How does "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" break away from traditional poetic conventions? Select all that apply.

It incorporates many allusions to other texts.

It distorts the traditional concept of a love song.

olt abandons the strict orderliness of the Victorian era.

o It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.


Answer 1


It distorts the traditional concept of a love song.

It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.


"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is an extremely sentimental and striking poem, besides being melancholy and sad, causing great reflections in the reader, about what it is to be loved, what it is to have hope and what it is to feel empty and alone.

The poem features a speaker who longs to establish a romantic affair with someone, but has all his attempts unsuccessful. This speaker does not want to abandon this desire, but his hopes are completely empty, making him feel melancholy and try desperately to seek some connection, some meaning in the world that is as empty as he is. This destabilizes the concept of a love song as something happy and comfortable, as the poem shows a visceral and uncomfortable version of a love song in the life of someone hopeless about love, but very much wants to feel it.

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Which of the following would be a good revision for the sentence below? Keep in mind the focus on active verbs. Around the house, Aaron is called "small fry" by his big brother. O A. Aaron's big brother calls him "small fry" when they are hanging out at home.
B. When Aaron is hanging out at the house, he is called "small fry" by his brother.
C. A long time ago, Aaron's big brother was called "small fry." too.
D. "Small fry" is what Aaron is called by his big brother.​


The ideal solution for active verb is (B). Aaron's brother refers to him as "little fry" when they are hanging out at the house.

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When a verb is active, it indicates that the subject of the phrase is the one carrying out the designated activity. For instance: In the most recent game, the Huskies (subject) defeated (active verb) the Bears. On Monday, a maths test will be taken by more than 30 students in my class (topic).

To know more about active verbs visit:-


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A. 1" margins, class information, doublespaced, 12 point font

B. 12 pt Times New Roman, 1" margins, doublespaced, running header, class information, title centered, doublespaced, 1/2" tabs

C. 12 pt Times New Roman, 1" margins, doublespaced

D. 1-1/2" margins, running header, class information, title centered, 1" tabs, double spaced, except inbetween paragraphs


Answer: the answer is A


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i will forever be an original stan


all the remakes are good, but i just prefer the originals


I like both...


because i like the originals because its, well, original. but i also sometimes like the remakes because it gives a new spin to the first.

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Plss I really need it



what is it that you need


i might be able to help

Number 11
choose three of the words to use in a sentence


Answer: concept: I have no concept about what it is like.

Transition: We were forced into a transition without being prepared for it.

Flair: Anna demonstrated her flair for drama.

How can writers use pictures on the Internet for inspiration?
A. By writing captions for them
B. By copying them
C. By reading descriptions of them
D. By ignoring them



C. reading descriptions


Answer: A


1. How do the first 2 lines of the poem frame the speaker's tone and
perspective towards death?


Ndnjdjdjdjxjxjxjxjnxnxnndjjdjdjd ndndjjxjxjx
I guess he/she is gone die soon their saying they don’t wanna die but they have no choice maybe their gettin old or something

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World War I
A railroad accident
Murdered by his wife


B. A railroad accident

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1- Trumpet music
2- German March songs
3- Beethoven Concerto
4- Jewish hymns



German mach songs



Jewish hymns (number 4)

Write a few sentences about your most treasured possession without saying what it is. Use at least two phrasal verbs.



Sentences about my most valued possession, with two phrasal verbs


I use it to roam around & enjoy.

It is very convenient & easy to use, adds a lot of comfort to my life.

It adds efficiency & enjoyment to my short route travel.

Its simple to clean it up .

I drop off my friends , using it also.

I am the one that pushes in the breeze I am there in that water the





???? What do you need help with exactly?

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help what??? please give more context lol

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Part A

Explain how each of the following concepts applies to Dr. Khan’s research.


Dependent variable

Big Five theory of personality

Part B

Explain the limitations of Dr. Khan’s study based on the research method used.

Explain what Dr. Khan’s research hypothesis most likely was.

Part C

Use the graph to answer the following questions.

How did the trait of agreeableness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?

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Hummingbirds lay the smallest eggs of all birds. Ostriches lay the largest. The egg of a hummingbird is about the size of a green pea. An
ostrich egg is about the size of a cantaloupe.
What is the main point of the paragraph?
1. Hummingbirds are the smallest of all birds.
2. Ostriches are the largest of all birds.
3. Bird eggs are not all the same size.
4. Hummingbirds and ostriches are colorful birds.



