How many moles of KOH are contained in 50.0 mL of 6.00 M KOH?


Answer 1


The answer is 1.82.

Answer 2

the answer is 0.3 moles


the molarity formula is M=moles/vol in liters

so moles no =M×vol in liters

=6.00×50/1000=0.3 moles

Related Questions

100 POINTS HELPPP Which of these is a potential use for a beaker?
A. Obtaining reagents from the original bottle
B. Holding a liquid that evaporates fast at room temperature
C. Creating a specific concentration of a solution
D. Making specific (precise) measurements



B. Holding a liquid that evaporates fast at room temperature


Beakers are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. They are also used to catch liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations. Laboratory Burners are sources of heat. Burets are for addition of a precise volume of liquid.

B. Holding a liquid that evaporates fast at room temperature

4. Calculate the new molarity if 130.0 mL of water is added to 55.0 mL of a 5.82 M solution of


The new molarity is 1.73 M

What is the molarity?

The new molarity if 130.0 mL of water is added to 55.0 mL of a 5.82 M solution of LIOH.

The formula for determining molarity from moles and volume is extremely straightforward. Simply divide the volume of solution by the moles of solute.The number of moles per liter, denoted by the unit sign mol/L or mol/dm3 in SI units, is the most widely used unit for measuring molarity. One mol/L of a solution's concentration is referred to as one molar, or 1 M.

MO = 2.00 M



VO = 55 mL, and

VD = 185 mL (55 + 130 mL).

M x 55 mL = 5.82 MD x 185 mL

MD = 5.82*55/185 = 1.73 M

The new molarity is 1.73 M.

To learn more about molarity refer to:


calculate the molar internal energy of carbon dioxide at 298.15k , taking it's translational and rotational degrees of freedom into consideration




To calculate the molar internal energy of a gas at a given temperature, you need to know the molar specific heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure for the gas. These values are typically provided in tables of thermodynamic data, which can be found in various sources such as textbooks or online. Since you mentioned that you want to take the translational and rotational degrees of freedom into consideration, you will need to use the molar specific heat capacity at constant volume, which accounts for these degrees of freedom.

Once you have the molar specific heat capacity at constant volume for the gas, you can use the equation U = Cv * T, where U is the molar internal energy, Cv is the molar specific heat capacity at constant volume, and T is the temperature in kelvins. In your case, the temperature is 298.15 K, so plugging in the appropriate values and solving for U will give you the molar internal energy of carbon dioxide at that temperature.

It's important to note that the molar specific heat capacity at constant volume is typically a function of temperature, so you will need to use the appropriate value for the temperature you are interested in. Additionally, different sources may provide slightly different values for the molar specific heat capacity, so it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources to get a sense of the range of possible values.

A sample of nitrogen gas is kept in a container of volume 2.3 L at a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius exerts a pressure of 4.7 atm. Calculate the number of moles of gas present.


The number of moles of gas present would be 0.43 mol.

Ideal gas equation

The ideal gas law is mathematically expressed as the ideal gas equation and is written as:

pv = nRT

Where p is the pressure, v is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas in kelvin.

In this case, the pressure of the gas is given as 4.7 atm, the volume is given as 2.3 L, R is 0.082057 L.atm.K-1.mol-1, and the temperature is given as 32 degree Celsius.

32 degree Celsium = 32 + 273 = 305 kelvin

Making n the subject in the above equation:

n = pv/RT

  = 4.7 x 2.3/0.082057x 305

   = 10.81/25.027385

   = 0.43 mol

In other words, the number of moles of gas present in a sample of nitrogen gas kept in a container of volume 2.3 L at a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius exerts a pressure of 4.7 atm is 0.43 mol.

More on the ideal gas law can be found here:


52.6 g sample of granite initially at 125°C was added to a coffee cup Killorin mentor the calorimeter held 100 mL of water at 20°C what will be the final temperature in the calorimeter


The final temperature of the granite and the water in the calorimeter is 8.4°.

What is the final temperature?

We know that in accordance to the first law of thermodynamics, energy is neither created nor destroyed but it can be converted from one form to another. This implies that the heat that is lost by the granite has to be equal to the heat that is gained by the water in this case.

