How many perfect squares are there between 10 and 99?


Answer 1

There are 6 perfect squares in between 10 and 99 and that are 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81.

perfect squares from 10 to 99.

Write the square root of any natural number from 10 to 99 that has a perfect square. Count the numbers that are perfect squares. Include a number from 10 to 99.

A perfect square is an integer square.

First, write the square root of any natural number from 10 to 99 that has a perfect square.

[tex]\sqrt{16[/tex] = 4

[tex]\sqrt{25}[/tex] = 5

[tex]\sqrt{36}[/tex] = 6

[tex]\sqrt{49}[/tex] = 7

[tex]\sqrt{64}[/tex] = 8

[tex]\sqrt{81}[/tex] = 9

You can see that there are 6 perfect squares.

A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of integers or as the second exponent of an integer. For example, 25 is a perfect square because 5 × 5 = 25, the product of the integer 5 itself. However, 21 is not a perfect square because it cannot be expressed as the product of two equal integers.

Learn more about Perfect Square here :


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What are the advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing products?


Manufacturing has the following drawbacks: Limited Creativity. benefits of manufacturing include increased efficiency of your business

What is the importance of manufacturing product?

Manufacturing is regarded as the foundation of both social and economic development. They help to modernise agriculture and reduce people's reliance on agricultural income by providing jobs in the secondary and tertiary sectors.

What is the purpose of manufacturing?

The process of converting a raw material into a finished, tangible product is known as manufacturing. Manufacturing entails making a process more efficient as it converts one resource into another, often for the purpose of selling to a customer.

What do manufacturing means?

Manufacturing is the process of creating goods by hand or machine that the company then sells to a customer. Raw materials or component parts of a larger product may be used in manufacturing. Manufacturing is typically done on a large-scale production line using machinery and skilled labor

learn more about manufacturing visit:


Is mashed potato starch?


Starch is released when potatoes are mashed. Starch is released more readily the more you work on the potatoes.

Our diet's primary supply of a variety of nutrients, as well as an excellent source of energy, is starchy food. They also include fiber, calcium, iron, and B vitamins in addition to carbohydrates. Thought to be fattening by some, starchy foods actually contain less than half the calories of fat per gram. Simply be mindful of the additional fats you use when cooking and serving them because this will raise the food's caloric content.

According to the Eatwell Guide, starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and cereals should make up a little over a third of your diet. Choose wholegrain kinds whenever possible, and have potatoes with the skin on for additional fiber.

To learn more about Starch, visit the link below:


What made BTS famous?


In the year 2013, BTS won Best New Artist at the South Korean Melon Music Awards, which was their first important distinction.

BTS made a number of firsts in 2013, including the release of their debut album "2 Cool 4 Skool" and "O! RUL8,2' to their year's first live performance. They received their first significant honor at the South Korean Melon Music Awards later that year when they were named Best New Artist. BTS won the top place in a weekly music performance event on one of Korea's three major television broadcast networks a few years after its 2015 debut.

However, unlike the Korean big three, Bang would let his stars communicate with their fans and write their own music as a means of self-expression. BTS would become the most well-known band in the world thanks to this relative freedom, and Bang would become a multibillionaire.

To know more about BTS Band, refer to this link:


I will give u brainiest if u answer my question correctly :)
Find the surface area of this prism


The surface area of the prism is given as follows:

216 cm².

How to obtain the surface area?

The surface area of a prism is obtained with the sum of the areas of each part of the prism.

The pars of the prism are all rectangular, and the dimensions of each part are given as follows:

2 rectangles with dimensions 6 cm and 9 cm.4 rectangles with dimensions 3 cm and 9 cm.

The area of a rectangle is given by the multiplication of the two dimensions that compose the rectangle.

Then, considering the six rectangles, the surface area of the prism in this problem is given as follows:

Surface area = 2 x 6 x 9 + 4 x 3 x 9 = 216 cm².

