how does the text suggest that research into the impact of education on income might be changed to improve its impact while remaining committed to value neutrality?


Answer 1

Without quality education, children face considerable barriers to employment and earning potential later in life.

They are much more likely to suffer unfavorable health effects and less probably to take part in selections that affect them – threatening their capability to form a higher future for themselves and their societies.

Poverty and training are a part of the vicious cycle. If human beings are poor, they fail to present their youngsters with an education.

Children are not even enrolled in number one schooling. Due to a loss of education, youngsters are incapable of improving themselves and incomes on their personal.

Learn more about education here:


Related Questions

what do panic control treatment (pct) and exposure and ritual prevention (erp) strategies have in common?


The cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder known as Panic Control Treatment (PCT) is widely used and has been empirically validated

The cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder known as Panic Control Treatment (PCT) is widely used and has been empirically validated. PCT was initially developed for the treatment of panic disorder with limited agoraphobic avoidance, but more recently it has been discovered to have broader uses. It has been used to help panic disorder patients stop taking their medications; in the treatment of panic attacks brought on by schizophrenia or other disorders; and in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe agoraphobia, in conjunction with a situational exposure component. The evidence for PCT's clinical efficacy and recent research on improving treatment's long-term efficacy and cost-effectiveness are critically examined by the authors. One of the anxiety disorders that has received the most research attention is panic disorder, which was officially recognized as a distinct entity in DSM-III. Panic disorder, by definition, causes significant distress or disruption to a person's life and imposes significant personal costs. In addition, the disorder results in substantial direct and indirect costs for the nation in terms of reduced or lost productivity as well as medical resources used for treatment, rehabilitation, and care.

To know more about Panic Control Treatment (PCT) visit


What is Woodrow Wilson's most famous quote?



“The history of liberty is a history of resistance.”


After receiving the results of a self-assessment, you learn that you have a very low
risk tolerance. With this knowledge, what would be a good idea for a business
approach for you?


Simply put, an investor's risk tolerance is the amount of risk they are willing to take. But it can be challenging to determine your level of risk appetite. Risk can also be an opportunity, thrill, or chance to make significant gains—a "you have to be in it to win it" mentality.

What is risk tolerance assessment?

An investor's level of loss tolerance is determined by the amount of risk they are willing to take on for their portfolio. An investor's risk tolerance is impacted by stock volatility, market swings, political or economic events, regulatory changes, and changes in interest rates.

An aggressive investor, or one who takes on a lot of risks, is prepared to take a chance on financial loss in exchange for potentially better outcomes. A conservative investor, or one who has a low tolerance for risk, prefers investments that preserve their initial investment.

Learn more about risk tolerance here:


________________ was responsible for leading cornelius and a number of other gentiles to faith in jesus christ.


Peter  was responsible for leading Cornelius and a number of other gentiles to faith in Jesus Christ.

In contrast to religious interpretations, the phrase "historical Jesus" refers to the reconstruction of the life and teachings of Jesus using critical historical methodologies. It also takes into account the social and historical milieu in which Jesus existed.The New Testament of the Bible refers to Jesus as the Son of God, and in the majority of Christian churches, he is known as God the Son, the second Person of the Trinity. He is thought to be the Jewish messiah (the Christ) who was foretold in the Hebrew Bible, known in Christianity as the Old Testament.

To know more about Jesus Christ here



Explanation:The Gentile nation was to receive the eternal life that the Jews had through______.

Jesus Christ

obeying the Jewish laws.

when researchers examine such ideas as adaptation, reproduction, and natural selection as the basis of human behavior, they are most likely adopting a(n) blank approach to psychology.


when researchers examine such ideas as adaptation, reproduction, and natural selection as the basis of human behavior, they are most likely adopting an evolutionary approach to psychology.

The evolutionary method bases its explanation of particular human behaviors on evolutionary concepts including adaption, reproduction, and natural selection. This strategy aims to apply the functional way of thinking about biological mechanisms, such as the immune system, to psychological mechanisms and address them similarly. Memory, vision, and language are just a few of the features that the evolutionary perspective takes into account.

However, this viewpoint views these characteristics as changes that the human body has undergone over time. The evolutionary viewpoint allows scientists to examine how a new trait will develop in the typical human.

Learn more about the evolutionary approach here:


everyone describes jamie as a nice person who is always helpful. this description best represents the personality concept of


Being considerate, helpful, and benevolent to others is characterized by kindness. Positivity and a desire for pleasant interactions are the driving forces behind this virtue.

