(Hurry, l am taking my exam) In an effort to develop the best-tasting apple, a grower eliminated all trees that produced apples considered too sweet or too sour. What type of selection is being carried out by the grower? a. Directional b. Disruptive c. Choice d. Stabilizing​


Answer 1

Answer: It is D. Stabalizing


I took the test and because the apples of both ends are being eliminated while the ones in the middle are being kept and increasing.

Related Questions

What is the greatest factor for
biodiversity loss?


Answer: habitat loss


The theory that evolution happens according to a slow, steady change over time is known as A coevolution B extended evolution C gradualism D punctuated equilibrium


The answer is *C. is a slow, gradual change over time*.

can you please help me



I think its the second one

What individuals benefit from a mutualistic relationship?

a. one member of the community

b. one member of the relationship

c. both members of the relationship

d. no members of the community


C) Both members of the relationship

.Why are shadows shorter around noon?
Make sure you give a full, detailed answer, not just one sentence.


At noon the sun is directly overhead the sun rays fall vertically on the body so the shadow is very short.

So the rays fall vertically on the body. in mornings and evenings the rays fall at inclined position. So shadows are long at mornings or evenings.

Shadows are shortest at noon because the sun is directly overhead. So the rays fall vertically on the body. In the morning and in the evening, the rays fall at inclined position. So shadows are longer during morning and evening.



I think it would be the first ones with lower o2 because fish dont breathe oxygene


it would be the one with more oxygen because they would thrive more


is an organism that eats other organisms to gain energy; it is also called





Heterotrophs are known as consumers because they consume producers or other consumers

Which characteristic distinguishes viruses from microorganisms such as bacteria and amoebae?


Answer:Explanation: Viruses are acellular organisms and although they do not have cells, they are extremely dependent on these structures, since they do not have their own metabolism and do not have any organelles. Viruses can only reproduce within a host cell other than fungi and bacteria



D. Viruses can reproduce only inside a host cell.

A 0.1-kg block of aluminum was heated to a temperature of 80°C. It was then placed into 0.5 kg of water with an initial temperature of 20°C. Which statement best describes the initial interaction between the aluminum block and the water?



The aluminum block will transfer heat to the water quickly, by conduction.


Aluminum is an excellent temperature conductor, which means that it can absorb heat very quickly, as well as transfer heat just as quickly. In this case, when the aluminum block is heated to 80ºC, the molecules in that block move quickly and start to collide with each other, releasing heat to the surrounding environment. When this aluminum bar comes in contact with water that has a temperature of 20ºC, the moving molecules of the aluminum bar release heat to the water that heats up, while the aluminum bar loses heat, decreasing its temperature. This temperature transmission will take place until the water and the aluminum bar have the same temperature

4. Many of your body’s responses operate off of either negative or positive feedback loops. When you are cold, you shiver. Explain why that happens.



The tendency to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment is called homeostasis. The body maintains homeostasis for many factors in addition to temperature. For instance, the concentration of various ions in your blood must be kept steady, along with pH and the concentration of glucose. If these values get too high or low, you can end up getting very sick.

Homeostasis is maintained at many levels, not just the level of the whole body as it is for temperature. For instance, the stomach maintains a pH that's different from that of surrounding organs, and each individual cell maintains ion concentrations different from those of the surrounding fluid. Maintaining homeostasis at each level is key to maintaining the body's overall function.


shivering burns fat to help keep one warm

Homeostasis typically involves negative feedback loops that counteract changes of various properties from their target values, known as set points. In contrast to negative feedback loops, positive feedback loops amplify their initiating stimuli, in other words, they move the system away from its starting state.

Khan academy

Which nitrogen bases (codon) in the mRNA code for the amino acid Valine?


Answer: GUU, GUC, GUA, GUG


People who live in tundra, will get more vitamin D. True or False.
People who get more vitamin D and more sunlight, will they have more darker skin or lighter skin?



Darker skin

Good luck

Given a parent genotype of Bb, what are the possible gametes that they can produce?


Answer: Choice C

Assuming both parents have genotype Bb, this would lead to the Punnett square (in this case a monohybrid cross) as shown in the image below. We have four outcomes, three of which are unique. Those offspring genotypes are: BB, Bb, and bb.

An offspring with B or b on its own is not possible because both parents contribute genes.

Why does the moon turn red during a total lunar eclipse?



In the case of a lunar eclipse, red light can pass through the Earth's atmosphere and is refracted - or bent - toward the Moon, while blue light is filtered out. This leaves the moon with a pale reddish hue during an eclipse.

mark me brainliestt :))


Our planet is much larger than the Sun, but the light of our homestars bends around the edge of the Earth. This light reflects off the moon. But not before it passed through our atmosphere. It filters out shorter wavelength blue light and leaves red and orange intact to soak the surface of the moon

hope this helps

have a good day :)


Explain why an area with extreme temperatures like one in the Arctic would be
resistant to invasion by a biotic disturbance.