Knowing that;

H = mcdT

H = heat lost or gained

c = specific heat capacity of the substance

dT = temperature change

Heat lost by the granite = Heat gained by water

52.6 * 0.79 * (θ - 125) = 100 * 4.18 * (θ - 20)

41.6θ - 5200 = 418θ - 8360

Collecting the like terms

41.6θ  - 418θ =  - 8360 + 5200

-376.4θ =  -3160

θ = -3160/-376.4

θ = 8.4°

Learn more about calorimeter:


Suppose you discovered a mutant yeast whose glycolytic pathway was shorter because of the presence of a new enzyme catalyzing the reaction: NAD NADH + H" Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + Hz 3-phosphoglycerate Would shortening glycolysis in this way be beneficial to the cell? Why or why not?


A mutant yeast whose glycolytic pathway was shorter because of the presence of a new enzyme catalyzing the reaction: Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + H₂O + NAD⁺→ NADH + H⁺ + 3-phosphoglycerate  will shortening glycolysis and wouldn't benefit the cells (anaerobic cells) because ATP isn't being produced and energy gain will be equal to 0.

What are glycolysis and cellular respiration?

Using oxygen and the chemical energy from food, a cell can manufacture energy in the form of ATP through a sequence of chemical reactions known as cellular respiration.

The initial stage in the process of cellular respiration is glycolysis, which is also the only step in anaerobic respiration.

Additionally, the anaerobic processes that generate ATP from glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) depend on the enzymes phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase.

Anaerobic cells won't benefit from these enzyme mutations because they will impair ATP generation.

In conclusion, because ATP isn't being created and energy gain will be equal to zero, reducing the glycolytic pathway won't help the cells (anaerobic cells).

Learn more about glycolysis here:


3. for the reaction 2a b ---> c d (stoichiometric), the following mechanism is proposed: step 1: a b <---> e (forward rate constant


The rate law expression for the reaction is r = k [A] [B]. Answer B.

The full question is in the attachment. The reaction is bimolecular because it involves two elements as reactants. The two reaction steps present will form the other reaction

A + B → C + D     (slow)

A + C → E        +  (fast)

2A + B → D + E

The rate law for every step

Step 1 : r₁ = k₁ [A] [B]Step 2 : r₂ = k₂ [A] [C]

The rate law for the overall reaction depends on the slow step reaction, step number 1

r = k [A] [C]

where k is the rate constant.

Learn more about rate law here:


which of the following is not a factor that affects the percentage of light that is transmitted through a colored solution


Intensity of incoming light is  the following is not a factor that affects the percentage of light that is transmitted through a colored solution.

What is intensity?

As well as being the same as the energy density times the wave speed, intensity is the amount of energy a wave transports over a surface of a given area in a unit of time.

What is light?

One kind of electromagnetic radiation is visible light, which travels through space in a way similar to a wave. Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves are further forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Therefore, Intensity of incoming light is  the following is not a factor that affects the percentage of light that is transmitted through a colored solution.

Learn more about intensity from the given link.


A 14.01 g sample of N2 reacts with 5.02 g of H2 to form ammonia (NH3). If ammonia is the only product, what mass of ammonia is formed?


The mass of ammonia formed if it were to be the only product would be 17 grams.

Stoichiometric problem

Nitrogen gas reacts with hydrogen gas to form ammonia gas according to the following balanced equation:

[tex]N_2 + 3H_2 --- > 2NH_3[/tex]

From the balanced equation of the reaction, the mole ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen gas is 1:3.

Recall that, mole = mass/molar mass

Thus, 14.01 g of nitrogen gas would be:

   14.01/28.02 = 0.5 mol

5.02 g of hydrogen gas would be:

   5.02/1.01 = 5.0 mol

Since the mole ratio from the balanced equation is 1:3, 0.5 mol nitrogen should require 1.5 mol hydrogen. In other words, 5.0 mol hydrogen is excess while 0.5 mol nitrogen is the limiting reactant.

The mole ratio of nitrogen to the ammonia produced is 1:2. Thus, the equivalent mol of ammonia gas produced would be:

0.5 x 2 = 1 mol

Mass of 1 mol ammonia = 1 x 17

                                        = 17 grams

Thus, the mass of ammonia gas that will be formed from 14.01 g sample of nitrogen gas and 5.02 sample of hydrogen gas would be 17 grams.

More on stoichiometric problems can be found here:


Please explain using Newton’s Laws of Motion (All of them) what happens when a car hits an SUV on the street, given that the first vehicle (car) is moving, while the second vehicle (SUV) is standing still. You may decide which way the SUV moved and how it hits the car, but you have to explain this in this assignment.


