How to wright a fully elaborate paragraph on the story out of the dust


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

To write a paragraph on "Out of the dust", you must first show that the work portrays the difficulties and suffering faced by Oklahoma Panhandle residents when facing the droughts and violent sandstorms that prevented agriculture and the quality of life. lives of these residents. All this difficulty faced by them, must be reinforced with lines from the poems presented in the book, which provide evidence and support for everything that is being discussed about the book.

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Me and my friend used to play secret agent


bc we was young cuh




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Do u know english ? T-T


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It makes readers think the characters in this story sound funny.


This one makes the most sense




It makes readers think Hughes's characters are authentic and realistic. Took the test, above answer was wrong

choose the correct option​


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a descriptive style is the answer ! :)


Answer: A


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A total of 3,240,948 tons of food was sent from Britain to the soldiers fighting in France and Belgium during the First World War. The British Army employed 300,000 field workers to cook and supply the food. At the beginning of the war British soldiers were given 10 ounces of meat and 8 ounces of vegetables a day. As the size of the army grew and the German blockade became more effective, the army could not maintain these rations and by 1916 this had been cut to 6 ounces of meat a day. Later troops not in the front-line only received meat on nine out of every thirty days. The daily bread ration was also cut in April 1917. The British Army attempted to give the soldiers the 3,574 calories a day that dieticians said they needed. However, others argued that soldiers during wartime need much more than this.


I hope your refering to Mormon Battalion..

Anyway hope this helped!

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Where the poem? I can’t see nun



11. "So he went on, tearing up all the flowers from the garden of his soul, and setting his heel
upon them." (chapter 22)

12. "There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is
outside; and there is another kind where the things are behind the bars, and the man is out-
side." (chapter 27)



I really wish I could help but I need better explanation

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My all time favorite book saved me from being arrested it is called '' IGNORENCE IS NO DEFENSE A Teenager's Guide to Georgia law''.

The authors name is ''J. Tom Morgan'' and all of his law books including the one listed saved me from breaking the law and changed my point of view of the world. You should also read his law books it mite do the same for to.


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ok she wanted her friends to protect her

The machine stops: please help



where's the paragraph?


sorry I don't know about this.,........................................................................................................

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Nose lo suento por no ayudarte

My dog ran to the front door. My dog
was barking.
What is the best way to combine these sentences?
A Barking, my dog ran to the front door.
6 My dog barked, it ran to the front door.
© Running to the front door, my barking dog.
0 My dog barking and running to the front door.



i think it's D not sure tho


It's A


It's English                                                    

Will has 78 gallon of cold water in the refrigerator. During the day, he drinks 34 gallon of the water. How much cold water does he have left at the end of the day?


Would it not be 44 due to the fact that he drank 34 gallons, so I am suggesting it is 44 gallons of water are still left.
Sorry if I am wrong, Good Luck :D

Knowledge beyond horizons
A Course in Science
Book 5
Dr Sanaya Nariman
Indiannica Learning Private Limited,
a subsidiary of Navneet Education Limited.
New Delhi, India kiya aap log ke pas yeh book hai​



thank u very much for this

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After the lunch in New York, Nick sees Jordan Baker, who finally tells him the details of her mysterious conversation with Gatsby at the party. She relates that Gatsby told her that he is in love with Daisy Buchanan. ... Daisy has apparently remained faithful to her husband throughout their marriage, but Tom has not.


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In response to this, many peasants began to resist, often arming themselves against the activists sent from the towns. As a form of protest, many peasants preferred to slaughter their animals for food rather than give them over to collective farms, which produced a major reduction in livestock.


Which page was when the theme of the Outsiders was loyalty and friendship? ​



Chapter 4,6,9


“Dally’s ok,” Johnny said defensively, and I nodded. You take up for your buddies no matter what they do. When you’re in a gang, you stick up for the members.

