How were the actions of the victorious Allies in the after World War II different from those following previous wars?


Answer 1

From this perspective, the Allies won because their benign, more-integrated societies allowed them to totally mobilize for war, while the conservative, even reactionary attitudes of the Nazis and the Japanese ensured that they lost. ... In World War II, the Allies outfought the Axis on land, in the air, and at sea.

Allies wanted unconditional surrender so they advanced west while soviet played offense in the east. hitler went into hiding and committed sucide while the US launched an atomic bomb on japan ending the war.

After the war, the Allies rescinded Japanese pre-war annexations such as Manchuria, and Korea became militarily occupied by the United States in the south and by the Soviet Union in the north. The Philippines and Guam were returned to the United States. ... Okinawa became a main US staging point.

Answer 2
In WWll there was a lot of death

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The city-state of ________rose to power after the death of Sargon I. (Babylon/Ur)


The city- state of UR.
The city state of UR rose to power after death of Sargon I.

“Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.”
—Exodus 3:1–6,
Holy Bible

Who called to Moses out of the burning bush?


The correct answer is A, because it says “God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I” hope this helps! :)
The answer is A I had this problem

The excerpt reflects which Washington State Constitution principle?
popular sovereignty
limited government
rule of law
political rights


(The Answer to this question is A it’s Popular Sovereignty )because a controversial political doctrine according to which people of the federal territories
The answer is A she is correct:))

Help me please no links I will give branilest



choose A


Answer: A

Hope it helps!!!

Which of the following is an example of the fear of anarchy in the United States in the 1920s?
A. the Red Scare
B. the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
C. the Scopes Trial
D. the Great Migration


The answer is A) The Red Scare.
A.) The red scare!

During the Red Scare of 1919-1920, many in the United States feared recent immigrants and dissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist, or anarchist ideology. The causes of the Red Scare included:

Red Scare headlines
World War I, which led many to embrace strong nationalistic and anti-immigrant sympathies;
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led many to fear that immigrants, particularly from Russia, southern Europe, and eastern Europe, intended to overthrow the United States government;
The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise. Many workers joined labor unions. Labor strikes, including the Boston Police Strike in September 1919, contributed to fears that radicals intended to spark a revolution;
Self-proclaimed anarchists' mailing bombs to prominent Americans, including United States Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and United States Supreme Court Associate Justice (and former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice) Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

What explains the rapid changes in cotton production leading up to the Great Depression? (A) The government paid farmers not to plant cotton to control prices. (B) Georgia's cotton crops were impacted by boll weevils and drought. (C) Bank failures caused many cotton farmers to lose their savings and land. (D) Synthetic textiles developed during World War I reduced demand for cotton.​



B is correct.


WW1 was not during this time. The government didn't pay farmers to control prices. It is between B and C. Georgia is humid which can cause droughts. Therefore, B makes sense.

The statement that provides explanation to the rapid changes in cotton production leading up to the Great Depression is  (B) Georgia's cotton crops were impacted by boll weevils and drought.

According to this question, we are to discuss about rapid changes in cotton production which lead up to the Great Depression.

As a result of this we can see that Georgia's cotton crops were impacted by boll weevils and drought and the reason for the rapid changes.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about cotton production at;

How were the economic ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union different during the Cold War?

The United States’ economic ideology was a command economy, while the Soviet Union’s economic ideology was capitalism.

The United States’ economy was based on private ownership of property, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on government ownership of property.

The United States’ economic system was based on socialism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on the commune system.

The United States’ economy was based on the idea of collectivism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on laissez-faire philosophy.



1.)During the Cold War, the United States was based upon capitalism and democracy while the Soviet Union was based upon communism and dictatorship.

2.)For much of the 20th Century, the Soviet Union rivaled the United States in political, military and economic strength. While the central command economy of the Soviet Union was diametrically opposed to the market liberalism of Western nations.

3.)The United States’ economic system was based on socialism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on the commune system.

4.)Socialism describes any political or economic theory that says the community, rather than individuals, should own and manage property and natural resources

5.)Whereas the term “capital” traces to ancient times and “capitalist” came with the financial revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the word “capitalism” is a product of the political conflicts and economic transformations of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Explanation:Hope this helps;)Next time cross out what you don't think is the answer and read the instructions slow out loud to yourself!

Explain the economic problem that occurs when highly paid and unionized manufacturing jobs are replaced by low paying service jobs such as food service and hotel hospitality services.


Some people have to work at a fast food place and they love it or don’t like it . If a lawyer goes to a job like to Burger King they don’t get a lot of money.

Which parties in U.S. history favor strong state governments?




Ch. 6 - Political Parties


The Federalist party consisted of what type of people? Merchants and Bankers

This political party favored strong state governments and they opposed the Constitution? Anti-Federalists

Another name for the Anti-Federalists? Democratic Republicans

There were several events that caused tensions to rise and led to the Civil War.
Place the events in the order in which they occurred.

