How is the word "laden" used incorrectly in the following sentence?

The man behind the counter would always laden the balloon with helium.

A. Ladened is incorrectly spelled

B. The connotation of the word laden is heavy, and filling a balloon with helium would make it light

C. The man behind the counter was ladening the balloon with helium so it's the right word in context

D. The denotation of the word laden is to fill so it's the right word in the right place​


Answer 1




heavily loaded or weighed down.

Answer 2


B. (?)


The word Laden means, "Heavily loaded or weighed down." An example would be 'a tree laden with apples' . I think B makes the most sense with this information. Sorry if this is wrong! Have a great day/night! <)

Related Questions

What is the Single phrase in the following example “ adult then take an average of 24 teaspoons of sugar pretty” according to the national Cancer Institute (“The Sweet Danger”)
A. (“The sweet danger”)
B. According to the national Cancer Institute
C. Adult men take an average of 24 teaspoons of sugar per day


C. is correct. Hope this helps! <3
C. Is the right answer

Question 5 (3 points)
Animal Cell
Which terms correctly identify the indicated structures in this sketch of a cell viewed under a microscope?
Question 5 options:

Endoplasmic Reticulum


Golgi Apparatus








I think it might be Mitochondrion

Please help it’s for a grade!‼️10 points!‼️
Take a stance on the debate of edutainment. Are you for or against gaming in the classroom? In your journal, write a well-developed paragraph with a clear statement of opinion. Use logical evidence to support your stance.

When you are finished, read chapter thirteen of Minecraft.



Here's my answer:


I'm all for gaming in the classroom. Mostly because I've had experience with it. In elementary school, we had this connection where we would go to the computer room to learn about coding. We went on this website which let us code in a lot of different games, including Minecraft. We were allowed to code our own mods and blocks and implement them into our game. It was super fun and it also taught me a lot about code.


I'm all for gaming and so is my friends and family. Mostly because I've had experience with it. Me and my siblings had Minecraft for years. We loved the game Minecraft, we played it all the time. We built houses on survival, creative, and on peaceful too. Sometimes Minecraft isn't all about game's all the time and some people know that.


your welcome..

How do I hide apps in my MacBook on the tool bar?



How to hide app bar on Macbook Pro?

How to hide the Dock on the Mac

Press ⌘ + Space on the keyboard. Type in System Preferences.

Once open, click on Dock on the top row, and check the box Automatically hide and show the Dock.

Now, the Dock will no longer be always present and will automatically hide when you're not actively using it.


hiii can someone read my essay and tell me if it sounds good ? im in 8th grade



Where is your essay??


I'd love to read it!!


I would help but you didn't add a picture! Sorry!!


Lmk if you add a picture then i'll help you!

Why does the story i am a jew show idiom? Type your own response.
I attached the picture/ answer correctly i will mark you as brainliset.



Because it was showing a sign of a characteristic mode of expression in music or art.


Please do this ASAP! DUE IN 30 MINUTES



1 is dissient




5. unsustainable


7. out of kilter.



10 idle reverie

11 unprecedented

12 interject

13 universel


15 illusion



1 dissient




5. unsustainable


7. out of kilter.

8. Moratorium


10 idle reverie

11 unprecedented

12 interject

13 universel



Which question is answered in the Introduction [paragraphs 1-3]?

How many hours did people spend playing the games?
What did the Oxford scientists want to find out?
How did the Oxford scientists pick which games to study?
What game systems did people use in the study? Evaluate the expression for b=3.4, b=5 and b=6.8



No article


Need an article to know

The researchers found that how much time a person spent playing video games had a small effect on their feelings of well-being. Data collection methods include case studies, checklists, interviews, observational studies, surveys, and questionnaires.

What does the Oxford University study shows?

The above statement helps the reader to know that, in the given article, the Oxford University study relating to how video games and mental health are related to each other are limited despite the attempt to find the connection among them.

Efforts were made to answer the questions that was thrown up by the research but there still remain areas that were never answered thereby showing the study to be limited.

The gathering of data is a critical phase in the quantitative research process. Effective data gathering techniques increase the validity or accuracy of study results or conclusions. In order to measure a range of nursing-related phenomena, nurse researchers have placed a strong emphasis on the use of trustworthy and valid instruments.

Therefore, The researchers found that how much time a person spent playing video games had a small effect on their feelings of well-being.

