What volume is occupied by 3.12 moles of a gas when the pressure is 88.4 kPa at a temperature of 19℃?


Answer 1


The Combined Gas Law shows that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to volume and directly proportional to temperature. Avogadro's Law shows that volume or pressure is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas. Putting these together leaves us with the following equation:


As with the other gas laws, we can also say that  (P×V)(T×n)  is equal to a constant. The constant can be evaluated provided that the gas being described is considered to be ideal.

The Ideal Gas Law is a single equation which relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of an ideal gas. If we substitute in the variable  R  for the constant, the equation becomes:


The Ideal Gas Law is conveniently rearranged to look this way, with the multiplication signs omitted:


The variable  R  in the equation is called the ideal gas constant.


Related Questions

Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of a Nitric acid solution with a pH of 2.11.

[H] = _____ (round to 2 decimal places)



0.01 M


The hydrogen ion concentration can be found by finding the antilog of the pH

[tex]pH = - log [ {H}^{+} ][/tex]

We have

[tex]2.11 = - log({H}^{+}) \\ find \: \: antilog \: of \: both \: \: sides \\ \\ |{H}^{+}| = {10 }^{ - 2.11} \\ = 0.00776...[/tex]

We have the final answer as

0.01 M to 2 decimal places

Hope this helps you

which statement is true concerning the Haber Process?

It is a process for the synthesis of nitrogen gas.

It is a process for the synthesis of ammonia.

It is a process for the synthesis of methane.

It is a process for the synthesis of carbon monoxide.

It is a process for the synthesis of carbon dioxide.


Answer: the answer is B The Haber Process is used in the manufacturing of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen, and then goes on to explain the reasons for the conditions used in the process. The process combines nitrogen from the air with hydrogen derived mainly from natural gas (methane) into ammonia.

Explanation: Mark as brainliest if it helped!!

what are some examples of long term environmental changes???


Answer: A long-term environmental change is... ice age, deforestation, urbanization, Earth's orbit, Sun's intensity, global Warming, radioactive waste/pollution. Extinction of species could happen to anyone of the food webs in a long term change.


Iron(II) sulfide has a molar mass of 87.91 g/mol. 50 grams of
this substance would contain about 3.011 x 1023 molecules.






[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf False}}[/tex]


We want to know if 50 grams of iron (II) sulfide contains 3.011 * 10²³ molecules.  Let's calculated and check.

1. Convert Grams to Moles

We know there are 50 grams of iron (II) sulfide or FeS If we want to convert from grams to moles, we use the molar mass (mass per 1 mole). This is given to us and it is 87.91 grams per mole for this substance. Let's create a ratio.

[tex]\frac {87.91 \ g \ FeS}{ 1 \ mol \ FeS}[/tex]

We want to convert 50 grams of FeS to moles, so we multiply by this value.

[tex]50 \ g \ FeS *\frac {87.91 \ g \ FeS}{ 1 \ mol \ FeS}[/tex]

Flip the ratio so the grams of FeS cancel.

[tex]50 \ g \ FeS *\frac {1 \ mol \ FeS}{ 87.91 \ g \ FeS}[/tex]

[tex]50*\frac {1 \ mol \ FeS}{ 87.91}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {50}{ 87.91} \ mol \ FeS[/tex]

[tex]0.5687635081 \ mol \ FeS[/tex]

2. Convert Moles to Molecules

1 mole of any substance contains the same number of particles (atoms, molecules, formula units, etc.). This is Avogadro's Number or 6.022 *10²³. In this case, the particles are molecules of FeS. Create another ratio.

[tex]\frac {6.022 *10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS}{ 1 \ mol \ FeS}[/tex]

We want to convert 0.5687635081 moles of FeS to molecules, so we multiply by this value.

[tex]0.5687635081 \ mol \ FeS*\frac {6.022 *10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS}{ 1 \ mol \ FeS}[/tex]

The units of moles of FeS cancel.

[tex]0.5687635081 *\frac {6.022 *10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS}{ 1 }[/tex]

[tex]0.5687635081 *{6.022 *10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS}[/tex]

[tex]3.42509385*10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS[/tex]

If we round to the thousandth place, the 0 in the tenth thousandth place tells us to leave the 5.

[tex]3.425*10^{23} \ molecules \ FeS[/tex]

50 grams of iron (II) sulfide is approximately 3.425 * 10²³ molecules, not 3.011 *10²³ so the statement is false.

what is the mass of 4 moles of almunium atom​



108 grams


A leaking underground storage tank or wastewater pouring into a river from a pipe would be examples of



Water pollution.