(the area is in cm² as the dimensions are in cm, as cm x cm = cm²).

More can be learned about surface areas at


How do you know if you have an open heart?


If you are kind, honest, and loving, then it means you have an open heart.

When you open your heart it brings a new sense of joy. Living with an open heart is exciting, thrilling, and terrifying. It's all about holding space for ourselves so we can know and respect who we are, and heal ourselves and others around us.

Being open heart helps us understand that nothing is more precious than loving ourselves for who we are. One must forgive, heal and feel their emotions deeper and higher. It helps us attract the love and life we want.

An open-hearted person will be open and very honest about their feelings. They will be very accepting and not judgmental of others. They will be sincere, kind, generous, and very compassionate.

To know more about Open-hearted,


by the end of the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how has macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?


By the end of Act III, Macbeth has become a power-hungry tyrant who is willing to do anything to maintain his own power. His ambition has caused him to lose touch with his morality and he has become a cruel and ruthless ruler.

The tragedy of Macbeth is a cautionary tale about the dangers of ambition. At the beginning of Macbeth, the protagonist is a brave and loyal man, who is respected and admired by all who know him. He is a devoted husband and a loyal subject of Duncan, the King of Scotland. He is a man of honor who values his own personal integrity and the integrity of Scotland more than anything. In Act III, however, Macbeth has changed drastically. His ambition has taken over his sense of morality and he has become a cruel and ruthless tyrant, willing to do anything to keep his throne.

The most striking change in Macbeth is his willingness to use violence and murder to secure his own power. At the beginning of the play, he is deeply disturbed by the thought of murdering Duncan to fulfill the witches’ prophecy. But by the end of Act III, Macbeth has committed three murders, the most recent of which is the assassination of Banquo. He has become so consumed by his ambition that he is willing to shed innocent blood in order to protect his own power.

Learn more about Macbeth at :


What is the main purpose of a cheer dance?


Cheer dance can be performed for competition, audience entertainment, or to inspire sports teams.

Cheer dance routines often last one to three minutes and include stunts, tumbling, dancing, jumps, and cheers.

The players on the field are eventually affected by the energy, joy, and excitement that the cheer dance brings out.

The players feel supported and motivated during the game thanks to the cheerleaders' excitement and energy, and the crowd is entertained as a result.

The link between the crowd and the squad is the cheer dance. It is commended for upgrading games for an energizing atmosphere while bringing the community closer together physically and emotionally.

Cheer dance frequently serves as a clear illustration for spectators, athletes, and students that showing school pride can improve a team's chances of winning. The cheer dance improves the atmosphere on the pitch.

To know more about athletes, visit:


1. what provoked melville and hawthorne to believe that america could produce a writer like william shakespeare?


After his father passed away, Melville made an effort to provide for his family by pursuing a variety of occupations, from banking to teaching. His experiences as a sailor in 1845 served as Melville's inspiration for writing.

What did Melville think of Hawthorne?

"I liked Herman so well that I have requested his to spend a couple of days with me," Hawthorn wrote to a colleague two days later. This was the first of several visits that would follow, along with written letters, until the friendship gradually cooled down in the latter half of 1852.

What impact did Hawthorne have on Melville?

It is generally accepted among historians that Melville's connection with and respect for Nathaniel Hawthorne was a significant factor in and trigger for his desire to break away from his.

To know more about Melville visit:


What are 4 ways that a pathogen can be prevented?


Immunize yourself against contagious illnesses. routinely and thoroughly wash and dry your hands, If you're unwell, stay home. The four approaches to avoid pathogens are to cover coughs and sneezes.

About Pathogens

In science, a pathogen would be any organism or agent with the potential to cause illness. Another name for a pathogen is an infectious agent or just a germ.