1. John Brown captured an arsenal of weapons but was later imprisoned.

2. A compromise was reached that allowed California to the Union as a free

3. The courts decided that enslaved workers could be taken anywhere, ever

4. Fighting broke out in Kansas between abolitionists and southerners

5. William Lloyd Garrison founded The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper

6.The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act overturned the Missouri Compromise and stopped the balance of free and slave states.​





There were several events that caused tensions to rise and led to the Civil War

1235 I’m not sure !!!

Why did President Wilson proclaim that this war would be “the war to end all wars?



The phrase “war to end all wars” was first used by the British author H. G. Wells.Thus, WWI was called the “war to end all wars” because there were people who felt that it would lead to the destruction of the sorts of governments and attitudes that caused war.



because there were people who felt that it would lead to the destruction of the sorts of governments and attitudes that caused war.


Have a good day!

In one or two paragraphs, describe your ideal form of government. In your response, be sure to explain who has power, how much power they have, where the power is located, and how power is distributed among branches of government. Then provide at least two reasons why you think this form of government would work well.



The government which favors justice to all without any form of discrimination against anyone. It works for the welfare of people in an honest way. All parts of government have specific powers. The central government has highest power and other government have a little less power. Power is distributed with the approval of parts of government and citizen. This type of government would work well as they wouldn't be hungry for power and would actually care for the welfare of the country and its citizens.

Why is it important for people of various cultural and religious backgrounds to work together?
Things your answer can include:
- Your own thoughts about the topic
- Prior Knowledge
- Reasoning to explain your thoughts



Because they different perspectives on things


We need to work together so we can understand each other so we can be comfortable or ever respectful to everyone

Which details about Louisiana’s ports does this passage include? Check all that apply.
A. Louisiana’s ports provide employment for nearly 73,000 workers.
B. The ports bring in over $500 million for state and local governments.
C. Most of the money earned from port activity goes to the government.
D. The ports directly account for about 10 percent of all jobs in the state.
F. Economic activity related to the ports includes cruise ships and tourism.



a is the right answer


Why were Texans so committed to retaining control of the Tidelands? Texans wanted to retain control of the Tidelands because...


the federal claim was based on allegations that original ownership of the land was held by the united states before california was made a state, that former supreme court cases adjudicating state ownership were erroneous and should be overruled
Basically, Texas has had underwater areas for as long as it has existed. When it was discovered that there were oil deposits there, the federal government wanted to take it away from Texas who was a recognize owner of the land. It was a case where the state and the federation had to fight in the supreme court. Politics changed because Texas started hating on anyone who tried to take it away so they switched their presidential support based on this.

Horace Mann stated, “Be ashamed to die, until you have won some victory for humanity.” What do you think he meant by this statement to his students?



Look At Explanation


I think it means that when you die unless you have accomplished something in life then you haven't lived a good life

hope this helps not the best at history or english

What is one reason the Americans won the Mexican- American War?
A. They had control of the lands to the north and south of the fighting

B. They had better Military Leadership

C. The had better support from European countries

D. They had a much larger army.


B. They had better Military Leadership

Answer:its B

Explanation: i did research

The Tuskegee Institute was...
A. the school that Booker T. Washington attended as a student.
B. the school that Booker T. Washington founded.
C. the school that George Washington Carver attended as a student.
D. the school that George Washington Carver founded.
George Washington Carver was famous for his work related to...
A. agricultural research and education.
B. civil rights activism.
C. training teachers.
D. political philosophy.
What is a 'Normal School?'
A. A school that is just like any other school.
B. A school for students with disciplinary issues.
C. A school for training teachers.
D. A school for students of science and technology.








Part A
In this activity, you will draw maps that show the spread of Christianity in the ancient world. You may need to research and combine many different maps to get a full picture of how Christianity spread in the ancient world.

Begin by doing research to determine the regions of the ancient world affected by Christianity. Then color those regions on the map in the drawing field. Also label important countries in these regions, for example, Egypt in North Africa or Spain in Europe.



The spread of Christianity was made a lot easier by the efficiency of the Roman Empire, but its principles were sometimes misunderstood and membership of the sect could be dangerous. Although Jesus had died, his message had not. Word of his teachings spread to Jewish communities across the empire.


Beginning in the Middle East, Christianity began its spread north and west into Europe, carried by merchants, missionaries, and soldiers. ... As a result, in 313, the Edict of Milan was passed, which guaranteed freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire, ending the persecution of Christians.

good luck!! <3


WHOOPS! This answer is no longer available :)


1. Why do you think Venture Smith’s story continues to be told today? How might his story
be similar to or different from the experiences of other enslaved people?