This is because water pollution refers to the release or disposal of harmful substances called contaminants which contaminate water bodies which include rivers, oceans, lakes e.t.c.. These harmful substances affect aquatic organisms and make water unfit for good use. This can lead to the death if aquatic lives in the water bodies, release of bad smells and make the water bad . A leaking underground storage tank or wastewater pouring into a river from a pipe can be a source of water pollution.

What is the chemical name for F5N3



Fluorine azide or triazadienyl fluoride (FN3) is a yellow green gas composed of nitrogen and fluorine with formula FN3. It is counted as an interhalogen compound, as the azide functional group is termed a pseudohalogen. It resembles ClN3, BrN3, and IN3 in this respect.



I think it is Fluorine not sure tho


Answer is D

Relatively slow rates of chemical reaction are associated with which characteristic?
High temperature
Low activation energy
The presence of a catalyst
Strong bonds in reactant molecules


Option D : Strong bonds in reactant molecules

The strong bonds in reactant molecules sometimes needs extra energy to weaken the bond and proceed the reaction. Hence, option D is correct.

What is reaction rate ?

The rate of a reaction is the rate of decrease in concentration of the reactants or decrease in concentration of the reactants or increase in the concentration of the products.

The minimum energy required to overcome the barrier potential of a reaction is called its activation energy. Hence, lower the activation energy higher will be the reaction rate.

High temperature and presence of catalyst also leads to higher rate. Strong bonds in reactants needs higher energy to weaken the intermolecular force. Thus, slower the reaction rate.

Find more on reaction rate:



What is the relative size and composition of the universe, a galaxy, and a solar system?



about 93 billion light years


The observable Universe is, of course, much larger. According to current thinking it is about 93 billion light years in diameter.


93 miles

Explanation: We can determine the distance to the sun using the time light takes to get to Earth. Just multiply the speed of light by the amount of time it takes light to get to Earth. That's 500 seconds.

186,282 miles per second x 500 seconds = 93,141,000 miles

The sun is about 93 million miles away from Earth. It will take our fastest space shuttle moving at a constant maximum speed about 108 days to travel this same distance.

c) Mercury is solid at room temperature....True Or False





Because Mercury can be solidified when its temparature us brought to its freezing point. However, when returned to room temparature conditions, mercury does not exist in solid state for long, and returns back to its more common liquid form.

Create a visual model of an ionic substance (salt) dissolving in water and a covalent substance (sugar) dissolving in water.



see image


let me know if you have any questions

Calculate the molar solubility of aluminum hydroxide (AlOH)3) in a 0.027M solution of aluminum nitrate (Al(NO3)3). The Ksp of AlOH)3 is 2.0x10-32.



s = 5.22x10⁻⁹ M


Let's write the equilibrium reaction for this compound:

Al(OH)₃ <-------> Al³⁺ + 3OH⁻      Ksp = 2x10⁻³²

To get the solubility, we need to write the equilibrium expression:

Ksp = [Al³⁺] [OH⁻]³

Al(OH)₃ does not contribute to the equilibrium expression, because is a solid compound. Now, according to this, we have the following:

                   Al(OH)₃ <-------> Al³⁺ + 3OH⁻

I.                                             0          0

E.                                            s          3s

Replacing into the Ksp expression:

2x10⁻³² = (s) (3s)³

2x10⁻³² = s * 27s³

2x10⁻³² = 27s⁴

s = ⁴√2x10⁻³² / 27

s = 5.22x10⁻⁹ M

This would be the solubility of the compound.

Hope this helps




C, when the ball lands it will have the least amount potential energy.


here is a picture that should help you.

50 POINTS!!!

When writing a chemical reaction equation, what does the arrow ( ---> ) represent?

A. the reactants are making the products
B. the direction of the chemical equation
C. the chemical reaction cannot be reversed
D. all of the above


The condition or progress of a reaction is represented by reaction arrows. The chemical reaction arrow is a single straight arrow that points from the reactant(s) to the product(s) and by-products, as well as side products.

I think this should help you find the answer more easy!

A solution of copper(II) chloride is added to a solution of sodium sulfide.
Write a balanced equation, and explain what type of reaction occurred and/or how you determined that a reaction occurred. Don't use solubility rules.





carbon - tranite>plangose ,finite, finite,MARETE

give an example for multi cellular fungi​


a sac fungi, eomycota, zygomycota and chytrids are all examples :3

BrainlieSTTTTTT A gas is originally stored at a pressure of 25 atm with a volume of 3 L. If the pressure were increased to 75 atm, what would be the new volume of the gas?
a.8.333 L
b.1 L
c.75 L
d.1 L



Apply Boyle's Law :-

P1V1 = P2V2

Where P1 is 25 atmV1 is 3LP2 is 75 atmV2 is what we need to find out.

