how many cup-equivalents from foods in the dairy group are recommended for adults each day?


Answer 1

3 cup-equivalents from foods in the dairy group are recommended for adults each day  by USDA Food Patterns.

The USDA Food Patterns embrace three cup equivalents of dairy farm product per day in patterns that area unit targeted to preteens, teens, and adults. The amounts enclosed for younger kids area unit a pair of cups for two and three year olds, and a couple of ½ cups for four to eight years olds. For varied reasons, some people don't consume dairy farm product

Adults and youngsters who want a pair of,000 calories daily ought to eat or drink concerning three cups of dairy farm daily. one slice (1 ounce) of low-fat store cheese on a sandwich (counts as ½ cup of dairy). create the switch to low-fat and lite milk. Some youngsters and adults might have to create the amendment from full-fat dairy farm slowly.

To learn more about  USDA Food Patterns here


Related Questions

Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


Meditation and relaxation combined form the relaxation response technique , which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

Which phrase describes efforts made on a mental or behavioural level to deal with issues?

The term "coping" describes the cognitive and behavioural strategies we employ to address issues related to stress, such as its alleged root cause and the negative sensations and emotions it elicits.

The belief in one's capacity to influence circumstances or events might be roughly characterised as perceived control. Perceived control is well established to play a significant role in both physical and mental health, as well as being a reliable indicator of success in life.

The sensory stimulation and selection, organisation, and interpretation phases make up the three stages of perception. These stages nonetheless affect how our perceptions of the world around us are formed, even if we seldom ever see them in detail as they occur.

learn more about relaxation response technique refer


How many calories do you burn in 20 minutes of cycling?


Even 20 minutes on an exercise bike can burn a respectable amount of calories because we don't always have that much time to work out. For a 125-pound individual, moderate intensity exercise on an exercise cycling burns about 140 calories, 166 calories for a 155-pound person, and 193 calories for a 185-pound person.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


Exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.
a. True
b. False


TRUE. Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

Large muscular groups are worked repeatedly and systematically during aerobic exercise. Aerobic simply means "with oxygen," which encapsulates how to exercise functions. The heart delivers oxygenated blood to all the working muscles during aerobic activity, causing the muscles to burn fat and carbs.

The circulatory system's capacity to utilize and transport oxygen is enhanced by aerobic exercise. Due to its advantages for general cardiovascular health, particularly in reversing and avoiding heart disease and its repercussions, aerobic exercise is more frequently referred to as "cardio" or cardiovascular exercise. But in addition to improving cardiovascular health, it can also lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and other diseases.

Find more on cardiovascular health at:


Doctor . . . You're On! Congratulations, Doctor! You have been selected to speak at the most prestigious gathering of researchers and medical doctors in the country.

The committee that picked you to be the key speaker selected you because of your understanding of the benefits and myths of strength training. You have only a few days to put together a brief speech you need to give to open the conference, but, luckily, it only needs to be 5 minutes long.

Write a 5-minute speech on the benefits of strength training and the most common myths associated with it. You can use information you learned from the lessons and from additional online research. However, make sure to write the information in your own words. Also, be sure to create your speech in a speech-like format.

For instance, the beginning of your speech may start with something like: “Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming to the conference. Today I will be speaking on the benefits and myths of strength training…”


“Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming to the conference. Today I will be speaking on the benefits and myths of strength training and the most common myths associated with it.

Why the committee picked a person for the speech?

The committee that picked you to be the key speaker selected you because of your understanding of the benefits and myths of strength training because you are a talented doctor.

The doctor can give a lot of advise to this patients for the good health and healthy life, they try to conveince the people through his powerful speech that a healthy life is everything.

Therefore, “Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming to the conference. Today I will be speaking on the benefits and myths of strength training and the most common myths associated with it.

Learn more about doctor on:


Fluid build up in the lungs occurs in which type of heart failure?
Left sided congestive heart failure
right sided congestive heart failure
total heart failure
myocardial infarction


Answer: myocardial infraction


What are the best practices that make you more interested to do physical activities?


The best practices that makes one more interested to do physical activities are sports, group activities and dedicated time table to regularly follow the schedule.

Physical activities are very much needed for the body as they help in keeping the body fit and healthy and also ensures that the body remains active and full of energy. New fitness goals attracts the people to workout more. These days many fitness challenges also drive people to indulge in physical activities. The physical activity can be performed in form of any outdoor sports, or jumping or skipping, some small but brisk walks. The best results are seen when people workout together in groups. Some good physical activities are cardio workouts, aerobics, Pilate etc.

