I know the answer to fill i is -24 but how do I simplify ??

I Know The Answer To Fill I Is -24 But How Do I Simplify ??


Answer 1

[tex]a^{-24\text{ }}=\frac{1}{a^{24}}[/tex]

The first expression es the simplified expression using the property of negative exponents.

Related Questions

Given the kite ABCD, which statement is false?Just the answer.



let's check every option



[tex]\angle ADC\text{ is congruente to }\angle ABC[/tex]

we can see those angles (in black), aand as the lengths of the sides are similar this angles are congruente,so

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle ADC\text{ is congruent to }\angle ABC \\ \text{true} \end{gathered}[/tex]



Find the indicated probability. Round your answer to 6 decimal places when necessary.Find the probability of tossing 1 tails or 1 head on the first 8 tosses of a "fair" coin.


First, find the probability of getting 1 head in 8 tosses

P(1 head) = tosses with exactly 1 head/ total number of possible outcomes

number of outcomes = 2^8 = 256

number of outcomes with 1 head = 8 ( we could get 1 head on the first toss or on the second or on the third......)

P (1 head) = 8/256 = 1/32

The same would be true for tails

P(1 tail) = tosses with exactly 1 tail/ total number of possible outcomes

= 8/256 = 1/32

The formula to calculate the “or” probability of two events A and B is this: P(A OR B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A AND B).

Since we cannot get P(1 head and 1 tail) since we toss 8 times

P (1head or 1 tail) = 1/32 + 1/32 = 2/32 = 1/16 =.0625

Convert 185 pounds into kilograms


We want to convert 185 pounds to kilograms

1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms


185 pounds = 185 * 0.4536

185 pounds = 83.916 kilograms

185 pounds is 83.916 kilograms

83.916 is 185 converted into kilograms

could someone help me find the measures of this Rhombus? im very confused right now and need an explanation on thisThe measures you need to find:NK=NL=ML=JM=M


We shall take a quick reminder of the properties of a rhombus.

All sides are equal in measure

The opposite sides are parallel

The diagonals bisect each other at right angles

Opposite angles are equal in measure

Therefore, we can deduce the following from the given rhombus;

If JL bisects MK, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} MN=NK=\frac{MK}{2} \\ MN=NK=\frac{24}{2} \\ MN=NK=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If MK bisects JL, then line

[tex]\begin{gathered} JN=NL=\frac{JL}{2} \\ JN=NL=\frac{20}{2} \\ JN=NL=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Also, in triangle MJN,

MN = 12,

JN = 10,

Angle J = 50

Angle N = 90

Therefore angle M = 40

(All three angles in a triangle sum up to 180)

Therefore, in right angled triangle MJN, with the right angle at N,

[tex]\begin{gathered} MN^2+JN^2=JM^2 \\ 12^2+10^2=JM^2 \\ 144+100=JM^2 \\ 244=JM^2 \\ \sqrt[]{244}=JM \\ JM=15.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

All sides are equal, therefore,

JM = ML = 15.6

Since line MK has been bisected by line JL, then

[tex]\angle KNL=90[/tex]

Also angle MJL equals 50, and line JL bisects angle J, then

[tex]\angle MJL=\angle KJL=50[/tex]

If angle MJL and angle KJL both measure 50, then angle MJK equals 100 (50 + 50).

Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal, hence

[tex]\angle MJK=\angle MLK=100[/tex]

If KJL = 50, and JNK = 90, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle JKM+\angle KJL+\angle JNK=180\text{ (angles in a triangle sum up to 180)} \\ \angle JKM+50+90=180 \\ \angle JKM=180-50-90 \\ \angle JKM=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If JKM = 40, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle JKM=\angle LKM=40 \\ \angle JKL=\angle JKM+\angle LKM \\ \angle JKL=80 \\ \angle JKL\text{ and }\angle JML\text{ are opposite angles. Therefore,} \\ \angle JML=80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the answers are;

NK = 12

NL = 10

ML = 15.6

JM = 15.6

Write the first five terms of each sequence a(1) = 7, a(n) = a(n - 1) - 3 for n = 2.