In the 1880s, the word "pathogen" first became in use. An infectious microbe or agent, like a virus, bacteria, protozoan, prion, viroid, or fungus, is typically referred to as a pathogen. Insects and helminths are examples of small animals that may carry or spread illness. Instead of being called pathogens, these creatures are more commonly referred to as parasites. Microbiology is the study of micro organisms, especially tiny harmful organisms, whereas parasitology is the study of parasites as well as the hosts of parasites.

To know more about pathogen:


PLSS HELP WILL MARK brainiest for the correct answer and best explanation!!!


Using the alternating method, the explanation below can be said to belong to Explanation 1. In the first evidence, Ulrich was described as the owner of the land who had now been snared. Ulrich, however, accuses Georg of being caught poking on the land. So, these individuals were in the same dire situation, but somehow, they were blaming each other for their plights.

Where does the explanation belong in the body paragraph?

In the body paragraph, we can see that the first explanation was about the accusatory remarks that the two men had for each other. They both were entrapped in a tree and somehow, instead of concentrating on their conditions, they began to accuse each other.

This point comes first and will now be followed by the second explanation, and the third one where the men decide to forgive each and move on.

Learn more about Georg and Ulrich here:



You find an article that says,

"Fed up with whiny, lazy students who are only looking to make the grade, some professors are striking back. Their weapon: Rate Your Students, a blog maintained by an anonymous faculty member, who collects rants from across the United States (and Canada)."

You already knew from your teacher that this was happening, and you looked up the article to include in your paper. You write:

"Faculty members across the United States and Canada are tired of being the only ones that get rated. They decided to rate their students."

Choose the best answer.

A. You don't need to cite this because you already knew this information.

B. You don't need to cite this because you did not use specific information from the

C. You need to cite this because you paraphrased.

D. You need to cite this because it is common knowledge.

E. You don't need to cite this because it is common knowledge.


Answer: C

Explanation: If you used an article, you need to say where you got the information from




Even if you knew this information, you looked it up and rephrased it using said paragraphs, It was the idea of the paragraphs and you wrote it based on that. Therefore, you have to cite it.

What happens when two people open their hearts?


when two people open their hearts they get better. Opening your heart helps you heal.

Give in to anxiety, worry, and uncertainty to overcome it. To accomplish this, open your heart wide like a butterfly net to catch scary ideas.Don't overcome anything; simply be there and watch life's nonsense.Develop your attention and concentration, and unite with your ever-present breath.Train your mind to get rid of the clutter by allowing it to naturally fade away.Although the mind is incredibly complex, training it is incredibly easy.The secret is to refocus our attention to the present moment by using affirmations to improve our perception of ourselves.Simple if done consistently without any other objectives except total effort and awareness.Happy recovery and success on your journey.

Learn more about  open heart to visit this link


What is the main purpose of soliloquy?


Soliloquies help to reveal many vital character emotions key to the plot. They help the audience achieve a better understanding of the character’s emotions, feelings, attitudes and thoughts.

A soliloquy is a speech delivered aloud by a character in a play that is solely audible to that character and the audience.

It can be utilized to expose to the spectators a character's emotions and thoughts or crucial plot facts that we wouldn't otherwise know about.

Many literary devices are frequently used by authors and playwrights to aid the audience in understanding a play more fully.

The soliloquy is a component that appears frequently in plays. In any drama, soliloquies play a crucial role. When a character expresses their ideas to themselves directly in front of the audience, this is known as a soliloquy.

The function and purpose of these soliloquies in the play is for the audience to develop a further understanding of a character’s thoughts, to advance the story line and create a general mood for the play.

To know more about soliloquy, visit:


Friendship and loneliness in chapter 1 of mice and men



don't understand your question maybe you should snap the book cover

What's the Difference Between Your Story's Theme and Its Message?


The message is to follow your ambitions despite obstacles. By putting an end to the conflicts in a certain way, resolutions also bring any themes in the tale to a close.

One final time, the key themes are emphasized to further impress them onto the audience. The author's final opportunity to engage the reader and make any closing arguments is in the resolution. Even though the characters may sometimes experience suffering while the issue is resolved, it always does. Illustrations of Resolution. A quarrel between two friends over a boy ends when they understand that friendship comes first, and the boy eventually leaves the town nevertheless.