Kindness is characterized by acts of generosity, consideration, assistance, or concern for others without expectation of praise or reward.

In psychology, philosophy, and religion, kindness is a hot topic. The Bible emphasized kindness as one of its primary themes. Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the benefit of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped" in Book II of his "Rhetoric." Kindness and love, according to Nietzsche, are the "most curative herbs and agents in human intercourse." The virtue of kindness is regarded as one of the Knightly Virtues. According to Meher Baba's teachings, God is the same as kindness: It is impossible to imagine the unending kindness of God!

To know more about kindness, visit:-


Mary and Paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. They come from families of little education or money. They moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. The neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. This is an example of _____ aggression.


Mary and Paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. They come from families of little education or money. They moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. The neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. This is an example of relational aggression.

In the field of sociology, such a type of aggression that targets the social relationships pr status of a person rather than physically hurting him is referred to as relational aggression.

Relational aggression occurs when a person does not believe the other person to belong to his social status.

In the scenario mentioned in the question, Mary and Paul became rich after winning a lottery so the new neighborhood was unfriendly to them because they believed them to not be of their social status. Instead of physical aggression, they showed relational aggression by being unfriendly to them.

To learn more about aggression, click here:


Why did darry never lock the front door to the house and what does this say about the greasers?



That he's not worried..........

why might preparing taxes be different for people living in different states everfi


Everyone must submit state taxes, but depending on where they live, they may not be required to file federal taxes, therefore the tax preparation process may differ for residents of different states.

The correct option is b.

A tax is a mandatory levy that must be paid to the government by an economic actor. The government receives income from this.

Although not everyone must pay federal taxes, each state has its own set of tax regulations. Regardless of where you live, you must submit state taxes; but, you may not be required to file federal taxes.

States have a wide range of state income tax rates. States that levy an income tax on citizens tax all inhabitants' taxable income, as determined by the state. For taxes paid to other states, such citizens are entitled to a credit. Most states impose taxes on nonresidents' state-sourced income.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

Why might preparing taxes be different for people living in different states?

a. Everyone must file federal taxes, but each state has different tax laws.

b. Everyone must file state taxes but depending on where you live, you may not need to file federal taxes.

c. It's not different. All states have the same tax laws.

d. State taxes are due January 1st but federal taxes are due April 15th.

To learn more about tax, refer


What is the kigo in this haiku?


In traditional styles of Japanese poetry, the term "kigo" refers to a word or phrase that is connected to a specific season. Kigo are used to denote the season in the stanza in the collaborative linked-verse forms renga and renku as well as in haiku.

Despite the fact that the word "kigo" wasn't actually coined until 1908,[citation needed] the seasons have long played a significant role in Japanese culture and poetry. The Man'ysh, a Japanese poetry collection from the middle of the eighth century, has various passages devoted to the seasons. The seasonal portions had grown to comprise a significant portion of the anthology by the time the Kokinsh, the first imperial Japanese anthology, was published a century and a half later (AD 905). Both of these anthologies included sections for different types of poetry, including sections for love poems and other (z) poems.

learn more about kigo here:


a favorably adjudicated background investigation is required for access to classified


For classified information, a background investigation must have been successfully concluded. true.

What does the term "access" mean?

Ik-ses is the ability or authorization to enter, touch, or leave a location, as well as to approach or interact with an object or a person. Access to her home was sought after by the investigators. consultants who have simple access to the president's office. : authority or capacity to get or employ something

What took Microsoft Access' place?

Power Platform by Microsoft (Power Apps) This collection of app development, data analytics, and networking technologies—dubbed Microsoft's replacement for Access—allows programmers to design intricate apps for Web deployment using a coordinated set of tools, like Power BI, which serves as an ERP.

To know more about Access visit:


List three challenges that forensic anthropologists face when trying to estimate the biological profiles or contribute to the cause of death of skeletal remains.


The challenges faced by anthropologists in the gathering of all biological and related physical evidence for identification purposes.

Who is an anthropologists ?

A person who studies anthropology is known as an anthropologist. The study of human characteristics within existing and previous communities is known as anthropology. Societal norms and values are investigated by social, cultural, and philosophical anthropologists.

When the remains of many people are discovered at the same location together, the difficulties faced by anthropologists are less mixed.

