How many total deaths did WW2 cause


Answer 1


70 million people.


World War II resulted in the deaths of an estimated 70 million people. This includes both military and civilian deaths, as well as deaths caused by the Holocaust and other genocides. It is considered the deadliest conflict in human history.

Answer 2


Around 40,000,000 to 50,000,000


Precise numbers can sometimes be difficult to determine. However, it is known that the USSR suffered the most casualties (almost 20 million). Additionally, only about 25 million of the total deaths are the deaths of soldiers, others are from bombings and other attacks on civilians.

Related Questions

Why was the US response to the Korean War initially slow ?


Because the soviet Union and communist china were supporting north Korea indirectly the US was slow to intervene due to the fear of raising tensions with the soviet union.

Remember the soviet union revealed that they too had nuclear weapons in 1949 and the Korean war began in 1950.

What was a cause of the French and Indian War?

The French tried to claim the southern colonies owned by Britain.
The French tried to claim the southern colonies owned by Britain.

The French and Native Americans disputed which group had access to the Mississippi River.
The French and Native Americans disputed which group had access to the Mississippi River.

The American colonists started settling west of the Mississippi River.
The American colonists started settling west of the Mississippi River.

The French and British wanted territory near the Ohio River.
The French and British wanted territory near the Ohio River.


Since the French and British wanted territory near the Ohio River. Thus, it is the correct option.

What is significant about the French and Indian War what did it cause?

The French and Indian War started in 1754 and ended in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris. The war gave the United Kingdom substantial territorial gains in North America, but disagreements about following frontier policy and the payment of war expenditures fueled colonial dissatisfaction and, ultimately, the American Revolution.

American Indians were struggling for the sovereignty of their territory and cultural destiny. The Upper Ohio River Valley was claimed by the French. They desired to rule the area and trade with the American Indians. The Upper Ohio River Valley was also claimed by the British.

To learn more about Treaty of Paris, click


Is cycling good better than running?


Cycling is good better than running because cycling builds more muscles. Cycling  can help to build muscle mass. Running burns more calories than cycling because it uses more muscles.

Cycling is gentler on the body, and we may be able to do it longer or faster than we can run. It is so because muscles grow when they work against resistance. The pedals on a cycling act as a resistance, that is why we will feel a burning sensation in our quads after a tough session on a bike.

Exercising is not always about building muscle and the most calories burned. It is also important to find something we  enjoy and is accessible for us. If we have a preference between the two, choose accoding to you . Both forms of exercise can benefit our physical and mental health, so select the one that motivates the most.

Learn more about cycling or running click the link here:


Did a woman help build the Brooklyn Bridge?


The woman who inspired the Brooklyn Bridge builder was Emily Warren Roebling. She didn't study engineering. But she played a crucial role in the development of the impressive engineering achievement.

Women were often not permitted to accompany a male to a construction job in the late 19th century. Petticoats frequently made physical labor more difficult. However, after Chief Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge Washington A. Roebling fell ill, and his wife Emily Warren Roebling took over, supervising, organizing, and politicking amongst city authorities and employees.

To see the first steel-wire suspension bridge in the world through to completion, as well as by her husband's bedside. A rooster is said to have been on her person for good luck, and she would also cross the bridge first.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


what were the two reasons on why the united states joined WWI?



Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.


Before the U.S entered WW1, The Germans had sunk the British submarine called 'Lustitania'. Germany had also invaded the country of Belgium which was neutral in 1914. The Zimmerman telegram also: Germany sent a telegram to Mexico persuading Mexico to annex (add territory) of New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. It was intercepted by the British and essentially the British snitched on Germany to America and sent the entire telegram to America. 6 of April, America declared war on Germany and by June. So.

MAIN REASON: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare because Germany sank the British Lustitania submarine

Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly

Which TWO statements best express the central ideas of the article?
A. Harvey Milk was an outspoken advocate for gay people and other marginalized
B. Harvey Milk served the shortest political term in California's history due to his
C. Harvey Milk began his political career after moving to Castro Street in San Francisco.
D. Harvey Milk was the first elected official to come out as gay after winning his office.
E. Harvey Milk personally helped many marginalized people run for political office.
F. Harvey Milk continues to inspire people even decades after his assassination.