Learn more about Themes here:


Expand the following sentence to include two prepositional phrases. Add a comment to explain why the use of prepositional phrases improves the sentence.

The man pounded his fists and cried out.


In order to expand the following sentence to include two prepositional phrases and to add a comment to explain why the use of prepositional phrases improves the sentence, this would become: "As the house burned, the man pounded his fists and cried out."

What is a Prepositional Phrase?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the group of words that is used to modify the object of the sentence that contains a preposition, and an object.

Hence, it can be seen that from the original sentence, we can see that this is a simple sentence, but to improve the sentence, a prepositional phrase was added and this is "As the house burned" which gives more information about why the man was crying out and pounded his fist on the desk"

Read more about prepositional phrases here:


What was the theme of Thomas Jefferson inaugural address ?


Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural speech focused on unity.

What did Thomas Jefferson's inaugural speech center on? He made an effort to end the party animosity over the preceding ten years. For the election of the president and vice president, party tickets were established by the Twelfth Amendment.

Thomas Jefferson attempts to mend the rifts caused by the Election of 1800 in his First Inaugural Address, which is dated March 4, 1801. He lays out what he sees as the core values of the government, which will form the cornerstone of his administration.

He refused to ride in a carriage to be sworn in, breaking the tradition set by George Washington and John Adams, and instead chose to walk up Capitol Hill along what is now Pennsylvania Avenue.

To learn more about  Pennsylvania please click on below link


this structure is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes.


The structure that is a pavilion fabricated from commerically-available plastic tubes is called PIPE pavilion.

What is the PIPE pavilion?

Students studying architecture worked under Farnaz Fattahi's guidance and supervision to build the Khayam University PIPE pavilion.

With the help of practical building methods and digital resources, this temporary pavilion explores the relationship between conceptual design thinking and these elements. 2.9 meters high and 6 meters wide, this pavilion's framework is made of wood.

A cardboard-based organism protrudes through the rough concrete surface and declares its existence there.

Therefore, the 1014 recycled cardboard pipes that make up the creature have a sustainability identity and mirror the idea of upcycling. 28 architecture students worked under Farnaz Fattahi's direction to assemble the sculpture known as the PIPE pavilion. The undertaking encourages the idea of reducing trash and pollutants as an upcycling effort.

Learn more about pollutants recycling from

What is the message in the poem this is just to say?


Temptation, Guilt, and the Pursuit of Simple Pleasures "This Is Just To Say" is a poem about the modest joys of ordinary living.

To demonstrate this, the poem depicts a speaker eating frozen plums that another person—possibly the speaker's lover—was storing.

Message and Meaning The term meaning refers to the concepts presented in the poem as a whole - the poem's sense or message.

We regularly use the phrases concept, subject, motif, and meaning while discussing poetry. Typically, the term "idea" refers to a concept, principle, system, approach, or plan.

The message, or theme, of a tale is what the author wishes to educate you via his or her writing. Some stories contain a message known as a moral or a life lesson.

Learn more about to  poem  visit here;


What are 5 words that connect to kindness?


Compassion, empathy, generosity, respect, and altruism.

The five words that connect to kindness are Compassion, empathy, generosity, respect, and altruism. The correct options are 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

What is kindness?

Kindness is a sort of conduct characterized by deeds of charity, consideration, helping others, or showing concern for others without hoping to receive thanks or compensation.

The study of kindness is relevant to philosophy, theology, and psychology. Avoiding actions that could profit you personally if they will cost others. Sacrificing oneself or taking a risk to assist someone. Even in times of scarcity, share resources. Demonstrating care for the welfare of another person.

Therefore, the correct options are:

3. Compassion4. empathy5. generosity6. respect7. altruism.

To learn more about empathy, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. The complete question is given below:

What are 5 words that connect to kindness?