According to Newton's second law, force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. As a result, in a car accident, the force exerted by the vehicle and its occupants decreases as the time required for the vehicle to stop increases.

What is Newton's second law?

We clearly observed in the Exploration that when two cars collide, each feels a force from the other.

According to Newton's third law, when one object exerts a force on another, the second object feels an equal and opposite force exerted by the first object. This is very clear in the two-object collision.

The force with which your body is struck in a collision is referred to as crash force. Crash force is equal to your body weight multiplied by the vehicle's speed.

Newton's second law states that force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. As a result, the force exerted by the vehicle and its occupants in a car accident decreases as the time required for the vehicle to stop increases.

Thus, this way it hits the car.

For more details regarding Newton's law, visit:


which of the following is a disadvantage of using a lithium ion (li-ion) battery over a nickel metal hydride (nimh) battery?


The price of lithium ion batteries is a significant drawback. They typically cost about 40% more to produce than nickel-cadmium cells.

What applications does lithium have?

Rechargeable batteries for cell phones, computers, digital cameras, and electric vehicles are the most significant applications for lithium. Many non-rechargeable batteries for devices like heart pacemakers, toys, and clocks also include lithium.

Whose lithium deposits are the largest?

With 8 million tons, Chile possesses the largest known lithium resources in the world. In comparison, Russia (1.2 million tons), Australasia (2.7 million tons), and Argentina (2 metric tons) are all ahead of the South American country (1 million tons). Compared to the rest of Europe, Portugal has fewer of the expensive raw materials.

To know more about lithium visit:


A large tire contains 9.5 L of gas at a pressure
of 3.3 atm and a temperature of 279 K.
If the temperature of the gas increases to 303 K
and the volume is increased to 11.9 L,
what will be the new pressure of the gas?



new pressure = 2.86 atm


To solve the given problem, we have to use the 'combined gas law', which is expressed in the formula:

[tex]\boxed{\frac{p_1V_1}{T_1} = \frac{p_2V_2}{T_2}}[/tex].

From the question, we know that the initial volume of the gas is 9.5 L, the initial pressure is 3.3 atm, and the initial temperature is 279 K. Therefore, V₁ = 9.5, p₁ = 3.3, and T₁ = 279.

We are also told that the gas temperature increases to 303 K and the volume increases to 11.9 L. Therefore, T₂ = 303 and V₂ = 11.9. We are then asked to calculate the new pressure (p₂).

To do this, we have to substitute the known values into the equation and solve it for p₂:

[tex]{\frac{p_1V_1}{T_1} = \frac{p_2V_2}{T_2}}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\frac{3.3 \times 9.5}{279} = \frac{p_2 \times 11.9}{303}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]303 \times \frac{3.3 \times 9.5}{279} = p_2 \times 11.9[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\frac{3.3 \times 9.5 \times 303 }{279 \times 11.9} = p_2[/tex]

⇒ [tex]p_2 = \bf 2.86 \ atm[/tex]

Therefore, the new pressure of the gas is 2.86 atm.

a sealed container holds 0.0135 mol CO2 gas what mass of Na2CO3 is needed to generate the CO2


The mass of Na₂CO₃ needed to generate 0.0135 mole of CO₂ is 1.431 grams

How do I determine the mass of Na₂CO₃ needed?

We'll begin by obtaining the mole of Na₂CO₃ that reacted to produce 0.0135 mole of CO₂

Na₂CO₃ + 2HCl -> 2NaCl + H₂O + CO₂

From the balanced equation above,

1 mole of CO₂ was obtained from 1 mole of Na₂CO₃


0.0135 mole of CO₂ will also be obtained from 0.0135 mole of Na₂CO₃

Now, we shall determine the mass of Na₂CO₃ needed for the reation. Details below:

Mole of Na₂CO₃ = 0.0135 moleMolar mass of Na₂CO₃ = 106 g/molMass of Na₂CO₃ = ?

Mole = mass / molar mass

0.0135 = Mass of Na₂CO₃ / 106

Cross multiply

Mass of Na₂CO₃ = 0.0135 × 106

Mass of Na₂CO₃ = 1.431 grams

Therefore, the mass of Na₂CO₃ needed is 1.431 grams

Learn more about mass:


Experimental data for the reaction
are given in the table below.
[NO2](M)[NO2](M) [F2](M)[F2](M) Initial rate (M/s)(M/s)
0.100 0.100 0.026
0.200 0.100 0.051
0.200 0.200 0.103
0.400 0.400 0.411
a) Enter an expression for the reaction rate law.
Express your answers in terms of kk, [NO2][NO2], and [F2][F2].


