How much of NaCl is in 1.66 L of 0.400 M NaCl? Answer in units of mol.


Answer 1

The question requires us to calculate the number of moles of NaCl in 1.66 L of a 0.400 M NaCl solution.

To answer this question, we need to keep in mind that the molar concentration provides the amount of moles in one liter solution. Thus, we can write that:

1 L of NaCl solution -------------- 0.400 mol of NaCl

We can use this information to calculate the amount of NaCl, in moles, in 1.66 L in a 0.400 M NaCl solution:

1 L of NaCl solution -------------- 0.400 mol of NaCl

1.66 L of NaCl solution --------- x

Solving for x, we have:

[tex]x=\frac{(1.66\text{ L of NaCl solution)}\times(0.400\text{ mol of NaCl)}}{(1\text{ L of NaCl solution)}}=0.664\text{ mol of NaCl}[/tex]

Therefore, there are 0.664 moles of NaCl in 1.66 L of a 0.400 M NaCl solution.

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Gas X has the molecular formula C5Hx. A mass of 1.44g X occupies a volume of 0.32 dm*3 at 2 atm and 400K. Find the value of x. [H=1; C=12; R =0.08 atm.dm3 K*-1.mol*-1]​


The value of x in the gas C₅Hx is 12.


PV = nRT

n = PV/RT

  = 2 × 0.32 /  0.08 × 400

 =  0.64 / 32

  = 0.02

mole = mass/molar mass

molar mass = mass/ mole

= 1.44/0.02

= 72 grams.

C5Hx = 72

12 × 5 + x = 72

x = 72 - 60

x = 12

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of many randomly transferring factor particles that aren't difficult to interparticle interactions. the best gasoline idea is beneficial because it obeys the precise gas law, a simplified equation of country, and is amenable to evaluation under statistical mechanics.

An ideal gas is described as one for which both the extent of molecules and forces between the molecules are so small that they have got no effect on the behavior of the gas. The real gas that acts almost like a really perfect gasoline is helium. that is due to the fact helium, in contrast to maximum gases, exists as an unmarried atom, which makes the van der Waals dispersion forces as low as viable.

Learn more about ideal gas


Why do scientists clone banana plants, but not humans?



There are legal and ethical restrictions regarding human cloning.



Scientists clone banana plants and not humans because there are legal and ethical restrictions regarding human cloning.

[tex]hope \: this \: helped \: you \: [/tex]

Which statement below explains why some microorganisms have the ability to repair a malfunctioning gene by using the human version of the gene?
Both organisms are classified in the same kingdom.
The genome of both organisms is identical.
(C) The genetic code of all living organisms is universal.
Microorganisms are typically lower level prokaryotes while humans are higher level eukaryotes.


The statement the genetic code of all living organisms is universal explains why some microorganisms have the ability to repair a malfunctioning gene by using the human version of the gene (Option C).

What is the genetic code?

The genetic code is a set of instructions to encode protein by using specific triplets of nucleotides or codons, which indicate particular amino acids that will be added during translation.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the genetic code is a group of instructions to produce proteins that are conserved in the tree of life.

Learn more about the genetic code here:


Consider a galvanic cell with a beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid. The sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum. A wire runs between the strips. The reaction that occurs is as follows: 3Sn(s) + 2NO_3^–(aq) + 8H^+(aq) → 3Sn_2+(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H_2O(l). Which electrode is the anode? (1 pt)
1 point


Consider a galvanic cell with a beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid the sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum a wire runs between the strips then tin is the anode

Galvanic cell is the electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of spontaneous redox reactions into electrical energy

Here given data is galvanic cell with a beaker of sulfuric acid and a beaker of nitric acid the sulfuric acid beaker contains a strip of tin, and the nitric acid cell contains a strip of platinum a wire runs between the strips and the reaction is

3Sn(s) + 2NO₃⁻(aq) + 8H⁺(aq) → 3Sn²⁺(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H₂O(l)

Then in the galvanic cell oxidation takes place at the anode means the tin is the anode

Know more about anode


which pollutant would you suggest the government try to limit in order to slow down the breakdown of the marble on the taj mahal





SO2 causes acid rain which is leading to dissolving of the marble on the Taj Mahal

SO2 reacts with water to come down as sulfuric acid during acid rains

sodium and oxygen react to produce sodium oxide how many moles of oxygen are needed to produce 11.15 g of sodium oxide



0.0899 moles of oxygen (O2).


