How many mph is 45km/s 1mile= 1.609 Kilometers


Answer 1



Related Questions

How does the final paragraph relate to the main idea of the article?


Other sentences within a paragraph relate to the main idea. The final “wrap-up” sentence within a paragraph often reinforces the main idea. The main idea of a passage is important


The final paragraph of an article, story, or essay is normally the restatement of the thesis or main idea. I hope this helped! Brainliest is much appreciated!

Slave soldiers who converted to islam and became fiercely loyal warriors for the ottoman empire were: _________


Slave soldiers who converted to islam and became fiercely loyal warriors for the ottoman empire were: Janissaries .

What was the name of the Ottoman slave soldiers?

Mamluk, usually spelled Mameluke, is a term for a slave soldier who served during one of the armies with slaves formed during the Abbasid dynasty and eventually succeeded in seizing political control of a number of Muslim kingdoms.

What did the Ottoman Empire call Janissaries?

When Reign Of sultan Murad I established the Janissaries, an elite standing army of infantrymen, in the early 14th century. The name derives from the Turkish word yeniçeri, which means "young soldier."They were technically the sultan's slaves, but over the years they served as musketeers, crossbowmen, and bowmen.

To know more about ottoman empire visit:


Animals breathe in air containing oxygen and breathe out air containing less oxygen. the consumed oxygen is used?


In the respiratory electron transport chain, the oxygen that is consumed is employed as an electron acceptor.

The electron transport chain is a process that transfers electrons from compounds that are electron donors to compounds that are electron acceptors in the realm of biology. A sequence of redox processes take place in the mitochondrial matrix to form the electron transport chain.

When an animal breathes in air, the oxygen they consume acts as an electron acceptor in the process of the respiratory electron chain. By receiving two electrons and travelling through the electron transport chain, the oxygen that has been consumed is transformed into an ion.

To know more about electron transport chain, visit:


The part of a bacterial cloning vector that contains many restriction enzyme recognition sequences is called a?


The part of a bacterial cloning vector that contains many restriction enzyme recognition sequences is called a Origin of replication.

In bacteria, the DNA replication machinery is assembled in a specific location at the single origin of DNA replication. The replisome is found at one end of the rod-shaped bacterium Caulobacter, but it is found in the middle of the cell E. coli.

Topoisomerase II, also known as DNA gyrase, relaxes the supercoiled chromosome to allow bacterial DNA replication to begin. The DNA strands are then separated by an enzyme called helicase, which breaks the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs. The majority of bacteria reproduce through binary fission. The bacterium, which is a single cell, divides into two identical daughter cells during this process. When the bacterium's DNA divides into two, binary fission occurs (replicates).

To learn more about DNA replication in bacteria, here


classify each of the characteristics as pertaining to gene regulation in either prokaryotes or eukaryotes.
a. DNA does not contain introns.
b. Some genes are organized into operons, and mRNA transcripts often specify more than one protein.
c. Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm mRNA splicing must occur to remove introns.
d. Genes are located on different chromosomes
e. Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm
1. Prokaryotic gene regulation 2. Eukaryotic gene regulation


Prokaryotic gene regulation: Genes are located on one chromosome, Some genes are organized into operons, and mRNA transcripts often specify more than one protein, Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm.

Eukaryotic gene regulation: Genes are located on different chromosomes, mRNA splicing must occur to remove introns, Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is gene regulation?

The mechanism by which genes are regulated affects when, where, and how much they are expressed. Regulation of proteins and chemical modifications to DNA are only two of the many methods that may be used to carry out the process, which can be intricate. The ability of an organism to react to environmental changes depends on gene control.

One of the key functions that a cell does and one to which a significant portion of its energy is allocated is gene regulation. Gene regulation is one of the fundamental processes that a cell carries out in order to create the transcripts that will result in the proteins. To regulate, so that you can precisely control how a cell will behave in the context of stress, the growth of the organism, or repair, is also something to which a significant portion of the genome of the cell is presumably committed.

Hence all about gene regulation

To learn more about gene regulation click on the link


What are the reactants of photosynthesis quiz?