Ponyboy explains Johnny’s defense of Dally after Dally harasses Cherry and Marcia, two Socs, at the drive-in theater. Despite Dally being the aggressor in the situation, Johnny justifies his actions in coming to Dally’s defense. Ponyboy concludes that loyalty is paramount and expected when you are in a gang. The theme of loyalty recurs throughout the book: When characters do not show loyalty, chaos ensues.

Our one rule besides Stick together is Don’t get caught.

Two-Bit explains the logic of a fight between two greasers. Dally has slashed the tires of Tim Shepard, the leader of another greaser gang, so Shepard will have to fight Dally. Two-Bit justifies his involvement in the feud to Cherry and Marcia: Even though Dally deserves what’s coming to him, Two-Bit will fight alongside Dally because greasers stick together. The situation contrasts the greasers’ loyalty with the Socs’, who he later says will gang up on each other for sport. Loyalty is presented as a point of pride for the greasers throughout the novel.

I looked around, startled. I hadn’t realized Johnny was right behind me all the way.Ponyboy reflects on the surprise he felt when he realized Johnny followed him into the burning building to help save children who were trapped inside. Ponyboy uses the word “startled” to convey the significant change he has just understood. The time in the church has bonded Ponyboy and Johnny beyond their social class. Their loyalty as friends, above and beyond being greasers, has taken root. The decision to risk their lives for non-gang members reveals the humanity beneath their rough exteriors, the courage that extends deeper than what’s expected from a fellow gang member.

“You’re a traitor to your own kind and not loyal to us.”

Ponyboy lashes out at Cherry after she refuses to visit Johnny in the hospital. Cherry finds herself caught between the two gangs: She’s been spying on the Socs for the greasers, but she can’t show solidarity with the greasers by visiting Johnny. Ponyboy’s condemnation of her hits hard, and even he knows it. Ponyboy’s sense of loyalty is challenged by Cherry, a person who has mixed loyalties, but to whom he’s bonded as a friend.But then, Darry’s gone through a lot in his twenty years, grown up too fast.

Ponyboy reflects on his older brother Darry’s life circumstances. After their parents were killed in a car accident, Darry took on the role of primary caregiver, and works two jobs just to provide for Ponyboy and Sodapop. Ponyboy understands the importance of loyalty within their family: If the three brothers don’t work together, they are in threat of being separated. The story portrays the loyalty of the Curtis family and the greasers as being part of a strict code of honor that goes beyond social class.

All great examples!!!

How does Reed create mystery, tension, or surprise in this poem?



Wheres the poem?


essay on indiscipline in our secondary school​


Indiscipline can be explained as a lack of control in the behavior of a group of people. No doubt,indiscipline is rampant and the most noticeable thing in secondary schools today.

There are various causes of indiscipline in secondary schools.

One major cause is a lack of training in children. Most children were brought up without any touch of discipline. They have no regard whatsoever for their parents because right from the start,their parents did not instill values and morals that will enable him\her to function, behave and relate in an acceptable manner. And when such children grows up,they become independent and feels that he\she can do anything without anyone disapproval. As a result, they cannot fathom why in secondary school,someone will have to question them on what they feel like doing.

Describe what Father did to save Black Dog. What kind of trouble had Black Dog gotten himself into? Use details from the text to support your answer. DRAGONWINGS HELLLLPPPPP MEEE FAST



There will be no answer until I can grasp evidence.


Why do I need evidence? Because, evidence is needed in order to help you answer the listed questions you asked. Please provide the text you are reading for a better answer.

Can someone help me with any of these questions need this to pass



the last one is A. i don't know for sure about the others

I think number 4 is b

describe your brother in a metaphor

plzz help


"The bond between a sister and brother is like the umbilical cord between a mother and a child invisible yet omnipresent."