• recognizing disturbed graves and identifying main from secondary burials

• minimal post-mortem deterioration to the remains.

To learn more about anthropologists


Does negative advertising have an effect on voter turnout ?


According to researchers, negative advertisements turn people off and cause them not to vote.

The literature on negative campaigns has not reached a consensus on the effects of negative advertisements on turnout, and researchers have thus far concentrated their efforts on elections in the United States. Some researchers contend that negative advertising reduces turnout, while others have found no evidence to support those claims.

Even if negative advertisements do discourage voter participation, as empirical evidence suggests, the global trend among constitutional tribunals is that free speech should be protected.

When two rights, such as the right to honor and freedom of speech, conflict, constitutional courts have ruled that the second has precedence over the first, especially in the case of a public figure.

To learn more about negative advertisements, please refer:


how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


Being members of the European Union means that all forms of trade barriers and other trade restrictions would be lifted between the member countries compared to when it is with the United States. It also makes goods to be cheaper and more easily accessed.

How does being a member of EU make trade simpler?

Trade agreements with the EU facilitate this in two ways. Trade agreements allow European businesses to: acquire the raw materials and other inputs they need more quickly and at lower rates, assisting them in maintaining their competitiveness; compete more successfully abroad and export more to nations and regions outside the EU.

The EU negotiates contracts on behalf of its member nations and is in charge of their trade policies. In international trade discussions, the EU's collective voice is more influential than the voices of its individual members. To negotiate trade agreements, the EU actively works with nations or regional organizations.

Read more on the European Union here:


in a ________ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer


In a double-barreled question, respondents are asked about more than one issue.

A double-barreled  question When two concepts are merged into one question, it can be difficult to determine if the response applies to the combination of both questions or just one of them. This is an issue in survey research question phrasing.

A firearm that has two barrels positioned side by side or one beneath the other is referred to as being "ba-rld." particularly: serving two purposes. posed a two-pronged query.

The man's name is traditionally placed second, however many modern couples choose the order that sounds and appears best on paper. It is entirely up to you whether one partner in a partnership adopts the double-barrelled name or both.

Learn more about to double-barreled visit here;


in give and take, adam grant's premise is that while givers lose in the short term, over a longer period of time givers can become great successes as well. in give and take, adam grant's premise is that while givers lose in the short term, over a longer period of time givers can become great successes as well. true false


Adam Grant's premise in "Give and Take" is that while givers lose in the short term, they may become huge successes over time. This statement is true (T).

Give and Take has been translated into 30 languages and is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller book written by Adam Grant. Grant's purpose in authoring the book was to show his pupils that behaving as a giver could be just as successful as acting as a taker. He also proposes some strategies for encouraging everyone in the business or social network to enhance their giving tendencies.

Give and Take is loaded with stories and studies that support Adam Grant's major thesis: that the world is divided into three types of people: the takers, the matchers, and the givers, and that givers are the most successful. While most individuals are matchers, and while takers might attain immediate success, givers benefit the most in the long run.

Learn more about charitable giving here:


imagine that your personality structure was like an iceberg bobbing in the arctic sea. according to psychoanalytic theory, what would you have to do to locate your id?


I would locate the Id at the bottom most part of the iceberg- below the water.

Freud compared the three layers of the mind to an iceberg when describing them.

The conscious mind, which Freud (1915), defined as all the mental operations of which we are aware, is regarded as the tip of the iceberg.

Thoughts and emotions that a person is now unaware of but that are simple to bring to consciousness are stored in the preconscious. It resides before the unconscious mind, just below the level of consciousness. on the Iceberg's core.

The unconscious mind, which contains all of the hidden desires, ideas, and memories, is represented by the portion of the iceberg that is submerged in the sea. The id is housed in the unconscious mind.

To know more about the iceberg model, click here:


about 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


Northern Minnesota is the state from where 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk .

When the Beltrami County Sheriff's Office and other emergency personnel arrived on the scene, they found a significant chunk of the ice with up to 30 yards (27 meters) of open water, leaving the fishermen stranded, according to a statement from Chief Deputy Jarrett Walton.

Some members of the group were even unaware that the ice floe had broken free. However, Beltrami County sent a message to the fishermen's smartphones informing them that they will soon be rescued in an emergency evacuation "due to the urgency of getting individuals off the ice."

According to the sheriff's department, the alert "enabled alerts to be delivered to mobile phones of those who are not enrolled in the local notification system and supplied GPS coordinates of the evacuation point."