Water and carbon dioxide are mainly found as reactants in photosynthesis. We now understand that plants need carbon dioxide and water to produce their own food.

Plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine into oxygen and sugar-based energy through a process called photosynthesis.

The reactants in photosynthesis are sunlight, atmospheric carbon dioxide, and water. Reactants are the primary components employed in a chemical reaction, whereas products are the outcomes. Sunlight stimulates light activities in chlorophyll molecules, which are used in photosynthesis.

It is important because photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Animals depend on oxygen for survival, while plants purify the air by eliminating dangerous carbon dioxide.

To learn more about photosynthesis


suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.


Carbon cycling would be shifted towards an increase in deposition in sediments and fossil fuels and a decrease in inorganic CO2 levels.

How does the carbon cycle work?

The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical process that allows carbon to be exchanged between the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth.

Carbon is the primary component of both biological compounds and numerous minerals, including limestone. The ability of the Earth to support life is dependent on three cycles, the carbon cycle being one of them together with the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle.

It explains how carbon is moved throughout the biosphere as it is recycled and used again, as well as the lengthy procedures of carbon sequestration to and release from carbon sinks. Currently, the land and the ocean act as carbon sinks by absorbing roughly one-fourth of yearly anthropogenic carbon emissions.

To know more about carbon cycle  visit:-



Suppose human activities that influence the carbon cycle came to a complete stop. Use the information provided in the figure to predict the net effect on global carbon cycling.

a) Carbon cycling would be brought into balance so that it moves at equal rates through all compartments.

b) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in deposition in sediments and fossil fuels and a decrease in inorganic carbon dioxide levels.

c) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in outgassing of carbon dioxide from ocean waters and a decrease in carbon levels in living plant biomass.

d) Carbon cycling would be shifted toward an increase in dissolution of carbon dioxide into ocean waters and a decrease in carbon levels in living plant biomass.

many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


The answer lies in afferent somatic neurons. Numerous neurons in joints help transmit information about the joint activity, such as pain or position, to the brain. Afferent somatic neurons are the type of neurons these neurons belong to.

Afferent neurons, also called sensory neurons, are nerve fibers that transmit sensory information from the external environment to the brain. Somatic afferent neurons, which are sensory neurons, carry impulses that are started by receptors in the skin, skeletal muscle, tendon, and joint. Exteroceptors are the name for the receptors in the skin that detect touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. The cranial nerves II and VIII have specific somatic afferent fibers that convey sensory impulses from the special senses.

Therefore, we can conclude that the solution is afferent somatic neurons, which are found in numerous joints and help to notify the brain about joint activity, such as pain or position.



The nervous system plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis. List, in order, the basic steps that describe how the nervous system carries out this task.


1. Information gathered via sensory receptors is sent to the central nervous system.2. Information is analyzed to decide the best course of action.3. Effectors, including such muscles or glands, receive a directive.

What function does the nervous system serve in preserving homeostasis?

The nervous system regulates and controls the other bodily systems to keep the body in a state of homeostasis.A receptor is stimulated by a departure from the a normal set point, which causes it to send nerve impulses to the brain's regulatory center.

What are the nervous system's seven components?

The spinal cord, or medulla, its pons, its cerebellum, the midbrain, a diencephalon, as well as the cerebral hemispheres are generally regarded as the seven basic components of the central nervous system, which is defined as that of the brain and spinal cord.

To know more about nervous system visit:


The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells.a. True
b. False


The statement that the symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks protein synthesis in host cells is true.

The pathogenic bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which causes diphtheria, secretes the exotoxin known as diphtheria toxin. A prophage known as corynephage encodes the toxin gene. By entering the cell cytoplasm and preventing protein synthesis, the toxin causes sickness in humans. A toxin may be produced by bacteria that cause diphtheria. This toxin causes tissue damage in the infection's immediate vicinity, typically the nose and throat. An unyielding, grey membrane composed of bacteria, dead cells, and other elements develops at that location as a result of the infection. Breathing may be restricted by this membrane.

