I need a comic strip about mutualism, competition, parasitism, commensalism, predator-prey. I will give brainliest please help me. I will need a picture so if you can send it as your answer I would appreciate it. Thank you


Answer 1


Organisms occupy what are called niches. A niche includes the physical space in which they live, how they use the resources that are in that space, and how they interact with other organisms in that space. The interaction among organisms within or between overlapping niches can be characterized into five types of relationships: competition, predation, commensalism, mutualism and parasitism. The last three subtypes are classically defined as relationships exhibiting symbiosis, but predation and competition can also be considered as forms of symbiosis. Symbiosis refers to a close relationship in which one or both organisms obtain a benefit.


Answer 2
Well make them fight like superhero’s

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Why does Sol LeWitt believe ideas are the most important part of an artwork?


Based on this focus, Sol LeWitt believed that the artist's idea was a work of art in itself and could be considered a blueprint such as that developed by an architect and based on the idea, other people could interpret it and make it. He transformed the artistic process elements into works of art themselves.

Works written: Sol LeWitt: wall drawings

Art forms: Drawing

I hope this helps
Sol LeWitt believed that the artist’s idea was a work of art in itself and could be considered a blueprint such as that developed by an architect and based on the idea, other people could interpret it and make it.He transformed the artistic process elements into works of art themselves.



I don’t understand what ur asking but I’m happy to help if needed
What is the question I cannot understand

Please help with art questions....I am NOT good with art are questions






m not either but ill try


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Answer: i drew this one ecepecially for u (^///^)



I had 2 more to put, but it only lets you put 5:

So literally someone just called me HEATHER is that at all true-



I don't think so, and if it were don't listen to people dragging you down! ♥️

Isn’t that a compliment.


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"Hey! That's my dog!" Carl yelled. Mrs. Childers turned bright red.
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"That's a mighty good-looking dog, Carl. Keep a closer eye on him from now on."

Which of these best summarizes the story above?
Carl does not take very good care of his dog. He does not pay attention when his dog goes outside to play.
Mrs. Childers mistakenly called the dogcatcher on Carl's dog. Carl showed up just in time to save his dog.
The dogcatcher wants to make sure people take care of their dogs. He is going to give Carl some dog tips.
Mrs. Childers always calls the dogcatcher when she sees a stray dog. She has helped them catch five stray dogs.






Mrs. Childers mistakenly called the dog catcher on Carl's dog. Carl showed up just in time to save his dog.

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copyright is something that is taken from the original creator without getting credit for it.
Copy right is a typ of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work

I, IV, and V7 are popular chords that accompany music.
A) True
B) False



A, true.


These three primary chords are popular chords in music.

A, so it would be true. Have a wonderful day :)

How does LeWitt experiment with a cube in his structure


Answer:Solomon "Sol" LeWitt (September 9, 1928 – April 8, 2007) was an American artist linked to various movements, including Conceptual art and Minimalism.Admiring their art made the young LeWitt think that an idea behind an artwork was more significant than its material form. ... He was guided by the idea that creative thoughts in the head are more important than products made by hand. “The idea,” he said, “becomes the machine that makes the art”.The heyday of the movement was from 1967–1972, but its influence on later art has been enduring. It can also be seen as the Italian contribution to conceptual art.


I think the answer is Solomon

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_~Taurus and Cancer
_~Leo and Taurus
_~Scorpio and Cancer
_~Capricorn and Gemini
_~Aries and Sagittarius
_~Aquarius and Libra
_~Pisces and Taurus
_~Virgo and Leo



Pisces and Taurus!


they are both very compatible and will be best friends !

Leo + Pisces

Leo + Pisces

Leo + Pisces

Leo + Pisces

Leo + Pisces

What formed song is Counting stars by OneRepublic?


Pop or what you you mean by it cuz I’m confused:/ ......
Not sure what you mean exactly. Further information would be helpful



Answer:i wont use you




Answer should be major 2

Theme is _____________

Group of answer choices

The deep message the author wants us to understand

The author's attitude toward the subject he/she is writing about

The way the characters interact with each other.

No answer text provided.


Answer: The deep message the author wants us to understand.


the deep message the author wars up to understand .

I need a comic trip about mutualism, competition, parasitism, commensalism, predator-prey. I will give brainliest please help me. Thank You.



commensalism decomposer ecology ecosystem heterotroph mutualism niche parasitism population the dog by receiving food, shelter, and care These cycles are like permanent round-trip tickets- (2) A predator-prey association describes one type of- in the cartoon below? Rat-to-rat competition is fierce because they have.


mutualism - a symbiotic relationship in which both parties are benefiting, ie; a bird that cleans food out of an alligators teeth
parasitism - a symbiotic relationship in which on party is benefiting and the other is being harmed, ie; a tick that leeches onto a dog
commensalism - a symbiotic relationship in which one party is helped and the other is neither helped nor harmed, ie; tree frogs that use large plants as protection
competition - the rivalry for limited resources
predator-prey - the predator is the organism that hunts and kills, the prey is the victim of predators, ie; bear and fish, fox and rabbit, ect.

the best i could do was give you handwritten definitions with examples! i hope this helped!

1. Who is your favorite member of One Direction and give could answers as to why.
2. Do you hope for 1D too get back together?
3. Favorite 1D song/Album?
4. Out of All the band members who do you think has succeeded the most being a solo-artist?
5. Would you like to know what Bear Payne looks like?
6. Do you Support larry/Zarry Etc.

I'm A Huge 1D fan and I love all the boys but Harry Styles has a special place in my heart, I thought this would be fun. I'm also really bored but anyways...Have A Good Day! :D



1)Of coarse

2) Because they are amazing.

3)Story of my life.

4)Harry or Zayn

5)Yes, but I respect their privacy

6)I sort of do.

I love one direction too, but I am just a big fan of music in general.

Have a great day.

The answer is true that the west is a true story of the advancement in science and
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