The statement that best expresses the idea of the article is "Harvey Milk was an outspoken advocate for gay people and other marginalized communities" and "Harvey Milk personally helped many marginalized people run for political office". Thus, option A and E are correct.

What was significant about Harvey Milk?

Harvey Milk made history as the first openly homosexual public official in California, and one of the first in the United States, when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977.

"Harvey Milk was an outspoken champion for LGBT people and other oppressed populations," and "Harvey Milk personally helped many marginalized individuals run for political office," are the statements that best convey the idea of the article. As a result, options A and E are correct.

Learn more about Harvey Milk here:


Which description best characterizes the green revolution?
the introduction of crop rotation and chemical-free farming

the attempt to address overpopulation through land development

the development of growing techniques for high rainfall areas

the use of irrigation, fertilizers, and high-yield crops to increase output


The use of irrigation, fertilizers, and high-yield crops to increase output characterizes the green revolution. The appropriate response  is option D.

What is green revolution?

During the Green Revolution, new developments dramatically enhanced the productivity of global agriculture. New chemical fertilizers, synthetic insecticides, and herbicides were developed during this time.

The concept of the green revolution centered on three essential elements: Increasing food output by using seeds from high-yielding varieties. Including a Range of Irrigation Techniques. important agricultural activities being mechanized.

Hence, The appropriate response  is option D.

To learn more about the green revolution


how did the philosophy of humanism in the renaissance represent a break from the predominant thought of medieval europe?


The philosophy of humanism in the renaissance placed a strong emphasis on education and success in order to help people reach their full potential, which they believed to be determined by God.

The Renaissance's intellectual and educational agenda was humanism. It originated in Italy in the middle of the fourteenth century and expanded to the rest of Europe by the late fifteenth century. It was based on Latin and Greek literature. As opposed to the solitary life of ascetic monks and scholars, this curriculum, known as the studia humanitatis, or the humanities, was intended to impart to people the morals essential to conduct an active, virtuous life. Humanism was a system that was created for the citizen and was a byproduct of the Italian city-state republics.

Humanists rediscovered many lost texts, read them with a critical and secular eye, and through them created a new mentality that shaped Italian and European society from roughly the mid-14th to the mid-17th centuries, despite the fact that scholars in earlier centuries had embraced classical learning.

Know more about Humanism:


what were 2 arguments abolitionists made for ending slavery throughout the united states? how did they challenge the pro-slavery arguments made by southerners?


In the South, whose reliance on slave labor constituted the cornerstone of their economy, proponents of slavery claimed that the abrupt end to the slave system would have had devastating economic effects.

The argument put up by proponents of slavery was that if all B were let free, there would be widespread unemployment and anarchy. Anarchy, carnage, and upheavals would result from this. They advocated for maintaining slavery the status quo, which was bringing prosperity and stability to the  elite and to all free people who reaped the benefits of the slave society by citing the mob's "reign of terror" during the French revolution.

learn more about slavery here


1. Why was Lenin unsuccessful in overthrowing the Provisional Government in April 1917? 4)


Answer: Lenin was unsuccessful because his troops were in the minority and the soviets refused to start a new revolution.

Where did
armed forces
land in North
Africa? What
was the result of
Operation Torch?


Operation Torch, first major Allied amphibious assault during World War II. It involved about 65,000 troops who landed at Casablanca, Algiers, and Oran on the French North African coast. Operation Torch was the first time U.S. troops saw action against Nazi Germany, trapping Erwin Rommel ’s army in a pincer as it fled from El-Alamein.

how did westward expansion through territorial acquisition and the market revolution drive each other from 1800-1848?