25 × 3 = 75 × V2

[tex]\tt{V_2 = \dfrac{ 25 \times 3}{75}}[/tex]

[tex]\tt{V_2 = \dfrac{75}{75}}[/tex]

So, the answer is d) Part, 1L .

Hope it helps :)

What is the molarity of a solution made of 2.45 moles of LiCl in 4.75 L of solution?



.52 M


moles ÷ liters = molarity

2.45 ÷ 4.75 = 0.5157894737

rounding it = .52

Humans rely on water for



almost everything


Calculate what the specific heat capacity of an unknown metal is if 394)
of heat were released when 15.0 grams of the substance at 96.0°C was
cooled to 28.0°C?
Formula Reminders
q = mCAT
q = mHvap
q = mHfus
1. 4.01 J/gºC
2. 5910 J/g°C
3. 0.387 J/g°C


Answer: The specific heat capacity of an unknown metal is [tex]0.387 J/g^{o}C[/tex].


Given: Heat energy = 394 J

Mass = 15 g

Initial temperature = [tex]96^{o}C[/tex]

Final temperature = [tex]28^{o}C[/tex]

Formula used is as follows.

[tex]q = m \times C \times (T_{2} - T_{1})[/tex]


q = heat energy

m = mass of substance

C = specific heat capacity

[tex]T_{1}[/tex] = initial temperature

[tex]T_{2}[/tex] = final temperature

Substitute the values into above formula as follows.

[tex]q = m \times C \times (T_{2} - T_{1})\\394 J = 15 g \times C \times (28 - 96)^{o}C\\C = \frac{394 J}{15 g \times (68^{o}C)}\\= \frac{394 J}{1020 g^{o}C}\\= 0.387 J/g^{o}C[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the specific heat capacity of an unknown metal is [tex]0.386 J/g^{o}C[/tex].

How many molecules are in 42.3g sample of water, H2O?


Answer: There are 14.152 molecules in 42.3 g sample of water, [tex]H_{2}O[/tex].


According to the mole concept, 1 mole of every substance contains [tex]6.022 \times 10^{23}[/tex] atoms.

As mass of water (molar mass = 18 g/mol) is given as 42.3 g. Therefore, moles of water are as follows.

[tex]No. of moles = \frac{mass}{molar mass}\\= \frac{42.3 g}{18 g/mol}\\= 2.35 mol[/tex]

Hence, molecules of water are calculated as follows.

[tex]2.35 \times 6.022 \times 10^{23} molecules\\= 14.152 molecules[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that there are 14.152 molecules in 42.3 g sample of water, [tex]H_{2}O[/tex].

How could the amount of ice cover at the poles be indirectly affected by an increase in evaporation near the equator? Explain.



The factors that determine the extent of the ice cover at the poles are the temperature, the winds and the ocean currents. The Artic Ocean sea ice cover is observed to change more in response to a changes in temperature while the Antarctic sea ice cover change more with changes in the wind and ocean currents

Increased evaporation at the equator will come about as a result of rising temperatures combined with the high temperatures of the summer can result in a reduction in the amount of ice cover in the North pole oceans, while the high evaporation rate can lead to higher ocean water circulation rate between North and South poles and the equator such that the ice cover in Antarctica

Therefore, an increase in evaporation near the equator will decrease the ice cover at the poles


Collisions only result in a reaction if the particles collide with a certain maximum energy called the activation energy of the reaction.


Answer: The statement collisions only result in a reaction if the particles collide with a certain maximum energy called the activation energy of the reaction, is false.


Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.

So, when activation energy for a reaction is lower then molecules with lower energy can also participate in the reaction. As a result, more number of collisions will take place due to which an increase in the rate of reaction will takes place.

When activation energy for a reaction is larger then molecules with higher energy will not be able to participate in the reaction. As a result, less number of collisions will take place due to which a decrease in rate of reaction will occur.

Therefore, we can conclude that the statement collisions only result in a reaction if the particles collide with a certain maximum energy called the activation energy of the reaction, is false.




particularly must collide with energy equal to or greater the

At which positions will the Earth have spring and fall?



In fall and spring the planets axis is in line with the sun. It's directly over the equator, equally hitting the northern and southern hemispheres.

A construction worker uses a pulley and a rope to
raise an 85 kg person to a height of 2 m in 6 s. How
much did he do?


Answer: Work is 1.7 kJ,  Power is 280 W

Explanation: Work  W = mgh, power P= W/t

W = 85 kg·9.81m/s²·2 m = 1667.7 J

P = 1667.7 J / 6 s = 277.95 W

A base is a substance which neutralizes an acid. Which of these substances is not a base?

