how does the discharge of a river typically change as the river travels from its headwaters to its mouth?


Answer 1

When a stream enters a lake or ocean velocity inceases

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the faster the wind speed, the . group of answer choices greater the deflection of winds due to the coriolis force change in wind speed does not influence the coriolis force lesser the deflection of winds due to the coriolis force smaller the deflection of winds due to the coriolis force


The briskly the wind speed the Coriolis force increases with adding wind speed and vice versa.

The Coriolis force increases with adding wind speed. The Coriolis force acts vertical to the direction of stir( to the right of the wind in the Northern Hemisphere) and thus can not change the wind speed. And its reverse is also true that deviation of winds incease with adding coriolis force.

The briskly the wind speed, lesser the deviation of winds due to coriolis force. Coriolis force is an effect of earth's rotation on weather patterns and ocean currents. The Coriolis effect make storms swirl is clockwise direction of southern hemisphere.

To know more about Coriolis effect, click on the ink below:


Which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


A natural border between Europe and Asia is created by the Urals Mountains , which rise like a long, narrow spine across western Russia. The 2,500 km (1,550 mi) long mountain range cuts through semi-arid and forested regions in the south and Arctic tundra in the north.

What makes the Ural Mountains a natural border?

A natural border dividing the two continents is created by the watershed of the Ural Mountains. Averaging between 3,000 and 4,000 feet above sea level is the mountain range. Mount Narodnaya, the highest peak, has a height of 6,214 feet. The boundary extends from the Ural Sea and follows the impassable Ural River until it empties into the Caspian Sea.

The Ural Mountains are commonly believed to separate Europe from Asia. Vasily Tatishchev's initiative saw the center of the Ural Mountains formally established as the boundary between Europe and Asia in the middle of the 18th century.

To know more about Ural Mountains, refer:


based on all that you did in this section looking at sea level at different times, which is true? feel free to experiment with sea level layers as needed to answer this question.


Mean Sea Level (MSL) is the datum for measurement of elevation and altitude. Mean Sea Level is the equipotential surface of the Earth as described by the WGS84 geoid.

Tide stations and satellite laser altimeters are the main tools used to monitor sea level. The height of the sea as measured along the shore in relation to a particular place on land is what tide stations all around the world tell us about what is happening locally. By asking pupils to respond to three different kinds of questions about a text—factual, inferential, and universal—the Levels of Questions technique aids students in understanding and interpreting it. The height of the shoreline—the boundary between the ocean and the land—is referred to as sea level. Land that is higher than this altitude is above sea level, and land that is lower is below sea level.

To learn more about Sea Level click the link below:


Is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


Answer: True


what are the main pieces of information needed to find the climate type of a location using the koppen climate classification system?


The Köppen climate classification classifies climates into five major climate groups, with subgroups within each group determined by seasonal patterns of temperature and precipitation. A (tropical), B (arid), C (temperate), D (continental), and E are the five major groups (polar).

Geographers acknowledge a variety of elements that determine a region's climate: latitude. elevation. proximity to big water bodies, mountains, or other surface characteristics. The world is divided into five climate zones by the Köppen-Geiger system using hues and shades, which take into account factors like temperature and allow for a variety of plant growth. Based on regional vegetation, the Köppen climate classification system divides the world's climate zones into groups. According to Lumen Learning, climatic zones are identified by looking at the variables that frequently affect the actual climate. These variables include the local climate's temperature, humidity, precipitation totals and types, and the changing of the seasons. A region's average annual conditions for temperature, precipitation, winds, and clouds are referred to as its climate. Latitude, altitude, relief, currents and winds, as well as a region's distance from the sea, are the five key elements that influence a region's climate.

Learn more about climate here


How long can a killer whale be out of the water?


Naturally, whales are sea creatures and can live the best in the ocean. But if they ever are on land, they can survive only a couple of hours. If there is a way of cooling down the whale when it is on land, it can survive for a couple of hours longer.