Want to know more about diphtheria visit the link given below;


A student makes a Venn diagram to compare the functions of carbohydrates and lipids.
Which cellular function of carbohydrates and lipids should be placed in the shared section of
the Venn diagram?
A Hormone prodation
B Structural support of cell walls
C Energy storage
D Catalyst for chemical reactions


Lipids may both store and release energy. Lipids simply expel more quickly. There are numerous systems covered by energy storage technologies, which can be divided into five basic categories:

what are The significance of energy storage

In its most basic form, energy storage enables the saving of electricity at a later time when and place. As a result, the electric grid becomes more efficient and capable, and it can also lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

What type of energy storage is predominant?

The majority of utility-scale power storage in the United States (95%) is provided by pumped-storage hydropower (PSH), making it the most widely used type of energy storage. Pumped-storage hydropower has grown by 2 gigawatts (GW) over the previous ten years, claims the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

To know more about  Energy storage visit:


carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that causes climate change. how does the destruction of forests contribute to this problem?


Destruction of forests contributes towards climate change because trees have the ability to restore the carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) in the environment into oxygen by performing the photosynthesis process. No trees will results in abundance of carbon dioxide in the environment.

Greenhouse gases are the ones that can absorb and emit the radiant energy thereby increasing the temperature of the earth. The example of these gases is: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, etc.

Photosynthesis is the process of synthesizing food by the plant by using the inorganic raw materials like sunlight energy, water and carbon dioxide in order to produce sugars and the by-product oxygen.

To know more about photosynthesis, here


During the process of transpiration, water is pulled up from the roots and into the leaves of the plant for use during photosynthesis. If the plant has excess water in the leaves, transpiration releases this water into the air. Based on the description of transpiration, what internal and external conditions would most likely cause this process to occur?.


If the plant is releasing water into the air, that must mean that there is an excess of water in the plant, and photosynthesis can only occur when sunlight is present.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is essential to most life on Earth. Plants, algae, and some types of bacteria carry out the process by capturing solar energy to create oxygen (O2) and chemical energy stored in glucose (a sugar). Consequently, herbivores get this energy from consuming plants, and carnivores get it from eating herbivores.

Plants absorb water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the soil and atmosphere during photosynthesis. Water is oxidized, which means it loses electrons, while carbon dioxide is reduced, which means it receives electrons, inside the plant cell. Water is converted into oxygen and carbon dioxide into glucose as a result. After storing energy within the glucose molecules, the plant releases the oxygen back into the atmosphere.

Read more  about photosynthesis:


if nondisjunction occurs during meiosis, how many chromosomes will affected gametes have compared to normal gametes?


During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes fail to split if nondisjunction takes place. This results in unusual gametes, that have two copies of the chromosome in question or none at all.

Sister chromatids fail to split if meiosis II nondisjunction takes place. In this instance, 50% of the generated gametes are healthy haploid gametes, 25% of gametes have an additional chromosome, and 25% of gametes are missing a chromosome.

When a pair of homologous chromosomes fails to segregate or separate at anaphase, both of the pair's chromosomes pass to the same daughter cell. This most likely happens during meiosis, but it can also happen during mitosis to create a mosaic individual.

For  more information on nondisjunction kindly visit to


ifferent forces were applied to five balls, and each force was applied for the same amount of time. The data is in the table.

A 4 column table with 3 rows. The first column is labeled Object with entries Ball A, Ball B, Ball C, Ball D. The second column is labeled Force in Newtons with entries 50 N, 60 N, 70 N, 80 N. The third column is labeled Time in seconds with entries 1.25, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25. The fourth column is labeled Impulse in Newtons times seconds with entries 62.5, 75, 87.5, 100.
If the force on ball A doubles while the time remains the same, what happens to the impulse?

It divides in half.
It does not change.
It doubles.
It quadruples.


It doubles........................


it doubles


During times of relaxation, the division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.
a. True
b. False


During times of relaxation, the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time True.

The parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system balances the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system controls the body's fight or flight response, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps control the body's responses during rest.

Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart and breathing lowers blood pressure and aids digestion. Our bodies enter a state of relaxation and this relaxation leads to recovery. The more time we spend in the PSNS state, the healthier we are. This part of the autonomic nervous system works in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system.

