how were pharaohs elected to become rulers of ancient Egypt?


Answer 1


Exactly how successive pharaohs were chosen is not entirely clear. Sometimes a son of the pharaoh, or a powerful vizier (head priest) or feudal lord assumed the leadership, or an entirely new line of pharaohs arose following the collapse of the former monarchy.

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Southern state governments/southerners attempted to restrict the citizenship rights of freed slaves as much as possible following abolition. What right does the 15th amendment to the Constitution grant? Identify and Explain two ways that southern state governments/southerners attempted to undermine the 15th amendment as it applied to freed slaves. Explain why each policy was especially harmful to freed slaves.



you cant have slaves



1: The 15th Amendment, which sought to protect the voting rights of Black men after the Civil War, was adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

2: It prohibits federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.


How did Mexican independence in 1821 from Spain impact Texas?​


Although Texas declared its independence as the Republic of Texas, Mexico refused to recognize Texas as a new country. In 1821, Mexico gained independence from Spain after the brutal and destructive Mexican War for Independence. Its territory included much of the former New Spain, including Spanish Texas.

"Texas was a province of Mexico, few inhabitants, edge of the frontier.   Many Americans who had a relationship with Spanish Mexico were inspired by the speeches of Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810.

The war had an huge impact on the development of Texas. When Mexico gained independence, they wrote and approved of the Constitution of  1824"

Explain how the Court distinguished different legal standards throughout a woman's pregnancy





i dont want to

Can someone help me with this? I'm really struggling with it :(

Why is this statement: "“Whatever they can,” Jefferson said of us, “they will.”
possible of those four words he chose to include: “the pursuit of happiness”?


The reason why the statement, “ Whatever they can, they will ” is possible of the four words, “the pursuit of happiness” is that people will be able to do what they can to make themselves happy.

What did Thomas Jefferson believe ?

As shown in the book, " Light and Liberty: Reflections on the Pursuit of Happiness " by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States had opinions on how people could achieve happiness in their lives. His hope was that the United States would be created in such a way that people are able to engage in activities that bring them happiness.

Thomas Jefferson most made this belief certain in his quote, “ Whatever they can, they will ” which meant that he believed that the United States would allow its people to do what ever they could in other to ensure their happiness. He hoped that these would be within the realms of the law however, as he didn't believe that all men were bad.

Find out more on Thomas Jefferson at


the british were unlawfully taxing the colonists. the stamp act, tea act and other acts was only the top of the dung heap. the colonists didn't even have representation in the


The settlers were not even represented in the British government. In other words, the settlers have no say in the government. No taxation without representation.

Why was the Stamp Act so important?

The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to replenish finances after the Seven Years' War with France. A portion of the Stamp Act proceeds are used to maintain several regiments of British soldiers in North America and to maintain peace between Native Americans and settlers.

How did the Stamp Act lead to the American Revolution?

The settlers protested against the Stamp Act and the Residence Act for the same reasons. Both violated the principle of taxation without representation because they withdrew money from Americans without their consent. The settlers rioted against the Stamp Act, forcing nearly all the men sent to enforce it to resign.

Learn more about tea act:


What ítems were used by explorers to discover America



Tools Used by Early Explorers. ARE Phoenician explorer-navigators sailed from the Mediterranean along the coast of Europe and Africa, keeping land in their sights. 2 Cross-staffs and Back-staffs.



Explorers who are credited with discovering America, such as Christopher Columbus and Leif Erikson, used a variety of tools and equipment to help them on their journeys. Some of the most important items used by these explorers included:

1. Ships: Explorers used ships to cross the ocean and reach the Americas. Columbus, for example, used a fleet of three ships – the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria – on his voyage across the Atlantic.

2. Maps and navigation tools: Explorers relied on maps and navigation tools, such as compasses and sextants, to help them navigate their way across the ocean and find their way to the Americas.