Learn more about instruments on:


What THEME is most clearly suggested by Natalie Babbitt through the Tucks’ experiences?
Tuck everlasting





The last important theme is that of love. Winnie came to love the Tucks and through her experiences with them, she came to understand some very important ideas about life. In turn, she came to appreciate and love her parents and her Grandmother even more, because she understood why they treated her as they.

(thats what I put)

The Tucks are simple-appearing people, but they conceal a great secret. The toad on the road that just won't get out of the way might have lived for seventy years or more. The woods near town might conceal a spring that can make you immortal.

The events of Tuck Everlasting do not happen on a grand scale - instead, this is a tale about a young girl who discovers a major mystery and fights to keep it secret. The novel is set in the countryside of the late 1800s, and all the characters are ordinary people. However, the fact that these incredible supernatural events happen to be hidden in such an ordinary little community suggest that magical things might be hidden in everyday people and places.

informative essay on the diary of Anne Frank Act 1 and 2 using the 3cs
I. Intro

II. How is ____(your topic)_____ conveyed in The Diary of Anne Frank?
A. Claim (topic sentence)
B. Cl(from Act I)
C. Clarify

III. How is ____(your topic)_____ conveyed in The Diary of Anne Frank?
A. Claim (topic sentence)
B. Cite (from Act I or II)
C. Clarify

IV. How is ____(your topic)_____ conveyed in The Diary of Anne Frank?
A. Claim (topic sentence)
B. Cite (from Act II)
C. Clarify

V. Conclusion


_ SPONGEBOB ........................

Throughout Act 2 it is implied that Eliza values herself and has self-respect. All of the following provides evidence for that conclusion except...



she claims that despite not having a mom she is a good girl


did the exam


She claims that she is a good girl despite not having a mom


Logic and did the exam

Which of the following is most accurate about literacy rates? Select all that apply.
o Countries with higher literacy rates have better economies.
Countries with higher literacy rates have healthier children.
o Countries with lower literacy rates have higher mortality rates.
Those who have a lower literacy rate are usually poorer, less developed countries.
Countries with lower literacy rates have better economies.


Answer: A and D

Countries with higher literacy rates have better economies

Those who have a lower literacy rate are usually poorer, less developed countries.



A and D are the correct answers

Read this excerpt from "A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change."

Climate change might allow some infectious diseases to spread. As winter temperatures increase, ticks and mosquitoes that carry diseases can survive longer throughout the year and expand their ranges, putting more people at risk. One big concern is malaria, a deadly disease spread by mosquitoes in many hot, humid parts of the world.

What can people do about it?
People should take common-sense steps to avoid tick and mosquito bites, and communities can take actions to control mosquitoes, such as removing sources of standing water. It's also important for doctors to know the symptoms of diseases that could be spreading to new areas so they can diagnose and treat their patients.

What is most likely the reason the writer uses a problem-solution structure in this excerpt?

to present the problem of increases in mosquito and tick life spans
to inform people about what they can do as insects become more harmful
to make people and doctors aware of the disease risks caused by insects
to show how climate change can result in the spread of infectious diseases


i think the best answer for this question would be “to show how climate change can result in the spread of infectious diseases”

URGENT. PLS HELPPP. Brainliest to first to answer
Read the passage below:

It is estimated that around four billion trees are cut down each year to make paper. Perhaps that number would have been acceptable 20 years ago, but, in this day and age, it's unacceptable. What makes today so different than 20 years ago? The digital revolution. With everything from medical files, to newspapers, and textbooks offered on digital platforms, why should we continue to destroy the natural environment for the sake of making paper? Governments should make laws limiting paper manufacturers in order to end a practice that is wasteful, destroys rainforests, and harms the environment.

Which statement reflects the writer's position?

a) It is estimated that around four billion trees are cut down each year to make paper.

b) Governments should make laws limiting paper manufacturers.

c) Why should we continue to destroy the natural environment for the sake of making paper?

d) Perhaps that number would have been acceptable 20 years ago.




What is the tone of this story.




what tone I do not see the passage?

The pic is not showing






Answer: I belive C


It gives the most formal tone

Which statements describe the economic situation in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Sub-Saharan Africa can't attract foreign investment.
Subsistence farming is no longer used.
It is hindered by weak government systems.
Debt relief will improve the economic situation.


Answer:   Subsistence farming is no longer used.

It is hindered by weak government systems.