7 , 4, 1, -2 and -5


Given a sequence such that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a(1)=7 \\ a(n)=a(n-1)-3,n\geqslant2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} a\left(2\right)=a\left(2-1\right)-3=a(1)-3=7-3=4\implies a(2)=4 \\ a\left(3\right)=a\left(3-1\right)-3=a(2)-3=4-3=1\implies a(3)=1 \\ a\left(4\right)=a\left(4-1\right)-3=a(3)-3=1-3=-2\implies a(4)=-2 \\ a\left(5\right)=a\left(5-1\right)-3=a(4)-3=-2-3=-5\implies a(5)=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the first five terms of the sequence are:

7 , 4, 1, -2 and -5

which of the following could be the combination of values for the students and the minimum numbers of chaperones the museum requires


3 chaperones ---------------------------- 24 students

9 chaperones --------------------------- 72 students

2chaprones 16 students

7.5 chaperones ----------------------- 60 students

5.6 chaperones------------------------ 45 students

5 chaperones ------------------------- 40

The first two options are correct

How many different regrestation codes are possible. And also what is the probability that all the first three digits of the code are not even numbers.


a) Consider the 7-digit registration code to be an arrangement of 7 cells to be filled using the given digits.

In the first cell, one can write any of the digits; on the other hand, there are only 6 digits available to fill the second cell (no number can be used more than once). Therefore, there are 5 digits that can be used in the third cell and so on; thus, there is a total of

[tex]7*6*5*4*3*2*1=7!=5040[/tex]5040 different registration codes.

b) The 5040 different combinations found above are equally probable.

There are only 3 available even numbers (2, 4, and 6); therefore, we need to find the number of combinations such that none of the first three digits is equal to 2, 4, or, 6.

Thus, using a diagram,

There are 4 possible numbers that one can fit in the first cell (1,5,7, or 9), in the second cell, one can fit 3 numbers (any of the remaining ones from cell 1), and so on.

In the fourth cell (first cell in blue), one can fit any even number plus a remaining odd number from cell 3.

Therefore, the total number of codes such that their first three digits are not even are


Then, the corresponding probability is

[tex]P=\frac{576}{5040}=\frac{4}{35}[/tex]The answer to part b) is 4/35

Solve each equation mentally. 2×=10. -3×=21



To solve this you have to divide the number on the right side by the coefficient of x:

2x=10 --> 10/2=5

-3x=21 --> 21/(-3)=-7


2x=10 --> 5

21/(-3) --> -7

what is the equation of a line that passes through point (-1,5) and has the slope of m=4


The general equation of a line is given as;


In this question, the slope (which is m) is given as 4. Also we have the points x and y, given as (-1, 5). That is;


Therefore the next step is to find the y-intercept (that is b in the equation).

We substitute for the known values as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ 5=4(-1)+b \\ 5=-4+b \\ \text{Add 4 to both sides} \\ 5+4=-4+4+b \\ 9=b \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know the value of b and m, we can substitute them as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ m=4,b=9 \\ y=4x+9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

what is the range of the function graphed below?[tex]1 \leqslant y \ \textless \ 4 \\ - 3 \ \textless \ y \leqslant 3 \\ - 2 \leqslant y \leqslant 3 \\ - 3 \leqslant y \ \textless \ 4[/tex]


The range of the function is (-3, 3]

The range of a function is composed by all the values that y reaches in the function. Here we can see that the functions goes from 3 to -3. Then the range set is (-3, 3]. It has a parentheses in -3 because the function doesn't reach -3

G just called he Noah’s home

-Quadratic Equations- Determine the number and the nature of the solutions to (3a + 24)² = -36 and then solve