Learn more about Rescue operations here:


of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


A history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877 would be the least relevant for the interpretation of government policies during the reconstruction era.

Following the American Civil War, from 1865 to 1877, was known as the Reconstruction era. During this time, policies were implemented to address the wrongs of slavery and its political, social, and economic repercussions, as well as to find solutions to the problems posed by the readmission to the Union of several states that had formally withdrawn at or before the war's outbreak.

Vermont's geologic history began more than 400 million years ago, during the Devonian and Cambrian epochs.

Following the American Revolutionary War, Vermont enjoyed a brief period of independence before being given statehood and joining the Union as the fourteenth state in 1791. Vermont's growing abolitionist fervor caused it to support the Union during the American Civil War.

To learn about the reconstruction era, follow the below link:


the demand that women should receive equal pay relative to men for work that is similarly demanding, involves similar responsibilities, and requires similar levels of education and training is the basis of the concept of


The idea of same value is rooted in the belief of women must be paid equally to men for job that is similarly difficult, entails similar roles, and needs comparable training and education levels.

What is the fundamental meaning of education?

Either imparting information to individuals and absorbing it from another person are acts of education. Education also covers every profession of education in general as well as the knowledge gained via formal education or teaching.

Why is education so crucial?

Nobody is able to completely remove from your life the foundation which education brings to your life. You boost your chances of finding good employment possibilities and widen your employment options because of being very well having an university degree.

To know more about education visit:


nefti is currently undergoing treatment for schizophrenia. her therapist creates a climate that promotes self-respect and requires her to be responsible for her own behavior as well as maintain meaningful activity. nefti is most likely undergoing:


Nefti is currently undergoing treatment for schizophrenia. Nefti is most likely undergoing milieu therapy.

Milieu therapy is a secure, based, institutional treatment method for intellectual health problems. It includes using ordinary sports and conditioned surroundings to assist people with interaction in network settings. Milieu remedy is a flexible treatment intervention that may work together with different remedy methods.

The important thing factors of milieu remedy are discussed: maintenance of a secure and containing environment, a tremendously based program, physical and emotional support, collective involvement of the kid, circle of relatives and group of workers in the unit routine, and non-stop evaluation of all healing interventions.

Learn more about therapy here:


babies born to black women are more likely to die in their first year of life than to babies born to white women, regardless of socioeconomic status. scientists believe this is linked to the pressures of racism. this is an example of what term?


Babies born to black women are more likely to die in their first year of life than to babies born to white women, regardless of socioeconomic status. scientists believe this is linked to the pressures of racism.

Racism can be defined as the discrimination or antagonism that people of a race feel against other races.  The causes of racism come from the belief that a person is better than others based on the color of their skin.  Racism is also caused by the belief that your race is the best at everything and others can't do anything.

One of the consequences of racism is that it leads to hatred and violence. This leads to alienation. It also causes  division in any society that allows it to grow. Racism is the belief that groups of people have different behavioral characteristics that correspond to inherited characteristics and can be divided  on the basis of racial superiority.

Learn about racism:


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in ______________ at pentecost.


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at Pentecost.

Jerusalem is a city in Western Asia that is located on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. This is one of the oldest cities in the world and is considered to be a holy city for the three major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Pentecost (also called Whit Sunday, Whitsunday or Whitsun) is a Christian holiday that occurs on the 50th day after Easter Sunday or the 7th Sunday after Easter. It celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).

On that day some 3,000 people were baptized as the people of God (verse 41) and the church had begun.

The word church first appears in Matthew 16 when Jesus tells Peter, “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (verse 18).

To learn more about Jerusalem,

With bipartisan support, the US Senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for…
Legalized marijuana
Same-sex marriages


With bipartisan support, the US Senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for Same-sex marriages.

A bipartisan vote in the Senate to entrench federal protection for same-sex weddings indicates vividly the enormous societal shift in the US on this topic. Democratic concerns that the conservative-leaning Supreme Court may reverse a 2015 decision establishing the right to same-sex marriage were allayed by the 61-36 vote on Tuesday.

Bipartisan legislation to protect same-sex marriages was approved by the Senate on Tuesday, which is a remarkable sign of changing national politics on the subject and a source of relief for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples who have wed since the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling making gay marriage legal nationwide.