The reaction is:  2NO2(g) + F2 (g) =2NO2F (g)

Let us consider the order of the reaction i.e., a and b with respect to NO2 and F2.

So, the rate Law is: Rate = K [NO2] a [F2] b                                       ------- (i)

Where, K is the rate law constant

Now, for experiment no. 1

Rate = 0.026 = K (0.100) a (0.100) b                                       ----------(ii)

for experiment no. 2

Rate = 0.051 = K (0.200) a (0.100) b                                       ----------(iii)

for experiment no. 3

Rate = 0.103 = K (0.200) a (0.200) b                                       ----------(iv)

for experiment no. 4

Rate = 0.411 = K (0.400) a (0.400) b                                       ----------(v)

Now, dividing equation no. – (ii) by (i), we get

0.026/0.051 = {K (0.100) a (0.100)b} / K (0.200) a (0.100) b

1/2 = (1/2) a

a = 1

Now, dividing equation no. – (iii) by (ii), we get

0.051/0.103 = {K (0.200) a (0.100) b} / K (0.200) a (0.200) b

1/2 = (1/2) b

b = 1

Hence, the rate law expression is –

Rate = K [NO2]1 [F2]1

Rate = K [NO2] [F2]

To learn more about Rate Law Reaction:


relationship between electron geometry, molecular geometry, orbital hybridization and molecular polarity


The relationship between electron geometry, molecular geometry, orbital hybridization, and molecular polarity is:

Hybridization affects molecular geometry because a molecule's geometry depends on the number of s and p orbitals of a molecule. The orbital hybridization also affects the positions of electron groups and the lone pairs, which affects the electron geometry and the molecular polarity as well.

How do electron geometry, molecular geometry, orbital hybridization, and molecular polarity correlate?

These 4 aspects have a significant role in the characteristic of a molecule:

Electron geometry, which is the arrangement of electron pairs around the central atom.Molecular geometry, which is the structure that represents the arrangement of atoms in a molecule.Orbital hybridization, which is the redistribution of energy of an atom into the orbitals.Molecular polarity, which is the distribution of the electron clouds across the atoms within a molecule.

Orbital hybridization is the key to the other aspects. By determining an atom's s and p hybridization, we can analyze the molecular geometry. For example, an sp³ atom has tetrahedral geometry. Molecular geometry depends on the electron arrangement in atoms and molecules. The electron arrangement defines the electron clouds and affects the molecular polarity as well.

Learn more about orbitals and hybridization here


Which would you predict to have a higher boiling point and why?

Salt: NaCl
Sugar: C12H1801




Explanation: This is because salt (salt solution) contains more water than sugar. When it boils, the heat of the liquid water and vaporized salt combine to create a hot gas, which pressure forces out from the bottom of the container.

Explain why an object might be classified as having a negative electrostatic charge.


A negative charge indicates that an item contains more electrons than protons, that's why an object might be classified as having a negative electrostatic charge.

What is negative electrostatic charge?

An item has an excess of electrons and is considered to have a negative charge when it obtains electrons. When an item loses electrons, it is considered to have a positive charge because it lacks electrons. Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charges.

Transferring electrons to or taking them away from an item produces an electrical charge. When electrons are introduced to an item, it acquires a negative charge due to the negative charge of electrons.

To know more about electrostatic charge refer to:


Step 1:H2(g)+ICl(g)→HI(g)+HCl(g)(slow)Step 2:HI(g)+ICl(g)→HCl(g)+I2(g)(fast)The reaction is carried out at constant temperature inside a rigid container. Based on this mechanism, which of the following is the most likely reason for the different rates of step 1 and step 2 ?


H2(g)+2ICl(g) → 2HCl(g)+I2(g)H2(g)+2ICl(g)→2HCl(g)+I2(g)


What is Rate of Reaction?

The pace at which the products are created from the reactants in a chemical reaction is referred to as the rate of reaction. It provides some understanding of how quickly a response might occur. For instance, the combustion of cellulose in fire has a very rapid response rate and is finished in a fraction of a second.

The pace at which reactants change into products is known as the rate of reaction or reaction rate. It goes without saying that the pace at which chemical reactions take place varies greatly. While certain chemical reactions occur almost instantly, others often take time to achieve their ultimate equilibrium.