Debt relief will improve the economic situation.

Explanation: These are the best Statments

Write about: If you could be any character in a book, story, or movie, who would you be and why? Describe the changes the character go through in the story. FRLS SUM1 help me out!!!


If I could be any character I would choose to be Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. I would choose Luke because he is the only hope of the people, he is the chance to change everything. Luke’s soul purpose is to help his dad become the good person he used to be. Throughout Luke’s journey he loses faith because just when he’s right there he loses everything. Throughout the movies Luke feels like he might turn to the dark side of the force. Luke feels as if he should just give up and go back to his old life. Although Luke has all these feelings he never decided to give up. Luke had his hand cut off by his own father he even dueled his own father. Risking his life just for his dad to be good again. Luke was a true hero and that’s something I hope to be one day.

Let me know if this needs any changes or if you need more help


i would want to be Ponyboy from The outsiders because the changes he goes through is maturity.he is convinced that his older brother darry hates him and he favors the middle child sodapop,at first he refuses to listen, but after he runs away with his friend johnny, he starts to mature and understand,after his buddy johnny dies,ponyboy has a hard time accepting it and beliveing that he was dead, but in the end he realizes that even if they dont come from much, he should appreciate the things he has and the family that has always been there for him. and i hope that one day i could mature and realize that too.


(i dont know if it could be any book, but you dont have to use this)

How might the story be different if told from the point of view of a Selenite? Select all that apply.

Mr. Bedford and Mr. Cavor would be portrayed as aliens with strange features.
The action scenes would portray the Selenites as the victors.
The narrator would share the thoughts of Mr. Cavor’s character.
The reader would have to infer the motives of Mr. Bedford and Mr. Cavor for coming to the moon.



The action scenes would portray the Selenites as the victors.


Answer asp plssss
How does the information in the nasa article best add to readers understanding of team moon
•It gives the reader a better sense of complex problem-solving taking place at Mission control
• it gives the reader a more detailed sense of the intense emotions being so admission admission mission control
• it gives the reader a better sense of how the lunar model which prepare for Apollo 11 space flight
• they gave us a reader a more factual overview of the Apollo 11 space flight from start to finish



It gives the reader a more detailed sense of how the lunar model which prepare for Apollo 11 space flight

Well judging by the fact we can’t read the article cause you don’t have it listed I’d say d

Read the following excerpt and answer the question that follows.

I creep up to a window to have a look outside Only thing I can make out is something buring in the distance, organge flames roiling like a thing alive. Doesn’t seem right that a house half-submerged in water can burn, but burn it does, and nobody to stop it.

“No fire department,” Mr. Tru points out. “No police.”

“How come?” I ask. “Where is everybody?”

He shrugs. “They ‘vacuated with the rest, or don’t care to enter this particular neighborhood, or ain’t got here yet, or maybe all three. Whatever the reason, we on our own and that’s the troot. Nobody look out for us but us.”

All of the following explain a theme this interaction between Zane and Mr. Tru develops except?

The feelings of friendship and survival.
The helplessness caused by racism and poverty.
The heroism of rescue workers.
The power of fear in ones life.


The heroism rescue workers

The following explains the theme of this interaction between Zane and Mr Tru developer excerpt is the heroism of rescue workers. The correct option is c.

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is a passage that has been cited verbatim from a book, novel, poetry, short story, essay, speech, or other literary work and is used to illustrate a point to the reader. The word excerpt first became in use in the 15th century and comes from a Latin word that means plucked out. The words quotation, quote, fragment, and extract are all synonyms for excerpt.

There are various reasons why authors use excerpts. Three categories can be made out of these. An extract can be used by a writer to support their feelings or ideas about a subject. Second, a writer can utilize an extract to draw the reader's attention to and help them recall what they want them to grasp.

Finally, a writer may use an excerpt if they want to critique it or provide their own comments on it.

Learn more about excerpt, here:


When I Am in a Good Mood paragraph who ever answer get brainlist



Im in a good mood!



When I am in a good mood, I smile a lot, hang out with people including my friends. I would want to go places like the park,
restaurant, and other places.I would be full of energy and motivated as well. I make people laugh a lot
every second.

write 3 (or more) sentences about an experience you have had this past year

this isnt part of my homework
and im curious of what yall did in 2020


I’ve been to Vegas, it was really fun. We stayed at a hotel for 3 or 4 days and just explored there. Then we went to the beach and it was really cold, overall it was reallly fun tho. I went with my family!!
Sitting in the house all day doing absolutely nothing but doing work and playing games :/

Mark all that apply. What purposes does Phi-oo serve in the novel?