After only a few minutes on land, the whale's own body weight would crush its organs without the ocean's buoyancy and weightlessness to hold it up. Also, due to the thick layer of blubber and lack of water, the whale would quickly overheat, get dehydrated, and dry out.

Whales lack any appendages that would allow them to move on land, hunt for food, navigate the land, or travel back to the ocean if they were to end up on land.

Learn more about whales here:


How do whales survive without fresh water?


Whales have the specialized kidneys and also need far less water than land mammals. Whales get water mostly from small sea creatures, like krill, that form much of their diet.

Whales live in the ocean, so they are surrounded by salt water, with no fresh water in sight. But whales are capable of drinking seawater because they have specialized kidneys to process the salt, which is excreted in their urine.

Even though they can drink salt water, whales are thought to get the bulk of the water they need from their prey which includes fish, krill, and copepods.

Learn more about the whales here:


over the past decade there has been a lack of interest in sustainable agriculture. true false





Over the past decade, there has been a lack of interest in sustainable agriculture due to a variety of factors. One of the most significant factors is the relatively low cost of conventional farming practices, which make it difficult for farmers to justify the extra cost associated with sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the technological advancements in conventional farming have made it easier and more efficient for farmers to produce high yields, leading to a decrease in the need for sustainable agriculture practices. Furthermore, consumer demand for cheaper food has caused many farmers to prioritize quantity over quality, further decreasing the likelihood of sustainable agricultural practices being implemented. Finally, many governments have not offered the necessary incentives and support for sustainable agriculture, making it less attractive to farmers.

Can killer whales be in fresh water?





what is the zone of wastage? what is the zone of wastage? the part of a glacier where water freezing exceeds snow melting the part of a glacier where snow accumulation exceeds snow melting the part of a glacier where snow melting exceeds water freezing the part of a glacier where snow melting exceeds snow accumulation


The zone of accumulation refers to the higher elevations of a glacier that are permanently covered in snow. The zone of wastage refers to the lowest part of the glacier where the ice is lost. Option (4) is correct.

A glacier with a negative budget is receding because it loses more volume than it gains. A retreating glacier may occasionally continue to advance downslope, but it will never be able to catch up to the melting glacier's much rapid rate of upward retreat. When the budget is balanced, a glacier does not advance or retreat. There is an accumulation zone and a waste zone.

The zone of accumulation refers to the higher elevations of a glacier that are permanently covered in snow. The zone of wastage refers to the lowest part of the glacier where the ice is lost. The erratically drawn line between these two areas is known as the snow line. The budget of the glacier and climate fluctuations influence where the snow line is located. A moving snow line down the glacier shows a positive budget, whereas a moving snow line up the glacier shows a negative budget.

Learn more about zone of wastage visit:


Correct Question:

what is the zone of wastage?

1. the part of a glacier where water freezing exceeds snow melting

2. the part of a glacier where snow accumulation exceeds snow melting

3. the part of a glacier where snow melting exceeds water freezing

4. the part of a glacier where snow melting exceeds snow accumulation

How do sea urchins survive?


Intertidal sea urchins will pile rocks and shells on top of themselves to protect themselves. They dig scooped-out burrows in the soft rock over generations, sometimes trapping themselves in a self-made prison. Bacteria also have an impact.

Sea urchins are spiny, globular echinoderms in the Echinoidea class. There are approximately 950 species of sea urchins that live on every ocean's seabed and inhabit every depth zone from the intertidal seashore down to 5,000 meters (16,000 ft; 2,700 fathoms).

Sea urchins' spherical, hard shells (tests) are round and spiny, ranging in diameter from 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in). Sea urchins crawl slowly with tube feet and propel themselves with their spines.

Although algae are the primary source of nutrition, sea urchins also consume slow-moving (sessile) animals. Fish, starfish, crabs, and marine mammals are among the predators that eat sea urchins. Sea urchins are also eaten, particularly in Japan.

Learn more about Sea urchins to visit this link


How do Orcas sleep without drowning?