Rate of reaction=Amount of reactant used/Time taken for the                           consumption of the reactant

Learn more about Rate of Reaction from given link


What process is being shown in this diagram?




correct answer mark brainliest


This is the correct answer

How many milliliters of 12.0 M HCl(aq) are needed to prepare 545.0 mL of 1.00 M HCl(aq)?
Please answer thank you !


Answer: 45.42 mL

Explanation: M1V1 = M2V2

the atomic masses of nitrogen-14, titanium-48, and xenon-129 are 13.999234 amuamu , 47.935878 amuamu , and 128.904779 amuamu , respectively. part a calculate the nuclear masses of all three isotopes.


a). the nuclear masses of nitrogen-14 is 14.11154 amu

b). the nuclear masses of titanium-48 is 48.38523 amu

c). the nuclear masses of xenon-129 is 130.042455 amu

Define nuclear mass.

The formula for calculating nuclear mass is M=ZM (p)+(A-Z)M (n), where M (p) and M (n) refer to the mass of protons and neutrons, respectively. Nuclear mass is the total mass of all the nucleons represented inside the nucleus.

a). Given, atomic mass of 7N14= 13.999234 amu

We, know

Mass of proton= 1.00727 amu

Mass of neutron= 1.008665 amu

A nucleus contains only neutron and proton. N14 nucleus contains 7 protons and 7 neutrons that is 14 nucleons.

Therefore, the total mass of protons and neutrons= nuclear mass

= (7*1.00727 amu) + (7*1.008665 amu)= 14.11154 amu

b). Given, atomic mass of 22Ti48= 47.935878 amu

We, know

Mass of proton= 1.00727 amu

Mass of neutron= 1.008665 amu

A nucleus contains only neutron and proton. N48 nucleus contains 22 protons and (48-22) =26 neutrons that is 48 nucleons.

Therefore, the total mass of protons and neutrons= nuclear mass

= (22*1.00727 amu) + (26*1.008665 amu)= 48.38523 amu

c). Given, atomic mass of 54Xe129= 128.904779 amu

We, know

Mass of proton= 1.00727 amu

Mass of neutron= 1.008665 amu

A nucleus contains only neutron and proton. N48 nucleus contains 54 protons and (129-54) =75 neutrons that is 129 nucleons.

Therefore, the total mass of protons and neutrons= nuclear mass

= (54*1.00727 amu) + (75*1.008665 amu)= 130.042455 amu

Therefore, a). the nuclear masses of nitrogen-14 is 14.11154 amu

b). the nuclear masses of titanium-48 is 48.38523 amu

c). the nuclear masses of xenon-129 is 130.042455 amu.

To learn more about nuclear mass from the given link.


For a radical addition reaction involving HBr and propene, sort each reaction step into the following categories: CH3CH=CH2 + HBr CH3CH2CH2Br



Explanation: Breaking double bond and adding HBr with a catalyst as hydrogen peroxide.

Then, write balanced half-reactions describing the oxidation and reduction that happen in this reaction.


The oxidation reaction: Ni → Ni⁴⁺ + 4e.

The reduction reaction: 2Cl₂ + 4e → 4Cl⁻.

What is Redox Reaction?

Redox or Oxidation-Reduction processes usually involve simultaneous oxidation and reduction reactions. In a chemical reaction, the material that is being reduced is referred to as the reducing agent, while the substance that is being oxidised is the oxidising agent.

The mentioned reaction: Ni + 2Cl₂ → NiCl₄.

It is an oxidation-reduction reaction comes from two half reactions.

The oxidation reaction: in it Ni losses 4 electrons and is oxidized to Ni⁴⁺ according to the reaction:

Ni → Ni⁴⁺ + 4e.

The reduction reaction: every molecule of Cl₂ will gain 2 electrons and is reduced to 2Cl⁻ according to the reaction:

2Cl₂ + 4e → 4Cl⁻.

The summation of the two-half reactions will give the reaction:

Ni + 2Cl₂ → NiCl₄.

Learn more about Redox Reaction from given link


1. Describe an example of a physical change
or chemical change that is endothermic
and a physical or chemical change that is




Endothermic - Ice cubes absorbing the heat around them to melt into water.

Exothermic - Candle burning giving off heat into the atmosphere.

when looking at the carbon isotopes present in the atmosphere, scientists determined that 13c and 14c levels have decreased over time.


The use of fossil fuels is responsible for increased atmospheric CO2.

What is fossil fuel?

A fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing material that forms naturally in the earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals, which is extracted and burned as fuel.The main fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.Fossil fuels can be burned to provide heat for direct use (such as cooking or heating), to power engines (such as internal combustion engines in motor vehicles), or to generate electricity.Some fossil fuels are refined into derivatives such as kerosene, gasoline, and propane before being burned.The origin of fossil fuels is the anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms containing organic molecules produced by photosynthesis.Conversion from these materials to high-carbon fossil fuels typically requires a geological process lasting millions of years.

To know more about fossil fuel, click the link given below:


. For a particular liquid, raising its temperature from 298 K to 318 K causes its vapor pressure to
double. What is the enthalpy of vaporization of this liquid? (R = 8.31 J/(K- mol))
115 kJ/mol
288 kJ/mol
27.3 kJ/mol
2.53 kJ/mol
270 kJ/mol



he enthalpy of vaporization is 27.3 kJ/mol. The correct answer is therefore (C) 27.3 kJ/mol.


To find the enthalpy of vaporization, we can use the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which relates the vapor pressure of a liquid to its enthalpy of vaporization. The equation is given by:

ln(P2/P1) = (delta Hvap / R) * (1/T1 - 1/T2)

where P1 and P2 are the vapor pressures at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively, delta Hvap is the enthalpy of vaporization, and R is the gas constant. In this case, we are given that the vapor pressure doubles when the temperature is raised from 298 K to 318 K, so P2 = 2 * P1. We can plug this into the equation and solve for delta Hvap to find the enthalpy of vaporization:

ln(2) = (delta Hvap / R) * (1/298 - 1/318)

delta Hvap = R * ln(2) / (1/298 - 1/318)

Plugging in the values, we get delta Hvap = 8.31 J/(K-mol) * ln(2) / (1/298 - 1/318) = 27.3 kJ/mol. The correct answer is therefore (C) 27.3 kJ/mol.

Nitrous oxide can be formed by the thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate:

NH4NO3(s) ---------> N2O(g) + 2H2O(g)

What mass of ammonium nitrate is required to produce 145 L of N2O at 2850 torr and 42 C?


The mass of the ammonium nitrate required is equal to 1684 grams.

What is the ideal gas equation?

The ideal gas law can be specified as an equation of the state of an ideal gas. This equation is the product of the volume (V) and the pressure (P) is equal to the product of the moles (n), universal gas constant (R), and absolute temperature (T).

The ideal gas equation can be represented as mentioned below:

PV = nRT

Given, the volume of nitrous oxide, V = 145 L

The temperature of nitrous oxide gas, T = 42° C = 42 + 273 = 315 K

The value of the gas constant, R=0.082 atmL/K mol

The pressure of the gas, P = 2850 torr = 3.75 atm

The number of moles of nitrous oxide gas, n = PV/RT

n = 3.75 ×145/(0.082 × 315)

n = 21 mol

The balanced chemical equation:

[tex]NH_4NO_3(s) \longrightarrow N_2O(g) + 2H_2O(g)[/tex]

Therefore, the moles of  ammonium nitrate will react = 21 mol

The mass of ammonium nitrate = 21 × 80 = 1684 g

Learn more about ideal gas equation, here:


Which of the following substances is formed from the remains of plants and animals?

A. Natural gas B. Petroleum C. Coal D. Water gas E. all except



E. all except


All except Water gas

The substances are formed from the remains of plants and animals are fossil fuels. Therefore, option E is correct.

What are fossil fuel ?

An extracted and burned fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing substance that naturally originated in the Earth's crust from the remains of extinct plants and animals. Coal, oil, and natural gas are the three primary fossil fuels.

Animal and plant remains are used to create fossil fuels. Coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas are some of them. They are energy sources made of accumulated fossils of living things that were buried millions of years ago.

Microbes that break down the corpses of plants and animals, such as bacteria and fungi, are referred to as saprotrophs or decomposers. Saprotrophs separate these residues into organic and inorganic substances as they decompose them.

Thus, option E is correct.

To learn more about fossil fuel, follow the link;


How many moles of hydrogen atoms are in 7.10 moles of water?



3 atoms


there are 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen

As volume increases pressure decreases?


Answer: true


Boyle's Law states both that as volume increases pressure decreases and that as pressure increases volume decreases. Explanation: Boyle's Law states that pressure and volume are inversely proportional, but also assumes that the material is a confined gas (so no amount of gas increases or decreases) and the temperature remains steady.

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