Learn more about physical activities at:


maria is 75 years old. she is experiencing severe loss of bone tissue. maria is most likely to be diagnosed with?





I think lmk if im wrong

Which could happen from dietary or hormonal deficiency or advanced age.

What was Des Moines argument in Tinker v?


Des Moines argued that the action that John and Mary Beth Tinker took by wearing black armbands to protest the outcome of the Vietnam war caused a disruption to the school environment by causing strife and uproar among the students.

Hope this helps Brainliest is appreciated!

What circumstances have you experienced, or which personal characteristics do you have that may have helped with your career decisions( goal)? What has hampered or has negative impact your career decisions?



Understanding the natural preferences inherent in our personality can help us to identify the types of job roles and working environments that we are likely to thrive and excel in. It also helps people become aware of why they like or dislike certain elements of their role.

How do I prepare for a cheerleading competition?


Stretch drink water

A _________ occur when a player kick the ball through the opponent' goal. Field goal


A field goal occurs when a player kicks the ball through the opponent's goal.

Terminology in the game of football:A touchdown occurs when the ball is brought directly into the end zone by a player (or caught by a player standing directly in the end zone area), the touchdown will be awarded 6 points.A punt is a kick made by knocking the ball out of the hands and then kicking the ball before it hits the ground.A field goal is a successful kick of the ball by the kicker over the goal post. The goalposts are located on the finish line behind the end zone and consist of one crossbar and two uprights. The ball must travel over the crossbar and between the support posts for the kick to score a point.

Learn more about field goals in football at


What are the main plot points of Hamlet?


Answer - The ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and death, and seeks revenge. His uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to kill Hamlet.

Which of the following is characteristic of a sports medicine specialist's career? please help im timed...( can be multiple answers)>
Performs emergency medical care
Performs long-term medical care
Diagnoses injuries
Prevents injuries



all of the above


Why don't we sleep well as we age?


Slow wave or deep sleep will probably lessen as you become older since your body generates less growth hormone (an especially refreshing part of the sleep cycle).

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital examined sleep data from older individuals (aged 60–74) and younger persons (aged 21–30) from numerous studies to better understand why healthy older adults have problems sleeping through the night.

According to Dr. Klerman, the study's chief researcher, "both young and elderly persons had no problem falling asleep, but the older group was four times more likely to wake up throughout the night when compared to younger people."

Your body actually goes through multiple distinct alertness periods throughout an average night of sleep. These include being awake, dream-associated rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which makes up around 75% of an adult's sleep. The Brigham researchers verified that trouble maintaining the NREM sleep state is a major contributor to sleep issues in healthy, older persons.

Learn more about  sleep to visit this link


The ______ perspective suggests when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency, or a brain injury.


The chemical deficit idea states that when someone displays indicators of abnormal behavior, a medical evaluation will identify the underlying cause.

When am I acting hormonally, how can I tell?

A hormonal imbalance may manifest in AFAB persons as heavy or irregular periods, missed periods, interrupted periods, or frequent periods. hirsutism, or excessive hair growth on the face, chin, or other parts of the body Having acne on the face, upper back, or chest.

Why are female hormones produced?

In women, the two main se-x hormones are progesterone and estrogen. Although testosterone is generally assumed to be a hormone that solely affects men, women also produce and need a little amount of it.

To know more about Hormonal visit:


Empathy is one of the best ways to build relationships. Imagine that your friend has just had a relationship that they thought had a great future but that ended rather abruptly. How could you use empathy to engage with this friend?


I'll demonstrate empathy by telling a buddy that I can relate to how they're feeling.

Is the inability to empathise a mental illness?

The Diagnostics and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders (DSM-V) does not classify absence of empathy disorder as a mental condition, although it may be one of several warning symptoms of a severe mental illness. However, psychological treatment is not always necessary for those who lack empathy.


How can I interact with this buddy using empathy?

I'll let him/her know that I'm sympathetic.

I'll let them know that I understand how painful it is for them.

I'll also let him or her know that I hope you hadn't had to endure it.

Because empathy is a strong force that promotes societal harmony and collaboration.

The process that enables humans to comprehend and react to others is empathy.

Empathy frequently promotes altruistic conduct, and it has been demonstrated that generosity based on sympathy improves collaboration and forgiving as well as partnerships.

To know more about Empathy visit:


What are the seven important elements of a weight training program?


The seven components of your program—overload, progression, specificity, regularity, recovery, balance, and variety—are all crucial. These guidelines are essential if you want to make progress and pursue a secure path to being healthier and more active.


You must progressively raise your physical training regimen's intensity and length if you want to boost your degree of fitness.