To learn more about US Senate visit:


wayne is in late adulthood and has fond memories of his childhood and early adulthood but seems to have forgotten negative experiences. this can best be explained by:


Wayne is in past due maturity and has fond childhood of his adolescence and early maturity but seems to have forgotten bad stories. this can satisfactorily be explained by the positive impact.

For instance, an older adult may additionally end up mistrustful (consider vs. mistrust), experience greater childhood approximately not having the capabilities to do what they once did (initiative vs. guilt), experience less ready compared with others (enterprise vs. inferiority), lose a sense of identity as they grow to be dependent on others .

Erikson (1980) believed that overdue childhood is a time for making sense out of one's existence, locating which means 1's life, and adjusting to inevitable death. He referred to as this degree integrity vs. melancholy.

Learn more about childhood here


neuroticism select one: a. is simply another term for anxiety. b. is a tendency to experience negative mood states. c. is a tendency to feel anxious.


Neuroticism is a tendency to experience negative mood states. The correct option is B.

What is neuroticism?

The propensity to consistently experience negative or anxious emotions is known as neuroticism. It is a personality feature rather than a disease. This is frequently misunderstood as neurosis.

The five-factor model of personality, which also includes extraversion, agreeability, conscientiousness, and openness, includes neuroticism as one of its five components. In many different cultures, this approach is applied in personality assessments and examinations.

People with neuroticism regularly and severely experience feelings of guilt, envy, rage, and anxiety compared to other people. They also tend to have more low moods overall.

They may be sensitive to environmental stress. People with neuroticism could interpret commonplace events as grave threats. Even minor irritations that other people may dismiss as unimportant might become troublesome and cause despair.

Know more about neuroticism click:


diego studied whether a certain form of psychotherapy is effective for people who have been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd). he used control groups, random assignment, and matched participants in his study. he found that psychotherapy was effective. now the clinicians at his clinic use this type of therapy with individuals with ptsd. this treatment is an example of:


These days, PTSD patients receive this kind of therapy from the doctors at his clinic. An illustration of an evidence-based treatment is this one.

What is the broad consensus on psychotherapy's efficacy?

In general, psychotherapy has a mediocre impact on psychiatric symptomatology reduction and disease remission. A 2017 multilevel meta-analysis of almost 500 randomized trials conducted over a period of five decades found that there was a 63% chance that young people receiving psychotherapy would perform better than those in a control condition.

What traits define a successful psychotherapy?

Effective treatment depends on the therapist's capacity to understand what their patients are thinking and feeling and to relate to them by expressing warmth, acceptance, and empathy. Downloading our Emotional Intelligence App will teach you more about and help you develop your interpersonal and empathy abilities.

To learn more about psychotherapy here:


the study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

A social science model forecasts whether people (or groups) will be willing to actively address a situation that they view harmful. Anyone who sees a situation is considered a bystander. Every day, we all see countless events and exchanges, yet we rarely acknowledge the need for a response.

A person who recognizes a troubling circumstance and makes a decision on how to react is known as an active bystander. Determining whether there is a safe and appropriate method to intervene and to act in a way to help a person—before, during, or after an incident—is crucial for bystanders.

To learn more about bystander intervention, visit the link below:


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


The kind of influence is Solomon experiencing in this scenario is Informational social influence.

One way to do this is to selectively engage with information that supports their claims. Additionally, they may actively seek information to support their claims. The company is under pressure from investors to make more films.

Fundamental attribution errors occur when analyzing human behavior. For the fundamental attribution error to occur, the analyst must underestimate the role of the situation and overestimate the nature of the person whose behavior is being analyzed.

Compared to other subfields of psychology, social psychology deals more with human behavior in social situations.

Learn more about Solomon's experiences here:-


racey's grandmother, at age 80, is engaged in the personal journey of connecting her life with the historical and cultural purpose of human society. the grandmother is in which of erik erikson's psychosocial stages?


Integrity versus Despair The eighth and last stage in Erik Erikson's psychological development stage theory is integrity versus despair stage.

It starts at roughly 65 years old and lasts till death. It is at this point that we begin to think about our successes. And if a person believes they are living a successful life, they might acquire integrity.

Conversely, depression arises in if one believes their successes were insufficient and that they aren't as successful as they would like to be. According to Erik Erikson,

Tracey's grandmother is in the Erikson stage of psychological development known as Integrity versus Despair.

Learn more about to Tracey's grandmother visit here;


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