Humans burn fossil fuels and wood, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is then absorbed by trees for photosynthesis. These processes are contributory to which chemical cycle?


Answer 1
Carbon cycle. Because everything that is happening in the situation of this question is related to the carbon cycle. Fossil is being burnt which releasing carbon dioxide and the plant is taking it in to release oxygen!
It is a circle of life.
Answer 2

Carbon cycle controls the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These processes are contributory to the carbon cycle in the       environment.

What is a carbon cycle ?

The carbon cycle is nature's method of recycling carbon atoms, which repeatedly go from the atmosphere into Earth's living things and back into it. The majority of carbon is preserved in rocks and sediments; the remainder is preserved in the ocean, the atmosphere, and living things.

Life on Earth is reliant on the carbon cycle. The quantity of carbon that is naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoirs because nature tends to maintain carbon levels in balance. This carbon balance must be preserved for the earth to continue to support life.

Therefore, the carbon cycle is an important chemical cycle.

Learn more about carbon cycle, here:


Related Questions

2. Which of the following BEST describes an organic compound?
a compound containing carbon that is important to the survival of living systems
a compound often found inside cells that is destructive to living systems
a compound containing oxygen that is important to the growth of living systems
a compound that attaches to the outside of cells and destroys living systems



a compound containing oxygen that is important to the of living system


Complete the Food Web
(Add the arrows to show the transfer of energy)


The mice to grass
The bunny to grass
The snake to mice
The eagle to snake
I think
Grass is eaten by the mouse and the bunny. The mouse, snake and the bunny can be eaten by the eagle. And the mouse can be eaten by the snake.

Fenómeno que consiste na combustão de grandes áreas florestais e conduz à libertação de grandes quantidades de CO2 para a atmosfera.





Wildfires is the phenomenon that causes combustion of large forest areas and leads to the release of large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Wildfire occurs naturally as well as carelessness of humans that leads to the destruction of large area of forest and the habitat of wild animals also destroyed which compels them to migrate from that region. This wildfires produced high amount of carbondioxide gas in the atmosphere that is the main cause of air pollution.

If 22% of a DNA sample is made up of cytosine, C, what percentage of the sample is made up of adenine,



28% of Adenine


Chargaff's Rule states that A = T and C = G

Because of that, the sample must have the equation:

A + C = T + G

G must have the same amount as C so,

A + .22 = T + .22

Both sides of the equation must equal each other by .50, so .50 - .22 = .28

.28 x 100 = 28%

If 22% of a DNA sample is made up of cytosine, C, the percentage of the sample is made up of adenine, A is 28%

What is DNA?

The DNA sequence is the sequence or pairing of DNA bases. RNA and DNA both are genetic materials and both are made up of nucleic acids made up of deoxyribose acid and iron is made up of ribonucleic acid.

DNA and RNA both contain four bases that are joined with hydrogen bond RNA contain uracil in the place of thymine and DNA contain timing all other bases are the same.

Chargaff's Rule states that A = T and C = G

Because of that, the sample must have the equation:

A + C = T + G

G must have the same amount as C so,

A + .22 = T + .22

Both sides of the equation must equal each other by .50, so .50 - .22 = .28

.28 x 100 = 28%

Therefore, the percentage of the sample is made up of adenine, A is 28%

To learn more about DNA, visit here:


please help. only answer if u know please. i will love u forever


First question: When the population of lynx increases, the population of hares will decrease due to being over-hunted by more predators than usual. The hare is a source of food to the lynx, so with more lynx's...less hares... and less hares means either less food for the lynx and their population starts to die off...OR... The lynx adapt and start hunting new animals which could cause a massive disruption in the food chain.

Second question: When the number of hares increase in the environment it would mean more food for the lynx and other predatory animals. But with more food, comes more overpopulation. with plenty to eat the lynx population increases and that could cause problems for the environment, and other creatures.

when the cell needs energy again, it can remove the third phosphate group from atp to _____ energy.


ADP or adenosine diphosphate

Which statements describe the inheritance of traits? Select three options.

Traits can be inherited.

No traits are inherited.

Offspring inherit one allele for a gene from each parent.

Offspring inherit two alleles for a gene from each parent.

An offspring with two identical alleles for a trait is hom.ozygous.