3. Provisions: Explorers carried provisions, such as food, water, and supplies, to sustain them on their long journeys. They also carried tools and equipment, such as hammers and saws, to help them build shelters and establish colonies once they reached the Americas.

4. Weapons: Explorers carried weapons, such as swords, bows and arrows, and guns, to defend themselves against potential threats, such as native peoples and other explorers.

Overall, explorers who discovered America used a combination of ships, maps and navigation tools, provisions, and weapons to aid them on their journeys.


Consider the different justices' opinions about affirmative action.
Whose opinion do you agree with most?


the most justice one

Cases that can only be tried in federal courts have..
Concurrent Jurisdiction
Original Jurisdiction
Apellate Jurisdiction
Exclusive Jurisdiction


Answer:Courts that try cases are called courts of original jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction courts are the ones that have the ultimate power to hear and try cases that are brought before them, especially first time cases. The courts set the trial hearings for case reviews and pass the judgments that pertain to the complaints.


Which of these is a storytelling suggestion made by the storytelling show The Moth


The Moth suggests that storytelling be created with characters we can lose or gain within their stories.

Why is this type of storytelling important?

Because he is reactionary.Because it leaves the story unpredictable.Because it stimulates the public.Because it opens up the creativity of writers.

The Moth believes that there are elements that enrich a story's script and make it not only more interesting, but also more effective and powerful.

For Moth, this type of storytelling must approach reality, allowing the public to recognize themselves in that story and believe that it can happen to them, making life more interesting and exciting.

For this reason, the Moth advises that storytelling features characters who are subject to defeat or victory in their responses, as, in addition to unpredictability, they manage to create a connection with the public who do not know whether their choices will be successful or not.

Learn more about The Moth:


What was Isaac Newton famous for​



being a inventor hope this is right

He is famous for inventing calculus in the 1660s

How did diplomacy win the American Revolution?



His patient diplomacy combined with the American victory at the Battle of Sara-toga resulted in a Treaty of Alliance with France in February 1778.


hoped this helped:)

brainliest for the brains lol

Which leader of the Scientific Revolution published On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies, concluding that the earth revolves around the sun?

Question 3 options:

Andreas Vesalius

Nicholas Copernicus

Rene Descartes

Galileo Galilei

i need this asap!!!



Nicolaus Copernicus


Use the excerpt from James Madison's speech to answer the question.

What benefit does Madison propose will be achieved if the Bill of Rights is passed?


Madison had grown to understand the value that citizens placed on these safeguards, the potential educational benefits of enshrining them in the Constitution, and the possibility that doing so may deter the Constitution's opponents from making more significant changes to it.

Why the James Madison was famous?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He earned the moniker “Father of the Constitution” in subsequent years.

Therefore, The importance of these protections to citizens, the potential educational advantages of including them in the Constitution.

Learn more about the James Madison, refer to:


How did imperialism lead to WWI? (5-7 sentences).


Imperialism lead to WWI as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries.

How imperialism caused WWWI?

Not only did countries fight each other in World War I, but also empires. While eastern empires like Austria-Hungary and Russia reigned over regions connected by land in Europe and North Asia, western European empires like Great Britain and France possessed colonies elsewhere.

The First World War in turn had a significant impact on the balance of imperial power because it helped set the stage for the rivalries that played out throughout the conflict in Europe for imperial territory. The war ended with a treaty that gave the victorious side the right to Germany's foreign territories, and during or shortly after, the Russian, German, Austrian-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires all fell.

To learn more about WWWI click:


What is one example of a cyberattack within the United States?


The one example of cyberattack was a shortage of gasoline after an energy company.

What do you mean by Cyberattack?

Any action against computer information systems, computer networks, infrastructures, or personal computing devices is referred to as a cyberattack.The goal of a cyber attack is to disable, disrupt, destroy, or take control of a computer system, as well as to change, block, delete, modify, the data stored on it. A cyber attack can be launched by any person or group from any location using one or more different attack tactics.Given their struggles with not knowing what they are doing, most businesses fall in the two to four week range.

