how much pressure (absolute) in kpa must a submarine withstand at a depth of 120.0 m in the ocean (1029 kg/m3)?


Answer 1

At a distance of 120.0 meters beneath the water surface, a submarine must resist pressure of 1200kPa.


1 g/cm3 equals 1000 kg/m3 for p water.

P atmosphere equals 101.3 kPa

Total P =?

water = density *g*h




P total = 1200 kPa plus 101.3 kPa equals 1301.3 kPa

The pressure on the hull increases by one atmospheric (1 bar, 14.7 psi, 101 kPa) for every 10 meters (33 feet) in depth, therefore at 300 meters (1,000 feet), the hull is able to resist 30 environments (30 bar, 441 psi, 3,000 kPa) with water pressure.

Therefore, gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure add to the overall pressure, also known as absolute pressure:

Pabs=Pg+Patm Pabs is indeed the unconditional pressure, Pg is the gauge pressure, and Patm is the air pressure. P abs = P g + P atm

To know more about  pressure click here


Related Questions

Suppose the mower is moving at 1. 5 m/s when the force f is removed. How far (in m) will the mower go before stopping?.


Using the Second Law of Newton concept, the force F done by the person is 27N and it takes 1.125m for the mover before stopping.

From the case, we know that:

Fnet = 51N

m = 24kg

f = 24N

v = 1.5m/s --> after F is removed

From the system, we know that F net is the net external force working on the system, where:

Fnet = F - f

51 = F - 24N

F = 27N

When the force F is removed, the mower is still moving with speed of 1.5m/s. It will come to stop because of the friction force working on the system. Hence, based on the Second Law of Newton, we know that:

∑F = m.a

- f = m.a

-24 = 24.a

a = -1m/s²

Next we will use velocity and acceleration formula to find the distance needed for the mower to stop.

v² = u² + 2as


v = initial velocity

u = final velocity

a = acceleration

s = distance

We will use the provided information above:

(1.5)² = (0)² + 2(-1)s

2.25 = 0 - 2s

s = 1.125m

Learn more about The Second Law of Newton here:


Complete Question:

In Figure 4.7, the net external force on the 24-kg mower is stated to be 51N. If the force of friction opposing the motion is 24N, what force F (in newton) is the person exerting on the mower? Suppose the mower is moving at 1.5m/s when the force F is removed. How far will the mower go before stopping?

Picture attached bellow

a 550 kg satellite is in a circular orbit at an altitude of 400 km above the earth's surface. because of air friction, the satellite eventually falls to the earth's surface, where it hits the ground with a speed of 2.20 km/s. how much energy was transformed into internal energy by means of air friction?


The energy was transformed into internal energy by means of air friction is equal to 1.2789 × 10⁹J.

What is the law of conservation of energy?

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can be transformed from one to another but it is not possible to create or destroy it. Energy happens in nature in various forms such as heat, chemical energy, electricity, nuclear energy, and so on.

The sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy before and after are equal.

PE₁ + KE₁ = PE₂ + KE₂ + Qₙ

where Qₙ is the heat energy.

The kinetic energy at the initial stage is zero.

PE₁ = PE₂ + KE₂ + Qₙ

[tex]\displaystyle -(\fracGMm}{R+h} ) =-(\frac{GMm}{R} ) +\frac{1}{2}mv^2 +Q_f[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle Q_f = (\frac{GMm}{R} ) - (\frac{GMm}{R+h} ) -\frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle Q_f = {6.67\times 10^{-11}\times 5.98\times 10^{24}\times 550}[(\frac{1}{6.371 \times 10^6} ) - (\frac{1}{6.371 \times 10^6 +400\times 10^3} )] -\frac{1}{2}(550)(2200)^2[/tex]

Heat energy = 1.2789 × 10⁹J

Learn more about the law of conservation of energy, here:


The energy from the light is captured and stored by the surface without being reflected or transmitted. What happened to the energy from the light?.


The energy from the light is captured and stored by the surface without being reflected or transmitted then it has been absorbed.

