How much energy is in the elastic potential energy store of a spring with a spring constant of 4 N/m if it is stretched from 1 m to 1.1 m in length?


Answer 1


0.02 J


In order to find the energy in the elastic potential energy store of the spring we use the formula

[tex]U = \frac{1}{2} k Δ {x}^{2} \\ [/tex]


U is the elastic potential energy in Joules

k is the spring constant in N/m

Δx is the deformation(stretch or compression) of the spring in metres

from the question

k = 4 N/m

Δx = 1.1 m - 1 m = 0.1 m

We have

[tex]U = \frac{1}{2} \times 4 \times ( {0.1})^{2} \\ = 2 \times 0.01 \\ = 0.02[/tex]

We have the final answer as

0.02 J

Hope this helps you

Related Questions

What happens to light waves from a star as the star moves toward Earth?A. They appear to shift toward red.B. They appear to shift toward blue.C. They appear to become mechanical waves.D. They appear to stop.


When a star moves toward or away from the earth, the light will be in a slightly different place in the spectrum from where a start would be at rest.

Due to the doppler effect, if a star moves toward the earth, the star's spectral lines will make a shift toward the blue end of the spectrum.

Therefore, the light waves from a star as the star moves toward the earth will appear to shift toward blue.


B. They appear to shift toward blue.

A light ray travels through water and reflects off a glass surface back into the water. How do the phases of the incident light and the reflected light compare?.


The light travels through water and gets reflected off on the glass surface into the water. There had been a 180° phase change between the incident and the reflected wave. This is called Total internal reflection (TIR).

In total internal reflection, in physics, a ray of light in a medium such as water or glass is completely reflected back into the medium from the surrounding surfaces. This phenomenon occurs when the angle of incidence is greater than a certain critical angle called the critical angle.

TIR only occurs when both of the following two conditions are met

Light is in a denser medium and is approaching a less dense medium. The angle of incidence should be greater than the so-called critical angle.

Thus, the phases which include the TIR are the incident and the reflected phase and the incident light hits the surface while the reflected light reflects back.

To know more about the total internal reflection, refer:


The maximum speed with which a 1700 kg horse makes a 180-degree turn is 12 m/s. The radius of the circle through
which the horse is turning is 30 meters. Determine the force of friction acting on the horse as it makes this turn.
a. 20400 N
b. 13981.94 N
c. 680 N
d. 8160 N
When making a 180-degree turn with a radius of 15 meters, a 900 kg car experiences a coefficient of friction of 0.60


b. 13981.94 N is the answer

Rachel has three different samples of rare Earth metals. The first sample has a mass of 5.5∗10−3 grams, the second has a mass of 1.4 grams, and the third has a mass of 4.4∗10−2 grams. Ignoring significant figures, what is the sum of these three masses?11.3∗10^−5 g1.4495g1.4495∗10^−5 g11.3 g


Because each mass has the same units we can sum them


The sum of the 3 masses is 1.4495g

A monochromatic laser is exciting hydrogen atoms from the n=2 state to the n=5 state.


A monochromatic laser is responsible for exciting hydrogen atoms from their n=2 state to their n=5 state in which :

wavelength λ of the laser =435 nm

longest wavelength = λmax = 4052 nm

shortest wavelength = λmin= 95 nm

To do excitation, the energy of the laser should be greater than or equal to the energy of transition of the hydrogen atom.

In this case, the states of energy are explained by the Bohr model.

       En = -  13,606 /n²    [eV]

therefore the energy of the transition is

         ΔE  =  E 5 -  E2

         ΔE  =  13.606  (1  n2^2  -  1  n5^5 )

        ΔE  =  13.606(1 /2^2   -  1 /5^5).

        ΔE =    2,85726 eV

Using the Planck's equation

         E   =   h f

  Light’s relation to wavelength and frequencies

       c = λ f

       f = c /λ

  λ = h c / E

reducing energy to the SI system

     E  =  2,85726  eV    (1.6x10⁻¹⁹  J /1 eV)   =   4.5716 x 10⁻¹⁹   J

hence,  λ =  6,626 x 10⁻³⁴  3 x 10⁸ /4  ,5716 x 10⁻¹⁹

      λ   = 4.348x 10⁺⁷ m (10⁹ nm / 1 m)

      λ   = 435   nm

photon emission [e] , to the base state n = 1,  from n = 5.