There are two solutions and they are both complex solutions. The solutions are:



We want to determine the number and nature of solutions to the equation:


To do this, solve the equation by first, finding the square root of both sides of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{(3a+24)^2}=\pm\sqrt[]{-36}=\pm\sqrt[]{-1\cdot36} \\ \Rightarrow3a+24=\pm\mleft\lbrace\sqrt[]{36}\cdot\sqrt[]{-1}\mright\rbrace \\ 3a+24=\pm6i \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, solve the equation for a:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3a=\pm6i-24 \\ \Rightarrow a=\pm\frac{6i}{3}-\frac{24}{3} \\ \Rightarrow a=2i-8;a=-2i-8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, there are two solutions and they are complex solutions.

Triangle Ris a right triangle. Can we use two copies of TriangleR to compose a parallelogram that is not a square? Explain yourreasoningR.R


If we have a right triangle R as:

We have a right angle.

The only way we can make a parallelogram that is not a square is placing the triangle so the parallelogram does not have any right angle. That would be;

This way, the right angles are added to one of the other angles, in order to have none right angles, as it is the condition to have a four-side figure that is not a square or rectangle.

(If the triangle R can compose a square, it should have two equal sides, not like our figure).

help with a ab math question


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A state sales tax of 6% and a local sales tax of 1% are levied in Tampa, Florida. Suppose the price of a particular car in Tampa is $15,000, and an oil change at a certain auto center is $29.Which statement is true another total cost of the car and the oil change after sales tax has been calculated?Select the correct answer


We have the following:

What we must do is calculate the total cost of the car by adding its original value plus the cost of taxes, 6% and 1%

We know that the initial value is $15000, if to that we add 6% of those $15000 and equal 1%, we have


We do the same procedure for the oil change


Therefore the correct statement is the last

7. A large cooler contains the following drinks: 5 lemonades, 9 Sprites, 7 Cokes, and 10 root beers. You randomly pick two cans, one at a time (without replacement). Compute the following probabilities.(a) What is the probability that you get two cans of Sprite? (b) What is the probability that you do not get two cans of Coke? (c) What is the probability that you get either two root beers or two lemonades? (d) What is the probability that you get one can of Coke and one can of Sprite? (e) What is the probability that you get two drinks of the same type?


A large cooler contains the following drinks,

5 Lemonades, let L reprersent Lemonade

9 Sprites, let S reprersent Sprite

7 Cokes, let C represent Coke and

10 Root beers, let R represent Root beer

Total drinks in the cooler is


Total outcome = 31 drinks

The formula of probability is

[tex]\text{Probability}=\frac{required\text{ outcome}}{total\text{ outcome}}[/tex]

a) The probability that you get two cans of Sprite is

[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ of picking the first Sprite without replacement is} \\ P(S_1)=\frac{9}{31} \\ Prob\text{ of picking the second Sprite is} \\ P(S_2)=\frac{8}{30} \\ \text{Probability of getting two cans of Sprite}=(PS_1S_2)=\frac{9}{31}\times\frac{8}{30}=\frac{12}{155} \\ (PS_1S_2)=\frac{12}{155} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the the probability that you get two cans of Sprite is 12/155


The probability that you get two cans of Coke

[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ of picking the first Coke without replacement is} \\ P(C_1)=\frac{7}{31} \\ Prob\text{ of picking the second Coke is} \\ P(C_2)=\frac{6}{30} \\ \text{Probability of getting two cans of Coke is} \\ P(C_1C_2)=\frac{7}{31}\times\frac{6}{30}=\frac{7}{155} \\ P(C_1C_2)=\frac{7}{155} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability that you do not get two cans of Coke will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Prob that you do not get two cans of Coke is} \\ 1-P(C_1C_2)=1-\frac{7}{155}=\frac{155-7}{155}=\frac{148}{155} \\ \text{Prob that you do not get two cans of Coke }=\frac{148}{155} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the probability that you do not get two cans of Coke is 148/155