He translates for Mr. Cavor.
He acts as Mr. Cavor’s guide.
He is Mr. Cavor’s foe.
He protects Mr. Cavor.


3 because he is fond for Mr. Cavor’s foe


1 & 2


Why should inventors get patents for their inventions? Put it into a sentence to plz


Because it helps inventors protect their designs from getting copied or stolen
Inventors should get patents for their inventions. They should do so because if they don’t, anyone can take their idea and use it as their own.

Provide an original example of a free verse stanza of poetry. Identify why your poem would be considered free verse.



some thing with no ryhmeing or on pattern


Walking around and saw a cat with a hat on the sidewalk.

it seems so sad and glum.

I pick it up hoping for joy for that it may run.

The sun goes down the cat still in frowns.

Then I let it down away it goes back on the sidewalk alone in sound.

That’s the best I can think of but the reason this poem is free verse is because it has no rules or rhythm to follow by.

In the book, The witch of blackbird pond, how does kit respond when she is forced to attend church with family


Having just lost her grandfather, Katherine “Kit” Tyler leaves her home in tropical Barbados on a ship (the Dolphin) bound for Connecticut. There she is determined to find her Aunt Rachel Wood, her only remaining family.

On the ship, she flirts occasionally with the mocking but otherwise good-natured captain’s son, Nat Eaton. She also causes a scene when she jumps overboard to rescue a young girl’s doll. The passengers – especially the girl’s mother, the nosy Goodwife Cruff – are suspicious of any woman who can swim. After the swimming incident, Kit's only companion on the boat is the Puritan John Holbrook, a studious man sailing to Wethersfield to study with the Reverend Gersholm Bulkeley.

Once the ship arrives in Wethersfield, Kit must fess up: her aunt’s family doesn’t actually know she’s coming. Nevertheless, the captain and Nat escort her to the Wood family’s house where she meets her Aunt Rachel, her Uncle Matthew, and her two cousins, Judith and Mercy. Kit’s uncle is a stern man, though once he learns of her orphan status, he begrudgingly allows Kit to stay. What other choice does he have?

Kit is introduced to the laboring life of Puritan New England and all of its tedium. There are chores to attend to and loads of wool to card. Having only worn fancy dresses in the past, Kit must find clothing appropriate to her new station.

Kit also gets to know the Wood family. Uncle Matthew is sometimes harsh, though he is also solid and dependable. He does not agree, we should note, with the King of England’s politics, which is kind of a problem, since it's the 1680s and Connecticut is one of England's colonies. Aunt Rachel was once a beauty, but, as we find out, has lost two sons – a situation that has taken its toll. As for the two daughters, Mercy is kind and patient and suffered from a fever as a child that has left her lame in one leg. Judith is a pretty, prissy flirt, though generally nice.

Please need this question answered ASAP Will give brainliest to the correct answer. Don't use me for points. You will be reported.

Choose the sentence that has no misplaced or dangling modifiers.

Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, everyone sitting by the pool near Roland was splashed.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, everyone sitting by the pool was splashed by Roland.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, water from Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool



the third!


"Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool."


Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool.


I think there aren't misplaced or dangling modifiers in this answer. The 4th option doesn't have a period. And the other options just doesn't feel right.

*If it's not C, then it's A, which makes sense as well.*

Please help me. I am being timed and I don't understand this question on my assignment. I need it to be over 100 words and it has to be correct. I will give brainliest to the person who actually helps me, without stealing my points.

Choose to depict one character from Journey to the Center of the Earth: Hans, Harry, or the Professor.

Look for at least five passages from the text that show their character. Organize your passages with a brief explanation of what characteristic it shows.


Gretchen's feelings toward Harry are lukewarm, but kind . Quotation: "So you have come to meet me," she said; "how good of you. But what is the matter?"

Gretchen's love of adventure shows she would be thrilled to journey underground and is an adventurous person. Quotation: "What a magnificent journey. It is magnificent, splendid."





I'm so sorry but am I late ?

For this assignment, you will be choosing a poem from Unit 1 and exploring a possible Theme from it. Your written essay must be an original document and include:


Answer: imma need an attachment of unit 1


Where is the screenshot
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