Additionally, it's crucial to keep up a steady fitness schedule that includes frequent breaks from activity. Ideal frequency for physical activity should range from three to five times a week.


The "U.S. Army Fitness Training Handbook" states that overloading happens when your training session involves more labor than you normally put on your body. You must exert yourself in such a way that your heart is beating at a significant portion of its maximal capacity.


If you execute the same pattern repeats, it's easy to become bored with physical exercise, therefore it's crucial to change things up by dividing your routine and including other activities.


Physical exercise breaks are just as crucial as the workout itself since this is when muscle damage is healed and waste is digested.


To reach a balanced level of fitness, it's crucial to make sure you're working every part of your body equally while planning a physical training program.


The last principle, specificity, seems to contradict the first, balance, by instructing you to concentrate on a particular skill throughout training. But more specifically, the notion of specificity suggests that you focus your training on a set of objectives.

To learn more about muscle damage click on the below link:


What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?



Okay so a weird dream I had was that I was being chased by Pennywise than out of nowhere he starts dancing

sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. what is this process called?


During a psychoanalysis session, patients may project their sentiments for persons in their life onto the therapist. This is referred to as "transference".

What is trasference in theraphy?

Transference occurs in treatment when a patient projects their anger, wrath, love, devotion, or a variety of other emotions onto the therapist or doctor. Therapists are aware that this could happen. Some therapists actively promote it as part of their therapeutic process. Therapists use psychoanalysis to try to comprehend a person's unconscious mental processes. This can assist them in understanding the patient's behavior, actions, and emotions.

There are three major types of transference, which are as follows:

When pleasant parts are projected onto the therapist, this is referred to as "positive transference".When unpleasant parts are projected onto the therapist, this is referred to as "negative transference".When a client feels sexually attracted to the therapist, this is known as "sexualized transference".

Learn more about therapist here:


The ______ sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around their respective treatment means.


The treatment sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around their respective treatment means. Group of answer choices.

What is variability?

dispersion is the extent to which a distribution is stretched or squeezed. Common examples of measures of statistical dispersion are the variance, standard deviation, and to the  interquartile range. For the  instance, when it is variance of data in a set to the  large, the data is widely used in scattered.

the sum that dashcam of Squires measures the variability of observed. So t this is the  simply the treatment them.  treatment by  them should be in the first time . Treatment sum of the squares.

To know more about variability click-


Sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. What is this process known as?
a. manifesting
b. transference
c. counterbalancing
d. transmission


The correct answer is:

b. Transference

Transference in therapy is the act of the client unconsciously transferring feelings about someone from the past to the therapist. Transference is a deep, intense,  unconscious feeling that arises in a therapeutic relationship with a patient.

Transference explains distortions in clients' perceptions of reality. It can be pathological, repetitive, and not reflective of the current relationship between  client and therapist, but modern psychology rejects this assessment.

Many psychological approaches recognize that the therapist's response can provoke the client's response, and that interaction processes can be beneficial or detrimental to treatment.  It may sound unfavorable, but if the therapist recognizes and acknowledges this, it becomes an important topic of discussion and allows the client to explore their emotional responses.

Read more about psychoanalysis at:


What do you call the gradual increase in activity overtime?


When you steadily increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training regimen, this is known as progressive overload.

Progressive overload may be utilized for any sort of exercise, including cardiovascular endurance activities like running, despite the fact that it is often employed in strength training.

You may prevent plateauing, which occurs when your body becomes used to the sort of exercise you're performing, by mixing up your exercises and increasing the strain on your muscles. You can discover that you feel stronger and more fit after a gradual overload. Training with progressive overload has the disadvantage that it must be done gradually. Increases in training load or frequency that are made too rapidly may be harmful and result in injury.

To learn more about cardiovascular click on the below link:


The process of muscle contraction is initiated by a _____ impulse. The impulse travels down the neuron axon and opens _____-gated _____ channels in the axon terminal. This allows _____ to flow into the axon terminal from the extracellular fluid. This chemical interacts with vesicle proteins in the axon terminal to move _____ vesicles to the axon's pre-synaptic membrane, where _____ occurs to release chemicals called _____ into the _____ cleft. (Specifically, the chemical released in skeletal muscle tissue is called _____; it is quickly destroyed by an enzyme called _____ that is found on the sarcolemma and in the synapse.) These chemicals diffuse to _____ the bind to special receptor, and open _____-gated channels, allowing _____ to enter the muscle cell. This causes a change in the charge inside the _____-_____ called an _____-_____ (the inside of the cell becomes less _____.


