How many milliliters of 0.25M H2SO4 can be prepared from 57 mL of a 3.0M solution of H2SO4?


Answer 1


Why ? Because 1 molecule of H2SO4 gives 2 H+ ions per molecule while only one H+ ion is required to neutralize 1 molecule of KOH. So, 1 molecule of H2SO4 can neutralize 2 molecules of KOH. Hence, we would require 525 ml of 0.03 M H2SO4 to neutralize 525 ml of 0.06 M KOH. How will we prepare 525 ml of 0.03 M H2SO4 ?


Now, we have 0.025 M H2SO4 and we do not know how much volume we have.

We will use the standard N1 X V1 = N2 X V2 for this calculation.

N1=0.025 M; V1=unknown; N2=0.03 M and V2=525 ml.

So V1= (0.03 X 525)/(0.025) = 630 ml.

Answer 2

According to the molar concentration, 684 ml of 0.25 M H₂SO₄ can be prepared from 57 mL of a 3.0 M solution of H₂SO₄.

What is molar concentration?

Molar concentration is defined as a measure by which concentration of chemical substances present in a solution are determined. It is defined in particular reference to solute concentration in a solution . Most commonly used unit for molar concentration is moles/liter.

The molar concentration depends on change in volume of the solution which is mainly due to thermal expansion. Molar concentration is calculated by the formula, molar concentration=mass/ molar mass ×1/volume of solution in liters.

In terms of moles, it's formula is given as molar concentration= number of moles /volume of solution in liters.In case  of 2 solutions,it is calculated as, M₁V₁=M₂V₂ substitution gives V₁=3×57/0.25=684 ml.

Thus, 684 ml of 0.25 M H₂SO₄ can be prepared from 57 mL of a 3.0 M solution of H₂SO₄.

Learn more about molar concentration,here:


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I hope this is help

need correct answer..

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Answer my question pls!!

spam/unhelpful/incorrect/not sure = REPORT!! ​



21: True

22: False

23: True

24: False

25: False

26: True

27: True

28: False

30: True

Explanation: Hope this is helpful :)

a 2.7 L of N2 is collected at 121kpa and 288 K . if the pressure increases to 202 kpa and the temperature rises to 303 K , what volume will the gas occupy?



The gas will occupy a volume of 1.702 liters.


Let suppose that the gas behaves ideally. The equation of state for ideal gas is:

[tex]P\cdot V = n\cdot R_{u}\cdot T[/tex] (1)


[tex]P[/tex] - Pressure, measured in kilopascals.

[tex]V[/tex] - Volume, measured in liters.

[tex]n[/tex] - Molar quantity, measured in moles.

[tex]T[/tex] - Temperature, measured in Kelvin.

[tex]R_{u}[/tex] - Ideal gas constant, measured in kilopascal-liters per mole-Kelvin.

We can simplify the equation by constructing the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{1}\cdot V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{P_{2}\cdot V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex] (2)


[tex]P_{1}[/tex], [tex]P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kilopascals.

[tex]V_{1}[/tex], [tex]V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final volume, measured in liters.

[tex]T_{1}[/tex], [tex]T_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final temperature, measured in Kelvin.

If we know that [tex]P_{1} = 121\,kPa[/tex], [tex]P_{2} = 202\,kPa[/tex], [tex]V_{1} = 2.7\,L[/tex], [tex]T_{1} = 288\,K[/tex] and [tex]T_{2} = 303\,K[/tex], the final volume of the gas is:

[tex]V_{2} = \left(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}} \right)\cdot \left(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \right)\cdot V_{1}[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = 1.702\,L[/tex]

The gas will occupy a volume of 1.702 liters.



K2SO4 + H2

Reason :Potassium is highly reactive


K2SO4 + H2 this is the reaction.

A rectangular poster is /4 yard wide and / yard tall. What is its area? Solve this problem any way you choose



Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²


P.S - The exact question is -

Given - A rectangular poster is [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] yard wide and [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] yard tall.

To find - What is its area ?

Proof -

We know that ,

The area of rectangle = Length × Breadth


Given that,

Length of rectangle = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] yard

Breadth of rectangle = [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] yard

∴ we get

Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]  yard²

                                          = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²

⇒Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²

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Methane (CH4),Carbondioxide green house gases are carbon compounds

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are two powerful greenhouse gases produced by the carbon cycle.

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It is important because 1 plus one is 2 and 2 plus 2 is 4

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hormone erythropoietin (EPO) is responsible for the production of red blood cells.

the answer is the EPO system

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It has shone a light on our (I live in the u.s.) raciest past and now more then ever people are listening to science, even more so depending on it!