Not many organisms are able to live there. It would’ve extremely hard for an organism who is used to moderate temperature to inhabit an extremely cold habitat known for the extreme temperatures

Hope this helps

A __________ is made up of several species. Group of answer choices genus domain family phylum


Answer: Taxonomy and Genus


Taxonomy is : the practice of naming and classifying organisms.

Genus is : a level of classification that contains similar species/ which was a taxon used to group similar species

All organisms naturally release carbon dioxide as a product of respiration. Why was global climate change not an issue in the past as it is today ?



Because of humans


We have polluted the Earth so much. There are tons of plastic in the ocean and ice caps are melting faster and faster. Smoke from factories and vehicles are destroying the ozone layer making it even hotter.


Which of the following happens during a solar eclipse?

Earth, the moon, and the sun form a triangle.

Earth comes between the sun and the moon.

The moon appears red.

The moon casts a shadow on Earth.





Amino acids:



When doing this, just change the T to A; C to G; A to U.

Amino acids: AUG is Met; GGU is Gly; GGA is Gly; CCU is Pro; UUU is Phe; GUG is Val;

( Don’t put anything for UAA)

Order the following words for Transcription
1 pre-mRNA



2. Gene

3. DNA

1. Pre-mRNA

4. mRNA


Transcription is the first step of gene expression in which a DNA molecule serves as template for the synthesis of mRNA. In the process of transcription, a Gene present on the DNA molecule is transcribed by RNA polymerase using complementary base pairing rule.

After the gene is transcribed, a pre-mRNA is formed. This mRNA is so called because it is immature. The pre-mRNA undergoes processing such as polyadenylation, splicing etc. to become a mRNA.

Hence, based on this, the order is:

Gene → DNA → pre-mRNA → mRNA





not enogh



RR and rr


H0m0zygous will give that it's either RR or rr, it's red, the dominate trait, showing it's RR.

Grey is a recessive trait, meaning it can only show if it's h0m0zygous recessive, rr

The biotic factors that affect an organism include other species in that organism’s community.



NOt sure



What? Is there something we can look at because then I think I might be able to help you

2. Scientists predict the sun will give us energy for at least how much longer?
300 years
five billion years
five million
fifty million


five billion yearssss
five billon years sorry if am wrong

Theories provide the most logical explanation about why things happen the way they do.




True, that’s what theories do
True is the right one

The opening of the stomata allows water to evaporate from inside the leaf in a process known
as transpiration. As this occurs, water molecules cling to one another and pull water in a
continuous stream up the stem of the plant from the roots to the leaves. Which property of
water makes this movement possible?
A. cohesion
B. freezing point
C. high specific heat
D. temperature-dependent density





Because of the way and then you will have to get back to work

You type the keywords "formation of coal" into a
search engine. Which of the following search
results would you expect to provide the most
accurate information about how coal forms?


The most accurate information would most likely come from source C

During cell division, where are
chromosomes duplicated?

A. membrane

B. mitochondria

C. nucleus

D. vacuoles


c. nucleus… have any questions? just ask

In eukaryotic cells,
the section of DNA being transcribed is a


Answer: Visualizing Transcription


DNA is double-stranded, but only one strand serves as a template for transcription at any given time. This template strand is called the noncoding strand. The nontemplate strand is referred to as the coding strand because its sequence will be the same as that of the new RNA molecule.

In eukaryotic cells, the section of DNA being transcribed is Visualizing Transcription.

How the section of DNA being transcribed in eukaryotic cells?

DNA is double-stranded, but only one strand serves as a template for transcription at any given time.

This template strand is called the noncoding strand.

The nontemplate strand is referred to as the coding strand because its sequence will be the same as that of the new RNA molecule.

Thus, Visualizing Transcription is an answer.

To learn more about DNA click here:



. Which of these types of electromagnetic radiation has the lowest energy?
a. Radio waves
b. Visible light
c. Gamma rays


Answer: a


radio waves have the longest wavelengths so it has the lowest energy

Which words best complete the lettered blanks in the two sen-
tences below?
*Organic compounds, such as proteins and starches, are too
_A_ to diffuse into cells. Proteins are digested into _B_and
starches are digested into _C_,
A-large B-simple sugars. Camino acids
A-small. B-simple sugars. Camino acids
C A-large, B-amino acids C-simple sugars
A-small. B-amino acids C-simple sugars





starches are too large to enter the cells, proteins are comprised of amino acids and therefore will be digested into amino acids, starches get digested into simple sugars because they are made of simple sugars.


Answer C: A—large, B—amino acids, C—simple sugars


I got it right on my test.

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