The probability that you get two cans of Root beers is

[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ of picking the first Root b}eer\text{ without replacement is} \\ P(R_1)=\frac{10}{31} \\ Prob\text{ of picking the second Root b}eer\text{ is} \\ P(R_2)=\frac{9}{30} \\ \text{Probability of getting two cans of Root b}eer\text{ is} \\ P(R_1R_2)=\frac{10}{31}\times\frac{9}{30}=\frac{3}{31} \\ P(R_1R_2)=\frac{3}{31} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability that you get two cans Lemonades is

[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ of picking the first Lemonade without replacement is} \\ P(L_1)=\frac{5}{31} \\ Prob\text{ of picking the second Root b}eer\text{ is} \\ P(L_2)=\frac{4}{30} \\ \text{Probability of getting two cans of Lemonade is} \\ P(L_1L_2)=\frac{5}{31}\times\frac{4}{30}=\frac{2}{93} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability that you get either two root beers or two lemonades is


Hence, the probability that you get either two root beers or two lemonades is 11/93


[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ of picking the first Coke without replacement is} \\ P(C)=\frac{7}{31} \\ \text{Prob of picking a can of Sprite is} \\ P(S)=\frac{9}{30} \end{gathered}[/tex]

After getting both Sprite and Coke you will multiply the probabilities and then multiply them with 2 because you may choose Coke in first try and Sprite in second or the other way around

The probability that you get one can of Coke and one can of Sprite is


Hence, the probability that you get one can of Coke and one can of Sprite is 21/155


Prob of two of each of the cans of drinks (without replacement) are as follow

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(L_1L_2)=\frac{2}{93} \\ (PS_1S_2)=\frac{12}{155} \\ P(C_1C_2)=\frac{7}{155} \\ P(R_1R_2)=\frac{3}{31} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability that you get two drinks of the same type is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Prob of two drinks of the same type is} \\ =P(L_1L_2)+(PS_1S_2)_{}+P(C_1C_2)+P(R_1R_2) \\ =\frac{2}{93}+\frac{12}{155}+\frac{7}{155}+\frac{3}{31}=\frac{112}{465} \\ \text{Prob of two drinks of the same type}=\frac{112}{465} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the probability that you get two drinks of the same type is 112/465

What is the 15th term in the sequence using the given formula?



The formula is given below as



To figure out the 15th term, we will substitute n=15

By substituting values, we will have

[tex]\begin{gathered} c_{n}=3n-1 \\ c_{15}=3(15)-1 \\ c_{15}=45-1 \\ c_{15}=44 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The final answer is


The THIRD OPTION is the right answer

The formula is given below as
C. = 3n - 1
To figure out the 15th term, we will substitute n=15
By substituting values, we will have
Cn = 3n - 1
C15 = 3(15) -1
C15= 45 - 1
C15 = 44

The answer is

7)Find the equation of the line that goes throughthe points (-1, 4) and (0, 5).Find m:Which point is the y-intercept?x43bEquation in the form y = mx + b:Graph the line:Y


Given the following question:

Point A = (-1, 4) = (x1, y1)

Point B = (0, 5) = (x2, y2)

[tex]m=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} \\ m=\frac{5-4}{0--1}=\frac{1}{1}=1 \\ m=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now write in slope intercept form where...

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ m=1 \\ y=4 \\ x=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute to find b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4=1(-1)+b \\ 1\times-1=-1 \\ \text{ +1 on both sides} \\ 4+1=5 \\ 5=b \\ b=5 \\ y=1x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b = 5

y intercept is (0, 5)

Now graph the following equation:

If the sum of a number and nine is tripled ​, the result is two less than twice the number. Find the number.


By solving a simple linear equation we will see that the number is -29.

How to find the number?