What is an open mind relationship?


An open-minded Relationship simply means being able to temporarily put one's natural preconceptions on hold and reflect on one's unconscious bias in order to consider the potential of an alternative concept, scenario, or reality.

Over time, there has developed the misconception that the term "open-minded" in a partnership is a catchall for "anything goes." As previously stated, the term "open-minded" has been used as a euphemism while discussing partnerships for years.

Being open-minded does not imply the absence of morals, standards, or beliefs about what is right or wrong. Rather, it entails letting go of preconceived notions about others and, whenever feasible, expanding the spectrum of people with whom you could contemplate developing a connection.

To know more about Relationships, refer to this link:


is the sentence "he didn't realize his last chance was walking out the door" personification or hyperbole?


This would be hyperbole

read the paragraph. carefully maneuvering his skateboard through the neighborhood, gino headed to the community center. he was meeting his friends there to study for a spanish test. his notebook and textbook were in a cinch sack on his back, and he wore headphones to listen to music on the way. what gino did not know was that his friends had decided to have a small party to celebrate his upcoming birthday. they arrived before him and anxiously waited with a cake and cards. meanwhile, gino rounded the last turn, nodding his head in time with the music while thinking about spanish vocabulary. based on the evidence provided in the paragraph, what is the best prediction?


The most likely scenario is that Gino will be shocked to see his friends and a party planned for his birthday when he gets at the community centre.

what is the best prediction?The most logical conclusion to draw from the data in the paragraph is that Gino will be delighted to discover his friends waiting for him at the community centre with a cake and cards to celebrate his impending birthday.Based on the data in this section, it is most likely true that Gino will be shocked when he gets to the community centre. He is unaware that his pals have organised a little party to commemorate his impending birthday since he is preoccupied with his skateboarding and the music he is listening to.He is unaware that they have already arrived at the community centre before him and are there waiting with a cake and cards. Gino will probably be surprised when he gets at the community centre and sees his buddies because he is ignorant of the surprise that is in store for him.He does not anticipate a birthday celebration; instead, he anticipates meeting with them to review for his Spanish exam.

To learn more about Gino's surprise birthday celebration refer to:


What happens as he is about to embrace his wife An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


He felt a blow to his back just as he was ready to embrace his wife; all went black, and Farquhar passed away.

He enters the forest, chooses his route based on the sun, and spends the entire day there. His family's presence inspires him to continue. He travels a distant route and arrives at his house's gate in the early hours of the morning. His wife comes down from the verandah to meet him as he makes his way home. He approaches to embrace her but is stopped in his tracks by a searing pain in his neck and a dazzling white light that surrounds him. Then he is enveloped in darkness and stillness. Farquhar's broken body is literally hanging from the side of the Owl Creek bridge; he has passed away.

To know more about Owl Creek bridge, refer to this link:


Quotations from 'A Christmas Carol' that link to the
term catalyst:


The catalyst in 'A Christmas Carol' is referred to as a ghost, quotations from this story that links to the term catalyst are - "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child shall die".

What is 'A Christmas Carol'?

A Carol for Christmas. with prose. A Christmas Carol, also known to be a Ghost Story of Christmas, is a novella by Charles Dickens that was originally published in 1843 in London by Chapman & Hall and illustrated by John Leech. The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who receives visits from the ghost of his former employer Jacob Marley as well as the souls of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, is told in the Christmas Carol. Scrooge changes into a nicer, gentler man after their visits. Dickens' A Christmas Carol was written at a time when the British were reexamining both older Christmas practices like songs and contemporary ones like letters and Christmas trees. He was influenced by his own childhood memories as well as the Christmas tales written by other authors, such as Washington Irving and Douglas Jerrold.

The catalyst in 'A Christmas Carol' is referred to as a ghost, quotations from this story that links to the term catalyst are - "If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child shall die".