An offspring with two different alleles for a trait is hom.ozygous.​


I’m pretty sure it’s the 1st, 3rd, and 5th ones




hi dear fweind:)


what is mentruation? give example​


Answer: a cyclical discharging of blood


I will give brainliest
1.What is budding
2.What is vegetative propagation ​



Budding - It is a type of asexual reproduction where in a daughter organism is formed from a small projection known as bud. it develops as an outgrowth due to the repeated cell division on the parent body. when fully grown it detects to grow into a new independent individual hydra

Vegetative Propagation - it is a type of axle plant reproduction in which new plans are obtained from a part of the parent plant. under favorable conditions various touch to take part in the type of reproduction.this is known as natural vegetative propagation where plants parts like root stem and leaves develop into new plants

the property of vegetative propagation is used in cutting tearing and grafting these are known as the method of artificial vegetative propagation. they are used for many plants like sugarcane , rose, etc

hope it helped u

Cells need oxygen and nutrients to function well and get rid of waste products produced incellular reactions. Which system participates in these exchanges?



cardiovascular system


circulatory system

A requirement for the circulatory system to carry out its function of bringing blood close to cells so that the exchange of nutrients (e.g., oxygen) and wastes can take place by diffusion is that the blood be able to flow through the complicated networks of blood vessels in the various organs

What is the normal pathway a cell uses to make and release proteins?
ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released
lysosome -> Golgi -> ER -> released
ribosome -> Golgi -> ER -> released
ribosome ->lysosome -> ER -> released



ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released


Ribosomes are where proteins are created, ribosomes are located on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). From the ER, proteins will be transported to the Golgi Complex for packaging, transport, and release. The answers with lysosome can be ignored because lysosomes break down waste materials of the cell. Therefore the answer is ribosome -> ER -> Golgi -> released.

a student models moon phase she holds a foam ball on a stick in front of her body and stands in front of the light as shown. the student uses herself to represents earth. she turns her body slowly to phases.



D- Diagram 4

the full moon is represented in diagram four.

What question led scientists to separate plants and fungi into two distinct kingdoms?
A. Does the organism have cells?

B. Does the organism reproduce?

C. Does the organism grow on the ground?

D. Does the organism use sunlight to make food?





yes because each plant have a cell if they don't they might die.

A ph ______ than 7 is acidic because they have more _____ ions than ______ ions.



A ph base less than 7 is acidic they have more h30+ ions sorry that all I know

helppp pleasee!!!!!!



last option is a correct answer.


the moon and the earth spin around each other.

Hope this helps!

Biodiversity plays a huge part in sustaining our ecosystems around the world.
Which of these below is a sustaining role?
Plant species harness the energy of the sun to fix carbon through
photosynthesis which provides the base of the food chain.
Climate change and other human environmental changes
Extinction of many key consumers within the food chain.
Global warming at the poles.



The answer is your first choice listed/ plant species etc..photosynthesis...

The graphic below shows an unlabeled animal cell. In which location would genetic material most likely be found?





The nucleus holds the genetic information.

may someone help me with this​



2. Phenotype

3. Genotype


6. Phenotype

7. Phenotype

8. Genotype

a phenotype refers to the physical characteristics: can be observed

a genotype refers to the genetic characteristics: can't be seen

PLEASE HELP ONLY 5 mins left!!!!
Looking at the following template strand of DNA below, what would that mRNA molecule
look like?



hope this helps sorry if too late




I go with C which says the dark mice are hard to be seen against the dark. Because of this the dark mice lived to reproduction age and reproduce more dark mice.

tornadoes occur because a ___ air collides with ___ air. Please help!!


tornadoes occur when warm/humid air collides with dry cold air

What is the largest geographic area that contains all the
ecosystems on Earth called?



biosphere is the answer

Biosphere is the answer.

If a female spinach plant with flat (FF) green (GG) leaves is crossed (pollination and fertilization occur) with a male spinach plant with crinkly (ff) purple (gg) leaves, what allelles and traits will the offspring inherit?

B) This is an example of what type of reproduction?


A) all offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves
B) sexual reproduction

f Ff Ff all offspring will have flat leaves
f Ff Ff
g Gg Gg all offspring will have green leaves
g Gg Gg

All offspring will inherit Ff and Gg and will have flat and green leaves.