Similar to captive orcas, all adult killer whales now housed at SeaWorld have been seen to spend excessive amounts of time laying motionless at the bottom of their tanks and pools.

Because killer whales are biologically comparable to these species, it's hypothesized that they sleep in the same way. The respiration is controlled by the other half of the killer whale's brain while the first half sleeps. Additionally, only one eye is open (the one on the "awake" side of the brain), while the other one is kept closed. If someone asks if orcas sleep underwater, the response is a resounding YES. While their bodies fall asleep, only half of their minds do, allowing them to consciously remember to breathe.

Orcas can breathe more deliberately while sleeping at the surface, suggesting that every breath is significant. Usually, adult orcas spend between five and eight hours napping each day. The neonatal killer whales and dolphins behaved very differently from the older animals. For three weeks following their birth, the killer whale and dolphin calves did not exhibit any sleep behavior.

Learn more about orcas visit:


What happens to rocks beneath the Earth's surface?


Rocks are frequently pulled beneath the earth's surface by movements in the crust, where temperatures rise dramatically as they descend. Temperatures between 100 and 200 kilometers (62 and 124 miles) below the earth's surface are hot enough to melt most rocks.

Hot rocks from below can intrude into the cooler plate above as the denser tectonic plate subducts, or sinks below, or the less dense tectonic plate. This process involves the transfer of heat and the formation of magma. The magma in this subduction zone has the potential to form a series of active volcanoes known as a volcanic arc over millions of years.

Learn more on rocks


discuss why groundwater is one of our most important sources of fresh water. how is a groundwater reservoir recharged? when is use of groundwater unsustainable (4 points)?


Groundwater contributes to the flow of our rivers. Groundwater is used for drinking water by nearly half of all Americans, but it is primarily used for crop irrigation and food production.

Groundwater is protected from contamination because it is stored beneath the Earth, so the water quality is far superior to obtaining drinking water sources from surface waters. By rerouting water across the land surface, groundwater can be artificially recharged. The development and use of groundwater to meet current and potential beneficial uses without having caused undesirable environ - mental or sociocultural consequences is referred to as groundwater sustainability.

Learn more on Groundwater


What are 5 adaptations that killer whales have?


Well, killer whales are swifter and have quick communication skills and they've effective chewing skills as well.

The followings are the adaptations of killer whales:

To catch prey, they can swim very quickly (up to 30 mph).can easily navigate the water by using its pectoral flippers and dorsal fin.Blunder to stay warm.For communicating and locating food, use echolocation.teeth with great cutting and chewing power.For warmth and food sharing, travel in pods.

For more questions like Whales Adaptations visit the link below:


(c) What overall global patterns of migration can you discern?


Answer: international migrants comprise 3.5 per cent of the global population (3.5% of global population)

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Why whales Cannot survive out of water for more than two hours?


Whale cannot survive out of the water for more than two hours because the blubber of whale cause overheating and reduce circulation.

Whales lives in deep freezing water and are pretty big. so if they end up washing ashore their bodies are suddenly under a lot of pressure and they end up overheating, burning in the sun and being unable to move. So they can’t really survive very long out of water. they need to get back in the water as quickly as possible. Toxins build up from the reduced circulation, poisoning the animal. Out of the water, a whale's thick blubber can cause it to overheat. Like other mammals, whales breathe air, so they can drown when stranded if water enters their blowhole at high tide. They cant survive over two hours out of the water.

To learn more about Whales please visit:


What is K-12 education called?



The K - 12 System or that K - 12 curriculum

Explanation: Youre welcome

The American Revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the British government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.

A. True

B. False


Answer: True


Which feature on earth's crust is in the same location as most of these volcanoes? question 3 options: mantle hot spots ocean currents tectonic plate boundaries


Sixty percent of all active volcanoes occur at the boundaries between tectonic plates.