Initial  state,  n = 5

final  state,    n = 4

ΔE = 13.606 (1/4² - 1/5²)

ΔE = 0.306 eV

λ =h c / E

λ = 4052  nm

n = 5

final /  level          ΔE (eV)     λ (nm)


  4                 0.306      4052

  3               0.9675     1281

  2                 2,857       435

  1               13.06           95

 n = 4

 3                 0.661        1876

 2                                    2,551         486

 1                 11,905       104

n = 3

 2                1.89            656

 1                                 12.09         102.5

n = 2

1                 10.20         121.6.

Know more about modern physics questions :


Imagine being in an elevator and riding from the 1st floor to 20th floor. You start from
rest, speed up (maybe for a floor or two) until you get up to cruising speed. Then you
cruise for several floors until you are nearing your destination. As you near your
destination, you slow down from cruising speed to a final stopping position (i.e., a zero
speed). What would you feel during this time and why would you feel it?


A person feels lighter than his Normal weight when the lift is accelerating downwards.

The price at which an object adjustments its velocity is referred to as acceleration, a vector variable. If an item's velocity is changing, it's miles accelerating. A moving object can every so often adjust its velocity by the same amount every 2nd. a transferring item that adjustments its speed with the aid of 10 m/s per second. since the pace is changing through a set quantity each second,

that is called a regular acceleration. it's miles important to differentiate among an item with a steady acceleration and one with a constant velocity. Be not deceived! An object is accelerating if its speed is changing, whether or not with the aid of a hard and fast amount or a variable quantity. additionally, a transferring item with a regular pace isn't always accelerating.

To know more about  acceleration visit :


Alisha & Ariana are in a car (523.5 kg) sitting in a driveway. Ariana distracts Alisha and before she knows it she is going to hit the garage door. She tries to brake and stop the car. The coefficient of friction between the tires and the road is 0.69. Unfortunately, it’s too late and she drives the car straight into her parent’s garage door with a rightward force of 6,366 N What is the frictional force that the car experiences?


The frictional force that the car experiences is 3,553.43 N.

What is the frictional force experienced by the car?

The frictional force that the car experiences is calculated by applying Newton's second law of motion as follows;

Mathematically, the formula for frictional force is given as;

Ff = μFn


μ is the coefficient of frictionFn is the normal force of the objectFf is the frictional force

Ff  = μmg


m is the mass of the carg is acceleration due to gravity

The given parameters;

the mass of the car, m = 525.5 kg

the coefficient of friction = 0.69

Substitute the given parameters and solve for the frictional force that  the car experiences as it moves along the parent's garage.

Ff = 0.69 x 525.5 x 9.8

Ff = 3,553.43 N

Thus, the frictional force that the car experiences depends on the mass of the car and coefficient of friction.

Learn more about frictional force here:


this is a 3 part question6) (a) Your heart beats with a frequency of 1.45 Hz. How many beats occur in a minute? (b) If the frequency of your heartbeat increases, will the number of beats in a minute increase, decrease, or stay the same? (c) How many beats occur in a minute if the frequency increases to 1.55 Hz?



The initial frequency of the heartbeat, f₁=1.45 Hz

The increased heartbeat, f₂=1.55 Hz

The frequency of the heartbeat can be described as the number of occurence of the heartbeat per second. That is every second, the heart beats 1.45 times.


Thus for a minute, the number of the heartbeats is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} N_1=f_1\times60 \\ =1.45\times60=87 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus 87 beats occur for a minute.

(b)The increase in the frequency of the heartbeat implies the increase in the number of the heartbeat for every second. And hence the beats in a minute increase when the frequency of the heartbeat increases.


The number of the beats per minute after the increase of the frequency is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} N_2=f_2\times60 \\ =1.55\times60 \\ =93 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus after the increase in the frequency, 93 beats occur in a minute.

two solenoids, a and b, have the same length and cross-sectional area. solenoid b has three times the number of turns per unit length. what is the ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a?


The ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a, is 3.

Self-inductance is the property of the current-carrying coil that resists or opposes the change of current flowing through it. This occurs mainly due to the self-induced emf produced in the coil itself.