How were the people treated during the Qin Period?​



In two years time, most of the empire had revolted against the new emperor, creating a constant atmosphere of rebellion and retaliation. Warlord Xiang Yu in quick succession defeated the Qin army in battle, executed the emperor, destroyed the capital and split up the empire into 18 states.


they were treated harsh


The Qin dynasty established the first empire in china. starting with efforts in 230 b.c., during which the quality n leaders engulfed six Zhou dynasty states . The empire existed . only briefly from 0221 to 206 b.c., but the in dynasty had a listing cultural impact on the dynasties the followed.

the authorities are chasing me on the roof and the next building is a 10 feet gap what should i do
A. make the jump
B. commit s-uicide
C. surrender
D. bribe the authorities
E. Fight the authorities
F. Breakdance B)
G. smoke until i die of cancer





Choose the part of speech of the italicized word.
I walked to the mall.


noun i would say
hope it helps

in taming of the shrew, what does appearance vs reality mean



The Taming of the Shrew is a performance that raises a number of issues concerning appearance versus reality. The assumption that many characters in the play are persuaded to be what they are not ignores the evident fact that each character chooses the role that they are to play.

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Several items are omitted from the income statement and cost of goods manufactured statement data for two different companies for the month of May:1 Rainier Company Yakima Company2 Materials inventory, May 1 $100,000.00 $48,200.003 Materials inventory, May 31 (a) 50,000.004 Materials purchased 950,000.00 710,000.005 Cost of direct materials used in production 938,500.00 (a)6 Direct labor 2,860,000.00 (b)7 Factory overhead 1,800,000.00 446,000.008 Total manufacturing costs incurred May (b) 2,484,200.009 Total manufacturing costs 5,998,500.00 2,660,600.0010 Work in process inventory, May 1 400,000.00 176,400.0011 Work in process inventory, May 31 382,000.00 (c)12 Cost of goods manufactured (c) 2,491,500.0013 Finished goods inventory, May 1 615,000.00 190,000.0014 Finished goods inventory, May 31 596,500.00 (d)15 Sales 9,220,000.00 4,550,000.0016 Cost of goods sold (d) 2,470,000.0017 Gross profit (e) (e)18 Operating expenses 1,000,000.00 (f)19 Net income (f) 1,500,000.00Required:a. Determine the amounts of the missing items, identifying them by letter. Enter all amounts as positive numbers.b. Prepare Yakima Companys statement of cost of goods manufactured for May. For those boxes in which you must enter subtracted or negative numbers use a minus sign.*c. Prepare Yakima Companys income statement for May. Enter all amounts as positive numbers.** Refer to the Amount Descriptions list provided for the exact wording of the answer choices for text entries.Starting Questiona. Determine the amounts of the missing items, identifying them by letter. Enter all amounts as positive numbers.Letter Rainier Company Yakima Companya. b. c. d. e. f. Statement of Cost of Goods Manufacturedb. Prepare Yakima Companys statement of cost of goods manufactured for May. Refer to the Amount Descriptions list provided for the exact wording of the answer choices for text entries. For those boxes in which you must enter subtracted or negative numbers use a minus sign.Yakima CompanyStatement of Cost of Goods ManufacturedFor the Month Ended May 3112Direct materials:34567891011Total manufacturing costs1213c. Prepare Yakima Companys income statement for May. Refer to the Amount Descriptions list provided for the exact wording of the answer choices for text entries. Enter all amounts as positive numbers.Yakima CompanyIncome StatementFor the Month Ended May 3112Cost of goods sold:345678910 For the reaction, ?N2 + ?H2 ? NH3, What is the maximum amount of NH3 which could be formed from 12.26 mol of N2 and 2.11 mol of H2? Answer in units of mol. ____________ is an example of an invasion that took place that changed national boundaries.A.The American RevolutionB.Napoleon building an empireC.The Mexican-American WarD.The Louisiana Purchase HAPPY PEOPLE IM HOT THEY ARE DELETING MY QUESTIONS;( ok whoever helps me is da best so plz :) 50 points Can someone help me with this geometry question