How many alleles does an individual need to have this predisposition to ovarian cancer?


Answer 1

An individual must need two alleles in order to have this predisposition to ovarian cancer.

What are the genetic mutations that can lead to ovarian cancer?

The genetic mutations that can lead to ovarian cancer may include TP53, BRCA1/2, PIK3CA, and KRAS. All these mutations are responsible for inducing ovarian cancer in new offspring if their parents have mutations in their germ cells.

Everyone has two copies of alleles of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, one copy inherited from their mother and one from their father. This condition is ideal for stimulating diseases like ovarian cancer in offspring, especially in females.

Therefore, an individual must need two alleles in order to have this predisposition to ovarian cancer.

To learn more about Ovarian cancer, refer to the link:


Related Questions

what does dr. christina burch recommend in the mrsa video to help slow the spread of antibiotic resistance from our commensal bacteria to potential pathogens?


Dr. Christina Burch advises in the mrsa video that in order to prevent the transfer of antibiotic resistance from our commensal bacteria to potential pathogens, we should stop using antibiotics.

Because bacteria can exchange the DNA that causes resistance with other bacteria, antibiotic resistance is particularly difficult to combat. There are three ways that bacteria can spread antibiotic resistance: by exchanging DNA through F-pili, which resemble hairs on the outside of the bacterial cell; by acquiring DNA from viruses that have taken it from resistant bacteria; and by acquiring DNA from dead resistant bacteria found in the environment.

Due to the fact that the MS2 phage binds to and targets the F-pili involved in the initial process of antibiotic resistance propagation, a recent study examined how this phage infects the bacterial species known as Escherichia coli. The MS2 phage causes two things to happen when it infects an E. coli cell, according to the researchers.

To learn more about antibiotic resistance, refer:


a self-regulating association of living plants and animals and their nonliving physical environment is termed a(n)


A self-regulating collection of biotic communities of organisms is referred to as an ecosystem. Exchanging matter and energy with their inanimate surroundings.

Ecology is the study of ecosystems, or it is the study of how living things interact with their environment in their natural habitat. A community of creatures and their physical environment make up an ecosystem. Broad groupings of terrestrial ecosystems are referred to as "biomes." Ecology is the study of interactions between living things, such as humans, and their natural surroundings. Ecosystems maintain processes that support life and offer ecosystem services like biomass production (food, fuel, fiber, and medicine), climate management, global biogeochemical cycles, water filtering, soil formation, erosion control, and others.

To learn more about ecology click here


large fish contain toxins from the smaller fish they eat. the increase in toxins from smaller fish to larger fish is called .


Toxins from the smaller fish that giant fish eat are present in them. Bioaccumulation is the process through which Toxins move from smaller fish to larger fish.

This phenomenon, known as Bioaccumulation , occurs when higher-level predators such as fish, birds, and marine mammals accumulate larger and more hazardous quantities of Toxins substances than do species that are lower on the food chain. You will investigate the Bioaccumulation of the hazardous chemical mercury in this project using a straightforward marine food chain. In the tropical and subtropical waters, these small animals cling to coral or algae. The Toxins , known as ciguatoxin, is retained in the bodies of smaller fish even though they don't become sick when they consume the algae. The Toxins builds up as larger fish consume the smaller fish.

learn more about Bioaccumulation and Toxins  here:


in nucleotide excision repair, damaged dna is excised by what enzyme(s)?in nucleotide excision repair, damaged dna is excised by what enzyme(s)?helicasedna polymerasesnucleaseligaseprimase


A method of repairing DNA is called nucleotide excision repair. Chemicals (such as intercalating agents), radiation, and other mutagens continuously cause DNA damage.

Nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision repair (BER), and DNA mismatch repair are the three excision repair processes that can fix single stranded DNA damage (MMR). The BER pathway can identify particular non-bulky lesions in DNA, but it can only repair damaged bases that have had specific glycosylases remove them. Similar to this, the MMR pathway only targets Watson-Crick base pairs that are mismatched.

The removal of DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet radiation is accomplished by the crucial excision mechanism known as nucleotide excision repair (NER) (UV). Bulky DNA adducts are produced as a result of UV DNA damage; the majority of these adducts are thymine dimers and 6,4-photoproducts. Once the damage is recognized, the brief section of single-stranded DNA that contains the lesion is removed. The single-stranded DNA that is still intact is used as a template by DNA polymerase to create a brief complimentary sequence.

To learn more about nucleotide excision repair, refer:


Energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp.
a. True
b. False


False, Energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or ADP.