Induced emf = N A ( db/dt )

where N is the number of turns in the coil

A is the cross sectional area of the coil

db/dt is the rate of change of the magnetic field

from question we have, Nb = 3Na

Ea = Na x A x (db/dt)       ......(1)

and Eb = Nb x A x (db/dt)       ..........(2)

dividing both equation 1 and equation 2, we get

Eb/Ea  = Nb/Na

Eb/Ea = 3Na/Na

Eb/Ea = 3

Hence The ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a, is 3.

To learn more about the self inductance, visit here


What was the impact of the caravel, astrolabe, and magnetic compass on sea navigation?.


Astrolabe by measuring the sun's angles, this tool allowed sailors to determine their latitude, or where they were in relation to the equator of the planet. By keeping an eye on where the sun is in the sky, an astrolabe can also be used to tell time.

What does a magnetic compass do?

A magnetic compass is a tool used in surveying or navigation that uses a magnetic pointer that is aligned with the Earth's magnetic field to determine direction on the surface of the planet.

The north-south axis is the alignment point for magnets because of how powerful a magnet the Earth is. The Earth's rotational axis and the magnetic field's poles roughly line up. This indicates that the north geographic pole, also known as true north, and the north magnetic pole are nearly parallel. A light magnet that is free to move will align itself north-south. On the other hand, gravity and friction will prevent a heavy bar magnet from moving when it is placed on a tabletop.

To know more about magnetic compass visit:


the speed of light in a material is what is the critical angle of light ray at the interface between material and vacuum


This problem indicates that the speed of light in a material medium is 0.5 10⁸ m / s, they ask to find the critical angle between the material and the vacuum.

Let's find the refractive index of the material

           n = c / v

          n = 3 10⁸ / 0.5 10⁸

          n = 6

When the material passes from one medium to another, it must comply with the law of refraction.

          n₁ sin θ = n₂ sin θ₂

for the angle criticize the angles tea2 = 90

         t = sin⁻¹n₂/ n₁

The vacuum replacement index is n₂ = 1

        t = sin⁻¹ (1/6)

        t = 9.59º

Therefore, the angle of refractive index will be 9.59°.

To learn more about refractive index, refer:


[NOTE: THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE QUESTION. THE COMPLETE QUESTION IS: The speed of light in a material is 0.50 c. what is the critical angle of a light ray at the interface between the material and a vacuum?]

what is an advantage of concentrating solar energy as compared to other solar technologies? choose the best answer.


CSP technologies can be used to generate electricity by converting sunlight energy to power a turbine, but the same basic technologies can also be used to deliver heat to a variety of industrial applications such as water desalination, enhanced oil recovery, food processing, chemical production, and mineral processing.

What is concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) technology and how does it work?

Concentrating  solar-thermal powertechnologies use mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver. The energy from the concentrated sunlight heats a high temperature fluid in the receiver.

This heat, also known as thermal energy, can be used to spin a turbine or power an engine, thereby producing electricity. It can also be used in industrial applications such as water desalination, improved oil recovery, food processing, chemical production, and mineral processing.

Utility-scale projects typically employ concentrated solar-thermal power systems. Utility-scale CSP plants can be configured in a variety of ways. Mirrors are arranged around a central tower that serves as the receiver in power tower systems. Linear systems use rows of mirrors to focus sunlight onto parallel tube receivers located above them.

To learn more about CSP refer to :


An electroscope is a device that detects charge on
What methods of charging does John use?
objects that touch it or are brought near it. John rubs a
piece of cotton fabric on a plastic rod and then louches
John charges the rod through induction, then charges
the rod to the electroscope.
the electroscope through friction.
• John charges the rod through conduction, then
charges the electroscope through induction.
• John charges the rod through friction, then charges
the electroscope through induction.
John charges the rod through friction, then charges
the electroscope through conduction.


John charges the rod through friction, then charges the electroscope through induction.

What is induction charging?

A charging technique called induction charging involves charging a thing without actually contacting it to another charged object.

The charged particle is held close to an uncharged conductive substance that is grounded on a neutrally charged material during the charging by induction process. When a charge is transferred between two objects, an uncharged conductive substance produces an oppositely polarized charge.

The rod is firstly charged by friction with the cotton fabric then John charges the rod through induction, then charges the rod to the electroscope.