What is given?

Mass of sodium oxide (Na2O) = 11.15 g.

Molar mass of Na2O = 62 g/mol.

Step-by-step solution:

First, let's state the balanced chemical equation:


Let's calculate the moles of Na2O that are in 11.15 g of Na2O, using its molar mass:

[tex]11.15\text{ g Na}_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol Na}_2O}{62\text{ g Na}_2O}=0.1798\text{ moles Na}_2O.[/tex]

Now that we have the moles of Na2O, let's do the stoichiometry: you can see in the chemical equation that 1 mol of oxygen (O2) reacted produces 2 moles of Na2O, so by doing a rule of three based on this data, the calculation will look like this:

[tex]0.1798\text{ moles Na}_2O\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol O}_2}{2\text{ moles Na}_2O}=0.0899\text{ moles O}_2.[/tex]

The answer is that we need 0.0899 moles of oxygen (O2) to produce 11.15 g of sodium oxide.

The final digit in a measurement is obtained by estimating between the smallestmarked lines.a) Trueb) False



[tex]A:\text{ True}[/tex]


Here, we want to get how the final digit in a measurement is obtained

Mathematically, the final digit can be obtained by estimation

Hence, we say that the value is uncertain

The final digit is obtained by a mark or between the last mark and the next mark in a measurement

Thus, we call this value uncertain since it is estimated

How many joules of heat are needed to completely vaporize 24.40 grams of water at its boiling point?Given ΔHvap = 40.6 kJ/mol



55,035.5 Joules


Heat of vaporisation is the amount of energy required to transform a mole of liquid water into gas at constant temperature.

Given the following parameters:

Mass of water = 24.40 grams

ΔHvap = 40.6 kJ/mol

Determine the moles of water

Mole = mass/molar mass

Mole = 24.40/18

Mole of water = 1.356moles

Determine the required heat required

Q = mole of water * ΔHvap

Q = 1.356moles * 40.6kJ/mole

Q = 55.0355kJ

Q = 55.0355 * 1000

Q = 55,035.5 Joules

Hence joules of heat needed to completely vaporise 24.40 grams of water at its boiling point is 55,035.5 Joules

A 200g piece of iron absorbs 8980 joules to raise the temperature from 20°C to 120°C. Find the specific heat of iron?



The specific heat of iron is 0.449 J/g°C.


First, let's see the formula of specific heat:

[tex]c=\frac{q}{m\cdot\Delta T}\begin{cases}{q=amount\text{ of heat \lparen Joules\rparen}} \\ {m\text{ = mass of substance \lparen grams\rparen}} \\ \Delta T={Change\text{ of temperature \lparen\degree C\rparen}}\end{cases},[/tex]

Now, we have to replace the given data in the formula, where q = 8980 J, m = 200 g and ΔT = Final temperature - Initial temperature = 120 °C - 20 °C = 100 °C:

[tex]c=\frac{8980\text{ J}}{200\text{ g}\cdot100\degree C}=0.449\frac{J}{g\degree C}.[/tex]

The specific heat of iron is 0.449 J/g°C.

The water level in a granulated cylinder raised up 6.2 ml after a 16.74 metal sample is lowered into the cylinder. What is the density of the sample? What metal is the sample most likely to be?



The density of the mystery metal is 2.7g/cm^3.  It is likely aluminum, Al.


Density is defined as (mass/unit volume).  We know the volume of the metal sample by the fact it displaced 6.2 ml of water.  Since the mateal sample had a mass of 16.74 grams, we find the density by dividing the mass by the volume:

Density = (mass)/(volume) = (16.74g)/(6.2ml)

Density = 2.7 g/ml

Note that the ubntis for density can vary greatly. kg/cm^3 is a possible unit.

since 1 ml = 1 cm^3, we can also say the density of the metal sample is 2.7 g/cm^3.  [This is a more common unit for this type of measurement]

A reference book of densities can be search to find what metals have this density.  See the attached excerpt form one such table.

While not definitive, it can be seen that aluminum, Al, is a good candidate for the ID of this metal.  It has a density of 2.7 g/cm^3, although different forms may deviate slightly.  The metal is most likely aluninum.

List the following substances in order from lowest density to highest density:
iron, gold, steel, water, air, silver, aluminum, gasoline.


