (2(1)-0, 4) =(2,4)

C' will be (2(1)-0, 0) = (2,0)

So the coordinates of the reflected image will be;

A'(5,0) , B' (2,4) , C (2,0)

Hence, we proceed to get these points on the graph.

After locating them, we join them together to form a triangle

Find the point of intersection of the following pair of equations, then sketch your solutions indicating all point where the equations intersect both sets of axes: a) y = 2x – 1 and x + 2y = 5b) ^2 + ^2 = 4 and 3x + y = 2



a) Intersection of the equations (1.4, 1.8)

b) Intersection of the equations (0, 2) and (1.2, -1.6)


Part a) y = 2x – 1 and x + 2y = 5

To find the intersection point, let's replace the first equation on the second one, so

x + 2y = 5

x + 2(2x - 1) = 5

Now, we can solve the equation for x

x + 2(2x) - 2(1) = 5

x + 4x - 2 = 5

5x - 2 = 5

5x - 2 + 2 = 5 + 2

5x = 7

5x/5 = 7/5

x = 1.4

Then, replace x = 7/5 on the first equation

y = 2x - 1

y = 2(1.4) - 1

y = 2.8 - 1

y = 1.8

Then, the graph of the lines is:

Where the intersection points with the axes for y = 2x - 1 are (0, -1) and (0.5, 0) and the intersection points with the axes of x + 2y = 5 are (0, 2.5) and (5, 0)

Part b) ^2 + ^2 = 4 and 3x + y = 2

First, let's solve 3x + y = 2 for y, so

3x + y - 3x = 2 - 3x

y = 2 - 3x

Then, replace y = 2 - 3x on the first equation and solve for x

x² + y² = 4

x² + (2 - 3x)² = 4

x² + 2² - 2(2)(3x) + (3x)² = 4

x² + 4 - 12x + 9x² = 4

10x² - 12x + 4 = 4

10x² - 12x + 4 - 4 = 0

10x² - 12x = 0

x(10x - 12) = 0

So, the solutions are

x = 0


10x - 12 = 0

10x = 12

x = 12/10

x = 1.2

Replacing the values of x, we get that y is equal to

For x = 0

y = 2 - 3x

y = 2 - 3(0)

y = 2 - 0

y = 2

For x = 1.2

y = 2 - 3(1.2)

y = 2 - 3.6

y = -1.6

Therefore, the intersection points are (0, 2) and (1.2, -1.6)

Then, the graph of the functions are:

Since ^2 + ^2 = 4 is a circle with radius 2, the intersection points with the axes are (2,0), (0, -2), (-2, 0) and (0, 2). Additionally, the intersections potins with the axis of the line 3x + y are (0, 2) and (0.667, 0)

-sqrt-50 in radical form


We have the following expression:


The prime factorization of 50 is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 50=2\times5\times5 \\ 50=2\times5^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we can rewritte our expression as


because the square root of -1 is defined as the complex i. Then, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\sqrt[]{-50}=-i\times\sqrt[]{2}\times\sqrt[]{5^2} \\ or\text{ equivalently,} \\ -\sqrt[]{-50}=-i\times\sqrt[]{2}\times5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is

[tex]-\sqrt[]{-50}=-5\sqrt[]{2}\text{ i}[/tex]

Translate the sentence into an inequality.The sum of a number times 6 and 18 is at least -28.Use the variable b for the unknown number.


Traslating the sentence into an inequality, we get:


Find the Area of the figure below. Round to the nearest tenths place


The Figure contains a trapezium and a semicircle. The area of the figure would be the sum of the area of the trapezium and the area of the semicircle. The formula for finding the area of a trapezium is expressed as

Area = 1/2(a + b)h


a and b are the length of the parallel sides of the trapezium

h = height of trapezium

From the diagram,

a = 13

b = 6

h = 8

Area = 1/2(13 + 6)8

Area = 76

The formula for finding the area of a semicircle is expressed as

Area = 1/2 x pi x radius^2

pi = 3.14

diameter = 6

radius = diameter/2 = 6/2

radius = 3

Area = 1/2 x 3.14 x 3^2

Area = 14.13

Area of figure = 76 + 14.13

Area of figure = 90.1

If a regular polygon has exteriorangles that measure approximately17.14° each, how many sides doesthe polygon have?