Learn more about induction here:


The Millennium Force Roller Coaster at Cedar Park has a hill height of 94 m and reaches a speed of 36 m/s at the bottom of the hill if the roller coaster car starts at rest. Using a mass of 120 kg for one car again, how much energy is lost to friction and heat?


The energy lost due  to friction and heat is 32784 Joule.

Given parameters:

Mass of the car; M = 120 kg.

speed of the car at bottom; v = 36 m/s.

Height of the hill; h = 94 m.

Then, Gain of  Kinetic energy of the car = 1/2× mass × speed²

= 1/2×120×36² Joule

= 77760 Joule.

Loss of  potential energy of the car = mass× acceleration due to gravity × height

= 120 × 9.8 × 94

= 110544 Joule.

Energy lost due to friction and heat = Loss of  potential energy of the car  - Gain of  Kinetic energy of the car

=  110544 Joule -  77760 Joule.

= 32784 Joule.

Hence,  energy lost due  to friction and heat is 32784 Joule.

Learn more about energy here:


A 25N force is acting on a body moving on a straight line with Initial momentum 20 kam's. Find the final momentum after 4 seconds. (Fxt=Pr-Pi)


The final momentum of the body is equal to 120 Kg.m/s.

What is momentum?

Momentum can be described as the multiplication of the mass and velocity of an object. Momentum is a vector quantity as it carries magnitude and direction.

If m is an object's mass and v is its velocity then the object's momentum p is: [tex]{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =m\mathbf {v}[/tex] . The S.I. unit of measurement of momentum is kg⋅m/s, which is equivalent to the N.s.

Given the initial momentum of the body = Pi = 20 Kg.m/s

The force acting on the body, Pf = 25 N

The time, Δt = 4-0 = 4s

The Force is equal to the change in momentum: F ×Δt = ΔP

25 × 4 = P - 20

100 = P - 20

P = 100 + 20 = 120  Kg.m/s

Therefore, the final momentum of a body is 120 Kg.m/s.

Learn more about momentum, here:


What diagrams can help support my answer and explain why is does it support?


Sunburn is caused by UV radiation by damaging DNA, as the following diagram shows:

Visible light and UV radiation differ in wavelength:

Since only Sunscreen A blocks UVA and UVB radiation, then it effectively prevents sunburn.

what happens to the molecules when carbon dioxide is heated


When the molecules of carbon dioxide is heated, it is disintegrated into molecules of carbon monoxide and oxygen atoms.

CO2 → CO + O

This is the basic reaction expected to happen by carbon dioxide molecules are heated. However it may also disintegrate into C2, O2, C, etc.

Since heat is absorbed in this reaction, it is an example of endothermic reaction. In an exothermic reaction heat is released. These are the basic two types of chemical reactions on basis of heat.

Therefore, when the molecules of carbon dioxide is heated, it is disintegrated into molecules of carbon monoxide and oxygen atoms.

To know more about endothermic reaction


A rock is thrown horizontally from the top of a 494.9 m high cliff on Earth near sea level with an initial velocity of 27.6. The ground below the cliff is level. How long, in seconds, will it take the rock to hit the ground below the cliff? Enter your answer at least to the nearest tenth of a second, but do not include units in your answer.​



Time 10.0 s



H = 494.9 m

V = 27.6 m/s

g = 9.8 m/s²


t - ?

The fall time is found from the formula:

H = g·t² / 2

t = √ (2·H / g) = √ (2·494.9 / 9.8 ) ≈ 10.0 s

Attention! An extra given is speed. Find the distance from the base of the rock to the point where the stone fell:

L = V·t = 27.6·10.0 = 276 m

A tsunami can travel over 970 kilometers in an hour. If it’s been 3 hours since the tsunami was created, how far has it traveled?





970 × 3. 970 in one hour × 3 hrs. 2910 kilometers

a container holds a gas consisting of 1.50 moles of oxygen molecules. One in a million of these molecules has lost a single electron. What is the net charge of the gas?