The process of muscle contraction is initiated by an electrical impulse. The impulse travels down the neuron's axon and opens calcium-gated ion channels in the axon terminal. This allows calcium to flow into the axon terminal from the extracellular fluid. This chemical interacts with vesicle proteins in the axon terminal to move synaptic vesicles to the axon's pre-synaptic membrane, where exocytosis occurs to release chemicals called neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. (Specifically, the chemical released in skeletal muscle tissue is called acetylcholine; it is quickly destroyed by an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase that is found on the sarcolemma and in the synapse.) These chemicals diffuse to the motor end plate, bind to special receptors, and open cligand gated channels, allowing sodium to enter the muscle cell. This causes a change in the charge inside the motor end plate called an end-plate potential (the inside of the cell becomes less negative).

What is muscle contraction?

When we do an activity, our muscles tighten, shorten, or lengthen as a result of the contraction. When we stretch or lift weights, hold anything in our hands, or pick something up, it may happen. Muscular relaxation, in which once-contracted muscles return to their pre-contracted state, is frequently followed by muscle contraction.  

The nervous system, which also governs the endocrine system and the human body, causes muscles to contract. They are in charge of maintaining the internal environment's stability and coordinating every body activity. The fundamental component of the neurological system is the nerve cell, or a neuron. Concentric, isometric, and eccentric are the three different kinds of muscular contractions.

Learn more about muscle contraction here:


Why is it important to sleep between 11 and 2?


The optimal period for heart health is between 10 and 11 p.m., according to research. They assert that the best time to go to bed coincides with circadian rhythms and exposure to light.

Sleeping before midnight not only regulates circadian rhythm but also impacts our wellbeing when awake.

Sleeping before midnight can assist to guarantee that you have adequate exposure to light during the day to control your melatonin levels, according to Rohrscheib.

Humans have the best hormonal secretions and healing between 10pm and 2am. The best time for our stress glands (adrenals) to relax and refuel is between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Melatonin synthesis is at its peak from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. By going to bed at the same time every night, you can control your circadian cycles.

Learn more about to important to sleep visit here;


What does it mean if a good is inelastic give an example?


Answer - Inelastic products are usually necessities without acceptable substitutes. The most common goods with inelastic demand are utilities, prescription drugs, and tobacco products. Businesses offering such products maintain greater flexibility with prices because demand remains constant even if prices increase or decrease.

Ren is holding a pose in place for 30 seconds. He is on his back and lifting to engage his glutes, hips, and thighs. Which exercise is he MOST likely performing?

the bird dog

a bridge


a mountain climber


It’s most definitely a glute bridge!

a dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in _____.


A dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in relapse rehearsal.

The Relapse rehearsal Stage is that the sixth stage of amendment within the Transtheoretical Model and represents the time during a person's treatment wherever they need slipped back to previous habits and came to use. Relapse is claimed to happen once individuals lose sight of their recovery.

Pecan pie is historically created with an honest quantity syrup and/or refined sugar, that solely contributes sugar and calories. Once again, your crust are often a giant supply of fat, particularly artery-clogging saturated fat. though pecans have several healthy attributes, a lot of doesn't suggest it's healthier.

To learn more about dieter here


How can I sleep 8 hours in 3 hours?


Answer: be well reseted before you take your 3 hour nap.


A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury?


Facial (VII) nerve is likely to be damaged in that injury which causes difficulty in tasting.

What are facial nerves?

The seventh cranial nerve is the one that controls the face (CN VII). It is connected to the vestibulocochlear nerve on the anterior side and the abducens nerve on the posterior side, indicating that it originates in the brain stem. The anterior two-thirds of the tongue are taste-sensitive areas that are controlled by CN VII, also known as the face nerve.

Facial nerve paralysis may cause sagging skin around the lips, eyes, and cheeks. This is one of the most noticeable symptoms. When a muscle loses the ability to contract, it entirely relaxes, and this causes the skin that is over the muscle to also relax.

Learn more about facial nerves, here:


Hugh performed the tests at home using a genetic testing kit. What do you think are the pros and cons of offering genetic testing kits to the public?.


The pros and cons of offering genetic testing kits to the public are given below.

The pros of genetic testing kits is that early detection could stop a lot of severe kinds of a malady or stop some from having a sick kid. The most disadvantage is that it's going to cause psychological stress to a private if they weren't antecedently alert to a magnified risk of developing a malady that has no cure.

Some cons of genetic testing kits to the public , will include: Testing could increase anxiety and stress for a few people. Testing doesn't eliminate a person's risk for cancer. Leads to some cases could come back inconclusive or unsure.

To learn more about genetic testing kits here


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