The correct sentence is, energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.

ATP, also known as adenosine triphosphate, is the form of energy that is utilized for muscle contraction. ATP is the energy currency that is produced in the mitochondria during the process of cellular respiration.  ADP and Pi are the products of the breakdown of ATP.

After the removal of one phosphate during the decomposition process, ATP will eventually transform into the intermediate form known as ADP. Each bond cleavage results in an equivalent amount of energy of -32 kilojoules per mole.

You can also learn about ATP from the following question:


What the answers to this question






The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because ________.


The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because the immune system is divided into generalized and specific components, such as innate and acquired immunity.

What is immunity?

Immunity occurs when the body defends itself against a foreign pathogen, and in the body there are two types of mechanisms. One is called "innate immunity," which is generalized for a diverse range of pathogens. The other is acquired immunity, in which the cells produce specific antibodies against a specific microbe.

Hence, the immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because the immune system is divided into generalized and specific components, such as innate and acquired immunity.

Find out more about immunity here.


energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp. t or f


The statement "energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or ADP" is a FALSE statement.

Instead of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), the body gets its energy for performing muscular contraction from the cell's energy currency which is known as adenosine triphosphate or ATP.

Adenosine triphosphate is an organic compound that gives energy to various processes in living cells. It captures chemical energy from food molecules that has been broken down and releases it to fuel other cellular processes. When consumed in a metabolic process, ATP converts to either ADP or AMP. It has the chemical formula of C₁₀H₁₆N₅O₁₃P₃.

Learn more about adenosine triphosphate at


What occurs in a chemical reaction?
A. Reactants break bonds and form new bonds to make new substances.
B. Reactants break bonds and reform the same bonds.
C. Reactants break bonds, but do not form new substances.
D. No chemical bonds get broken.
I really need help on this :-(


Answer: Breaking chemical bonds.

Explanation: The number of atoms before and after the chemical range is the same but the number of molecules will change.

The answer is A. Chemical reactions involve breaking chemical bonds between reactant molecules (particles) and forming new bonds between atoms in product particles (molecules). The number of atoms before and after the chemical change is the same but the number of molecules will change.

the symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


The diseases are defined by developmental defects that result in impairments of personal, social, intellectual, or occupational functioning and often present early in development, frequently before the child enters grade school.

Language and speech, motor abilities, behavior, memory, learning, and other brain processes may all be affected in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Some neurodevelopmental disorders are permanent, even if their signs and behaviors frequently alter or change as a child gets older.

Genetic, intrauterine, extrauterine, and environmental factors that have an impact on the fetal-maternal milieu can all play a role in neurodevelopmental disorders that arise throughout fetal life.

Neurodevelopmental problems can persist into adulthood even though they are often identified in children. In milder cases, even though the issue has existed all along, it may not necessarily be diagnosed until adulthood.

Learn more about neurodevelopmental disorders here:


Which form of biotechnology involves creating a genetic duplicate of an organism?.


Cloning involves creating a genetic duplicate of an organism.

What do you mean by cloning?

Cloning is the process of producing individual organisms with identical or virtually identical DNA, either by natural or artificial means. In nature, some organisms produce clones through asexual reproduction.

Cloning is a technique scientists use to make exact genetic copies of living things. Genes, cells, tissues, and even whole animals can all be cloned. Some clones already exist in nature. Single-celled organisms like bacteria make exact copies of themselves each time they reproduce.

Despite several highly publicized claims, human cloning still appears to be fiction. There currently is no solid scientific evidence that anyone has cloned human embryos.

Learn more about cloning:


differentiate between hematocrit and hemoglobin. how will we determine the hematocrit level of blood in lab?


Red blood cells include the protein hemoglobin, and the term “hematocrit” refers to a measurement of the proportion of red blood cells to all other blood cells in the body.

Anemia is diagnosed using both hematocrit and hemoglobin. Standard blood tests can be used to assess hemoglobin and hematocrit, and both results are routinely provided when a clinician requests a blood count.

The volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood is known as the hematocrit (hct), and it is reported as a percentage. A hematocrit of 25%, for instance, indicates that there are 25 milliliters of red blood cells in every 100 milliliters of blood.

Measure the length of the packed red cells column and divide it by the length of the entire blood column using a hematocrit reader or any other ruling device (cells and plasma). The hematocrit is obtained by multiplying this amount by 100%. Example: The hematocrit is 20/50 = 0.4 or (0.4 x 100%) = 40% if the packed red cell column is 20 mm and the total blood column is 50 mm

To learn more about hemoglobin, refer:-


you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


As a representative of public health, you are looking into a salmonella outbreak. You decide to check the IgM antibody type in patients' blood to identify current cases.