A container holds a gas consisting of 1.50 moles of oxygen molecules. One in a million of these molecules has lost a single electron. the net charge of the gas will be + 9.033 * [tex]10^{17}[/tex]

If a negative charge is lost by an atom , then due to conservation of charge , that atom will acquire a positive charge . Similarly , if positive charge is lost then that atom  will acquire a negative charge .Now in above question

Total number of moles = 1.5

number of molecules in 1.5 moles of oxygen = 1.5 * 6.022 *[tex]10^{23}[/tex]  = 9.033 *[tex]10^{23}[/tex]  molecules

9.033 *[tex]10^{23}[/tex] / [tex]10^{6}[/tex] million molecules = 9.033 * [tex]10^{17}[/tex] million molecule

1 in a million has lost a single electron

9.033 * [tex]10^{17}[/tex] million molecule will loose 9.033 * [tex]10^{17}[/tex]  electron

the net charge of the gas will be + 9.033 * [tex]10^{17}[/tex]

To learn more about charges here :


Now that you have your research, you must write 6-8 sentence summary of how Newton’s Laws, energy, and forces are seen/used on roller coasters. You must use the vocabulary words above in your explanation. Bold and/or underline the vocabulary words in your writing. (PLEASE I NEED THIS) 0o0000


Based on  Newton's first law of motion, the roller coaster will continue its motion in a straight line unless and external force (the break) acts on it.

In accordance with the law of conservation of energy, as the roller coaster moves from the top position to the lower position, its potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy.

What is Newton's first law of motion?

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest or uniform motion in a straight line will continue in that path unless acted upon by an external force.

Based on  Newton's first law of motion, the roller coaster will continue its motion in a straight line unless and external force (the break) acts on it.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be converted from one form to another.

Based on the law of conservation of energy, as the roller coaster moves from the top position to the lower position, its potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy.

The potential energy of the roller coaster is maximum at the highest position while the kinetic energy is maximum at the lowest position.

Learn more about law of conservation of energy here:


why do we spread our fingers wide open while sitting before the fire or heater?​


Answer: This is an evolutionary adaption


As a result, practically all the heat you receive from a campfire when you are sitting next to one is transmitted through thermal radiation. Because of this, the side of your body that is facing the fire warms up, while the side that is facing away from it remains cool.

What our fingers wide open while sitting in a heater?

Since all the hot air is rising, you can actually fit your hand through the flame's base, which is also where the cold air from the surrounding space is drawn in. The flame's base is extremely chilly. You may reach through it and touch it with some soot.

Therefore, Heat is transferred through convection, which is the large-scale movement of molecules in fluids like liquid and gas. Consequently, one becomes warm while seated close to a fire.

Learn more about heater here:


a car headlight and an interior dome light use the same voltage, but the headlight consumes much more power because


The lights on and in your vehicle can be as important to your and your passengers' safety as seatbelts, and as visually appealing as great rims or an unusual paint color.

Why headlight consumes much more power than interior dome light ?

Automobiles have been around for nearly a decade, almost as long as mass-marketable light bulbs. The first light bulbs were incandescent, which simply passed any current, AC or DC, through a high-impedance filament, which heated up, glowed, and emitted light.

Although their efficiency is low (as low as 10%), they emit light in all directions and are inexpensive. Under the heat required to generate light, the filament material (typically tungsten) evaporates and tends to collect on the inside of the glass bulb, darkening it over time.

Consumers are looking beyond incandescent lights to high intensity discharge headlights and other 12v LED lighting solutions as the automotive industry grows, but there are even more options and modifications available. While there are amazing new technologies available, not all of them are true advancements or even road-legal. Let us shed some light on the situation.

To learn more about Automotive Lighting Technologies refer to:


A ball is dropped from a hot air balloon at a height of 425 m and falls straight to the ground.
Determine the height above ground, the velocity and the acceleration of the ball after it has fallen
for 2.00 s.


The velocity and the acceleration of the ball after it has fallen

for 2.00 s  9.8 m/s.


S = ut + 1/2 at²

  = 0 + 0.5 × 9.8 (2)²

 = 4.9 × 4

 = 19.6 m

v² = u² + 2aS

v² = 0 +2×9.8 × 19.6

  v  = √96.04 m

       =  9.8 m/s

Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an item with appreciation to time. Accelerations are vector portions. The orientation of an item's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net pressure appearing on that object.

Acceleration is the charge at which velocity modifications with time, in terms of each speed and route. A factor or an object moving in a straight line is accelerated if it quickens or slows down. movement on a circle is extended despite the fact that the rate is consistent because the course is continually changing.