Let's define x as the number, then the sentence:

"If the sum of a number and nine is tripled ​, the result is two less than twice the number"

Can be written as the equation:

3*(x + 9) = 2x - 2

This is a linear equation that we can solve for x:

3*(x + 9) = 2x - 2

3x + 27 = 2x - 2

3x - 2x = -2 - 27

x = -29

The number is -29.

Learn more about linear equations:



Sorry if it's a little blurryAlso this worksheet is about simplify


Write four different equation with -3 as solution.

5x + 20 = 5 subtract 20 both sides

5x = 5 - 20

5x = -15 divide by 5 both sides

x = -15/5

x = -3

3x - 6 = -3x - 24 add 3x both sides

3x + 3x - 6 = - 24

6x - 6 = -24 add 6 both sides

6x = -24 + 6

6x = -18 divide by 6 both sides

x = -18/6

x = -3

1/3 x + 10 = 9 subtract 10 both sides

1/3 x = 9 -10

1/3 x = - 1 multiply by 3 both sides

x = -1(3)

x = -3

x + 23 = 20 subtract 23 both sides

x = 20 - 23

x = -3

In all previous procedures you constructed the equation by taking into account that x=-3, that is the key to determine the expressions left side and right side. For example in the last procedure for x + 23 = 20, you know that -3 plus 20 is equal to 20.

Amanda likes to launch model rockets. For one of Amanda's rockets, the function S(t)= −16t^2+41t+112 gives the height of the rocket above the ground in feet, in terms of the number of seconds t since the rocket's engine stops firing.Please use 4 or more decimals.How far above the ground is the rocket when it stops firing?After how many seconds does the rocket reach its maximum height?What is the maximum height reached by the rocket?After how many seconds will the rocket hit the ground?



• (a)112 feet


• (b)1.28125 seconds.


• (c)138.265625 feet.


• (d)4.22091 seconds


The height of the rocket in terms of the number of seconds t since the rocket's engine stops firing is given below.


Part A

At the time the rocket stopped firing, t=0.


The rocket was 112 feet above the ground when it stopped firing.

Part B

The value of t at which the rocket reaches its maximum height is the equation of the line of symmetry.

To find this equation, we use the formula below.

[tex]t=-\frac{b}{2a}=-\frac{41}{-2\times16}=1.28125\text{ seconds}[/tex]

The rocket reaches its maximum height after 1.28125 seconds.

Part C

To find the maximum height, substitute t=1.28125 into S(t).

[tex]\begin{gathered} S\mleft(t\mright)=-16t^2+41t+112 \\ \implies S(1.28125)=-16(1.28125)^2+41(1.28125)+112 \\ =138.265625\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The maximum height of the rocket is 138.265625 feet.

Part D

When the rocket hits the ground, the height is 0.

Set S(t)=0 and solve for t as follows.


Using the quadratic formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\dfrac{-41\pm\sqrt[]{41^2-4(-16)(112)}}{2\times-16}=\dfrac{-41\pm\sqrt[]{1681-(-7168)}}{-32} \\ =\dfrac{-41\pm\sqrt[]{1681+7168}}{-32} \\ =\dfrac{-41\pm\sqrt[]{8849}}{-32} \\ t=\dfrac{-41+\sqrt[]{8849}}{-32}\text{ or }t=\dfrac{-41-\sqrt[]{8849}}{-32} \\ t=-1.658\; \text{or }t=4.22091 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since t cannot be negative, the rocket will hit the ground after 4.22091 seconds.