A. aqueous ammonia
B. sodium chloride
C. sodium carbonate
D. calcium oxide


Answer: C
im sorry if its wrong but i already took this in school

Among these, sodium chloride is a substance which is not a base, therefore option (b) is correct.

What do you mean by a base in a chemical reaction?

A base is a chemical species that donates electrons, accepts protons, or releases hydroxide (OH-) ions in aqueous solution. A base is a molecule or ion able to accept a hydrogen ion from an acid.

A strong base completely dissociates into its ions in water. Bases react vigorously with acids and organic matter. Bases react in predictable ways with pH indicators.

A base substance is  a solution that has a pH level of more than 7.  Bases react with acids to form salts which is called neutralization reaction.

Among these  since sodium chloride is not a base, hence option(b) is correct.

Learn more about base reaction ,here:


____Na + ____Cl2 ---> ____NaCl


Here is the answer of the given question
2 Na + 1 CI2 —> 2 NaCI

What is the final volume of gas that initially occupies 2.50 L at 298 K and is subsequently heated to 321 K?


Answer: [tex]2.69\ L[/tex]



The initial volume [tex]V_1=2.5\ L[/tex]

Temperature [tex]T_1=298\ K[/tex]

Final temperature [tex]T_2=321\ K[/tex]

Suppose pressure is constant for this process

[tex]\therefore \dfrac{V_1}{T_1}=\dfrac{V_2}{T_2}[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{2.5}{298}=\dfrac{V_2}{321}\\\\\Rightarrow V_2=\dfrac{321}{298}\times 2.5\\\\\Rightarrow V_2=2.69\ L[/tex]

A vessel contained N2, Ar, He, and Ne. The total pressure in the vessel was 1100 torr. The partial pressures of nitrogen, argon, and helium were 110, 250, and 400 torr, respectively. The partial pressure of neon in the vessel was __________ torr.

A) 420 B) 340 C) 200 D) 280 E) 760



Partial pressure Ne = 340 Torr

Option B


Gases contained in the vessel:

N₂, Ar, He, Ne

One of Dalton's law for gases determine this:

In a mixture of gases contained in a vessel, total pressure of the system must be the sum of partial pressure of each gas.

Total pressure = 1100 Torr

Let's replace:

Partial pressure N₂ + Partial pressure Ar + Partial pressure He + Partial pressure Ne  =  1100 Torr

Partial pressure Ne = 1100 Torr - Partial pressure N₂ - Partial pressure Ar  -Partial pressure He

Partial pressure Ne = 1100 Torr - 110 Torr - 250 Torr - 400 Torr

Partial pressure Ne = 340 Torr

how many moles of gold is 9.75 x 10^24 atoms?



1 Answer. You use the fact that 1 mole of any substance contains exactly 6.022⋅1023 atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number. In your case, 1 mole of gold will have exactly 6.022⋅1023 atoms of gold.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 1.62 \ mol \ Au}}[/tex]


We are asked to convert atoms to moles.

1. Avogadro's Number

We know that 1 mole of any substance contains the same number of particles (atoms, molecules, formula units etc.) This is Avogadro's Number: 6.022*10²³. For this question, the particles are atoms of gold (Au).

2. Convert Atoms to Moles

Let's set up a proportion using this information.

[tex]\frac {6.022*10^{23} \ atoms \ Au}{1 \ mol \ Au}[/tex]

Since we are solving for the moles in 9.75 * 10²⁴ atoms, we multiply by that number.

[tex]9.75*10^{24} \ atoms \ Au*\frac {6.022*10^{23} \ atoms \ Au}{1 \ mol \ Au}[/tex]

Flip the proportion. It will be equivalent, but the units of "atoms Au" can cancel.

[tex]9.75*10^{24} \ atoms \ Au*\frac {1 \ mol \ Au}{6.022*10^{23} \ atoms \ Au}[/tex]

[tex]9.75*10^{24} *\frac {1 \ mol \ Au}{6.022*10^{23}}[/tex]

Condense the problem into 1 fraction.

[tex]\frac {9.75*10^{24} }{6.022*10^{23}}\ mol \ Au[/tex]

[tex]1.619063434 \ mol \ Au[/tex]

3. Round

The original measurement (9.75) has 3 significant figures. Our answer must have the same. For the number we found, that is the hundredth place.


The 9 in the thousandth place tells us to round the 1 to a 2 in the hundredth place.

[tex]1.62 \ mol \ Au[/tex]

9.75 * 10²⁴ atoms of gold is approximately equal to 1.62 moles of gold.

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