Bouncing back of light into the same medium is known as reflection of light

As per law of reflection we know that light incident on the surface at a given angle with respect to the normal then the angle of reflected light with the normal will be same

= angle of incidence of light = angle of reflection of light

Also we know that incident light, reflected light and normal always lie in the same plane. However in this case, the light is trapped which gives it a room to get absorbed.

To know more about Light:


two uniform spheres simultaneously start rolling (from rest) down an incline. one sphere has twice the radius and twice the mass of the other. (a) which reaches the bottom of the incline first? (b) which has the greater total kinetic energy at the bottom?


a) Both spheres have the same speed and both reach at the same time.

b)  Both spheres will have the same speed at the bottom of the incline.

a) consider the energy conservation and calculate the speed of each sphere

0 + mgH = 1/2mv² + 1/2 Iw² + mgy


m is mass

g is gravity

H is height

v is velocity

I is inertia

w is the angular velocity

Now potential energy will be zero at the base of the incline (y=0) and there are initial height H then take position 1 to be the top and position 2 to be the generic location.

mg(H-y) = 1/2(mv² + 2/5mr² v²/r²)

v= √(10/7 g (H-y))

So according to the solution, it is clear that velocity is not depending upon the mass or radius of the sphere. Hence both have the same speed and both reach at the same time.

b) According to the result obtained in part (a), both have the same speed at each point along the incline so both will have the same speed at the bottom of the incline.

According to the conservation of energy total kinetic energy will be bottom of the incline is equal to the potential energy at the incline. There are initial potential energy is proportional to the mass sphere so massive spheres have greater kinetic energy.

Learn more about energy conservation here:


When 110 J of heat is supplied to a system then internal energy of a gas increases by 40 J the amount of work done by gas is?


The amount of work done when heat supplied is -70J.

The internal energy, U, of a well-defined system or body is the sum of the kinetic energy due to the motion of the molecules and the potential energy associated with the vibrational and electrical energies of the atoms within the molecule.

All matter has a certain amount of energy depending on its chemical nature and state of existence. This is called eigen energy.

Every substance has a certain value of internal energy, equal to the energy possessed by all its constituents: atoms, ions or molecules.

The change in internal energy of a reaction can be viewed as the difference in internal energies of two states.

If the initial energies of state A and state B are EA and Eb, respectively, the difference between the initial energies of the two states is

ΔU = EB – EA





To know further about heat supplied -


in which case will more current flow through the battery: when three identical resistors are connected in series with the battery, or when the same three resistors are connected in parallel with the battery.


More current will flow through the battery when the same three resistors are connected in parallel.

Equivalent resistance when the three equal resistors are connected in parallel is R eq = R/3

We know that, according to ohm's law, V = i * R eq

where, V is the voltage

i is the current

R eq is the equivalent resistance

We know that, voltage is same across the circuit of three resistors connected in parallel.

Now, substituting R eq in the above equation, we have

i = V/ R eq = V/ (R/3) = 3* V/R

Thus, more current flows through the same three resistors which are connected in parallel.

To know more about parallel connection:


what force does the water exert (in addition to that due to the atmospheric pressure) on a submarine


The water that is displaced produces buoyancy, an upward force. As opposed to gravity, which would pull the ship downward, buoyancy acts in the opposite manner.

When the mass of water that the submarine displaces (pushes out of the way) equals the mass of the boat, the submarine (or any boat) can float. The deeper surface is under more pressure. The important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of the depth of the submerged submarine is at, the pressure differential between higher and lower surfaces is always the same since water is incompressible (for all practical purposes here). You mentioned a push, and that contributes to the net buoyancy. To overcome its buoyancy, the submarine must allow water into its ballast chambers. The submarine will need to make modifications while below, adding or "blowing" ballast water to make up for changes in the water's density brought on by temperature or salinity changes, in order to maintain constant depth.

learn more about density here;


what is the rest energy of an electron, given its mass is 9.11 x 10-31 kg? give your answer in joules and mev. (1 mev


The rest mass of the electron is 8.199 x 10⁻¹⁴ Joules or 0.511 MeV.