To know more about Cyberattack here


what is the main cause of beingnning of long distance trade in Ethiopia?​


The main cause of the beginning of long distance trade in the empire of Ethiopia was the arrival of Muslim merchants.

How was Ethiopia involved in long distance trade ?

Local markets and long-distance merchant caravans were the two main institutions on which Ethiopian trade in the Middle Ages was founded. All major cities had markets, but they were more popular in the countryside, where fairs were typically conducted on a weekly basis some distance from populated areas.

The majority of Ethiopians hated traders and preferred to imitate the nation's priests and warriors. After gaining a foothold there, traders from Greece, Armenia, and the Arab world served as a bridge for trade between Ethiopia and the outside world.

Arabs ultimately took over all commercial activities, with the exception of minor trade, after settling there as well. It can therefore be shown that before the Muslim Arab traders and Merchants arrived, Ethiopia was not much into long distance trade, but this changed soon after.

Find out more on Ethiopia at


Why did boethius write the consolation of philosophy


Boethius was at the very heights of power in Rome and was brought down by treachery. It was from this experience he was inspired to write a philosophical book from prison reflecting on how a lord's favour could change so quickly and why friends would turn against him.

UCMJ is a set of criminal laws that apply only to


The UCMJ law apply to all active duty people, national guard, and military academic students

Think about what you have learned about the events and people that shaped the Civil Rights Movement. Drag the tiles to the correct locations on the diagram to indicate whether each case expanded or limited rights for African Americans.
Loving v. Virginia
Brown v. Board of Education
Plessy v. Ferguson
Dred Scott v. Sanford


The largest civil rights demonstration in US history, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, helped the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 come into effect.

Why is it important to learn about the civil rights movement?

Lessons on the civil rights movement can help students develop their critical and civic literacy, understand American history, and connect the past with the present in the fight against racism, segregation, and discrimination.

The Civil Rights Movement had concrete goals and objectives, and it worked to establish civil rights, such as the right to vote, the desegregation of public facilities like schools and transportation, and equal access to other public services. This was one of the movement's major strengths.

Learn more about the Civil Rights Movement here:



Limited Rights: Plessy v Ferguson & Dred Scott v Sandford

Expanded Rights: Loving v Virginia & Brown v BOE


Got 5/5 on the test for edmentum/PLATO

Which Indigenous group in the Great Plains hunted, gathered, and farmed in
order to provide food for their peoples the Lakota Sioux or the Dakota Sioux?


The Lakota Sioux and Dakota Sioux were Indigenous group in the Great Plains hunted, gathered, and farmed in order to provide food for their peoples .

What are the main tribes of the Great Plains?

The Lakota or Teton Sioux, who enjoyed a happy medium between North and South, became the dominant plains tribe by the mid-19th century.

What did you hunt on the Great Plains?

All Plains groups continued to hunt deer, elk, bears, porcupines, and other animals for clothing, food, tools, and jewelry, but by the late 18th century, most Plains Indians were buffaloes. developed a peculiar addiction to

What were the Lakota known for?

The Lakota, also known as the Tetons, form the largest and most famous gang of the Sioux (Oceti Sakowin). Known as a mighty and ferocious tribe of warriors, they led much of the resistance against settlers invading their lands and were among the last tribes to settle on the reservation.

Learn more about Lakota Sioux :


Which term best completes the title of the diagram?
________ Colonization in the Americas

Sent small numbers of settlers
Were mostly interested in trading with indigenous peoples
Had few major conflicts with native civilizations
A. French
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
D. English ​





they had the least amount of conflict


B. French


I just took the test

What problems did the American government and British continue to have over the Treaty of Paris of 1783?



The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was the treaty that officially ended the American Revolutionary War between the British Empire and the United States. While the treaty was successful in achieving its main goal of establishing the United States as an independent nation, there were some issues that continued to cause problems between the American government and the British.