"Three religions" refer to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The development of the concept of the three religions can be divided into several stages. Emperor Liang Wu in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was a stage, Tang and Song Dynasties was a stage, and Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was a stage. In the initial stage, although there were three religions, they were independent of each other, of course, they had influence on each other. The reason why Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism were mentioned in the same breath was that they emphasized the complementarity of their social functions. The middle stage is a transitional stage, which mainly lies in the circulation and integration of each other's internal consciousness, gradually becoming "you have me" and "I have you". However, as far as the mainstream is concerned, they are still different. Only in the last stage can there be a true religious form of integration of the three religions. Among them, the second stage is to add new content on the basis of continuing the complementary functions of the three religions in the first stage, and the third stage is also to evolve a new element of "three religions in one" on the basis of the first two stages, which also reflects the growing trend of the convergence of the three religions.The objective existence of the three religions in society is the basis of the emergence of the concept of the three religions, but the concept of the three religions is the result of the development and change of social consciousness. However, the emergence of the concept of Three Religions and its wide acceptance by the society were first expressed by Buddhism in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. There was no word "Three Religions" in people's writings before the Three Kingdoms. The first volume of Guanghongming Collection contains the article "The Lord of Wu, Sun Quan, discusses the three schools of Buddhism and Taoism", and mentions the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. And "The Theory of Reason and Confusion" of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, on the consistency of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism; these can be said to be the initial consensus of the three religions ". Later, the word "Three Religions" appeared more and more frequently in the literature. During the Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was no doubt that Buddhism and Taoism were powerful social beings.The complementarities and similarities between Confucianism and Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, and Buddhism and Taoism at that time, there were many suggestions and discussions respectively, especially "people in the Southern Dynasty were inclined to talk about reason, so they often said that the three religions were harmonious". For example, Sun Chuo said in Yu Dao Lun: "Zhou Kong saved the worst. Buddhism knows its roots. It is the beginning and the end of the story. Ming Monk Shao believed that "the Buddha opened three generations, so the circle should be infinite; when the old stop living, the religion should be extremely pure", so "Zhou Kong and Lao Zhuang are the teachers of the emperor" and "Sakyamuni sends the true song of the poor source, which is communicated by the Mingshen Taoist". Mr. Wang Zhixin elaborated on Zhang Rong, Gu Huan and other people's thought of "Tao is the same as Qi but different": "Tao in the metaphysical aspect is originally one; only in the physical aspect, there is a difference between Buddhism and Taoism... These are the opinions of the same origin of the six dynasties and the three religions, which have a great impact on later generations". The reason for this is that the social basis on which the three religions depend and the social role they play are the same or consistent.

Why is NYC named twice?


New York, New York. The first is the NYC city name, the second is the state name.

There are many cities in america with the similar names as their states such Ohio, Ohio or Nebraska, Nebraska

In order to avoid the confusion you add ‘city’ New York City (NYC), New York not quite as catchy as New York, New York. Despite being referred to as New York at the same time, the city's name dates back to before the state of New York was established.

According to Jon Hendricks, "New York, New York: a city so lovely that it required two names..."

Learn more about NYC here:


Mao Zedong

information on type of authoritarian government

 Circumstances that brought them/him to power

 Techniques used by the authoritarian government to gain and maintain power


 Is the authoritarian government still in power?

 If so, what are current conditions like within the country?

 If not, what led to the destruction of their dictatorship?

 How has the nation faired since then


The  information on Mao Zedong type of authoritarian government is given below

Yes,  the authoritarian government still in power.

China's political system is one of absolute authority. The CCP controls all religious activities, there are no duly elected national leaders, political opposition is repressed, dissent is not allowed, and civil rights are restricted. China has a one-party authoritarian political system, which governs elections.

What is the Circumstances that brought  Mao Zedong to power?

Mao spearheaded the Jiangxi Soviet's radical land reform initiatives during the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the CCP, assisted in the founding of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and finally rose to lead the CCP during the Long March.

Maoism, often known as Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong established a kind of Marxism-Leninism, which is thought by the Chinese Communist Party, to bring about a socialist revolution in the rural, pre-industrial society of the Republic of China, and then the People's Republic of China.

Therefore, Mao's principal objective for China was to maintain communism by eliminating traditional and capitalist components and to end the power struggle between Maoists and pragmatists.

Learn more about Mao Zedong from

What was the Roosevelt Corollary and how did it change the United States interests in Latin America?


A Roosevelt Corollary is described as an addition to or alteration of an earlier principle or rule.