What is relativistic kinetic energy?

The relativistic kinetic energy equation demonstrates how an object's energy increases as its velocity approaches the speed of light. In order to accelerate an object across this boundary is therefore impossible. The mass-energy equivalence formula is Erest=E0=mc2, which is derived from calculations of kinetic energy.

Relativistic kinetic Energy:

The relativistic energy of a particle with mass m, can be found using the following equation

Krel= (γ-1) mc²

It is given that the mass of the electrons is 9.11 x 10⁻³¹kg, thus we have

m =  9.11 x 10⁻³¹kg

it is required to find the rest mass of the electron,

mc² = ?

Knowing the mass of the electron, we can find the rest mass of the electron,

as follows

mc² = 9.11 × 10⁻³¹ × (3 × 10⁸) ²

mc² = 8.199 x 10⁻¹⁴Joules

And, to convert from energy units of joule to eV, we divide by the electron charge, thus we have = 8.199 x 10⁻⁴/1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹= 511741.376 eV

511741.376 eV ≈ 0.511 MeV

Thus, the rest mass of the electron is 8.199 x 10⁻¹⁴ Joules or 0.511 MeV.

To know more energy visit:


a 100-turn loop antenna of radius 20 cm operating at 10 mhz in air is to give a 50 mv/m field strength at a distance 3 m from the loop. determine (a) the current that must be fed to the antenna (b) the average power radiated by the antenna


a) I₀ = 90.71 μA

b) Prad = 0.25mW

a) To find the current that must be fed to the antenna,

λ = c/f

λ = 3 X 10 ⁸/ 100 X 10 ⁶

λ = 3 m

Emax = ηπI₀S/ r λ²

I₀ = Emax r λ²/ ηπS

I₀ = 50 X 10 ⁻³X 3 X3²/ 120 η (0.2) ² X 100

I₀ = 90.71μA

b) The average power radiated by antenna,

Rrad = 320π⁴S/ λ⁴

         = 60.77 KΩ

Prad = 1/2 I₀Rrad

Prad = 0.25mW

To know more about power,


if a volume of air is warmed, it expands and tends to group of answer choices cool. warm. experience no temperature change.


If a volume of air is warmed, it expands and tends to: cool.

What does expansion of air mean?

The air expands and takes up more area when heated. The same object gets lighter as it takes up more room. There is warm air As a result, warm air is lighter than cold air. The smoke rises as a result of that.

Air expands as it rises because air pressure decreases as altitude increases. The air cools as a result of this expansion.

The molecules are separating as they heat up and travel more quickly. As a result, air expands when heated and shrinks when it is cooled, like most other things. The air is less dense than the surrounding material because there is more space between the molecules, which causes the heated air to float higher.

Thus, if a volume of air is warmed, it expands and tends to: cool.

To know more about volume of air refer to:


g a metal ring with a clockwise current produces a magnetic field (right-hand-rule). if the current increases (which increases the field) over time, what direction will the induced current on the ring be?


The induced current on the ring will be counter-clockwise (left-hand-rule).

Fleming's left-hand rule for electric motors is one among a pair of visual mnemonics, the opposite being Fleming's proper-hand rule (for generators). They had been originated with the aid of John Ambrose Fleming, within the overdue nineteenth century, as a simple way of working out the direction of motion in an electric powered motor, or the route of electric modern in an electric generator.

While modern-day flows through a conducting twine, and an outside magnetic discipline is carried out across that float, the accomplishing twine experiences a pressure perpendicular each to that area and to the path of the current drift (i.e they're jointly perpendicular). A left hand can be held, as proven in the illustration, so one can represent 3 jointly orthogonal axes at the thumb, fore finger and center finger. each finger is then assigned to a quantity (mechanical force, magnetic field and electric powered present day). The right and left hand are used for turbines and automobiles respectively.