Learn more about The parasympathetic division here:-


the parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by peripheral ganglia near the


The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by peripheral ganglia near the Organs and short post ganglionic fibers.

What is parasympathetic nervous system?

Your autonomic nervous system includes your parasympathetic nervous system. It might be referred to as your "automatic" nervous system because it controls many processes that you don't need to think about. Among other things, this can include managing your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination, and perspiration.

Your sympathetic nervous system is balanced by the parasympathetic portion of your autonomic nervous system. Your body's "fight or flight" response is regulated by your sympathetic nervous system, while the "rest and digest" response is regulated by your parasympathetic nervous system.

Read more about parasympathetic nervous system:


What are the two products of burning hydrocarbons?


The two products of burning hydrocarbons is water vapor and carbon dioxide.

A hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat is referred to as a hydrocarbon combustion. Molecules of hydrocarbons are made up of carbon and hydrogen. They are mostly referred to for being one of the the main ingredients in fossil fuels consisting coal, oil, and gas.

For this reason, hydrocarbon resources are frequently used to refer to fossil fuel resources. Fossil fuels are converted into energy by combustion, or burning. Although there are impurities in fossil fuels, the main method of burning them is hydrocarbon combustion.

Learn more about hydrocarbon combustion here:


In this passage, what animals does dickens compare smoke and machinery to? a serpent and an elephant a chimney and a monster a black canal and a steam-engine a piston and an elephant.


A personification example can be found in this passage. In this line, Dickens compares smoke and machinery to reptiles and elephants.

A personification example can be found in this passage. Dickens contrasts.Personification is a figure of speech where a living entity is compared to the traits of non-living entities. Personification is another name for the purpose of representing intangible attributes.Charles Dickens' poetry is where the aforementioned passage is drawn from. Dickens compares smoke to a serpent and machinery to an elephant in the passage.Personification has been used to show how smoke and machinery are entirely abstract attributes compared to qualities possessed by animals like serpents and elephants.Therefore, option A; in the portion of the poem above, Dickens used personification to link smoke and machinery to creatures like serpents and elephants.

To know more about personification check the below link:



(A) a serpent and an elephant


EDGE 2022

At which point is swampland located?



1 that’s what is seems

which hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion?


Hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion is Inhibin.

A glycoprotein hormone called inhibin can inhibit the complex process of spermatogenesis without having an impact on the release of testosterone. The Sertoli cells, which are found in the seminiferous tubules directly inside the testicles, secrete inhibin.Hormone produced by the granulosa cells in the ovaries of females that primarily works to prevent the anterior pituitary gland from secreting follicle-stimulating hormone. The interaction between inhibin and follicle-stimulating hormone constitutes a classic negative feedback servomechanism because the primary purpose of follicle-stimulating hormone is to stimulate the creation and function of granulosa cells. Sertoli cells in male testes produce negligible levels of inhibin.

To know more about inhibin check the below link:


what is a gene pool?group of answer choicesthe collection of genetic information found in a particular population members of a species who share identical genetic information the collection of genetic information found in an entire speciesa randomized approach to determining relatedness of individuals in a population


The gene pool is the collection of genetic information found in particular population members of a species who share identical.

What are genes?

Genes consist of a piece of DNA that determines individual traits through the formation of polypeptides. Genes are between 4 - 8 m (microns) in size.

Genes act as controllers of traits in organisms. Genes play an important role in the process of inheritance. Some inherited traits include skin color, eye shape, hair shape, or certain types of diseases. The process of passing on traits from parents to their children is called heredity.

Some of the properties of the gene are:

Contains genetic information.Each gene has different tasks and functions.At the time of the division of mitosis and meiosis can hold duplication.

Learn more about gene location and gene function here :


some mites are thought to be a normal inhabitant on the skin of many animals, like dogs and cats. question 1 options: true false


True, On the skin of many animals, including dogs and cats, certain mites (parasites) are known to be a common resident.