10x2+4x factor completely



2x * ( 5x + 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

10x^2 = 2x * 5x

4x = 2x * 2

10x^2 + 4x = 2x * ( 5x + 2 )

A bouncy ball is dropped such that the height of its first bounce is 6.25 feet and each successive bounce is 74% of the previous bounces height. What would be the height of the sixth bounce the ball



The heigth of the first bounce is 6.25 feet

Each successive bounce is 74% of the previous bounces height

For the first bounce, the ball hit a height of 6.25 feet

The first successive bounce = 74% of the previous bounce

The previous bounce = 6.25 feets

Hence, 74% x 6.25 = Next successive bounce

The next successive bounce = 74/100 x 6.25

The next succesive bounce = 0.74 x 6.25

= 4.625 feets

For the next successive bounce

The previous successive bounce = 4.625 feets

The next successive bounce = 74% x 4.625

The next successive bounce = 0.74 x 4.625

The second successive bounce = 3.4225 feets

For third successive

6. Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years. Suppose a lab stores 30 mg in 1975. How much would be left in 2065? y = a (1 + r) (Fill in answer choices for a, r and t.)


The formula for calculating the amount remaining after a number of half years , n is :

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{A_{\circ}}{2^n^{}} \\ \text{where A}_{\circ}\text{ =initial }amount \\ n=\frac{t}{t_{\frac{1}{2}}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The lab store mass of Cesium-137 is 30mg in 1975

then the mass of Cesium-137 in 2065,

Time period =2065-1975

time period t=90 years,

substitute the value and solve for A

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{30}{2^{\frac{90}{45}}} \\ A=\frac{30}{2^2} \\ A=\frac{30}{4} \\ A=7.5\text{ mg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 2065, the mass of Cesium -137 will be 7.5 mg

Answer : 7.5mg

5) Francisco practiced playing his violin for 2 1/3 hours on Sunday. He practiced for 5/6 hour on Monday. How much time did Francisco spend playing his violin?(C)1 hours 3 (A)1 hours (B) hour (D) 3-hours, 10 min




Francisco spent 3 hours, 10 minutes playing his violin


Given that:

Francisco practised playing his violin for

2 hours on Sunday

5/6 hours on Monday

The total number of time he spends playing his violin is obtained by adding the number of hours he spends each day.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\frac{1}{3}+\frac{5}{6} \\ \\ =\frac{7}{3}+\frac{5}{6} \\ \\ =\frac{19}{6} \\ \\ =3\text{ }\frac{1}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This is 3 hours, 10 minutes.

please explain What is the simplified form of the expression?
2x 2 + 4y + 3x 2 – 2y + 3y


The simplified form of the expression is found to be 5(x² + y) by adding or subtracting all the similar terms

What is the difference between a mathematical expression and an equation?

A number, a variable, or a mix of numbers, variables, and operation symbols make up an expression. Two expressions joined by an equal sign form an equation.

What does "simplification of an algebraic expression" mean?

The technique of expressing an algebraic expression in the most effective and compact form without altering the original expression's value is known as simplification. The procedure involves gathering related terms, which calls for adding or removing terms from an expression.

The given expression is 2x² + 4y + 3x² -2y +3y

We need to simplify this expression.

2x² + 4y + 3x² -2y +3y

=  2x² + 3x² + 4y - 2y + 3y

= 5x² + 5y

= 5(x² + y)

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is found to be 5(x² + y) by adding or subtracting all the similar terms.

Learn more about simplified expressions here:



Based on the triangles shown below, which statements are true? Select All that apply.



All the options except the third choice are correct.


In the given figure:

[tex]\angle\text{GER}\cong\angle\text{TEA (Vertical Angles)}[/tex]

Since angles G and T are congruent:

• Triangles GER and TEA are similar triangles.

Therefore, the following holds:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \triangle\text{GRE}\sim\triangle\text{TAE} \\ \triangle E\text{GR}\sim\triangle E\text{TA} \\ \frac{GR}{TA}=\frac{RE}{AE} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{EG}{ET}=\frac{GR}{TA} \\ ET=10,EG=5,TA=12,RG=\text{?} \\ \frac{5}{10}=\frac{RG}{12} \\ \frac{1}{2}=\frac{RG}{12} \\ 2RG=12 \\ RG=\frac{12}{2} \\ RG=6 \\ \text{Therefore if }ET=10,EG=5,and\; TA=12,then\; RG=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, angles R and A are congruent.