One of the main problems was the issue of British debts to American merchants. During the war, many American merchants had loaned money to the British government, and the British had agreed to repay these debts after the war. However, the British government did not fulfill this promise, leading to a great deal of tension between the two countries.

Another issue was the continued presence of British troops in the American frontier. The treaty had stipulated that the British would withdraw their troops from the newly-established United States, but many British soldiers remained in the western regions of the country, causing tension with the American settlers who lived there.

Additionally, there were disputes over the exact boundaries of the United States, particularly in the northwest and along the Canada-US border. The treaty had established these boundaries, but there were disagreements about their interpretation, which led to further conflict between the two countries.

Overall, while the Treaty of Paris of 1783 was successful in achieving its main goal of establishing the United States as an independent nation, there were a number of issues that continued to cause problems between the American government and the British.


what changes occurred on the home front in the united states during world war i?


The availability of wartime factory jobs led half a million African Americans to leave the South and move to northern and western cities for work changes occurred on the home front in the united states during world war I.

What is world war?Faced with the world war empires of England and France, the Germans felt from the beginning that the world was against them. From their point of view, the world war was of such magnitude that it created a sense that the whole world was crumbling - the term World War represented the level of terror unleashed by the conflict.Archduke Franz of Austria His assassination of  Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main trigger for the start of World War I. After the assassination, the following sequence of events occurred.• July 28 – Austria declares war on Serbia.World War I was the first truly global war and had a major impact on the 20th century.Today we remember the horrors of world war, the casualties of millions of soldiers, and the impact it had on the rest of the 20th century. When the war began in 1914, millions of young people were excited to go  to war.

To learn more about world war from the given link :


Explain the degree to which religion may act as a centrifugal force within the location shown in Image 1.


Religion can act as a low degree centrifugal force on images because these religious constructions cause followers of religions to go frequently.

What is centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force is a term that refers to a physical principle in which force from one point tends to push away a revolving object around which it revolves.

How is the centrifugal force of the churches?

The centrifugal force of the constructions in the images (churches) is low because they cause the faithful of different religions to visit them because they are important places of worship for those religions. On the other hand, the places that can be considered with high centrifugal force for the religious would be places that go against the principles of the different religions. For example soccer stadiums, or parks because these have nothing to do with religion.

Learn more about churches in:


Which of the following is not a belief of John Locke


Answer:. People have the right to get rid of a government when it invades the rights of the


i looked in the book

How did early hunter-gatherers affect the physical environment? 60 POINTS WILL GIVE BRANLIEST TO THE CORRECT ANSWER!!!!!!!

They spread seeds when they farmed new areas.
They contributed to a decline in animal populations.
They mined metals to make arrowheads and spearheads.
They used fire to destroy forests across large regions.


Answer: the right answer is c/3rd

Explanation: they use metals to hunt and there Enviromint to get better food etc.

What are our two major political parties now?



The democratic & republican party


Democrat and Republican


Though the penalty for being caught resisting slavery was harsh and violent,
many enslaved people continued to resist by:

A. working with abolitionists.

B. filing court cases.

C. creating secret resistance groups.

D. trying to escape.


Though the penalty for being caught resisting slavery was harsh and violent, many enslaved people continued to resist by: trying to escape. Option D.

What is slavery?

Both the state and the situation of being a slave, who is prohibited from leaving their employer and is viewed as the enslaver's property, are referred to as slavery and enslavement, respectively.

One person was owned by another in the practice of slavery. The majority of the rights typically enjoyed by free people were denied to slaves, who were regarded by law as chattel, or property.

In the 1500s, European settlers introduced a system of slavery to the western hemisphere.

Read more on slavery here:


where does the government get its power



The Constitution, the fundamental legal authority for government in the United States, gives the federal government the power to undertake certain tasks - and assigns all other powers to the state governments.

What was the Treaty of Paris 1763 and 1783?


Answer: ended conflict between France and Great Britain for power over north america


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