To learn more about Left-hand rule visit here:


a structure containing a central atom surrounded by three electron groups will have a planar arrangement in which the ideal bond angle is °.


Trigonal, 120 degree, the ideal bond angles are 120° when there are three electron domains encircling an atom.

What are the optimal bond angles surrounding an atom with a three electron group in the center?The ideal bond angles are 120° when there are three electron domains encircling an atom, which results in trigonal planar electron domain geometry. An atom's surrounding electron domain geometry is tetrahedral if there are four of them.One way to visualize the trigonal bipyramidal shape is as a set of three bonds in a trigonal planar arrangement separated by bond angles of 120° (the equatorial positions), and two additional bonds at an angle of 90° to this plane (the axial positions):    

To learn more about Ideal bond angles refer to:


Calculate the time t for the pencil to hit the ground, assuming that it falls from standing perfectly vertical and maintains this angular acceleration.


The angular acceleration when the pencil is 10° from the vertical is 17 rad/s². The time for the pencil to hit the ground is 0.43 s.

Look at the attachment for the complete question. The weight of the pencil is in the middle of it. When the pencil has an angle of 10.0° from the vertical

The force that applies is the weight force.
F = w = mg
g = the acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²The position of weight force is r in the picture.
The weight force make a torque.Look at the triangle
sin 10° = r ÷ 0.5L
r = 0.5L sin 10°Moment of inertia for the pencil
I = (1/3) mL²
m = mass of the pencil = 10.0 gr = 0.010 kg
L = the length of the pencil = 15 cm = 0.150 mAccording to Newton's second angular law
∑τ = Iα
Fr = Iα
mg 0.5L sin 10° = (1/3) mL²α
3g × 0.5 × sin 10° = Lα
1.5 × 9.8 × 0.174 = 0.150 α
α = 2.553 ÷ 0.150
α = 17 rad/s²

When the pencil hit the ground

The angle from vertical
θ = 90° = π/2 radians = 3.14 ÷ 2 = 1.57 radThe pencil moves in non-uniform circular motion The pencil's initial stop, ω₀ = 0
θ = ω₀ t + 0.5 αt²
θ = 0.5 αt²
2θ = αt²
2 × 1.57 = 17t²
t² = 3.14 ÷ 17
t² = 0.1847
[tex]t \:=\: \sqrt{0.1847}[/tex]
t = 0.43 s

Learn more about angular acceleration here:


a massless rod connects two masses and rotates about a fixed axis through the center. can the total acceleration of the rod/mass combination be zero if the angular velocity is constant? explain.


No, if the angular velocity is constant, the combined acceleration of the mass and rod cannot be zero. Because two masses are connected by a massless rod that revolves around its Centre on a fixed axis.

In one-dimensional motion, constant speed is related with zero acceleration, however in two- and three-dimensional kinematics, things are a little different since, for example, a system particle rotating at constant speed does experience acceleration (not angular acceleration though). Due to the constant magnitude velocity vector that is always tangential and perpendicular to the position vector in the direction of the centripetal force, the total acceleration of the mass/rod cannot be zero if the angular velocity is constant.

Learn more about angular velocity here


what initial speed must an alpha particle have to just touch the surface of a gold nucleus before being turned back? assume the nucleus stays at rest. hint: the alpha particle is not a point particle. what is the initial energy (in mev) of the alpha particle?


Since the closest approach distance is 39.5 fermi, the initial speed is in a head-on collisions between an alpha particle and a gold nucleus (Z=79) is 10.5 MeV.

Alpha particles are alternatively known as Alpha radiation or Alpha rays.

It is a positively charged particle emitted by the decay of various radioactive materials. The mass of an alpha particle is due to the binding of two protons and two neutrons. Thus, the Alpha ray nucleus is very similar to the Helium-4 nucleus.

In physics, alpha is a variable that is used for numbers that could be different from one another.

Some examples of quantities using are: An isotope of helium, the alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons. Kg is the unit of mass, meter is a unit of length, and  second is a unit of time.