The Monroe Doctrine, which forbade European engagement in the Western Hemisphere, was expanded by the Roosevelt Corollary. President James Monroe established the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 in an effort to stop future European colonization of the western hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine said that any attempt by a European country to influence events in the western hemisphere would be viewed as a danger to US security. President Theodore Roosevelt expanded this foreign policy in December 1904 to support American intervention and global policing authority to terminate any ongoing turmoil or wrongdoing in the western hemisphere.

The Roosevelt Corollary is the name given to this expansion of power. Roosevelt defended American engagement in circumstances where the country's security was at risk by tying his strategy to the Monroe Doctrine.

To learn more about Roosevelt Corollary, refer:


how many years is 527 to 565 AD ?


you will. have 518 years in all

What is the product of (−15)(−2)(−23)?









Hopes this helps


d) -690


Given problem,

→ (-15)(-2)(-23)

Let's solve the problem,

→ (-15)(-2)(-23)

→ (-15) × (-2) × (-23)

→ (-15) × (-2 × -23)

→ (-15) × 46

→ -690

Hence, answer is -690.

What two things is Wilson asking the German government to do?


Wilson "highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic

Following the sinking of an unarmed French boat, the Sussex, in the English Channel in March 1916, Wilson threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Germany unless the German Government refrained from attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships. The German government agreed to these requirements on May 4, 1916, and this agreement became known as the "Sussex pledge."

learn more about  Wilson here:


What answer best describes the United States stance at the beginning of World War I in 1914?


President Woodrow Wilson declared the United States would remain neutral when World War I broke out in Europe in 1914, and many Americans backed this noninterventionist stance.

But after the German U-boat sank the British ocean liner Lusitania in 1915, killing over 2,000 people—including 128 Americans—public opinion about neutrality began to shift. Wilson requested Congress for a declaration of war against Germany after learning of the Zimmermann telegram's warning of an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States. On April 6, 1917, the United States formally entered the war.In the meantime, some Americans took up arms in Europe. A number of Americans joined the French Foreign Legion beginning in the early stages of the conflict. Other Americans enlisted with the Lafayette Escadrille, a unit of the French Air Service, or drove ambulances for the American Field Service among them was the poet Alan Seeger, whose poem "I Have a Rendezvous with Death" subsequently became a favorite of President John F. Kennedy.

learn more about United States here:


in contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, what was the focus of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson?A. providing economic opportunities for African AmericansB. punishing the southern states for staring the Civil WarC. readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possibleD. protecting the rights of freedmen and freedwomen


In contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan,  the role was -

punishing the southern states for staring the Civil War.

Hence, Option C is correct.

After the South lost the Civil War, a reconstruction plan was created by Congress in an effort to convince it to accept the Union's authority. The strategy entails: - Dividing the southern states into a number of military districts.This is being done to make management simpler. In order to prevent anyone from starting new uprisings that would have re-started the civil war, the union planned to station military men in southern area.- Ordered new elections and changes to the governmentThey demanded the removal from office of the leaders who participated in the civil ware.- The state constitution was revised, and the Black code was removed.

To know more about Civil War here


What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?


In seventeenth-century Virginia, land and wealth provided most of the status. Successful tobacco production each year allowed them to accumulate enough wealth to buy land.

And slaves and provide their children with better things such as tutoring.

Why did Virginia becomes so successful?

During the first decades of settlement, the Virginia Company attempted a variety of reforms to help the colony prosper. One of the most significant reforms was the creation of the House of Burgess, a governing body modeled after the British House of Commons, partially elected by Virginia landowners.

What was Virginia society like at the end of the 17th century?

Virginia for most of the 16th century was a crippled society based on the slavery of many whites and mostly blacks and the subordination of women. Virginia developed a code of slave laws that was later adopted by other British colonies. Slavery prevented Africans from replicating their unique African lifestyle.

Learn more about Virginia society:


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the Industrial Revolution?
A reduced reliance on imported goods

A strengthened economy

An emphasis on preserving natural resources

A larger, wealthier population



An emphasis on preserving natural resources is not a consequence of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution led to a rapid increase in industrial production, which often came at the expense of natural resources. This led to the overuse and degradation of natural resources, rather than their preservation. The other three options are all consequences of the Industrial Revolution.





hi fellow moa

What does the Brooklyn Bridge symbolize?