What do antigen and antibody mean?

Any chemical that causes your immune system to react negatively to it is referred to as an antigen. Among the antigens are germs, viruses, and allergies. The body makes Y-shaped proteins called antibodies when it recognizes an antigen. B cells, an immunological cell type, create antibodies.

Which antibodies are harmful?

It is recognized that the "bad" antibodies react against by the brain's own tissues and can lead to autoimmune illness. It was previously believed that they were eliminated by the immune system or rendered dormant over time because of this.

To know more about antibody visit:


do premature infants often need to be placed on a ventilator because their undeveloped lungs produce excess surfactant


False - Babies that are unwell or are still developing receive breathing support from ventilators. Babies who are ill or premature frequently struggle to breathe properly on their own.

To help them breathe "good air" (oxygen) into their lungs and expel "bad" exhaled air, a ventilator may be required. Due to their immature development, premature babies are more likely to have dyspnea after birth, and some of them need help breathing.

The causes of breathing assistance in premature newborns are rarely discussed, though. In order to retrospectively examine the risk factors linked with respiratory aid, the current study enrolled 3,394 premature newborns (665 infants had received breathing support and 2,729 had not). According to the results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis, placental abnormality (odds ratio (OR)=1.284; P=0.048), being a boy (OR=0.696; P=0.001), having a cesarean delivery (OR=1.538; P=0.001), having a low 1-min Apgar score (OR=0.727; P=0.001), having a low birth weight (OR=0.999; P=0.005), and having a low gestation Numerous risk factors, such as a cesarean section, placental abnormalities

Learn more about " premature infants " to visit here;


the functional unit of the kidney is called question 9 options: the nephron. the pyramid. the renal pelvis. the renal cortex. the hilum.


Option A, The functional structural and operational component of the kidney is the nephron. because it is the kidney's smallest structure capable of performing its duties.

The nephron is the name for the kidney's functional unit. Each kidney has hundreds of thousands of nephrons, which have the capacity to absorb, resorb, and expel chemicals. The glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, and Henle's loop make up this structure. It functional consists of a coiled renal tubule and a peritubular capillary vascular network. The tubule is divided by many sections, each nephrons of which serves a crucial purpose. Each kidney has a little over a million nephrons.

learn more about kidney here:


osseous tissue is also called osseous tissue is also called cartilage. bone. ligament. fat. cellulite.


osseous tissue is also called osseous tissue is also called bone.

In most vertebrate creatures, the skeleton is made up of bones, which are stiff organs. The body's other organs are shielded by bones, which also manufacture red and white blood cells, store minerals, give the body structure and support, and permit motion. Bones contain intricate internal and external structures and exist in a variety of sizes and forms. They have a number of uses and are both light and robust.

To know more about bone, click here,


When collecting data from genetic crosses which gene pair is most likely to show the highest frequency of recombination?


The third gene must be flanked by the pair of genes with the highest recombination frequency, specifically: Recombination frequencies are calculated using data from D for the fly genes v, cv, and ct.

The likelihood of two genes inheriting together increased depending on how near they were to one another on a chromosome.

On the other hand, genes closer together on the same chromosome were less likely to split during recombination.

The more apart two genetic markers are thought to be, the more frequently they recombinate (segregate). On the other hand, the physical distance between the markers decreases as the frequency of recombination between them decreases.

Learn more about to recombination visit here;


All of the following are characteristic of the cnidarians except ___________________.a. muscle tissue derived from mesodermb. a motile form called the medusac. a sessile form called the polypd. a gastrovascular cavity


The cnidarians doesn't have proper mesoderm. It is considered to be diploblastic creatures with endoderm and ectoderm.

Cnidarians are soft-bodied, radially symmetrical creatures that live in aquatic environments. They go by the popular names of hydras, corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Portuguese men-of-war, sea fans, sea pens, and sea whips are a few other cnidarian species. The stinging nematocytes on the tentacles of cnidarians behave as little harpoons that respond to stimuli by ejecting tiny stinging cells that can poison and hook potential prey.

Cnidarians have a nerve net instead of bones and a central nervous system. These individuals only have the ectoderm and endoderm as their two bodily layers. Between these two bodily layers is the mesoglea. When compared to most cnidarian species, such as jellyfish, the mesoglea (jelly-like structure) makes up the majority of the body in some of these individuals.