The substances in order of lowest to highest density will be H2O<air < Al < steel < Fe< Ag < Au

Density is called as the mass contained per unit volume.

The formula for density :


d is density

m is mass

V is volume

This leads us to the conclusion that a substance's mass and volume affect its density.

Given that it is independent of the amount of substance, density is known to be an intense attribute. It stays the same.

So density is fixed for any substance.

The density of iron = 7.86 g/mL

The density of gold = 19.3 g/mL

The density of steel = 7.8 g/mL

The density of water = 1.00 g/mL

The density of air = 1.29 g/mL

The density of silver = 10.5 g/mL

The density of aluminium = 2.70 g/mL

From this we observe that the order of density from lowest density to highest density will be:

water < air < aluminum < steel < iron < silver < gold

To learn more about intensive property visit:


3.Look at the positions of calcium, beryllium, and magnesium on the periodic table. Based on their locations, predict how many valence electrons these elements have and predict what the reactivity of these elements will generally be.



They have two valence electrons and enter into reactions where they can donate their two valence electrons


Here, we want to predict the number of valence electrons

The elements belong to the group 2 of the periodic table

Elements in the periodic table are placed in groups based on the number of valence electrons they have

It is expected that elements in group 2 of the periodic table have 2 valence electrons

Their reactivity is that, they react with other atoms by donating this two valence electrons. They then achieve the electronic configuration of the noble gas in the last period

The frequency of a wave is 2.80 x 10^18 Hertz. Find the wavelength and energy of this wave.
Show all work!


The frequency of a wave is  2.80 × 10¹⁸  Hertz.  The wavelength is 0.10 nm and energy of this wave is  2.80 × 10¹⁸ .

Given that :

The frequency of a wave, v = 2.80 × 10¹⁸ Hz

wavelength = ?

formula for the wavelength is given as follows :

λ = c/ v

c = speed of light

λ = 3 × 10⁸ m/s /  2.80 × 10¹⁸ s⁻¹

λ = 1.07 × 10⁻¹⁰ = 0.10 nm

Energy of wave = h v

h = planks constant

E = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J.s × 2.80 × 10¹⁸  s⁻¹

E = 18.55 × 10 ⁻¹⁶ J

Thus, The frequency of a wave is  2.80 × 10¹⁸  Hertz.  The wavelength is 0.10 nm and energy of this wave is  2.80 × 10¹⁸ .

To learn more about wavelength here



Bauxite consists mainly of AlOs, which react with carbon at high temperatures.
The process uses large amounts of electric power; that's why it makes sense to recycle aluminum cans. The balanced equation for the reaction is
A1203 (s) + 3 C (s) ---> 2 AI (1) + 3 CO (g)

Suppose you react 25.0 grams of AlO, with 15.0 grams of carbon.
a. Determine which reagent is limiting and which is excess.
b. What theoretical yield (grams) of aluminum metal can be formed?
c. What mass of the excess reactant will be left over?
pls help me!!!


Based on the balanced equation of the reaction of bauxite and carbon;

a. the limiting reagent is Al₂O₃ amd the excess reagent is carbon, C.

b. the theoretical yield of aluminum metal is 13.23 grams

c. the mass of the excess reactant left over is 6.18 grams

What is the balanced equation of the reaction?

The balanced equation of the reaction of bauxite and carbon is given below as follows:

Al₂O₃ (s) + 3 C(s) ---> 2 Al (s) + 3 CO (g)

Based on the equation of the reaction, the mole ratio of the reactants is 1 mole of Al₂O₃ to 3 moles of C.

Mole of a substance = mass / molar mass

Moles of Al₂O₃ in 25.0 g sample = 25 / 102

Moles of Al₂O₃ = 0.245 moles

Moles of C in 15.0 grams sample = 15 / 12

Moles of C in 15.0 grams sample = 1.25 moles

moles of C required = 0.245 * 3

moles of C required = 0.735 moles

Based on the mole ratio, C is the excess reactant and the limiting reagent is Al₂O₃

The theoretical yield of aluminum will be calculated from the mole ratio of Al₂O₃ and Al as follows:

Theoretical yield of Al = 0.245 * 2/1 * 27 g

Theoretical yield of Al = 13.23 grams

Moles of C leftover = 1.25 - 0.735

Mass of C left over = (1.25 - 0.735) * 12 g

Mass of C left over = 6.18 grams

Learn more about limiting reagent at:


What is the correct electron configuration for Si atomic number
O A. 1s22s22p 3s23p²
OB. 1s22s22p 3s²3p³
O C. 1s22s22p63s²2d³
O D. 1s22s22p63s¹3p³


1s22s22p63s^13p^3 is correct electron configuration for SI atomic number.