The Brooklyn Bridge symbolizes both the connection between American and Italian cultures as well as a route of opportunity to Manhattan.

The bridge, which is quite near the Red Hook neighborhood, serves as a continual reminder of the opportunities and industry found in the United States. Like the book's title suggests, one can survey the entire neighborhood from the bridge and look for more abstract meanings from his vantage point.

Alfieri is a representation of the person perched atop the bridge, possibly himself the bridge, permitting people to pass into Manhattan and contemporary, intellectual American society. Alfieri makes an effort to bridge the gap between Italian cultural norms and American law.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


How did Al Capone avoid getting arrested
for his criminal activity for many years
during the 1920s?
A. He controlled the police and the government in the city
of Chicago.
B. By the time he was going to be charged for a crime,
prohibition was over.
C. He went into hiding in New York City.
D. He moved to Canada.


A. He controlled the police and the government in the city of Chicago.


Al Capone controlled the police and the government in Chicago

What was the main idea of World War 1?


The First World War, sometimes known as WWI or WW1, was an international conflict that raged in Europe from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918. The Great War or "the war to end all wars" was referred to as it.

One of the greatest conflicts in history World War this one involved more over 70 million military soldiers, 60 million of them were white Europeans. One of the deadliest wars in history, it resulted in the deaths of 13 million civilians and 90 million troops, while the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed between 17 and 100 million people globally. World War which saw an increase of 2.64 million in Europe and 6.75 million in the US. 1919 came to an end entirely. The July Crisis began on June 28, 1914, when Gavrilo Major, a Serb Yugoslav nationalist from Bosnia, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. On July 23, in response, Austria-Hungary gave Serbia a deadline. World War The Austrians were unable to activate north of Serbia, and the two nations entered a state of war. Much of Europe was troubled by a network of alliances that caused common problems in the Balkans. By July 1914, the major European countries had split into the Triple Entente, which included France, Russia, and Britain, and the Triple Alliance, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Italy was able to avoid involvement in the war until April 1915 .

learn more about World War here:



Explain the rise and fall of either Greece or Rome. Your essay should focus on origins, periods of expansion, and periods of decline.
Respond to the prompt in a 500–700 word essay. Cite all outside sources using proper MLA formatting.

please no spamming



the thing says it's worth 26 points

Which emotion is roosevelt most likely trying to create in this passage from his four freedoms speech.


Answer: The emotion that Roosevelt is most likely trying to create in this passage from his Four Freedoms speech is :A) Fear that the enemy is trying to take away our freedom.Four Freedoms speechThe emotion that Roosevelt is most likely trying to create in this passage from his Four Freedoms speech is the fear that the enemy is trying to take away our freedom.Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address, commonly known as the “Four Freedoms” speech.In it he verbalized a capable vision for a world in which all individuals had opportunity of discourse and of religion, and opportunity from need and fear.Thus, the correct answer is A.Learn more about "Roosevelt":

1. Why was Lenin unsuccessful in overthrowing the Provisional Government in April 1917? 4)
Start typing here...



After 10 years of exile, Lenin returned to Russia, but his Bolsheviks were in the minority and the soviets refused to start a new revolution.

Is Prohibition a success Why or why not?


No, prohibition was not a success.More harm than good came from prohibition. Some persons who had made their entire living from the manufacturing of alcohol ended up insolvent and jobless.

Then, several gangs that produced illicit booze emerged, and criminals like Al Capone began to sell it (sort of like illegal drugs today).

One of the biggest and most well-known side consequences of prohibition was the emergence of a secondary black market where people could still purchase alcohol, but where the supply was regulated by the criminal underworld.

Because of prohibition, organized crime expanded, Al Capone was in full force, and tax measures were overturned. Without any concern, illegal alcohol was kept and sold on the streets of American cities.

To learn more on prohibition:


what forced turkish nomadic pastoralists out of central asia in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries?



It's the Han people, or China, the Turks who lived in Central Asia in the 11th and 12th centuries were called Xiongnus, who were defeated in a battle with the Xiongnus, the mainstream Chinese people, and were pushed back to the Anatolian Peninsula and formed what is now the Turks

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