Learn more about acceleration here:-


When tightening a bolt, you push perpendicularly on a wrench with a force of 165 n exerting a torque 23. 1 n. M relative to the center of the bolt. At what distance from the center of the bolt was the force applied?.


The torque was applied at distance of 14cm from the center of the bolt.

The perpendicular force on the wrench applied is 165N.

The total torque experienced by the bolt is 23.1 N-m.

The torque on any body is given by,

T = Fr


T is the torque on the body,

F is the force applied in the circular manner for the body,

r is the perpendicular distance of the force applied on the body.

So, now putting the values for the bolt,

23.1 = 165r

r = 0.14m

So, we can conclude here that the force was applied at a distance of 14 cm from the center of the bolt.

To know more about Torque, visit,


Rudolph's mother is a physicist. She gave him a present for his birthday, but
she told him he can only open it if he can calculate its mass. She told him that
the normal force the table exerts on the gift is 55 N. What is the mass of the


The mass of the gift if it exert a normal force of 55 N is 5.61 kg.

What is mass?

Mass can be defined as the quantity of matter a body contains.

To calculate the mass of the gift, we use the formula below.


m = N/g................. Equation 1


m = Mass of the giftN = Normal forceg = Acceleration due to gravity

From the question,


N = 55 Ng = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

m = 55/9.8 m = 5.61 kg.

Hence, the mass of the gift is 5.61 kg.

Learn more about mass here:


A projectile is launched from ground level with an initial velocity of v0 feet per second. Neglecting air resistance, it’s height in feet t seconds after launch is given by s= -16t^2+v0t. Find the time(s) that the projectile will (a) reach a height of 272 ft and (b) return to the ground when v0 is 32 feet per second


We know that the inital velity for this motion is 32 ft/s, this means that the height is given by:



To determine at what time the projectile will reach 272 we plug s=272 in the equation above and solve for t:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -16t^2+32t=272 \\ 16t^2-32t+272=0 \\ t^2-2t+17=0 \\ \text{ then} \\ t=\frac{-(-2)\pm\sqrt[]{(-2)^2-4(1)(17)}}{2(1)} \\ t=\frac{2\pm\sqrt[]{-64}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

since the discrimant of the equation is negative this means that the equation does not have real solutions.

This means that the projectile does not reach that height.


To find at what time the projectile return to the ground we equate the expression for the height to zero and solve for t:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -16t^2+32t=0 \\ t(-16t+32)=0 \\ \text{then} \\ t=0 \\ or \\ -16t+32=0 \\ 16t=32 \\ t=\frac{32}{16} \\ t=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore it takes 2 seconds for the projectile to return to the ground

2 poin6. What is the speed of an earthquake wave if it has a wavelength of2300 m and a frequency of 3 Hz? *6900 m/s5300 m/s6000 m/s1300 m/s


Given that the wavelength of the wave is

[tex]\lambda=2300\text{ m}[/tex]

The frequency of the wave is f = 3 Hz

We have to find the speed of the wave.

Let the speed of the wave is v.

The speed can be calculated by the formula,


Substituting the values, the speed of the wave will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\text{ 3}\times2300 \\ =6900\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the speed of the wave is 6900 m/s.

On which object will Earth's gravity act with the greatest magnitude? *
An apple
A cereal bowl
A watermelon
A TV remote


Answer: The watermelon

Explanation: The watermelon has a larger mass than the rest of the three.

a 150. g baseball is thrown with a speed of 20. m/s. it is hit straight back toward the pitcher at a speed of 40 m/s. if the baseball and bat are in contact for 6.0 ms, what is the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball?


If the baseball that is thrown with a speed of 20 m / s and bat are in contact for 6.0 m s, the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball of mass 150 g is 0.5 KN

a = v / t

a = Acceleration

v = Velocity

t = Time

v = 20 m / s

t = 6 m s

t = 6 * [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] s

a = 20 / 6 * [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]

a = 3.3333 * 10³ m / s²

According to Newton's second law of motion,

F = m a

F = Force

m = Mass

m = 150 g

m = 0.15 kg

F = 0.15 * 3.3333 * 10³

F = 0.5 * 10³ N

F = 0.5 KN

Therefore, the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball is 0.5 KN

To know more about Newton's second law of motion


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