Rf - beta - Rf = alpha (Rm-Rf)

R is a symbol for portfolio return.

The risk-free return rate is denoted by Rf.

The systematic risk of the a portfolio is represented by beta.

According to a benchmark, Rm stands for the market return.

Therefore the alpha particle must have an initial speed of 10.6 MeV  to just touch the surface of a gold nucleus before being turned back.

To know more about alpha particle,


which 'energy system' is utilized during very high intensity, shorter exercise, like sprinting a 400 m?


The energy system utilized during high intensity sprint is glycogen stored in muscles.

Sprinting burns a ton of calories, improves cardiovascular fitness, develops muscle, and increases speed and power. To step up your training, incorporate them into your program.

Additionally, sprint exercises save a lot of time. Even though up to 60 minutes of moderate exercise should be performed three times each week, most people don't get that much exercise for a variety of reasons, including a lack of time.

To know more about sprint, click here,


in order to keep a small satellite from drifting into a nearby asteroid, it is placed in orbit with a period of 3.02 hours and radius of 2.0 km. what is the mass of the asteroid?


The mass of the asteroid is 4×10^13 kg.

What is orbital period?

The amount of time it takes an astronomical object to complete one orbit around another object is known as the orbital period.

Given that orbital period: T = 3.02 hour

= 3.02*3600 second

= 10872 second.

Radius of orbit = 2.0 km = 2.0*1000 m.

Let the mass be M.

Again we know that: the relation among time period and radius of orbit is given by:

T² = 4π²R³/GM

M =  4π²R³/GT²

= { 4π²(2.0*1000)³/(6.67× 10^-11 × 10872²)}

= 4×10^13 kg.

Hence, the mass of  is  4×10^13 kg.

Learn more about orbital period here:


a 70-kg person rides in a 30-kg cart moving at 12 m/s at the top of a hill that is in the shape of an arc of a circle with a radius of 40 m. (a) what is the apparent weight of the person as the cart passes over the top of the hill? (b) determine the maximum speed that the cart may travel at the top of the hill without losing contact with the surface. does your answer depend on the mass of the cart or the mass of the person? explain.


The apparent weight of the person as the cart passes over the top of the fill for question A is 470N.
The maximum speed that the cart may travel at the top of the hill without losing contact with the surface from question B is 19.8 m/s.

Based from the question above, we will approach using centripetal force to answer question A, and centripetal acceleration to answer question B.

What is centripetal force?

It is a force that makes a body follow a curved path. Its direction is always orthogonal to the motion of the body and towards the fixed point of the instantaneous center of curvature of the path.

Now, let's calculate question A about the apparent weight of the person as the cart passes over the top of the hill.

Given from the question

mass of the person = 70kg

weight of the person will be = mass * earth gravity

= 70 * 9.8

= 686N

Radius of the circle of which the arc is a part = r = 40m

speed of the cart = 12 m/s

The centripetal force on the person =

Fc = mass * ((cart speed (v))^2 / radius of the circle (r))

= 75 * (12^2/50)

= 216N

from here, apparent weight can be calculate below :

R (apparent weight) = weight - centripetal force (Fc)

= 686 - 216

= 470N

Therefore, the answer of question A, the apparent weight of the person as the cart passes over the top of the hill is 470N

Now, moving on to question B. The person can have a maximum speed when the centripetal acceleration is equal to the acceleration due to gravity.

Vmax = √r (radius) * g (gravity)

= √40 * 9.8

= √392

= 19.8 m/s (rounded)

Therefore, the maximum speed of the cart at the top of the hill without losing contact with the surface is 19.8m/s. This answer also depends on the radius of the circular path and velocity of the cart.

Learn more about centripetal force


A solid 62-kg cylinder has a radius of 0.10 m. What minimum work is required to get the cylinder rolling without slipping at a rotational speed of 20 s^−1 ?


The work done on the solid cylinder is 192 J.

Work corresponds to a change in energy. So, the work required to make this cylinder roll is equal to its final kinetic energy minus its initial kinetic energy.