Use the element tile below to calculate the molar mass of He2 (helium gas).

2 g/mol

16.012 g/mol

8.006 g/mol

4.003 g/mol


Answer: 4.003 g/mol


So basically Molar mass is the atomic mass of an element and the atomic mass of Helium is 4.0026 or 4.003 g/mol

8.006 g/mol

multiply the molar mass of helium (4.003) by the subscript and you have your answer!

True or false: Heterotrophs need to go find and eat food.?






Heterotrophs cannot make their own food, so they must eat or absorb it. For this reason, heterotrophs are also known as consumers. Consumers include all animals and fungi and many protists and bacteria. They may consume autotrophs or other heterotrophs or organic molecules from other organisms

The gametes are identical to each other and combine to make an identical organism.





true! hope this helped!

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Answer and Explanation:

I believe −246.048 C or −411 F

An atom of an element always contains



An atom of an element always contain three fundamental particles called electrons(e-) , neutron ( n zero) and protons ( p+)

An atom of an element always contains a proton, electron and neutron.

What is an atom ?

Every atom is made up of a nucleus and one or more electrons that are attached to the nucleus. One or more protons and a number of neutrons make up the nucleus. Only the most common type of hydrogen is neutron-free. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is made up of atoms that are either neutral or ionized.

But when it comes to the word atom, we must go back to 400 B.C. Greece. And Democritus, a brilliant philosopher, proposed the Greek word atomos, which means uncuttable.

Every atom is made up of a nucleus and one or more electrons that are attached to the nucleus. One or more protons and a number of neutrons make up the nucleus.

Thus, An atom of an element always contains a proton, electron and neutron.

To learn more about an atom, follow the link;


Can anybody do this?





5. Now you want to know the distance in AU to each place where
you will be traveling. That way, you can relate each distance to our
solar system. What conversion factor will you need to multiply by to
convert kilometers to AU? (Hint: 1 AU = 149,598,000 km)



Multiply the length value by 6.68456e-9


The question involves converting from one unit (kilometers) to another unit (Au)

From the question;

149,598,000 km = 1 AU

1 km = x

Cross multiplying;

1  * 1 = x * 149,598,000

1 = 149,598,000x

x = 1 / 149,598,000

x = 6.68456e-9

To convert kilometer to Au; Multiply the length value by 6.68456e-9

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atomic number


Elements are organized on the table according to their atomic number, usually found near the top of the square.


by their atomic number

hope this helped

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1 cup I believe is the right answer sorry if it’s not

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In the ring of fire

Hope this acc helps

The genetic information found in DNA, chromosomes, and determines
A. the traits of the organism
B. the organism as an animal
C. the safety of the nucleus
D. the type of cell





the traits of the organism


The following formula d/t is used for calculation what?


The formula is used for calculating speed. D stands for distance, T stands for time. Full formula is S=D/T

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Carbon dioxide is CO2...if it’s broken down it will be C and O which are carbon and oxygen

True or false The difference between solids and liquids is that solids have definite shape and volume, while liquids have no define volume






true! :) hope it helps

Please help with this question




Silver nitrate reacts with calcium chloride as
2 AgNO3 + CaCl2 → 2 AgCl + Ca(NO3)2

How many grams of CaCl2 would be required to completely react with 420 mL of
0.506 M AgNO3 solution?
Answer in units of grams.


Answer: 11.8 grams of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex] is required.


To calculate the number of moles for given molarity, we use the equation:

[tex]\text{Molarity of the solution}=\frac{\text{Moles of solute}\times 1000}{\text{Volume of solution (in L)}}[/tex]     .....(1)

Molarity of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] solution = 0.506 M

Volume of solution = 420 mL

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]0.506M=\frac{\text{Moles of} AgNO_3\times 1000}{420ml}\\\\\text{Moles of }AgNO_3=\frac{0.506mol/L\times 420}{1000}=0.212mol[/tex]

The balanced chemical reaction is:

[tex]2AgNO_3+CaCl_2\rightarrow 2AgCl+Ca(NO_3)_2[/tex]

2 mole of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] requires = 1 mole of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex]  

0.212 moles of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] require = [tex]\frac{1}{2}\times 0.212=0.106[/tex] moles of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex]

Mass of  [tex]CaCl_2[/tex] =[tex]moles\times {\text {Molar Mass}}=0.106mol\times 111g/mol=11.8g[/tex]

Which system controls organs in times of stress?



The autonomic nervous system has a direct role in physical response to stress and is divided into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). When the body is stressed, the SNS contributes to what is known as the “fight or flight” response.


need help to solve it



Divide by the molar mass to get moles


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