Hence, cnidarians are aggregate of cell which performs particular function.

To know more about Central nervous system.


Ketoacidosis is a potentially life‑threatening condition that can occur when there is inadequate cellular glucose uptake, such as in uncontrolled diabetes.
a. True
b. False


True, diabetic ketoacidosis is a life-threatening complication of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a lack of insulin and increased blood sugar levels. Normally, once blood glucose levels are high, insulin will decrease the process of breaking down stored glucose from the liver and increase the uptake of glucose by other cells such as skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. This causes blood sugar levels to decrease.

In diabetic ketoacidosis, insulin deficiency and an increase in hormones that work opposite to insulin cause other glucose production mechanisms (such as gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis) to increase and disrupt the utilization of glucose by body cells. Finally, blood sugar levels will be higher. Not only that, but the body will also compensate for this failure to utilize glucose by releasing fatty acids and using them as energy which produces an acidic substance, namely ketone bodies. This causes ketone levels in the blood to increase, and the body's condition becomes more acidic.

Learn more about ketoacidosis at


for Mendel's studies, why was it important that his subjects, pea plants, could reproduce quickly and produce many offspring?


It is important for Mendel's subject to reproduce quickly so that he could complete many experiments in a short period of time. Many offspring are needed so as to study the phenotypes and genotypes in detail.

Mende's Experiment

Mendel carried out several breeding experiments using the pea plant. Through his series of experiments, Mendel was able to formulate the laws of genetics, otherwise known as the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment respectively.

Mendel made use of the pea plant for his breeding experiments for a couple of reasons:

The pea plant shows distinct and contrasting characters. It is either one or the other, no in-betweens.The pea plant reproduces quickly. With this, Mendel was able to conduct several experiments within a short period.The pea plant produces many offspring in a single generation. This enable Mendel to study the traits in details. Both the physical and genetic traits were studied using enough population.

Thus, it is quite important that the subject used by Mendel reproduced quickly and produced many offspring so as to be able to conduct several breeding experiments within a short period as well as study the traits in detail.

More on Mendel's experiment can be found here:


in wild barley, mutations in the eibi1 gene cause plants to have a reduced capacity to retain leaf water. where is the eibi1 gene likely to normally function?


In wild barley, mutations in the eibi1 gene cause plants to have a reduced capacity to retain leaf water. Plants on land have evolved a cuticle to stop unchecked water loss.

We report that both wild barley and rice need an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) subfamily G (ABCG) complete transporter for the conservation of leaf water. In wild barley, eibi1.b is a spontaneous mutation that results in a thin cuticle and reduced cutin deposition, as well as a limited ability to retain leaf water. It was discovered through map-based cloning that Eibi1 encodes a complete HvABCG31 transporter. The gene product was localised in developing tissue but not in mature tissue, and it was significantly expressed in the elongation zone of a growing leaf (the site of cutin synthesis). "eibi1.c," a de novo wild barley mutant, and two transposon-inserted rice lines with HvABCG31 ortholog mutations.

To learn more about eibi1 gene, refer:


a species that plays a major role in determining the structure of its ecological community is a) a dominator species b) a predator c) the largest species d) the most abundant species in the community e) a keystone species


The correct option is E ; A keystone species ,  A keystone species is important in an ecosystem because it is the species whose presence has an impact on all other species in the ecosystem.

A keystone species is always a dominating predator that feeds on the population of prey. If it is eliminated, the prey population would explode, reducing population diversity. Bison, prairie dog, and so forth.

The term "niche" in ecology refers to the role that an organism plays in a group. A species' niche includes both the physical and environmental characteristics

it demands (such as temperature or topography) as well as its interactions with other species (like predation or competition).

Learn more about to ecological community visit here;


Which extra-embryonic membrane is formed from the trophoblast after implantation?


Chorion is the extra-embryonic membrane formed from the trophoblast after implantation.

Implantation is the degree within the embryonic improvement of mammals wherein the blastocyst hatches as the embryo, adheres, and invades into the wall of the girl's uterus. Implantation is the first degree of gestation, and whilst a success the female is taken into consideration to be pregnant.

A few girls do note signs and symptoms and symptoms that implantation has happened. Signs and symptoms may encompass light bleeding, cramping, nausea, bloating, sore breasts, headaches, temper swings, and probably an alternate in basal body temperature.

At 4 weeks, the blastocyst has made a 6-day ride from the fallopian tubes to the womb.

Learn more about Implantation here:-


What is the relationship between amino acids and proteins and enzymes?


