How many total atoms are there in C6H12O6 + 6O2?


Answer 1


C - 6 atoms

H - 12 atoms

O - 6 atoms + 12 atoms

total number of stoms = 6 + 12 + 6 + 12 = 36

Related Questions

Give reasons why an element can be broken down...pls explain widely​


Elements cannot be broken down into another substance.

i n the notatation,5N2 what is the number of nitogen atoms​



10 nitrogens


The 2 is the number of nitrogens in a molecule of N2. There are 2 of them.

The 5 is a whole different critter. It tells you that it was part of an equation and it took 5 molecules of Nitrogen to balance the equation. You only see numbers to the right of a molecule when the molecule is in an equation.

5 (2)=10

In the process of fossil formation, what materials replace the
organism's remains?
A. ice
B. minerals
C. soil
D. water


c. soil. If this isn’t C it’s definitely B.




Petrified fossils form when minerals replace all or part of an organism. Water is full of dissolved minerals. It seeps through the layers of sediment to reach the dead organism. When the water evaporates, only the hardened minerals are left behind.

Write the formula for the following compound
sodium chloride





Na is the symbol of sodium. Cl is the symbol of chlorine

How many atoms are in 2.2 moles of Zinc?


There are 1 .5 million atoms in moles

Help help please help help!!



I believe the answer is numbers

Yeah it should be numbers!! good luck happy day!

What is the pressure of 13.7 mol of acetylene in a 48.1 L cylinder at 67.0 °C?



hinojosa has caught you cheating


ur mom


Give three examples of energy traveling in waves



ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Radios, televisions, mobile phones, and radar use signals made up of electromagnetic waves. These are waves that carry energy as electricity and magnetism at the speed of light. Light we can see is also an electromagnetic wave, but other types of electromagnetic wave are invisible.


~Hope this helps

What will the change in temperature be when 90 J are applied to 15 g of gold. (cgold = 0.126 J/g°C)



47.6°C is the change of temperature


To solve this question we must use the equation of specific heat of a material:

Q = m*ΔT*S

Where Q is heat applied = 90J

m is the mass of the substance = 15g gold

ΔT is change in temperature = Our incognite

S is specific heat of the material = 0.126J/g°C for gold


90J = 15g*ΔT*0.126J/g°C

90J/15g*0.126J/g°C = ΔT

ΔT = 47.6°C is the change of temperature

(This is rly for science but there’s no category for that) Which statement best describes how scientists and engineers work together
in the research and development cycle?
O A. Engineers come up with scientific questions when they are
developing their design, and scientists do research to answer
O B. Scientists test designs made by engineers and then use the
results to improve the designs.
C. Scientists develop a new technology, and then engineers test it by
doing experiments.
D. Engineers make a scientific discovery, and then scientists perform
research to verify it.



A.  Engineers come up with scientific questions when they are developing their design, and scientists do research to answer them.

Select the correct structure that
corresponds to the name.


Answer: a


1) What experimental condition is required for the heat change in a reaction to be numerically equal to the enthalpy change (ΔH)?

2) When 1 mol of nitrogen gas reacts with 3 mol of hydrogen gas, 2 mol of ammonia gas is produced and 92.6 kJ of heat is released. Write the thermochemical equation.



Answers are in the explanation


1) The constant pressure is necessary during a reaction. Thus, the heat released in the reaction will be = ΔH

2) The reaction described in the problem is:

1 N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) → 2NH₃(g)

The thermochemical equation involves the change in heat, as 92.6kJ are released, the heat must be wrote as another reactant, that is:

N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) → 2NH₃(g) + 92.6kJ

An electric kettle uses electrical energy to boil water. Energy from the electricity is transferred to the water, heating it up. An electric ice maker also uses electrical energy, but it freezes water to form ice. Since energy can’t be created or destroyed, and water loses potential energy when it freezes to form ice, what happens to the energy put into the ice maker and the energy released by the water?



Since energy can’t be created or destroyed, and water loses potential energy when it freezes to form ice. The energy remains electrical but then changes to kinetic when Enough energy is released.