Either endoparasites mites , which can either be intracellular or intercellular (inhabiting cells in the host's body), or skin ectoparasites, which reside on the surface of the skin host's body and do not often cause disease in the host, include animals ticks, fleas, leeches, mites and lice. A tight association between species is called parasitism of mites , in which one creature, the parasite, inhabits or lives on another skin , the host, harming it in some manner and becoming structurally adapted to this mode of life.

learn more about mites here:


how many gel bands would one expect to see after restriction digestion of dna from a person heterozygous for patterns a and b?


A person with both A and B pattern genes will have four bands on their chromosomes: the two bands linked to the B pattern, plus the two additional bands linked to the A pattern.

This is because a heterozygous person possesses both the A pattern and the B pattern alleles. The DNA would be split into three fragments in order to investigate the A pattern. The B pattern’s DNA would then be examined after being divided into two pieces. One of the two fragments would match the DNA for the A pattern exactly, whereas the other would be different. The heterozygote would then have four unique bands visible in its DNA, which would be split into four separate parts.

To learn more about DNA, refer:-


Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?



The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.

which u.s. regulatory agency oversees guidelines and laws that govern environmental applications of biotechnology and other sciences?


Environmental Protection Agency of the United States This covers the control of pesticides produced by an environmental applications using contemporary biotechnology methods.

Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the biotechnology Toxic Substances Control Act, the EPA regulates pesticides, including genetically modified pesticides environmental applications. The legislative specifications for the EPA's registration procedure for all pesticides are provided by this legislation. biotechnology mandates that EPA thoroughly assess a pesticide's proposed use to guarantee that it won't pose unreasonably high risks of harm to human health or the environment before it releases. Plants that have undergone biotechnology genetic modification

learn more about biotechnology here:


prokaryotic ribosomes differ from those present in eukaryotic cytosol. because of this, which of the following is correct? a. some selective antibiotics can block protein synthesis of bacteria without effects on protein synthesis in the eukaryotic host. b. eukaryotes did not evolve from prokaryotes. c. translation can occur at the same time as transcription in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes. d. some antibiotics can block the synthesis of peptidoglycan in the walls of bacteria. e. prokaryotes are able to use a much greater variety of molecules as food sources than can eukaryotes


The following statement is true: Prokaryotes can consume a considerably wider diversity of chemicals than can eukaryotes.

Why do ribosomes found in bacterial cells differ from those found in eukaryotic cytosol?

While the majority of eukaryotic ribosomes are membrane-bound, prokaryotic ribosomes are found loose in the cytoplasm. The two subunits known as the big and small subunit are present in both varieties of ribosomes. Ribosomes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ primarily in size and placement within the cell.

How do bacterial and eukaryotic cells' ribosomes differ?

In prokaryotes, ribosomes are smaller, only found in free form and not in any other organelles. They are composed of three different types of three-stranded rRNA and fifty different forms of protein. In eukaryotes, ribosomes can be found in other organelles (like mitochondria) or in free form.

To know more about Prokaryotes visit:-


Write the organs involved in protein secretion in order from start to finish



The organs involved in protein secretion are the liver, the pancreas, and the small intestine.


The liver produces enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids.

The pancreas produces enzymes that further break down the amino acids into peptides.

The small intestine absorbs the peptides and transports them to the bloodstream.

An example of mitosis at work is a leaf
a) turning yellow.
b) growing.
c) taking in carbon dioxide.
d) performing photosynthesis.
i just need the letter :)






i believe the answer is b

how did the experiment with prostigmine performed by fatt and katz (see diagram below) support the hypothesis that acetylcholine molecules were released from the presynaptic (and not the postsynaptic) side of the neuromuscular junction (nmj)?


In neuromuscular junctions, acetylcholine (ACh) produced from motor neuron axonal terminals controls the efficiency of neurotransmission by activating presynaptic nicotinic and muscarinic autoreceptors.

At neuromuscular junctions, synapses in the ganglia of the visceral motor system, and several other locations throughout the central nervous system, acetylcholine functions as a neurotransmitter. The terminal terminals of a motor nerve and a muscle (skeletal, smooth, or cardiac) meet to form the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a synaptic connection. It is the location from which the nerve sends the muscle's action potential. It serves as both a location for many diseases and a site of action for a range of medications.

To learn more about neuromuscular junctions click on the given link:


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