To answer this question we will set and solve an equation.

Recall that the exterior angle of an n-gon has a measure of:


Let n be the number of sides that the polygon that we are looking for has. Since the regular polygon exterior angles with a measure of approximately 17.14 degrees, then:




Simplifying the above result we get:


Answer: 21 sides.

the picture shows the graphing numbers here are the questions: b. how much does the investment grow every year?c. how much money did the investment start out as?d. what sequence equation would represent this graph?e. hat would the value of the investment be after another 10 years?f. what would the value of the investment be after a total of 20 years.


Part b) the trick consists of noting that the difference between the investment of any two consecutive years is the same: $1,750. (In general, this kind of table is called an arithmetic sequence). How much does the investment grow every year? Exactly $1,750.

Part c) The idea here is to find the "first term", which is the investment when everything began (first year): $20,000. (this could seem trivial, but it will be important).

Part d) Remember I told you that this kind of table is called arithmetic sequence (a_n). This means that they have the general (generic) form:

[tex]a_n=\text{ initial value}+(n-1)\cdot\text{ (growing rate)}[/tex]

By part b and c, our initial value is $20,000 and our growing rate is $1,750. So we get


Comment: You can think that those dates (initial term, and growing rate) are all you need to understand this kind of table.

Part e) This type of question reveals the "power" of the formula we obtained above (now we can make projections regarding the future; namely, beyond the table).

Now, there is a detail to keep in mind; the wording "another 10 years". It means we must find the value of the sequence in 15, not 10.


Part f) Here there is no trick; we just need to calculate the 20th term of the sequence:


What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-5, -3) and
has a slope of -3/5?



y = (-3/5)x - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

m = slope: (-3/5); (-5, -3)

                             (x₁, y₁)

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

y - (-3) = (-3/5)(x - (-5)

y + 3 = (-3/5)(x + 5)

y + 3 = (-3/5)x - 3

  -3                  -3


y = (-3/5)x - 6

I hope this helps!


In this activity, you’ll use the inspection method to rewrite a rational expression, a(x)/b(x), in the form q(x) + r(x)/b(x).Answer these questions to step through the process of rewriting x^2-5x+7/x-9Part ACan the polynomial in the numerator of the expression x^2-5x+7/x-9 be factored to derive (x-9) as a factor?Answer is noPart DWhat number must be added to the numerator to get the new constant term you identified in Part C?Part EAdd the number you calculated in part D to the numerator, and then subtract the number to keep the value of the expression unchanged.Part F Rewrite the numerator so it contains a trinomial that can be faced with x-9 as a common factor, and then write it in the factored formPart GRewrite the expression you found in part F as the sum of two rational expressions with (x-9) as their common denominator Part HReduce the first fraction and write the expression in this format:A(x)/b(x) = q(x)+ r(x)/b(x)


The expression is:


Part B

To get -9 to -5, we need to add 4. This is important because the factored form will be something like this:


And when we distribute it, the middle term will be the sum of -9 and a, so we if we want it to be -5 (as the given expression) a has to be 4.

Part C

Now, looking to the constant part, it will be the multiplication of -9 and a, since we know that a is 4, the constant term is:


So, we need a constant term of -36 in the numerator.

Part D

Since we already got 7 in the numerator, we have to add -43 to get it to -36.

Part E


Part F


Part G


Part H




2h-3(3-h)+_=5h-8 Solve





We have the equation:

2h - 3(3 - h) + _ = 5h - 8

We need to find the missing number.

Let us expand the bracket and simplify the equation. We have:

2h - 9 + 3h + __ = 5h - 8

Collect like terms:

__ = 5h - 2h - 3h - 8 + 9

=> __ = 1

Therefore, the missing number is 1.

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