What is electron configuration?
The distribution of electrons in an element's atomic orbitals is described by the element's electron configuration. Atomic electron configurations adhere to a standard notation in which all atomic subshells that contain electrons are arranged in a sequence with the number of electrons they each hold written in superscript. For instance, sodium's electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s1. Long electron configurations are frequently produced by the standard notation. In these circumstances, a shortened or condensed version of the standard notation may be used. The sequence of fully filled subshells that represent the electronic configuration of a noble gas are replaced in the abbreviated notation by the symbol for that noble gas enclosed in square brackets.

To know more about configuration click below

An orange solid cannot be broken down into simpler components by any physical methods. When it is heated, a chemical reaction takes place and a colorless gas and a silvery liquid form. Further tests on the resulting substances shows that they cannot be broken down further by physical or chemical methods. What type of substance is the original orange solid?.


Physically or chemically, elements cannot be reduced farther since they are the most basic form of matter. A pure substance known as an element is one that has only one sort of atom.

their nuclear numbers of protons. The debate over the conceptual meaning of the word "element" offers a rather singular chance to look at how chemists currently relate to one atom.

A chemical approach is one that aims to alter the chemical make-up of the waste's constituent elements. Using 1 papers, Sample 1 Examples of using the chemical technique in a phrase In the chemical atom used in wastewater treatment, pollutants are taken out of the wastewater and released through discharge outlets.

Learn more about element here


there are moles in 9.01 x 10^23 molecule in water


There are 1.5 moles of water present.

What is the number of moles?

We know that according to the work of Avogadro, the number of moles of the water molecule can be obtained. According to his work, one mole of the water molecule can be able to have about 6.02* 10^23 molecules of water. This is thus the number of molecules in one mole of water and it can be  used to obtain the number of moles of water at any point.

If 1 mole of water contains 6.02* 10^23 molecules of water

x moles of water contains 9.01 x 10^23 molecule of water

x = 9.01 x 10^23 molecule * 1 mole/ 6.02* 10^23 molecules

x = 1.5 moles

Thus we can see that the number of moles of water that is present is 1.5 moles in the  9.01 x 10^23 molecules of water present here.

Learn more about moles of water:


The change in temperature of 150.0 g of chloroform is 6.9 degrees Celsius. When it absorbs 1000.0 joules of heat, and the specific heat of chloroform is 0.96 J/g x C. Find the initial temp


Based on the temperature change and specific heat of chloroform, the initial temperature will be found as follows:

initial temperature = final temperature - temperature change

What is the change in the temperature of chloroform after it absorbs  1000.0 joules of heat?

The change in the temperature of chloroform after it absorbs  1000.0 joules of heat is determined using the formula below:

Heat change or absorbed = mass * specific heat capacity * temperature change


Temperature change = heat absorbed / (mass * specific heat capacity)

The heat absorbed = 1000 Joules

mass of chloroform = 150.0 g

specific heat of chloroform =  0.96 J/g.C

Temperature change = 1000 / (150 * 0.96)

Temperature change = 6.9 °C


Temperature change = Final temperature - Initial temperature

Initial temperature = Final temperature - Temperature change

Learn more about specific heat at:


7. Calculate the percent compositions for each element in:
a. calcium fluoride, CaF₂
b. magnesium nitride, Mg N
c. cadmium perchlorate, Cd(CIO4)2


CaF2 : 78.07%
MgN: 28%
Cd(ClO4)2: 128.48 %

To do percent composition you take the molar mass of each element and add those up to find the percent. you would just do something like this :

Example: calculate the percent composition of CdI

Cd: 1x112.41 = 112.41
I: 2x126.90 = 253.80
Total for 112.41+253.80 = 366.21
mass percent: 112.41/366.21 x 100 = 30.70 % 253.80/366.21 = 69.30 %
30.70% + 69.30 % = 100%

hope these help!

2. Which of the following is a renewable resource? *
A. Air
B. Fossil Fuels
C. Minerals



a) Air


Air from the following is a renewable resource, fossil fuels and minerals cannot be renewed. Hence, option (a) is correct.

how many sodiums and how many phosphorus ions are needed to form an ionic compound, what is the name of the compound?