The amino acids are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen-containing compound that helps to synthesize proteins and enzymes.

Amino acids are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen-containing compounds that help to build up a protein molecule. The basic structure of amino acid contains an amino end, carboxyl end, and functional (R) group. The amino acid differs from each other because of the R group.

During the translation process, the tRNA reads the codes in the mRNA and brings a particular amino acid for that code. As the process continues, each amino acid is joined with the succeeding amino acids with the help of a peptide bond. This leads to the synthesis of a polypeptide chain. This polypeptide chain may either fold to form a functional or structural protein.

All enzymes are proteins because of their composition. So the translation process also leads to the synthesis of enzymes. This enzyme helps in biochemical reactions in the body.

To know more about amino acids:


A plant has the following absorption spectrum. Which color is not
easily absorbed?


Answer: Green


Green is not easily absorbed by plants because green bounces off of the plant.

when a plant fertilizes itself, is there still genetic variation between the offspring and the parent?



No , sexual reproduction by autogamy do not cause any genetic variation. It is because genotype of pollen and egg are identical as they come from same plant body

which statements apply only to c3, c4, or cam photosynthesis? which statement applies to all three types of photosynthesis?


The three distinct mechanisms that plants utilize to fix carbon throughout the process of photosynthesis are C3, C4, and CAM.

The process through which plants convert carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine into oxygen and sugar-based energy is known as photosynthesis.C3: To create sugars, all chloroplast-containing cells directly connect CO2 to ribulose bisphosphate.C4: A group of cells collect CO2 and transfer it to another group of cells that produce sugars.CAM: Sugars are made during the day, but gas exchange occurs at night when the stomata are open.C3, C4, and CAM: CO2, H2O, and light energy are used to create sugars.

To know more about photosynthesis please click on the link


plasma membranes require an extensive support network of proteins on the cytosolic side of the membrane. this network is called


On the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane, Gene Ontology Term (GO:0009898) Those proteins that are embedded, anchored, or adhered to the surface of the leaflet of the plasma membrane that confronts the cytoplasm are defined.

The term "transmembrane proteins" refers to proteins that span the whole membrane. An integral membrane protein typically has hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, with the former being located inside the membrane and the latter being found outside of it. These compartments, in the case of the plasma membrane, are the cell's inside and exterior. The particular tasks of the plasma membrane, such as selective chemical transport and cell-cell identification, are carried out by proteins embedded inside the phospholipid bilayer.

To learn more about transmembrane proteins, follow the below link:


an anesthetic blocks the function of the dorsal rami of the cervical spinal nerves. which areas of the body will be affected?


Anesthetic blocks the function of the dorsal rami of the cervical spinal nerves, skin, and muscles of the back of the neck and the shoulders areas of the body will be majorly affected.

31 pairs of spinal nerves in the human body are present. Both a ventral root and a dorsal root are the places from which all spinal nerves emerge. Each root is made up of a large number of dorsal and ventral root filaments or rootlets. Almost all spinal nerves divide into a large ventral ramus and a smaller dorsal ramus. After leaving the intervertebral foramina, the lumbar dorsal rami separate into medial and lateral branches, having their origin from the spinal nerves perpendicularly. The medial and lateral branches, respectively, supply the multifidi and erector spinal muscles.

To learn more about spinal nerves click on the given link:


Match each word or phrase to identify whether or not each word or phrase represents a
reason for the change in chimpanzee hands.
Crossbreeding between gorillas and
Mutations in chimpanzee DNA
Differences in the ways chimpanzees
use their hands
Sexual reproduction
Differences in enhancer sequences


The reason for the change in the hands of the chimpanzee include:

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees( Represents a reason for the change)Mutations in chimpanzee DNA ( Represents a reason for the change)Differences in the ways chimpanzees use their hands ( Doesn't represents a reason for the change)Sexual reproduction ( Doesn't represents a reason for the change)Differences in enhancer sequences( Represents a reason for the change).

What is mutation?

Mutation is defined as the alteration in the genetic makeup of a living organism which may occur due to the following:

When there is spontaneous break down of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).Change in a single nucleotide of the DNA.when there is additions or deletions of nucleotide in a DNA strand.

A change can be noticed in an animal such as Chimpanzee when the following occurs:

Mutations in chimpanzee DNA: This can alter both that anatomy and the physiological features of the organism involved.

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees: When there is cross breeding between a chimpanzee and a gorilla, it will lead to a genetic diversity which can be observed as a change in the hands of the chimpanzee.

Learn more about mutation here:


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