What geological feature do earthquakes and volcanoes occur the most at?Over 80 per cent of large earthquakes occur around the edges of the Pacific Ocean, an area known as the 'Ring of Fire', this where the Pacific plate is being subducted beneath the surrounding plates. The Ring of Fire is the most seismically and volcanically active zone in the world.Plate borders that are destructive, or convergent, are where tectonic plates are moving towards each other. Volcanoes form in two situations, when an oceanic plate descends beneath another oceanic plate or when an oceanic plate descends beneath a continental plate.Volcanoes typically originate where tectonic plates, or thick slabs of crust on the Earth's surface, collide. The Earth's crust is thin and vulnerable to magma intrusion from below at divergent plate boundaries, as these plates move away from one other.

Learn about tectonic plates here:


How do I create a concept map in word?


Concept maps are visual representations of information. Examples include graphs, pictorial elements, graphs and charts data flow diagram, Venn Diagrams, timeframes.  Concept maps are extremely beneficial to learners who learn visually, however they can benefit any student.

5 easy steps to making a concept map

Create a central concept. The subsequent phase, irrespective of medium, is to recognise the main premise on which you want to expand.

Determine key ideas. You should note down sub - ordinate concepts once you've made the decision on a core theme.

Organise the geometric forms as desired.

Change the map.

Learn more on map -


How does water temperature affect orcas?


For sure temperature affects the life cycle of orcas in low-temperature water they have plenty of food as compared to the high-temperature water due to that they kept moving.

Orcas are giant mammals and due to their size, their life is affected.

A new habitat farther north, where the water is cooler and there are plenty of food sources, is sought after by the killer whale as a result of the increasingly higher (and unpleasant) ocean temperatures. But over time, the migration of the dolphin species has had negative effects on the ecosystem.

For more questions like Temperature Affects Orcas visit the link below:


What happens at the pacific ring of fire which circles the pacific ocean from the west coast of north and south america to the east coast of asia? question 1 options: it provides heat for the region surrounding the ring. It produces volcanoes as a result of tectonic plate movement. Sedimentary rocks are produced as a result of the heat produced. It produces hurricanes.


The Circum-Pacific Belt, often known as the Ring of Fire, is a region along the Pacific Ocean marked by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes.

The Ring of Fire is where most of Earth's earthquakes and volcanoes occur in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region of intense tectonic activity throughout the Pacific Ocean basin, East and Southeast Asia. Around 90% of all earthquakes in the globe happen along this geologically fragile area.

For more questions like Pacific ring visit the link below


What did you notice about the motion
of p
waves that allows them to transfer


Answer:sorry i need points

Explanation: no answer

what is currently under construction to connect impoverished and landlocked laos with china?


The Laos China railway line is currently under construction to connect impoverished and landlocked Laos with China.

The Belt and Road Initiative of China includes the Lao-China Railway (BRI). The railway that links Lao PDR (and later Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore) to the extensive BRI network has the potential to raise overall revenue in Lao PDR by up to 21% over the long run with the correct reforms implemented by the Lao government. The 414-km section of the high-speed railway that connects Boten (at the northern border with China) and Vientiane, the country's capital, could give Lao PDR a land link to regional and global supply chains, increasing the country's appeal to investors, generating new jobs, and boosting economic growth.

Learn more about China here


families in the city of flint, michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes.


Families in the city of Flint, Michigan, had problems with water contaminated with the lead being piped into their homes.

On April 25, 2014, the City of Flint, Michigan changed their municipal water supply source from the Detroit-supplied Lake Huron to the Flint River. The switch caused water distribution pipes to corrode and leach lead and other contaminants into municipal drinking water. In October 2016, Flint residents were advised not to drink municipal tap water unless it had been filtered through a NSF International approved filter certified to remove lead.

Although the city reconnected to the original Detroit water system that same month, the potential damage was already done, and a state of emergency was declared on January 16, 2016.