Two sodium ions and one phosphate ion are needed to form an ionic compound named sodium phosphate [tex]Na_{3}PO_{4}[/tex].

These two polyatomic ions require opposite charges that are both equivalent to form a bond. As a result, the one -3 phosphate ion needs to be balanced by three +1 sodium ions.

What is ionic compound?

A chemical compound known as an ionic compound in chemistry is one that contains ions held together by the electrostatic forces known as ionic bonding. Despite having both positively and negatively charged ions, or cations and anions, the compound is overall neutral.

Thus in sodium phosphate sodium is the cation and phosphate is the anionic.

For more information on ionic compound kindly visit to


A cycling has a radius of 2.63 cm and a height of 1.72 cm a) Calculate the volume of the cylinder b) if the cylinder weight 78.53g, calculate its density and specific gravity.


The volume of a cylinder is calculated using the following formula:

[tex]V=\pi\times r^2\times h[/tex]

Where r is teh radius of the base and h is the high:


As we know 1cm³=1ml

to calculate the density we just have to divide the mass by the calculated volume:

[tex]\text{density}=\frac{78.53g}{37.37ml}=\text{ }2.10\text{ }\frac{g}{ml}[/tex]

The especific gravity is the density in relation to the density of water which is 1 g/ml therefore:

[tex]\text{specific gravity =}\frac{density}{water\text{ density}}=\frac{2,10g/ml}{1g/ml}=\text{ 2.1}[/tex]

The combustion of phosphorus trichloride yields diphosphorus pentoxide and dichlorine monoxide. How many liters of oxygen are needed to burn 25.0 L of PCl3?

All I need help with is the balanced reaction please


Answer:1. How many moles is 400.0 g of Al 2(SO4)3?

Mol = mass/molar mass

Mol = 400.0g/342g/mol = 1.169 mol

2. Which is the percent composition of bromine in the compound NaBr?

% Br = (mass Br/mass NaBr) x 100

% Br = (79.90g/102.88g) x 100 = 77.7%

3.How many molecules are in 3.6 grams of NaCl?

Molecules NaCl = 3.6g NaCl x 6.02 x 1023 NaCl molecules = 3.7 x 1022 molecules

58.43g NaCl

4.How many grams are in 1.946 moles of NaCl?

From Mol = mass/molar mass,

Mass = mol x molar mass

Mass NaCl = 1.946 mol x 58.43 g = 113.7 g


Match each element to the correct description of its usual behavior in a chemical reaction.Sodium (Na)Silicon (Si)Oxygen (O)Argon (Ar)?Will lose electrons?Will gain electrons?Could lose or gain electrons?Does not gain or lose electrons



Sodium- will loose electron

Silicon - could loose or gain electrons

Oxygen - wil gain electron

Argon - does not gain or loose electron


Sodium is a group 1 elements. All group 1 elements have 1 valence electron in their outermost shell which they can easily loose to other atoms to form a stable octet configurations. Hence Sodium will loose electron.

For silicon, it forms a covalent bond with other non metals. Therefore it could loose or gain electrons.

Oxygen is known as one of the electronegative element with 6 valence electrons in its outer shell. This shows that oxygen will need 2 electrons to form a stable octet configuration. Therefore, Oxygen will gain electrons.

Elements that can neither loose nor gain electrons are known to be inert in nature since their outer shell is already complete. Since Argon is inert due to astable configuration, hence it does not gain or lose electrons

A 20. 0-ml sample of 0. 30 m hbr is titrated with 0. 15 m naoh. What is the ph of the solution after 40. 3 ml of naoh have been added to the acid?.


The ph of the solution after 40. 3 ml of NaOH have been added to the acid is 10.

Titration is a commonplace laboratory technique of quantitative chemical analysis to determine the attention of an identified analyte. A reagent, termed the titrant or titrator, is ready as a trendy answer of recognized awareness and extent.


Normality of acid                                                normality of base

= nMV                                                                        nMV

= 1 × 0. 30 × 0.02                                               1 ×  0. 15 ×0.0403 L

= 6 × 10⁻³                                                             = 6.1 × 10⁻³

overall base will be high

net concentration = 6.1 × 10⁻³ - 6 × 10⁻³

                              = 0.1 × 10⁻³

                              = 1 × 10⁻⁴

p0H = -log[1 × 10⁻⁴]

     = 4

pH = 14 - 4

       = 10

A titration is defined as 'the manner of determining the amount of a substance A by using adding measured increments of substance B, the titrant, with which it reacts till precise chemical equivalence is completed the equivalence factor.