2. Venture Smith said, “My freedom is a privilege which nothing else can equal.” Explain in your own words what you think he meant by this.


As gratitude, the lumberjack slave took Smith's last name as his own. After saving frugally for years, Venture Smith earned enough money to buy freedom for his wife and three children. Ms. ... Wormsley says his story is important because he overcame the horrific conditions of slavery to eventually live the American dream.

Which of the following policies reflects the way President Hoover's initial response to the Great Depression was abandoned and how he tried a new approach?

A. He developed many public works programs that were sponsored by the government.
B. He appealed to pass the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to help revive businesses.
C. He gave his political support to the veterans in the Bonus Army.
D. He encouraged citizens with food to spare to donate to local soup kitchens.


I am pretty sure it would be A because of what he has done in the past.




He developed many public works programs that were sponsored by the government.

1- How did heavy casualties affect the course of the Civil War?
2-How could Lincoln free the South's enslaved people if the Constitution did not give him the power to do so?
3- How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the focus of the war?
4- what were the immediate consequences of the Emancipation Proclamation?



Heavy casualties and massive desertions in the armies the need to win war. Effect: Both the Union and Confederate governments pass draft laws. Cause: Draft law was passed favoring and protecting the wealthy. Lower class white workers were angry about having to fight for people (slaves at the time)


How are the functions of the kidneys and the bladder different?

The kidneys filter wastes out of the blood, while the bladder stores and releases urine.
The kidneys pass oxygen into the blood, while the bladder produces bile to break down fat.
The kidneys produce urine, while the bladder absorbs nutrients into the blood.
The kidneys store urine, while the bladder releases urine out of the body.



the kidneys filter wastes out of the blood, while the bladder stores and releases urine.


the person above me was right

5. What was the main factory limit urban growth in new mexico


Tourism, military, and the oil and gas industry are the major industries in New Mexico. They provide most of the jobs and account for a large amount of the government spending in the state.

What was the important result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

Question 5 options:

It allowed enslaved people to be to be sharecroppers

It establishes in Federal Law for the first time, the principle of equality before the law, establishes citizenship.

It frees the enslaved people from use on plantations

It frees enslaved people but does not allow them to be educated


The answer is B
It establishes in federal law for the first time, the principle of equality before the law, establishes citizenship.

Answer: The answer is D I got it right on my test


Which of the following statements is true.

A. The Merrimack was turned into an ironclad called the Monitor.

B. The Monitor was turned into an ironclad called the Merrimack.

C. The South made the Merrimack into an ironclad called the Virginia

D. The Merrimack and the Virginia fought to a tie.


The answer is C!

USS Merrimack, also improperly Merrimac, was a steam frigate, best known as the hull upon which the ironclad warship CSS Virginia was constructed during the American Civil War.
The correct answer should be C

please help its not that much and I don't have alot of time to do this!
I want you to do some online research and see if you can find out what life was like back then. Then I want you to write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about how you think The Great Depression would be different if it were to happen during today's times.



The unemployment drama playing out in the U.S. has drawn comparisons to the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world.

But is the comparison fair?

Yes and no, according to labor economists.

On one hand, the country may soon achieve Depression-era levels of joblessness due to the coronavirus pandemic. By some metrics, we may already be close.

Well we currently are in a Great Depression. The Great Depression now is different because we now have technology.

FOR 30 POINTS Suffrage supporters had the greatest success in states that

had the largest cities.
were in the western United States.
were in the eastern United States.
had the most factories.





because it has the longest river and is very big country

Who do you think had a better plan for Reconstruction—President Johnson or the Republican Congress? Why? (Explain your reasoning and be sure to explain the 13th and 14th Amendment in your answer.)



A would be your answer



The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was Lincoln’s plan to reintegrate the Confederate states back into the Union, granting presidential pardons to all Southerners (except political leaders) who took an oath of future allegiance to the Union.

Radical Republicans rejected Lincoln’s plan and instead passed the more stringent Wade-Davis Bill, which called for 50 percent of the state to take the loyalty oath. Lincoln pocket vetoed this bill.

The Freedmen ‘s Bureau was an agency that provided food, shelter, medical aid, employment aid, education, and other needs for blacks and poor whites. It was the largest federal aid relief plan at the time, and it was the first large-scale governmental welfare program.

President Johnson proved to be an obstacle to the Radical Republicans in Congress, who attempted to completely overhaul the Southern government and economy.

In 1866, Johnson vetoed two important bills by Congress; in response, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Fourteenth Amendment, granting African Americans full citizenship.

plz make  me as brainlist

What are some characteristics of the confederacy?



No Authority to Legislate for Individuals. ...

No Independent Revenue Sources. ...

Sovereignty Retained by the Member States. ...

Member-State Citizenship. ...

Written Document. ...

Expressly Delegated Powers.

one characteristic dictatorship
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