The overabundance of electrical energy acquired by water during the ice framing process is taken out as likely energy to keep up with the law of energy conservation. The electrical energy given to the ice generator pivots the engine inside the blower (compressor). The coolant available inside the blower is compressed and this pressure is accomplished alongside the creation of heat energy. The heat energy is delivered into the external encompassing air of the ice generator. This prompts a drop in the temperature of the coolant.

This coolant courses inside the ice generator and soaks heat energy (heat stream from the heater to the colder area) from the water as it gets once again to the blower, Thus prompting cooling of water and development of ice.

A student measured the pH of his soda and found it to be 4.5.

Calculate the [H3O+] in the soda.



0.0111 M


pH = 4.5

[H3O+] = ?

Relationship between both quantitiesis given by:

pH = -log₁₀ [H3O+]

-pH = log₁₀ [H3O+]

-4.5 =  log₁₀ [H3O+]

[H3O+]  = e ^ (-4.5)

[H3O+] = 0.0111 M

Does melting sea ice in the Arctic increase sea level directly? Why or why not? How would melting over Antarctica be different?



The ice melting would make more water because ice is water and if it melts it make water.

hope this helps :)

Balance the following equations.



A) Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2

B) CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

C) CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

D) 3Ag + 4HNO3 → 3AgNO3 + H2O + NO2


A) Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2

The equation is already balanced because the number of each element in the left hand side is already equal to that in the right hand side.

B) CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

This equation is balanced by putting 2 in front of HCl on the left hand side to balance the elements on the right hand side.

C) CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Thus equation is already balanced because the number of each element in the left hand side is already equal to that in the right hand side.

D) 3Ag + 4HNO3 → 3AgNO3 + H2O + NO2

This equation is balanced by putting 3 in front of Ag and 4 in front of HNO3 on the left hand side while we put 3 in front of AgNO3 on the right side to balance the elements on the right hand side.

is a shark asexual, sexual, or both





Please mark brailiest


A shark is both


Consider the following statements about weeding and identify the incorrect one.

a) Weeding is best done during tilling itself.
b) Weeding is the process of growing weed.
c) Weeding is the process of removal of weeds.
d) Weeding is usually done manually or by using weedicides.



b) Weeding is the process of growing weed


Wedding is an agricultural process carried out to ensure maximum you won't do. It is the process by which weeds i.e. unwanted plants are removed.

As rightly stated in the question;

- Weeding is either done by manual means e.g Cutlasses or use of weedicides, which are chemicals.

- Weeding is best done during tiling operations.

The incorrect option is that "Weeding is the process of growing weed" rather it is a process of removing weed.

Someone help me with this question please



step 2


ofcourse rocks dont melt

maybe lol

Which is a physical change? A) Rusting iron B) Burning paper C) Reacting baking soda and vinegar D) Separating a mixture of salt and wat





What element is this? Is it a neutral atom or ion?


Hydrogen I think and it’s neutral all atoms have one molecule

Which of the following has the most energy?

ultraviolet rays
the color blue
radio waves





Ultraviolet rays I believe is the answer

How many atoms are in 5.9 g of N2?



Number of atoms in 5.9 g of N2 = 1.268 *10^23


Weight of one mole of N2 is 28.0134 g

In one mole of N2, number of atoms = 6.023 *10^23

Number of atoms in 28.0134 g (one mole) of N2 =  6.023 *10^23

Number of atoms in 1 g of N2 = 6.023 *10^23/28.0134

Number of atoms in 5.9 g of N2 = 6.023 *10^23/28.0134 * 5.9

= 1.268 *10^23

Type the correct answer in the box. Express your answer to three significant figures. Iron(II) chloride and sodium carbonate react to make iron(II) carbonate and sodium chloride: FeCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(s) → FeCO3(s) + 2NaCl(aq). Given 1.24 liters of a 2.00 M solution of iron(II) chloride and unlimited sodium carbonate, how many grams of iron(II) carbonate can the reaction produce? The reaction can produce grams of iron(II) carbonate.