Learn more about titration here:-


Which transition of an electron in the hydrogen atom emits a photon with the smallest amount of energy?.


E3 is least transition of an electron in the hydrogen atom emits a photon with the smallest amount of energy.

A hydrogen atom is an atom belonging to the element hydrogen in chemistry. One positively charged proton and one negatively charged electron are both present in the electrically neutral atom and are held to the nucleus by the Coulomb force. Normal circumstances are infrequent for lone neutral hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms can also exist in cationic and anionic states, however neutral hydrogen is frequently seen when it is covalently joined to another atom.

Energy is the quantifiable attribute that is transferred to a body or a physical system in physics. It is observable in the production of work as well as in the form of heat and light. The law of conservation of energy asserts that although energy can be changed in form, it cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is a conserved quantity.

learn more  hydrogen atom about


complete the fission reaction.235U + 1 neutron → [X] +141Ba + 3 neutronsMass Number:Chemical Symbol:


It's important to know that the reaction must have the total mass involved before and after due to the law of conservation of mass. This means that the total mass number of the left side of the reaction must be equal to the right side. So, we have the following


Notice that 235 is the mass number of U, 1 is the mass number of the neutron, X represents the mass number of the unknown element, 141 represents the mass number of Ba, and 3 represents the mass number of three neutrons. This means X should have a mass number of 92, which is the element Kr.

Therefore, the mass number is 92 and the chemical symbol is Kr.

What happens when a base dissolves?OA. It increases the concentration of H* in solution.OB. It is no longer dangerous.OC. It increases the concentration of OH in solution.о D. It adds oxygen to the solution.


A base, according to the Arrhenius definition, is any species that increases the concentration of OH- in the solution. Some examples of bases are, NaOH, KOH, LiOH, all these substances will increase the concentration of OH when dissolved. Letter C

ome regions produce large amounts of geothermal energy. This energy production indicates that the crust in these regions

reaches deep into Earth.

is heated by nearby magma.

is rich in precious metals.

has large oil reserves.


The geothermal energy production indicates that the crust in these regions is heated by nearby magma.

What is geothermal energy?

The geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth which is contained in the rocks and fluids beneath the earth's crust. It is important because unlimited amount of energy is found in earth's crust which is the source of geothermal energy.

The magma is present in the mantle and lower crust which heats up nearby rocks and underground aquifers. By this hot water can be released through steam vents, hot springs, geysers and mud pots etc. these can be used as the sources of geothermal energy.

Therefore, the geothermal energy production indicates that the earth's crust is heated by nearby magma. So, the correct option is B.

To learn more about geothermal energy click on the given link


what mass of ag2so4 will precipitate when 500.0 ml of 0.30 m agno3 is combined with 500.0 ml of 0.15 m na2so4? ag2so4: ksp


The mass of [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] precipitate that would be formed would be 23.38 grams.

Stoichiometric problem

Aqueous [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] and aqueous [tex]Na_2SO_4[/tex] combine in a chemical reaction to form   [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] precipitate according to the following equation:

[tex]2AgNO_3 + Na_2SO_4 -- > Ag_2SO_4 + 2NaNO_3[/tex]

From the equation of the reaction, the mole ratio of the two reactants is 2:1.

Stoichiometrically, it means 2 moles of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] require 1 mole of [tex]Na_2SO_4[/tex] for a complete reaction.

Recall that: mole = molarity x volume


500 mL, 0.30 M [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] = 500/1000 x 0.3

                                                 = 0.15 moles

500 mL. 0.15 M [tex]Na_2SO_4[/tex] = 500/1000 x 0.15

                                                 = 0.075 moles

This means that the two reactants are stoichiometrically balanced.

Mole ratio of [tex]Na_2SO_4[/tex] and [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] = 1:1

Thus, the equivalent mole of [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] will be 0.075 moles.

The molar mass of [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] = 311.799 g/mol

Mass of 0.075 moles [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] = 0.075 x 311.799

                                                 = 23.38 grams

In other words, the mass of [tex]Ag_2SO_4[/tex] that will precipitate from the reaction would be 23.38 grams.

More on stoichiometricc problems can be found here:


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