B) sexual reproduction

Cells with half the usual number of chromosomes are called
A) Diploid
B) Ploidful
C) Half Ploid
D) Haploid


Haploid is the answer

Las estructuras que facilitan la union de las venas y arteriasel intercambio gaseosos entre los dintistos tejidos y la sangre que circula se denominan.....



Intercambio de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono


Rebecca Dezube

, MD, MHS, Johns Hopkins University

Última revisión completa jun. 2019


La principal función del aparato respiratorio es inhalar oxígeno y eliminar dióxido de carbono. El oxígeno inhalado penetra en los pulmones y alcanza los alvéolos. Las capas de células que revisten los alvéolos y los capilares circundantes se disponen ocupando el espesor de una sola célula y están en contacto estrecho unas con otras. Esta barrera entre el aire y la sangre tiene un grosor aproximado de una micra (1/10 000 cm). El oxígeno atraviesa rápidamente esta barrera aire–sangre y llega hasta la sangre que circula por los capilares. Igualmente, el dióxido de carbono pasa de la sangre al interior de los alvéolos, desde donde es exhalado al exterior.

La sangre oxigenada circula desde los pulmones por las venas pulmonares y, al llegar al lado izquierdo del corazón, es bombeada hacia el resto del organismo (véase Función del corazón). La sangre con déficit de oxígeno y cargada de dióxido de carbono vuelve al lado derecho del corazón a través de dos grandes venas: la vena cava inferior y la vena cava superior. A continuación, la sangre es impulsada a través de la arteria pulmonar hacia los pulmones, donde recoge el oxígeno y libera el dióxido de carbono.

Intercambio de gases entre las alveolas y los capilares

Para mantener la absorción de oxígeno y la emisión de dióxido de carbono, entran y salen de los pulmones entre 5 y 8 L de aire por minuto, y cada minuto se transfiere alrededor del 30% de cada litro (cerca de tres décimos de galón) de oxígeno desde los alvéolos hasta la sangre, aun cuando la persona esté en reposo. Al mismo tiempo, un volumen similar de dióxido de carbono pasa de la sangre a los alvéolos y es exhalado. Durante el ejercicio, es posible respirar más de 100 L de aire por minuto y extraer de este aire 3 L de oxígeno por minuto. La velocidad de entrada del oxígeno en el organismo es una medida importante de la cantidad total de energía consumida por este. La inspiración y la espiración se llevan a cabo gracias a los músculos respiratorios.

Explain how a volcanic eruption cools the atmosphere.



It cools the atmosphere by releasing gases such as sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which block out the sun as well. Sulfur dioxide isa gas that cools the atmospheric temperature.




it takes more away from the core?

A teacher performs a demonstration of cellular transport by placing a raisin in pure water. After 24 hours, the students check the raisin and find that it has swollen and has a greater mass than before it was placed in the water.



Explanation: it will swell after 24 hrs

Which of the following is not a principle of natural selection?


Answer: The last one on the bottom i'm in biology

The statement which is not a principle of natural selection is, in every population, adaptations allow some organisms to survive and reproduce better than others. So, the correct option is D.

What do you mean by Natural selection?

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change their needs as per nature.

The given statement gives the idea of adaptation rather than natural selection. Natural selection gives the idea of competing for limited resources. Natural selection always leads to the most favorable types of variation that an individual possess.

Therefore, the statement which is not a principle of natural selection is, in every population, adaptations allow some organisms to survive and reproduce better than others.

To learn more about Natural selection, refer to the link;

what stores and delivers nutrients throughout the cell and transports waste to the cell membrane


[tex] \huge \sf \star{Answer} \star[/tex]

Vacuoles store water, food, and waste. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a series of tunnels throughout the cytoplasm. They transport proteins from one part of the cell to another. Ribosomes are the protein factories of the cell.

Hope it helps uh...

The organelle that is responsible for storing and transporting nutrients through the cells is Vacuoles.

Vacuoles are also know as storage containers, they act as a storage organ in the body. This storage organ helps to transport food substances /molecules in the cell. Vacuoles are composed of enzymes, they help to hold water an food molecules. Vacuoles also help to remove waste substances that are harmful to the body.

The vacuole helps to keep balance in the body as they help to keep useful molecules and also get rid of waste substances.

Please see the link below for more information

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