Learn more about the Flint water crisis here:


Tsunamis begin when some kind of trigger, such as an earthquake, landslide, or volcano, causes a large part of the surface of the water to rise or fall. True or false: after this sudden displacement of water, gravity acts to balance the water levels back, resulting in a tsunami. Question 8 options: true false.


True. Tsunamis begin when some kind of trigger, such as an earthquake, landslide, or volcano, causes a large part of the surface of the water to rise or fall. After this sudden displacement of water, gravity acts to balance the water levels back, resulting in a tsunami.

In most cases, tsunamis are a result of very huge and long waves that arise from the sudden change and displacement of water in the ocean. One major characteristic of Tsunamis is that they cause displacement of water from the bottom to the top of the ocean, which makes them disastrous.

Earthquakes are the most common cause of Tsunamis. Due to the nature of the forces acting on the bottom of the ocean, the Tsunami travels as fast as a jet plane.

Apart from earthquakes and underwater volcanic eruptions, Tsunamis can result from tectonic disorders that cause huge displacements of the ocean.

Learn more about tsunamis here;


describe the phenomenon of liquefaction in earthquakes and why it occurs. what happens? how can it affect buildings? what can be done to prevent damage to buildings in areas prone to liquefaction?


When an EQ causes shaking, the ground liquefaction, turning it into quicksand. Grainy materials contract as they settle, which causes water to rise to the surface. When an EQ ends, poorly constructed structures may tilt and be struck in a titled posture.

Liquefaction occurs when waterlogged, loosely packed sediments at or near the ground's surface start to lose strength as a result of violent ground shaking. During earthquakes, liquefaction beneath buildings and other structures can result in significant damage. During an earthquake, liquefaction is the process that makes soil behave more like a liquid than a solid. Sand and silt grains in damp soil underground are rearranged by the shaking, and the water between the grains is squeezed. Liquefaction is the term for the phase transitions from solid to liquid (melting) and from gas to liquid (condensation, respectively). The temperature and pressure at which a solid transforms into a liquid is known as the melting point (sometimes referred to as the liquefaction point). Prostate-derived serine proteases in the female reproductive tract are active enzymatically during the proteolytic process of semen liquefaction, which causes a gel-like ejaculated semen to turn watery.

Learn more about liquefaction here


describe the transformation from snow to ice by arranging the following steps in order.
1. Pressure melts snow 2. Refreezing forms ice 3. Tightly packed fin forms. 4. Snow packs together.


The order of  transformation from snow to ice is : Initially the Snow accumulates, then snow melts under pressure and forms Closely clustered firn and finally Ice is created by refreezing.

The correct order is 4-1-3-2.

When snowflakes are shaped into grains, they grab and crush air. Together, snowflakes take on new forms. Air bubbles between snow grains contract, and firn is produced. Snow turns into firn, which eventually solidifies into ice due to the weight of the ice.

The zone of accumulation is the region where glacial ice is formed. In this region, the amount of snow that accumulates each winter exceeds the amount that melts throughout the summer. Snow accumulations that have been buried transform into firn and then re-crystallize into glacial ice.

To learn more about snow to ice, refer


What push factors do you think force many people from Syria to flee?


Violence: Since the start of the civil conflict, about 13,000 children have died or suffered injuries.

Infrastructure that has collapsed includes hospitals, clinics, schools, utilities, and water and sewage systems.

Who are Syrians?

Generally, People often leave conflict in the hopes of quickly returning. So they relocate close by—possibly to relatives or friends in a neighboring town or just over the border—so they can continue to monitor their properties and sources of income.

But many Syrians have given up on that optimism in the wake of the more than five-year battle. There is little hope for peace since their houses have been destroyed and their families ripped apart.

Thousands of individuals are now prepared to go far further in search of the protection they so urgently need since they have nothing left and their exile locations are becoming more overcrowded.

The situation within Syria has only become worse, with war escalating in every area and the country's services and economy essentially in ruins. This not only encourages new individuals to emigrate but also has a significant influence on those who have already fled to nearby nations.

Read more about Syrians


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