To solve this problem we have to find the moles of iron(II) chloride that react. Using the chemical equation, we can kknow moles FeCl2 = Moles FeCO3. Thus, we can find the moles of FeCO3. Converting these moles to grams using its molar mass -Molar mass FeCO3: 115.854g/mol-

Moles FeCl2 = Moles FeCO3:

1.24L * (2.00mol / L) = 2.48 moles FeCl2

Mass FeCO3:

2.48mol * (115.854g / mol) =

The reaction can produce 287 grams of iron(II) carbonate


its 287


i got it right on edm

What are the three parts of modern cell theory. Choose all that apply.
A.) The cell is the smallest living unit in organisms

B.) All cells come from other pre-existing cells

C.) All living things are made of cells

D.) All organisms are multicellular








what is the symbol of gold ​



Tha Symbol of gold is Au.


symbol of gold is Au


Un átomo neutro tiene número atómico 1 y número másico 3. Indica cuántos protones, neutrones y electrones tiene.



El átomo podes 1 protón, 1 electrón y 2 neutrones.


Cada elemento químico se caracteriza por el número de protones de su núcleo, que se denomina número atómico Z. Es decir, el número atómico​ de un elemento químico es el número total de protones que tiene cada átomo de ese elemento.

Los protones poseen carga positiva y se encuentran en el núcleo, en torno al cual se mueven otras partículas con carga eléctrica negativa que son los electrones. Así, el átomo es eléctricamente neutro, ya que la carga positiva de los protones está compensada por la carga negativa de los electrones.  Entonces, en todo átomo neutro el número de protones del núcleo es igual al de electrones de sus orbitales.

En este caso, un átomo neutro tiene número atómico 1. Entonces la cantidad de protones y electrones presentes en el átomo es 1.

En el núcleo de cada elemento, además de protones, también es posible encontrar neutrones, cuyo número puede variar. La masa atómica (A) se obtiene sumando el número de protones y de neutrones de un núcleo determinado:

Número másico (A) = número de protones + número de neutrones

En este caso, el átomo neutro posee 1 protón y su número másico es 3. Entonces:

3= 1 + número de neutrones


3 - 1= número de neutrones

2= número de neutrones

Entonces, el átomo podes 1 protón, 1 electrón y 2 neutrones.

Find the number of grams in 16.95 mol hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Round your
answer to two decimal places and be sure to include the proper units.


Answer: There are 576.46 number of grams present in 16.95 mol hydrogen peroxide [tex](H_{2}O_{2})[/tex].


Number of moles is defined as the mass of substance divided by its molar mass.

The molar mass of [tex]H_{2}O_{2}[/tex] is 34.01 g/mol. Hence, mass of hydrogen peroxide present in 16.95 moles is calculated as follows.

[tex]Moles = \frac{mass}{molarmass}\\16.95 mol = \frac{mass}{34.01 g/mol}\\mass = 576.46 g[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that there are 576.46 number of grams present in 16.95 mol hydrogen peroxide [tex](H_{2}O_{2})[/tex].

Which species is the reducing agent in a redox reaction? Chem is hard​



The species that furnishes the electrons is called the reducing agent. In this case, the reducing agent is zinc metal.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

In a redox reaction, the species which is oxidized acts as the reducing agent.

In a redox reaction, The substance losing electrons is the reducing agent and is being oxidised. The substance that gains electrons is the oxidising agent and is being reduced.

An oxidising agent isdefined as a substance that causes oxidation by accepting electrons and thus becoming reduced.

A reducing agent is defined as a substance that reduces by losing electrons and thus becomes oxidised.

Substances that have the ability to oxidise other substances are referred to as oxidising agents or oxidants

Substances that have the ability to reduce other substances are referred to as reducing agents or reductants.

To know more about Redox reaction


The question should be

Which species is the reducing agent in a redox reaction?

Lead, gold mercury, aluminum which one has the lowest heat capacity?


Gold is the answer; Gold is a heavy metal with a very low heat capacity
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