= W = K' - K

Here, W = work done

K' = Final Kinetic Energy

K = Initial Kinetic Energy

We can assume that this cylinder begins from rest, K = 0,

If an object is rolling, it is undergoing both rotational and translational motion. So, the cylinder's kinetic energy is equal to its translational kinetic energy plus rotational kinetic energy.

= W = (1/2)mv² - (1/2)Iω²

We have values for the cylinder's mass and its rotational speed.

Mass = 62 Kg

Radius = 0.1 m

Rotational Speed = ω = 20 /s

Velocity = v = rω

Moment of inertia = I = (1/2)mr²


= W = (1/2)mv² - (1/2)Iω²

= W = (1/2)m(rω)² - (1/2)Iω²

= W = (1/2)m(rω)² - (1/2)X (1/2)mr²X ω²

= W = (1/2)m(rω)² - (1/4)mr²X ω²

= W = (3/4)mr²ω²

= W = (3/4) X 62 X 0.1² X 20²

= W = 192 J

To know more about Work Done:


Oh no! You did not stop in time as you were trying to brake to avoid getting in an accident. If your velocity changed from 29 m/s to 15 m/s all within 2.3 seconds, what is the acceleration you hit the car in front of you as you tried to stop?

NOTE: Are you accelerating or decelerating in this case? How will this affect your acceleration value?
A. 6.1 m/s2
B. -0.4 m/s2
C. -6.1 m/s2
D. -1.8 m/s2



C. -6.1 m/s2


a = (vf - vi) / t = (15 m/s - 29 m/s) / 2.3 s = -6.1 m/s2

You are decelerating (slowing down);  value is negative

a mass m at the end of a spring oscillates with a frequency of 0.83 hz. when an additional 680-g mass is added to m, the frequency is 0.60 hz. what is the value of m? .


The value of m, which is a mass at the end of a spring that oscillates with a frequency of 0.83Hz, that been added with 680g to the mass with frequency 0.60Hz is 0.74 kg.

What is oscillation?

It is a repetitive or periodic variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value or between two or more different states. As an example, swinging pendulum and alternating current are represents oscillation.

let's use the relation between frequency and mass.

f = 1 / 2π * √k/m

where f = frequency

m = mass

k = spring constant

(2πf)^2 = (√k/m)^2

(4 * π^2 * f^2) * m = (k/m) * m

divided both side with 4 * π^2

m * f^2 = k / 4 * π^2

because k / 4 * π^2 is constant, we will leave that out from the equation

Now, let's try to answer the value of m

m * f1 ^2 = m * f2^2

m * 0.83^2 = (m + 0.68) * 0.6^2

0.6889m = 0.36m + 0.2448

0.3289m = 0.2448

m = 0.74kg

Therefore, the mass m at the end of a spring that oscillates with a frequency of 0.83Hz is 0.74kg.

Learn more about oscillation


find the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon. the mass of a proton is 1.007276 u, of a neutron 1.008665 u, and of carbon 11.996706 u.


Binding energy per nucleon of carbon 12 is 7.94 MeV

Carbon 12 contains 6 proton , 6 neutron  and 6 electron hence, calculated atomic mass of carbon 12

= 6Mp+6Mn +6Me

=6 × 1.007 + 6 ×1.008 + 6× 0.00055


∴ mass defect = 12.102 -12.000 = 0.102 amu

binding energy = 0.102 ×931 = 95.30 MeV

binding energy per nucleon = 95.30\12 = 7.94 MeV

What is the binding energy for each nucleon?

The least amount of energy necessary to separate or break down an atom’s nucleus into the subatomic particles that make it up is known as nuclear binding energy (which are protons and neutrons)

How is nuclear binding energy determined?

The nuclear binding energy can be determined once the mass defect is known by converting that mass to energy using the formula. E b = ( Δ m ) c 2. ...

Verify that the mass is expressed in kilogram's (kg).

Once the obtained energy is known, it can be scaled into amounts per nucleon and per mole.