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle R=m\angle A \\ 80\degree=(x+20)\degree \\ x=80\degree-20\degree \\ x=60\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

The correct choices are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \triangle\text{GRE}\sim\triangle\text{TAE} \\ \triangle E\text{GR}\sim\triangle E\text{TA} \\ \frac{GR}{TA}=\frac{RE}{AE} \\ I\text{f }ET=10,EG=5,and\; TA=12,then\; RG=6 \\ \text{If }m\angle R=80\degree\text{ and }m\angle A=(x+20)\degree,then\; x=60\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Only the third choice is Incorrect.

please help me the blue line is what I have to find


Weare given to complete a blank in the equation:

2 m - 3 - _____ + 17 = 14

So, we start by combining all the terms we can combine (the pure numerical terms that don't have the variable "m")

2 m - 3 + 17 - ______ = 14

2 m + 14 - _______ = 14

Now we subtract 14 from both sides of the equal sign:

2 m - ____ = 0

which means that the blank should be exactly "2m" such that subtracted from 2m gives a perfect zero.

Answer: complete the blank with "2 m"

Simplify f(x) = 2x^5 for x = 0, 1, 3, 5



f(0) = 0, f(1) = 2, f(3) = 486, f(5) = 6250


The given function is:


To get the value of f(x) for x = 0, 1, 3, and 5, it means we are going to find f(0), f(1), f(3), and f(5).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(0)=2(0)^5 \\ f(0)\text{ = 2(0)} \\ f(0)\text{ = 0} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=2(1)^5 \\ f(1)\text{ = 2(1)} \\ f(1)\text{ = 2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(3)=2(3)^5 \\ f(3)\text{ = 2 (}243) \\ f(3)\text{ = 486} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(5)=2(5)^5 \\ f(5)\text{ = 2(}3125) \\ f(5)\text{ = }6250 \end{gathered}[/tex]

shelton earns an hourly wage at a grocery store. the following expression represents Sheltons take home pay after taxes, social security, and his health care plan deducted. let x represent the number of hours shelton worked. 10.25x-0.21(10.25x) part A: which term represents sheltons total pay before deduction. part B:which term represents sheltons deductions. part C:how much is sheltons hourly wage. part D:what percentage is decuted from sheltons pay for taxes , social security , and health care plan. part E: shelton wants to save 1675 for a new laptop. if shelton saves 25% of his take hime pay,how many hours will be need to work to meet his savings goal


The expression that represents Shelton's take-home pay after all deductions is:


(a)Shelton's total pay before deduction = $10.25x

(b) Shelton's deductions = $0.21(10.25x)

(c)Since x represents the number of hours Shelton worked, his hourly wage will be: $10.25

(d)Since 0.21 of his total pay is deducted, the percentage that is deducted from Shelton's pay is 21%.

(e)If Shelton saves 25% of his take-home pay, this will be:


If he wants to save $1,675, we then have:


We are required to solve for x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.25(10.25x-2.1525x)=1675 \\ 0.25(10.25x-2.1525x)=1675 \\ 0.25\times8.0975x=1675 \\ 2.024375x=1675 \\ x=\frac{1675}{2.024375} \\ x=827.4\approx827\text{ hours} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Shelton will work for 827 hours to meet his goal.

Kiran is flying a kite. He gets tired, so he stakes the kite into the ground. The kite is on a stringthat is 18 feet long and makes a 30 degree angle with the ground. How high is the kite?



9 feet


We can calculate the value of the height of the kite by means of the trigonometric function sine, which is the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta=\frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{hypotenuse}} \\ \theta=30\text{\degree} \\ \text{hypotenuse = 18} \\ \text{opposite }=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing and solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin 30=\frac{x}{18} \\ x=\sin 30\cdot18 \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The height of the kite is 9 feet

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