To know more about Christmas carols, visit:


which option is the best hook to introduce an argumentative essay about why it is important for kids to have a hobby


According to the given statement Like their parents' generation, today's kids don't have as many hobbies.

What is a sample of an argumentative essay?

A successful argumentation essay includes the author's opinions and views in addition to facts and evidence to support its arguments. For example, you might have wanted to make the case in an academic argument that your classmates would enjoy visiting New York.

What subject matter dominates an argumentative essay?

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to concur with and back up your viewpoint on a subject by articulating your arguments and supporting them with facts. It's critical to strike the right balance between detailing credible research and expressing your ideas.

To know more about Argumentative visit:


Read the passage from a raisin in the sun. beneatha (with a grand and bitter gesture): this, friends, is the welcoming committee! walter (dumfounded, looking at lindner): is this what you came marching all the way over here to tell us? lindner: well, now we've been having a fine conversation. i hope you'll hear me all the way through— walter (tightly): go ahead, man. which words from the text best support a sarcastic tone? "welcoming committee" "marching" "hear me" "go ahead"


In the passage from Raisin in the Sun, the word from the text that best supports a sarcastic tone is “welcoming committee”.

A sarcastic tone, also known as verbal irony, is used to convey a meaning opposite to what is actually said. In other words, sarcasm occurs when a speaker says one thing, but actually means the opposite. Sarcasm is a literary device that utilizes irony to mock someone or something or convey contempt. It is the use of words that refer to the opposite of what the speaker or writer intends, particularly to insult or show irritation. Furthermore, an author may utilize sarcasm to add humor or cynicism. In the given passage from Raisin in the Sun, the word that best supports a sarcastic tone is “welcoming committee” which is said by Beneatha with a grand and bitter gesture which is opposite of her intent.

Learn more about Sarcastic tone:



“Welcoming Committee”


The answer above is correct.

Who is the most popular band in the world right now?


The largest group at the time is the South Korean boy band BTS. They are currently ranked first in the Billboard Artist 100 and have been on the chart for an amazing 249 weeks as of the week of July 24th, 2021.

The BandLab NME Awards 2022's Best Band In The World winner is Fontaines D.C. At the BandLab NME Awards 2022, Fontaines D.C. won the prize for Best Band In The World. The Weeknd has the most number of monthly Spotify listeners among male artists as of December 2022, while Taylor Swift has the highest number of monthly Spotify listeners among female artists. The most popular male and female artists are Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran, respectively.

To learn more about amazing please click on below link


Are open-minded people happier?


According to research, people who are open-minded have varied perspectives on the world, which leads to them being happier, healthier, and more imaginative.

Being open-minded means being willing to actively seek out evidence that contradicts one's preferred ideas, intentions, or ambitions and to fairly consider that evidence when it is made accessible. Being open-minded does not entail being unsure, unsure of one's priorities, or unable to think for oneself.

An open-minded person can choose a strong stance and act in accordance with that stance after carefully weighing all of the available options. The "my side bias," which refers to the widespread propensity to look for information and analyze it in a way that supports your existing beliefs, is the antithesis of open-mindedness.

To learn more about open-minded, visit the link below:


Which word in the following sentence is an auxiliary verb?

The first day in the hall of the castle when she had said goodbye she had put up her veil double to her nose to kiss him: and her nose and eyes were red.






The word in the sentence that is an auxiliary verb is: D. had.

What is auxiliary verb?

An auxiliary verb is actually known to be verbs that help or play a supportive in a sentence. In other words, they are verbs that actually help the main verb in a sentence. These auxiliary verbs are usually used to create complex grammatical tenses which usually show different aspects of time. They can be used to show how long an action takes place.

Auxiliary verbs are known to usually follow infinitive verb or a participle in a sentence.

Auxiliary verbs that we can see in sentences are:

HaveHasHadDoDoesDid, etc.

We see here that the correct answer is "had". "Had" is the auxiliary verb which follows the an infinitive verb in the sentence.

Learn more about auxiliary verb on


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