What does it signify when a nucleon's binding energy is high?

Binding energy is required to keep nucleons together as a nucleus. One of the most stable elements is iron, which has a mass number of 56. We refer to iron as having a high nucleon-binding energy. Less stable elements are those with a lower and higher mass number per nucleon.

To know more about BINDING ENERGY visit ;


how does the difference between the ranges of the strong nuclear force and the coulomb force affect the makeup of each atom’s nucleus?


Because the coulomb force has a wider field of influence and heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons.

Strong nuclear force :

The strong nuclear force is represented by the force that holds protons and neutrons in atoms' nuclei. the things that are heavier than an atom of hydrogen. the center of the fusion of hydrogen and helium in the sun. The strong interaction, commonly referred to as the strong nuclear force, constrains quarks into proton, neutron, and other hadron particles. Neutrons and protons are held together to form atomic nuclei by the nuclear force, often known as the strong interaction. Heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons because the Coulomb force's range is larger. Protons and neutrons are joined together to form atomic nuclei by the nuclear force, also referred to as the strong interaction.

To learn more about strong nuclear force visit:


If the altitude of the North Star is 30º above the horizon, then what is the highest altitude that the Sun will reach during the Autumnal Equinox:


If the altitude of the North Star is 30º above the horizon, then the highest altitude that the Sun will reach during the Autumnal Equinox: is 60 degrees

What is the  Autumnal Equinox?

The sun shines squarely on the equator at the autumnal equinox, giving both the northern and southern hemispheres an equal quantity of sunlight.

The start of the fall season is signaled by the autumnal equinox, a natural occurrence that takes place in late September every year. The celestial equator coincides with the equator of Earth, such that day and night are of equal length.

It would be 30 degrees north latitude if you could see Polaris at 30 degrees above the horizon. Now, if a star reaches its highest point at a place below the observer's zenith, its latitude is equal to 90 - star altitude.

90 - 30 = 60 degrees

Read more on the equinox here:


describe a series circuit. include in your description the current path and the magnitude of the current in each load


A series circuit is a closed circuit in which the current follows one path. Current path is a path by which the electrical current flows. Magnitude load is P is for a force acting on a position, along a line, or across an area. M is for bending moments acting on a position or along a line.

Which describes a series circuit?

The fact that the same current flows through every component in a series circuit is what distinguishes it from other types of circuits. The current can only move in one direction.

Every component in a series receives the same amount of current. The sum of all resistances constitutes the total resistance. The total applied voltage is equal to the sum of all voltage drops.

A series circuit's overall current equals the current flowing through any resistance in the circuit. Through every circuit resistor, the overall circuit current would stay constant.

To know more about series circuit refer to:


A person stands 101010 meters east of an intersection and watches a car driving towards the intersection from the north at 131313 meters per second. At a certain instant, the car is 242424 meters from the intersection. What is the rate of change of the distance between the car and the person at that instant (in meters per second)?.


The rate of change of the distance between the car and the person at that instant is 12m/sec.

We have given that a person is standing 10 meters east from junction or intersection point. Now, we have given that rate of change of car from north direction as 13m/sec.

So, let assume distance of intersection point from the final point is y meters and distance of a person from final point as x meters,

Therefore, using pythagoras theorem,we get

=>y² = x² +(10)²


Now we are given rate of change of x in form of dx/dt,so on differentiating we get

=>dy/ dt = [(1/2) × (1/√(x²+100))] × (2 × x × dx/dt)

=>dy / dt =( x /√(x²+100)) × dx/ dt

Now, we are given value of dx/dt= -13m/sec. Since, distance is decreasing with time therefore dx/dt = -13m/sec.

Now, putting value of dx/dt and x=24meters,we get

=>dy /dt = (24 / √[(24)²+100]) × (-13)

=>dy /dt = (24 / √(576+100)) × (-13)

=>dy /dt = (24/26)×(-13)

=>dy/dt = -24/2

=>dy/dt = -12m/sec

Hence, rate of change of the distance is 12m/sec.