The answer that makes the most sense would be 3/C


Bird eggs are not all the same size

Please help, this is due today.



What do you want help with. What Can I do for you?


I really want to help but I don't understand. I will keep editing answer to help you if you help explain.

In the importance of being earnest which type of character is Jack




Jack is a round character hope you guys have a good day :)


I took the test.

what is the general's motivation in the drummer boy of shiloh



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Courage comes from overcoming fear. This story is set in a Tennessee peach orchard on the night before the Civil War battle of Shiloh. A young drummer boy can't sleep because he's thinking about what will happen the next morning. He briefly considers staying behind when the fighting begins.


All the rules explain to you



which type of the rules are you taking about


I think no one will answer by question correctly but if anyone does i would appreciate it so much that I'd give you 5 stars, a thanks, and brainliest.

My question: Why might you add marks and numbers to a thermometer? Where would you put them?



The reason why they put numbers on a thermometer is because the number indicates the temperature. The reason why they put marks is to show that the thermometer has liquid on the.


This is my answer I hope it is right!!

Read the excerpt below:

As of now, if a child is brought into the country illegally, there is no method for becoming a
documented resident. Congress should consider giving undocumented students an opportunity
to gain legal status by passing the DREAM act, a bill that would provide certain illegal students
who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, and who arrived in the
U.S. as minors, the opportunity to earn permanent residency. It was introduced in the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives on March 26, 2009. Passing
the DREAM Act would encourage undocumented students to achieve in school and become
helpful members of our society. This opportunity for education would allow them to obtain
good jobs and salaries and thus get off the welfare system and stay out of crime.

The purpose of this passage is ...*

•To explain how the DREAM act impacts undocumented children in the United States.

•To explain how the DREAM act was introduced in Congress.

•To argue that the DREAM act would ultimately help undocumented students become productive members of society.

•To argue that the DREAM act would solve the immigration issues our country experiences.


Answer: C, To argue that the DREAM act would ultimately help undocumented students become productive members of society.

Explanation: The key part of this exceprt is "Congress should consider..."

This indicates that there is an argument being presented in the excerpt, and this doesn't accurately describe solving any immigration issues so the answer is C.

where did that name come from essay


Ballrooms, so elegant, beautiful, in every way. But, how did it get its name?

A long time ago, around the 1500's, What were then called "round pieces of fabric (balls)" were thrown around between two or more people. There were also plenty of dances taking around in palaces, in the Great room (now called ballroom) Dancers dances elegantly until a kid stormed into the room and crashed the party! He threw his ball and it landed under one person's feet. they slipped and the ball kept rolling, causing everyone to slip. Ever since then, that room was called a ball room.

speech took me 58 seconds to read...


What is your motivation towards designing?​



Depending what I am designing


If I was looking to design clothing that I would look at fashion magazines fashion from back then, upcoming fashion, it honestly all depends what you're designing. But if I was designing something else like cars then I would look at the more upcoming car styles and see what people like about that car body.

Write two or three sentences discussing your opinion of the necessity of a green economy.  Use at least three of your vocabulary words.​



In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.


1) In what way can the reader tell that this author has had a limited
A) the shortness of the selection
B) the use of non-standard grammar
the use of incorrect punctuation
D) the use of many misspelled words



I think

b) the use of non -standard grammar

Which sentence best describes the effect the ranch has on the author and his friend?
1. The peacefulness of the ranch inspires them to spend time reading.
2. The remote location of the ranch allows them to find joy in simplicity.
3. The isolated location of the ranch requires them to be more reliant on one another.
4. The natural beauty of the ranch makes them wish they could spend more time there.


Answer: The answer is 2. The remote location of the ranch allows them to find joy in simplicity.


I am taking the MAP test right now and this is the right answer.

The remote location of the ranch allows them to find joy in simplicity, is sentence best describes the effect the ranch has on the author and his friend.

What is the meaning of cattle rancher?

A rancher is somebody who owns or manages a big farm, particularly one that is used to raise cattle, horses, or sheep.

Ranching is the activity of rearing grazing livestock such as cattle and sheep on a piece of land that includes numerous structures.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about cattle rancher, click here:





False claims




It is option A or D


Most probably A

it is a process of interactive information searching and even computers based information retrieval using different and databases that need internet access​



information processing. hope this helps!


49. If I stay in town this summer I'd like to work at the zoo.
summer, I'd like to work
A. Summer, I’d like to work
c. summer; I'd like to work,
b. summer I'd like, to work
d. Correct as is



summer, I'd like to work

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