To know more about distance, visit here:


which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?


Simply put, radio is the category of electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is effectively seen by ground-based telescopes.

Why ground-based telescopes can effectively observe radio waves' wavelength?

A disturbance that moves through a medium while transferring energy from one point to another is the simplest definition of a wave.

However, in the context of the work described above, the fact that radio waves can pass through the Earth's atmosphere is the only reason that the wavelength of radio waves may be effectively monitored using ground-based telescopes.

In addition to the explanation given above, there are several sorts of waves, such as sound waves, mechanical waves, and transverse waves.

To know more about wavelength visit:-


assume that at the beginning of the horizontal branch phase, 10% of the original mass of the star is in the form of 4 2he in the stellar core. estimate the total energy released by fusing this amount of helium into carbon via the triple alpha process.


The total energy released by fusing this amount of helium into carbon via the triple alpha process is

= E2 = M2 / 10 × E1 / 3m He

= 1.163 × 10^43 J

The net strength launch of the method is 7.275 MeV. Nuclear fusion reactions of helium with hydrogen produces lithium-5, which is also pretty unstable, and decays returned into smaller nuclei with a half-lifestyles of three.7×10−22 s.

The mixture or fusion of 3 alpha particles (helium nuclei 4He) to form a carbon nucleus (12C) is called the triple alpha manner.

The fusion system is not at all easy considering the fact that there does no longer exist a strong configuration with an atomic mass of 8 (8Be) that is formed through the fusion of  4He nuclei.

Learn more about triple alpha process here:-


Stars have fixed lifespan.

They are born and eventually die when they run out of fuel. An average mass star like sun ends of as white dwarf whereas a high mass star ends up as either neutron star or a blackhole.

A high mass star when runs out of fuel first expands to become a supergiant red star and then blows of most of its mass on going supernova. The remnant core is either a neutron star or a blackhole.

During supernova, all the heavy elements formed in fusion process is released.

Here, the total energy can be written as

E₂ = (M₂/10) * E₁/3m He = 1.163 * 10⁴³ J

The net strength launch of the method is 7.275 MeV. Nuclear fusion reactions of helium with hydrogen produces lithium-5, it decays in  7*10⁻²²s.

The fusion system is not at all easy considering the fact that there does no longer exist a strong configuration with an atomic mass of 8 (8Be) that is formed through the fusion of  4He nuclei.

Therefore,The helium flash, which marks the beginning of this helium fusion in the star core, causes the temperature to rise as the radius falls, maintaining a steady luminosity. Stars in this phase are known as Horizontal Branch stars because they travel to the left, roughly horizontally, over the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as a result of their constant luminosity and rising temperature.

To learn more about star, refer:


What is the frequency if the speed of a sound wave is 340 m/s and its wavelength is 20cm?


The frequency of a sound wave is  17000Hertz if its speed is 340m/sec and wavelength is 20cm

For sound wave ,we know an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave  in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Frequency is the quantity of events of a rehashing occasion for every unit of time. It is likewise sometimes alluded to as worldly recurrence for lucidity, and is unmistakable from rakish recurrence. Frequency is estimated in Hertz (Hz) which is equivalent to one occasion each second. The period is the time frame between occasions, so the period is the corresponding of the frequency.






or v=17000Hertz

Hence, frequency is 17000Hertz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:


if you know all of the forces acting on an object and you know the mass of that object, what quantities can you figure out from that information?


When we are aware of all the forces operating on an object and its mass, we can use those two pieces of knowledge to calculate the object's acceleration.

Newton's first law of motion and the second law of motion are closely related. The causal relationship between force and modifications in motion is expressed mathematically.

More quantitative, and frequently used to determine what happens when a force is applied, is Newton's second law of motion. We need to clarify a few concepts before we can write out Newton's second law as a straightforward equation expressing the precise relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.

a = Fnet / m

That is

Fnet = m • a

To know more about acceleration, click the below link


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